The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 24, 1909, Image 1

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Klnmntli Falls' Klrut
and Bent Daily.
"y"! T'r"""" "i
Third Ykak. No. 812
Pmcb iCwm
roll -in rflM r '.: -
MM n nawaaaaV' waBWgewgewg:wgeK....Li '.r"V jBB,t..kJ jt'.-
' u.v .
Indian School Boys
Put U, a Fast
Game of Ball
Tho Indian boe did not do
tliloi lo tbo High Ucliool loam Dili
afternoon. They liail Ilium boat from
lli atari, the final icoro being 1 4
lo C. Tim IIUli hdiuol bo)s did some
good Itiillvlilual iln)ln, but on ac
couol of lack of practlct tbelr team
work was very poor. Tlili li prac
tically tliolr tint guniii of tlio acaitm
and they lad i.ot ant lardcued to
fast playing,
Tomorrow afternoon tlio Klaiuatli
Falls team will play tlio Klamath
Hiara, lb regular Indian tcaui from
Hit Agency, and Ibo tamo promises
lo be an Interesting oat.
ij Becroury Wlkon of tho Depart
Kent ef Agricultural I at directed
that thorough examination bo made
during tho cutting summer of all
i forest reserves by agents of tho Geo
logical Hurt)' n id that claudication
be made of all uon-tlmborvd area
ad land morn valuable for agri
culture timber, with a view lo
'tllmlnallng tuch lands from tho for
est and placing them at tba dls
. poaal of tho public for settlement
Ftod entry. It la oitlmated that 30
per cent of tlio forest titcrvo area
E5 will be rcitorcd lo public use If Bee-
i retary Wilson's order li carried
into effect.
Tomorrow nlgtt tho big len-daya'
It at tho K. K. K.lltoro will cloie.
I ..I. kill I.. Id.. ..lnMl...J
KM lb greatwit bnryatn event In lb
history of Klamath rail. If you
bava not taken advantago of tho rldl-
laulou prices Ihey are giving on high
-grade morctendlJC, do not fall to do
.'go tomorrow.
A One Una of frcih alaplo grocorloa
Just arrived at tho Pioneer More, at
Midland, Oregon, llru Jullay. 17w
F. J O'llara, chief ongtneer of the
P. eimp near Wampus, roturned
rburaday from a aLort visit Id Baa
Oesulnt "Edison" Phonographs,
My Installment, at E. V. Mul-
or. th "d Main. tJtf
Clothes to Exact
wii mwtwS
K. K.
Hamakar Estate Contemplate Excavation
of Half a Block Opposite Postoffice--
May Put Up Brick Building
Ono of tho greateit Improvement
to Malu street property In tho vicin
ity of tho poitofflcu le tl at contem
plated by Koy llamaker. The Ha
maker estate li tbo owner of tl a
onllro block on Main street oppotlto
the poitofflcu. This block Is at pres
tut occupied by ono oRlco building
and several residences, but tho prop
erty li on tho aldo of tho hill and
rangca from ten to fifteen feet above
.ho grado of the street.
If permission can bo obtains!
from tho city council for tho build
in k to be removed temporarily, tie
.'ait lalf of tho block fronting on
Malu itreot will bo excavated to a
level with tbe atreet. 0. 0. Oatn
ol tho Midway Teleptono and Tol'j-
grapb Company baa offored to take
a contract for removing the dirt,
vMcb he wlitei lo uit In grading
tliolr portion of the ttrcct In front
of tho offlco on Klamath street, anJ
ilso for Oiling la the lot. II permlv
.Ion can be obtained from tbo ell)
lb contract will bo mad and work
lll commence at one.
With till lalf block graded to a
level with tbe itrect, It would make
a wonderful Improvement In tbe ap
pearance and valuo of Ih properly.
With lb good work started, other
property owners on the upper sld of
tho street would see tho benefit and
would probably follow the example.
Ibis grading of tho llamaker proi
srty Is tie first step In arrangements
tor tho construction of a modern
offlce and atora building wLlch will
j built on the corner of Mala and
Third. Th dcclilon on bulldlm
lll bo road aa soon at CI as. tin
maker, ono of tbe heirs of tho estati,
.eturns from Ban Francisco.
A copy of the Uclamatlon Record
for April has Just boon received b
tbls offlco. In Its report of tho work
on tho Klamath Project, It states
that 37 per cant of th entire pro
ject Is completed. During tto month
th following contracts wer com
pleted: Maney Bros., schedules 1,
: and 3, Boutb Branch Canal; W.
