The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 29, 1909, Image 1

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flu ning
Klamntli I'nlls Klnu
niul Hci.t D.iily.
Our Advertisers Get
The Best Results.
Tiiiku Yi:a!!. No, 81!)
Price 6 Cents
llml, Ilic (Jul)' Mind 'Una rilimi
An liKirimi ltvr Uii uu. ..Sm
Holdi'iilr .Not TiiUlnt: ii) illu
I nil
Itiu voter of I'liiiuatli 1'nll.i l.a vi
hiuu ilun llilk )uir In Iiiii.Iiik ciU
l.jri'KlfUr 'I In' riKUtrnilun bouku
lo ilnto she, l' I In t'" llisi ward.
US In ntcoml waul ami 1 3 J In third
ward, a total of 3 I. I .nit ).ir Hiiro'
tu SJ in llu thai wnid. Ik, In thoj
kiioiul uml 1 CiU in tho tMnl.. n tutul
of 434
" 'i tin' fuluoii liii.liiitu, who liiivcj
iQl ! Ml Him.. J,,y I
' I .'Ml ll(IOi SI I'll! I) III l!
Otllnl. ll IllUIulll) ljllllll, lltld H
ll I'U ffort Ll.oillli bn II, Hint ) ym
nw. ilr. lo i.'.nur 'Mm rent-
I i tii 'il mrli ward iliuiitil havo pililo
'iimii;ii in i,i v tl.nt limn wnnl rlions
. biibkiuuiit,) Imrtauc 'Hit Unit
wind l,ii tLlioii the I'i'i! ,itnl II Is
belleul lliLt I,) 'Il,tid.i jnliiK
nrr otni In Hi- wnnl will hhtu his
iii'nn in. Hid ri'i.liii-t tinl) tlireo
i i 'In i ruiinlii In licli to UK'
i iti r
rt r. it'part.m tit of nr.rlruttur'i tins
i rout ut tliu Infui mntloii froui Wnth-
1l,o flrH wnnl U tlic only mio t' j niittou il lit It M uudy to ue-nd Its
thuw nil Iin.r.n4t Tim roKlnratlci.i iirlijin tn l,i:ln wtrn on llio mir
will i (li ' il 100, n Mm.' 11 I ( t " I'T tin- Cmtrr l.:il road. Will
thu wind 11 io liuv.i U. ii 2ii rust- " Bt-M ,"" ,c",u,, ' iul,,,r ,rm"
... I tho department aianittc tlmt "Ai
dent, ruuoud Hum the dty .liuv M t, u totllllll4),)U n.
Ut ear, ami two to niuor wants ,,, lt j ni.pltmiluti lniid to mmlo
.Mint 32 new otor li.i'" iih.W'I on ih-' ciirlori'il blnnk tiinl forv .irileil
in wurd tlutliitr Hit, 'ur Tliul'c "'l ".lire An noon after tin) ic-
r .11. ll nnrl Kill pll) l IW a
imui I I li Li I J ttrcriutu " c ( liix'
Big Portland Grocery Firm Will Establish Branch In This
City-Recognizes Advantage of Location as a Dis
tributing Point for Large Section
At turn tliu iln.mii of tho retail i thU county and Lake should natural
menchnnt of Klamnlb Falls and ad- 1)' bo irupplltd from Klamath falls,
nil water right applications miirlo
I later than Juno IS, 13 05, tho first
Installment fci bulldlri: ciiargc,(3 00
por acre, and maintenance and opera
tion chorgo of 75 cents per aero a
totol of 13.75 per ncrc, must bo paid
it tho time of flllnt' tho application."
Jnccnl tun im tins been realized. Ma- and tho
ccllit b; ua na prrctlrablu ui will
tiilKn noino iin'n to mnku the ur-
vci. nritmru thv iiicrlflcntloiii and i ranted, and It v.oula not tuko
... .... ..... i. -.. i ? ......... .... ....
tun ii mi. uiu i.ij ui i' n'ltitiiitei nna lo itiperviic tno mllcu capital to run a buMnosi
to wi.iiln The rcKlitrnllun In vAnik."
