ifflRSsa aasammummstrmi 'sav-. iwt,rarairi,Wi NsSwuwMwtf 1 - . ; r , " .- Our Advtrtktrt Gtt Tbt Beat Results. iKIamnth VaW Kirtit mul Heat Daily. iut) Yi:,vit. No 835 KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. FRIDAY. APRIL 16, 1009. PICt 6ClNT wmw&MMwmMrw&.&Mm&'Tmti&KimmiL-i,'. wm?j&w&jmm$mim msmiBmwmsmisaf. nsswn)siBnsiMsjsasamjw Pto Krfalfl. HAND WITH AILS MONDAY ii:n;im:h and ciii:vh aiiu IIAVIJNU AND LAV. I.VO IT.AUC, L'cltvton Midland and Klamath I i Una r.ctii Lvuktl mul It Now djr For Tlcl, n'ml Work Ifita I'ltnirnli'it lluioollily. iinnounc-mcnt was tnmtw by ucuiccri Unt the track of Itlroriiin sortl wostern ratlroad to completed to Midland on ky Two cucsc and two rrows Lw at work lnjlux track ncrou karsb, unit t)o work was over umplelcd today between Ail lldlnml. una Jay Ins been loit luco llaMac cocmencid, cr olJmr- tlillncd would Invo been reach- coci'.ct: uudry Tho trade in tlie "f.rdi In lilt city and id I ci b- c tcvclid and li now iter lla tin. with tlio exeep- it a smnil Oil at tlto Wllllti Iwjiero a covert li to bo put In jgon Woman Be Deported noi:rn:un. April ie. tik nciuro of taper pulp front tl.i pt tLo fir trea and wail pro of 'ttUmllli will bo attectptoi! bi Pay Oprueo la chiefly uied kklcc rapsr pulr. but a uaw kal discovery bill bo employed 1.0 poislblo tLo uiu of Mr chemical dlicovory vrot made (Tores II Frankfurter, a pro la tl.o Unlrcrilly of Mlnnc- Itho experiment will la back C A Smith of Minneapolis, Innkfortcr li cxptctid In Mar about n month, when an c fatal plant will ha i-il.ibllshed. Ibventlon It a process of ills- In tiy mentis of chemicals rimorci fnua tint fir wood properties wl.lch now maku It ilblo for wood pulp. There lio bn n number if b)pro- nmong them nlcohot, turpon- ml rosin, Trout thli roitn rubber can bo mado. la nowly dhcovcrcd procois It leu, tlio w) olo of a fir trot rut for lumber enn bo utllltod, by-products will alio bo a of big rovor.uo, lor can tupply you with bee IS ram rauuissaopiKgi nHHss jfftM5SsTBBCT Upper Country In Good Shape; l.rtinl Hfllliiu I'riiiu Klglit Tu Twenty Delists An Aero Mniiy New Net tle! Are Taking Advantage of Prevailing Low Price. IMItor II. 0. Urnvco of tlio flonatus llullvtln li lu tlio city today. Mr Oiavus atfttcn tl.at time ato live!) In tboupper country tinea tlio Itocla tantloii Bonko marled work uti tlio Clear I.nko dam. Property U be ginning to cl.nngo lands nud the country It obtaining gjlla a number of new icttlcr. It I.m often been romarked that a iiiu ii cannot llvo wry lone In Do nun without becoming a booittr, o Mr. flravos cannot ho blamed for il.luklrK ll r.t thu upper country l tlio only atctlou of tlio county In wLlch to Iho. Ho says Hint tliu bavo tl.o bed bargains In land of my part of Orrguii. i'artn lands arc iow killing from (8 to ISO an aero dood lend ens bo bought for IS or 110. wticb, ni toon r.s thu Irrigation :atal li complottd, will bo wortl ISO au aero. Tl.o rancber now are unking good money on dry land, i tid It Lies been proved tLat tbv toll a ill averaco ai eood nt any In tie ounty. Outildo rartlci. who are Alio enough to ncogalro tho fuurr aluo of tho land, nro coming In and nkliig advantago of lt.it prctcnt low jrlcct A. I'. A A. M. Thcru wilt bo a ipoclal communlca Ion of lit Matonle I.odgo tonlgLt. Tonfcrrlni: tccond dogroo. Ono. I.. IIUMl'llltKY. W M. J. D. 0.Ti:9, Heerotary Nlncty.ono buntsri' Ilcunr bnrr icon luucl by tit o county clerk to Into Ihlt )car. Thli Is comldorod i Urcu number. Inasmuch as there i usually rry tlttlo bunting at this imo of tl.o cnr. It Is only an In llrntlon, however, of what too hunt ing llcvnto buslm-ts will bo this fall. Ilnvo you vltllril tho WOJIAX'H B. IIAMii:? They carry handsome loAjo-tnado underwear, neckwear, apron, handkerchiefs, hand painted ncot thu jiawrtt thing "lit for trimmings nud nil kinds of fnnc work tultnhlo for prlifs mid blrlb la. KtnniilUK done. Homo baking ovory Wedncsda) and Saturday. Mrs. II. St. Geo. Hilltop and iwn chltdron left this morning for Qlobe, Arliona. for an extended