The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 17, 1909, Image 1

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1 tf
'?' .M
a MU
' 'Ih I'lrnt
. Dully.
Our Advertisers Get
The Best Results.
m Li iMPIr I nit
Mg)tfby & ffivt' .
TimiiiVi it. No. I
D'.lwl I It 111 'tfil.'..t II -W l I... .-!""' " ""P""". Ih oittaldUU,
nt'pV' " " ....... vMiuuii nut in;uil MJl lOrlinv" nti.
Price 6 Cents.
Build' ng the Roml to Sprticjiie River-
Moving Orctfqc to Upper Luke
KUiratd I IU U but Iuiik Id Ii ow,, nm in Jul; tVta thlt li
It. Jillt.ri. ii ul Mitit Jh mid Af ciimplritnl 11 ill K a ,ra, (Ultc,
U filliwol .ini. and, In (ad, that'iu Ho aptwi UL wtr (ronl. where
lUIn "' )' lr l"'" Hlf Id ruadtwd U But trad) lot tbt ilJe-Will-
IM, '"r It I'"' und nf Hi tlarU ltd bnuli lu connect llli
irtitic fen " l"UM. tl.eie tiai lit ducks
U- nu ccmmioii In tliu tvintruclluii i Chief Construction Ualnt II p
tilt lluv b.ilid IliU III) The-toad Mm) haa Itersted till imov!ll i,f.
In te.ti i.o.lll) liai.tli.i. nut lb llcvt (or lliv .utnuur al lb Wright
nJ. and lie Indication, arc that lu. place, tail ul lb lallroad (found.,
ttteJ (it aft let-up. ll.e fulutr. It to wbltb means ltl Ibere lll tt a
l, ..ffmU lii iiiiIiIik the .tar? Imr of
tlrlnit. (
IU. (Hi
ami: In the-
U.ttr lndltllun fut iiiuMIis ha. T,'"1 ' '"' nMM urk " be
pitted lo Ire inlllitiabi ul lhet""" " arll "h'th l P a
uia ul bulldltia 1 1... lino north to!"" ' " D ' " U1
cvsbrtl mill I'uiiUuil Tho europle- U '. "foiled work
lion ul the iir la mil lar In ll.e'l '" b,B "0" ,B ,h ", l1
Mat. aa miiku vle Ullc... Tl.. " r"" llUll " "'
lad thai tbv nilitrmiiUInt lliipto.- ' f"Hul.i. 6 pr.ial a,iM-iilaluii nn Ih. I .!.....,). In,., Iii, 11,1. III COMatf OillllO ! I alulir dUKll
fill lu a aummrr Luru" on bttlUloit. lilcli l ron.umr atoul j
Kdltor llcnild Wbut la tlm mm
lr Willi tin, c.tcal mulrupulUan pa
P'ra or Han Pratulitu und I'ortlnnd?
It kiii a matter ol lummcnt horo
tuat tlm Oioxon Journal wa tlm only
oiiu ot Him bunch that thought
'jDoutth ot u to ind u api-clal rcpru
atntatlro to our glad day cvlvhratlon,
Itallroad Day, June 1 Ith a day that
avotnid tu mean to much tu ui. Do
llivy not know how Kind It would
liuiv inadu our hiarla lo liavu had
tlnlr ri.prctntatl(i on tho ground
lo rcolc with in'' The Sacramento
Hoo had hvr iptclal rvprcavntntivo
hero with both fem, oca and earn.
vUKKvatloii that
aro Juit aa Kind
thi) caniv aru wcrn dellKhted with
their cunilhK.
Can It bo poulble that thu othori
did not think ui ot auHlclutit Import
nncf tor them to lake more than a
patting notice ot? Or do they aeo
a second Stiokano building here In
, tills newer portion of thu great In
'I to rirganlie tu'iii coin
pawn II 'iiiintr ul Table l(w k and
Ham MrL'litidnii ol Hold Hill ha
alxi inn altrartid by the nlluilng
ailinni. at Crintl Webb nf On
nal I'ulni Htlll Mlii ii ate Mauled
livrv a our tbaiiiv Dun't be a goov
- but bo a koom- miter Tlill kill
"" "0, I . I now venture the
muKiwwir.. J. .nor... 3 at ll,, iwntX aD(, n,.u
til. I. 1ttl Uuu.. ..I II . hi.1. tlllf, 1 I
,' VVV WV 111 l Hill!. V', H
if per ek i.r r"""'. sou eRK.
