Vr w V I MARSH LmNDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY - tt'tfi CBNT. VBGETABIE MAmsT KXAMATTO CMATEST BARGAINS AT 2S PES ACMJ AWP UPWARDS. EASY - .HMHBIinH""" - - - T-nwav HK TT-T1 r -- -. .Ml M THE EVENING HERALD Issued Dalit, Except Sundsy, by tit HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY . W. O. SMITH, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally, by Bail, oa year Dalit, by atll, tit month Daily, by mail, lhre month Daily, by mail, ooe mouth UaUfj delivered by carrier, oo wek. ... ..... ... ....., -kXAHATH FALLS. WEDNESDAY,. APRIL 14. 1909. .. Oct. Martial cockuUi. - i . Tit.VI.V IS... Sfmfi A anil flniil. KtAhA cigarettes and B:;cdlctlne do sot Vnus and Charlie Booth. Maggie affeal to a Urn part o( tho travel- Tallmaa, Mra. Steemaa, Oertrude Lag .entile whca.thsy arc trrd with 8teaau, James Bsldla. Clyde aad iieaU oa dining can. Aa a result. Carl Barks and Ways Keeae,, the table d'hote wtlth tai raged tori Harry Booth ta now ptowlag (or bi Um among tho railroad bo- Mike Galaraeaa. j twsM.Calesgo aad .tha Twin Cities C. W. Uwli aad Pink Barks .aad .between Chicago aad Kansas helped Jamea Cola brand colts last Oty baa con to aa cad. Tha war Sunday. started. as a measure of .competition I Ocorg Orlttle Is having Umber ta attract baalBcas, but. according hauled (or tha crcctloa of a build- tt tho general Bcsxsger agents. It as a dismal failure. Temperance idvweatas compulsed that tha rail rvad vera tempting people to drink. .Ability to Jogglo ague la neces sary to tha railroad that would es case) rata regulation. Recently JafgUag baa been done to show the i that all at the railroads hare at ad. at a loss in all of the west- en state, whtre I-cont rates are laet. At the same Ume It la caajtsassa that thee road hare all earaadjdindaeds. The skillful man! patetst, however, will credit all of ibi earala'gs to kf -cent lntr-Ute bjjtjaas .aad .all of tha loose to I eaat Ut business. eeee)4 e ions runs rrou. Tho present at tha local teach an; Isstltoi last Saturday, held la ta)- Lea pis acboolhous were: MMSRohlnsen. Vlaa Welch, Kiss Oas.it a. Mia Applecst. Miaa CsJ. abam,- Mrs. BUrkoadall. Mr. Butcher, Mr.Swaa. Mr. Lelgb. Miss Brooks, Mrs: Loyd. Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. 8. Bfotfc, Mr. aad Mrs. C. W. Lewis. Mr. aad Mrs. Carl Robley, Mr. aad Mrs. C. W. Uwli. Mr. and Mra. Wm. 'Bajraa'. .Mrs. Atltn Bunnell. Mr. aad Mra. Bnaaen. Mrs. Webber. Mr. aad Mrs. Beebe, Mrs. Derma, Sam Comb, Is Comb,,Lltka Webbsr, Clarencel Webber, Cattlean Dervan,, Eddie' Enman, lag oa hla ranch. Jack Clancy spent Thursday Merrill. Bessie Tallmaa Is quit til. Mr. aad Mra. Chas. Sleemaa visit ed the Falls Wednesday. Mrs. Joe Buckle. Coldl. Charlie aad Elmer 8tuckle, Mrs. .Fted Suckle aad Mr. and Mrs. .Rbly and Carl Robley, Jr. took Easter dinner with Mrs. 8. B. Booth. ( Mike Oalarneau butchered a calf last week. James Eamaa hauled a 'load of hay to his homestead Sunday.. ( ! The Government crew la building headgates laMrs. Dervaa'a Btld.; j i t Joba Mataey lost a TaluableThbrse last weak. T . , J. B. Cot (aaaad a load of grain at the Beebo ranch Saturday. , Walter aad Has Eamaa dror to Merrill Saturday. v .