The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 07, 1909, Image 1

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Klnmntli Knlln' Firm
.iiul JJcttt Daily.
Our Advertiser! Get
The Best Results.
Klliti) Yr.Alt. No. 8i7
Price 6 Cents
IttlteMnaK iwUSrr,kvitwt-fii'anrJiij.,t i.inMinu.niL,vwyi-ii; ,mmm
ly's Interest Not Protected in Provis
! ions of New Ordinance-Many Changes
Should Ue Made
llfty leius li n tnJiOur long time.
il It uev.r pas 1 I'O In too mucli
a horn In blue up an Individual,
rorpomtluii or n municipality (or
.H length uf tlmu wltliuut cap
lly curuldvrlnc tl'u rotiilti. Tim
until ln pasted n 50-yvar itrmi
i- IrancLI.) lu li ivttiml trading.
1 1 Mill una tonight (or IIiq pur
ine uf Oral ncllun on lliu
.iiur 1 o rrntiriuu tiiuuiu u
iitcd, out It mii' bo nccvtiiir) nut
mtU a ow nil chatigrt In m-
.il oi rr e II Jiw, at In nil catet
lei.' liT t'nirhliM. thero iitn
ini .sua .n p,ircrii owir. .u-
Inllul is Irr. ti cnlled to n few uf
k prju-u. -- hit. of which need
In tin flr-t plar, llio fmnclil.o U
il,t-.t 10 tl Klamath Kalli Land
Tin- i artni mi Company At nil
nlinntc- cniuit i bo icpalil, tlilt
liakci I o tl Ir.l franchise for n
rrt-st railway Tho other franchllrt
liovtilo fcr doubli traekt on Main
Itrcct It It n rjiKillon whether tin'
Illy would E t ill of the double
Irack by paving tho new franchise,
! Accordlrc to tbc franchlje, the
Unn begint at California nu-nue.
k till v l'c pmonl linik li lata pail
Itc city ltusl's. tt wouhl not b
lu i lu I'e rilJmlt of tin city be
lot il Cn 'fc.rJa nvenne, .If tl otlirr
kul rf t'o l;rck wrt operated under
Lnalhcr nuiuu nnd .double fan- wcro
kl nrged
Tlr fliy will cunllnuo to haw
Imrta nut fro vrar nud ono inontli.
bind at Inae after nt thy tompiny
kuny iti (Ire Under tho old franchise
Jit wnt promhrd liml otlirr motive
power xiiuld to utct! after llio ar
rli.ilul tlo lallroail Tin' provltlon
ri-ai',r ' Mtrr ono year fiom acrvpt"
aiirq llirra u! nil l iiiihI n i.inllvo
power. rl"ctrltlt), liyro-rnrbon, or
cn.ollnn rnelnci or OTIIIIlt Al'
CIIOVCI) MI'ANrt," rlf, llortw
way bo con;lilercil nt approvcil
nrnt In tome picallllM.
)iit of tho most Important omit.
ilom, hlrh It lurlmlcil In tlm Drtt
to ftanctiltet, It tho rommon nr-
i It r elnutp, t til piovblot that otlicr
Hurt may uto tl o trark on Mnln
ttrcit by pnylnE a proportion of llio
roil, llcforo filly jeart It It con
fidently hoped tUt tbcro will bo
I'lrctrlc llnet connccllnR tblt rlty
wllli Merrill. Ilonnnia and other
parti of the county. It might be for
lti bctt Intcrctt of the clt)to allow
I fmlSL SnHP Ctothes J
I f JuJRL There' plenty of "ko" I
I V w.! ZnPtJtM In the clothes midc to
I f -tjifMAB your individual I
I jk l-kiXB"' measure by ' IB
111 & Strauss Brothers,
Pfiw(BHv'' The vim nnd snap nro I
KuWtrliliiiiBliA ' vi (-uo t0 tw0 thinKs the I
VuVu.'LfiiiHtiflBA V'A pattern of the cloth and I
lJrAvt'iBtBsB s the stylo cut and cewed
l&yfHBiiiii Lts foxo the clothes Just
Wi7-c7!SHkbsJK drop around to our
E&vl&ZJfet. !BkkW store and look over our f
llMKlHk-jLB extensive collection cf L
jWBNtittSiBiTo l'10 scason'a mo-.t
WttfriBZ$mlf ffij artistic weaves. You'll
mfitf'ilSSlnJ HviP welcomo whether
MlMwSmmOX? you orcJcr or not I
