The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 21, 1909, Image 1

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    . . . t. if J-& i
.r'M. .- B-
jyk. .. (vSvrJJF
j,' Hem Dnlly.
Our Advertiser! 0t
The Beit Results.
Minu Ykaii. N'. H8H
Price 6 Cents.
voku or tiii: pijopm:.
nense Mflchiiio litis Arrived for l).iv
filler, the Sheep King--Weighs 2200
Pounds mid Will (lore 2600 feet
IMIIor Oiiiing llciald In your Is.
tun of Hnluniay I iidllcn mi nrllilu
under the bending "The Grand Jury
Will Mill" which swiat In Insinuate
lliiit time mu "blind plr.i" In Klam
olli 1'ullt, that ou wire cognizant of
It. alto ilmt ih0 Kraticl Jury would
liivcitlgatu" tlivin.
Now. Mr Editor. I du not know
' M i i (iwi, mi) lurin rco iioul ll.u "bllud pigs," It It not
"'li '.in imn oriltul In i l.i. ii..i,i . ii'.cetinry I keen "mint," m Immn
"' !'" ' flu . Imi !,..., InucintJ ID1
"ii . u, miiiuIik (ivral year
tU Und wnueia "t KUllialll Ullil, ll. .Imllil ( ll,,. f i, ,.,,,,,,
Li tvub' ' rpisl til I lie dry ii.iiii
Xill. ... li Willi Inleietl I he 1, , Nwtya ,lal ,n Uw .
L.flmtt.1. u 1- n.aito llil aiiinmer ie,liiieiiu to to made dltrutei, ul
tilt I ' . 1 I he ll.l-ep klliK ul iill amy to nude Although hi, Willi
Ltlttu ( 111 ililllluk (in I at. torn dltrotorxl ! made i,.
Qruir I llaldwlli. ll.u hur.l' ' lK,fl. bale auuwn that ihi I. u
name! a Hit Mat leielicd for In ibla im-Uuii Mi Edlei .lalm ibat
ho Kill to ieferl atlaltol If I,.,
alllkea a Cuo.1 Bow of al.i 11a l(
.lo. li 1 bellete hit tbae eo.ilj itnuk
ull antwat. mill V i iu ii abe.-
bulla -va and tieedt the laairi
UUl it uf I he No 7 Him m.
-UjillllU -mhlnv. and ll U nut.
llfthViJ j!,lt lit II.U 1 It r all, I
letlud lu a lew iyt
f4 B' Id lid uqulpttlvlll tC
I II fCll.o rat ami HICImI .i.Otfoi - . . ...
uiila i" Tin- Nu 21 li the jihm: 1 tilt It 1 1 It t U.I II11M1
14 It . nil machine uianu-
I'tilt-al miii. (inirl.ll. Si. Ull., I .,,.
Will Ike Mln.n.1 sun
Ui.ik imi I'mk Itim.t
'luting tin iiimiiii.r inuntln m aimlimi
inuliabl) oiir-liuif ll.u I number dm
itiK ibi tini r month., IVI, ti,w llan.
er ol dlitttioui runllaiiratloiiN It
iwlurcd iMobabl) &11 IVr ienl With
tbll iDitexil nialiiuiidi, the foieit
llti ilirnli tu mtutc tn u mini.
mum ibe to., from (0Mml n i,t,!llttl uiy
iricinai. 4,K, y ril, ,lC iattp,
iieaj ul llioiiiil.tint lamjiiTi
irtd at I t It tunildeinl una uf
tl iu' Mint oil Ilia iittrkal
Will. 1 dilll lu a dili ul
I ft i I iiu tiiaiiufacturria
title " ' e.ib the Hlr macliln-'
. . . . ..... . 1
, . u ... mine iiicv. umi a .,,- i0 Mctal ignulilil.m I.., .
U toir aod pud a deK-r liulo In ai'MOMUtli-n lu aid In Ibe ..i.ntrur.
