.t.,.- ..- mi tuiffilUtYislV JJ..-' i&HJ ? rap' " "y-wf:w ' ;ia? c-m TA-i- l r "J AWHMk J I ' -v. . y .1. 'Jl - 4"3jAv' f ' .-' l' B'Jr,M. ' iwttitti tfaJ& Klamath Falla' Pint and Btat Dally. Our A4VtrtUm Ott i The Btt RtukaV ,. A nilRD Ybaii. No. 823 KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. FRIDAY. APRIL 2. 1909. -v ' i . I Piicvsccim Mm UIbbbI' 18 ALDWIN AGREES TO RUN FOR MAYOR VNOl'NCKH 1'I.ATr'OllM FAVOR. IMU HTIIKKT FAVIMJ AM A NKWKII MVHTIM. A Herald ripresentatlvn called up- Judgvtlaldwln Itila wonting In re- ird lo lilt declalou la become a no- date tor Mai or, toil atkvd dim tor statement ot politics ho would ad- cat, lu au lulrvlw Mr. Unlit- kin Midi "I an willing to submit my natnn r Ik cootldeiatlon ot Ihe people of hla city for Ihe omce of Mayor, and f'lbtjr believe Ibat I antwvr thtlr ItilrcBitnlt I will deem ll au Honor D;iiv ineir eseuuTuj ii. in mvir lorn, they believe they havo better limber, then I am for llivlr choice. bit decision bat only Iwn readied Iftrr ronatant luipotluuliiK from alllkolld and mintail, to tt.at the city cllona of tbp rlly and all clm.llll at nil timet art a n unit. Thlt It hat been to ttroni and xiuual bat I fcl It ray duly lo comply with. ,b demand. In order that the cltl at may fully underttand my to. Ion on the quettlona upprrinoat In bf affalra of the city at tblt time. III briefly title ,ay vltwt rtlatltr bereto: , "la the Brat plar I am not In avor of uaving any ttrret out of ha (torral fund; the Ittemenl hat I am I niUundi.rlool, Tbf buiilat iirojTity tboutd aland all fi tbo oioeute. It Kulblo tbat bt upetN would b to Brral that It ould be advlaable for Iba rlly to ut bonda runalnx Irom two to rt) yaart la order to inabo It raty for lb property owncrt, but tboet ado, all atiwaM connected wltb heir latUAar and Ibv Intervtt thoro- a ought lo bo paid by the abutting tiroperly "I am furl her In favor of tbp It tuanto of a aufflclenl amount of bontt to Install a (lul-claw tewer ywaia. We ttonol nfford lo co half way la tucb a thing. Tbo detalla for the payment of tfilt mutt bo wored out later, but I favor tbo pay meat out of the general fund of tbo Mala tower, tbo lateral to bo built by tbo property ownert. 'One of thi quettlona tbat la up for aolutlon, and one that ought lo bo aolved, la tbo attending of the illy llmlta. Thlt ought to bo done iltbout narrrioa. There It a middle roMa m which tbo city and the PJnddlttoM eta ataad, and I favor a iKillcy that will aot oaly meet tlm aeedt of tbo prevent city, but alto thoaii of the addltloaa. I bellevo that a fair policy ought to bo pur. aucd la thlt maUar, and thtit reach aa amicable adjualmtnt of tba quva lloaj. Ttfai i-a. sasnawssssssstswta. gsslHssBsHgtBfafl , ABssfamwtJgsF9ggnUarwflF!JwTiM A -LsTst i sammmmmmsgmmmBBBamHKfiaHlll&alVB mHsflRlsKrBsmamUBKssmmmmmmmBk. mBBmmmmmFanina uBjcnnasuasBSBSBnmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm. smmnammmmmmmmmKvSiIssBsmmwEssmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm BBBmmtBBBmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmnCsBBmmmmmmmmmmmSBBBTasBTa :MatmBgatmmalmBlmHgaHSgalmmmmmm i agglPHtaga i ggmmlgV i gcgVgagagagagagagagagagVgagg ' asBTammmmmmmmmmasaTammmmmmwwvltBBBTaV iammrnVtrsBTammmmm i gagsBsssmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnewmmmrMHZasmassVmmmmmT gig.gig.gig.giHvilT-lgig.gig LgLgHnHBl' mW'VnWt-allHgW 1 ' IIIIIIIIIIHaingllllVmflj VCmllBk LflaHra.1 ValRaalllllllllllllW-"t IglgmHBa v KVKIBn ssmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwssssmmmmnllglml W Irltafgfgfg) t tmmVmmmmmVtgmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW .sHhUwfBTllB ' KmBmajBsmmmmmBvndMaashmTsswmmmm) ssssmmmmmmmssssWssmmmmmHamssssmmmmii tmm " wr naiigigi'gn'B I MHaMMa7faMat)t))aaMia FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR ADVERTISING I "On all (iiiittloim affecting Ibe wulfnm or lliU community, I b Hum tlml till Inlcrmta should b con- stilled, anil with Hint mid In vlow, I wnulil, If looted Mit) or, form noma mill of a consulting board, composed of leproauiitstlni men men whose