The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 05, 1909, Image 1

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Kltiinntli Jills' i'lrm
and Dent Onlly.
Our Advertiser! Get
The Best Results.
-mw v m ur
Price 6 Ients
TlllKl) Vkaii. No Ki't
IR0ANI2A 1 10.
i.tlllV hn l t 1 1 ' AI'I'OIVIH
nniiriiiH now iu:.ji
I . HlHIM.hH.
'Mil' Uiniuti.t County Unlry As-yi-
liithni licul ! r.nul organliiHIan
iii.oiliii! iii tin- rn tntt Saturday
priMiuuti 'II o Hunting u nut
txi'lnll) nleuJ il owing very largely
ii tint li'k .a .ii tapldly opanlng
ur (arm worn II" 11 nul. bow-
er n Inm ii nit mi, and nlrcnd)
kmin tit Hi" r Jiiiniliti i appoint
liu ncllviir in woik on assigned
But I t-K mill ai muuiug favorsiblo io-
Tim orgnnltatljn tit tao, nttscta
lluii It m fuiiowa II. IIllan)8D,
KfiliUn'. ri n Im White. Viet
President J HuN-muli, Secretary;
If . . ' tr-r.
Tl.o tuu'lhc mi I ui-llv dulto ill
llio uti'l.l I I
iii ii-h aro la tin
jiivii cemwltUM
i mldtil RBd
Imiiiln o' in
I tin ir "J n
in-tttrr hi
i . .x-iaiion are w
.( i It comiallU"
. i t tl etl
i' A IK.-i.rDl ul Kbt
. v -run of rt1ll
f . i . Fred Looto
lllrlo (:, '
1 1.0 oitr i:
lnllllllIU : B
knntii rm i (
r! HI lion
lj of T Km nail
Tt iv- ri nrilttres of IB
hiaiocia'inii mil ildr uawbartM.
Into oi f'-'i
(niiinii n niftatsmasi-
It'rntik Im i . it II. Oanoar.
IJiiiIko lUliltmn
I'otillinil. i. in I.lTettork C. 0
IMpiiIII.Ii r r-iimr. 1. f. Ailaam.
It.'ltra lloMm, I yuli Uarbr, Jbbm
Cmiinilitn on Dniiy Mnrkiti nnd
rrado llmmb V II IkllnMKH, V
A Dullrll. 1 l (u.i.ill. W. C Dal
(in. Y'ti rlt llllr
I'ominli' u.i tn'rp implMnaati.
IMarlilnrry itml lUtlliit J. A. Hot
mint.,. V V liildwln. A. C. UU
Comtiilita i' I'ood for Dairy
IHinck -O A k rami. J ), Carroll.
J I Ailnti. 1 H Mtrrlll. II. K
IPiitnt.-r, I'rrd Lfitlcc
Tlir oHlrrra i f llio r.oclatlon. tlir
MwMltp roitimtiioc ami tho ntmvp
naiurd rt-cul.T winimlltM intt a
term. nf our yinr Tlio nt annual
mrtllr.i; fur clmtnni v.111 In- IxHd
tho flrat Halunl.TV In Jatmury. ISIP
Tliu fiilluolnc Mirta! nnniiilttera
I law bftn nciolnt d '
Cumitiltli-it un Mi ititi ratiln J. A.
lliitriinili, Klamatli fa l. Kil Me-
Klwlrw. Ilonnnio. II. II. Itoyt. Mor.
rill, l-rrd 1omIm. Kl Klamath.
L'liminlitoo nn flood lloada-J. 8.
HIimiI. Juditu Nolan. Ii II. Caitiff
doll. W C Dalliin. J. 0 mmmiMin.
