ijate'3teaggl Wr"" Sfcs?Ja0eBal---NB"g' ffirai rtWnf4tSfw'il'1 MuyituM"--- -, ' tC wmi;imw w'wiwwwita . " '.'" v r' A4Jj,,f ,(i' ' , , Jit '.- "i-1" T' ; 4 ffcttd. Klamath FjiIIh' First Our Advertisers Oct The Best Result. and Best Dally. j ,. iuii Yi:a t. No, 833 KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 14, 1009. Price 6 Cents HKSPKfliW 1m ftetrittfi 0MU1 EW SENT TO (GROW APPLES CLEAR LAKE! AND POTATOES INli I'llLTAItATIUNS rult RCOINMXO WOIIK ON ntlLDI.NU DAM. ' kchlnery Can Ho Secured At r, wuir win iw I'tnttudHj mt-liatcly lltl-o I High All tbe Project. of tho Government inducers mall now I mo boon sent to ' Lake lo uisko preparations for Ding work on tie dam. Hpvcl- but lira being prepared nuil bids (or lurulililiiK Jump cars, I nml oilier nrecsiary equipment tlili tin' "ork If tlio uiacliln- barkit l iucli as to iiormlt of dlaio delivery uf ulpinoni, or'' t. lit lo piottcuicd ni once had not b:un for ilm difficult) i lite Water fieri Allocation l.c llcelai. .ulon llervlco, iht i out J li) beau advertised foi time Deo, n tlio prbbabllll) kt Ibo iiiacLluvry would I bti hero and tlio work would have going on tor tliu pan thrci Uomu Aluablo tlmo hai ben but unlets tbo unexpected Up jtl.viu will bo lamotbluit dolut upper prtject during lie ca iimincr. rcry harmonious funllng Is no illng ttirot'sLoat lLo ontlro pro pcclally In Ida upper countrr latch, tbo nsw project engineer, l lo bo dill oild to do evcrythlm n to turtticr tbo work on tin tt and lielp tLe land owncri llili disposition In meeting tl.i tal ol tho people, who art u (or perfect l.nrmonr and I lly feeling bUf.cen tbo Service Iho Uuil owners. ! I.. I ei la lu tl.u illy (ron II to arrange (or accurlni ' (rom th'j (Jovernrncnt canal I'ot-e itntn ll at Ibu farmen pbrt 'of tbo country are al getting In Iholr cropi, and they arv now ready (or water goneral opinion among tin Ira la that Ibo the crop wit ktter I lil )iar than Init ani! are all Inoklug for u big )lrld' Impioicmenti un the land ting made In thn Merrill conn land conildorablu additional Iwlll bo put under cultivation ar. conlluuo abitracta, a welt a new onea. Let ui comploK Klaiuatli County Abilract tppoilto Court llouao. (II KTUACTH. Ii) you n.Tl one' IA)X HIX)l'flll. Klrt dooi bf Iho Atuorlcau Dank A Trust bn Main atroct. t I aster XA:aioi Elmer Applrgntv Ktpccls To HurUM Illi aucicu In I'ptatucs Lnit Year, On Whlili lis Made S40O An Acre Ideal Conditions Iter. i:i titer Applcgntp, who owns 17,4 acrva In tlio Enterprise tracti. Is ; letting out one tcro lo applet tlili year 1 lo doe not ctpcel to go heavily In tbo growluK ol (rult, although lit) brltecs It will do well livrr, but It l mil)' hit Intention to Id out a homo orcl.crd (or bU own me Mr. Applvcato will plaut all icris tu potatori nml nxpccls to have even a better crop thli year II an he bad lait. I. ait )ear he av rased u profit of H00 an acrn on bin potr.toe. Tlmy nvrrnged a leld ot tOO btlabcU an acre. A joitlon ol tho ncrcngu yielded 400 'luabvla per aero One srdBll patch planted by Mr, pprgiito )lclded an nvorago or 700 buthids to tho r.cio Thla li 'lellrteil to br the rtcord yield In hit count). Tills would mako 4S, 100 poundi to tbo acre, or uno ouml of potatoes to inch square foot. Tlili l certainty grolng tbeui rtlty tl.lck, but Klamath It tbo ilacu wl.cro tbtngi grow Mn. II. V, Mitchell and tati.Wlllle, oturucil tbli oronlng (rom San Fran. laco Alton Slnau la nalttlng tho Kla nath County Abitract Company thli roek In their ruih of work getting tut abatracti for 'Iho land owners mdor tbo Irrigation project A plrco ot alei'l a half Inch long nd a qur.rtvf uf un loch wide new 'rom a wedco this morning and .truck n. I Sorrnson In the arm. Mr. birrmon ." working (or II. II. VanValkanburr near Ioiie Lake. 