f .M -vSSVl 1 -w I 1 -' -i 1 1 7 "ji I -N,-J ""' V A J. '"Xfl Ixkiiimth Falla Flint v "" .. . . - Our AdvtrtlMrt 0t - The Beit Itoults. . ?-$ jIHI uciH iviiiiy. Tfl 1 i", y f'j id Yi:aii. N. 81MJ KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON, WEDNESDAY. JUNE SO, 1009. Price 6 Cents. -1 1 Ik feltniina lefwix 1NGS AT THE COURTHOUSE lly-Ardiit Case- is Postponed; Mucklux 'leads Guilty; Henry Morrill is Sen tenced and Paroled lOTY IH COMl.Wl. a brief period thl morning II I II tlicc would bi mi Inter Kttii'ii of ruuil today wht-n NolmtiJ AMifuuceJ tl.nl hu wat I 0 'lUr n Willi HlP (AhO tit tt .Want Want' nlluinv)', iir. atktd ltm tho cato go uidi tie tin term I court, on Itiv UJi that lilt cilui t at unable In ctllaln Itm-vitaM wltnuiivt rA tt ll'C ' mow uiui nint. 1.011 11 villi i wltcitier H j. all go tu trial cunilnue-1 lU U i -! (lmr vj. Iluotvy, In tin- ( 1 icr sought Hit, col- lIlUl w of liiuliv) J no Oil R liiurr i.uto ii '.i brought In ' fjnlltl lot s.-... . 111 the urn of 7 Itc ; vi.) ivt out until after clocli lati mgtti j I'ttin km arraUuvd yvatrrday cvun and wat given until to- Mi morning lu which to cuter a II li uuu 01 tlm youuc uivu Merrill Imllcici by thu Grand tl.ll week on tut. ihargo (it crlm- ittaull on Mlu Ward Lu I'rarU, 1. 11 at Mucklut," thAri1 ''', ""nJ "''"it .lauding 00 tbn charge of violation of the option law When lio wat flitl 4Jnr.i no rnicrrii a pica 01 1101 N It. but It It quite evident that a :) incarceration in 1110 roomy I bat- lnwi-rnvetiing-rrfj-ct on rontdenrc. fcr l.u ntko.1 tu lu Ulcd lu change t.ll tla to tliat wlllr Tie court crantttl ttic re- t aud'm to-morrow at 1U o'clock IU tlm when Hilt batio of tin- ir.untty uj get "list 10 hat ( Locn tithing for fury Morrill, vrio wat held on targe of pasting forged chuck. ld cullljr tl.tt afiernoou Till. t case wtioro the victim. Mr Ho- nil. of Hir American Hotel. auJ Itic LlfJ Jury asked tiiu court tu lem- Juatlco with merer When liu beforu llio bar of Justlm tic Iful sight lu tolioM llrukvn lu li, and bent with llio weight of W )tara of hnnlthlp ami aufftr. prvicutcJ a picture tbnl would a atmpathttlc chord an)wliro. t.VoUinl pointed out lu III m tliat law ii vi.rv itrlrt In audi caivi Cdiillnurd oil Keioiut I'nue.) iii'tuitii ix hi:i:ihm. It II lluubar U a buncti of bvn Ibat niu liiilninr.. j,, ,,r , clll. "hnl tlm Idia tbnl II ttuuld bu a Kuo.1 llilua lu lian Ihiiiv) hut out of tl.11 Mm. huiI nocei-lii to pur iliam couplo of blu-n of Iw Hu urcriiful ni bu that ho tinmodlati' t brcati lu buy muro liu now bit k.ul over mull ' tilncirn Thu ml. llio of latt May It is M It Doty of Uouklu, Cnl , who hik hiiii itiirhiK HollronJ weuk and who miicIiii..iI roimliturnbln property In niu, ol liu, adilltlotm to KUui nth I'iiIH, Img uhlppi'il u iiininmotb plln ililui uiui n lomplvtu houm iiiovIhk outnt to Ibla city liu li an niput In lag line, and Mill no doubt linn, all tli 11 work hu tau do. I'll dtlvliiK bo tutiKithliiK of nn Inno atluii In tlila nvctluii, but It la aoinv- ItlilniC Hint ahouti haw been looked Into Ionic uko Thvru ntu many avc Horn of tliu (It) where It Is abiolutv ly UKumuiy lu order to aocur a proper toundallon Then, there are ninny ilocka to be built on the to lake lu tin- near future Theae two field will. Mr Dot) bellevea, open up for lil in pli-niy of work, mid he la coming prepared In hnndlu It VPI'GR LAKE NOTES. 1 Camp j Outing Qothesl ueej urcau iwnriillUK. and kept up the cood work until Inn had made ll.ilr appiainnre No mhidit wer tLi) Miuil tl.nu IU) cut bu,). uiiil the ) Ihey la pllod up hunt, urpana antlili.