Tint itiiniiilttco en ontrrtnlnmvnt
Ii at priaenl ntnniiliiK n laa iifl
liulllulM for tho ro int. v
pedal farmera' niAl dnlrymoii'a Industry for this aectioii of tho nte. llm rommltteo on good road can
inecllngs will bo helif In nit llkclN Soiiittblng lll bo aatd regardlnK Jutt now aervo a purpose. They can
lnKitl some llmo In Ma, nnd special-, thla mntti r later. Tho preaent great help to Identify tho Dairy AmocI.v
Im nml cxpcita from Cormllli nud ' need la lo glie tho uhject Individual tloti with tho good roads movement
Porthnd ulll ho In attendance. ' ntloiitlon. Ktud the iitiestlon. read In tl'o rounty nnd dlrcctl) ino the
Tho rnmmlltco on livestock will' dairy pnper. net Informetl. Tho imuelntlon by bringing t" It Infor
Imxo aoiiiu of tho moil Important peopio of Iuwn and Wltcomln and million on good roads, and by help
ilutle tn poirform uhlrli ran tome Minnoaotn didn't lmort nillkcr. Ing lo ratnhllah roads In the country
wllhlii tho viipe of thu natoclnltoii.
Tint work of this mmmltti-o .tslll, ,
4Q4WA4W' -
fit. ';
AUkmi i-T
In (nil, Iny (lie foundation lor III"
mrn nt ditlrjliig la lb ounly It
.k iIivIhiI 1 1 t all pnril'i itelr
tititclmi.j dairy, animal inuk
nnt known to tho lln-stucK cum
nlttee Tlih committee wishes to
inti In tnucli will) tho livestock,
.nwxl of tl D iltetilct nml do nil In
! power to net dairy uek lata tin.
utinty. C. o. Merrill, a nu'tnbcr of
bit rontiulltc, litis already cent nut
or onn lul ot dairy nnlniaU, J. !"
diim baa SO )i-ad on bend, and
4r Oerber I In California with ft
romlsn-to Inform tbe association it
my Rood imlmnli coining to lilt
lollce. A gentleman Iron! llio Middle
.Vol Ij making inquiry rwrillm;
be Uinsc lo ttebltili n brtlliiK
arm foi dairy ttceb litre, iiud ttAles
lot ! coald corre with, 100 ui.l
uaU. Thu orn iu'teu whirl) the
Moclatlon dorirra tu carefully nt-i
,aJ to' for tho bon.flt aad artop.;A
mat of th dairy LiM'nuu In our
Tl o ronnlttM on insrkoti had
d tiraaiU will r.m it lafloBOa,n,OMBl t(Jrainfci BcrM tho clanm
,i ra Ml U naa at;oal awhtt ,h nuw; manlnK ,BJ
: will aim to brlt ( all It loarsi to .
a i-opl. It will, rapidly a oar(B ,rfc " a Tb
rramarloa, prlvatv dalrlan. nad Tho Bottttcru Pacific avldently dl
' mm factorial al.t. try to , wajll , intertareace In tl
aniiau or unuy mm kiumib , mk w rnw 03 M fofto of m,
tauda ot dairy prodavta aad pat ......
haw on tt. raarkol la nam aadl"' " ,0 P k atr0
arkasa aveb aa will hD lo i&.;i! ehnnntl tlorlnit flnnday. IMU
lab tho Klamath dUtrlri arcoad lolararp drlicn unit a hrldite neroia tt
oao.- Tbo eonratllaw aopaa to 1-l j mnr eoBatructeil and ttiB trark lal
bo & lo th. Iowa, of tb mo. , , iKcntr.,our fcour. The of
rr to tt tl bait, wbolMOW. car-!...,
ittad tallfc and dairy prtrfatt. ob- a l tl' r-5lt ''"" " '
aleabto aaiter. latBtctntct ru to thtlr urdcra or plant.
Tba ootaialtto on dairy Impla- hut na the track laying er- U toda
Bta, maablaery nnd. rxUlblti I prrMdlng with the or!t. It U erl
houlJ brlag to as typta of the boil Jtnt u,ftf tE0 intention Ii to rub
oU Ib.uw In the large or aarJP p,, , ,,,, lo Ku.