Ilun ul a iud tiulu Urdfut.1 in ('ra
in Ijike. ibe d't'e'"1"' at Uaih
Initton bat aihlMd tbe .Oi-eit In
H I I, i nl O J me :u- ll
.'ii in ' Iv. 1 k ( alhouli rai'
'alWJ in ji.1., hi.. I n.iu dUrhnriCMl
II' Jun 1. ...! i.i.u (01 itiiitlitlun
aa I . Iivi. lui anulltal MaikltiK
Ibe tad ul 1. tilal thai Kill no down
and ti, 11 inrry It Willi mo If I fo, to
lucllinid Nor do I know what the
(Jrntid Jury will do. and I wonder
ho Jon know liul I do know thai
thin, nra othir thlnct that novd In
04tlratlni: whlih aru much inoru
"rlout 11. un thu torruntlvu talu of a
bad whlikw, and If thu
coimt) baa money to tuotveute
'liooMPKKi'rt" thoy moil ivrtnlnly
iknuM have It lu iiroteciitu nrjurira,
iMi.iv .iiiilciilnrl) to, un In tho catu
ol lhi foniiir tl.ij 'proof may bo n
I.oikUc and difficult to Kit, wblltl In
tin- co of tho latter It nliiady ixlttt
upon thu criminal rccordi of tbo
I I. Me no ldn who will compote
the Urand Jury, but l.ato conlldenco
iiiiukIi to brllgtv Iboy will "ro nfter"
mil ln brink, rt alike, iltallns, of
uuite. with the more aeiloua caavt ' tir, l'red Il'tk and V
flr.t If the comity lackt monvy to
liiopeii) protveutu thu moil notorlout
law breaker (which, by tbo way, It
n chanio to eel to tho school houto
to excrclto their rlnhti.
At n taxpayer I protest against
earning on an election In tho above
munner, in t do not bullevo It In fair
or J tint, mid If It It according to law,
tho I.cKlilnturo ahould be called upon
to amend tho act
Junu 21, liOt.
Western Loan & Savings Company, of Salt
Lake City. Will Putin Branch With Local
Board of Managers
I'UllTI.AMi Jun. 21 In .e- In talent bl.tun at tl.u Climax of tt i'J""" I'OpUlnlly bullcili. then I nholl
lm 1.
Fit J
fir. .
lira b-
I '"un than any other
! made On atmuiil
-. atlr .if the machine
l.uier, a K,(arale ,,tc u the local fure.i aeitlre
, ,.(l burner eurtna ,i.,, . ,.,., will b alluwtxl
Willi Wulrti In bKln tb ruattrurtlun
nf audi a ruad Ibruatrb ibe lot ml re
irlln wblcli la Included In be mule
if the iropinl Htbwaj Tbe
alHuuiit til Ibe opjiioifUtloO which
11,1 ! d lu atiltu lieiv
tat h Icaint lu lenioie
and it It ,otalile that
u lo dnlltd will !. iu
vlace at Krnii HpllPxa, a ' l,at Uttl Klantnl bat Qui been an
end llunalila Mr IMkl nuunrrd, but It It I til end. d at the
trial taunl'ipal .omla1, tin. can; of
Cat rick I'all.uun pieablent of thu
Culled lialltuada uf San I'laiiclw n.
at a .bmltlml tu a )un )ut ha lore
the nuoit Ih.ui Kaliitda)
An unbruken alienee had .nolli-,l
.u l,. crowded auditorium of Cnrpvti
ten' Mall durlnn a period of thru,
buurt, wblrb aded tho cclil mi
hour aiKiiiiK'iil nl Aailtlani IMattlct
.(lortf) 1'ianria J llcney, and 'had
pennlllcil Judge William I' tawlur
to charge ttia. )ur)
Tbe nrtt ditordir In Ihu bialcd
bv pliated to auhiirlbu tu u private
fund inlted to blip the county out
Hut If there ahould only he HufTlclcnt
money to proaicuto minor offuntva,
and nunc to protecutu thu element
1l.n1 t n tin! menace' lo tho good
name and matvilal welfaru'and pro
itiiaaliin of our county, then 1 aball
take KM at pallia to act that that fact
U lull) adurlltid o far at I am
.ible to make It apparent through, the
iiudlum of thu iivwipapcTi and mtit
ailnet trom New York to San Fran
ilaro and from thu I'raae-River to
llm (lulf of Mexico.. 'ntrtfred'VJ'',
Tbanklnic on for the courtcty of
the publicity which I trutl )ou will
accord tills letter, I am, oura truly,
HEX K. uoitn.