II, Mason, iciiedulcs i, S, C, 7 anJ
I, South Ilranch Canal: Campbell A
Huffman, Boutb Uranch Canal flume.
YOU cannot possibly .
euro clotbea that era
Juit right unless you
have them mado to your ex
act measurements. No two
individuals axe built exactly
the same. It takes good tail
era to make good clothes, that
being the principle on which
the great organization of
Strauss Brothersr
National Tailoring Barrios
la based. Recruiting tho best
designing and tailoring talent
from every "part of the United
SUtea and giving them the
most modern working facul
ties enables Strauss Brothsra
through our agency to bring
right home to you the oppor
tunlty of securing tbe highest,
standard clothes made to
your order at priest easily
within your reach.
You'll be oufckiy amrincrd of
this by calling at our etore to
eeethestrol-lUe else fashion
plates and thegreat assortment
of five hundred high grade
Spring (fed Summer fabric.
Th lining for Boutb Drancb Canal
was completod by force account.
Tho lateral aysteru undor tb trst
unit of tb project la now 17 per
coot comploted.
Tbo telephone lino along tho Boutb
Uranch aud Adams Canals has ben
comploted to Adams I'olnt. Th
total length of lino built this year
over tho astem Is about eighteen
Tho pumping plant on tho marsh
Inmonitratlon farm las boon op
truted continuously throughout the
uonth, Burfsco water laa been ro
noved from tbls tract and test wells
no now being dug to study tb eon
lltlons for under ground drainage,
n weather during tb month baa
joon favorable.
Dy decisions dated February t and
March 3, 1!)0, th Department told
.lat a corporation, domestic or for
ilgn, Is entitled to acqulro a water
right under tbe Reclamation Act,
provided tbo Lome office of such cor
poration la "In tb neighborhood" of
a farm unit tor which tb water
U to be turnlahcd, I. ., within nft
miles, and provided further that the
itockboldcra of tho corporation a
Individuals havo not In th aggregate
taken waterlgbts that, together wltl
ILat claimed by tb corporation, wll.
amount to mora than ICO acrea.
CUT WatT Ton ihrtnk I look chtngt't
AK so I am. an rvi rrs stranit!
a rtsud. rvu hear ir. urowt
For Jl J tiorihl wrnJ rr howl
An' p tlruadaroy rlh onowf
Ah. not BayrauM I am o lough
Aa' banL doub weanttr sloraj was
Dr do could mas' m colda 'nough.
How mouch day eiaang an' blow.
Tat km era L dat was ao strong.
For laugh ai waanda all wraniar loag.
Mow Ilka bab. loo sort an' wrak
To nan I wan M-rlla wrand dat anaak
Aroun' daaa plara today,
Mo 'Merlcana wrand rae blow
Like dare bayfur. Cat com' an (a
An' eatrh at nw an' taaaa ma a
Kai ataal my haart away.
Bat enaake from dat leatle iiraal
Ha. dat'e aal now: Tu fralln' aalt
Tak' off your hat an' lat at play
All lhr"eh yuur lielr-eo. draea way-
An, now aaa gun't Pat'e all.
KbT Wat? "Jus' brarta from da sear
Ah. no; aas mora dan .lat lo mat
Bat araa voir from Italy
Sat rail an' call an' ra'II
-T. A, Daly In rathoile Standard aa
He Was a Judge.
One of tb- ixiumilH lo ivrala diirtnc
a rlalt botur aald at a dlnuer In Cbl
mgo: "Lady Druuiniood Wolff onrr got
lnTiulmlou to rlalt Ibr Idtr bdb
li.imu 8ht- took a frlrud with bci
ulin n utKiiit to U- umrrlisl. Tbi
'wii niiKllobnuoii-u waudrml uvrr tin
':i!mv. iiud prvwutly tin- abub vni'Oiib
ml Ibnu
" Tome bi'iv.' bi Kald to Mlsa Hlaol
i Ills cn.ili' I'lrmli.
"Vim ii iv alaiiit lo if tuarrlniT b
" 'Vm. your Ullmeia.'
"Il'a :: IIimIiiii I'oat
AIlSTnACTB. Do yon nrrd one?
See MASON it 8tX)l'GII. Flrat door
cast of th Amorlcan Bank Trust
Co., on Main atroct. t
Tho Womau'a Eichange homo
cooklne ovory Wednesday and Sat
In tb Spring ,1s tho time to do your Room Painting, nnd jroa
ahould select ycur grade of paint which will .not fade or peel
off, Oar Falnta are Guaranteed. We hare Jnst received th
Largest Shipment of Paints shown In this city, and thus give
yon a completo llna (rout which to select your color.