Hirf ur wflnff irinwni. jwnwvni 11 j
fcea nrtlel! absiild not boaliato tn
jut their Nr la th dltrtt on
'owwteatan nr otherwiw Tho do
'fopmi'iit ot tlia dairy iBdaatry In
I, tir Middle Weal haa beeH IHped
Hagaincntly by the rampojijn of
duration Hrrltd on by dealer and
ommlHtuii ihii.
Tho committee on toad for dairy
Blnials I aa an unending eertee ot
.ulli-i to work uihiw. Tti latrtiJue-j
iob of ailllng crop, of Rood bal-
food tilcl) ran be ralainl i
of new tftrietlM, surli aa
" ! Y"co' "" UI ,lwc"" i,ro"
'or trnklBK uch product
"" ' "" inirouucuon i
ln" ". " ""nr '""'
'"" '" "'" "lc'.1 ,0 KU w, nnu
I" ' "in-iir m in- uairj
l'.'ru. t
It la ot courw mil iitfconwry now
lo dllulo iipontho aluo of the dairy '
The) lifiriiwl m ml Hi .nml tliuy Irani-,
cil how tn couaervo tho hi.sltica. mid
&9trQ&&4t'' - iWQQfiQQQQ9QQ'$QQA
? f
i P;' wmr
Vleyaf; ,t3 (r$iV '
f ?. -': J-?5
7 .-
iilj, ,J3l. S' 1
Crew of !00 Men Work All Saturday Night
and Sunday Driving Piles for Bridge
and Laying Ties and Rails
If ncjnni" !of nut lxillcio that the,
railroad Ii towing, tliiy cfcould Into
liccn In tlicvlclnlty of Ady yesterday.
,nrco mw "r,eJ t0 ork
Kotordny urcnlog aud worked all
nltflit Mid all day Husilay. and tod lrl: IJ tomplttiJ from tl'
watli I'aIIi, a nnnounred leveral
moatha ago.
The aitouncaincnt wai made Ihiil
tho road uould ho ready for opera-
tliui by Mny. nmt It la now probable
thnt tho track ulll bo completed bo-i
fore that time, although thtt Inau
guration of tho crlco may not tnl.o
plant until too early pert of May.
they found, nlao, rally In the r.un.
how to ray off obllgatlona nnd mort
gage. The county nnc'lloii lit unit
iiilltet nt uboio invntiimed, un i.u-m-berahlp
nnd i:ihk1 roni'a.
A little money la iKcessnry to no
tneldrntnl i-xpciiie, print and dis
tribute b)laa, i-tr., nml every man
should Join tho mmoment. Tie
meml-erahlp fee la ono dollar.
lit to deliver milk nna cream over
nny day In tho e.-ir.
TF YOy wnnf style,
iu cliaructer nnd beau
ty in your
come to us. We offer $
you 1,000 of the new-
est woolens to make
yaur selections from,
aad wi w ou any
kfd of a fluarantcx
5'0U wnnt for a f II nnd I
..... ' 4
In t"n dsya the ork tralm lll have
croaaod (l.e murili and will ho icon
camlet: tP the tallv). nnd It la quite
iikti) uiai men aomo or mo peopio aro on rccor(j tno office of thr
.III wako up to tho fact that the stato engineer,
allroad la coining. Tl.o aptclal crew , At thla tlmo tl e flllnKi arc not de
f 100 men tint vraa working e- flnll cnouu " ,,ml1 ' ""P CD
-rday I aa been taken o.7 and tLo
gular trncU lnjlng tcanc lll con-
Inuo tho work.
