Vs iJSi v4 , I'fX-l sst.t 1 R fft& .. , , :,. i .! a ; ruri Klnmatli Frills' I'irst nd Dent Daily. Our AdvtrtMtn Utt- T; . Tha BMt KmuIm. ,s F, . .,, sv 'L'' f; Iiihu Ykaii. No. Kil KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON. FRIDAY. APRIL 23, 1909. PRICt 6 0MTS. -'.v.: f, J1L " jv- IMPROVEMENT IS THE ORDER OF THE DA Y ) l mtimk mm mtmm W 1LINGER WILL 'I SIT MALHEUR PROJECT Favors Allowing Private Capital A Chance First .WASHINGTON, April Vt -Uocrc- llalllngvr of Hid liili-fliir Po em l lalt Mnlliuiii luunl) tic guca Writ In June, an J mi peraooM observation nml oti ll.r IDC lu Lv limilu to Mill before 111 will determine whether tin ur Irrigation project at.nl I be by the Itivlniualloii Uorvlcv oi Ivato onlerprlae. aftornouu Mr llalllngcr gnvi ring to Walter llrimiti of C'ald and J V. McCullock of Onlarlt sirged Urn to turn tl.li projoc Ptf tho Reclamation Sen lee, sa Itat 90 r-r cent ot the lau under tho old Uuvernmeu had slg'Sd nuj were rend, Sty tliO tluicrumenl prlco fo V M Wnytnnn and K. II llolao, rjprcninllox the prl pltal Hal Kami to build tlil were prctont at tta hearing, X being pi -pared, did no. tbelr showing, balllngor'a Interrogation In an Inclination to turn lull over to private capltallita, tun show thoy I nvo flnan hlrg to carry ttio project to l ud ran build ot reason- I. anil ho fuurlber lutlinatad tirru prhnta cnpltitl and the cnt botli dcalred to build a In any given community, It purpoio to rccognlro private reserving Msvcruinciit fiiudt llllci wl.cro prhcto rnpllal t cntur Mr- Wniuan and will be el hi a hearing at day. i shown tolay that private 10 contcmplatci Irritating a rgcr nroa than la embraced Oovorumcni project, and will 77,000 aero i In Idaho not In tbo Government pro- LO'llara, chief englnocr of tba Imp uoar Wampus, roturnod from n at.ort visit In Ban no "iidison" monographs, i Innlallnivnta, nt E. V. Mul- Clh and Main. 22(( Lothes to Exact Ell ffHi K. K. T JSft !M N Hi H PLANS FOR SIMMER IN MILLS ADDITION Officers of Klamath Korporation and En terprise Tracts are In the City Ar ranging Extensive Improvements Tlio first rlpplo of the approaching tidal wove of development that la to ovi throughout thli city and coun ty during thu appiuachlug auuiuiur trrlvid luda aud U ludlculvd by lliv .itotioucd couitrucilou of over llo o( tlduvtiiUa lu thu MIIU jiilllou, appiarlhg eUuwhviu lu ll. la ,tftr. Ilu tuliuMlbtf guulli'UU'u. ismbura ol tho Klauiatli KurpoM ion, thu cuuipauy omuIuk thu JiJiu .jjuiou aud aJ.ucuiH U11U4, arrlwa 11 u on ultrda) 't loul; A. L. Um- v.. pritident; C. W. L'ucrlclu, pru jcul of tho UatarprUo Laud ai.u plUVVOIVUt CUuiUui cu.uuui .UwMiia, u.uuugcr 01 thu C'aplu. .oicl; Attoruo J. o. l'ruvtt ai. . II. hrobi. When Mr. Uurro 11 iun by a rup.'Ciciilaliva of Ihl. . apor he itatvd thai thv Mvru hot. .u their auuuul tour of luipccllu. .tid to uiaKD pluui for thu Itupruv avul aud datuiupiueul of thkli xiopuity "Wo rcailtv that tluiu la at hand (ur iL grotb or duatb it Klauiatli Kalla. V waul to at KUiuatli ralla the llggcit city bttuoju Uao (auiaulo (.ud I'urllaud, and b Ua U will bo. u are hero lb Jo our 4.kt In making It to, am .! beat vldaneo that wo have to oOtr of our dlapoillluu lu thli dlric on la uhat wo propose to do dur .K tho approacLUti autuuicr. On. .opciiy will bu ao.d at rc.uonabu ..i.ej cud ou iuj-itrmi, and It li. jo mvII advvrtUud. Su aland read .0 hvlp uvury luovaiuoal fur tl i jrouth aud bcttvriucul of tho city, aud In dolug A(o bcllovo mo aro .liupl) going aluug Hltb tho gonerul oiovouient." In tboio tlowa