The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 08, 1909, Image 1

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'ji'iw'vibif riK ' sM,viaie,j.y1.ii
"ta-M "! " "" ' " ,... .-. ; tt:: l... ... , h . ,WMMai
TPT,1. , JXlm. w
III l ll ii.i-. ... ... r --j, 77-.r:.! tk.WSldUitf g.JW..Wmi.inHIHWpiMiPllll I) I M 'II1 -T-T "T T VW .iJUli jrf " f P UJ1 MfMf J21 W
v. . ' .. 'M..v-fl 7? -3fl7- "Sssr-ju'TTsr; i-v-. -.4.... . ;w- "?;-t:-
A f
-T A
klntnnth Fall' First
niul Hcut Dally.
Our Advertiser! Get
The Best Results.
Tumi) Vka :. No. 828
Price (j Cents
r i r i .a j-a. m i urf
W 1,1 1
rlliw Iiiiiii nltnchoil to llm ttrnel
li lirmiuo nt'iimul of llm iunve-
Iiu tit It ndernimn nml broke loote-
i (hi vmu lonilng iluli Conger
ii)Iiiiii nl Hood role wliin tlio
hkIo tnui bctaine dutatcliod Tin
,r atuppiiil, but Hi') hursot and tin
Iver continued Mr Adams, who
111 itrlvlnKi a hauled over tlio
font n( tlio tar nn.l foil on tliu lto
nl rinks In tlio tmck nml was badly
ruiioii 11 i
Tim liuric ciuitlnui'il ilnwn tlio
Trillin nnl lu licit uii M11 1 11 it r fit
I licit iiiioiltn (Millwood' ilrtlK tor
i) rollldiil with a Imrto nml bugey
riven by t' II Wlthrow ()ni uf
ho borne matinced In cct parti) In
lio Imgg) nnl it wim mil)' n inltuelo
but .Mr Will ion vKapcd Injury
Iiu rnrriac m damaged nltnutt
yum! trpnlr
Thu line odiooU u( tliu rlt)
lilt nb rv vtlior Day lnmurow
I) 6i.HOirU' UMCllft Tlio flrl
uur tttilo hobl their truirntu
ml cxerclt- hi tlio auembly room
tlio school In the forenoon com-
kitinclng at V CO
In tlm nllrmooii at I 30 the
Matter trails will hold their ex-
rcltra Hi ulil the regular pro.
irnm, Juds II I, Demon will do-
lv-r an addreti, an I thero will bo
nolo by Mr 1 IS I' Morgan nml to-
Im-Uuii by lhi (UlU Dlco Club
Thi 1 alront uf the tchool ami tlio
Elllient nrrirrnll)- aru extomlc.1 n 1 II -.liin in be prrttnt at
iltlii. m Li ci tit j cicrchci It
It hnped that llif people of tho city
III aliovr p ino wr appreciation of
i In- or U of it Cil hi riu anil tholr
licarhira b)' let ding Unlr pretence
Ion tlili eXcnslcn, ni It will crratl)
unrourago the c!Trt of tho scholars
llllhlll.M' I'l.WS I Oil
llli: IIINCIU'IK ItO.tll
Ixjcnl llnrilninn omrUU aeiii to
be tri'll) Tontlilcnt thai tho ruporl
uf llm llcclamatlon HrrtlC" infill-
jf on tho Doichutu. roil Into Cm
tral Orujon coniiol he built Jnl
rbout ai plannid It may bu that
1 Iiu roport which wan sent to Vah
liiKton by HupcrvMnit Knclnrcr t).
I' llt-nnoy will tccoinmi'inl that tlio
llarrlman Intcrctt prnrcvil at onco
I with tlio ronitructlon of tho roml
mill that certain romlltloni looking
to tho conicnatlon if Ciovcriimcnl
w iter rlnhti may bn Impott-tl, hut ll
li not billuvi'il that any of tticto run.
Iltloni will inako the project pro.