uiiiIiiik and iprln would be such to make I bull opinions sod ndvlco of valuu to din city Klamath r)l baa reached tlio dividing of I Ihi way. K ! fur the pooplti hero to riecldo whether wk sballhave a city or n rountry town. If tlm foriuwr. wv mil at broaden and expand; we muit barn tbu Improvements tbat conditions uro now demanding; w!i must bam barmon). both within and wltbnut; all cliw- must be treated allko honestly and fairly! tbete mint b no sortlons, but ono whole. la wbr.t I aland for, what I favor and ohm I aliall at nil tlmt endeavor to nic'oiiipllili.wliilliur o Mayor or a prlratv In I ho raftkj " m:v. ii. a iiamnuv. Tbu following It an tdltorlal In th Oregonlan on the ilcnlh of Rtv. It. C. Ilamtby. falbi-r of K ll llamt by or Ihia city "With Ihe death ol Her. It. C. Ilamtby at hit home In thlt ell) Monday patrd a man who for half of a tlfe-llme, rorvrlug a period ot four atoip and lit yean, vm a prominent Oguro and factor In thu irllglo-polb Ural circlet of tho ttatn. A Motho- dl.l mlnltter by protottlon, a iwlltl clan of alurdy aKgretilrentma by oc cupation fur many yrart, a uniiwr anco advocate ot unylcldlug purpoae. an oiample of domettlv falthfuloen, and withal kind neighbor and friend, Mr. Ilamtby wnt well and widely known and grvatly rrapecf. rd Ho wat tho friend and euadjutor of the lain William 11. Dunbar, whin tho latter wat tho head of the (load Tumpltrt' ortaiiliallon In Oregon, and materially naalalod In the work of that order All nf thla tound like Biirlint hltlory, lhi lam lino of prnc tlcnll) tho In. I rhuplii of which au pvara In tho aiiiiounremont nf tbe death of II. V- llninab) and hit atao elation with ilni work ol im almoat forgotten temperance organlMtlnn, lo which, thlii) or thlrt)-nvo yuan ago, u largo proportion of tho )oung men and nialdont of tho tlato, at well at Mlddle-ani'd men and women, wcro mobibora" Homo bnklug nt tho Woman'a Kt- changu tomorrow. In Wllhrow-Mul-bate building, fourth at root, below Main. C CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOLDS ROUSING MEETING County Court Agrees to Improve Lakeview Road at Once-Act on Improvement of Wood River and Celebration That tbe people ot Klamath rails ran get up a lllllo oatbualMM wat dtmoatrated at the iur1erly Matt lag of the Chamber of Coaaitrio Ian evening. Tho court room wat crowded with membera aad etiieoai from Klamath Falla aad turroaiUiac lowna In tbo couaty. By a mout rote of tbe member, It wat decided to ralte a food of f COOP tor advertltlng purpose to bo utod la holding a Railroad Day Celebration and an eiblbll at the Heattle fair. A. II. Nafliger of tho Hot Sprites Improvemeat Compaay ataud that If ID00O war raJattt his company give SO per coat of stho amouat, or Itooo. B. K. Kcamt of tbe Duooa Vltla addition stated tbat other members of tbe company would bo hern toalgbt, but tbat ho would pli-dgo the company to a vsry liberal rontrlbutloa. Fraak Ira Whtta stat ed I bnt be roald ao say tfhat hla company would ho wllllag to do, bat thai personally ha would coatribao 119 a Month for oae year towarw the fund. M. Q. WUklaa. E. B. Hall and Wilbur While agreed to each give 110 a month. A movement was made to solicit pledgea among tbe membera prsesat. but It wat an ally decided lo have tbe advertlalag commit 10 call upon the business men and property owners through out the county personally and re- relvfi their donatloni. There wore many men present who were mem bora of firms,, who wished Aral to rontult with their associates before they pledged themselves. It It be lieved, however, that Ibera will be no difficulty la raiting tbe amouut, and tho oaly regret espreassd Is that tbo fund waa not made 110.000 la stead of ISeoo. Tbe matter of the Improvement ot tbe lakeview road waa taken up and many prominent men from dlferent parts of tbe county expressed thsm selves very strongly In favor ot tbe Improvement. It waa decided that it would be bolter to Improve th present road rather than to loetHt a new ono. Messrs. Massenet 11, Light and Florence, tho Lakeview delegation, stated that their people :i TF YOU wait atyle. ' ckaracter aid btai ty li your Spring Clothes i com to ma. We offer : yoa 1,000 of tie mw. ' tat waoleia to aakt your acUctlOM frov aid will give yoi aiy ; klid of a gaaraatte yon wait for a fit and ; iattafacUoi. KKK STOU! vMMMMMMMMtllMMMMM? wore anxious to bavo tbe road In shape for travel early this summer, a they wished all tbe freight and passengers to be able to come this way this )ear. A resolution wsa passed unanimously asking the onty court to begin the work at oaee. Judge Griffith stated tbstthe Commlttloncrs and himself had al ready decided In favor of the Im provement and the uccetilty of the work being done at once. Ho reques ted tho Lakeview delegation to re main over another day to inset with T board to arrange details. was, decided to bold a celebra tion on tbt arrlral of tbe railroad, and a committee will be appointed lo make arrangements. Sacramento merchants plan an excursion to Kla math Kails about tbat Umo, and In vitation will be extended lo Bad Francisco aod Portland to tend dele gations. A letter from Major Mclndoe, H the cattaeerlg corps of ,Uo V. S. Army, was read wltb reference to the Improvement of Wood rlvrr. A committee, ronsUtlna: of J, Q, i'lerce, Jas. I'ellon and M. a. Wtl klns, was appolnti-d to secure aad furnish th uenwMiry Information atked for by Major Mclndoe. W. a IHmlck of Oregon City baa set hit v)r and Itxvd bit ambition on Iho easy chair now occupied by F. , llenson as governor of Oregon. Mr. Dlmlck has not said that be Is a candidate for governor, but hit frlendt have been busy circulating the rnmor for some time. They have poiniea out mat nc it a relatively young man. of great promise aa a lawyer. They have pointed to his record In tbe last legislature, where bla course of action was mapped out along tbe mala argument, contlnu ally made, tbat be waa In favor of legislation only when It was In the Interests of the whole people of tbe state and when It was economical and along tho line of sound h,utl noss policy. Wage In Japan are low, but tbe postal savings bank of tbat country haa mora than 8,900,000 depositors and ihelE. deposits aggregate nearly 150,000,000. Tho difference" be tween Japan and tho United Bute In tbla reapct It th dlffcrencu be tween a government tbat encourage Its people In Iho formation of thrifty habits and a government that govt on th theory that the ieop'lo are legitimate plunder ot private In terests. Bonator NcUou hat htmielf failed lo discover liny good reasons why real estate may not bo made the baala of loans made by National banki, aa It tho caso with loant mado by other Institutions, aud hat intioduced a bill authorising such banks to let out a limited amount of their funds upon such security when the laad Is Improvod, occupied and cultivated farms. Mrs. John Bennett of Buena vista addition! conflned to her room with th grip. Tho new mill or .tho' Long Lake Lumber Company will blow Ita whit- tit for th first tlm tomorrow John "W. Boook ol, Boaansa at tended the mettlng of th Chamber of Comaterc last eyenlhg aad tpok ( Itjavor ot th Laksnsw road. Tha harsol 'th Ilk lodg llvtag U tola, city arai getting 'up a-l clatt ol n(teen candidates. The Atbland lodge baa promised to send over a delegation and Initiate the candidates hero. Robt. Oarrett arrived thla even ing from Ashland to attend a meet ing of tbo Oregon A California Trans portation Company. It la reported tbat the company Is considering pot ting on a service between Klamath Falls and Lakeview thla aammer. Jas. Helton and wit; J. W .McCoy and O. ii. Bunch are dowa.froaj Ft. Klamath. Th gtatltmea attended tbe mrotlog of the Chamber of Com merce last evening and cam down to boost for tbo Improvement at Wood river. II. L. Ilolgat. Jaa. Drtteoll Mayor Parsons of Boaaata down yesterday to attend th log of tbe Chamber of Com and also tho reroptlna given to th new membra b tho Aailer'a CInb.' C. N. Iluwl.lt.!, w K. mown, aad a. F; OiulJ a-rlrcil tbla rrealaa- frora HollUte , California, to stead s meeting ot the directors of th Klsmath Fall.i-l.aad ft