The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 30, 1909, Image 1

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Klnmnth Fallii' Kirtit
nml HcHt Daily.
''ti ja
j ii '
Our Advertisers Get
'The Best Results.
w" : -
Tiiliti Yi:-it. No, 820
Piuce 5 Cents
ta titan
i t r m ii i.i loi id in:
i'irrn .u sii:i:i jh ami
w.w.iiH III I I.I
1 ' ' "' "' ' Ii' 'I l In- utlKI-'Mliiii
'".I lie. 1 I,. f M, lllllllttlll
t' i If Imliiliil I., hi ,l ililulllllile. ,r
l.lil I., 'milt i f . .,
1 I I'" "It'll II I tin H nurlllie
"ti hm pari iimny rtiogiilzu
Hi mini, t lil uis. hut I eiiiinol lint ' itiut iiiu desiru for Mr. Ilutd.
li. lu I'livc u tiiotiii iiiunt lo tt In I
iiiiuioiy m miiiiclunl m kiji I. Iim tul
limine llm rnie Nntiiitift li. tun ever I
do would hate tlm muni- lusting I
i ,'. ... ri.iiirn..l In.t . v.-ii- .(iii,t,. , W lll0 lnl,. , Mll
, fx.m l... iir.'l mill linn ill- tr,..t, u. tltittlttt Kit i uf i. muoil
.i . mi .... ....... . . .
r,j . ii. -.i nuin .mi iiiiiiu.- ihiUi auu ninny oilier pugMnir
mill, in !. ii"il llilk 4umitii on rlvlc linpritieiiii-iii -nil ilutiu during
in,, . I Hi unit Unit Itr Mates hi I'll mliiill Hint
i. lit ,i. In plunk Hi" Mill lullv irni-im) d-ilro Hint In. on n (iitidlilatii Ih
Ii .1 ,i'. I. in llml il' Hi at wo.-U lo a one, nml I think Hint On r
In iluii.' mil ii mi III trwl Inline- ara ninny others in Hi., unum fix If
Jltilil. i lul'n lo Hi iltput ' got man In n mayor nlo nlll
Biff'" ri- !' ." iiilil nut nn-l I in- make n record along tin- lln.-j of
.U-'I ' ' " 'I" l''l CI'I.II'Vl.llBJ rvl" pl.'KieM II IIH'OMI nnii'li llimii.
tin. uiioriiiiiiitl'iii Willi ill" U. pot t rlnlh n even man wl.o own n
o l.uii l.i'in ' i"iiril ili nml tt.irk foot o real estate here. Ami It is for
It In ... Km iiimmliiinlzlliK It. t nut ih.. i niiton llm' I njiil In m Mr.
II mil ' .'I'll for Irni.l wliMn a flaldmii .-! t t I I: m. illy 1 , I t v hi-,.. r -merit walks ar alaalitmi In- w the rlgi i nan for tint
to bi 1 il.i i ...i tin- popi1. ii ' iaet), anil I lnip- Tin- llornld 11 tut Kl,rii i'. r.' "" "lie "tiiiii. pIm- lli itii (iierythltic
Ci .-.' 1 1 r tii Ik, Inn. in rt : In the ,Kilb:. In , t I In to ma.
ttit iiu in rn'iiK to from tho i' riZIA
.. j. , nBml,j ,,m-(i J wonl uf Hie
iii'y, linker, Vn, on, Wallowa, Hhor
mati, Ullltnm, Grant, Klaniatli, Mnl
1 ileur anil l.ako open season exieniU
fiom October 1 to .Match 1, lu tho'
counllcM numed ll extendi from Sep-'
'lumber 1 to May 1. J
Honker goose In Ornnl, Ilnrtif-y ' fjXi; HUNDRED
and Malheur tbo open Reason extendi
. from September 1 to Match 1. In
. i t- ti ! ti all othor counties It extends from Sep-1
Klamath Falls Iron Works Has Had a i to m& i
Shore anil lihiIiik bird
derful Growlh in Past Two Years
Continually Enlarging 'Plant
Kiaiwin extends from Ortobcr 1 to, MUbKOUi.i-., .Marcn is. up 10
pfll j 'noon toda) ll.cro had been no cn-
I IIuk limit Sauo lions and cocks, icountor between tho'stato rnllltla.