Joe 8eda waa nrn-itcd twlay by
itptilv Sheriff ScL&llork on a chargo
f kt-lllng whUke). Tho complaint
.at aworn to by a man by the namo
.f Martin. Lo aa)a tho whlakey
aa aold In one of tho bedrooms In
he Wilton lodging houtv by Seed.
quart boltlp ti boiighl for IS by
another turn and Martin m given
4 .drink. Hall a place! at :S0
find Seed will be riven a bearing
on WednraJay
A Mrsrnm ... rcc.lved today by
. II Naftrger. president of tl o Hot
Spring Improvement Company. In-
forming him that the case of on
1 1.. Me) or In been dtamlssed bp tho
I'nltcd State Circuit Court. Thla
eaao lnolvrd tho title to tho tract of
.and now- owned In this city by tho
Hot Springs Company nnd haa been
In tho court for a long time. Thla
J.tirlim permanently acttlM the
Vxtloii ot title to thla vvnluahlv
lird nnd bring to nn cnJ IlilgJ
tlo.i that hns cost thousand of dol
lars In attornc)' fees and court
The preliminary hearing of Henry
Morrell. clnrged with passing a forg
ed check mi W. K, Secnorn ot tho
American llotist, was held today bo
fore Judgo Miller. Tho check wa
signed w Itli tlm namo of Stella Wat
ion. Morrill ns arrested by Deputy
Rherlff Sclnllock In Dorrl S.Uur
lay nnl returned tn thU city jester
'av. Ho was bound over to nwnlt
i o nctlnn ot tie Grand Jury at -tno
Juno term of court.
O . 11. Gates, tnbmbcr ot tho pub
lie Improvement committee of tho
CI amber ot Commerce, la today clr
lulnttng ii petition to Chlot Con-
itruetlon Hnglnecr II. P. Hoey to bo(
,nH. k.1a.1 n rt tnf tfi,.l i.r..lnff llint
liilitiiiuiu j., v., v ,,v., w.n... ....
Iii tho plans for a depot at Klamath
"all? tie construction department
glvo us as creditable a building ai
pojslble. Attention Is drawn to tho
fnet that' tho city l revising lie
clmrtor to provide for itreet pave
ment, sower system and othor sub
stantial Improvement, nnd nlao to
the fuel that tho streets to tho depot
ground) will bo macadamized and co
mmit sldownlks built,
Tho Southern Pacific ha been
aubatanllal wooden bulldlaga at the
amaller ttatlona along tho line of too
California Korthiaatcrn, and It la
expected that thla city will be given
a haodaomo building of more aub
atCBtlcl matorlat. The petition la
bolng clgncd by all the butlnet men
of tho city, who eipreaa a wllllngneaa
to co-operate with tho railroad com
pany In any matter for the better
mrnt of thla acctlon.
;i:juk ritoJKwTH in
HlfillT roit OltEOOX
SAI.EM, Or., April 6. More Irri
gation proj'ecta aro In view for east
ern Oregon. The Uultod Btatea re
clamation aervlca baa made three
Imjiorlant flllnga on caitcrn Oregon
retina wltl.ln the pait fow da) a
flio fillngi were made on tho Uma
lllla, Owhto and Mall our river and
largemcni upon ino proipoiea pro
jeeta that the United Bute Govern
t oxpccU ,0 m,k:J Too 0ug,
muil bo approVL-d, and aoveral
montha will bo ronaumed before an)-
thing of a dcflnlto nature can rcault
from them.
Tl.o topographical aurveja that
I avo Lkd tnadtt In eaitern Oregon
are the moil valuable mcana where
by fcailblo reclamation projecta are
dlcoercd. At tho laat aeaaloa of
tt0 leglilaturo an attempt waa made
t0 incrcaac the appropriation, from
fjooo to 120,000 annually for'mak-
ne tuCio iUiveja. The bill paaaed
tho houao but
failed to paaa the
Jaa. Pclton and wlfo returned to
day to tbelr home at Fort KUraath.
Herbert Well, who haa been here
the pan year with Maney Bro.. the
contractor on the government dticb.
left thl morning with nl wlfo for
St. Louis.
D. II. Campbell baa hla banda full
these day. He alalc that the past
week lota In Midland, the new rail-
hlye be4n , ke
. , ,.. Thlrf ,.,, ,,. w.