'lo wae bniUKtit tn ills city and tho ilecc of atrel, which embedded Itsrir n the bono, was rotnorcd by Dr. Wliltu a iiomi: rou vor. An vlRht room dwelling on n lot '6 li ISO lift. lulcl ground nnd lood aoll, on I'lnd tticsl, ono block rom Main. For tclo at a real bar ;nln Hnvo commission by buying llrcct from the owner Hoy llanuikrr. N. B. Merrill Is lu tho city today n business. Mr Merrill says that hlngs aro a llttlu dry In tho Morrill :ouutry, but not enough to causa iny harm. Most of tbo land ownors In that section will soon bi ready (or Irrigation water It. 00 will buy $10.00 woith ol goods at tho Uoston Store Sniffy Clothe There's plenty of "go" to the clothes msde to your Individual measure by Strauss Brothers, Master Tailors, Chicago. The vim and snap are due to two things the pattern of the idoth and the style cut and sewed into the clothes. Just drop around to our store and look over our extensive collection of the season's . most artistic weaves. You'll be ' welcome whether you. .order or not 8 K. K. Kf Exehtshre loesl dealer for TURN WATER INTO CANAL! I lltlltUATION DITCH RCCMVIW HMALL UKAD Of WATKR TODAY. No Water WIU Do DoUrtiMl VktU Aplkallon lUvo Boa M Water I'aon Mail IVorlaV Ab IracU of Title. Water waa turned Into the big (Jovernrncnt Irrigation canal to lay. A small bead will be uaod until Ibu ditch Is primed and than tbo regular Irrliallas season will be JO. As yet only about twenty applica tions have beta lusdo lor water, ind as there aro aavoral hundred and ownors. It Is probable that tbo ippllcatlons will soon begin to com a very (ait According to the rcg ilatluns, no water will bo delivered jiitll an application has boos made jml a contract signed. In order Hat bo applications may bo approved, ach land owner must (urnlsb an ab itract of title of bis land, which must jo paasad upon by tbo attornsy (or .bo Water Users Association, It. S. Juiltli ADAMS CLEARING OFF SAGE BRUSH Ilia New Unibblag MactUae Prove a Nucccoa Ctoaas Five To Korea Acre a Day wills aUa Oood Horse aud Cut Froa lo e Ucbeoi Poop. . F. Adams, wbo is lu tbo clt) ,'roni Merrll. thinks, be baa ono ot .bo best ease grubbing machines In tbo country. Mr. AvJams recent!) purchased one of tho Htcel patent jiachlnes and has boon operating It .'or about two weeks. Mr. Adams .uses six horses oa the machine, tnd aaya bo" can grub from .tvo to uvea acre a day and leave It clean of bruab. Tho brush Is cut jft at Ibo roots about thrvo lo sU Inches under tbo ground Tbo ma chine can Le adjusted to cut at dif ferent depths. With the small bruab Itiroo Inches Is about right and (or Iho larger about ill, llcsldcs cul ling tho bruab tho f round is loft lu a pulverised cond.tlou and could bo planted In grain without further plowing Tbo looso brush Is turned over by cbalus connected wltb the machine aud as soon as tbo dirt dries (rom the roots, can be raked up with tho ordinary rake. Mr. Adams will grub about six hundred acres lhlsyear. He was lato In receiving bis machine, but be can do a good deal of work this (all. Then tho brush will quickly dry and can bo burned without hauling It (rom tho land. A SALE OP NEW HPK1MQ UATS, Wo wish to ouiphaslto in particu lar Unit tbeso lints aro. modeled attor thu designs of tho blshest-prlcod stylo originators In the country. Not u last season's sbapo or old-style list lu tho collection. Punland Clothing and Hhoe Store, Noxt door to Postofflco, 1S-3 HAT HALE HTILL CONTINU'EH. Owing to tho (act that our Hat Salt) has boon nioro succcsiful than wo expected, hna provon to us that tho. public baa not 'coasldorod this jalo a "Uuuco Sale" as some ot our competitors saw At to call It. In ordor to glvo our customors wbo AX'io turnod away Friday and Bat- ;!Xdn)' wq .not .being ablo to wait on thorn, being so rushed we will contlnuo this salo thli week. Portland Clothing and Shoe Store, Nan door to Poetoffloe. ll-S Half baa never boon told regard ing the future prospects of Midland. Bee Campbell wern he la not busy. All kinds-of .sowing machines for ale or rent at Ringer Agoncy. Phone 2(4. . Jtf How Is the Utle to your land? It you dont know, get an abstract (rem the Klamath Couaty Abstract Co., opposite Court House, BU MUCH FREIGHT FOR MERRILL .tEuiiii u.