Pr wcok. 'ju(ij;. h,n ikk per
ri-oi IC HOUU. 110,0'JO ikki III 3
rian no ikki aold. but all IncubaUd
and holtln.l. allolng fur bad eggi
M0.V0UI. tiae lud.ijud geete
linlilnl nut. ! I'jund. fratliera per
g.,i- roo.uoo iund.. 115 tvratllt Kmplro wrbicla lo the nc-ar futuro
pound loi IrniUra. J30.0U, loo,. t f d,lllru lc O0l u.nor of tMr
o0 pair, kooiv Ihrra. o cenla perUa).( tt, ypokane haa
pair ICO.uuv. 20 buttona from iucIi
guoto bill.
p-r button. liO.uub. II GO for each
.el.ed, but II la admitted that among ,,.. r ..AC nn MnflflAV
thorn wa tound n pamphlet appeal- Julie I erlTl TTlllCII VUIITCIIC via iw....y
i. .i... K...n.. ..r .
Promises to Be Nearly as Long if Not
As Interesting as the Last
log to tho Jnpaneao In the nnmo of
their country to aelio tho opportunity
offered by tho atrlko und demonstrate
their power to control tho augar In-' and tho general affalra of the
Inland A man of lettcra and olTlclal-
looking documents are being cxuin
Ined hero by tho Interpreters.
Tb Japnneso hnvo employed
American attorneys and their caies
hao been brought Into the Federal
Court. A number of Japanese nro
f.n1tticf writ of habeas corpus. It tl L.KnA, in, nir.r nnaort As to
likely that the mntter will ho made h( ,ands 0Jt t0 tno public through
tlm sublcct of diplomatic correspond- ,,, rnnaprintlon says: "Tako
. .- . . ...
inco between America anu juiu "'them back for tho puDlic or cnargo
their full price for tho public
And you nro still only at the begin
ning of Conservatism's big program
acre, every foot of every aero, must
bo mado productlvo of something. If
you can't grow crops, grow trees! If
you can't drain swamps, grow cran
berries and matting rotdsl If you
can't farm rocks, then harness their
IU las rf.i not made ha. n,n IU--J n.oi6. in ouiwioit
cllrvl a. rtld nro that Ikn railroad
III br bulll tu Vuo, llllrr tbl. tutu-
rrr hcn dlrmt runtmtlon could i
Ib.n U nil I. the Wrtlf to ' '"" c ul Hum.-I'miii Pr.
fnion Tl.l. and mat., In- -l... WM.I. nn.t. IU IW
taarv. batv Indlralrtl llir rural ul lbllllli-
Ik otk that lll U diin tbl. rar
ruOMi Ihrra. ICV.UOO: button., i:o,-
000 dica.i'd gem-. II10.U00. total,
uinti nn: tiiHisi: inn i5oooo i:.pcnditut-. uso.soo.
uin nn: ii(ii.iu:v i:iio vn prom, ujj.too i:ch stock-
econtly done.?
tl,.,plinh.A lhv lnf,v ntnl, Innk
rou.uuo bullon.. I cent jatthcr, nnd see with the great devel
opment of this section a proposed dl
tl.lon of the States of Idaho, Oregon
and California and n new State created?
You can readily sou that there are
dlffermt wa)s of looking at this mat
ti'r and different couatructlons can
t... put ou tho tamo. Truly yours,
unco, as feeling horo Is very high
Of the I3S.00O population on the "0,000 of tho people uro Japanese.
(oo.k IIGU.U0O. Capital In
vested. 1300. estimated operating
oipfinsK. II'JO.OUO. total. 1130,300
Itit'lpt. - IVathera. 1300.000.
ho,..t. abate. 1113.33 33
IllTNA VISTA Si:i.l.lN(!