visit with hvr mother Mrs. Illihnp will stop for, a few days at l.oi Angeles. All kinds of sowing machines for tale or rout at Ringer Agency Phone :si,' ::tr Snappy Clothes There's plenty of go" in the clothes' made to your individual mctfure by Strauss Brothers, Maittr Tailors, Chicago. The vim and snap are due to two things tho pattern of the cloth ttnd tho style cut and sewed into the clothes. Just drop orourld to our store and look over our extensive collection of the season's most artistic weaves. You'll be welcomo whether you order or not K. K K Exeluslve local dssitr for v w BEGIN MAKING BRICK MONDAY CIIIMi:itH I1IIOH. WILL- 8TAHT A! KILN ON Vl'I'Cn LAKE YArtDB. Arv Over Two )fouths Earlier Than I'siial Uxprct Illg Demand For Their I'rodurt Tor Ilulldlng I'ur iov Itcieaboutt litis) Year. Chlldrr) Uroa. will start n kiln of tirlek at their )ard near tho uppor lako on Monday. A3 toon at thli l burned tley will ttntrt another )ard, tl.o location of which has not yet icon decided upon. Mr. C'blldori .tatst tt At on account of tho expect d demand It wm deeldod to ttart .1 rlr frit kiln much earlier than nual this yiar. Tltcfy havo nover bo inn rooking brick betoro July In the ait. but at tlio orders nro coming n, they will take advantage of the aiornblo weather and get ready to iupply tho dotcaud. Mapping the Air Currents lil.'ATTLJ:, Wash., April IS. Thi julloun and airship havo suggested, .n hooping with aeronautical pro ;rcci, tLat thero Is a poislblllty ot .unp;.Ing tho air currents, and au at ompt to do to li cbout to bo made jy-'apt. Thomas 8. Ualdwln, (amoui vallooa expert hlnco tLo tcry litest types of the airship and tho big modern gas bag re to bo exhibited at tho- Aluka fukon-l'aclttc nxposltloa at BeattU nU tumiLcr, nnd numerous flights .nd tcits will bo mado. Capt. Uald ln. to further democttrato' that to junago a balloon In long flights, U jiio of tLo greatest sclonltfle prole .ems of tho day, proposes to tuakt balloon flight from Seattle to Ilos .on This Is thu longest balloon trip jver talked about, end If attempted (III bo tho greatest In lilt lory. While .ho dato for tho itnrt has not at yet jccii set, ll Is expected that Capt. Jaldwlu will leave tho exposition .'rounds during tho coming summer, a n tltno when iitmosphcrlc condl Ions aro right. Capt Ualdwln will toko this hap ,ia:ntd ojuco through spaco not be nitio ho la In search ot advonturo, jut because tboro Is scientific pur oto back of It all.' II. Helm Clay .on ot tho llluo lllll Obsorvatory, juo of tho most noted students of Atmospheric conditions In tho world, is bohlnd tho proposed Ualdwln bal .oonlnR expedition from Soattlo to Uoston, Clnjton. by tho uso ot kites and tho modern meteorological Instru ments, has totehed Just onougL Itnowledgo concornlng that myster ious cpaco overhead to tho earth bo ,ow to vonturo thu opinion that at an elovntlon of about 16,000 tcct thoro It nhvajs a steady wind from tho westward. Now ClaMon further 'believes that should a balloon bo itopt constantly at thli, or oven a higher elevation, thu great bag would enjoy tho full power ot this itendy wind nnd should, It all tbco llej pot Wining to ballooning prove tine, travel so tho contiuont rapidly. Again, it thcto tamo atmospheric conditions woro exactly right at the time, Capt. Ualdwln will .land his balloon' on Iioslon Common within four daya.flftor departing from the So.tttlo Exposition. Dying through tho air nt a rate ot opoed yet to bo nttatnod by the fast oxprcia trains vjuld no doubt bo n norvo-racklng experience, but Capt. Baldwin bolloros that tho men who will wrlto tho tclontlflc progress mado In tho study ot tho ntrship and balloon will havo tovral pages to add tt tlto balloon trip across tho con tinent should provo a luccess. Go routo Capt.. Baldwin proposes to tunko mptoorologtcal observation! nnd to mnp tho curronti of tho air. This would provo at a guldo to tho futuro voyngori along tho tamo llnbs. act your abstracts from ths Kla math County Abstract Co.. opposltt Court IIoumj. M WRECK ON THE