loco thing: a Junction at tho point
I whoro tho turn la made, ono lino co
ins north to Klamath Fells and
thenco to .Portland, another up Pitt
river to Alturaa and thmic to an
cattern connection, wlillu a third will
extend down Pitt river to tho Sacra
mento valley to connect with tho
prctcnt lino to San Francisco. It
Tho following men drawn atlmcnn also great milling and allied
tho oponlnB of tho Junu term of Clr-' n,Ustrle at tho Junction, henco tho
cull Court this morning at member .election of a location tutted to such
of the Urand Jury; .works, and where a suitable wntor
I.. J. liuuman, William Orimth, D. ' supply can be obtained. From Look-
II. Ilnwkliit, , II. Carlton, C. II. Ken- out tho most direct routo to Klamath
L. Applccatc. pan, w open all the timber of the
Judcn Notaud appointed L. J. Uau- wcitcrn pnrt of tl.o county, as roll
man at foreman of thu Jury and, nfter n vast tracta In Sliklyou countr. It
Inttructlng them In the law and their tt moreover, a country well suited to
duties, placed them In charge of Ball-j 0ggnR y rail owing to the level
Iff J. W llrjaut. J character ot tho land, making the
Jtidgi Noland tinted In hit Inttruc- building and operating of logins
tlont In regard to the violations of roads easy, and tho abicnco through-
Bit Ij.jd huldmct lu Lake rtiuii- Inllltl cvntilbullon from tl.o uiuiii.,chambir uaa when the twelve men
kte wc!, w tx-.lillli-l 'Unlit, wblcli will be followed by audi divided ihe chaire of bilberyl
i la j of the mutt Inipuilant additional aiuounta aa ma) to n aralnat Ibe atmt iallioa.1 mntuate'
rtia crer undeitaVrn In thla jiund lu lomplvto thi cn"oraei,t a Died tiul ul tbo Jul) box at 11: H llli-j
I of 'iu Mlat and It la tin ' i ml uf ll,la project der of lu deput) tlivrlffi, Juat
hil. win, H lnt, r r ;,. , j-0, ln n-a jcai lietttuiilna: Jul) orti anew tu k.-cp them iaf.-,
iti'l at Ihe inarhllie altine'lat lull il.t, furrit act lice hat bei n cuarded I
vtl IMIer between ll.uun i all,.iii.l III not) lu U nnradiil In A few ruumeiiU beloru the Jury ai . u iu.,,n,.r aIut
:.i" i.i, iUp n ibe loiiiirunioti (it lellreoent Judce Lawliir formall) rt.., 0j fr.inchUo?
it torn tieiniiuairaltil ' nils 1 1 alia, cabin and i.lepbunr dtichargcl Hum aerilie aitnl .vicnaii
Wi-xl lover r.ianlr Dial ar-'llne ilmuitb Hie natluital fnrcxt i- Murph). Ibe nlicnialo r inivrxenr)
nai.r ran be trniM.I a er) e wat lb lufurwallon , Jutur. who beard Ihe eldencc from
llflita . under Hm induce and whlih Itarhnl the oUlc. uf K T AI- hit plam b) 11 . tide of Ibu Jury box
t itrf thai vaier can to lea dlairlcl loi.iler. In Iblt city t Tbo Court warned Juror Murph) nut
In imi uf Klamath and i.rdat
tumilenl .Ifplli It
Tb.. rea-Hlar fund for ll.u einplu)- Ithua daahlni: the hoptt uf iueral en
"i. inarhllie win toie meal ul addllloiial fir wanlcm anu iirpriaing iiuermwera nu unu a, ; :o ,,
. io there la III- i-iber HHiltVM for Hie tupprcaaliin I hoped 10 aicuu an expietilou of lils Wl.rv falt.
sii.M.i- tiii: vv.wu: iii'lk?
cllltvu uo
IU the ptealdi'lil of Ibu tchool
buaid ibe power to close the polls
ultbln twrnt) minutes after opening
Such dune to-da) at thu tchool
lu illicuit th.- cnie with any person, ..tectlun In this illy. Tho election
waa culled fur I p in . and wnt doted
m , and but nine votes
Mr. Hlllta nnd Mr. Mel
i .
T v it
W mm li n
I n If
I opinion un the iil.knce.
