The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 27, 1909, Image 1

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Klniwitli Kails' First
mid JJcHt Daily.
Our Advertisers Get
The Best Results.
TililtD Ykai:. No. 818
PmcE 5 Cents
:0tlHli:i .WIMlr-S iWAMI' Wll.l,
sous iii. iii:.nv riu i in:
lll.h AMI II.MIs
1 III lllK'l llll'llllll. t.llllll Hi
Lcui ilniiulm; ni tliu iiiiiiIIipiI mi-I
iu the marsh Imvo lltilthuil work i "''"' '"
win.,' hM w.-iM dlWito.l that
Mi.. iw (imliiifU ioiiIiI ,o iii-u-iI iii.
'III "' ,.111111. 111, III VI I., .,,,...
'"ml i.'iiilliu: unit will I,., inn.
posul .,r t n, ,, i,,.(,tiK ut (u,
"..nidi 'in.. iiicmhciH or Mil' Conn
' II . .'in tu I,., mi .iiiihIii.,
Ml" W.ltl'l ..,l, ,ll ,,,,,, f (I,,,
llll'llllll I I II, II lllSHM. ,, K,
i mil i iii i iinii.HH ii i I'll mi inn in i.
iiii'iiliil tiiti'H inn I)., nl, ii,!,,, .j
mill iitr now bi'liiK ti'iniiMd f rum thy
i mil known ii i whui ,h.
II In, inline ot i!i ilii.ilges.
"i iii: I'cnriis
or mi: i,vi'ii.i
Muring Innt wml; mom ilum inno
job H I
...lll,ill U II ll.i tlllllll III II . .1. .l...j I I . . .
i"""' '- ""' "i "I'M iiiiiii' niivc lii'i'ii ililvon
,H, II In liilli'Wil Mint Mi in hi in v riiini tin. Ii'iillm: Kriiiuiili of III.'
Mil In- iliniil inii).uiiiill tin J Ii,ii't Merrill sertlnii nf Kliitmitli f 'limit)
M'l .. ...... . .
il tu Ml.' Iililii'i Ink- in work """' ""'" ""Wily t J. (.'
i,ii tin i v imlun ol Mm mill nne i
iiii. i mi in lii'lniiR lunliily tu
Jill. Ii. II ul ni.kluiiit mi, I In 1.1'wIh
(I.Tlll'l Of 111.. CtIii'I- llri, i,f U ,,,...
.,ri!. ne link lioni ..i work rr ,, .rm, ,,. , HMlmM ,
oim ilmi' l"i'lliiii Mm p.uiili' nml ii-hi" f friim il, h uuleil ri'ilnr. ground
nlll m. In nuil) lor I hi' II..-, uml '"' Mill nun More tlinn 10,1,00
. ifiim i.r iiir.tir.i um... i i ,...
- " "V." '. 1 1,1, V'll I, J
tin. Iiiii.ih fiiiin tli fin mi. of Hi
Passes Stringent Ordinance and Gives
Strict Orders to the Marshal to En
force Same to the Letter
An I'tiii'iKKiuy was declared and lug or rlutl of any orange, banana or
Mio niiUttiio oidluiinco was passudjolhor frull tijion any iart of any
by Mio City Council lam evening 'public or hired conveyance, or iinon
mid la now In full fuicu and effect.
Tin' iiritliiumii il.'duici what shall
tmntltiiti. niilK.inicti; provided for
punishment for the maintenance
t bin i, nml piovldlug sanitary rog
uliitloiu of and for Miu City of Kla
mutli I'.illu. Tlio ordinancu In one
raiM A ihI'Ik I" lo )' iitillt in rum
iiii- IiIiii.ih fiiiin t lit. runners uf Hum "' '"" """""w " ""
nlll tiikc k'H Mian ti-n .linn 'October paused liy the Council, and Mio Mar-
Tli, tm)it H(i!iji)i hM )((n (( mrdlial ha been KlU'ii strict order to
IMPItliXl.t dlt'il MIS HI' urn. ,, u, .i,i, r. in.ii.mi f n,!l'"f"rt0 " to Mio letter. Marshal
i. i. ll,M inn, I, f th.. Inn. '" ''- iiu uo mi.
to fnlniloiM1 ' ,al"ru",K I0 lno inmruciioni or
urn council.