ALTURAS ROAD SEItlOl'fi IIKLAY OK TltAFFIC Ifi CAVMED IIY UltOKtt.V RAIL. Frtlght Car Are Damped Into the DIUli On Narrow Gauge Itoad No Injuries ItcjKirtcd To llic i'asscnger, Kxcept a Hliake I'p. ItKNO, Nor., April IS. Tho mall train from Buporlor California points an tho Novada-Callfornla-Oregon railroad, duo Icro Tuctdny evening, lid not arrlvo until yesterday morn ing, as a result of a wreck of a north bound mall and pasiecgor train on tho road Tuesday Afternoon at a point tolled Summit. Tlu wreck was caus ed by a broken rail, and several cars caddd with pcrlshcblo freight were rolled Into tho dltcb. Tho mall and ptiioDger cart left tho track but did tot turn over. All of tho pastcngert received a tcvero shaking up, but all neaped serious Injury. So bad was the. wreck that It was nccetiary to jullJ a track around It for tho south bound wall tialn Arriving hero ci torday morning. Oregon Water Code Is Best SALEM. Or., April 16. After a lilt to Wyoming and Utah of a week .o examlno tho workings of tho jrater laws In thoso states with F. It. Satton, Wattr Commissioner, Jtate Engineer Lewis bat returned .o Salem, lio pronounces the now rater coda ot this ttato better by 'ar than any law In this country. Wyoming has a law similar to tho Oregon law, egotpt that tho water board In Wyoming It tho float tri bunal In tho adjudication ot water rlgLti, wbllo in this stato tho find ings of tho water board must bo affirmed by tho courts beforo they aro final, Should tho circuit court .'all to affirm them they will, of :ourio. In tlrao becomo operative automatically. Clear the Way For Railroad acclamation Engineer Believe That Favorable Action WiU Uo Taken On Their IteeouimenUationt For tho Deacbutlea Itoad. PORTLAND, April 15. Report ot tho local englnocrs ot tho United State Reclamation Scrvlco anent tho Doichutcs railroad project reached Washington, and D. C. HCnny and K. F. llopson, tho supervising onglnoera who proparcd tho report, aro con fident that tavorablo action will bo taken upon their recommendations within a weok. They will, however, not rovcal anything ot tho details of tho recommendations made, but In all human probability tho Govern atont will not put any obitaclcs In tho way ot tho early construction ot tho Ur.rrlnian road from the mouth of tho Deschutes to Bond. It Is anticipated that tho Secretary at tbo Interior, to whom tLo report has gone forward, will not only ap prove tho llarrlman maps, but tho location of tho Oregon Trunk. This will throw tbo wbolo mattor Into tho courts. Tho courts mutt then declda tho question of propriety ot right whoro locations' conflict, and tt li ex pected that tho llarrlman people will be ablo to iweop all barrier asldo by tho (how ot good faith already mndo In the way ot oxpenilvo and oxten lvo engineering work which ha bcon done on tbo project up tho Dos chute Canyon. A chanco to get a lot to build a homo on. No better residence lots In Klamath Fall than First Addition noar the high school. - Uall-SbepBerd Co. Spring vetch and seed -oat at Oliver's. 15 Make Paper of Fir Stumps A New Chemical Discovery Will Be Tested At Coot Bar For Makteg W'ocd Pulp From Oregon Fir and Watte rrodnctt. BAN' FRANCI8CO, April 15. A postal card seat to the Immigra tion Inspectors at Douglas, oa the border between Washington and UrllUti Columbia, Joshing them oa their lack of skill, hat Indirectly been rcspontlblo for tho order to Joport an Oregon woman from the United Slates. Mrs. Norab Loat, formerly of Lake county, Oreg'on, I tbo woman, and tho tale behind the iltlo tragedy Is an Interesting one. Mrs. Loot was married In Van couver, U. C, to an Englishman, and ihurtly afterwards left that city with her husband, who was under contract to go to work In California. Immi gration ofllcort stopped the couple and refused them admission to the United States under tho contract labor law. In tplto of this, however, tho two ttolo acrosi tbo line, and eventually landed at their destina tion. In a spirit of fun they wrpto a postal to tho Inspectors, telling