"Wsxprn '.X SIRES AND SONS. 1 l Refrigerators We have them, .'. Tke ramosa "National" Re frigerator. Larferooay icebox Enauaeled food Clumbers DOLBEER, The Furniture Man MMMMMMMMMM MMMIMMIMMIMMM TAThy are oar Ice Creaa S Soda auk better than those at other foaa talis? n Becaue we ase pare fralt flavors not ex tract, bat ajeaalie fralt Jake. The oaly foaatala in the city where fralt Jakes are aaed exclaslvely We are also exclastve aa. for Lowaey'a Chocolates. A Large shlpaent Jast re ceived. THE AMERICAN CONTECTIONOT P. SHOLL, Prop: BRIEF MENTION. faraMurs tor isle A quantity of ui booMhold furniture. Inquire of Staldar In Wagner house near Cath olic caurtb. 15-tt We are exclusive agents for the celebrated McRoskey llattreea. Tber are quality of the beet, ao aari our guarantee. Virgil, ft Bon. 1 Major Guy It. Rill tin been appoint ed physician and turgeoti to lrv.ldnt Tart lion, John Mgtlow, now In lilt nine ty-second year, ha gone to ntro ' fir a tuuiuier of travel and recreation. Blr Kdward Rlcir, the fatuoti cow poser, at one time made a hobb) of kiteflying. He It alao an ardent unlit raltst. Wirir Wright hat gained twenty. Ave pounda In weight during tbe lat Ore month, lie tbltika that aviation baa something to do with It. Member of the choir at Hol Trlnltt church. Bosbitu. EngUn.1 for Igbty Tear. George Arnold tiat Jut cele brated bl ninetieth birthday atintrer eary, It It but generally kiumn li'K It I. true all the tn, that Lord Kltoheiier served at a volutitrrr under the French flag In the Krauoo-I'nu.ltn ..r im President Outlier, of the America.. .JO"' tt',M,"! "'I''. ? "'""' Federation of IjUt will illl Kuropo ,""t '"" ' "" " r' ',"""' "" thU tumtner and tttidy and report ( thall lloua? I upon the lnduatrtal. sociological nl ,. ... , . . . . , economic condition, of the laboring ",,rr) ""I""""'. r ftl"' 1",t people to England, (.erniany Krance. owning Irtmi Taiomn. where In- linn Sweden and Italy b. alll,,unK ,-iiUg,. Attorney Ceueral Wii-krrahain I the Spanlab scholar of lreMcut Taft' Kouud A Vutili Ownei can Le cabinet He read. In the i-rlKlu.il the ullw ,) rullluc mi I I.. ArmttruiiK work of Cervantc. t.op de Vega. Calderon, Valtra aud (lalde. tiarluc Mt-dford will hold nn otiillnii on found time to matter Upaultb before Ju) u, ,u ,,x, ,i ,,, ,., Uu,. be pateed hi law eiaiutnatloui Ami Try the ttnrtlngton Wnttiltig Mn ctilne You will like II I J W llntdotf mi ali'lilteit nt Hun June, fill. In In I he rllN Mtiil li d. elded to remain lieio mill open nu I" flee Kurnlthcd room and apartment, at the Italdwlii. I) Ml II T .MuK'lMiit was Vliw ii' r of tlio wnlrli (omul li I' I. A tin ttrong Tlio wntih ti n er l" nhle line, mill win lint on Itallriunl lu I nlll mil at umr hou.e nuit'ilo gfm be (peak fluent 8paul.li a nrll a. Freacb and Italian. Bate Hits. S l Uiuie ut lie lliiiiitlim Hull tin u ml Umli tlean euiiio ilouti nwl.i) (lutit llniiintii u I nlll rt'iiiialn mil 1 Sutld.i Uuke Farrell tay Jouett Me.-l.lii Uj.I rare epeed tban any pitcher be evrr aaw. ritcber Kd Kllllan of the IVlrult Aaertcaa I tIJ to be tlatrd fur re lease. The Wathlngton club hat atkol for waivers on Third Uatrtnan lllll Sblpke and IMtcber Jtw Tiuueblll and llert Keeley The New York Naltonalt hate turu ed lloger Uretuahan'a youugrr bruth ef. I'hll. over to the I'urttoiouth club of the Ohio league. Pitcher Philippe uf the 1'ltt.buri; the potturllcc. arrived lit the till lux Nationals snnounce ltb nlllTenr.. owning and to-dn) went to Mprltuc tbat bl