Hccllon I declares: "The follow
lot ate hereby ilcilnnd to be pub
.lc iiulsjucen: Tl.u malntuuitncv of
druliid, vaults, cellars, com-pooh,
ualer-cluHots. orlviurf. knunru
SCIIMDI. u.iii.1 (iinuunt f ,,,. iinrlnit twa"VT v'" ""roau uan "" mor"-
I Winn r month. II,,.., , riilufiill ""i "r,"e" vtlt" a "",' "' thc '"'
Tim CimiiM IIIkii Ibhoi.l lluaiil uf fortv Imlin, iiiiililm; th f. id "r'"""'"'0 ',tul 1'i""-,, I'" '" K"l6
1 114 iliTlilul In nml..- mil, c i(,nt kiu.imIi
llilpriiteiiH'lii I luwiinl I). .iiillfUni; wltlrli linil nihni.n',
tin' (.iuiiihI 'llio I'lill'. ( ink.'. t nnitwil. To nuike mat-
will I... Ih.i.Ii ri'd llli iri'ta and nliuut torn sllll worse for Mil uhlppiTM, ihe
nilt ".' In I" iiliiutitl lull .prlDR. Houtl.i'tn I'arlflc iidviiiievd ll inti-n
Our thlrt) haul wood thadu Irrm (rum all ('allfninln puliiK, Incurring'
liaw tii'i'ii urdi'red nnd utn.i of tin- jii xiicnmi Mini had nut been run-
triTii In 'l.i (unit ilouiv blurk will uliliTnl.
be nuiuvid. to allot or xr.nntluii Wtilli cnttl- brour.hl a r.ood prlc i ,r,I ' cli it noKllKenl manner or
lor Ihe new louil l.uiur, nml trniik- durltiK Mm latter part of Mio shlppliiK ,'u,"1t''n an to endaniter or be do-
Plnntnl on the ncliuol Kruiindi teaion, mini) ul Mid hii)rii niadu no! trlmt'iitnl to the public health, or to
nrollt mi Miu Hiniun trnnvni llima. I " naineous or olfelliUn to thc
uml n few nre known to hae hint '''"It;H'
luavlly. In rpi'iiklni; or the Kuiuon,! It It alto a nuisance, to keep an)
l..'tU (icrber kii)M
' It linn Wml a had )i'.it Th
ptlce of ha)-, the liKO'iint tnlni and ' Iiok In any other part of thc city no
Mio rnl. In frelKbt ratis on all live-it to bo oirenslvo to the public; to
stui I; have inado the iiniKin an im- 'l I' nablo or barn for horccs or
prulllable one for man) of the klilp-1 'Mile ro mcllKenlly ns to suffer the
pert Now, to rap tbe illtniin, Hie 'a mo to become filthy, nnuseoun or
now tariff bill puts nidi i en the t uffcnniii lo tlio senses or detrimental
list, which will result In hnvlnr. (ante to Mio public health.
klilitiii'iili of Inferior hlilei Itnporled i Section 3 prohibits the deposltlm;
from the Pampas plains of Mouth ortnl. rubbish or llltli within the city,
Anurlrn, where intlle and t.hrop inn Mieieln for a period lonper than Si
be produced for nbout 'ii per cent hours
of whr.t It costs in this countiy." Section .1 li nj follows: "No per-
inn shall expicti'raie in depoult any
I'l'olro lotmtr) ami creamer) uin'nn 'uncus oi I'Mciueut of any
butter at the Monarch .rli;ar or cluiretto ktump, or au peel
any part of any public bulldlnK or
upon any part of any church or
theatre, public hall or postomce, or
upon miy part of any sidewalk with
in Mio City of Klamath Palls."
It Ir. Hindu Mm duty of the Marshal
to abate thesu nuisances nnd also of
the health officers to maintain a
constant and vigilant supervision of
Mio sanitary condition of the clt).
Any person who falls, neglects or re
fuses to abate such nuisance for n
greater time than 24 hours after be
In notified, shall be deemed Kiillt)
of a iiilsileuicnaor, and Hlinll be pun
lihed by a fine not more Minn tf0, or
u) iiiipuaoiinicni. in me cny jail ior
nut morn linn ju ua)s, or 0) uoil
fine and Imprisonment. In addition
to a criminal prosecution, Mio Hoard
of Health shall abate or remove sue!
or J nuisance, and the expense shall be
sbarKed and become n Hen against
tlio property.
tm: o. i:iv m HiKii,.
dililil' HiH" lilileliileiil J 0 rfwim
.nl o Wur.lin Milt niornlni: in be
proiuiit nt the i Union In be held
llii'lu lur bllits bunds for
liulldltiK It lirw 4i'i03l house t the
illml'l lhi' M-oini to be a eon
rertid anion Ixioiir.hout the entire
tounly fur heller school (nrllltlc.
This moi.iuent Is belni; stronitly en
luiiraid l. Ii. r sui'ilot"fideni
ii within I'OU fiet of any bulldlne
hli:li ou'tipled by liummi heluus, or tu keep
T.tiiiH A.Tiii:it Mi:i:riMi.