tho other membcia of tba company coincided hu.trlll Jotulng (rum a llvo city with a lUo property to puih, Imbued with a boottlng aplrlt, thla organltallon li certain to bo an Important factor In Inducing people to cotno hero. Tho wldu publicity glvcu thla city and county through tho advertising thla company r.ai dona has brought many tvttlori, mid 10 gocd havo tl.o ro aulta been that a greater effort It Measurements. YOU cannot pocslbly euro clothes that era Just right unless you have them mado to your ex act measurements. No two Individual ore built exactly tbo same. It takes good tail ers to make good clothes, that being tho principle on which tbo great organization of Strauss Brothers' NaUonalTallorlnf Sarvlea "" based. Recruiting the beet designing and tailoring talent from every part of the United States and giving them the most modern working sacUl ties enables Strauss Brothers through our agency to bring tight home to you tho oppor tunity of securing tho highest atandard clothes mad to your order at prices sally withtayourievch. YouTI be oulckty convinced of this by calling at our atore to see the seml-life site fashloa plstessndthegreatassortment of five hundred high grade Spring ted fiunmtr fabrics. K. SfOitJfi during tho coming ,uro,nor' Ono ol tho llrit atcpa to bo taken by tho eotnpany looking toward to Improvement of tlolr properly will bo tho couEtrucllon of n four-foot ld..nalk Irom tko depot to and through tho Mlllaaddltlon. it will bo o laid aa to opcu up the grcatot amount of lurritory. aa well aa to ndianco tho lntere:ta of thoae who now own property thoro. Btcpa will bo at ouc taken to aewro prlcta on tie coit of a maeadamlied road through tho center of tho tract, and many of tl.o atrocta will bo gradsd and put In such condition that It will rcqulro tbo aovcrrit weather to; Jamago them. Mr. Harrow and 'party will remain hero until Sunday morning, when l Ley will return to their homta. It la qulto likely that moit ol them will bo hero to take part In tho lallroad Day Celebration, and It poialblo bring a largo contingent ot holr frtendi. Ready For Bear Hunting M. II. Waropler la In tho city today from hla Woodblno homo on tho upper lako. Mr. Wampler haa b;vn making cztcnalvo Improvo menla on hla romcitcad and now has ono of tbo prettleat apota on the il.orea of tho lako. Ho haa rebuilt hla residence and Laa added n big dining room which will accommodate from 40 to (0 people, and haa alio beautified tho grounda by planting between 300 and 400 fruit troca. Mr. Wampler atatea that tho bear hunting acaaon la now on and be la making arrcngementa to tako out loveral partlca to tho woods. Ho I aa a nice pack of bear dog and plenty ot pack horaea, and Wampler knowa whero tho gamo la. The .t earner Wlnema will make regular 'findings thla summer at Woodbine, and Mr. Wampler has a launch and row boats for tbo uso of hla patrons. SALE CLC8E8 BATl'TtUAY NIGHT. Tomorrow nlgrt tho big ten-days' inlo at tho K. K. K.8lore will closo. This salo will bo long remembered na tbo greatest bargain ovent In tbo history ot Klamath Falla. It you I avo not taken advantago of the ridi culous prices thay aro giving on high grade merchandise, do not fall to do io tomorrow. AIISTHACT8. Po you nrrd one? Sea MAHON BLOfGII. First door ast of tho Amorlcan Dank ft Trust Co., on Main stroot. 9 Tho Woman's Exchange home cooking ovcry Wednesday and Saturday. 