.... .I... i ...... i i. t,. ihnt. ii un. Tim Crnlor l.uko Itnail CmnirlMlon
nil' h.i niinlnlnil l.i f!nnrnrir Hon-
t Kr. tint ..lln a number of tlm yj carCttJ ,,,,, CnM duo Mr,
rouli'iit In" lult tn cnv or morn ,,n ....... ... .,.., whcni Miller In Induclnc Mcstra. Mason.
lo lb" count' lo mciciiic in viilcrs tho itulo appropriation was made. Ijjhraian t Co In uituulUhluc a
lm timlnl tliu luc. I- in. Application ttlll bi tntilo lo tli'i do-hrmicll (.rH, n,i M j predict thn; tho
lion. boi..ii. niioilur the iiiittw ..-....-.-..- - ,.prcuanU , tlk,y -Altt wcl-
iioii, Chrmun & Co pany. o! l'ort
land, OiOBon, onu of tho larcest
uholcmile xrocury houses on tho
I'liclfic Coait, haf mado arangoments
to t'liabllsb a branch house at Kla
mntli Piillit. A. I). MUlcr, tho popu
Inr local brokor, is K'Jli.g to rcpiosont
Mr JIIHt. on letup Intarvlewed,
tctr-d tlint Lo nad n.ndu arrnngo
in. nil Mr kloingc nua tlml r. carload
of sugar and n carload of bait had
alr'iMly been nMid, aad that tho
mercl.ii'ti would tlom no on bo
ablo lo bu Jutt as thilr neods war-
much capital to run a business In
this tcrrltorj at It had iri''ln'ily.
mi'ichant can now C't it: boncdt
big wbolcsaio houses of
arc furl boromlnr. awarp
of this fact and havo recently been
rvndlnK their roproicnU'.i.i- to look
over tho territory. Mason, Ehrman
& Co. v. Ill be Hie plo.iecra and aro
wluc !n being the first to enter the
t:iTort IScIiik Made To Induce tho
Judge To Enter Itace. Ucllcvi.-d To
U Tlie I'roicr Man For The Place
unit Could I! Elected.
jmorx a III follow tn tho near future.
Klamuth falls Ii destined to bucomu
lliu rl'i About llflj per tc n
iiinuv.ili In tho suoiiil wnnl wore
by U.okt. liikiikhI in "r I'liincc'ud
l .itmnlntfil. io Hint work can In
tnrt.d as socn as the ionon will1"""'' '' no1 I'sit-Misbmctit.
pcrnill. j Tbls la the Cist branch wbolcsaio
Tfco ouly vxpnnso to Hie loimnh- homo to bo idtubllshod In Klamath
lrn for tho ii.Klnectlnit work will be1 Knlj but u , btI.0Vtd ,wl n,nny
fot llvrry .lliu ine lute, rot in me
blank rforred In In th dlru'tor's
Iritor tn- to luwitiK worus ninnr-i
"ll 1 1 unilemtooil thai h olll-o of a lain distributing point on account
Incatloii -11111 the Imruemio In-
of iro rallroid and tho
bound to Lo hii Inert asu In
business All of tl.o lonns In both
ll n .l show any lucr.'."". i nn
cf the jteril aro nu;WitlnK m rryts-
ll r
It H cciii' itcil that nojil ono
hundred hnc ipihoci1 f.tiii' ilf
clt duriiu: the t.iM (r I'ho new
Hipiilnilori, l.i'Wi'Vcr. fur mri-edi this1
ntuubir Mi-ny of ilcso who huo imtillr nmls will pay tho snlars end'of It:
lit me rlt l.i tt moved f the all .xpcnict nf tho cnnlneer anslcm-d. ,,, u.lrl,or). tributary In it ..r to II nddlti DulnlDR '" "r..c,,"rr." ",'." ..m" ..' ' ll.