AI I SO the Jury called fur the
Court mid naked lu hatu cerlaln parta
of the etldenro uf Hupirilaor W W
Hitndvrauu read lu thim
AI C IS, when tho reading uf ell
dvnee wnt cuiiduded. court adjourned
until Socio. k
AI in u clink thu Jur) asked for
the Conn n aecund tlmo and again
tailed fur the reading of muro of Su
pertlaur Suudi'rmiu'a teatlmouy.
Tl.o Calhuuu trial beguii Jntiuary
i:th. live months nnd ono week a no
Thu Ituef tllnl. the longest before
i hi., lati.l T'l da)s Six members of
the Jui) weto sworn March 9th, four
,.il,Ti I'live bien nwuy from their
f.ii,illl,-i nnd bualnvis alncu Mnnh
Jlat nnd the olhers altiro April llth
It It ettlmiitid the coil of the trial
tu the illy I tSu.000
haao prottated against doting tho
lill. and naked for one hour's con-
Ununnce. at many were then on their
way tu vote, m)sclf Included, our
iiplnlnu being that the polls would bo
open a reatunabto length of time at
I in at long euuugh lo glu tho people
thu local option law that offenses
committed within thu City of Klam
ath Falls was as much within their
Jurisdiction at thoto committed else
where In Iho county, and that they
wcro not to lontlder It the special
duty of thu city officials lo prosecute
cases within thu city, as tho enforce
ment of the law was up to tho county
officials and the prosecuting attorney.
Thu Grand Jury met tbls afternoon
nt1:S0 In'thtf' oMce'of theTprosccut
lug attorney, and It la not known
what cases will bo considered first,
but they will probably be ones which
are already on tho docket and are
awaiting tho action of thu Jury-
out the Umber of good mill sites,
Keep your eyo on the western part
of the county, nnd ctpeclally on
Lookout. Tbcru will be things doing
down there In tho not very remote
Vimr lluliir .looilalM Alv
IHli'ilel- uf Oit'goli Life.
Hat with a Peditfree'and a guarantee
e new. inappy itylea just.received
Vou know nil about them The)
Klo employment rlllier t mi "'
Iho people ou gel business irom
They, wltli jou, oro tho builders of
Oregon, tho Statu that ou want to
sec flourish nboo every olhcr 8tate
Oregon Llfo Is tho only compaii
puicly Oregon," No such common
bond exists between jou and any oth
er llfo hutirnncn company. It Is tho
pursunnl Interest of every cltlrcn of
Oregon lo uso his Influeuco lhat llfo
Inturiiiici' bo bought of Oregon Llfo
and Iho money kept In Oregon for
'Oregon's development. Home offlco
All mombori and visitors are re-
quested to bo proaout Tuosday oven
lug, Juno S2d.
Uy order of tbo Worthy Matron.
C Walte, colonization agent for
tteclnmullun Scrlce, U In the
city from Chicago, where he has bis
hcjdo,unrtcra. Mr. Waltc Is visiting
thu reclamation projects of the West
and Is cry much Impressed with Iho
conditions here. He will make a
thorough Investigation of oiury sec
tion of thu project whllo here, so as
to become perfectly acqualntd with
Iho conditions.
Mr. Waltc statot that he It receiv
ing thousands of Inquiries from
homeseekcrs about tho different gov
ernment projects, and that he will
be ablo to send a largo number of
farmers to this county during tho
summer. After his visit he will be
butter ablo to know the class of peo
ple, most needed here, and he la ot
tho opinion that pcoplo from tho Mid
dlo West would bo better satisfied
with this section than those ot the
Southern States or farther cast. Mr,
Walto has been meeting tho directors
and members of tho Chamber of Com
merce and tho Klamath Ileal Estate
Association to-day, and ho will prob-'
ably work with theto bodies through
Project Englnoer Patch.
At the school election hold this aft
ernoon F. T. Sanderson was re
elected director and J. W. Siemens
clerk. A nunibur ot votes were also
cast for C. I). Crttlcr for clerk and II.
T Chllwood for director.
Wanted Woman for general
housework In family ot three. Ad
dress L. It., caro ot Herald office.
Wanted Woman to do small
washing at borne. Call at Herald of
fice. L. It. Cardwull and wlfo of Uold
Hill arrived In tho city latt evening
and left to-day with Mr. and Mrs. J.