,Sn It la Hmrtnl, nnl uSUIally
bul on rrllablo uultintll) thai the
southern I'acinr haa Id thv tuntract
for thu i Hen. Ion of lenl,-tle mile.
KlKhUih loti ai the total sale In
Inlul tlurtia Villa addition Juiletday The
lot ni'iu nurcha.ed b V B. Shore
hlrlkr of I'Uulatlon Hands I'att of
Hcbcinc Diplomatic Note May
Be Exchanged.
MUl'I'dltD. Jum- ic - do
, rnlilor and act llrh quirk
......nM-iu. ...iiial in that ol any aud five by N C llrlrrs. both of llol-
mining rompan) In the land, almo.lj inter. Cat., and light to W K Ditty
i.. -..i .. !.. i ,,f 1 1... Itnruo Idler of Ilenlcla. Cal
at a. i." - "--
tf thi. riwil a. far ninth aa Hi'Ur.ui- imion orchard ptoioslllun. has
i.i.. . .... i ..... .1,,.,' . . iiM.ii.' t, Pnrlatid.' whero the road prob-
imrr i i,r iimiii wii vu vuiii m,wmi, i. i.itij it ntumointa hhiiw. iij, TrrTr.-,-"
MiUpuc.llk.imuaMuduc.l,olal.LlAri.,,0'B.t rromlM ThV Intwlor a Icm Is somawhafairferenl from ours. nctf of ,bc "Japanese Higher Wage
n.-.lnr thi- tr.'.llon and Wllllani.) , iT.oml.a a coo.o .11 'conil.tlng of the damage lo Teloua.JAl0cllloni.. LJ. ,,, Cu,. lK)ct.,
m llllir and In Mpragun litter rot ronk Hay a that he ha. an ly good totd. b iiutoinoblle trnfflc. j wllll ,carcll
a . a !. K...tttca. flf sffWl! rnilUtt 1 . . Un -
Their. ati aovetal ilimcult plw in , (l, f.,i for m'' farms In Iho laKC in.uau ui - - -
...... ... ... i. i..i ,... .. ..Tm tni,r. aulmble tor thu latur. Il haa come iu i,n uuiu aiiu "n,. ..'.- '"(ui lliilil liai iiiriv i. n.v. . --
io AnahiirtiiirnU hati- U-rti iad,rompan, l(,
HONOLULU, June 16. Ther Is
tho greatest excitement here follow
ing thu breiklnt dpun of the oftlM ot
JIJI. n Jspanoso. newspaper, and of.
i ii.i ii,., iiin pn ii ik
. PaiTtl III IIH 1111111 IIIHt -"
tot ,riangittiienis iib.i' urru iauv,romAn, lo ,ijrou . " -
, ..i .., i.i, iL...ik.riil . .inrkholJcrs. largil) one "t maintaining a surtnee
I'aclflr dtclgn from the lower lotbn atl UU.,,1I1K ,oo. and dlUlng a sultabl- lot mlscd tralilc hi
UPI r II I. Ih.l ,oMUI1P , , end f ea.h car pulntrd ul that In the old coaching
thi. I. l. Ih. u.od lot thto...g up .' Tll0 t,lo,pt... dr.ued b, Col. da), tb.-.e vehicle, were often more
loiitidallun n l.lrli will I" l""lta) make, thu lammi. aa Ital num.rou. on the hlghn). than mo
railroad dock, along Ih- .utl..rnUM , ,,,, , .ha.n.M of It- lor. nre no. "'"I that It I. onl ainrt
water front ..f lb., lake, and al.o ton,,.,, Tlial ...o a. nut Hi It at all the ralla). . greatly reduced road
Ibrowlug ..,. ll. .oadUd along ib.,.111. the lllta t.lW Roo' tta.lle tbut - -- -
The latter s liter la unu tldeied li uk.iiuiuiu .w.
the other's .gg. and her l.atners are , ldrini ,, nnil chickens, so cm
Mrs. Helen Dickinson Harford, na
tional lecturer and organlior for the
W. C. T. t, will bu In Klamath Falli
uext week to conduct n parliament
and Institute. Tho cllltens will find
ihe sessions varied nnd Intorcstlng
Mrs. Harford has spoken In nearly
every State and In Canada Meetings
will bo held as follows:
Tho afternoon sessions will con
tinue from 2:30 to 4. Tho evenings
I at o'clock. Organlita and singers
are urged to assist In tho music.