dead bttrblug arm ha. been ',,,.. , , . .. resurrected and I now a. pl a. ever trwk ,,,r a '" wk" ,,,,u" Boetou'a attempt to trautfer Dul The Meltotker It a maltreat that Belder Jimmy Hlagle from Chicago to wun.t blmp bund , ,r or . k. llallliHiiaA a.vAAAam f aaid t.il w tier imiuuiviv Min u l.'ta ur viuu ,., ,. -.. has been fru.trstrd by Htt.burs1. re- out of ,h futal to waive claim I Hr A. A. Dol'u). '. e.ir. nrw utid ttitnut. Kxatuliialliiii ut Hie eii"-. mid stntvM riitvd t)mco Utt lr V M. White. IS tail H'tmli i.-iuiiiil tail .! from CnrvnllK where lm h.i b-cn t.'t.illni; AKrUultiirul (."iilkvi , K II roge nf I'liillntiil ami I : Htrattoii nf A.111 Ktnticl.co, n 4 t the I'ngviltrattiiii tiullilliii; nut i Now 25c a Pair For "Holeproof Sox" "lloloprool" ul 2S u jinlr nto cgactlf th how that have heretofore coat 33 Mc it fair. 'in.- t.i ,,ti .r itm lie.t vurn la nuw lea than 9 iiiviui ii,i.,, ,- ( J licfurp, ami the iniikcri me turnlni; ot n'Jf l"," "', they can nllonl lo toll to u choaiicr, w we can sell to you tor leit. :l 6 Pairs Gunnintcud 6 Months 1 1 Former! y S2 No w $1.50 Jo Ami the Mime uiiutiitiico tin-. sith every lnx ul aix palrtt t "If imy or nil of llieto lime ionic to holes within tl ; iimnllu from the iluy yon buy litem, wo will replace them J : free." Hue "ltnl.-iir.mf" Mn IllliV 1SVS IllOltev Hllll CCl lllO ? '. --- - ,,,.,. ,,,- 4 utlytiiali:u.U.ititeciHox lliok'ciiiiino uuieiruii J (Other "llolcitioot" Sox iu Ji'.OO forflpalr ami t $3.00 for U pair.) il 4 ::rvf , ,. -f?..r.?v !TTrrT!!!!!!!t!!!!!:!!!n:::::::ii:niia MtMMMtf""""""""""""" :. atiih4 !.. It Juit try lhaui. They nre warrantcl. Vlrgtl k Son I German Gleanings. WHAT A COI.I.M1K tilltl. t'.I.V IH The pay uf tuldlrr. of the llrnutll ...... , .. .. .. ..,. i .1 . . ...... . ilf Mir IJe In Hliiall Town hhe tail army la to ! rtlvd from il pfennig. (H rental lo 30 pfrnulga a day Krrcl- Vt'alr Inlluenr.-. 8Iuce 1877 there bi. Iieeii ouly one year In which the tlermau untloual , Th" rolleg Kill ho llu-a In a debt hat not tn lucrrntnl. It I. email town hat perhapt tint grealitt sfiSK "nci" ,u" :-" "- '- -' A Munich wrvant girl ha. glu-u ut- nnJ el"'rlencii rait., her to u pinltluti tlce bevaute. the tay. ber iiilttret. 'which cuinmandt the letpit uf ihoao PeraUUIn playing clattlcal mu.lc for , bi, mJ , ,,,, h two hour every morning without hat lag the Irait Idea bow It abmild te 'ae. and ll.lt po.lllnu alio almulil rendered. mo, not at nn oleum for vgotlim ur Saicu Home I'rotntluo I. the name wf.,ufflccncy. bu, a nuaM of .. of a new (mtrlotlc motrtuenl Iu tier many. It ttrlrr to pre-ene tbeanhl complltblng reformt In tlio llfo of tectural pecullarltle .till teen on old iho coimuunlt). titarllng n tlllago u, ,1 ! lull te.l in l,i Ir tiirtiiundlngk. and atn.v all to etf-M'tpitl ' The aiimnli of ..tucnllnli noi-i It In I -r left fnrtunatii tl.ter to iiiiourage t' at feeling of telf-rrtpeit blih llet ilormntit In the lirea.l. it n mat farlnry women lllt lliein the vl.lnn nf tunieltllllK hliwder und lilKher than la roiupn bended Iu their own lorlion, mid they will try tu ronform their Uvea tu It. tllvo them model dAy uurterlet and lliey will glvr tbtlr ililldren cleaner liDinct. Awnketi In tlirm tlio runicloutneat that thei lave potilbllltli-t, and they will lit to rralUn them. G.W. Constable -i D. V. S. i Chastain, Langell 5 Complete Stock of Fresh Groceries Quniity and Price Guaranteed. Try us and be convinced Phone 771 Free DeU bolldlng and protect, the old