sHHB Ke'K I f?&WM
a UfJliHB Exclusive I JLljii
I HicBIbbbbH deslsr for I YMji'lk i
Before Passage
thou llni'i to run down Muln ttrvtt
a ttiiall dlnliinii', and wltliuut tlilt
clnutu tbo city would l.atu tu pir
mil n doublo track
Tin II no i mild nli bo iiimlo n
riKiilnr trauiHny for I nullne nil
LIihU nf dirt ami material. Tliey
sio kltAu lliu t Ik tit to Imiil "aiiiplltt
ami matvilutt ot mu ucd In ion
itruclluu and ir.nlhtunnnro of mil
Huyt, utreiti, tldonnlkt and puttie
butldllllit '
j Tim Vctlon cocrliiK Hi" paving
cud iip&lit nlouit the true): li ter)
weak limn lht ilandpolni of (ho
city. Il u) 'wtioii tho tlty of Kli
limtli id 1 1 tlmll tttabllili now
ViltlclAl Kindo nnd repao nald Main
I Hint, .AH NOW I'ltOI'OrlKD. tald
company tlmll, at lit own vipviitv.
ralto or tower tald railway to con.
form to tucli new official gradu
Hat the city, officially, proimted to
pavo Main atrett? Of, tuppoiliiK
lint tlm rlty ihould iato differently
fiom "at now iroK)itd" would the
rompnii) bo Mill bound?
Tlio cinunii) It nllowid tlio rlg'it
to rraatv and temoto portlnnt ot
the ttrcct Would thematcrlal to
motrd belong lu thv city or would
II be tlio property of the company?
I'mctlmlly nil of tlio cruihcd rock,
vblrli llm ell) went to a Krrat ex
.tento to I tul on Iho atrectt,, wat re
iiovimI 'ami liaulixl away under tbo
old fmiicMto,
Tin nbotr nro only n fiw ofllie
tblngi ncetlliig corrrrllnR, which arc
npparent by n rsrelett pvrmnl of a
pago of tlm franchUe. At tho docu
mint rotitalnt tctcrnl clotcly typo
written paget. Il might be well ,0
tnko tho llmo to too that tho fran-
Irbltq riiulalnt nothing, that can be
of illtadvanlaiw lu tSe rlty In yrart
tu comv
i;um,itii r.uj .now iti
Knthutlattlc booitcrt throuKhout
tho city nro wearing their hot imltet
thole da and It It no wonder
lli-tldit tho fnrt that n mutt prosper
out traaon Id lonkei for by tlio
farmer of Klamath County, now peo
ple nro coming In by lliu trore, nhd
moil of thorn will ntnbltili here.
I Tho railroad will bo completed to
thlt point In n few weoltt, nnd this,
'with tho knowledge thai the world,
rcnuwnrd Knox llntt aro now on
dltplny at Iho Toggery, Klamath Kallt
It at Intt on tho map, !t
Tlm fullowliitf biilldlne normltt
nrro crniilvd by lliu council last j
ovunlng William lilmma, to erect (
two porlnblo tlioo thlnlrig tlandi In'
tlthcr end of (own. C. I- Koltoy, I
tu ronttruet n flvo-room bungalow
un lot In block &S. C C. Hum
phrey, tu build nn inldltlon to lilt
rctldonco W W. Mailon, to build
nu ndltlon 1 6 by 24 tu lilt barn un
lot C In block 41. W T flhlro,
lu cruel a ono-otor) framo dwelling
on lot 2 In block 10 nnd nlto a
liulldlng In block 41, both lu thn
S'lilolt addition
n o water ordinance and contract
for hydriiutt patted by tho
roundl. Tho ordlnnnto providing
for n new rhttrlc light tttem and
rontrnri for ttrtct llghtt wat laid
awr ut III tonight,, fit Urj Gutrt
xixctt a rommunlcatlon from hit
other In regard to ralot for com
mercial u
I'oi.sTi.ino si:itvi: at
At Iho meeting ot tho City Council
lait evening tho following appoint
ment! of Judgft nnd clcrkt wcro
To tcro at tho ward nominating
contentions, lu bo held on April 23:
Kir it ward, Judge.' O. K. 8tearnt,
Krank Armttroug and V.a Iteatuet.