'lltill lirorli rti Inlrind fi ti1 nt Vint tl rt-
Klimiiith TnlM will noon hho n '" 'nl yw ""-' molted 30,000
lir.uii fuiimlry in will oh u.j lion louud of nun. which wan mado Into
foui.ili) 1'iik A; deny, of tho
ilialh of his fntlnr. II. C. Itnnuby
' at I'orllani'
mn nnd throe ilaucht'i" The fun
Til will In- lii Id iiimiiiinw at Killer-ton
Kiaiiinui r.illu iron vorkn, uro now
cimtlnt; tin hiiyituI mrtu of thu
furiiiiru in In. iiHi-U lu luultluR tho
urnm, nml i.xpccl to bu reuily to
turn out bniiH cimlliina durlnc thu
'nrly purl of April.
A lslt to tin' shnpM of tlio Kln
mnth Tall Iron WorkR would an
toi.lili ninny of th' rltlrrttH of Klu-
jtimtli I nlli, icii low of whom rca
jll;. Hint t li Ik cltv can ho:int of one
'it tin. Icit Iron foundries In the
(cijiilitr The cBlnhlUlmioiil of IhU
ilnilUKtr) has been it v.uM rouvon-
IMltor II'- id sir I rvtiil
ftllb iiiti-ri-il I at j-iii I'd in n lu
)uur itsiie of mterlii! ii'lntlM. In
Ito riiTliilii. i.f .Mr (ii. U" T llald
vln I Inn- I..-, n hi ro snniK on two
)mr in I Imu uimui mudrat lovct
r ii in mi . . . .1 I mu ' in
fill inn' it..' and am luterrauxl In '
lio l- k .if,! in ln tho next mnvor
of llm ii. f-r I bolli-vo that tho
tctl ' win ttiakii or tnnr our
on Man. tt tin. .io of I"'"11, ,or '' I'l'1" ' clty nBd
Ho Irtv. wife, four ' rouM- "ml. ,inc ,,cc" a r'nl holp
ion.irn neteiopiiicni in inn conn
i try. All rn:illiu:i for both public
I nml prliale uork rim now be nectir
'il liwe with vrfy llttlo delay, nheic
nrpvloiicly it wan ncccmiury to xond
i to Anlilaud or other intlrond point,
it.viii .now iii'i:v.
ciiBllngH. During tho past winter
ll wa Jeclded to add another larxo
tiii'Jltloii to tho plar.t, and a oulldlng
40 by Si waj creeled adjoining thu
fln.t bulldlnK. Tho new building
contains the big fuinnce and h ubod
entirely for casting Tl.o first two
riiorx of thu main building ur unM
for tho v. ork shops, tlio upstulrfc be
ing thu wood- working department,
wl'cro all thu mould, aro mudo.
Thu lompuii) already has suvcral
lliuumml dollara' worth of moulds
or patterns en hand.