- Mrs. XirkMdall spent aaday at her home. Andy Rhine went to the Falls Sunday. Mr. aad Mrs. Tallmaa attended the moving aletar show la Merrill one sight laat week. . Pink Barks. Henry 4 Beldla aad Anna ucebe spent Easter with Mrs. C. W. Lewis. DM Wilson was la oar district Saturday. WmmXSm,mni ' MF. aaamBPS?1 ' ijni M HI i I HRMlw? LMhw Rv'tjir ? iw -fWiitJv: - jr rW HaaaamW ITflnfc : 1 mi. MIEji: iJVf.vi'.' iriv-v, . aiTfjmsmBa'" "li.V: .' imillllttttt' . w:f Pm& 1vw3tw? ' TlVvir "nEfeBaaa f jallflSl.'TaVCBBBBaa rVftStamMaaaaal V mu VvcaaBBBBBamm la Drop into Sboll' and bare a dish of Ice cream. ' u "".' Dorrta. Mrs. The Boston Store ts the plae to Walter and safe money. The i First National Bank of Klamath Falls rId-.p Capital, 25,000. luplu, S7.500 Only a (ew days more aad the .First National Bank will .occupy It, now, quarters, corner of Fourth aad Mala Streets. U. new home', built aad owned by Itself. You will the be able.to do your business la one of tha best equipped banking aoomf jln. Southern .Oregon. Its furniture Is mad of .light, oak; ,t Joor 1 covered with, rubber tiling; tha , celling Is beaaed; a ?-story lire-proof vault; a large and handsome, new ' Manganese safe; safety Deposit boxes for security; a telepbo'ne booth aad closets for It customers, also a plae to do your letter writing. W shall be pleased to bar you coat la aad .iMBiWtoar, aw boas, which we- coaal4arra, credit, to, thU city aad county, built aad equipped to take care of tbt present aad future business. t ' ' ( ,; Tour busloeas aad accounts will have our careful attention Or W. WaUTK, FrveleVat. ,, OEO, T. BALBWIX. Ties Friat. W. A. DELZEIX, Caaaler. .. . . The First Trnst and Savings Bank f Klamath Falls. Ore. ioiWti Your UTtniitnd fbffIisjiBkJu Loaitd to DepotUon -Wi'aay fiMmist o1 Tim Deposit.' W buy County Warrants. W bay City Warrants. W buy School Warrant t. tJilKDra(V on Chicago, Ian Francisco aad ; antsvoepoeit Boxes fpa, rent. . , Xa'fset, do a geseraliiaakls'g Business. All business etrust4 ta this Bank will bav atMCal ausaftMC i tw f Dignity of Style-Plus ALL WOOL FABRICS-PLUS POPULAR PRICE THESE are the three mott prominent features in International madeto order CIothd3-which if added together, make a total of matchleta service, R. I. HAMMOND THE VALUE GIVER. Mftfr.flifr"tfy " n pcstityt, Abttnctlng Mse. Ptaaa, Wa PrlatJ, Mc. Klamath County Abstract Imrveyort aad Irrliatloa ERilnten BakfE HitsK. Srcrelsty KlaKitB FtlU, Oregoa HMIMHtM Springtime is lierl Ipilog is here aad right now is the time to tuts U grow. The rees sad the bushes need prunlng.the dr4 1 slould be takes of,, aad the garden aad lawa Ills itMi ou (or a tlltl aliealloa auw. Good wttkaet I aood tools, aad tboeei are, ib ubly kind we carry, 11 miteel, OAHUIUI, BAPI OWH.OAHDKN and LAWN I SPADES. SPAIMNO FOI KB. SHOVELS. THOWKU. INQ SHEARS. SAWS AMD SPRAY PUMPS. Briefly, thing to make. be lawa, gardea and shrubbery beaetltill the coalsg year. ROBERTS & HA HARDWARE