tnriirri'il in llli. lnsilLCllilll Ul iuok.i
tin' .. .... .t. ,i...i....i ..,.n Improvcmi'iU of tl.o .(mils thero
Thlitcn countries nnd thirty-two
ittatcs rcproaenlod ni .the blrth
placci of the rcgUtorcd voteis In
Klamntli Fnlls. The countries ore
reprewrted by iho following num-
United States, 332; German). 12;
Canada, 10; Sweden, 3; Scotland, 3;
Romania, 2; Dotircark, 2; Ireland,
2; Fiance, 1; England, 1; Nova
Scotia 1; Auttralln. 1; Portugal,, 1,
Thu states aro represented as fol
lows: Oregon, C3: California. 29;
town, 2t; Mlssouit, T4; Michigan,
23. Illinois. 23; Ohio, 19; New York,
15: Poi.nsylv.inla, IS; Wisconsin,
13: Kansas, 11: Indiana, 11; Neb-
rasXtirSrotonido, 8; Kentucky. 7;
rciucssco, 5; Virginia, 5; Mauach
uttcs, 3; Arkansas, Nevada, Maine,
Washington. Alabama and South
Carolina, 2 tacli; Texas, West Vlr- Vermont, Georgia, l.ouUsna,
Comu'itlciil and Now Jersey 1 each.
..i. .,ir Mm nndt nlcned ncro imprmcnii'iu
InK t"
provldo fur btrh llvi'i 'it-
JN 1 HK 2 ft. '.'
Z? ' i
rfA----. r f j
?:" fitv
sssssKPS HTM
issssssssS " Vsf fC hA i
W. JsassVVttT
wit .
... tG' J .
gssuvV'i y
K. .v 2-J kw9
M . V .'
f. vr.ts:rj
j23i .-sir
j. JT- Jtr . i ss
mw i tr X7S
ml' r
rfl'Twy The ui
fc- k l UVW
In the Swim
i -
-to-dote man considers nimseu
rifiht "in the swim." You'll alwayt find him
to be the well dressed man. To be regarded
"anybody" these days, it it of prime Import
be dressed in the height of fashion. To attain
i you must, first have your clothes made
to order, second, choose trie ngnt wiwr. am
two requisites arc admirably supplied by
Strauss Brothers,
Master Tailors, Chicago
whose exclusive cj;cncv we have. We consider this
the best line of tailoring in the United States. You'll
tr.a!:c no mistake in selecting a pattern for your suit
from the immense variety of bright, snappy Spring
shades we arc now displaying. You'll wonder how
we can make up such high class wookns at the low
prices we will mention to you. Don't put off ordering.
It is to your interest to "get busy" at once.
Governor F. W. Ucnion haj ap
pointed Judgo L. R. Webster of
Poitland as a delegate to tho na
tional good roads convention, to bo
held At Bt. Auguttlnc, Fla., In Janu
ary, 1910. A letter from tho mllon
al good roads asoclatlon states that
tha rcprcHentatlvo from Orcson
will also bo a member of tbo execu
tive committee
The association Intends to attempt
to put under way a movement that
will result !n I 'a. nine by t'.c govern
ment of sever.-1 rnst-nd-roiiw trunk
onds, 24 fct li wld h, cud further
desires to at nupt to tho
fctatej In building s; ,tcm cf radial
toads, om loirtrl wl.h ldatlon to
our coait lino, another having rela
tion to our northern border, a third
connecting He capitals of the orig
inal 13 statei through to tho P.irlflc
coast at Los Angeles la N'c.v Or
leans, Texas, etc., and a fourth run
ning through thu mlddlo states and
terminating Ir. San Francisco.
i iil
sty - "J'Vv
WASHINGTON. March 27. John
It. Stilts, major of Klamath Falls,
Oregon, who gave the kcs of bis
homo town to E. II. Harrlnian recent
ly, Is Wilting tbo national capital.
Ho ban been tbreo months touring the
south, meeting Harriman at Sa-
cnnah on routo to Washington.
Mr. Stilts will soon itart for his homo
In Oregon, stopping on tho way at
Denver nnd other points.