The ordinandi protldlng fur a con
Irurl wnh the .l;ht K Wat, 'I Cum
MI1 fur II new street llcl.llllC -tc
m and for an eUi'iiMon of ihe
The City Council last evening or
Jcrod Klamath Avenue tilled In and
sraded from Third Street to I'ayno
Alloy. The work Is to bo dune by
tlio adjoining property owners. It
Is stated that practically all of thc
owners have agreed to make tire
Improvement. Two of tho property
owners aro non-residents, and It Is
probable that an ordinance will have
tu be pns?d so that In case the
work It nut done, tho street can be
filled by the city and charged to the
Tho Nevada, California nnd Ore
gon lino hag hut recently been built
Into Altuias, having before extended
only to Madeline, and work U now
under way to cxtond It through tu
Lakuvlew. from Luke view to Kla
math falls, win. to a lounecMoii rould
be made with tlio main linn projected
or even In a northwesterly direction,
through tho reservation, Is a com
paratively short distance
.i'roi.vnxi:xT hi:ci:ivki last
i'.vi:mno iiv. ii. ri.i.i.oVAV
Tho First Trust &. Savings Hani:
movod today from the First National
Hank building to tho quartern for
merly occupied by tho Klamnth
County Ilnnk, and will ba ready for
business on Monday. The hank will
handle both (ommnrclal and savings
accounts. Heretofore tho business
has been confined to savings nccounts
but In the future It will do a general
bankli g bustncsi. This glvei Kla
math Falls four commercial banking
Institutions. J. V. Siemens I: tl.o
cashier of tho bank.
& r
mSyf "
-miff jS
tl U m I - f Ji r Jit ' & JisssssV Hisssss
&FL IT "' Wf
WU xtkQrv)' J Vi M
f UVy i'"'t ,
1 VK"-.3 . .
'-i , v . ii . , . 4.i''.J.J,'" ti
. . -raru.-. Z;$L ..''- - i
mitt r i U'i'7SrnMli.J'
In the Swim"
The up-to-date man considers himself
right "in the swim." You'll always find him
to be thc well dressed man. To be regarded
"anybody" these days, it is of prime import
nree to be dressed in the heieht of fashion. To attain
this end you must, first have your clothes made
to order, second, choose the right tailor. These
two requisites are admirably supplied by
Strauss Brothers,
Master Tailors, Chicago
whose exclusive CRcncv we have. We consider this
th( best line of tailoring in thc United States. Youll
n U:c no mistake in selecting a pattern for your suit
ffcm thc immense variety of bright, snappy Spring
shades vc ore now displaying. You'll wonder how
wo can ma!co up such high class woolens at the low
prices we will mention to you. Don't put off ordering.
It is to your interest to "eel bu3y" at once.
At the opera house tonight will bo
'.Mollle, or the Illack Hand Hccrct
Society," "Four Sweethearts," "Tale
of the Harem nnd llathlng." Also
new songs.
. :
-.UkMfr. ifraW'
l, -'-r?,"J',rfl!!;
r ICl M VrmVbj- rr
Another Railroad Story
PORTLAND, .March 2C Portland
railroad men aro much concerned to
day over n report from Ban Francisco
to tho eect that E. H. Harrlman has
purchasod tho Nevada, California &
Oregon railway, a narow guago line
which runs north from Kono, Nov.,
lo Alturns, and will extend It by way
of Lnkcvlow to some point near tbo
Klamath reservation, thero to con
nect it with tho proposed 8outbcrn
Pacific lino from Jasper, or Spring
field, In Lano county, to Klamath
Falls. Much credence Is given tho
From San Francisco comso tho
story that the Southern Pacific,
through Mr. llnrrlman, has pm chas
ed tho narrow gauge line, will broad
gauge It nnd extend It thiough to
Portland. T. F. Dunnway, vlre pros!
am) loncrnl manager of the railroad,
has denied ylho rumor, but at tho
same time admitted that tho road
was for salo and that such a deal had
been proposed by Harrlmun Inter
ests. To Portland rnllroad officials tho
rejiort looks good, for tho rcuson that
It has been long known that Mr. Har
rlman was trying to socuro a direct
line lino from Portland to the east
by way of Salt Lake City and Ogden.
This would bo easily accomplished
by n connection boini mada between
JJthe proposed S. P. tine and tho nar
row gauge road, which connects with
tho Southern Pacific and Union Paci
fic at Reno for tho east. Too, such
a lino as Is reported to bo projected,
would opou up tho Immenso livestock
lumbering and agricultural district
of southern Oregon.