Transporta tion Company; Plain are to, to ar--asged for tho Improvement ettth it reel car tytum and. th aaa Vltta addition. .W? It. OT F. AllBRIsOXI , , There will be work u th First D grew on Monday alaht. aad oiher Important business lo to b tracr; tacted. Arrssgemesta ar W he made for th recepUot) of th Oraad OaU era nf fha.aiaaai athti wmf Wt th lodge on April 1. ,sMera are earnestly loqaaatetl s mak tt"a point lo be present. A att)lal 1: vlUUon U also esteaded to ail visit, fas brothers. fjOOKKO UKB AM BXll-sWIUW. The decks ot the ttmsr Kla math tbla evening looked Uk ah was carrying an excurtieai party. they were that crowded with pi sensors. There were a total of passengers aboard, besides th craw and tome local travel. The laeomlag trip, and the last days of th ataai er travel beforo the arrival of the railroad' arc taxing "th boar accom modation t to tbo ntmost. In the history of th raanblle there have been those In th White House who would have written a longer message, nader the dream- stance, and would have escambered It with spclflc. Instructions as 'to what ahould bo don. ProAdcar Taft baa abowa admirably good' Judgment In Ignoring the precedeats aad 'la aettlng aa examai of brevity aad dispatch. loo Ctwaaa trat of th saassa at Sboll'a Amerloaa Carttloary. a Shaw Knit Bos. K.K. K. sXor. ll Free for the , AsSking U California Sweet Pea Seed Everyone may bavt a packag tweet pea aoad. Wa haTtt c5i y f. don't bar to bay anything. Three handtom prlaaa olercd Plant tha seed aow. I aad data ot . . ThsM,sda ara.fraak rvuvfumfr. th. OaMhrasa- por fumer.-'-m UtMtattac.la toQsfaainit Ocas aad' a . ti a , sis ? ..MKil ia ...;. . iiV r? i t ri T rsv , UIriJ i ...-.,.. aasg. rt -tistsBBWo t tE I'agjAa X Star Drug Store "TlnyHawjie? ! MIIMIMMBIIHMUMIIIMIMthJa)tttajcya RECEPTION GIVEN PROJECT OFFICIALS BOXAXZA CtTTCKSfr-arXTMJrAAX Kxonrtxru d. w. Mntrmr AXD W.' W. FATCK. ' - r V - . jL. .vw Wednesday erealai tbV a seal of th Upper Klamath Vr)atrtisMr td a rocecHloa ai'aWnaksfl torlr. lac reject, EagiaeaVb.W.. htarphy aad bla sat r. W. W. Fate. 'Th ladles of th Boaaaaa htagmnln Qab bid charg M the fnttnjj'. aad th rtesptlsa waa. i moat nlaaanaTt jtad tacceasfal . air4-aHhoaga: inter- Uka on short not!. A bttof 1 eal prograat aM-dtaUaaf i prepared by Mis HarnaM waa'tel. lowed by a baaat, whir aaaiher of toasts. wrt "rafoad .& by Messrs. Marphraad Fatah, Dujtjtors Oaitow-aaa.lUesk aad a aaattirr of local eWlssa. K. L. HatgmtejMUag as'tnaetmsster:--; .- ' ', 'Th peopl of the Cpper 'project bar always 'snarjerteifa frleadly feoUag'for Mr. htarphy aad wUI eo- ejatwat aa nadllr with hla aniimar. a a assail teiea of taerjtirsm.uty areated Mr. Mc'rpbjr with aa iadlaa lhathat. oae that, Miraaada4 aa aw f th laast sptremens aC'iati baahet work at th KTcmarn Msaam. Mr. Masadur aald tktu'lM aiwns: aW aa- toyejd i1ttUag.th,Usht, far , th poopto tnsh- achf a aJahtT.aTttaga I HisstTat far htii aad'strMsW.haw heys.aW:" H??Zk" i ..; MMt!ra'shla(w'(taaagfV tsm). "Uacit BtHlB Ball Fp.' Jach" (vary j ' ami). , 7 Th hUatl HtarMH FMss & na (draaiaikjFla.ths) . DotT (eatnje). , ngi: jtttfttlms.-' ' SmiUng Bur. ' n- 1 i ' la Cateago'they ar harngt a great Urn with a poltroon who saw a man -he thought waa oae be wanted to arreatiandvWhoa tao.maat dMat atop when told V th osteer, palled hstfgnn and shot him deMamcovor lag later that it 'jWaant tho man ho wanted 9 all Very, tw'dt to ho Uklag.Usa itmnWtW'aellcsman. who probably 'uoasat1, U' fellow should atrre i9L- Jwhaihor h heard, th command to hH 'ar act. Aa a roMltof UtragtoK If th haltv trigger daaUr.waM W hava pteaty of lmna.; Oaly -lt'eeau a dooea at th Maaatah. S Ollrer'a nach age '' taM, '.Ljff. I If yon'ar t4thsgtor taalKy of aotter.Ue Moaarck hasTK. Tf' ceau a roll. B i of. thao fajaons CaUtoraU' 41.000 at shsjBd. i Ton, thaai Come beforo they ar gaa. X for tha pradaot at tha i our window hrkatl pria' a: .at r 's a ,7 M ji ( vl A rt" s-ti -1 'j :Ju ,T Tfl l -". " V) ;V ' i -f ,jc- t& --r ' Jj J m :&EEm ".t.i.. k"lVW..TV zrSfJwQspz wr-T ' v&i, rV rifcSgTt?3 W .m-wraW-gBga