Tuesday, the 22i, In tho M. E.
church; Wednesday In tho Presby
terian; Thursda) In tlm Baptist; Fri
day In tho Courthouse yard.
Afternoon Topics Tuoiday, "Wo
man's Influence nnd Power In the
u,,mn in rhurch". Wednesday, "In
Education, In Temperance": Thurs
day, "In Society, In Government,"
Evening Toplca Tuesday, "Tho
Tmnafnrmntlon": Wednesday. "That
tv,.. Avnrv inn of coal mined, a, ton
and a half Is waited; or, to put It dif
ferently, for every four tons mined.
ilx tons nre wasted. In tho petrol
eum fields, enough natural gas goes
to waste to light every city In tho
United States free of coit. The tiro
watte oftno United States Is tho
highest Iri tto world; so Is tbo bill
of tiro Insurance. And greater than
all tbeso Is tho wasto of human llfo In
mine and factory-'-Agnes C. Laut, In
Outing Magazine.
Land Prize In Ula; IIusli for Land In
Klamath Couniy.
warrants, and tho
Ai..r.i f.f tnitpra nnd nnt.era that arc
alleged In proto that the Jnpaneiu Hoy! Is He Safo? Whole Business Is
. . . .-..i ........ ..... w... ....!. (lnn ttnrllnmnnt.
are irjing io euniroi uiw aui,ni .ia-,iw , iuuiuu, ,... r...- .
tallons of thu Huallan Islands and I discussion opened by ten-minute
through this control, the government talks. "Effect of the Open Saloon,"
of HaKull Itev Pratt, ' Does Prohibition rro-
Amcrlcau cltlicns nre gathered In hlblt?" Hev. Price, "What the llesult
crouns In tbo streets discussing tho n Klamath Fulls?" Judgo Griffith;
r..innrUablu develonments of thu past -What Can Women Do to Help?
It. A. Moore ot Santa Clara, Cal..
purchased from Captain John Itahm
one of the finest dry ranches In the
county. It Is stated that thero wero
four different buyers standing ready
to purchaso on any terms. Tho land
Is situated six miles from Klamath
Falls, and 120 acres has a fine stand
of timber and the balance Is Improved
nnd tillable
thoru nnd through Hie anump
Erlckxin A Pclteraon, who hnve
ilia contract for tbo main lino fiom
till, clly lo Ihe upper lake, bate prac
tically nil ol thu roadbed flnlahvd and
will loinplelc I hi' big rut nbovu town
tent-four hours, and a he-aty police
patrol Is necessary to maintain order
In the Japanese settlements.
From evidence gathered at both of
.i' ' - - .- . miiui.ii. ..'"- i -
na valuable as diamonds. The e-eiionti nutuiiioblllat. Tho ,i, mce It Is nlleited tho present
has applied the modern " 'J ' i ,.minatlon of horses, due lo rlku ot ,hc Japanese plantation
UIIIKIUC all part, ol lhe M-e. even fun tier ,mnil fort...... ......, h.m
the bill for button. in.reaa.-F - --""" . "".."'"."'...": " .ZI
Dial nas oeen urewint, lur auuiv nuiv
i m mmm mmm. .
C Mlfll
V'i II J-t -KlVflM TT1."VI
pJPjL (f
mmttl,llltiaTZmr-i.tB' fittKVsVHsyflsHBBHHr I
I ----asMslsKaiMaaJaasr4taassSBSlBl
The Hat with a Pedigree and a guarantee
Some new, tnappy itylei juit received
i bill for liiliu'n " " that II T Flnle ,,., .......o,.... will toon bring about n
... .. I.ll. lill,anH
- rr iinie ol tilings i" """" '"
ulll not be subjected lo two opposed
methods of wear mid tear which can
not bo reslsle.1 by the same means.
