,' i n K " Klnmntn imijih Men .iii1 Hem iJnlly. Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. . Tiintn Yeah. No. Mil KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 81, 1909. Price 5 Cents ONE MORE DAY IN WHICH TO REGISTER FOR CITY ELECTION m ill 1 10. BOOSTS MEETING TOMORROW NIGHT Many Matters of Importance for Consid eration at Quarterly Meeting of Chamber oi Commerce Intimrtnw night M 1 n i'li tt nl tin I - - mult hu.iai, will b. lioM i ln fjkiiiii I Mu,ll" Count uf Itox'ImrK nnlved ly meeting ur ihi iiiiii.,i.ptn v .M,'"' ,ott" l'"lu '" " "'" " I'"' !'" ., .. ,. ... . . ., '"" 'lllllIK III III! Illl IllMllloil lorn Hthtvii thv niliiK limn, n I,, iiv Tin i v ni mnnv impo'tun mpi b.m caring Mi mi J running inilln to In- Kiutiilv. id ,;i U"kr Mr 111 mini; Wlillo tlivy Until wblih C. 11 Ii I lii I Im pn. ,1-u or C?nnilly ii haid). lough niilnwit, iu,l .'. viloiiiiii nf tin. .nilr.. ,..-ii. " v ",ulr" " ""' ,!"'1 "' mri ir Tin. Jii..n- HHIl I. ... th.. "'lr"'1 ,.VMI1,1M NIM:u mr I lie mm u hi nun usin ,i. ii lid FISH COMMISSIONER MAY VISJT KLAMATH ' Hoe -clary Dutihni' u. the Cl.unibor nf Comiueiec liia received a littr iliom tho noting ('ui'iinlmtlMtivr of the lluipnii nf ntdieilci at Washington. relative to in Invitation uxtonded ti l)r I'vermium of the Uitruiiu to vhll llm i:nat Klamath llnrln dur ing tin- touting ir.tmmer. Ilu suvir "At llm prcecnt time It In not cor inln whither Im will to ahlo to mull iili'ivir of iliis opportunity. If l.v tdii.tild Uv tiljiu to go to ihe west roDkt, Im u tiinko an clfort to visit Klnniiitli Fulls and iipuid lumu time InvcBtlcutlrtK tin mil and flab rlis of Hint p.'glon. You will be (oiiiiiiunlititi'd with ugaln ko ioon a lh- nattir inn bo drllnltcly d'tor niliicil ' ASK REPORT ON j WOOD RIVER i pincriM, mid l hu nifviitiR ioiwiro HI . tit should ho Ini' Iiirbi 4l cvm livid .11 thi ilty. Aii)oiio ul.ii hnai un nttfcilc of tliul til i'il filling should' ktti'nd It n.ll do lliiin morn goud I tl.mi a dixi' of inrdlclni' Some of! I AXI'AYERS SAVE $3000 INRKBA FES Th- pf,pii. f iClnmutli Omtity the p.-opli- ol tliln illy do not l.nou , '" ived Ii )1 17 In rebn'-is on linl nt i ho matter with them Tliuy j "" If imu thin yar Tim ihri'o l.buld nunc urn to tho mm.tltig to. .I'T rm r-iai -Joi'i nut n'l.-u r.mrn, OUTimm. Okln.. Mareh 30. Crazy Snaku or Chltto llarjo, tho Chief of tho Snako Indians, has of ffiid to surrender. Tho procr of tho inoriow niKiii iiml gi,t( Itioculntod I "' it mounts in n p.nml deal when wily old C'hkf, vho has been sought with tin, lllv-ti'i.orlnK crmi of n- "'" '"""'I amount of Iiuch nro rnn- hy no rotnp'inloa of Mato mllltla Ihualatin ninl proK'tH , ililor.'d. Thr nhorlffn oinco up to ilncc Humlaj, was nii.de to omiurs 'Hi.' Iiiinlu.'.i nitiii ulm inyi Ooaii "'"f Ja' collirtid Muj.ISO n jut of thu mllttlii thla mornltiB. He sent and Malta Mi thliiRi in linppun le "I n total "' I III. 272 SI on th tux noid that ho dukirid to lomo In, but n di ad tiuiiibnr lie ti.ml Ink" n roll, or about t ti-il.lr!n of th turr. feu rid tmrrcndorlu: to tho local au- place In Ihn fiout rank or Id- will ' Thi prnpoitlnn of tho laxir. i-ol- thorltles In' MrxtiPn nnd lilt bulnm v. Ill Jr. lvctcd Imt Jiar up to April l.i u.ii Tin. t'hlif itntcd hu never dcalrcd ui A liw of Me thluita to bc-l01""11 l"( ,:,mi "' " Hll "' "i" " "HM- Adjutant-Goncral Canton., Iimidlul toinoirow nlr,lit will bo tnr 1 hrrv ha been iiilliitiil thU'to nhom Ilu- news of Cnuy Ktmko's Tin- Uiki'Vlcw mad. I.uilrost! Hay ,ar i,.02 for tin now courtiwlili to luy down his arnu won In mntlago ycetoiday nt the Judgo'a Ci'lib'nlliin. th.) npiuitu of Woo.li'",u, Innd; 115.S30 lor rond -witk, j brOucht Hhorlly hoforo noon today, ; rooniii In the court houso by Judgo ihir. ami ticntilo I'ulr mblblt The) ""' f &! lor llii ell) of Klumnlh .'XpUmwl tho belief that the -i'portj niifflth. are 1.11 In.' t.ip.c Ilu- t'linniLcr.ol ' riillis Iwns reliable, huili nctlou, hu fald, ' ui.v.v s.v.i ki: .si'itiii:iit:us. ('rial TprUiiiK or Indlunn Not At M-riiui .i lU-porls ytalctl. A little work In Kkthiirlng Infor mation will bo noccssary In order to aocure u survey of Wood river to dotormlno thu practicability of open ing It up to navigation. Tho Itlvur und Harbor A'.t of Mnrch .1, 1109, provider for a pre liminary examination of Wood river, Klamath lake to head of navigation, with a view to Its Improvement for navigation purpos'i. The matter lias been referred to Major J. K. Mclndoe, Corps of Engineers, U. B. Army, at Portland. Major Mclndoo aska for Informa tion In regard to present commerce, lia character, amount and value, future coir.mrrci;, duo In part to an lin rovid vvattmay; riektnt ni-vlga-tloii, kind of boot ura, draft, etc., and wharves nnd wharf areas; huk- goitlotm nn to whnt Ii needed In the n) of whnrves under public caulrol to lupplemer.t the atcr routo to be Improved to glvo It Its maximum elh( lency. If the rcpoit as to tho udvlahllty of the Improvement does not enow lutllclcnt worthiness, no further action will bo takon, but If tho re port Is favorable, then the survey will bo made. Thla matter will be .nken up nt a meeting of the C.'.nm- bcr of. Commerce tomorrow ulght. LAKE COINTY IS READY TO BUILD With One Days Notice Will Commence the Construction of Its Porlion of. Road to Klamath Falls "" " l.oko county Is ready on one davV his si iter, MI.k Unll Welch, who has ,, , ,. , , . , , , , . notice to begin construction of lis Just closed a successful term of school, portion of thcroad from Lakovle to Al Oall and family aro up on their Klamath Falls. It la now up to the I oincstead. County Court of Klamath county I to say what It will do. W. A. Km- THItLE I'l.UCK' WOMEN Ulnglll, A. Floroneo and K. P. I.Mht. HA VI. Il.il.4i: riUJ.M riKK arce prominent I.nkovlow men, have been sent here to attend tho meeting of tho Chamber of Commerce to rn enco o. I morrow night and urge action on in n l)i-'nt .building tho road. These genCemia A large t v -sun b.tlMIng In I llucnu Vhl.i i a llm. ci i .1 lire this noinlnrj anl )i 'o I. mind of tliici 1 Ui- ri-ii'iit, mlKLi invo .i mm. ted dls 'arrived In the city hut ovciilni! and nsuouiiy. in, r.. arr Wiw mtervlow ixireiuo top oi me i" . ii.c inuiu climbed up und extinguished It with. cl buley racxs .Nor v,iu this all. ,folIolEB U a portion of a lotn-r imt V largo loin being burned In tho to President DalrU of the Chamber ,oof, cornc live coils fell onto the.hy n. Daly, county ludca nf Lhko Ing and meellug the butlncsjincn of the city today. Thu upper celllss. One of tho ladled let herself down tluough tho oponlng n thu loot onto the celling, from .vhtch placo there wrs r.o cscnpo had be not got tho fire under control, lut this she llnnlly Euiceedcd In do me n-ad the building um "saved. KALEH-JONE8. Charles William Kalcr of. Dorrls and Miss Iiachacl Jones were united ATTEMIT TO ESCAPE. C'iiiiitii't.i) l a itnitip orgnitlznlloii ', ' In inimbirs i.io iniistnuily Inrtvna- WOl I.H Mrril.i: 'I UK li.NOCKEIt. Im. and