Wo have Wall Paper from 10 cent a double roll and up.
We do paper tungtaf painting, kalsomlnlng and Interior
decorating. WORK GUARANTEED,
i ti p Ainc
COnVALLIB, April ii.Ot all
tb eropi produced upon tb farm,
perLaps no other offers so many at
traction! and advantages to th farm
art as does alfalfa. Aa an lm
pravtr of the soil It Laa few equals
and no superiors. As forage lor all
classes of live stock, whether used
is Lay, green feed, or pasture, It Is
.uaxeellod In leld, feed value, pala
.ublill) aud puriuukcy of growth. To
.1.0 larmer noshing ios, Logs or
poultry It Is of puinuojut vauo In
iLkt It U pi ncllcally the only (orago
.,'up It it Mill sdpl) grven toed tun-
tiuuuusly tLrohkb ilu dry suuiiucr
oioutl.a of ILls lugluu. lu adjltluu
.j tLuiu adtautaiics, it Is supurlur tu
all utLer ciuf la quickly luxviuttai
ud, u.blutululug tLu uppsuiauco uoJ
jlllug iuiu of lurui lands.
'!!. primary itqdlrciuinU of al-
alia tiu a duep, woil drained, sweet
and fertile Hull. Irto troai wids.
tLu lands tuoit, nearly meeting tbeis
lequlreiuents in ua tL s.opoi of
lb rolling lauls of tL valley
eollouii, tte slopsj and tops of tLo
Llils tuiioundlng tLcio vailoys. or
L dtop, sand loam river buttouii
ll above tLo water levol. TLu
jrdlbkry valloy low flat lands ar
as I aultablu.
TLo deep toodtng tap roots upon
wLoso length ILcio plants depond for
ecurlng pianl lood nnd tuolilurc.
make a soil elgLl to ten feet In
depth Imperative Although alfalta
prefera a sandy loam, yet It has
proved equally proipcrous on tbe
.cavy clay Icam soils, a heavy da
ubsoll or tardpan. delaying but not
.topping tL root growth.
' TLo asod should bo sown from
April 20th to May 1st. Just prectd-
ag Uo aowlng, the land should be
aoculnled with the alfalfa bacteria
y scattering over tbo need bed
.bout 200pou3a per acra of -soil
aken from ttoiurface tool of an
id alfalfa flsld. Tbls alfalfa soil
tould bo mixed with about 100
ounds cf tbo surface soli of th new
leld to facilitate Ita even sowing.
o avoid cxpo:lng tbe Inoculated
.oil to tbo sumbtne, which Injures
t, It should bo town on a cloudy ilay
jr townrds ovening, and ImmodUte-
ly harrowed In.
It ono aero bo one successfully
noculatcd, the next year It will fur
alsb a soil' supply for Inoculating
nber land. No faith should bo
placed In Inoculating th soil
through tb purcltso of Inoculated
;eed, as under ordinary conditions
lis metod la soldom successful.
Immediately following Inoculation
.ho seed should b sown at th rate
if SO pounds per acre, care being
aken to socuro puro seed of good
terminating qualities. Qormtnatlon
may readily bo tested by plac
ing an average SOO of lb seed ho
twoen moist blotting paper, laid lio
woen th facea of two dinner plates
and pouring a little water In tbe
lower plate from tlm to time.
la pasturing alfalfa, to avoid
bloating, cattle and sheep should
not be allowed to go on th Arid
with an empty stomach or when the
plant la wet, and to prevent rooting,
hogs should be ringed. Where cut
and fed greon to cows, there Is uo
danger of bloating.
An acre ot alfalfa will (urntih pas
turo for about ton good-sired hog,
or summer teed for ten cows.
Department ot, Agronomy.
Biehn Bnlldlnd
Oas Dock West otnlcaool
Report That Construction Crew on Weed
RoaJ Will Be Transferee! to This Line
As Soon As They Finish
AL.TURAS, April 23. A. M.