I Iblllvo from rlthor an rnclnccrlns
or financial itamlpolnl.
vt: v,fj'3PW Thcrc'o plenty of "ko" 1
iWf 2Bv In the clothes made tu 1
k y lZZm your " individual 1
iiL -t.vV measure by 3
'9HHA'A.v Matter TaUora, Chlcaco. fl
fnfffHI " The vim and snap arc 9
KrWT vHHH due to two things tho I
KJQlVlMrtlttttttttttttttttttW pattern of the cloth and
BlilttttttttWttttttM the stylo cut and sewed 1
ltAfllpJJJJJjiJJJk v into tlic clothes. Just
kScj9VvP9JPPm drop around
&&M? l'ijB store and look over our j
IHMnHtkijlBiH extensive collection j
pHpBBHpBnjHHWr the most I
NMBPJJJJJEfr4; artistic weaves. You'll n
JiViHttttttttttttttttt 'vfoffiX wc'C0lnc whether I
UKKQllxv&flw you or(lcr or not 1
liiiiiiiiiiiiB Exclusive locsl f jl"iiill I
H dtsUr for , l.lyf-A 1
' At miy rati', tho lullnmil chlvfi
nr not lookimc fur or turloua
litmkirn nlnml, for pinna ami draw.
Iiiki of auroral ttuvl brhUv, trvttlvn
jiiiul othvr Itomi of I'liKluivrltiK
. ork aru liuluc mtulp with tliu
iitiiimiiru of their fitinilmi'nt, which
' wotilil not bo mi utltlvnl If tlioru
Him griivo ilrtnmr of a Inutile rv
purl by tho llrilnmatloti vnglnvcrii.
Comililernblo preliminary work that
hoiiIiI bn entlroly uncle) If tho pro
J'.cl of KolriK up tliu Docliutu Can.
)on worn nbniiiloncJ I at bnon done,
at ovldcaco of the faith tho llarrl
iiidIii ieoplu liavo that their map!
uiih In tho limiili of tho Dcpartmvnl
of tlia Interior will bo approved
Tho ultlco forco of Chief IIukIii
ttr (looiHH W llimchki', of tliu liar
tlman 1 1 hot, U ilivntlni: mt of Ha
llino ami tiKrKlm at prin-nt to plnua
for llm new road Into Central Oro
1:011, to the the moment tho word
rumen ttoiii Waalilnr.tnii. bliU ma)
bu ntkid for utid coiitrnct let for
tho construction of the toad Tho
friiui-tit conferences with tho Ho
clainatlon onclnoer liavo bad with
tho llarrlman oir.rlalt It further itl
demo that Ooncral Munnicr J I'.
O'llrlen It nutlout to Kit work under
way a 1 toon nt iioilble
i'i in-tisi: ii! t.. mosi:v.
The total mnount of Inn colkctid
to dato In Klamath county It I10S,
Si I :t, nml will be uted for tho fol
lowlue purpoici
County ichooli, IIS.JSII 5S. High
tchool. 3,t0?3. Iload. IIC.:7.1S:
Library. I3C1.0C: City of Klamatli
Kallt. C,9!0 00. lloiiBtua. tC7.:g;
New Court lloiltr. II0.5C3 iO Thu
balrtuco of tho tax It a tpeclal tax
and bonda for tho tchool dlttrlcta
throiiKtiout the county
ToMtiirr .it Tilt: oi'i:it. noihi:
"Putt In Iloott' (beautiful colored
rllui) "llloclo Colo.,. "Tho Halt
Dreed" (dramatic); ,N'ew topxt
Tho follonlnc Jewelry tlorit will
clow their ttorea at C p in., beda
nluc with Monday. April IS, 1009
u iii:itaki:mi'kii. jii.
' ni:o iiavdon
Italliuad will bo flnlthcd to Mid
land within ten dayi lluy a lot or
(wo now, and not have tn lay that
you could hao nmdo one to five hun
dred per rent had )ou bought Hit
work C-Ct
All kind of fentni: mnchlnea for
nlo or rent at KliiRer Aseucy I'hono
Urrmnl.hii: I'lntn and fashion,
iblo annlnc Worden itrevt, iccoml
houto abovo Catholic Cliurcii.(.iJt-:0 Htrauta ocrallt "t. centa at
Hammond S-Jt
One of the Councilmen Would Deprive
Them of A Voice in Legislation Af
fecting Their Future
Tlio City Council tail ovonln.
uitalutt tho with uf I'rctldent Ban.