Clcrkt Tony Cattcl and I. U Whit
orth. Beeond ward,. Judgvt; 1. 1..
Fountain, J I-. rieldcr and I.. P.
Wlllltt. Clcrkt: I1. !,. fountain and
Win. Wagner. -Third tmrd, Judgci:
Chat. Woodanl, C. 11. Clcndeunlng
ind Wm. Whltlock Clcrkt: II. 8.
Origin) and Carey Ilamtby.
To rmi nt tho city nominating
contention, to bo held on April 24:
Frank Armttronc. I'. I.. Kountaln,
W. T Bhlve. CUrkt: J. .0. Plcrco
ami llert Wllhrow
Tho tlmu for tho tumnicr tjiorti
1 1 fait approaching,, and u muto
meut wat ttartid today toward tbu
organization of n baseball team for
Klanlath I'allt. Thero are ti-voral
leaguu plnjcrt recently located In
tho city and there It plenty of flrtt
olusa inatctlul among llio local play
urt. No town It really allvo unlctt
It hat a good ball team, and tbo
peoplo hero ihould oncourago tbo
boyt In their orgnnltatlon.
Sultablo groundi will bo tho tnott
difficult undertaking and tho bo)
wcro out looking for a location
today. Vacant ground It at a pre
mium nt tlio present time, hut they
mn) ho iibk) to tecuro a placo out
tldo tho city limits. With Iho nr
rhnl of tho railroad II will bo pot
tlblo to gel otlicr trnmi tu come
hero for gurnet, and a good bnll
enmo It nlwnjt an aktractlon that
will draw crowdt.
ham I'm: hiipi: hi.i:.
230 pnlrt ot men't tauiplo tboet
Jiitt icceUod at tbo Iprtland Store,
coutlttlug ot tucli tiimoua brnudt at
W. I.. Don glut, North Btnr and
Wnbhlngton, llatbcr than put these,
sliocu lit ttock, wo will cloto out tho
ontlro lot nt tmnll profit. Thcto
shoo.i will bo dhlded In two lots.
All 3 nnd (3.D0 nt v!.:t.1.
All f4, Jt.50 and (5 nt 2.0O.
Co mo early nnd get )ou tlze boforo
It It too Into. '
I'orllJtiil Clothing nnd Btioc Store,
Next door to Foitofflco.
Tho now hat whether It be tor
ovory day wear or droit occatlon
ou will now find ready for tolcetlon
hero. It It It n question ot cost, wo
cuti tiilt jou. It Is It a matter of
n distinctively styled hat, wo can glvo
It, Wo nro showing copies of Im
ported model hats.
Ct South Uvormoro Hotel.
Whon yo)r towing mnchlno "actt
up," Muilor can Ox it. lUiono 2S432
All lovcrt of lllblo ttudy, especial
ly In Itt nppllratlon lu tho llfo of
today, nro cordially Invited to tbo
torvlci at tho Mclhodltt Church
tonight at 7.30. Tbo outline to bo
followed It that arranged by tho
commlttco of lha International Bun
day Hclmolt nnd It acknowledged by
tho gn.aUtt lllbllcal icholart tu b
lbi bctt at to Itt comprchenilvcnoti.
tlioroughneit and general adaptab
Ity lu tbo ncedt of the million-.
Mr. I'rlco will rnako uto of tho
blackboard, to that tho eyo may
aitlit tho car Tho general outllno
will hu at followt:
Tlmu. I'lnco. I'eranni. Kvent.
Tlio doctrlno taught: Itt'toclal ap
plication, nnd lha deeper tplrllual
tlgulflccncc, cloilng with an endeav
or to mcinurltu tho key thought.