F Adams for a visit at their ranch
mar Merrill.
Virgil Noland, son of Judgo and
Mrs. Ucorgu Noland, returned homo
last evening from Falrbank, Minn.,
where he has been attending tbo
Slattuclc Military College
Cement Imported cement Just re
ceived, carload Alison cement In Iron
barrels. Ualdwln Hardware Company.
Furnished rooms and apartments
at the Ualdwln. IS
Mr. J. W. Nee, general agent of tbo
Western Loan and Savings Company
of Bait Lake City, Utah, Is la town
and after looking over tbo situation
and tbo prospects ot Klamath Falls,
has decided lo put In a local branch
of this building and loan association
here. Tbls concern Is one ot tbe two
bulldlngand loan companies doing a
general business In tbo State ot Ore
gon, tho other being a Portland com-
I pany. Tbo laws of this mate are very
strict In regard to this class of sav
ing! Institutions, and a company Is
required to deposit $100,000 In ap
proved securities with tho Secretary
of Stato before they can transact a
general business In tbe Bute. Tbls
stringent taw bus kept all California
loan companies out of Oregon, but
Insures tbo Investor ot absolute pro
tection. Tho Western Loan and Savings
Company Is ono of tho strongest In
the Nortbwost. It has branches In
Utnb, Montana, Washington and
Oregon. Tho authorized capital Is
)G,000,000, with assets ot $70,7t,
and a permanent reserve fund of
Mr. Nco will establish a regular
branch hero with HaU-Shepkerd
Company as local agents and treas
urer, who wilt tako subscriptions tor
Investment stock. Later' on th"
shareholders here will elect a local
board, to whom tbe company will
grant a charter, and who will ap
praise tbe valuo ot all property on
which loans wilt be made. For each
J100 of tbe Investment stock sub
scribed for In Klamath Falls, tbe
company will loan f 500 lo tbe town.
Thus all tho local money subscribed
will bo loaned bore In Klamath Falls
under tho direction and approval ot
a board of local people, the company
simply passing on tho abstract and
papers, and tho company will bring
In additional money from towns
where they havo subscribers, but no
loans, and loan here.
A building and loan association is
un Important factor In the building
up ot any town for thu reason that
thoy collect money from many places
where there Is Ilttlo building and loan
It In towns that are growing rapid
ly. They loan up to one-bait ot ac
tual valuo on resldenco property and
allow tbe borrower to pay back tn
monthly Installments.
I U-Need-a McBride's U-Eat-a Sandwich
5 Made from Cream, e For Sale by all
i Sugar, Nuts and Fruit OL, Confectionery Stores
OrcnnnUeil for llio lrotccllon
uf lite lluter ami Keller of Heal
l'roeriy ami the promotion and
liiipriiii'iiieiit t Klanutlli County.
(lllKtiOltY McCLKLLAN.
HAI.I.-BIIKi'Kltli CO.,
Transactions with any ot the
above tjMtrr Insure protection.
ALTUUAS. Juuo 21. Tho South
crn Pacific surveyors who are en
gaged in making a survey bctwoen
Klamath Falls and this place have
comploted their survey as far south
as Lookout, and are now engaged In
locating the lino from that place up
Pitt river to Alturas.
The lino aa located follows sub
stantially tho preliminary lino as far
south as Timber mountain.
From that placo It continues al
most duo south through the hoart ot
tho vast timber holdings ot T. D.
Walker to Egg Lake. Hero tbe lino
turus lu a souiueasiony uirecuuu,
leaving tho timber about six miles
west of Lookout and continuing in
the samo direction to Lookout. Hero
thoy "went back on themselves,"
turning up Pitt river In the direction
ot Alturas.
Running the line to Lookout be
fore turning up the river un mean
Package Candies !
Whin ou want a nice package ot Candy and one thai yost 1
cau rely uu tu bo fresh and In prime condition, coxae to us.
We have Nunnally's the best Eastern candy ma.'
Dressed direct to us trom tbe factory. We also carry .Bishop's Z
famous Coast Chocolate In packages from 5c wp.
Urge line ot FRUIT TABLETS, troe to trait SaTor.
Uso ROSE CREAM tor Chaps and Tan.
Star Drug Store
UThey Have It"
l ..
. .J&A
U. J