V Vi, ,. '",;" &yj& :: k 3 K An fj. v. iammaaammma. i , jaSBmjBamjmjJ) vf ' famamamamamamML "THE MOST IN VALUE"- The Boston Store l'AY NO IIKNT ANI OIVK8 CIHTOMRIIN TIIK DBNKPIT, -"THE BEST IN QUALITY"- Mitt- lllia I'ATTKItNM All Hlylni mid Hlu-a, 10c. NEW lt)KA MAGAZINE, Be. Itore Filled to Overflowing with New Spring Goods IA HII.KH ink ((ullf jr Mr m ) Hill), xr ) II III. IHl, (li:MNH TOKIO ;. mill IKK. I'o.(:k mi MAHII HILKH In all aluu. Inrlud. Init Oram and lllaik, worth 73c, wily 4Hc. 1 (I.I IK IN HI IIM. TTh I II 1 1 I. r.l III UiN WKI.I. 0) tti hi inn- i.f nur m iixiiinl.il' V IjiIi.I HI) It- mill itift I'm, In linn) um.iiil. hi .rln ifti'iii 07.au in t.ui.iHi. MII.I.INKHV! MII.I.IMillV!! (Imili-M vhIhph mill iimwi hiIi lull- Hup inr almnii In Klaniallf I iiunly. KTII.MlllHATHIt VAI.IK III Hum a nil Otftirda for mm, Monirn mid iliilili-rn, at irin-a lu HI rrry iiurar. "lliiya' Knlrkrrlxxkir and I'laiii I'aiila Malta In la I rat Htyli-a and Klimli-e. frill- 'mm i.M In SM.IHI. aaaalBalBalaBVBlaBaVaaalBaaalaaVBVaaaVaaalaValaaaVVaaBViBlHVVaVaValaV1 MJT W5a fib '.Ln JammmmmMammVt BwaWmL LmJaaWW UmmwKI tJltfwmwmKrfl's's ' 1 LaaaaaaaaaaLmM I aa aJaaaaV lj 4itVBBal I JiMf m SfammmmflfwJmtft mmmmmm?mi f -t aWVl t aaaaaaaaaal .TvW It ' aaBaBaBaaV aW Portsmouth TiwMWWv'rVlitvBil tmwmmwm mmmmmimlmm bwcbjuty clothes tffi$pP&W Copyrlskl " "iJPiiJ&n BICYCLES For an uto-dato wheel KOb n Mfflimr.un The Gun Store. Guns for mm We carry a full J Sporting THE GUN STORE 4. B.GHAMKM , then SM OOiOOlU AJB, FOR SALE! WELL IMPIJOVED rAUM of 00 acre, 10 mile Soulhwaat J oi itiamain rant, win ten ai . a whole or lo part. Termt, part down, the balane la de- 9 ferred payment. Apply lo R. A. EMMITT at Hi I'uet Offlrr. DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist Offlm- ner Klamath fWir llank J? S ii... K-fS... W . rTL ! ... . ' r a: . .i4V p.m svr MNiBKJ 1 & IH if .. . , Wa"am y i iHn UOOMJ t "at , '""tS! jyy ,v. j r r t ,'i i L - ' " h V aaaLaaVak. fcf. LaHlwn ' MANUFACTURERS BUILDING. Iifaitara a'dt ol 0rr Batln, al the AlaaYukOD-raclBo Bt- btndiotna Manulaclurart Dulldlnc Icoki acrota tka rattloii htt tho Caicadra tod lha flaihlog loan of "Old Paltblul," tha r I of It oamataka In Yallowitoo National Park. Itlon It tba Boat cantral of air of tbt mpoiI'Iod bulldlnn. and turil drilco It (aprclallr Ottlnc for lb poi'tloo It bit bn , wat ona of Iba 9rt grtat aiblbllloa palteat to b complatad. I tba and of lait rar waa raady for tit rateptlon of tta vnt eol- blblta. It will bouit a ronotflctnt aiiortmaot of tb btihttt o-.an't lugeaultr aad Intantloa, and wltbla Its walla will ba a:lmfot of maoufacturd artlelaa from tba workibopt of artrr rlBiportaneo In tba world. looVi tb flnctt of tba formal itrdant of Iba aipotliloa, and Ita la of ptrgolai, witb tba'r Tlaovard oolumai and blottomlni npleta a rettful aed plcatlag Tlaw. At no part of tba iroundt a mora beautiful Illuminating efact tbaa It praatntad from iBargoln during tba lata avtnlng and tarljr nlgbt. A million fallrlc bulbt flub Ibalr whit llgbta through tba watcrt and, throughout tba graanary, hundrada of claetrollart mlngl tbclr with tba riot of colon. Looklcg down tb gcatla tlopa of Vnuo tbe Dotting craft of two Uke It brought Into vltton and K.dcllclili of a broad, llghMprlnktd ttretcb of forottnclotad Libv abolo vffat. I Va.I Tk.m. lam Waa Thr. Wmmb ahimlJ lut mada la. I talk tb tplrr. apropoa tttnjc off the cnr backward." D'rrtl I I" OH'' I.OtlKl who's ncr.cj sfr . ! V 9 9 ! E I I-- n Ml I I r Ordar your Ico from O K Trant for Company. 