Ktiid.-ntt nro requettcd to bring
their Illblet. at rrfcrencet will bn
ctlkd for. Hunday Bchool ttachert
and Itioto quallf)ing for tucli potl
tlont an' ctpeclally invited.
xi:i:dh i i.i:n two iif.MiiiKi)
ihi.i.iih ami KiKn:i:x
Joo Herdt wat found guilty thlt
aiornltig beforu Judgo A. O. Miller
of telling whltkey In violation of
the local option law. Tbo Judgo Im
puted a (lno of 1200 and 15 dayt
in Jail. II. Kecice, attorney for
.-icodt, terved notlco of appeal to tho
Circuit CourMnd tbc Judgo placed
the ball at 12000. Bevdt wat pltctd
In Jail autltlng tccurlng of bondt.
Dan Itjtn, ono ot tho wltnctiet
agalntt Scodt, wat placed under ar-
rul In tbo court room for being
Irunk and Ultordcrly. Ilyan wat
loaded when he apprau-d to tetttfy
anda hit actlont wcru tuch that tbc
Jude, wat tempted to Ono him for
contempt, but at tbo Manual wat
prrttnt. ho ordered him arretted
aud placed In Jull to tober up.
J. L. Tadgctt cl ux to II. W
Tower, parcel of land described by
jicte and buunds. In Kcno. f 1S0.00.
J. M. Casey to K. J. Ilaker and
t:. C. Carter, nil of blk 1, Klrtt add
io Knit Klamath Falls, 110.00.
Oklahoma & Oregon Towmltc
Co.. tu I. I Meeker, lot 22, blk
IT, lot 4 blk 12 and lot 10 blk Cl.
Whltclnkd City, fl.00.
I. A. Duffy ct ux to tlertha It. G
Schnildt.lot rblk GS, K.K.F., $10.00.
I. A. Duffy l ux to Bailie J.
Mum, lots f. and C, blk 59. K. K.
F $10.00.
L,. W. Mlllor to C. E. Wlddoct.lott
9 and 10, blk 48, First add to K.
P., $1000.00.
Chat. A. Jomon to J. D. Melton,
e of so Vi. nw'V of soVi. teVi
of noV tec 20, tp 40 s r 15c, $10.00.
V. O. Iluioii ct ux to American
Uank & Trutt Co., tw; ot twVi toe
12, ntj ot nwU. nwti ot noVi, tec
13, tp 3S t r 9, $1.00.
N. I. Ity. Co., to T. II. Shovlln.
landt In tp 24, t r S, 20 t r 10, 24
l r 11, 25 a r, 25 r 12, 27 r 12,
C02 acres, $4814.9C.
N. I'. Ity. Co., to T. II. BhcUln.
.andt In tp 24, s r S. 25 t r S, 24
j r tl, 24 a r 10, 25 t r 10, 23 8 r
II. 24 b r II, 25 a r 11, 26 i r 12,
1200 ncroa, $5000.00.
N. I Ily. Co.. to T. II. Bhevlln.
995 a'crct In tp 24 a r 8, 25 t r 8,
24 r 9, 25 a r 9. 24 r 10, 25 t
r 10, 23 a Ml. 24 1 r 11, 25 r
II. 25 a r 12, $7901.36.
Abuer Weed ct uxMo Southern
Pacific Co., lauds In tec 18, tp 38
r 9 c. 03 acres, $1,0.00.
Noll Campbell ct ux and David
Campbell to W. W. Masten, part ot
lot 6, blk 48, Nichols add to K. F
Railroad will be finished to Mid
land within ton days. Duy a lot or
two now, and not have to say tbat
ou could have mado ono to flvo hun
dred per cent had' you bought this
week. ' ' 5-6t
All kinds ot sowing machines tor
into or rent at Singer Agency. Phono
254. 22tf
Dressmaking Plata and fashion
ablo towing. Wordon street, second
houso abovo Catnollo Churcb.4-64-20
Government Willing
Sewer End of Ankeny Canal With the
Water Obligations Attached
At tl.o city election held In Bo-
nanti yetterday tbo following wero
Mayor A. T. Langell.
Itccordor F. W. Uroadiword.
Trcaturcr John T. Bradley.
Councllmen F. J. Bowne, Wil
liam (Jou. I. O. Parson. C. J. Ileidt
man and E. A. Iltmakcr.
There aro fundi In the City Treas
ury for Iho redemption of all war
rants protested on and prior to July
27, 1906. Interett on above war
rants will ceaso from date.
Dated this 7th day ot April, 1(09.