tin- tin i' h ojii coming1 vthi'ii ilu iMislniks tuiin who In nut Judge .Villain! has found a solution Ms Ullllll r.n acllve mimber had buitor order '" ,utf "'i "' "'" n"- 'ft" Cnptalu Jnik'a hind nf Mudocii hai horn ordered buck to Klamath from Oklahoma, and the Judge sug- 1 'gorU that it would he well to herd W I). Ilu rlu ii Mill oik i a lomnm-'nii t kmnkor-. in tin, Invu bi-ds, dlou, r.al.i...,o on tho l.,u ho Iur-Innil Uirn , ,,,, , I(lll, Ul lulu ihi(!d of KmiiIc Ward In the lllilm, , mlilldun lllve nil ixliltiitlim of tint Mudoc war, Tho utiamor Hornet will Im ovcr-i" ,,,I,J bv Inti'r.'stltiK and highly hnulcd mid put In ahlp :hiipn at ' prcllmbtn in thi' count) (lilnwa . nun. I I'I'Elt l.Ki: NOTli. was Just what hu expected from tho I old Indian, whom hu known will and whom ho does not think danger mis Shortly r.flcr leivlvlng thu iiuws, (' nerul Canton snld the mill' tin would bo kept on tho ground for thu priscnt. Tho whiles are surely able to meet any emerKency. He iiumo of the excitement thcro is a poiklblllty that thcio might be riot ing when the Indians ur brought In, mid for tho purpose of prevent ing this, the troopi will bo kepi on the giound. "Tho local nuthorllien must und run now control tile situation If hANUKLI, VALLEV NEWH. Ilohl Itnnktii lmn ilerldoil tu liulld TIAICIII' AT THE iil'EIIA HOfSE proper Judgment Is uacd, ho contlnu n home in lliHiia VUtn. I.ooksl "Mullln, or the Mv Hand s.nu i-il. 'The situation In tho district timplclm.k. Hob. ' relet " drnmatli' liuruundlng Old Hickory Camp bat Mnnv Dili uro belnr cnnght on tin, I ' r.ur Hvvoelli MM i ' in'iilc Hppi'i luhu Juki imu (In nt sport' (111 I " "Takn n Trip to l.un.. Will for our vlmtoiij from other pana. I Me " Thy luuncli Hunter, owned by 'Mi' llniieherry, suilulnid tomu. I'or Sab' ( heup Pony and Middle' d image' on her last trip up thu Inlet 'nt Klamath Livery. N. O. HKON m.rt will hi, put on the wn)8 noun iNOIID, American llntol novrr been scrioua enough for us to own dcclnro maitlal law, and It is unfortunnto thnt such rcnsatlonal slorlea hnvo been sent out. I have no word from Colonel Hoffman up to to o'clock, anO consequently must stipposu thnt ull U quiet." .'....:..:..:. l mJ-1 xd " vfiwvM a l.-iur, 'V5 irk i Vi -ifii ( vi . 1 l VH ifflr m . t w j:-. ?.,- county: "Wo aro a unit to routo all freight and puscngcr traffic via Klamath Palls as soon as tho roads are suit ably Improved. Wo aro ready on one day's notice to begin work on. the Klamath Palls road, starting from this plnri. Urge your people to SALEM, Ore., March 30. By saw- ,ako prompt action ou this matter, lng through tho bais of a window In (which will not only result In mak tho basement of tho lower floor, fourlB Klamath county a greater' coun convicts madu a bold attempt to but wl raatvla h, ,kt aj oscapo from tho penitentiary early . today. Tbo prison officials woro cog nliunt of tho plot, however, and with I Hero Is a proposition thnt, while .five armed guards nwuiting their it means a great convenience to I exit tho prisoners were held up at Lake county, means money for the point of at many sunt. people of Klamath county. Tbli H. u l llnim and kton itr tiimv- ,.. r ... .1 t.-.i Ilk un thu Jacob Ke-Vh placu midlclpal mover in tho outbreak. ncs county should go Lake ono better and dead In tho morgue, having com- enu ""u tuat wo aro ready to be mitcd RUlcldo by cutting his throat 'gin at once. Tho County Survoyor from car to car with a butcher knife. taken from tho prison butcher shop, expert to fence 40 a.est nl land. i Inir'.lo SwlnglQ lit 'i; fuini K'n maili l-'alls helping w.ih the M'Kk Mrs. James Llndsoy was In Do- ii'i.