4-1 2tf Tba Dotton Btora It tba placa to mil" money. HTOCK full HAI.K. Ten l area of (took In lng Iiko Lumber Cumpau). Will tell for tit, n si arc. T. P. IM0GIN9. lid ttcry about a twin- p." aald be. "bad to ipuloot. bold aUad that ag laccaaanu. wtlklnj la Chicago on atw a Hltl boy atoop laomatblog. , i mtda a Dnd, my ltd.' t ttld tb InDOcant boy. 1 i tllrtr rnv. I ac."cald tb trtmp. It I drcprtd. Now, ain't It ity nnne cut la llr oar atiaar uld tb toy ltd.' It ten. Ifa yoort.' rtld tb I rrrr tb ring. wlt!i a ! H--Jod. "8(111. 1 kuow nu a'r way.' "What tbat?" "Taru tb cart InHd oat" a th Ownar. "Tby hat found tb mUtlag -Wbtratbonur -In a eav." "Any rtward out for Itr No CbMatl. 1 tbtll go right bom to my moth." "Do yon attaa UT "Ido." "Mar U car ftr.- Mtklng a Chair. "Would you prfcr to ut a llr dog ur a dead Hour "Oapiudi whom d and how ilwd I EttKK could make clothes expreuly for you here at home, bit a local tailor shop today U impractical aid aaprofitable. It bu at labor gurktt fraa which I Httft aWirahU ealltn tad Uilori II caanot afford to buiall a aiodera alaat attifaad U rtduc cl of aroductloa ll dotia't do lafficieat botbeii lo aabU at to oay wookat direct froai tho atilb It caaaot hcta abrtaat ol MtnaoUUi otylo aad warkauathif. Therefore, weiead oir erden for fine made-to-meaiure clothes to EL V. Price & Co., of Chicago. x We eaa take your meanro the ame way we would if runiiag ihepa here, and furnish you your clothe, made at you want them, at 50)b leaf1 than we could make them lecally. Waa'r wvu all tnrlaw? kkiwaah " v GEO. W.McLANE Proprietor tatorium Toka tin by tb forlck laat bt tak )ua nnanora. Ojt Him "Af yoa Uol of aoaatua, alrf "I Not at all." -I wat tur of It" "Whatr Crtalaly. aad I bar bar a eel lctla of lb latt tblnga In ootid reading Mirchlly adapted for thor ottohgolng roaa II'. you. I tball b delighted to tak your aubacrlplton." Keep at It. U ya min the grtt llTia trrtne. K'eap a-comln Dawt Rwaiaa reund aad Mgklag. Caa-au nlr.t. I your ama and etrlta out lltbaly. anew rsu r wiuinr. I will co.r alien you wUI Mllaaly aiaaa a am n Ottlr t Be Prepared. "I hare nn xtraragant wife." What forr To apend my mooey, of conrte." "Where did you get ynur money!" "aiaraa't got any yt" Otttlng fatia. Twinkle, twlnvie. little atar, Juit on th harlaen'e oar. It you don't a new etunt oat, Utile atar will an nave eat. Her tweet Anawer. TooAnd when you propaaad oh tr you a aweet antwarT Dkk-aao did. Indeed. Toa-Ab. th aald. "Tr Dkk-No, akwtaM "Fodg."