10 00 Ol.uo ouriug wi som.B, Wall Paper Before selecting your paper you should bocomo familiar with now Spring Styles and learn what general eifecta aro to pre vail this season. All oar papers aro hero, and the aelectlon aalorded far exceeds anything ever shown hi tho city before. We bate Wall Paper from 10 cents a double' roll and up. We do paper hanging, painting, kalaomlnlng aud Interior wtlfg- WORK GUARANTEED. t n p T TIC IJe JXe Wlilik) SSMMMMMSMMSSSmMMMMMMSSMMSMMMM THREE MEN ARE SPOKEN OF F0RMAY0R Convention Will Be Hold Tomorrow at Court House ., , ..,, ,k ,mriP.nw fi.,non 'tho otora of tl.o city will meet nt 0 Courl 0UJ3 for lq I)Urpo of ,8lccrtf two Candldntoi who a! all be ..concn,on nomno., for tho omeo of lajor- T 0 mva w cUo b 11elcd n, B03llncM for t,,t. oC,col 0, CUy Trcajurcr aB(1 ,.0nc0 juj.0 u ,, ,carn0ll i1b1 toro w, prob. My bo lUcfl Mllllljalc, for t)lc oOe0 of JIa.or t0 b0 con:li:roJ. Judg, ac0i T naUIn ,, tbo on)) OD0 wlo Lfl) pubcl) antouncod Lim- ,clf cnJ Ul ,JbmlUc!j t0 lLc people , n,..totta nnJ .1 DOllcy Lo wmi follow It elected. Tho pcoplo will know what to expect If Mr. Bald win la elected to the office. I to fcaa plcdgod himself to tho Improvamcnt of tho city, nnd li In favor ot and will work for a tower system, and pavements for Mala street. He he llcvji list thcio Improvements are Imperative, and that It Is abtolutcly ncccisary tlat tho work bo com ruoncd at onco It the city expects tu advance. Col. M. G. Wllklns. councilman from tho First Wr.rd, who has often boon mentioned as 'a sultahlo candi date for 'Mayor, announced last evening that his name would not bs considered, as ho billcvcd Judgo Baldwin waa tho right man for the placo ct this time. Ho stated that t needed a man who could giro his 'ntlro attention to tho business ot .1 o city and who would 'not bo ampercd by prlvr.te affairs. Tbls decision was partly tho result ot a communication received by Mr. Wll klns. Tho directors of tho Crater Lako Company held a meeting In Portland recently and selected Mr. Wllklns to tako chnrgo ot their af fairs at Crater Lako this summer. This would cauie Mr. Wllklns to bo absont from the city a good deal nnd tbereforo ho felt he couldn't hold tho omeo ot either Mayor or Coun cilman. Mayor Sanderson stated today that he would probably bo a candidate, but that ho did not caro much one way or tbo other. Mr. Sandcrion has announced no platform, and ho nlll probably run on his record as a membor ot tho Council tbo past year. Henry Bolvln Is also being talked ot and It Is rrobablo that his name will bo brought before tho 'convention tomorrow'. Mr. Bolvln, howovor, baa mado no statement him self. A flno lino ot fresh staple groceries Just arrived at tho Tlonccr Store, at Midland, Oregon, lien Gullanar. 17w Good rigs and the beat of (hiving teams at tho Mammoth Stable, rartlcs conveyed tu uuy part of tin Interior. S7 Rugs, rugi, rugs and Vlrgll ft Bon. -then somo to Biettn Building One ok West otfrbUcSckool THE HOT SPRINGS COMPANY AT WORK City Should Get Busy and Follow Example of Hot Springs Imrovement Company In Street Building rhcro Is Koine to bo somothlng doing nil nlocc tho lino In tho matter ot improramonts throughout tho city from now on. Tho principal work In this direction tor tho prsient will ho In tho caitorn rart ot tho city, and leaders la tho movemont ulll Ir-iiLo Hot fiprlngj I ai pro vein sal Company,. Tha work that Ulj coin iimy Is doing on the rond lending ,10m i.nln street to the depot Is In iicaths of v,hat may bo expected Irctn this source. It Lai alwayj been 1L0 policy of this corporation to acver do nnthlss by Lftlvci. Strung jri coming Liro cannot- be but fav orably lmprci:cJ by tho splendid .uadur.y lLat vrM lead from the depot to tho malu Luilnus itrcet of tho city. It will be ono ot the belt roads la tbo southern part of ihc stats, constructed of such ma terial and In such a manner as will jiako a parmaseat highway. Flank ing It on tho north side will be a ten-toot sldenalk. Owing to tho -llClculty In securing tho proper ma terial to lay a cement walk, It has joca decided for tha projeat to con struct It ot lumber, but later on, Then thlt part of the company's property U plattad, this walk will bs .cplaccd by ons cf c:ment. Mr. Nafuger,prc:lilcnt of tho com pany, left ycitcrasy mcrnlng for 3an Trancltco nnd Los Angeles, hero he goes to com pi Co tho final .ilans for tho big campaign ot Im- jrovcmvxts that Lo Is to carry on luring the summer. Thousand! of lollnrs aro to bo pm la tbo ccrry ng out tho comprehensive sittcm of impi'ovemcnts that wcro planned ihrco year: ogo, and which bavi bocn dclajcd on account ofthonon. arrival of tho railroad. la nddltloi .0 tho Impetus that this will glvo u tbo general welfi:o of tho city, thi .iccunl.'.ry gain therefrom will bt j-rcat, for upwards of 12000 a month vlll bo paid out la tha way ot wages .0 laborers. It h to be hoped that he corporations nnd'lndlvlduals con rolling other cddluoas to the city will follow tb'o cxamplo set and jiako substantial Improvements on ihclr properties. Tho tlmo Is now hero when advantago must bo taken Jl the great opportunity offered by ho arrival cf tho railroad. All of tbls work should not be 1 3ft to Individuals and companies. fho CUy Itself has a duty to perform and It should not bo lax In supple menting tho efforts ot others. The bonds for tho construtton of a sower 1 j atom should bo voted, and this work started at onco. The charter jhould bo adopted and ateps be at once taken for tho paving of Main jtrcot from tho brldgo to tho city limits. The thoroughfaro constructed by ths Hot Springs Improvement Company Is certainly not enhanced by tbo disgraceful condition ot tho main business street of tho town, Some may contend that It will be too Into to do anything with paving 1 year. Tbls Is wrong. Work of thla character can be carrUd on until next January, and at least a portion ot tho street could be finish- ud. It Is not a question ot whether It can bo done, but whether tho pcoplo will get Into the harness and pull. ' "v. K. L. Railroad , . Must Pay Molding, that .under the provisions of Section 6 ot tbo Corporation Act ot 1803, service ot summoaa in aa action at law against any foreign corporation doing business In this stato may bo served upon ths at torney In fact for such corporation, cvon though ho may not bo a real dent of tho county In which the causo for action arises and even thoogh such corporation malnlalna an offlco In such county with offic ers upon whom tbo service could bo tad, tho Supromo Court' affirmed the Judgment of Judge E.' C. Bron cugh ot the Circuit Court for Mul tnomah county. In the case of A. A. Cunningham, respondent, against tho Klamath Lake Railroad Com pany. The respondent was Injured while a pasMsgcr upon a train of tho dotcadant company, at Thrall, Cal and was awarded damages of $400 for the Injury. Ths company also maintains headquarters at Po kegama, Klamath eeunty, Its Oregon terminus, and service of summoas was had upon John W. Alexander ot Portland, the company's attorney la fact, and the case was also tried la Multnomah county. Th 'company's principal contention oa appeal that the proceedings, wore aneoastltutloa af, and the appellate eoart decides to tho