( tl.nt hat cur bvcu n In 1I1I1 (art n f thu country Ye teiday he ir tl at olnrtblUK ti wrong with onp twarui, and on In ritli;ttcii dltcuvttvd that itr nook and nanny Lad been filled with honey Thl waa n reiord for a little otrr a monlb that will be bard to bint further Inx-itKatlun ri'tralcd the fait that (lirli ure twq other waruii that run the other a (mid teruud Hupna were put In place al unco, and Mr product nadr Ihiubnr opinion that he will heat the reculd of lait )unr. which was rimtldered one of llio heit In the CHUIil) .notuer pnenoiiienon in conutc- . ,, b i tlon with tho lwarmlnic wat tho fad' iet.,1 that one aw arm had flto f)Ueena, and ore hhe prtMuci'd two iwaruia within ' two ia The prurlt In huuey It autflclently attractive tu warrant the1 lime, attention and lnu-tmonl to I make II a auccott It It Mr. Dunbar' lolenlloti to build up (Gradually In i order II at ho ma become fully ac-1 qunlntcd with the l.abllt and charar-, CHANGES IN POSTOFFICE VIOHC CLERKS 10 BE HIRED tin. Ilmullt1.11 lti-lttiii Nctr Ortlcr of llulnr hlartu on Hie I'lrat of July. Mm 1. It Hamilton, who haa bloc itiu of He popular euipluyeet of Hie oitomce alnco I'ottruatter Ktnmllt rat appointed, haa retlKued, her ret gnatlou to take effect July lit. Her li-cltlun to liaro will be a tourco of irral n rret to tho natron of the of fice It buty a-elllnx hit Uv for ,,, ,, bcl,n , , 10luUr for market It I Mr .,..-, . ,, ....mi, torlttlc of ll.e bee and Hint hu en ithloit lu r.le them the proper care ami attinllou lllli:V(illKb! r I It K W I) It K Hi rut i:vohkh! iiik a "kali iiii:ci J0'3 Undir tho new retime to be Inau- filiated uu the flrtl of the month, thtt ottomcc will be eutlttcd to three lerk- one fur IJ& a month and two l'oiimaatvr Cmmllt laa appointed hit daughter. Mrt. Helm, to the potltlon of chief clerk, ut hat not at el decided upon the mplo)r for tho minor potltlont. The clerk In the pottoftlcc will come inder the civil aurvlce, and cannot be emuved without cauie tuid a hear uk. ahould one bo demanded. Under he civil ten leu rulct the minor lirk will receive 1CU0 for the nrtl hilt, 1100 the (Cond, and un In creuio of II a jear until the aalary rrachi U.toO er annum, where II remain MAIL IMIl'Ti: IIIHftlNTINl'EU. Want o.l A woman cook on ranch Inquire Combination box No. tt 7-6 HuVaral wall hnro boitu borod aloui the water front with tttltfac lory reaiilla, Tho onu nt tho now mill wat put down HC fet before rood watr waa itruck, I). M. Orlfflth't new retort at Eatlc Cape will b unlquo In many retpectt, The bulldlnn will Hand on the cliff It, feet above tho lake, with wide plairat fairly Juttlnt over. The water from tho (rent whlto aulphur aprlng which boll up near the lake lovel will be pumped Into a tank above tho hotol. At tho water It about blood heat, It will bo treat for bathi, and whlto tulphur bathi are the bait known. Will llarland'a new home will toon bo ready for occupation. It It built en tho buninlow tlylo. Several other bulldlngt arc eoon to be erectod near Mr, llarland'a, hlch, tocether with thoto already built, will mnko lullo a iuowIiik. The hlih loulh wind yeiterday marly dried up tho lake. Tho bli; launch Curlew Grounded In her ttall lu tho boathouto and tbore wat a fair current up tho Itko all day. Tom Slattcn hat luttalled a teconc: eiiKlne In the launch Hohcniollcrn, which, atldo from ilrlnc bcr greater tpced, tho novelty of two engine In the boat la apparent. Kite dollara reward for any ouo who will produce the little ratty calf that cbuwed up my ahtrt and a pair of locks luit t'nturdav They tay it - thu latt ttraw that breaka the cam- il'a back Well, tlilt cato li not tho latt ttraw, but darn near the latt hlrt or tockt, either, for that mat ter. I Imvo Juit ipoko to one of tho nelifhtmrk who haa n llttlo bull calf t'Odlcted ! auch Ulcki lie said ho did lint Ihlnk hit calf did It, and If It did It waa uot to blame, for It prob ably