Tho following letter is being sent
to tho landowners under the Klamath
Project by tho seci clary of tho
Water Users Asoclatlon It Is In
reterenco lo applications for water
lights and pavn.ent of the mainten
ance charges:
"In accrrdanco with tho public
notlco regarding tbo first unit ot the
Kliimu:h Project, Issued by the Sec
ictary ot tho Interior Noember 18,
1908, applications for water right
must bo mado before water will be
furnUncd for Irrigation purpose! this
season; tbls must bo a sworn appli
cation and thu applicant must be a
bono-tUlo resident of tho land (or an
occupant thereof residing within 50
mlloB of said land) rnd must also
date his Intel eft In tho land dcscilb
ed iu thu application as shown by tbo
county record's; each application must I
liao thu certificate of the 'Jjciotary
of tho Assocmtkn attached, stating
that the applicant has subscribed for
i lock In this Association and tlmt all
usbcusmculH loviod ngalmit Bald stock
havu boon paid; us tho Aa-ioclntlon
guarantees tbo payncrt of tho water
right charges t-i tho United States,
each applicant will be required to
furnish an abstract of title to the
lands Included lu hit application be
fore .laid certificate la attached,
'Water right application blanks
can bi obtained at this office and the
maintenance and operation charge
of 75 cents per acre, which must b
paid bofore wntir will bo dellreied,
as provided In tho public notice, can
be paid to the Special Fiscal Agent
ot tho U. S. R. S Klamath Fall,
Ore., for transmission to the lane1
flee, Lakovlow, Ore., by paying
charges of such transmission, or
be sent direct to the land office;
"Thanksgiving Day," "Cuught In
n Web" and "Oblstlnato Tooth."
Songs "When Mandy Said Good
Uy," "We'ro Almost Home."
John Hlbberts Is hauling shingles
from Swan Lako to tbo Government
camp. '
Public sentiment seems to bo rap
idly rrystallilng around Georio T.
Ualdwln for mcor of ll Is city. Ai
tt Mr. Raldwln rcfusn to bo a can
didate, maintaining tha. tho P'-ct-suro
of other buslnciw Is so r-ch that ho
cannot well affo-d to vo tbo tlmu
ll at the duties of tho otfro Ik s'nlg
io dannnd during tli- naxt enr.
Ilat It Is tl Is v :ry cl arncUrlslIc of tho
Judgo tl at makes 1.1m the strong
pciillllltr he la for thiso who
.ui ilng Mm to run P. air.-!
iimi;:i. on b-Ti tint lo Is l be u niu whether ho wantfcto bo or
not ''er)one who kn-n ii bin rea
lized dot tie Jjdge- '' l kIvu ills
untlMdcd nwntlon to !' di'tle ot
thu office wcro he tl.o ne -naior nf
tile city; and lo ical'eK this fact
lilmscif. Hei cc his dls'. it-llniulun to
bo a candidate.
Tho demand on ever; '.mud U .'or
a man who will be In fa r of clrlj
Improvements, p.ivcd Hrecti. aow.r'
t)tcm, cement sidewalks The uet
major of Klumath Falls must to a
progrjrslve ono. Ho muit favor
and enforce policies that will land
ibis city In tl.o front rink of progress
live uud up-to-date municipalities;
Ho must favor the strict enforcement
of tho law. Ho must bo a man ot
wldo experience, both ln commercial
and public affairs. Ho must be a
man who will grasp the opportunity
to mako Klamath Falls a city ln
fact as well as In name. Tho advo
cate of Judgo Baldwin Insist thlt he
la tho man of tho hour; that be pos
scssoi ail ot tho qualities necessary
to mako the rlgnt kind of a mayor
end that tho recognition of theso will
be sufficient to elect hlra mayor by a
big majority. Out about all ot this
the Judge Is silent. Tl at ho fully ap
preciates tho compliment that U paid
him In urging him to bo a candidate
Is apparent, but so far this baa not
been sufficient to cause hire to saj
he would corsent to bu a candidate.
Uran at Olivers.
Good rigs and tho best ot dilvlng
teams at tho Mammoth Stables.
Parties conveyed to any part ot tbo
Interior. 27
Ono set of heavy express, single,
harness. Nearly new. Lee Tipton,
Pelt Fluts. 27-lw
Cholco country and
butter at tho Monarch.
Free for the Asking I
California Sweet Pea Seed
Ever) ono may bnvo a package ot theso famous California
swoit pea seod. Wo havo -15,000 of thoso seeds. You
don't havo to buy anything. Como betoro they aro gone.
Threo handsome prizes otteicd tor tbo product ot the seed.
Plant the seed now
and dato ot contest.
Soo our windows for list ot prises
Theso seeds are from Paul RIegor, the
sample It.
His latest odor Is Royal Chorry Buds.
California per-
Come sad
Star Drug Store j
jg i Umrn T
They Have It