dt Mori, patted tho street car fran
chlto with every llttlo change m
drufttd Mr Kanderson urged tho
(ouncil (o lay (ho mattr over Just
oiio day nud give tho people uf Kla-
math i'alU a chance to bo beard In
tho matter One number of tbo
council to lay tho matter over Just
read tho frauchlte, and yet Instead
of (ollowlnc tho tuggetiloa of the
Major, they simply rallroadod tbo
ordinance through. This may be
atntlni: the matter rather plain, but
It It tho (act Wo doubt If there It
a lawyer iln tho city ur ilsewhero
who would ttake hit reputation on
an opinion on all of the pruWtloui
In u franchltv'of this length, without
moro than a fow hours consid
eration, and )ct members of the
louncll, without special legal train
ing, consider ll wise tu rutb a mat
ter of this Importance through with
only u day's consideration
Obvnchnln and Crlsler failed to
vote on thu motion for taking up the
frauchlte, or otherwise thero would
hato biiii uu discussion uf the aaat
ter After that, however, there was
plenty of discussion. Councilman
Wllklns made blunolf ridiculous by
a (low of oratory uf his own partlcu
lar varlct), lu condemnation of what
I e termed tho evening paper's criti
cism of tbo franchlte. The Colonel
Intimated that It was presumption
on tho part of a paper ur anyono else
to even think of crltltlng any action
of any member of the council, ea
iH-clally tho member from tho Klnt
Ward No one pa) very much at
tention to what tho Colonel says.
I In has a mania for talking, and the
mil) way to get along with him la to
let him talk Hoth be and his talk
aro taken n a Joke
It will bo remembered that Mr.
Wllklns was not elected aa council
man b) the people. He was put In
to fill n tacauey, and It Is common
knowledge who recommended him
for thu place. The Colonel will be
all right again. Ho haa a grouch
Jutt at present. Ho would llko to
get someone to urge blm to run
for Mn)or, and no ono'wlll volunteer
to do It, and tbcreforo bo feola be
haa a right to a grlovanco. There
are other things that might bo men
tioned, but the less aald the beter.
Wo presumo that tho Klsmatb
I'allt Und A Transportation Com
pany does not want anything that
Is not right. If this la ho caso, they
should bo equally anxloui with the
city lu right any mistakes tn tho
franchise. If, however, the com
pany Is trjlng to got what li not
right, and what would bo an In
jury to tbo city, then they aro not
entitled to consideration. Mr. Haw
kins stated that ho was In a hurry
:5ut pair of men's sample ahoea
Just rccolwd at tho Portland Store,
conslsllng of audi famous, brands aa
W. L. Douglas, -North Blar and
Washington. Itather than put theso
shoes In ttock, wo w(l close out tho
entire lot at small profit. Those
shoes will bo divided In two lota.
All $3 and $3.60 at (4.85.
All $1, $4.60 and $6, at M.M. ,
Come early and got ou alio before
It It too lstt.
Portland Clothing and fjhoe, Store,
Next door, to PoitoBce.
The now hat whether It bo tor
ovory day wear or dreta occasion i
you will now end ready tor selection
here. If It Is a question ot cost, we
can suit you. It Is Is matter ot
a distinctively atyled hat, we can give
It. We are showing copies ot Im
ported model bsts.
6t South Llvermoro Hotel.
When your sewing machine "sets
up," Uuller can'ox It. Phone f 64.' I
and bad to return to California, and
Insisted on tho franchise being
pasted last night If we remember
correctly, II. V Gales, equally as
Important a pcrsonago as Mr. Haw
kins, was held horu for nearly two
weeks lo give tbo council time to
corisldcr all matters Intelligently,
when the light end water franchlto
waa being considered. Kor their
rarotulness at that tlmo tboy wer
given credit fur a proper considera
tion of the city's Intcrctt. Why
wouldn't It bavu been proper and
wise for thorn to hevo taken at least
ono day to consider this matter of
a 60 year street car francblso?