thought from the alio of the nock that they were hay cock, and a tho ahlrt waa of a green color any ralf might bo rolttaken. Uut tbli etplanntlon la not oattifactbry: hence Hie reward offorod I bavo owned thoto aock ever alnco they were lit tle thing; and a ahlrt It no ahlrt at all union It baa all Itt p.irlt. I know I am an old bachelor, but a bachelor la tome better than n bruto and baa rlgbtt that even a bull calf It bound to rtapect Tilt: COMMODORE:. War on weed hat been declared by the Union County Court, and tho pcrtoi.nl narnlngt to every farmer In thu county arc being icnt out by the road aupervlior, each lupcrvltor being rt'ipomlblo for the reildenti of hit road dlttrlcl If you arc going camping iee us for Khaki and Corduroy Cloth ing, Boots. Leggings, Gloves, ' Hats, Outing Suits, etc., etc. K K K STORE 1 Purtuaut to ordera from tho pott' New polatoc. polatoet. potato ' offlco ,epartmcnt. mall acntco on W l.avo them Monarch Mercantile. routo No ;jjg. lrom Athland to Company 14 ,...,. wll. . dlicoutlnued on July I 3d. and patrona of that routo will . hereafter got tbelr mall at Klamath I Kallt. Hervlco on thli line haa bero ' loforo been afforded twlco a week for Ore monthi during tbe year, and It haa provod to bo qulta a conven ience for reildenti along the way. The discontinuance) ot tula mall lorvlco will deprlvo tho Dead Indian country eait of Aabland and a largo number of people retldent there of mall aortic entirely, oicopt ai aervod by tho pottofflce at Aabland, It mile dlttant. It It probable Ibat an effort will bv made to ro-ettablliu poitofflco at Ulyglen or vicinity and aocuro a alar routo amice to It from Aabland. At loan thoro la talk of thl proceeding. Four train u day are unable to handle tho panenger traffic of tho 3, '. Tbo Alatka-Yukon-Paelfle ox poiltlon l proving a great drawing card. Every borth on tu new lim ited from 8an Franclco to Portland hat been paid for up to th middle of July, and consequently tbcro 1 a r.real clamor from the dltaiipolnted Mora cara cannot d aooeu w train, and tho tlm ot IT bouri main, talnod and connection mad between thoto two plaoo. A ayitom of wlrlea telephony waa .... .....a k. ,v. Praneh navy rcconiiy ieiw -- -.- botwoon tbe armored crultor Oonde and ihoro tatlon. it i rpon " .tiM . parried on OY0T a raninnaiiuit nmw ....... dlitnnco of 100 mile. Tho invontor of thl ytm ar "--and Colin of th French navy. Thlr work I quite remaraaoio m - tho fact that In our own navy w bavo had difficulty In maintaining ......1... i.innhono oommunloatlon wiivivb -w-r ovor a dlttanc ot twnty mllo. Hat errlwd at lt--th nor ihlm Bho t H PortUn4 IHom. I The Monarch Mercantile Coin nany'a phone uumbor bat oecn ilanged from 311 to 1051. Tbe Monarch Mercantile 0m pany'a phone number ha l.ccn changed from 311 to 1061. Klamath County Real Estate Dealers Ass'n Orgaanlied (or tbe lrotectlon of (ho Dnyer and Seller of Real Property and the promotion and Improvement of Klamath County. Mrnibci D. D. CAMPBELL. P. L. FOUNTAIN, QREOORY MrCLELLAN. HALL4HEPERD COM MASON BLOUOH, T. W. STEPHENS, FRANK IRA WHITE, WILBUR WHITE. TretiMctloM with any ol the above dealer bran protection. UIHUOI LOST II 8t Geo niihop wa nround thl afternoon fooling hit frlcndt. Ho and Mr Blthop had n llttlo wager lu which hi famous coatee and mut tacho woro at ttnko Well, "Ulth" lott, of court", and ho proceeded to carry out hit pari of tho contract. Tho chango wot to crcat that ho could not rcsltt tho temptation of go ing around and tcelne n fow of hit frlcndt, U'lnt aided and abetted by n couplo ot thoto whom ho tint fooled. They would Introduco him a Mr. Bo-nnd-fto, and with a face a (olemn a a Judgo "Illih" would ac knowlidco tho Introduction. It la tho tint tlrao In twenty year