contrary. The opinion waa written by Chief Justice Moore. A decision haa Just been rendered by the Uoltod States 8upreme Court which will have an Important bear ing on many almllcr eases In this state. Tho decision la in the case of the Bogulllas Land Company of Arizona against Curtis and others, tlat riparian land owners cannot prevent tho taking by others water .'rom a stream for Irrigation pur--oses becauas of such ownership. This decision is stated by attorneys . o-bo of vital Importance in Oregon, rhere numerous eases Involving the loctrfno ot riparian rights pending In the local court will be influenced by It. EXTRA GOOD PICTCRKS TONIGHT AT THE OPERA H0V8E. "Slumberland," positively the most Interesting picture for children ever thrown on the screen, and the big folks like It also. "Sheridan's Rido." the greet war picture. "Faithful Little Doggie" aad "Too Much Snuff" (comic). "The Faun" (eolored film). Now songs. Stationery and We carry the saost complete line of Kattoacry aad Ofleo applies la Klasaatk Coaaty, aad the pricee are the lowest. ..V When yoa waat BUI Vllce, Letter rileev Treaesse Osase, Paper Clips, Erasers, Inks, Peas, Typewriter Rlsteae, Type writer Paper. Maaascript Covers, react!, Desk sWtlagavTaV, 1 lets aad Papetriee. sea' as. We caa M yea o)t at :lhe'r lowest 1 possible price, eessststeat with, onallty. , PULL STOCK OP LBOAL BLAKsVK. , I.I V Star Drug StoM "M MP imtM NOMINEES FOR COINCILMEN CHOSEN Very Little Interest Shown fn Election This Afternooo There -was very little , fatereet shown in the ward nominating con ventions which were held this after noon, and the attendance of voters was very light. - The vote -was the closest In the First Ward, where It stood-15 for Castel and 14 for Rich ardson. The following will be the convention candidates for Council men, being thost who received the two highest votes for each oce: First Ward A. Castel and Kv M. Richardson. Second Ward R. -II. Dunbar and L. F. Wllllts. Third Ward (two years) Chas. Woods rd and S. T. Summers; (one year)R. 8. Orlgsby and D. B. With row.- ' - Passengers ; Visit Farm The goverasaeat tana at Ady oa the lower lake Is aaUe aa attractlqa to outgoing aad teeeaslag passeng ers oa the steamer. . The farsa. la located about, leOjyasata.tress. the station aad Is visited daily by a lacaje number, ot people- while .vsuias; tot the treta. The overaateataae a lease oa. MO v acres, of the swamp land for, five years, aad oa 40 acres, of this tract the lease eateade far; Sf t. years. ; The satire tract aaa.heea dyked. and the water has boea pumped front . the enclosure, so that-there are sev eral feet of land above the surfacs. Laterals' are being extended through the land for drainage purposes, and, as .soon aa ths(tulse are burnedoff, the soil will be plowed aad eropc . plsnted. The rich soil, which eoa tales nearly to per cent of vegetable , .mattsr, can be easily examined and Impresses one with the rich pesstbl- 'lltlsa of the thousands of acraa sow , partially .covered with water. Now is the ttmeto have joat clothes l cleaned and pressed, "ye wilt take out the grease spots and , make the clothes look like' aew. Clothes called for aad delivered. " Prices reasonable. Geo. W. Mclsuia at the Pantatorlum. li Special at the Monarch Califor nia creamery butter (0 eeats a roll. Klamath creamery (te a roll ' Special at the Monarch Califor nia creamsry butter 60 cents a roll. Klamath creamery 15 cents a roll. i Office Supplies ,'fl(V V-2 .'-1 "I 4 M ut r ' ll V-,i- 1 V V' " -' ? ' (' ' I , ' K- T- ? :m ' b '