-r. iiLAiiiii-.il iu.ib DECEIVED IIEItE FOIt MElt- i RIL MEUCUAXTB. Freight For That (Section Will goon All Be Skipped To Midland, and WU1 Only Leave a Short Distance Tu Do Hauled Dy Wagons. . Botwoon 70 and 100 tons of freight Lavo been received at tho Navigation Company's wLarf within a weok (or Merrill merchants. For years the Merrill merchants Lavo been hauling tliolr freight In from the south by wagon. It carno b) aay of Montaguo nnd later was tauled (rom Mt. Hebron, This year. however,; practically all of the freight (or the Merrill country Is ihlpped via Klamath Falls. Within a moth tbo railroad will bo running .o tbli city, and Merrill can get bor ,'rolght from Midland. This will ccltato only a very slort haul by igoa. FOIlEgr ItANGKIW APPOINTED. PORTLAND, Oregon, April 14. rhe Feroit Sorvlca Las Juit announ :od the following appointments on .Vatlotal' Forests In Washington and Jregon districts: Uuy P. Smith, Assistant Forest .langcr on Iho Washington National r'orost; Sherman A. Drown, Earl Abbott, Carl M. Ewlag and Oalnes it. Looney, Assistant Forest Hang jri on the Fremont National Forest; Martin J. Cribble, Claronco L. ilenson, F. W. 8tablman, Marlon aurllngamo. O. 3. Calllson, Ooorgo Ledford and O. M. Talmage, Asils- Jint Forea. Rangers oa the Oregon National Forest. Theodore F. Cadlo has boon rc itored to duty on tbo Fromont Na .loaal Forest; Deputy Forest Ranger John II. Senccal and Assistant Forest itangcr loy E. Tbomas.i wbo have aecu restored to duty on the Oregon National Forest; James Allen, Asils .ant Forest Ranger, wbo has beon Attending the rangers' courso at tho University of Washington, Las been rcitored to duty on tho Washington National Forest. Tbo resignation of Maurlco Ham ilton, Assistant Forcit Itangcr on tho Washington Forest, has been ac cepted. CAUIOIN J CRY SECURED. SAN FIIANCI8CO, April 13. Otto. II. Mackrolh, a retired grocer, was iworn as tho twelfth Juror In the .-aso ot Patrick Calhoun "today, and tbo Jury, alter proceedings extend ing over nlncty-ono days, was de clared eomntated. Aaalitant Dlatrlet Attorney Francis J. Henoy Immo-' llatcly mado application to tho Court (or the selection of a thirteenth' Juror, who shall bo In readiness to take tho place ot any' of 'tho twelve. who may bo disqualified by Illness or jomo othor reason. The request was' earnoatly opposed by council (or tlio dofondant, wbo declared It might consumo another week, to secure the additional Juror. , It was agreed by the opposing at- tornejs that tbo actual taklug of testimony would probably bo com pleted wltblu throo wcoks, aud the prediction, which was not altogetbor upcciod; was rccolvod with gratia :atlou by all tho principals In tho .ate. AT THE OPERA HOUSE, NEW TOXIOUT. ' I "Tbe Criminal's Daughter" ' . "Ticklish Man" , .... "Captain Molly" and "Dr. Curem's Patients." New songs. Fence posts tor sale. Call at City Oakery. tS-Ct Why buy property and pay what It will be worth three years from now? Bur First Addition lots at titty per cent of their, actual present value then you . can't love. Hall Shepherd Co. DR. ORAVES, OSTEOPATH. My offices are located over tbe postofflco. in tho Murdock Block, whero I will bs glad to meet those who are desirous ot tsklng osteopath- Is treatments. Consultation tree. TO HAVE BIG CELEBRATION Directors of Chamber of Commerce Met Again Last Evening and Hear Reports Committee Ap pointed .To Raise Fmade. The directors of the Chamber of Commerce and committee members bold a meeting last evening to take action on the celebration (or rail road day. It was decided to hold a olg celebration, and some of the at tractions recommended by the' com mitted wsro 'excursions on railroad and boat, water carnival, barbecue. jaio ball games, parados, fireworks, Indian exhibitions, etc. Tbo details of tLo celebration will bo left In tho lands of m compotont 'committee, rank Ira Whlto and Alox Martin, Jr., volunteered to act as a com mittee to' solicit funds to pay the expenses. It Is cxpectod that ovory builnes man and citizen will help lllltgly, and voluntary contribu tions sLould bo'offcred, as the com mittee will La'vb all it can do and Will necessarily. tare to spend a lot of valuable- lime. Tbo people have sxprcticd tlemsolvcs at wanting a celobratlon, and now should show good faith and tbo proper spirit by coming through without waiting lo be asked and tavlcg someone argue the matter wltb them for hours. Let over) one glvo willingly. That Is the spirit. LOOKS AS IF JOKE WAS ON "SLATS" Laughed At Merrill