-u Thuisday. ... ... . . i William uoai pnsscu tnroi.cn tne Councilman Wllklns of tho First' valley Wednesday to Oonanr.. wani j,as Uajc tho stntcmcut that ! cssary In tho present road, notice Tom Culbcrt , was a ialtor to ' i,0 win nm ho n Mmii.i.ito fr nw should bo sent to consult with the , nirvcjor of Lako county and locate j tho road. It any changes are nee- I F YOU want style, character and beau ty in your Spring Clothes come to, us. We offer you 1,000 of the new est woolens to make your selections from, and will give you any kind of a guarantee you want for a fit and satisfaction. KKK Store 4s)4''CV 1 uWM i fvj I , 'i f'-K.. wrrnV. SX?!&V v Uonunta Tuesday. Alt Duucan and Cras. Edler vveru In Uonanta Wcdncsda). Mr. and Mrs. Clarcnco Hunt went to Dairy Tuesday. Mr. Phillips re mained ct his ranch durlnc his ab sence. Mr j. William Pankey Is expected homo In a fow dav's. JoftWtlson has been working on Mrs. Wilson's desort land claim on tho east side of the valley. A. M. Darnard was In tho valloy Wednesday after a Jack, purchased from Ed. Klllgoro & Co. Mr. Iluinhnm Is Improving In health. Ho was quite sick and was attonded by Dr. Johnson. Miss Zclla liusscy commoncod teaching school In tbo Vinson school house about tho first ot March. j Spring seems to be hero, Mokt all i ot tho farmers nro plowing nnd Hooding grain. Mrs. Jnmcs Llndsoy was vUltlne Mi. H. Q. Busi-y Friday. John Hall of the vM sldo of the valloy was calling on seveiul nt his frlcndb last week on tho cast side. M Shldler is slowly recovering from a long spell of slckncks. David McComb vva3 In Bonanza nno day last week. Henry Haynes and family attonded preaching services Sunday at Bo nanza. Mrs. A. Vinson wont to Bonanta Thursday to see her father, Mr. Davis, who Is vory sick. Oeorge Deal waa In Klamath Falls one day last week i Osrnr Sturd returned homo from the railroad, where he went with a drovo of cattlo for Louts Oorber. William Duvaul has commenced to bring cream for tho Bonanta crcumer) again. The loads uttor be ing almost Impassable for a while are getting good cgalu, William Welch ot Dairy was at D. Campbell's Monday. He came alter lection. It. M. Hlchardson has been uoniloncd ua a good man for bis successor. Good rlgj and tho best ot driving teams at tbo Mammoth Stables. Parties conveyed tu any part of the Interior. 27 W. A. Dclzct hni been suggested ns good mntcilal for mayor. Bran at Olivers. could bo posted and work should commenco right away. The County Court will have about f 23,000 this year to use en roads, and at least 10,000 of this should bo used on tho Klamath Falls-Lakevlew road. discussed at the quarterly mpetlng of This matter will be considered and the Chamber of Commerce tomorrow night. Let overyono attend. ftuht.crllx for I lie HERALD. Free for the Asking California Sweet Pea Seed Everyono may havo a packago ot these famous California sweet pea scod. Wo havo 46,000 ot those seeds. You don't hnvo to buy an) thing. Co mo bctoru they aro gone. Three handsome prizes on'orod for tbo product ot the seed. Plant tho seed now. See our windows for list ot prizes and dato of contest. i These seeds are from Paul Rleger, the California per turner. His latest odor Is Royal Cherry Buds. Com and X sample It. Star Drug Store j 'TOiey Have It v X f i' ' MMMii v t , m m a ! i .? i? ii I"?' i i'" '.'l2;"v