them that they had eluded their vigilance Thli was more than the dignity ot tho guardians ot the border could stand, and tbey gave chase to the pair, Anally landed them In the fed eral Jail at Alameda. The Depart ment holds that Mrs. Loat expatriat ed herself In marrying Loat, sad ordered her deported with her hus band. Band Concert Next Sunday Tho Klamath Fall Military Band will glvo It first out-door concert at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Di rector Daniels states that the people do not want to expect to much from tho boy at their opening concert, but that they will do their best. The band Is compoicd of twenty pieces. If tho cnthuitaim among the band can bo kept up. It Is possible that frco concerts' will bo given during tho summer, but at the members all donato their services. It Is sometimes a difficult matter to get tbem all to attend regularly. The concert oa Sunday will bo given la the court bouso park. Why buy property and pay what it will bo worth three years from now? Buy First Addition lots at fifty per cent ot their actual present value thon you can't lots. Hall Bheehcrtl Co. 15.00 will buy $10.00 worth of goods at the Boston Store. Spring This Is the time of year whew the boase, lawm aad satin premises are given aa overhauling sad brighten fctg ap. Are you supplied with the articles that stake this event a pleas urr, rather than a bore? If aot, see oar stock. Bert are a few things yoa will aeedi Moth Balls, Fowdeiied Saras, dee peras, Chloride of Lime, DUIafsctsB, Kress, KreeUa, Bal phur, Formaldehyde, Insect We carry the ssost cosnplits stosk of In Klamath Coaaty. We sUU hare a few sweet Star Drug Store "They MILLION FOR CRATER LAKE MEDFORD COMMCRCIAL CLtJB ADOPT A MXMOIUAL to coxniusw. Ask Big AptrotvtaUce) Far Is prove'tnent of Vatloaal rite President Tail sad Bellinger' to Visit This fate. ' MEDFORD, April IS. At a meet ing of the Uedford Commercial Club bold Tuesday evening memorials to Congreee were adopted asking the appropriation ot 11,000,400 for Crater Lake park Improvements, aad a 1100,000 appropriation for a sew federal building for Medford, to be used for postotfice, federal court aad other fedoral purposes. Invitations were sent to President Taft and Sec retary Bellinger to visit Medford and Crater Lake during their western tour this summer. A committee was appointed to ascertain what could be done In securing a sit for a flve- ttory Vtotel to be erected here by A. . Ostrander of Chlrrgo. The club ad journed to meet Tuesday to hear the report at the special finance com mittee appointed to raise a publicity fund. Mr. Ostrander stated that bs was prepared to erect a modem tve ttory hotel It a site could be furnish ed, but hnd not Investigated constru ction prices here, so could aot make a definite proposition. Tan eoss- mlttee will meet with hist to ssesr tola detail. . Mrs. Flora Jsckaos, who has been visiting her father, Dr. Ellsworth. for the oast three weeks, retmrsed today to her home la Wichita, Kaa. D. B. Campbell aaaosaess .boss low sold ta Midland yesterday. Two tour-horse loads et Investors were taken to view ths property t4sjr. The Kerlaw launch has 1 tarred from John Grlfnth to W. H. Clark aad H. E. Calkins. A rsgalar dally trip service will soon bs Inau gurated. Mr. Uel Bussoy, who has bee la the high school the past wlster. opened a term ot school at Wampus oa Monday. Fence posts for sale. Call at City Bakery. ll-st Ws have said aad ws still tain that First Adltloa Iota at ear prices are the best Investment ever offered la Klamath Falls. StteperdCo. Ripley A Co., tho aew grsesrs now occupying ths store sett to tho bowling alley, carry a fine stosk ot package good. Every article Is asw snd sold st prices thst sre sure to please you. It will say you to step In sad see whst ws bsvs, get our prices. You sre welcome whether you buy or not. ls-H Cleaning Powder, Bagtelde, LlaaM V pea seed for free ssstimstla, X Have It" "' " in jtfl iMMiii.sasmowwijf.tir itiJcuwa.i.T nw inssT'i man Cvta.fAAMWSw' jE4f,9'5E3r!57i