Orecn, County Surveyor of tbls coun
ty, returned a few days ago from a
surveying trip In tho western part of
Modoc, nLoro bo reports having
socn.and convened with a party of
UoutLcrn Pacific engineers, wLo arc
jurveylcg between Klamath Fall,
and Alturaj. Green says that tbes
.non aro now engaged In making t
location surrey on the line followe
ay their preliminary survey of las
This ptrty of surveyors consists or
-venty-tno men under the direction
or I). V. Knowl'.on, can or tbo lead
ing men In tbe engineering depart
oieat of the SoutLcrn Pacific Tbe
party Is cow located at Dry Lake,
In tho western part ot ttli county.
The lice as located by this body of
surveyors, atarts from Klamath
falls and runs via Merrill, Oregon,
.0 a polat somo ten milts south ot
Dry Lake In Modoc county, follow
ing sjbttantlslly the wagou road
leading south Into Dig Valley. At a
point about ten miles north ot Look
sut, the lino will turn up Pitt river
and will follow this stream to
Green says that from various
things which have transpired recent
ly, It seems practically certain that
construction work will begin on this
lino at once. The completion of the
Wocd road to Klamath Falls leaves
a large construction fore available
it that point. TL country to be
traversed Is of sucb a character that
rapid progress can be mad through
It. TLcro Is nothing that couuld b
railed heavy work, and th maximum
zrade encountered taa boen on
calf or on per cent. Th right ot
way to Merrill and a depot alt at
:hnt place have been secured and a
plcdgo from tbe company that th
road will bo constructed at one.
Green aaya that tb vast timber
rosourccs are tho magnet which Is
Irawlng tbe Southern Pacific steel
to this section or the country, and
that tho next tew year wilt witness
auch activity In railroad building
through thla Immense tlmborland
belt. To bo effective, any line through
th timber must have connection
with other lines, giving an outlet
.o tbe Eastern markets. It seems
iqually certain that Alturas, by rea
Ma of Its natural location, baa been
lolocted as tho point for mak
.ng such connection for th East.
Service will be helu In the several
churches of Klamath Falls Sunday as
'.'nurch ot Sacred Heart Mas
tally at 7:30: Sundays at 10:30
Baptist Services Sabbath School
at 10 a.m.; morulng worship, 11 a.m.
tt.Y.P.U. at 7:20 p.m.; evening wor
ship, 8 p.m.
REV. J. B. GRIFFITH, Pastor.
Christian Science service will be
beld In the postofflce building on
Sunday at 11 a. m.
Topic, "Probation Attar Death."
3rM Methodist Episcopal Church
10 a. m.; Sunday School. Classes
for all ages
11 a. m.i Morning worship; sub
ject "Th Children's HerlUgo."
(Ther will be a baptismal service
and parents aro specially invited.)
3 p.'m.tJunlor League.
'6:45 p. m.t Epworth Leagu.
.;7.:30 p.rm.": Praise and Evangel
istic Service. Bubjoct "Danlsl's
W.js Choice."
'.Music by tho' orecbestra.
Presbyterian Church
"Sunday School .afllO a. m.
! .Morning services at. 11 .o'clock.
. esrmon by Rer. Frank Upp.
Christie' Endeavor and "service
aiua.uai auur m GTomug.
, s --' GEO. T. PRATT. Pastor.
Good rig .and the best ot driving
teams at the Mammoth Stable.
IN 37-10 CASE
Frank Johnson, on of th home
iteadcra In 37-10, hasjust been
.otlfted that on April IS Assistant
ommluloner Proudflt, ot th Oen-
.al Land Office, decided th Daniels
ase In his (aror and against th
individual applicant Daniels waa
tho party who tiled th acrlpt on th
;and In thla township. Tb casa will
bo appealed to th Bscrctary ot tb
Interior. '
This case, which Is known as th
37-10 case, has already becom fa
nous In th paper, tho land offlc
ind th Interior Department It has
beta decided and tb declsloa .re
versed dotens of times, and finally
ait year tb Secretary ot tb In
terior ordered th case re-opened and
referred it to tb local land office.
There are U to SO homesteaders In
terested, and tb Lakovlew offtc de
cided In tbelr favor. It was appealed
lo th General Land Oflca by Mr.
Daniel, who baa plaoad script on th
and, and that oBco baa sow decided
In faror ot Mr. Dasiela. It will sow
bo Ukta to th lcrtarr. sad It
Is a question how many mora years
It will before th ess U anally a
eldod, as'ther maos to b aa assay
different opinions as tier areoale
by which a decision can b
P. II. Paradlso returaed latter
from Klamath Fall. H left there
the latter part ot last week for'th
Hood River country, but oa arriv
ing at th county scat h beard that
th government had ordered work
started on th Clear Lak dam, h
proceeded at once to look sp B.