Nearly nil uf tho lathes and other
machine i y used In the work shops
woro modeled and cast at tho foun
dry. A big wood has recently
been cdd?d, which wll! tnko columns
1C to IS feet long and Is paid to 'bo
the hom Initio lu tho city. Tho fur
nace tor ii't-ltlng thu Itnss for cast
lui; v.'ll bo imdr i.t tho foundi v, nml
a Krcjlcr portion of the material hai
nltcady been cast,
-..""" inl h ii riiitli, machinery and mills
fh" Miinturluin will u o,u to tal ,. , for w,.(kl, al
lid... only tom-mm lUedn-Mlay ) ,,, ,.rarlcn,;. nM , t!l work
attertinon n, nenln Othr .In-o ffir , K,)V,rn,ll(.ut noK Mns
of .i "!; lf unk nnd Uitb , ,. , ,. ..,,. r.., .,,.,,,
room, aro .n to the antral piihlle. , ,;( ,. ,omrn,,1)ri,. Thc! xponn.enU worn mmlo In
T. I'. 8AM)i:itSf)K owlM rr .,,, ,, ar, lBInrilw jnhlni: and blending sand from sov-
erni nsciioim in uiu ciiuniy.iiiQy wvru
land bird', five, in ono day or ten In
ono weik; di.cki, 35 In or.a wcok:
deer, five In ono sonson; shore and
wit'llfK birds, GO In or.o week; Kctsc
and swan, no limit.
It 1 4 always unlawful To enll,
offer for s.ilu, baiter or uxchinso,
hip, ..tny in tiHiispci boionil thi
boundh'rles of this stato any deer.
iiooso n'O'tntal'i tho-?i, elk, silver
ray rqulrirl ..r; il lilrcn.
griiuso and all ipcc'.-s if u.iland
hltdn nnd dint t
To hunt vlt! out n lie? jo: lo
hunt or kill r. iyt mount In t.iccp ui
anlelopc; to h, m or I ill any elk' un
til August 1, lll'j; to 1111 beaver
or to kill dec less ihsn ono year
old; to tun down with dozs or hunt
at nlzht.
To kill China cks In Jackson,
Jon-plilnc, Hood Hirer or Malheur
counties, or to kill hens anywhere
In tho slate; to kill femalo deer at
at any time, or to multllatc carcasses
so ns to dlsgulfic sex; to hunt or kill
any silver, golden, copper, Jnpani'30
or Rcvss phcainnts, English or Hun-
Conslderablo trouble was exper- Karlan Prtrldgo or Dob White quail
lotin.-U at first In securing thu proper
kind n't moulding sand, but after
on tin upper aid inner lakes I.. tie,
(1.1.l BM4 HOll ttllt LmI lf t'l-l(l ftktlSllI I ll 111! til '1 triTlt tt t VI 1 I II M
"""" " "" ' "' ' !" " " ei.lvln.. ennalili.rnl.1..
. .. . . . . a .u..u a iiu. tin ( Ii Ulnl.lnu ' nn ill ullifif tiiiutin ii ll liAfu Inn. -- -
imurr l( not n-ri)iutiein ly. ni teosi "'' " " ""i"1"""1 ..!.. ...... ..,, ....... ......... ....-.-
for a Mr. Tim nnme of Mr llald-i I"1""' runied Id mil part of tl eblncry lu used.
Thu Iron work are re
work from tho
to kill quail or China pheasants In
Grant, Harney, Gilliam, Umntllla,
Wheeler, Morrow or Malheur until
October IS, 1913.
To trap or destroy nests of pro
tected game birds; to opcrnto any
slnk, box, sink or sneak boat, skiff
vln not miuncd to nn- Hut I
tn gliiil i lint (he suggestlun has
b"n inn i Hlnn mailing your
lllrl I I .m miked with a number
nf .ir,.i relauro in tin. gentleman.
and u i n- (In- opinion were tioi
unanuii"iiM il.e iiinnuer In which
Interior 5" j a. Peek and A. II. Ilerry came1
- 'iie,. Item Aktn.'la nbunt two ye.irn
rill: S.M.r. Int:i. mill ericu-il n eltutll foundry l
i . I'liilhllii-j ;" l.y iO. on Wnlniil street.
Oi t of lieav) tingle,' rim ! -mil H fur IiiiMiicm In .Inly
Imrnett Nearly new I-''" Tipimi. "I t'i" l'eslne has been uteatllly
I'eltt Plain. i l I 11 renilnv: oiery since Aflet July
s&s ,y
.r .jr ys
Ss'.&; jf.