that l.o hat been without n muttachc, and he declare that It It continues to feel to good ho will not bavo ono for tho next twenty. NO LEASE HAS BEEN SIGNED SCHOOL BOARD IS PETITIONED w Asked to Locate Schoolhouse on West Side of River; Growing Demand Comes from North End of City MASON GETS A CONTRACT. I GOVERNMENT OrfER TOO LOW Mr. Murdwli Doe Not I 'eel Inclined tu Make the Sacrifice Dc maudcil. The question ot tho future location of tho pcttofflco La sot been settled, and the probabilities nro It will not be for tome time to come. Tlilt la duo to tbe fact that Mr. Murdoch will uot accept tho offer of tho govern ment unlcta Lo It aided by tbo biul-ncJi-mon ot tho Wcat End. Ho states that It will cost him In the neighbor hood of 11,300 to cnlargo and equip tbe oUlco to comply with tbo now cor. dltlou. In order to meet thli ex pento bo has appealed to tho buitnesj men ot tho WesuUnd for attiuaue. on tho ground that It will bo n bfeneni to them to bare the postofllco remain uliero It Is Some lmv rcsnondc--!. other have not; nnd wl.ctl er onoi.sh wJI ncreo to come In remains Ij be socs. Ono business mnu said: "As matters now stand. I wouU llku to ico tho postoSlco rcm-t't where It li. for tho reason It Is mora convenient for me. That Is tbe o-,iy reaton. After wo cct froo dolUerr I don't caro nhoro they put lu It can go to tbo Upper Lake, or any wboro else, for tho carriers will do tho business. As far as It brlnsln? trndo Is concerned, thnt Is all moan itilnc." Mr. Murdoch stated that ho wjld reach no decision for tho present, asldo from tho ono that ho mutt hava financial astlslanco tor tho Installa tion ot the equipment. It that It not forthcoming, then ho does not bellvo In Justice to himself hu can accept tho government's offer. Word has been received from Lakovlox that W. II. Mason, who wont to that metropolis a few days ago, has sccurod a good-sited slice of tho contract that. baa Juit been let for tho construction ot tbo big Irri gation work near that city. Tbla work Is being dono by tho Oregon Valley Land Company In connection with their land schomo, and It Is claimed that upward ot 75,000 acres, of land will bo brought under Irriga tion. How much of the contract Mr. Mason secured has not been learned, for bo Vent at onco to Alturas tu mako arrangements to begin work Immediately. Ho Is expected homo In a few days. rOKEGAMA WILL CELEBRATE. Tho omployccs ot tho Klamath Lako Railway and tho Algomah Lum ber Company and tbolr friends and neighbors wilt unite In a celebration ot the Tourtb of July at Pokegama Monday, July Stb. Log rolling In tbe mill pond, batoball, foot races, with flroworks and a danco in tho evening aro among tho feature ot the day's program. Tbo committee la "charge Is composed ot II. L. Swift, Joa.'Fra ulle, G. C. Alvcy and W. A. Brown. PROOF POSITIVE A Western newspaper man visited Washington recently nnd told tho fol lowing story on former Representa tive Arao J. Cummlngs of Now York, who was onco city editor of tho Sun. Ono Saturday night It was announced that nil tho saloons were to bo closed next day. Cummlngs called his star reporter, Murray. "Tom," ho snld. "go out to-morrow and find out It tho saloons are selling liquor." It was Thursday when Tom again appeared at the city desk. "Thoy were," ho reported. "I TOLD YOU SO." An old couplo lived In the moun tains ot Eastern Tenncssc'o; ho was nlnety-flvo and sho ninety. Their son, a man ot seventy, died.. A tbo old folks crossed tbo pasture to tbelr cabin aftot tho burial the woman no ticed a tear roll down her husband a ebeok. Bho patted him tenderly on the arm, and said: " "Never mind, John, novcr rnlndj yoa know I always said wo would novor ralso that boy." Thcro will be no excursion to Shas ta Sprlrgs on