Running from Portland to Luke
view, thence to Reno and from that
polut cast to Ogden would furnish
almost a direct lino and would cut
out the waste of mileage In the pros
ont roundabout route to the Utah
Suburban New .
John Depow u r.dl ig a'tur cat
te Inst wcik.
Franl: Mi-C n v',i lo . tu. to cows
from soro nit ith, ic .s.d b,. callus
K. V. Smltii took a stove to town
for tho now
Charles I.lnzl broko his pluw while
working for C. Ager.
Mra. McIJurley visited Mrs. J. 0.
Hooper last week.
Mr. McOurby bought some grain
from Mr. Furgcrson.
William Hooper hauled grain
Mr. Murphy was at J. U. Hooper's
on business last week. Hu hai rent
ed thc Carrlck ranch.
Mr. Jacobs tlsltcd bis ranch last
Scott Oarncs was In tho neighbor
hood buying r.ny lat week.
Roy Sclimchcr Is visiting at the
Morton ranch.
Mrs. V. P. Miles has boon visiting
her mother nt Klamath Falls.
K. V. Smith has been having some
plow shears pointed nt W. P. Miles'
blacksmith shop.
W. P. Miles made four wagon beds
last week.
Mrs. rirlnnclbcr has been visiting
her mother, Mrs. Masten.nt tho Falls.
Mr. nnd Mrs. K. A. Coanco and
daughter visited Mrs. Cranco's par
ents. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Hooper, lau
George Kclley Is hauling hay to
Dennett'ti feed stable from Homer
K. V. and Mrs. Smith lilted Mr.
and Mrs. H. L. Boggf and Mr. and
Mis. V. P. Miles last Sunday.
Charley Faulkner, from tho
Plevna District, was In our neighbor
hood buying grnln last week.
H. L. Doggs Is plowing. -
R. Galloway received last ovcnlng
lila commission as postmaster at Mid
' land. Mr. Galloway has a store
building completed and will open up
within a weok with a stock of general
Tho pcoplo of this section rccolvo
t' clr mall at thc Klamath Falls of-
, at tho present time, but as soon
jns tho contract Is let for earning tho
mall to Midland the new offlco will
open up for business. This office
will ba a great convenience for tho
i -jUsnts of tl Is part of tho valley
and It 1) believed t! at thero will ba
cocsldsrcMo buslnest for tho new
oSl;", ai xany nsw iv.tbrj are coni
ng la aid !i.iid Ii b log dlvldid Into
smaller tracts.
Midland Ij og t' e naw California
N'ortl eait.-rn tallrcad and It Is pro
babls l at tl.o oftlco will pot be open
ed up until tl e road Is In operation,
about tl.o Qr3t of May, when the mall
can be delivered by the railroad.
oi'i:.s ox .ipr.iL first
nran at Olivers.
Good rigs and tho best of .diking
teams nt tho Mammoth Stables.
Parties conveyed to any part of the
Interior. 27
Trout fishing legally opens -on
April 1. A license fco Is now ro
il nl red of tl Tor male fishermen orcr
tho ago of IC ycais. lly tho pro
visions of thc law an Inch nas been
added to a legal trout nnd It Is now
mndo unlawful to catch a trout lest six Inches In length. ,Tho pro
vision which cuts a legal catch from
125 to 75 for one day will not havo
much effict In fact, as there are only
a few fishermen who understand the
angling game sufficiently to exceed
75 trout.
Another largo bunch ot Klamath
County bo)s will lcavo In tho morn
ing for Ashland to Join tbo Elka
lodgo at that place. Among the
crowd who expect lo go are: O. D.
Gates, Dr. Mcrryman, Fred L.
Houston, J. D. Church, G. A. Dun
ham, A. A. Dnvls, Chas. R. Baldwin,
Chat. J. Martin, ot Klamath Fall.
II. a. Wilson, of Klamath Agency.
F. M. Thompson, of Ady. H. L.
Holgato nnd Jas. II. Drlscoll, ot
Ten shares of stock In Long Lake
Lumber Company. Will sell for $95
a share.
26-Ct 0. . MOORE.
One sot of heavy express, single,
harness. Nearly now. Lee Tipton,
Peltz Flats. 27-lw
Free for the Asking
. X
California Sweet Pea Seed
Everyono may have a package of theso famous California
sweet pen seed. Wo have 40,000 ot theso seeds. You
don't lmvo to buy anything. Como bofore thoy aro gono.
Thrco handsome prizes offcicd for the product of the teed.
Plant the seed now. Seo our windows tor list ot prltet
and dato ot contest.
These seeds are trom Paul Rleger, tho California . per- Z
fumer. Ills latest odor it Royal Cherry Buds. Come and
sample It. ,
Star Drug Store j
"They Have It" I