Thero was not a word of criticism
In last evening's Herald, either
ngalnst tbo slroet car company or
the city council, although wo slncoro
ly bcllcvo there Is tome coming to
the council for Us action last
night Witness tbo spectacle of a
body of Intelligent men, elected and
sworn to represent the best Inter
ests of the people who placed them
In power, getting scared for fear
someone won't tako a valuable
franchise, with tho rosult that they
granted them all the concessions that
their able attorney could think ot
putting on paper. Are franchises In
Klamath Kails to worthiest that
wo cannot get rid ot them? It aeema
both ridiculous and a disgrace. A
man or company who Is to be pre
tested with a valuabfe'girt should
await tho pleasure or convenience
ot tho giver, rather than threaten to
pull out their tracks and leave the
city. From the past fow years' ex
perience It would be better to have
our streets unincumbered. We want
somcono In here that will do some
thing, ur else keep the streets for
(bo city.
Tho people of this city aro entitled
to know what tho council Is doing.
and tbo Herald has alwaya attempted
to keep them posted so aa to glvo
them plontyof tlmo to enter a protest
If things wcro-not satisfactory. The
charter provides that an ordlnauco
cannot bo pasted on the tamo day It
Is Introduced. Thla provision was
mado for a reason, and s vory wise
one. It waa the Intention to mako
an brdlnanco go over to tho follow.
Ing meeting and thua give the pco-
plo tlmo In which to Invostlgato the
desirability ot the measure. How.
ever, It does not meet all the require
ments, as tbo council can adjourn to
the following day, and In that caso
(be peoplo aro not given tlmo In
which to grasp tho significance ot
Important legislation. Tho only re
courts that they then have Is the
veto power or tho refordendum.
Wbon an officer, who la placed
In s position of trust for the purposo
ot representing tbo people, will get
up and publicly deny that overy voter
In Klamath Falls has not a perfect
right to have a voice In public mat
ters, bu Is not fit for tho position,
and tho sooner he Is out tbo better
for tbo town.
Tbo peoplo of this city, bowover,
have ono man .to whom they may
stilt pin their faith. That man Is
President of tho Council, F. T. Sand
erson. Ho showed his Judgment snd
common sense when he asked for
the postponing ot tbs ordinance for
a day to ascertain the sentiment ot
the people. This Is not the first
time he has 'shown have
torn consideration tor tbs wishes,
will snd Interests ot the people.
When be held up the light snd wster
ordinance ho was commended by
ovory person In tht city.- Tblt fran'
chlse Is ot much greater Importance
than the light, spd wster ordinance,
for the reason that It mortgages the
main business street, ot this city for
fifty yesrs. We dp not believe
that Mr, Sanderson will approve the
ordlnsnce when he goes Isio it
thoroughly nnd sees Its dotecta. ,Tho
rlghta ot tbee;lty are "lu 'no way
safeguarded, snd It be will ones
mors show his courage snd common
sens by vetoing it,, he will bars
dons sa set that tbs people ot this
city will not toon forget. This will
glvo an opportunity for the needed
Pennsylvania and Illlnolt.tbrough
their legislature, have gone on
record ss fatorlng a constitutional
convention for the purpose of am
ending the Federal Constitution to
that tbo United Bt&tes Sonators shall
bo elected by s direct vote of the
people of tbs different state.
L. D. Mabonc, s member of the
legislature from Multnomah county.
Introduced a memorial at' the last
session of ,tbo lcglslaturo calling up
on Congress to call such s conven
(Ion. It was provldod In tho memor
ial that a copy ot It bo sont to each
state with tbo request that the
different legislatures past the menv
orlal and forward It to" Congress,
According to Information which has
come to Mr. Mahonc, the legisla
tures of Pennsylvania and Illinois
havo patted tho memorial.
As soon as 31 of tho lcglslaturo
of different states havo adopted tho
memorial and sent It to Congress,
that body will bo compelled, under
the Constitution, to provldo for tho
Through tbto adoption ot a propos
ed amendment to the Portland city
charter by the committee of aeven
appointed to draft desired amend
ments to the charter, the 'city council
will bo suthorlted to provide tor the
position ot s purchsalng agent for
the city, whoso duties shall be to
purchase and distribute among tbo
various departments all the supplies
of the municipality. This otfldsl
will be held responsible for all tbs
Klsmsth Fstls creamery butter
76 cents per roll. On sals only at
the following plsess: Klsmsth falls
Creamery, American Orocerr.Cranee
ft Nlekorson. VanRlper Bros.. City
nskerr and tbs Creamery OSes on
Msln street.