Lot cake.
Saturday-fourteen aalea
. . ... .... ... .... .. .....
U1IUH UltUU H.HI uuj BiuHr. a.,MM
between IS and 2 o'clock alx lota
were aold on the atrength ot the
ork being puraued In laying track
across tho marsh.
Wo continue abstracts, aa well a
make new one. Let u complete
jours. Klamath .County Abatract
Co., opposlto Court House. (tt
All kind ot sewing machine for
salo or rent at Singer Agency. Phone
:S4. 22tf
Hallroad will be finished to Mid
land within ten days. Buy m lot or
two now, and not have to say that
ou could havo mado one to five hun
dred per cent bad you bought this
week. B-lt
Free for the Asking
California Sweet Pea Seed
Everyone may have a package ot these famous California
aweot pea seed. Wo have 41,000 ot thee seeds. You
don't have to buy anything. . Come before they are gono.
Throe handsome prlies offered for the product ot the seed.
Plant the seed now. See our windows for list ot prises
and date ot contest.
These, seeds aro from Paul Rleger, the California per
fumer.' His latest odor Is Royal Cherry Bud. Come and
sample It.
Star Drug Store
f "They
Now that It la aaaurcd that tho
railroad will reach Klamath Fall
jy the flrat of May, It la time tho
.allrcad celebration committee got
juay. Membcra of Ike coinmiueo
,Uto that they already havo plam
or tho celebration mapped out, and
tat Juit ai aoon nj they can get a
loflnlto atatement from tho olllclali,
Lo date for the celebration will bo
let and Invitation aent out. The
Governor of Oregon and California
III bo Invited, and Senator Bourne
:nd Chamberlain and Congretiman
.awley, and a number of othor re-
lamatlon and government official.
lis calibration, tot. ever, will not
i oxclmlvtl.
for .o.tiM-
I e CI amb:r of Co.ooi rcr
rke a atrocg eno t to I l.r
Jdcbt of t o luuat, to i. .' '
to people of Kla.ittl Fall I. cii
rating tl Is ev ot f jr ov h r i
rg) delegation Ij al a x ct '
om lako roust .
Tl ere II on l Iru i m t ii u,i
if Klamath Fall alould do In pm-
aratlon of thl event. Tie atrect
.lould bo cleaned, taam and prhnf
ropsrty alould he b-cutlfl'd b 11--emoval
of refute; trecj.tloulj b
rimmed, and. In fact, II e rlt
i ould lave a general cl-anlng up j
that It will prca?nt an nttrartlve ap
pearance to tl.o crowda of vliltorj
upected. It would bo well If a
general "clean up" day wero de
cided upon, when every property
owner and butlnes man In the city
would take a day oft and join in a
cleaning up crutadc.
There will be many itrangert '
will vllt thl city for the nrt time
luring the railroad celebration, and
If they are favorably Impressed with
the looka of the city, tncy are iiaeiy
to remain. It I an opportunity of
a life-time for the people or tnts etiy
-nd tl ey snouia ica auiuie m
It. There I work for the city of
Iclal. and tbcro Is work for every
ono In preparing the city for the rc
?sptlon of It visitors. The time I
.t-ort and work sVouId commence at
nc3. The itorcs and building will
be expected to der-rrate, and thoy
-.tould attend to sxurlng their bunt
'ng and flag before the supply I ex
rauatcd. If ordir are placed now,
the merchant will be able to replen
lih their tock If necesary In tlmo
for the celebration.
' How I the title to your land? It
you don't know, get an abstract from
the Klamath County Abatract Co.,
opposite Court House. 8tt
Bame old story. Resident asleep.
New comers within week figured out
future of Midland and bought 1 lots
last Baturday. B-it
It you are looking for extia One
quality ot butter.the Monarch has It.
75 cents a roll.
Have It"
constructing very creditable and
v' )..ae6c
iC-A.-!i. Jji