.i the problem of maintaining n
durable and duslle'sn aurfuco will I'Oi
greatly sslnlinl J
Mi Marconi denies the atatement I
which has recently been made that
wireless telegraph waves nro Injur
ious lo operators, nnd that ihoy pro
Jiico vatloiiB diseases, such ns con
Jiinctlvlils, corneal ulcers, loukoma.
i. ... ..,, u'nr.U: "During the
I iu ii..' ui" " "-----
i.,i, venrB or so of our operations
.... i.t.. had to deal with no single I
ciisu of compensation fi 'V ,lliur '
,of this orlglu. nor, o far us I can us
iiertaln. has any such Injury been suf
feted Hpeaklng tor mjself, I may
,iemurk Hint my own lienUii nas nover
beon better lhan during Ihu often ex.
tended petlods when I hnvo been ex
.,,,....1 for many hours dally to the
conditions tiow challenged, aud lu the
constant neighborhood ot oloctricai
discharges at our transatlantic tta
tlom, which I bcliovo ato tho most
powerful In tho world.
... . ..AA,tlniittnn lias mot
, Tvniima tever imu
I .... M
I with tho approval of tho army. i
tho 160 men ot tho hospital corps qn
duty nt tho WMter Uced Hospital In
tho District ot Columbia, per eeu.
hnvo volunteered for anti-typhoid
. m.. inn. and already ovor iwo-
thirds havo voluntarily returned for
tho second application. By this writ
lnB. probably all havo returned. No
opposition ha. boon encountered, and
Tr & S..M tifntfAfl I
tho outlro oxporimoni v--success.
In the Islands, whereby tho little
brown brothers nro to gain control
of the Industrial altuatlou here.
Tho officers refuse to dlvulgo tho
contents ot tho letters and papers
Mrs. Stearns; "What Has the . C.
T. U. Dono?" Mrs. Qrlgsby; "What
Will Wo Do for the Coming Cam
paign?" Mrs. Wilson; "A Mllo of
Pennies." Question box In charge of
Mrs. Harford.
Friday Lawn social In the Court
house ard. Ico cream and cake will
be served.
Mr. Wlthrow has bought tho Fly
ing Dutchmnn, Captain iiauma
houseboat, nnd sho will bo towed to
Costal Creek by the steamer Matama
Indications aro that work on the
new railroad docks and dykes will bo
gin Inside of thirty das.
A muscular young man arrived at
I tho Harland homo some, tlmo yestor-
day. Ills ngntlng; weight Is ten
Ilamberry and the Hooligan ar
rived In port yosterday from Crystal.
Tho Hooligan now sports a glided
namo and a union Jack.
Aucr von Welsbacb, tho well-
Known Inventor ot tho Incandescent
gas mantle, has produced an alloy of
Iron und thorium which pouosies re
markablo properties. When struck
lightly against a piece of Iron Jthls
nlloy emits exceedingly bright sparks.
produced by tho almost Instantaneous
oxidation of particles detached by tho
blow. Sufficient heat Is developed to
Ignlto tinder Instantaneously, without
I tho repented efforts required by the
old-tashloncd flint and steel. Tho
new thorium "flint." Indeed, may be
called an everlasting match. It will
be very useful to explorers and tour
ists and should be ot great vatuo for
the Ignition of exposlvcs, for mili
tary and other purposes.
Tho June term of tho Circuit Court
which convenes on Monday promises
to bo as lengthy as the last term,
from the number of cases already on
the docket, and moro cases are being
filed each day. Tho following casta
are now on tho dockot:
State vs. John Doe, Btato vs. John
Doe, Stato vs. Richard Roe, State va.
John Doe ct nl. State vs. Chariest
Walker, Stato vs. Jay 8llcklcs, Stata
vs. J. F. Muni, Stato vs. Joshua Buck-
maitcr, Stato vs. J. W. Duck, F. W.