-Chlca Oa aboaM aot aril hit prtndplto tor ktndn or for compiimtnta any r than a woold oall tfeaa far DallaaNowo. The Average Man Wears His Hat Six Houri Out of Twenty-four MORAL: wrap GOOD SHOES Hand-made Boys' School Shoes can be procured at Klamath Falls' Exclusive Shoe Store, Wlllson Building. :: :: Repair department In connection J. R. RITTER KLAMATH FALLS FORWARDING CO. Transfer Work of All Kinds Promptly Done Baggage a Specialty. Charges Reasonable Phone 605 --- GEO. T. BALDWIN, Kor! MANUFACTURERS AGENTS. FAIRBANKS. MORSE & GO. Gat and Gasoline Engines. Windmills. Steam Pumps. Dynamos and Motors. Railroad Supplies, Irrigating Ma- chinery, Steam Engines and Boilers and Fixtures. First & Stark Sts. Telephone Main 84. PORTLAND. OREG. ooooooooooooo 4va-.-..:..:-.. FURNITURE When you buy furniture, won't you aire this store the opportunity of competing for your pur chase? We can and will save you money, if yoa will give us the chance. We can't if you don't. Surely our claims are worth testing-it ia your money we art talking of saving. Cone, toot we. GILLETTE! i " 11 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTlTTTTTTTTTTTTTTITTTTTn mimmwmm;intinnmn;nnniinmt8 NOTICal or ADMINUTRATIIIX'a FINAL ACCOUNT. Nolle la brby glrn that Lana Lo Bmltb, formtrly Lana L Har gut. Admlnlttratrli of th atat of Harry Buford Hargut, dcaad, baa Bld hr final Acaount of tb admin litrailoa of aald ottat with lb Clark of th County Court,, of Klam ath County, Stat of Oregon, and that aald Court haa appointed th hoar ot ton o'clock, la tho toroaooa ot Tutiday, th ITtb day ot April, A. O. 1(01, as tho tlmo for hearing of objMtloai, If any tbr b. to tuch Pinal Account, and th eUImnt throf.- , Thlt nolle la publlthd by ordr ot aald County Court, made and n trd In th record throt tho 17th day ot March, KOI. LENA LBS SMITH (Formerly Lana Lao Hargut.) Adnlalttratrls ot the' Batata 'of Har ry Buford Hargut. daeoaatd. (MM iw owwaye ' 1 1 I (I ' I :' 1 1 i ( t 1 1 1 1 , ;;: . i i i 1 1 K , I H I f y ' PHOTOGRAPHY View, Interior or Flashlight Work a Specialty. GLEN JOHNSON, Phone 53 Orders ca alio be left at Cali wood's or sou MatieMrt A J ijWW ,lliryaaaWI""T"' Matting-1000 Yds-Matting One Thousand Yards of Mat ting direct from the factory to me; in new patterns from the cheaper grades to the highest price. Regular $100 Mattings at - - - 70c. a yard Regular 30c. Matting at - - - 17 l-2c a yard Every grade equally cheap i si b ; ! i ,-, i , Kl Af ?r ' -'XXv I have made a good buy on Matting this year, and you are the one to be benefted by it. Call and see them. I have goods at right prices and am at your service 3 t iFifaTFaTi The Sale Begins on Monday, April 26th I . fir X ' U ' erne ' vH'ji'' "i h- "i Got pour choice while tbt, rttwni are, full 4 m iK t r: m ' ' w t I II. , - , a. . mm eaaaoBB aaa aaaaai aaaaaawaaaaamaaaaBi ... . .- dUk 'Ji2 j aT" 1 1 I lrrl,rlJir 'S'Uwed'Paatoatart'V'a -g ;-,', i 1 V J w -4 j .i .. .. - '-alBBE 9 t-ty ' . . .re' " I jrv( i.. U mm. ' y. as v "W ' ' 1 i . :.- r f -l i rJ Oil w ' t i i'-i i vn t i'.l llllYlllYll'llllYll'la'lJllllIlllllflallflMlfllaflJalaala - ' 4 ' ' -'" ' ' "'.".VVVW"7.VOTV,V,c.vW ,-- , . . u , 4,v A rim .JllaaClaBBBaBaieBlBBBBBBBBl