land impruwiiunl aoclvty la an eicellvnl acanea. flora and fauna ami rieu ee. logical formatlona tbat lend Interett to wr ' mierwing iopio in ineir aui- particular nelgbborboodt. Go down to the Big Store and get a Leggett Steel Spring and a Celebrated McRoskey Mattress and you will have a "flowery bed of ease." We are ezduiife aajenti for the cele brated Mcloekey Mattreaaet and alwayi ha?e them In atock BaBfMbl!!s C aelMh W biBbbbIBbIbBbI '- "-VrB BSBSSSSSSBSSSSSBSBBBSSSW r t lUI BSSSBwBBgKBSaBKBSSW.",' , W CBBKeBBaBBr ty McRoskey INNIRLACKO Mattress AHsUMoruflrurr niltll nn Th atJWgKty ttm. IACB) k 4. icAjoi s 4 aiii.iin.kwtl, TW afcltwiiiil I ikmmmm4 4.W. raeaaaa m 1 1 n. 4. J laaa. m a ewwe h kb aas 4 a. Imt J. W . U. k geawaaw ! krfbs .Itaakt 1st 7 mi aM 4 mm,. fce.MSj mi.HKmmir-tTm 4M.alUtak.Mi IWM)b ka r . m aa eat 4. Mlbaw ass aad sa sit at Saaawm TWaat. .wLw .,i . ! east la. aaw k aws. m1 s Am Si iiiiltaawawaabaafcsi Naw km tWi mm, aaaaal I mmmmt DaaUaasa . . . 4ft r .vfWJS i. Far .;..- MM . . . atr. ..:: tu luundingt. and npent to many an en tire)) new world, u world wlilili leacbea that the uitful It not ntci-. larlly the ugly, and that environment li the Implratlon nf uctlon Iknuti tying the vlltugn ur town It bound to bring tho cltltitit toKctber In a new nud inoru Intimate uttoclallnn, ami docs mudi tu nbollth Uki. ilt-nt of lco which dltflguro not only tlio a It, but tho mural lite or u town. Uf cuurtc, I hit la hut uuo phane of civic Iniprovvmvnt; there am many olhtrt In tint factory town entire- (ally lliero It wldo tcopo for the col-l)i:c-bred woman's activity There It lo reatou shy tho factory town ihould bo untlghtly. or why tlm em ploex of tho factory uliould live In ugly, untaiiltary dwctlluKai no nn win why the wumtn of the town Vttirinfirv SiiroVnn a :: and Dentist X American ? f Hotel Phone 04 1 J Ft. Klamath Stage Company j I .. H,lt,i.,,n Iti I I'pn Mac. lake 'le mall ooei. Thr Curlew ,rrnt iriHlatinn. fur fmtr pa..rng"'t llall) eti.i Huti.la Hut Itave all botela i n in,tfiifir x So .barp Tlcaett t. utr i' . u i; 1 rati. r iu i ilTlr. Ilanaare I.an.llc-I for llruttl Of r atid Tmiri.t. I lioat Lcuvcs llucna Vista Land 1 Inti at 0 A. M. PLASTERIN! AND CEMENT WOI I..I ins figure on ;vr Had. WltllK OI'AUiJftla 1,'IIAIII.Urt THOJIit llmldebC Mills A4H I'liona Ol ( VIRGIL & SON Oppodte City HaU l3 I The Man Behind the HOSE We have Just received a large shipment of OAItUBN IIOHK, manufactured by the New York Setting Packing Co., aid will sell II at price) that cannot be beat. Kverjr foot of boas goanuitaed. BALDWIN HARDWARE CO. Oar Vm la 861, and we delhrT everythlag. MMMMMMIMMMIMM J We Invite Strangers and People From the Country to Get Ac quainted with The Monarch Grocery and General Market, the Biggest Supply Store in Town In the birjet and freshest stock of fruits and vegetables, and the choicest line of Groceries Wo uru I tiling llu.lnr. IJiir) Mlnuto In the pn) the llutlrat Storo In Town We Cmploy Nieii Clerk In tlm lorn und Tlii-iv Women link itig "ti'l preinrlng IVIIrnile. for l.iitiilieiui.. (illOCUIIIKH, KIll'IT. V T.iifiiu i.iintit'f.'K. Li 'dOOIIH, CIIICKKSHi aflft Kinmlno ottr Rperlnl Counter of I'atlrle and llomn Cooking Ham, Huludu, llrcud, Cttkra, I'lcn, cimoao, Pliklcs, Ktc, Utc. Wo Hill Mil you In iuniitltlee from a f radio uf a pound lo a Ion. Monarch Mercantile Col Phone 311 Free Delivery fitftfS a. tUv ; kit iu 1 1 KtOl tU .ttf lltlot m time, iorlt i rci title Hie li rtlur Tl 1 ftei lor