OaViala and Is Now In the County Jail Await lag Cuswsaarattsayaf Caaw.By the Grand Jury. I Thos. Brtckoll,. who la better known as "Slats," was today com mltted- to the caftody of the aherlff on a ctsrgo of attempted arson at Merrill. Brickell was brought up (rom Merrill by Marshal F. M. Dur ham. It Is said he waa arrested at Merrill (or fighting, and, (ailing to pay bis Ono, waa put to work on tbo streets, but ho refuied to work. Ho was then put In Jail, which he a'ttompted to burn. Drlckcll evidently thought .he know more than the Merrill officers and be only laughed st them and caused them as much trouble as he could. The officers tried to Bad some plan of getting rid of him, and finally brought tn a charge ot at tempted arson ot 'a building, and committed him to the custody ot the sheriff, to await the action of the Ora'nd'Jury.' It Is not as much ot a Joke to "Slats" now, as he has been placed' In the county Jatl and will bo handled by the state officers. Drlckoll was elected constable la ihls'preclnct at tho last election, but failed to quuallfy, as be was unaoie to furnish bonds. eeeeeeeeeee,eeweeeeeeeeeeeeee"is'"f !- -- ---------www-A Spring This Is Use time ol rear when tbe house, Uwn and entire premises are given an overhanUng and brightening tap. Are yon supplied with the articles that make this event a pleas ure, rather than a bare? li not, ere oar stock. Here are a few things yon wul aeedt Moth Balls, Powdered Borax, Cop peras, Chloride of Usee, WatafectaU, Krrao, Kreolfas, Bui phnr, Forsaaldcsyde, Insect Powder, Bagtclde, Liqnld Veneer. - We carry the asest essaglsts stock of cleaning helps In Klamath Conner. Wa still have a fe- sweet P seed for tree dlatribetloa. , .i ,- . Star Drug Store "They LIMBER STOCK GETTING LOW SAW MILIJI ARE JIAKIXO PRE , PARATIO.XS TO BEGIX CtTTIXO LCMDER. I I'aasaal Demand Daring Winter Has Nearly Exhausted (he Supply la the Yards of City Bboruge of Vpper Grades of Lumber. , The stock of lumber In the yards, of tho saw mills In Klamath Falls is becoming very low. There tas been more than Iho usual salo 'of lumber during the past winter. One mill man states that bis company sold more lumber during the winter than tboy did all of last summer. 'Tho milts are now mnklug preparations to begin sawing (or the summer. Ackley Drot. have only about a 1 alf a million feet of rough lumber on L'and, and moil of this Is box lumber and will be ro-uwed (or box material. They will start lawing-on Monday and expect to run steady all summer. They lavo a million and a hair (cct of logs In tho water to begin sav.lng on. Dy uilng their kiln they will tare dry lumber with in ten days after beginning sawing. Moore Droi.' big stock bas been reduced to not over a bait million feet. This Is good dry lumber, but all common grades. They aro prac tically cleaned odt ot uppers. They state that last fall they expected to have enough lumber to run them late la the aummcr, but that the de mand during tbo winter was far heavier than they anticipated. Tho Moore mill will begin sawing about the first of May. Tho Long Lake Company haa about 400,000 feet on hand.. Most of this Is in the woods near the lo cation of the old milt, but .teams will begin hauling It to the city right away". Nearly balfc ot this stock U of the better grades sellable for finish. They stato that "they bare been able to fill alt orders -so far, and expect their stock to last until the new lumber Is dry and ready for market." The Long Lake mill will start up on Monday. Nearly all ot their cut lumber will be used for boxes, so that they will have a good stock ot upper grades to dls-' poso ot In tho local ma-kef. We have said and we stll main tain that First Adltlon lots at our prices are tbe best Investment ever offered In Klamath Falls. Ball- Shcperd Co. It you want good goods st lowest prices ever heard ot, go to the Bos ton Store. Now Is the tlmeto have your clothes cleaned and pressed. We will take out tbo grease spots and mako 'the clotbea look like new. Clothes called for and delivered. Prices reasonablo. Geo. W. McLane at the PantatoTlum, II Cleaning Have It" ?i A I M u -7X yji :''oWvE vTtts asesESsae iiiiiitiwiliiw T"T