Same old story. Residents ssleep.
New comers within week figured out
future ot Midland and bought 14 tou
last Saturday. 6-t
How Is the title to your land? If
jou don't know, get an abstract from
the Klamath County Abstract Co..
opposlto Court House. 6tf
We continue abstracts, aa well aa
make new ones. Let ut complete
jour. Klamath County Abstract
Co., opposite Court House. 6tt
Why buy Imported rancid butter
when you csn secure fresh homs
creamery butter st the sams price?
The only high-grade bat la Kls
msth County tbs Knox Hst now
st the Toggery. St
Klsmstn county Headquarters tn
Ssn Francisco la the Hotel Savoy,
corner Van Nets Aresus sad Ellis
Street, Wslter E. Conner, prop. Take
'Turk and Eddy" street ears at Ferry,
get off st Vsn Ness snd walk one-bait
block north. 3-lt-3m
Free for the Asking j
California. Sweet Pea Seed
Everyone msy hsvs a picksge,ot these famous California, Z
tweet pea &
don't ksve to buy anything.
Three handsome prises offered
Plant the 'seed now.
Snd date ot contest
These seeds. are from Paul Rltger, tbs California per
' turner. His lstsst odor Is Royal Cherry Duds. Come snd
i sample It. , . .. ,
Star Drug Store j
"They Have It'
A largo party of Southern Pacific
railway officials camo In on tbo
steamer tbls evening for a short
stay. Shortly after., their arrival
they went out to inspect thcdopol
grounds snd will return to Ady this
evening, whero tholr special trsln
swalts tbem. '
In tbo party were: Chief Engineer
Drake, of San Francisco; Mr. .Wiley,
superintendent,' ot bridges a'trd con
struction; Mr. Clcndonhln'g; road
matter of tbo Shasta division; Mr.
Dyar, division superintendent; Mr.
Morrison, resident engineer, and
Messrs. Olll, Pad nnd Llndscy,
engineers In charge ot trie special.
The. party camo on a ipec1sl'from
Duntmulr and aro Intpectlrxg 'tho
division. They nro W'thtrY'' 'way
to Ashland. They were accompanied
on tho sfamcr from Ady by Agent
Thompson, who escorted thefm on a
trip to tho railroad grounds' 'and
around tbo town. " "r
rteffiilar meetlnff of tho Woman's
Club will bo held at. the . library
building tomorrow afternoon j",'udy
department at 2 o'clock and business
meeting at 3130. .
C. -V. Hawlkn ot tfio, Klamath
Fall Lands: TransportationCompany
left this morning for bit homo at
Hollltter, California. .. i
Claudo Clopton and Harry Ptcrson,
who had tho small pox, hrve recover
ed and havo been "removed from
quarantine. "
Mr. Hopkins, down -in Illinois,
msy take courage from, the Boston ,
man who hss gone once every .three
years for twenty-ono "years to Mon
treal to propose to a Canadian
sweetheart. Hopkins hain't wsllea
thst tons yet.
A well-known Umbermsn of Eaj
'ens' Is authority for the statement
that the Standard Oil Company ta
buying large tracts of Oregon tim
ber Isnd. and that crulte'rs "in tho
omploy ot the company nro nowj In,
the mountains ot Lane county look
ing over a number ot tracts w(h a
view ot their purchase by iho Rocke
feller Interests. Seven or eight
cruisers, ssld to be In the employ
ot the company, were In the vicinity
ot Eugene recently.
Great Reduction
Sale in Hats
Stetson Hats, rrgsbtr 4.0O asd
MJSO vatae, now 93-30.
All Use aew late styles, regwlar
9S.O0 and W-Ao valee, now VsUSO.
All the new late styles, regalar
8JK) value, now 93.00.
. The So-Called 'Special, regalar
SC.00 rale, now $1.25.
This 'Is ao'BAtT or IJfXKO Bale.
What HAMMOND says 1 so.
Pioneer Store
R. L. HAMMOND, Prop. .
4,000 of thM iot4.
Yens. 2
Corns befors they aro cose
for the product ot tho see.
our windows for list ot prises
J t
.t- -