M- A Great Sacrificing Clean-Up Sale Beginning Wednesday, July 14, 1909 Not only a few special items arc offered at tempting prices, but the entire stock of odds and ends are reduced without any distinction. Nothing reserved; nothing spared. No peraon in Klamath Falls shouldoverlook the extraordinary savings this great sale affords. m.t ' Broken Lines of Shoes UIVKT YOl'll l'.VKS on tliro MOXKV-S.WIMI Ill'YS MKX'S SIIOKS lot t 100 oalic regular 12.50 nnJ $2.75 Shoos for -J.I.1 lot 'J 75 pairs -.f Patent Leather and Viol KM; reg- tila 13.25 Shoe, (or. ... . fJ.IS lot U 200 pain llox Calt and Vlcl Kid In 11. and I.: regular 13.50. for. !J lot 4 110 pairs aborted stjlcs, regular $1 and ft.50 Shoos, for ...... l.l HOYS' KIIDKS One lot of 75 pnlrs regular 11.50 and 2 Shoes Tor l.lo One lot Iloji' Camas Shoes (or M.V (Thl sal? Includes Douglet and Mejer brand;.) A Personal Letter from K. Sugarman It In ciMimmrj- with u at Hie rml nf null aeaon to iIUhim of nil imM anil rmb left over. IU. Inx thin ottjeit In I lew, e rrntUe that Ktvnl mturllutia luul ta nude to Inilure the public to areept our odor. Our first miaon for milking iIicm- great rvtlucllona U Hint It l our mllry not to accumulate or tarry utrr old stink from one seaoon to another. Hecoiiil, the capital ilrrlvril from I III" aale U In li-Meil lu new good for the coming miimiii, thereby KiilnlnK to points bjr gliliiK our ruslnmrra oimlle nicnrlianillM' at nuinufaiturvr.' mat mill preparing ourwhra for freli fall stink, wlilili wp iiiv now placing. We trust that our it record for liomit business tiM-lhml will a.urr u a llhrnil iti.iom tu thla announcement, ami during thla aale. I, a Mile owner ami manager of IhU house, will Irwin every effort to auurr tiiluea aa aihertlanl. Very truly jour. K. SUGARMAN Hats and Gaps Mut Kind Owners, Itcgardlcsa of Konner I'rlcea. Here la CON VINCI Ml I'llDOI'l Olio lot of Kelt, assorted "tj l'; regular 11.60 Mali, (or -. " llcgular 3 Data (or llegular 12.50 Halt (or 1.00 Itrgular 13.00 data (or W-IW A lot of Hlraw and t'antas Hat, tegular 15c to l,50, (or V Many other hata not iiirnlloned here at grratlr reduced prices. All I'anamaa AT COHT. Heavily Overstocked in the Clothing Section Broken Sizes of t' : FAMOUS HAPT, SCHAFFNER & MARX and FRIEND BROS. SUITS will be Sold a Cost of Material. Profits are Entirely Eliminated in this Department. :SllitS lot u Itegular IS Sulti (or . ... . Lot 1 110 Suits up to $13.50. lot U 115 Suits up to $17.50 .. ..3.23 W..10 0.75 1S Suits up to $10.00- Lot 3 $20 Suits up $12.50.. Lot 4 $25 Suits up to $30.00.. Lot a ..18.3 -18JI3 ..10JU Underwear Speclai line of Dalbrlggans In I. and U (or, per suit ...33c Special lino of Dalbrlggans In natural colors (or, per suit ............03c One lot o( Underwear, consisting of 1,000 garments, o( assorted weights and colors; per suit ..... ................................................80c Sox and Gloves 150 dozen assorted colors, regular 15c, at........ (Only three pairs to a customer.) 500 pairs assorted Calf and Horschlde; regular ' ce to $l, (or ............. 3c 43c :Trousers: f 1.E0 up to $2.00 (or.. I $2.50 up to 3.00 for... Regular $3.60 for.... I-ot I Lot a lot a ..1.13 .1.03 aju Itrgular $1,00 for Itegular $1 50 for Itegular $5.00 for N.I t lot 3 lot n saw :i.ia 3.W) Neckwear 1,000 Neckties, regular 35e, for.. Regular COe Ties for ................... Crochet 76c Tics for.............., Regular 65c Tics for .................... Regular $1 Ties for.............. 80c S3c ........ 03c - 43c . .. 