Bowno vs. J. D. Carroll, Lute Piatt
vs. J, E. Duval and David Hock, The
American Bank and Trust Company
vs. A. M. Taylor t at, R. E. Cantrall
vs. J. D. Carroll, R. E. Cantrall ?.
J. D. Carroll, J. R. Horning vs. w. j.
and Frank Jamison, J. Frank Adaaaa
vs. F. O. Price, J. Frank Adams v.
a. L. Frailer, Carrlo Benslnger vs.
Alfred Benslnger, Henry R. Janasen
vs. John It. Collman, et al, Mary J.
Johnson vs. Charles Johnson, Bnrrsll
Short vs. W. F. Arant, P. H. Rlcktr
vs. D. M. Berry et al. A. D. Harpold
vs. W. F. Arant, Laura C. Beads va.
Alvaro C. Boals, Stato vs. Dava Alex
ander, William Lashua vs. K. Sugar-
man, W. R. Merrill v. C. II. Merrill.
Harris & Irwin vs. E. W. RottrU, 3.
M. Batchelder vs. D. A. McLtod, Ortv
lor ft Stilts vs. John Bennett, State
vs. Charles Walkor, BtaU vs. T. U.
White. Bertha Conner vs. Dan Con
ner, A. F. Clubine va. S. E. Martin.
lecorder and town ot Merrill. B. A.
Bradburn ct ux va. John JBWas, Wil
liam Wagner vs. Morrill School Dis
trict No. 18. II. L. Burright vs. C. L.
Burrlght, William Wright and Jessie
M. Wright vs. Jacob Rutck. V. H.
Mills vs. H. J. Winters, J. U Scott V.
Rena M. Scott, Thomaa Drake v. J.
A. Taylor, American Bank and Trnat
Company vs. E. B. Burwell. Gaorf
Kclley vs. J. Jay Arant et at. Cnarlts
Degan vs. J. F. Loosley. 11. B. Point
er .vs. Klamath Falla Land and Trans
portation Company, Petition ot Frs4
Dingles for Naturalisation, start
Durscll vs. Dunn BuraelL
Wanted A place to work on
ranch. Home moro object than wages.
Relatives going away: must hT) a
place In three or four day. Call sm
up. phone B I. W. W. Maatan' rtuwo.
Mrs. Addle Scnmelser.
Found A watch. Owner can Uv
samo by calling on F. L. Arasatrong.
.l 1
i: U-Need-a McBride'a U-Eat-a Sandwich f
:: Made from Cream. er lr UlcttfUl 2
! Sugar, Nut and Fruit C Cotfwttoery Store
n.o.tti.lie.l for the Protection
of the Buyer and 8e'llr ot Real
Property and Uio iironiotlou and
Improtcmeut of Klamath County.
Transactions wWi any ol the
above dealer taawe mtocQa.
Thero uro In tho Unltod States SO,-
000.000 acres ot swamp land, which
cau bo drained and which will bo aa
arable as a garden when they are
drained. This swamp land would pro
vide homes for and support 10,000,-
000 people Thero are in the United
States millions and million ot acre
of arid and aeml-arld lands which Ir
rigation could make, and Is making,
vory fortllo. These lands will sup
port 16,000,000 households, or twice
tho population ot Now York State.
There are what" may be called the
Lost Lands; lands toit to the public
through traud; landa lost to the pub
lic through lack ot knowledge ot bow
to handle their peculiar formation.
Only to per cent ot Uaclt'Sam'a lands
are yielding living average. What
Local View
Post Cards I
We have coUected the most Complete Lin ol el Valfw
to be found U town. Wo have over Tweedy Vtow a 0r,
German print, from totographs, a are fens aa tr eeler.
Over Beventy-Svo View la pttc4ofrauake,
ot Interest In this connty. We are
, View. Come In and look them over.
Star Drag S
. .; 4-4vmt3&
' - "THCy EMMW9 $;
are yieiamg imug arr. ,.. . . .'?...; j..
ottherestT Comenttloa ya every j MM MHMr M lyjtM9M I l,M 1,11 tP
i ' ' ' rtiaT '....' .'.. . a
! e r
, J
j',..-..- -,