,4 .4,'V-' -ix
i f ti i jy ja-r jv
T'I I '11 ?'''
r- T - ..-ST1
ouixi'lii towns In thu count. Uko- or "tunc". "cpi "" "".o mtinmcite
ilt-w. ')orrn .ad cn places on tlio r,vor nbovo Oregon City and In Yn-
iqttinn nnu coos unjs; to uunt witti
batteries, swivel gun, fire, flashlight
lor blinds moro than 100 feet Horn
here; to shcot or. enclosed lands
'without permission: to ship o- tell
deorRklns being prouorly
Penalties For tram-pertlig y.'.me
outside tho state, MOO to (300 nnd
fine and Imprltonmcnt; for violation
of any gtane laws, from J15 to JJOO
fine; lor hunting without a license,
from j:& to $300 fine nnd Imprisonment.
it ,
riVs will " - - ''
BO)) Us' ' "'' ' "''
f.y i . '.. !xti'
I .!..- .... '"!.
"In the Swim
The up-to-date man considers himself
right "in the swim." You'll always find him
to be the wU dressed man. To be regarded
"anybody" these days, it is of prime import-
.1. i. :!. r f-mViinn Tnnttnin
ancc to De ures3cu in inc uciki ... ---
this end you must, first have your clothes msde
to order, second, choose the right tailor. These
two requisites arc admirably supplied by
Strauss Brothers,
Master Tailors, Chicago
whose exclusive cccncv we have. Wc consider this
the best line of tailoring in the United States. You'll
n.nke no mistake In selecting u pattern for your suit
from the immense variety of bright, snappy Spring
shades we arc now displaying. YouTl wonder how
wc can make up such high class woolens at the low
prices we wiU mention to you. Don't put off ordering.
It is to your interest to "get busy" at once.
JWEKSh 'iN ' i -Li t .
tUV ' V. ' T-.v"
L ' l.lT1i'l
r- itW raVslBaiBlasW.'.kS
"C- fitJT-i'-VsTO rWVV'JaV J-ifiHWaalssW X3Sl ! 1
' ' Jv&'is&Zz? 'inftwlMJ .wjiippswi l
j xviu ti ; Tswuaayi (.-.;nvitia;flravi:g .'
" ,ifvV" " v" irsajrlsiii " llasulii, JS
Tlio Two Suitors," "Caught lu n
Web," "Tho Obstinate Tooth."
Songs "When Mandy Said Good
by," 'Daddy'i LIUlo Tom Itoy aitl."
Mis. D. Doak and Miss Schilling
and two Japanese, servants arrived
this ovenlng from ncikelcy on their
Baker, J Wny to the Doak blaco at Odcsra on
tho upper lake.
following Is tt summary of tho
game Inws as enacted by thu last
lluck dcor Except In Dakcr, Grunt
Hartley, Malheur, Umatilla, Union
and Wnllowii, thu open xenuon ex
tendi, from August 1 to November 1.1
In thu counties numed It extonds from.TO'"''HT AT THE OI'EK.V HOl'SK.
Seplembor 15 to November 1. .
Silver-gray squirrel Open season
oxteuds from October 1 lo January 1.
Chinese pheasants Except lu Jose
phine Jackson, Hood River and
Malheur, qpon season oxtouds from
(October 15 to Novouibcr 15. In coun
ties named there Is no open season.
Nativo pheasants and grouse Ex
cept In Union, Wallowa,
I'nmlllu nnd Grant tho open Beason
oxtends from Octobor 15 to Novem
ber 15. lu tho counties named thu
open Benson extends' from August
15 to Octobor 1.
Prulrlo chlckous Except in Grant,
Harney unci Umatilla counties tho,
npen season oxtends from September
1 to October 15, In the counties'
named I Intro Is no open Benson.,
Sage lieu and sugo cock Opoti rea
son extends fiom August 1 to Nov-,
embor 1. ,
(Juall Except In Jackson and Joso- J
phtno counties the open Reason ex
tonds from October 15 to November'
15, In tho counties named the open
hcnson extends from October 15 to
December 15. No open season for
qunll in Grant, Harney, Gilliam. Uma
tilla, Wheeler. Morrow and Mainour.