03c Suspenders 200 pairs assorted, regular 40e Suspeaden, foritoc 250 I'ollco and Firemen, reg. SOc Suipenders....35c 150 pairs Presldont Suspender (or............S3c Negligee, Golf and Coat Shirts 500 assorted 750 assortrd 600 assortrd 300 assorted 200 assortrd 150 assorted patlorna In patterns In patterns In patterns In patterns In patterns In Work Shirts (or V Negllgeo and (lol( Hhltta; teg $1 35 IMr Negligee and Uol( Hhlrts; rrg. l 50 1.13 Negligee and tlol( Hhlrts; reg $1 75 UI3 Negllgeo and tlolf Hhlrls; rrg. $1 60 MM Negllgeo and Uolf Hhlrts; rrg. $3 75. $3 fJ-M Overalls Portland Store Oreralls for ..... 5c Levi Strauss Oreralls for........... ...... 7Se A Lot of Fancy Vests Regular $1.50 Vests for Itegular 13.00 Vests fur Itegular, $1,60 Vests fur Itegular $3.00 Vests for 6e $1.65 1.73 UJI3 A Big Line of TRUNKS AND SUIT CASES at Greatly Reduced Prices. Now is the Time to Buy a Trunk or Suif Case. Also a Big Reduction in Our BOYS DEPARTMENT. We cannot mention all the great bargains. We'll have to sak you to come and sec for yourself. We must close out all these broken lines at any and every sacrifice. It is n of getting theirworth, but the space they occupy. You' cannot make a mistake excepting to stay away. Just note these low prices anil remember Ihc liigli.iji.nlc tn.ikcs they not a matter represent. It Is Coining WHAT Like a woman chopping wood, we are not doing this for fan. The following lines are not included in this tale as they are contract goods: Florshelm Shoes, Holeproof Hosiery, Boyer Hats and Collars. Almost Here WHAT IJkn a woman (hopping wood, we am not doing llila for fun, M'lial we waul Is Mltllr: lU'HI.NKHM gtaMajjafaaaSaJgtgtaajssaaaaJ i' VVM The Big Store McRoskey INNERLACED Mattress AfMCAMOTLUXUItr AMD BASE TWmI TW McROSKEV INNER. LACED aMkM k s pM MS 4 m, fmnkint i, aiii.wnm, mr ml (mm Wk w m ii ' TU MJUbr lU w H fnw Wr h cud popaM to msWi iWo md) u mi, ami m SM mtmx mfl d pu-i mU mmtmtmtUI. kaatl ih. (? .fLakt h viamrkavvsall U w3 1 , Uwx, i fcrMRa7--d.M.R-bTV-irw irm 4 tlii.tim -4 Uli mim yw irmf ! f Ur. U mn M lb. M.IU7 LU k 4i)lniHiiHM ym imim U mm la a. n VJ aWd. tni rM um iWt a irami Masks Im ml, mmtf mm-i t ' nl I nucu . 4'iC . . -i HMO . l'S' , . , ISM ' . . . two Carries Furniture House Furnishings and Kitchen Hardware BRIEF MENTION. Watch for the tllow tickets WhcnT ?lr. Dalo wis down from the A:"H) yesterday. Mrs. II. v. Mitchell of Kort Klam ath waa In the city yesterday. J)r Alex Pattorron of Merrill was In the city to-day en buslnoir. J. D. Slvlts, representing Tillman & Ucndel of Ban Kranclsco, Is regis tered at the Lakeside Mrs. J. K. and Harry Calderwood of lakovlow wero registered at tho Lakeside last evening. Mrs. E. Moll, who has been visit. Ing her sister. Mrs. K. A. Dunham. returned to her homo In Mcdford yes terday. Mrs. Fred L. Houston returned last ovenlng from Ashland, where sho has boon visiting with friends for tho nast few weeks. MIM0 VIRGIL & SON If you are in need of such goods don't fail to get our prices Cor. 4th and Klamath Ave. J siiiiiiMaMaMsssnisisssssa.w- . " ' W ''''''WaBaasasasasaSaaaBSBiBBssBssa l-iagasaw Ride on the Launch Curlew ' Mi How Can You Do It "Why, how do you manage to sell such nice thin, to eat at such low prices?" That question is or pounded to us every day in the week, and thj answer is simple. We do it because We Buy in Carload Lots and thus save on first cost, discounts nH tru rates. Trade with us once and you'll always wai our Choice Fresh Vegetables, Fruits ai Groceries Free Delivery Anywherel in Klamath Falla MONARCH MERCANTILE COMPANY PHONE 1051 Our Clerk! Ala to Flea aatagssgpa