Bradburn, who had 10 acrea ot good
land for sale, and Saturday be pur
chased tbe place, paying 111. 61 aa
acre. This land Is located about
five miles east ot Bonaasa la Laagell
Bonanta's has ball players aro
getting tb winter kink out ot tbelr
limbs, and it tby caa and a good
pltchor, a creditable sis will be
ready for th season's contest, Ar
rangement are under way for a
gam between Lakovlew and Bonaa
ra at Bly It suitable grounds can be
had there. Chas. Nichols la expected
here soon snd he will materially
strengthen the team. By a little work
the ground on tbe island caa be pat
in good shape.
Rugs, rugs, rugs aad then som
Virgil A Son. 10
Stationery and
We carry the moat complete
InppUca fas Klamath Coaatr. aad taa price are Um lowest;
Wbea yoa waat BO! PUea, Letter files, Treat Cases,
: i'. ."
Paper Clips, Eraser, lake, Peas, Typewrite Hlhhsas, Trff
write Paper, Msaascript Covets, PracOs, Desk Wtittami Taav,
leu aaa.rapetriee, ssaaa. wa caa at yaw saw at taa iswass,
possible price coaatsteat with aaallly, , . v ,'i ''
':..' :''' rv..N:
nui frma yr ubuau jnm a. , , j- - '''
aa . aiaak.
V am riMivsrl) -' VtAMAV
mm amaaaf W
M n.-W
A Friendly Interest
Shown In Contest
In Last Hour
F. T. Sanderson and Oeo. T. Bald
win wors solected this aftersoea as.
th candidates for Mayor. Ther
wer 17 votes east, Sanderson re
ceiving 104 asd Baldwla 71. lest
tcrlag votes were cast for Belvla.
Deisel, Slough snd Wllklns. For
Police Judgo A. L. Leavltt Te!ved
160 and W. IL Harris 14. For
rreasurer, J. W. Siemens reiv4
140, snd A, M. Wordoa 37.
Vory little Interest was tka la
th oloctloa until nearly three
o'clock. At the opening of the polls
a number of friends of Mr. lander
Jon wars oa hand with prlatad
tickets and bad tho ffeld to tbsaa
selves, as tb Baldwla supporters
Lsd to wrlta their own tickets. Final
ly aom ose had some Baldwla
tickets printed, bat not until after
over half of the votes were la.
After that th teetloaeerlag be
gan asd quit s lively time was
hsd. Th coateat, bowsvsr, wss con
ducted In the most friendly sassner
asd tbs beet ot feeling prevail. It
was conceded before the polls slssed
that Isadoras aad Baldwla weald
be the osly candidate, aad a great
many ot the voters did sot fssl that
it wss sscssssry to com oat to vote.
Tbs alaUth saalveraary sfska
Odd rsUows will b oelahrabsd Ul
evealag at their hall la the. A. a U.
W. bulldhvtr. A sfocrss aad baa
qost wUl U glve Jelatly hf 'taa
Odd Fallow aad Rebekah lodges. A
cordial Invitation Is extesded ta all.
Odd Fallows sad their wives aad
ftebfjtxh aad their hosbaaja. '
New ToavbjM "A Dual LU aad .
Th Football rind,M 'irf
And "SlumowUnd" doat let tka,
little ones miss this treat pletero.
hsridaa's Great Rids."
Nsw songs.
OlUstt has somtblsg to ofsr m
la tb Uss ot saatUaaa. le pais S.
Now Is taa tlsssta bavs
clothe cleaned and prssssi. Wa
will tak out th greaa spots aad
mak th clothes look Ilk asw.
Clothes called for sad delivered.
Price reasonable Geo. W. McLaae
st tbs Pantaterluaa. -ft'
peclal at tbs Moaarch CsWsr
aia creamery butter Ib'swat a ralL
Klamath creamery (lo a roU.
IpecUl at tbe Monarch Calif-
nla creamery butter 10 ceats a relL
Klamath creamery (I casta a nil.
f ice Supplies i
lm ot BHatioaerT
, (' , fSity
- aSaal1 liftW' 'irttifi';
a . k.
rtifl-,1TsP v-'r
afaaasaftSmTa Tf W '" "'n?"- ' ?
njHVasf 'Tl. ftS r'
V TMasmUr- , . " , - ami 1
. mi
c Xfi
.. A. .
"t f'Vi
Parties conveyed tu n part of th
J" 1 . K .
Interior. IT
' iV.WJH
:' .. 'Mpu v