Doves or wild pigeons Open sea
son extonds , from September 15 to
January 1.
Ducks la Multnomah, Columbia
mid Clatsop open season e-tonds from
Soptuinber 1 to January 15." In Har
ney, Malheur,, Morrow, Umatilla,
Wallowa, Union, Dakor and Grant
opon teason oxteuds from September
1 to April 1. In Coos, Curry and
Lake open season extends from Sep
tember 15 to'March 15, In Klamath
county tho open season extends from
Soptember 16 to February 1. In
counties not named open season ex
tends from October 15 to February
Qeoio sad swan Except la Har-
jinrehlng upon Crazy Snr.ko and his
oand of Crock Indians and negro
allies, according lo tho host Informa
tion avnllablu hero, and tho troops
acio still pursuing tho reds. It Is
.'eportcu tiiut Crazy Snake, fearing
rrett.has made his C3:apo,dcscrtlng
i. followers, and Is now on hli way
o Washington to Intel cede with tho
Great Father."
Ono hundred Crosk Indians, halt
orcodj and negroes, tinder pergonal
command of Chiof Craxy Snnko, who
,lllcd flic oillcari In a battlo Salur
lay ulb'l.i, kept up their u.arch on
iba warpath early today, but wcro
.tilling utterly to spread abruaj tho
jnor amucg the people a: largo that
,v... oreuts lu cailler dayc caujcd.
Rather, they acio retreating be
oru flvo coiupai,lc-: of determined
;lal.omu militiamen, who wero
.-ailed out to quell them, in an effort
o reach a stronghold la the Tiger .
Mountains before making a final
.tand against tho troops. Tho mill-
.lamcn ordered yesterday by Gov
rrjuV Haskell as a result of tho up
Islng that came after a clash at tbo
omo of Crazy Snnks, In which Mar
4.&1 Uaum and Deputy Sheriff Odoni
.vero klllod.and camped for the night
.t Hickory Hill, tho camp which had
.ecn hastily evacuated by Crazy
inako at their approach. At break
jf day they moved forward to glvo
initio to tlio redskins. Meanwbllo
.he Chief, through tho agency of his
ilccpless scouts, had been watching
ovory move nnd ho led his force
ai ay. apparently cot daring,, or at
.can not caring, to fljht tho whiter
oos In tho open.
The militiamen tt this juncturo
.iiMbcd forward ut double quick. Tbo
.ndlnns wero ten miles away' from
ham, but they wcro determined that
hoy should not bo allowed to choosa
tho battlo ground and thus gain an
advantage. Tho troops outnumber
ed tho Indians thrco to one and the
oir.cers knew that could tho oppos
ing foiccs mset in tho open there
could bo only ono outcome tbo
Indians would hnve to surronder or
bo killed. Onco thorcdsklns gained
llo shelter of the hills,, tho rosult
.vould net' bo so sure.
Tlio mllltlame'i today did not at
tempt to conceal their apprehension
that much fighting might bo neccs
try Dcforo tho Land could bo subdued.
Dran at Olivers.
I .
j Free for the Asking
California Sweet Pea Seed
nvotyouo may havo a packago of theso famous California
Kwcct pea seed. Wo have -1(1,000 of theso seeds. You
don't havo to buy anything. Coma botoro thoy aro gone.
Thrco .handsomo- prizes offered for tho product of the seed.
Plant tho seed now. Soe our windows for list of prlxes
and date ot contest.
These seeds are from Paul Rlcgor, the California per-
i t
(timer. His latest odor is Royal Cherry Buds. Come sad
.samplo it.
Star Drug Store J
"They Have It"
'ill u
t l
t.' .'