bWfte' -- n pin i ,. .ill y ...... f, T .KS ,s!.J,- SOIL ABELADY fHOld nnrri MARCH T.atNrc; ' tSJ. Ptt NT. VEGETABLE MAm .CLAMATrGRATEST bIrGAI AT $25 PKR ACBE AND UPWARDS. EASY giji S.i. ..I '--' - ' 4Uimii)iin'""MW 4wa SUIISCKIPTION BATKS Dally, by mall, on jrer ... Dally, by nail, sla months Dally, by mail. tht raoatht Dally, by nail, om month Ually, datlreiwd by carrier, una wek .............. ........ ..a....... .15 00 . aso i a . w KLAMATH FALLS, FRIDAY, APRIL 1G, 1000. A Baa Fraadsco woman, suing her math Falls aro visiting at too touo hatband for divorce, avert that when of Mr. tad Mr. Pit Co'lahaa of aba attemotcd to commit tulctda tha North onna tela woj. unfeeling brut atood atldo and do cltaM to ctop bar. To b3 called la a blaS lib that la mora than cruelty. It la poaltiro torture. However If the tariff bill Is paucd aa worae comet to worse, tbo ladle mjffct economise by ordering tholf (feelings aborter end. wearing them MtfltC StTns Point Journal. YOSXA VALLEY ITKJtH. Tbomas, Drake and Wm. Shook war In Tonna Valley on last Saturday. .,Tn Brooks family la South Yon oa hare been Quite tick lately. It being necessary to call the doctor. , Bart Chllder iu In Vonsa oa balnea Susday and .Monday. ..Ther was a dinner glren at the Mr.and Mrs. L. A. Stcnl Buaday. Those present were: Mr. Louto Fleishman- of Klamath Palls camo out to Yonna Valljy Sat urday and returned on tbo staio Monday. Whllo In Yonna ho engag ed L. A. Stcrsl to build an aJdltUn on a building belonging to him at Dairy. Mr. and Mrs. Geo Boyd of Dly er Tliltlng at tbo homo of her rareots, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hamakcr, of South Yonna. C. T. Oliver of Klamath FalU was In this part of the country ul llog shrubbery, grass seed and trce-i last week. business' ""- w -.-. .- i Thursday to settle up tho Laugtlln 'estate, of which ho was admlalitrat or. Ho returned homo Sunday. I Fred Vlason cf Bonanza made a trip to the Falls Saturdsy. Mrs. N. S. Drew mado a trip to Darly Friday. I Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Deck and family were Tlsttlng at the home of I, aid-air. Manuel Vlerra and family." "" "a xn- "n- Bralln auauay. Hasan. Jo Schmidt. Louul Fltltb-I ct,t Cumber k" Ju,t t3l,te1 ZsV i.'- ii.,i. .. , u 'building a picket fence around Mi Uirtsltr aad Jacob Kuck. . . . Koid .Supervisor Wm. Chrman, "wlti a' craw of six men. Is' working oa' th road between Dairy acd Dly. . Mr, 'Phiiilcs. tt bounty Road 8a- porrlsor. Is 'expected .out from Kla matt rails soon. A lmproTcmect will be Tldalty of Pino. FUt. ... JCdam .Weldman. sold some bay to OJoV.Koriao of. Bonanza,. Vejstof th people In Toana bar now Ijegun M make. their gardens. Chat. Woelk visited hi place In 'drtbw Tonna last Sunday. He" It bunntlng. for two. horse fwblch bid rbltea" Out of bis pasture last ?-,. . . . . ., ...Claa. and Tbeo. Flacku aro p'st ilag Is al crop oa tho old Flackus pleC Mr. aad Mrs. Robe Barter of Kla- house. Wm. Uhrman expects to finish i putting In his crop this week. Mrs. Peter Peterttelner, a former resident of this county, and who Is now llrlng In Chicago, Is coatcm- J rf..l JlUHlUfc UlilWi MM W UVJi. mad la th! Ellcr tcmi ,0 tlT? pa"ed Tcrjr I pleasantly In Tonna a number of (people were visiting their friends. and all report a pleasant acd happy time Dignity of Style-Plus ALL WOOL FADaiCS-FLUS POPULAR PRICE THESE aro the three most prominent features in International madc-to-order Clothes-which if added together, make a total of matchless service, : K. I. HAMMOND THE VALUE GIVER THE EVENING HE BALD, Istnavl Dally, Except Sunday, by tli HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor ' DOK J ZOMWSLT, ', 1'retldenl Abitrtcting Ms, runs. Blue films, tic. ... H.N.W tlir4'it,J Klamath County Abstract Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers Usst E Wttimcw, iWcreltfy Klamath Falls, Oregon ff- -- - Springtime is Her Hptlog It here and right now ! It.e tlin lo tnst txj xruw. The Irvoa and lb buthrt nrt prunlncthe dctl tt, t ttould be lakea o(T, and the gsrdtu and lan ill uj repay juu fur a little atteutlou now Uool oiktsi J guod luoli, and IIiom ar tl.e only kind we cut' Ui t lus-gMt UAIIUK.V IIAIilOWtf.OMIIlKN and I.AW Itjiq X HI'AOUd. BI'ADINO KOI KH. MIIOVIIIJ. TllOWCIil. Ht I.NU HIIKAIIB, HAWU AND HI'ltAY fUMI'll. Illlrltr mj thing to tnsk th lawn, garden and shrubUry bciitll) th coming year. I I ROBERTS 6c HANI I HARDWARE MERCHANTS DH. GfLlVES, OSTKOI'ATH. My oOces aro located oror the postofficc. In tho Murdock Dlock, whero I will bo glad to meet tboto who are desirous of taking