MERCHANTS M '! Geo. Chastain eanaBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBaWeBBBBBBSBBSBaBBBBBBBm Complete Stock of Fresh Groceries Qaality and lrlce Gaaranteed. .Try us and be convinced Phone 771 Free Delivery STOCK KOIt HALK. Ten sbsres of stock In Long Lake Lumber Company. Will sell for H a s'haiY T. F. HIQ0IN8. NOTICE. There is money In the City Treas ury for the redemption of all war rants protested up to and Including I Jobs 10, 1901. Interest will ceare from date. ' March 10, 190. J. W. SIEMENS. City Treasurer. DR. C. F. MASON Dentist American Bank A Trust Co.'s Balldlay riurum it US XOTICE OP ADMIXI8TRATRUS FINAL ACCOl'.NT. D. V. KUTKENDALL Attonwy st Lsw KUmatb FsHs. OreVsw CENTRAL CAFE OseaDsy saaNltfat. Private Dining Parlor Oysters feared Is Asjr atjW J. V. HOUSTON. Prop. Notice Is hereby given that Lena Lee Smith, formerly Lena Le liar gus. Administratrix of tb estale of lUrry Buford Hargus, deceased, baa died her Final Account of tb admin Istratlon of said estate with tb -ier oi in uouniy court,, of Klam-I j atb County, Bute of Oregon, " ntttttllllMIMIIMl'll iai wi boun naa appointed ta hour of tea o'clock, In the forenoon of Tuesday, the :7tb day of April, A. d. io, as the time (or hearlog of objections, If any there be, to such Final Account, and the 'settlement thereoL This DOtle is published by order of said County Court, made and en- teredjlajbe records thereof the 17th day of March, 1909., ' LENA LEE SMITH ' (Formerly Una Ue Hargus.) Administratrix of tb Estate of Har ry Buford Hargus, dsoeased. (Ml.) . BICYCLES For. an v up-to-date wheel get a Rambler, on sale at flThe Gun Store. Tents and Guns for sale or for rent We entry a full line of Sporting Goods THE GUN . STORE IFOR SALE ! I ssssaasisB-aBasssBB-assSBBBSSBBsssBsai , ! ! WELL IMPROVED FARM of ! ; ; 00 acres, 10 mile Southwest ' ; ; of-Klamath Falls. Will sell si . . a whole or la part. Term; I ! , part down, tb balano la T ; ; ; (erred paymtats. : UriEMMITr : at ska W rtsa. ' ',M V.t "mMjjss W,j?J Choice Garden Lands FOR RENT A few plots of ckolce lead for gardea; Cabbage. Celery or other track, late lrrigatloa aad coavealeat FRANK IRA WHI CAPT. 6. C. APPLICATE Fifth ttreet Hss soaie'Lot BsigUlss for yoa J 1J L. j j I mHMtlHHIIHHMtlMIMIM(MI Guaranteed Painl We have full line of W. P. FuUer's Pure Prepared. PAINTS . . JCN A Big Liae of Heatiag Korea Jaat GEO. 1L HURN w.y.v,,W.v.yi 4 tr M 0I0IIO0I9IKMII ;.V.V.efi.,Vyl,MMr, ,V,..M "M es. i BRICK WORK I AOTtl. . PLASTERING CHIMNEYS, AND ria X PLAOIWA flPRniat.TV .. ,K. 'H-.rjj).fciii 0. K. tRAHSFER C S'eVrcA'fefVg; wfe Vre pVVedlfer wo( HmJt,ng . fbVWdli. Vs Aot SeAiift- sfitfrtWvFY teWiie wo'rtrrlr Voul tmmty uvmuWffiimvvdL f , Sfi)i ind-873'tfr. ear Siy-ruMi && .-.v. w,;i.t,ici L-I L. j . VsJjli' j,.0,i,, kV M j .iiiiH oruers nanaieo (nirexiy. Ho blur, l S' . ... V . I. , ft qwppecr with-the Vhly alafe trA bsH , r m .i Ja&nable ratel on eootA' 'iitiZ Jfcrt,1 & r phori &) iSa &(.! ?.r.C w. T-ltAlfalFEat C 'm 'AA m m. w. wuMAnfuufumm t iiii'iirftiiyiiw i eLt'Si'jL - -1 CWwiwiiMii.nimtliiiia.M.i,