J. W. B1EMEN8,
City Treasurer.
"TLo Halt llrcod" (taken from
the play). "Will We Ever Get To
Town i (comic). "Lost la a De
partment Store (comic). New
Klamath Falls creamery butter
6 cents per roll. On sale only at
the following places: Klamath Falls
Creamery, American Grocery.Cranee
& Nlckcrson. VaaRlper Bros.. City
Bakery and the Creamery Offlce on
Main street.
Same old story. Residents asleep.
New comers within week figured out
future ot Midland and bought 1 lots
last Saturday. B-st
' How Is the title to your IsndT It
you don't know, get an abstract from
tho Klamath County Abstract Co.,
oppotlto Court Houte. Bit
Wo eontlnuo abitractt. as well as
mako new ones. Let us complete
yours. Klamath County Abstract
Co., oppotlto Court Houte. Stf
Why buy Imported rancid butter
when you can tecuro fresh home
creamery butter at the same price?
The only high-grade hat la Kla
math County the Knox Hat now
at the Toggery. tt
Klamatn county Headquarters In
San Francisco It the Hotel Savoy,
corner Van Nets Avenue and Ellis
Street, Waltor E. Conner, prop. Take
'Turk and Eddy" street can at Ferry.
get off at Van Nets and walk one-halt
block north. t-18-3m
Free for the Asking
California Sweet Pea Seed
Everyone mar have a package ot these famous California
sweet pea seed. We have 46,00f ot these seeds. You
doq't have to 'buy anything. Come before they are gone.
Three handsome prises ottered tor the product ot the seed.
Plant the seed now. Em our wlndowa for list ot prises
aud date ot contest.
These seeds are from Paul Rleger, the California per
fumer. His latest odor is Royal Cherry Buds,
sample It.
Star Drug Store
They Have It"
that City Should Have
The City Council last evening re
fused to accept a nice, woll-shaped
lemon which wot offered tu It by
the Reclamation Service. And well
it might, for If It accepted the offer
It would bo certain to mean only
a lot of troublo for imall pay. Some
time ago it wm Intimated to the
Council tLat If tbo city wanted the
Ankeny canal It mlgt l lave It, at
lean for a term' of yeart. Thou
altrulttlcally Inclined Immediately
began to outllno the advantages of
pouctilng tuch a utjful article; for
It meant cheap power and llghtt;
water for tl e itrasti, tswsrt. Irriga
tion and what not. ' it wat a pretty
picture So much so, In fact, that
tho Council Intimated to tho Strvlcj
that It would' bs "dee-lighted" to ac
cept the liberal offer, and appointed
a committee' toaeonve) tho Informr
lion. This committee made Its re
port lait cvonlcg, and It tad jomj
wLat ut tlo of a fade J
flower. Inttcad ot marching trium
phantly Into tl.e Council Chamber
with the Ankeny canal on a' platter,
the member! bumbl) advanced and
presented the city fathers with the
lemon abovo referred to. "the com
mittee bad the honor to report" that
tho Reclamation odclali Lad boca.
teen and tLat tley ttatcd thatch
Service would be glad to debate to
the City of Klamath Fallt the An
keny canal but that the Service
detlrcd to retain that portion of it
north of the retldcnco of C. E. Wil
son. In other words, the city could
have the tall with Its forty water
rights and the Service would keep
the head with Its'wntcr power.
After the members of the Council
got their faces ttralgbtened out and
their Dpi sufficiently unpackcred to
as to express their thoughti they un
anlmoutly tald thank you but"
and thoy Immediately appointed
Councilman Wilklns to convey their
regrett to tho Service with tho added
tuggeitloc that It tie bead goet with
tho tall, the city would be glad to
get the canal, but It It wat to re
ceive only the portion of It that cart
rled with It the forty water rlgnti.
and their contcquent troubles, It
would havo to get along without It
the bctt war It could.
It Is assumed that It Is the plan
ot the Oorcrmnent to eventually In
stall a power plant In the neighbor
hood ot the Wilton retldence and
either use tho energy for the Service
or dltpoto of it to the general public.
Drrtaauking Mrt. L. N, Haines.
7th street, near Oak street. s-2t
Corns aad
V i.
1 1 , , .