osteopath le treatments. Consultation free. Th Boston Store tare money. Is tho place to The ! First National Bank of Klamath Falls Pald-ip Capital, $25,000. Snrplos, $7,500 Only a few day more and th First National Bank will occupy Its now quarters, comer or Fourth and Main Streets, Its' new fconfe, built and owned by Itself. You will tbo bo able to do your business In one of th best' equipped banking rooms la Southern Oregon. Its furnlturo Is made of light cJakr.lta floor It corertd with rubber tiling; th celling Is beamed,' a 1-story flre-proof Tault: a large and handsome new anganes' tafe; safety Deposit boxes for security; a telephono booth and closet for Its customers, also a place to do your lttr writing. W shall b pleased to bar you com In and Inspect our new home( which wo consider a credit to this dty and county, built and equipped to tako car of the present and futur business. Tear buslnes and account will hare our careful attention O. W. WHITE, Pn-sldrat. GEO. T. BAUIWIX, Vlca President. W. A. DELZELL, Cashier. ... . .. The First Trnst and Savings Bank of . Klamath Falls. Ore Sottdti Tour Sivlndj and BMiMit Commercial Nd-ip Capita, f 25,000 Small Satiatfa Baaka LoaacdtoDepoalton War WT lattrwt oa Tim Deposit. W buy County Warrants. W bay City Warrant. W bay School Warrant. 1ll,JDn$ on Chicago,. Baa rfanelseo and Portland. ,Pee! Box (or rent; Geo. Chastain Complete Stock of Fresli Groceries Quality and Price Guaranteed. Try us and be convinced Phone 771 . Free Delivery stock ion sam:. Ten shares of stock In Lake Lumber Company. Will sell for OS a share. ' T. F. 111001X3. xotici:. Thero Is money In tho City Treas ury for tho redemption of all war rants protested up to nnd Inclmlln: Juno SO, 130J. Interest 4111 ccsro from date. March 30, 1903. J. V. SIEMENS, City Tres-mrur, NOTICE Or UUIIM.STUATM.VH l'INAL ACCOUNT. DR. C. P. MASON Dentist Arnrilrsn (link A Tru.t &.' IMIIJInf rurus II M MMTwe a general Snaking Baataaat. All butlatM wtruatad to tbla Bask will bar its most awful atsssWattT K WsUSMEXS, Cashier. Notlco Is hereby glren that Lena I Ico Smith, formerly Lena Leo liar-1 L'us. Administratrix of tho estalo of llnrry nuford llnrgus, deceased, has) filed her Final Account of tbo admin istration of said estatu with ilia Clerk of tho County Court,, of Klara- nth County, Slato of Orccon. and that said Court lias a;polnted the Lour of ten o'clock, In tho forenoon of Tuesda), tho S7tli day of April, A. D. 1909, as tho time for hearing cf objections, It any thero be, to such I Inal Account, and tbo settlement thereof, This notice Is published by order D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Khmsth Kll. Orvn I CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Nlfiht Private Dinuu! Parlor Oysters icrved In Any Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. IFOR SALE Choice Garden! Lands FOR RENT A few plota of caolce land for dnrden; ft Cabbage, Celery or other truck, under! irrigation and convenient FRANK IRA WHI CAPT. 0. C. APPLEGATK Fifth Street tti Has S3B.e Lot Bargains for you Guaranteed MHWI We have full line of W. P. Fuller's Pure Prepared PAINTS vvv wv 4V IUIICS KIUIUW of Klamath falls. Will sell . i . a wi-olo or In part. Ten of said County Court, mado and en-' pflrt "0WD' ,l10 "lanco la dv VULU IMI'ltOVKI) FAIIM of COO acres. 10 miles Southwest at part. Terms, tercd In the records Hereof tho 27th day of March, 1909. LENA LEE SMITH (Formerly l.ona Loo llargus.) Administratrix of tho Ettnto of Har ry nuford llargus, deceased. (3-28.) i forrcd BICYCLES aawaaassaesES ssBsgaegss-a For an up-to-dnte wheel Bet a Rambler, on sale at Tho Gun Store. Tents and Guns for sale or for rent We carry a full line of Sporting Goods THE GUN STORE J. B. CHAMBERS ROM 593 Opposite At. BOUI payments. Apply to ; R. A. EMMITT ; t i i.o r..t oflira. A Big Line of Heating Stovea Just RccelK GEO. R. HURN JVttttt46tB)ftaBABsAaBsaBkaVBisasBAaai A A " w TfTwBTT wCw4i-'i.-4Vl I BRICK WORK AND I PLASTERING CIII.MNKV8 AND KIIIE PUCIM A SI'KCIAI.TY I H. I XLAMi IftifiaMI as ( E. CHILDERS KLAMATH FALU, OBEOON O. K. TRANSFER C Keep ui moving; we arc prepared for worH learning, draping and (orwarding. Is no J Reliable and prorrtpt lervice worthy youl Attention? Da'v or Mlihf vt. n. , mmi Nurnbc'r pKonei, office 871 and 873 the -barjl lSy: Baggagt in4 Pinog are ipecialiicS Freight orden handled quickly. No bhi'I Eiuippcd with the onl piano truck hcj Reaionable rates on goods stored. DctlcJ CH or phone us' before placing orders, C V'.?AT.?ANSFER C( vssssssbstKOUiiiuiiimA iailMMM"M M'M mi ca MIIMIMM an