July Fourth, due to tl.o fact that tho requlslto number cc-ild cot bo secured. There Is no doubt whatever but that more than ono hundred and twenty-flvo would fcxvo gone on tho excursion, but tbey tailed to notify Mr. Thompson. Ho Ind to guarantco that number, and If 'tbey did not sbow up he would bavo had to foot tho bill. Ho, there fore, thought It advisable to call the matter off. There will likely be many who will with they bad given this matter their attention, now that It Is too late. Where I the now scboolhouM gor ing to bo located? That Is th ques tion that Is agitating th minds ot many men, especially th member ot tho school board and torn ot th ' residents on tbe west aid ot th , river. Paul Drcltontteln Is on of tho West Slders who is deeply In terested In the matter, and bis Inter est, of course. Is for tbe sake of fu ture generations. Ho has prepared and circulated a petition to tbe school board, asking that the member uWcof accept tbe offer of the block made by C. 8. and It. B. Moore. There wat no troublo in securing signatures to the petition. That Is alwaya an easy matter. In this case, however, tt w8uld seem that there I more merit than to the average petition, for tbo rcaion that a school located on thl property will be acceaalble to a many children as If it war located ori block nine; It would do away with tho climb over the hill; It would save tho district nearly six thousand dol lars and this Is a matter that moat be seriously considered by th school board. The petition prepared and ctreti lated by Mr. Br!tenttln will b pre sented at the next meeting of th school board. It Is doubtful It a school building could bo In r-adlnea (Conttaard oa TtaM P4t.).. .. . A. F. AND A. M. There will bo a tpcclal communica tion this (Wednesday) evening for conferring tho M. M. degree. By or der ot the W. M. O. D. QATES, Secretary, For Salo Two small houses and lots; 31,000 for both; 3500 down, balance In six months, without In terest. Inquire ot owner, nt resi dence of W. T. Shire. Try tho Harrington Washing Ma thlno. You will like It. 1 Our reporter Inadvertently over looked tho fact that Kirk Whit waa on th late trip to the Lava Bad, and that be was on of th wld awake and active member of the expedition. Alto that Sam Freener accompanied tho expedition from hi lonsly home stead, where tbe party camped th flrtl night out from tho Falls; In fact, tbo party was so attractive to th lonely bachelor that b could not help following. Engineer Heldel ot tho good roads office, Department of Agriculture, who la In charge ot the building ot tbe Crater Lake road, has returned from a week spent In the neighbor hood of Big Butte, looking over th various proposed routes for th road. Modford Tribune. E. L. Elliott haa returned from Lewltton, Idaho, wber ba want soaa time ago to close up bit affair pre paratory to coming to this city to lo cate it la Mr. Elliott' intention to onter tho practice of law In thia city. Tbe Monarch Mercantile puny' phono number ba ihanged from 311 to 1051. Com-been 434 I Package Candies When you want nice package of Candy and one that yon cau rely on to bo fresh and in prime condition, come to a. Tho Western Loan and Savings Company pays C per cent on deposits, guarantcos 10 per cent on monthly payments sccurod by first mortgages on improved property. Assets amounting to $760,764. Sco J.' W. Noo, general asont, with Hall-Shop-hord Company. . ,C-20tf Order your ice from O K Trans fer Company. 4-Utf We have Nunnally' the best Eastern candy mad pressed direct to ua from the factory. We also cany Blabop' famous Coaat Chocolate In package from Bo tap. large line of FRUIT TABLETS, era to trmtt mv Use ROSE CREAM far Chap and Tan. Star Drag Store "They Have If 11 w2 , Ml h