pbt Hefald. Klnmnth Fnlls Vin and JJcst Daily. Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. Tlllltl) YKAlt. Nil. 817 KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 26, 1909. Price 5' Cents BEGINNING OF THE LIMBER INDUSTRY First Big Saw Mill to Be Built on the Shores of the Upper Lake Will Be Ready to Start Next Week Tlio new l.HK !-- mill lin ii linir.1.1 l.umli.'i Omiiwin (,f Han , Ik'Iiii: InKll on llu- iippi i li.ki. will I'liiiiilmii HtntlnK Unit ihey liail nil j ii-ml Hi In Kill opi-i mluns the ihcli luidlilwi) Kir their box fncloiy UIIit purl nf noxl week. Tin- mim nssunihli-d unil that tln-y would In, mill pinpi-r In JO li) inn te.i, mill In rind)' in i-diimiuiirii on their build addition In I 111" Ilium l ii inrK" in-. Iiir In n ery short lime. The box rlti" i "i "l"1 "nk huiisu 25 b factory will bit built on propiity m. i,u feet, where tho umpluuvs of tl.ei Joining tin- miw mill nnd will bu mill lako thi'lr me.il , rend) to lotuun'iice iiiiikiiiK boxen Tim LmiR l.nlio l.uiiilnr C'oiiimtiy llm flrnl of June It stated thnt lm ri'crnlly la-eu ti-nn-.ntiKcil iiml thu two plnnti will pinvldu u pnj I he inpllnl stork Inrri'iiiii'il (rum toll of nlmut I Iuiim ii month and will JI1..UU0 In fifi.uuo, of nhlih f io.. Kli icml inpliiiin'iii hi from 10 nun Inn bci.'ii fully pnlil up The newjtn ro nmii uRIccm of the i'ump:iii un- I'resl-, 'I he iMlnlillaliiui-nt nf these two di-Ll. I'hiis. I'.. Wonli'li. Vlri'-iri-Ml- plant on llu. nppir lake In bulh-vcl dent, II V. fiilitrnll; Kei rutin), W to lm but thu hcKliinliiR of tin- Itmi O Hilton, Trcuuiiier. Pri-d ilr'Hirmc Iht Industry In lilaiiinth Coiuily. It Tin- nbutn Mllccr a ml I.. Jacob ji'i'iim to be ihu general opinion of luiiiponu tlii Hoard nf Dlicclors lie ' prominent luinLiornifii. who linvu In nldii il.ii ntw mill on the upper Inki! w-stlghUd this tuition, ihnt ptactl llio rompnny will rontinu" tu inrnti' filly all of thu tinmunHu bodies of i In j ah unil dour f.idnr) In t hU j llml'i r In tin- northern port of tho lit) jrnutity will have lo bu brought In thu Thu w In lliciiew mill will be "l'l"'r lnku to "' manufactured. It tun by n lift Imrse power sl.-niii ' l" "'" " lr.lcl of liiingliintlmi to -aslne AH nt llm other iiimlnimry j Mal u,,,t wltt'1" " w," ,()W v,irH will ho run by n dynamo. I lie power'0"0 "'" u,s ',10 ln,"": "f ,llu low"r fur which will he (uriiUhed h iheel"' "' ll,n ,k' "n1 wlt hundreds Klain-ith Palls l.lr.hl ft Water Cnm-)"' '"mber mlllB nml fnitorli-s (.any Thu mill lint ii uip.iclty nf I, 111 nun ....! n.,r ilnv n,l ulll I... i-ul In constant operation during llie en-, tiro mminer The rompnii) tins milium to furnish tlu- Ulxht Lum ber Couimuy with c.uuo.unn Kh-i or hot lumber cnrli ji-nr fur live eum The box lompmi) inkes nil thu linn-' ber cut beliiw the crude of Hlmp lly IhU tin-mil the rompnn illnponei of all of their common lumber and , will hnvo nil of their rhnri. nnJ I flnlli lumber for loral demand ThU will he- n kikiI (unveuli-uce fur thu local biiUdem mid uliopii, an lioretofnru II hiu been iilmoit Impon klblu in Ket n Hiilnilcul mipply of clrnr lumber. The inllU intuntly luno lln;lr ynrdii full nf comuion lumber but noon iicll out their lictti-r KradeM, Willi ho t i.-my'm w bulld- limn beliiK cniiHtiucled mid with tho i:rowlli of tho bout bulldltiK businemi there In c.lllHtnntly luerenalliK do maud for el cur lumber, uhlili tliu hew mill will help mipply. Word hat been received from the r See the New, Nifty Line of Men's Spring Clothes and Hats, west window K K K STORE KLAMATH FALLS' STYLE SHOP IWI-X I ". Ml. Mil. I, n.vvi: it.iu.itiui Knox HinlPd prnpnsaU will be received by tin- Second AailHtntit I'OAtmauter liunerol mull April 2U for .inrryltiR il lie uinll between Klainnth Kails nnd II.iIIm.wI fr.i.ii MlV 'I lln'l l. In.w. ' ' ' ,. haril. Iir,)lmulr ,llM lhu ,.. trml will be let. an II Is expected that the railroad will tench Klnmnth I'ulU In-fore Mny . Ihi-n If the conlrnct unil nwnriKil, it wuuiit nnvo to nu cancelled In u very -hurt limn. Il li ruponed thnt the poiloMce depart ment linn no official kuowledRu of the pimiibllltlt-H of Kl.imntli Kails Inn Iiik mllroud umtiullim In the veiy neni fiiluro, and fur this reason ure uilvertUltiK for bldx to carry thu mull u noon us (ho present contract explrt-H. MlflC TO THE I'l'HI.IC. The blR Innk nt tho nntutorluni will bu closed for use until tho first of April to penult of chnnKCH to bo nindo. Tho private bath rooms will continue upon P T Sanderson. THE ANTLERS CLUB GIVES RFCEPTION Ijnge .Number of 1'ilciiili EnU-rUliH-d lly Mi-inhers of tin- Herd lit Xew ( lub Itoonm Lust Evening. Onu of the most hiiccok(iiI club nii.olliiKu ever held In thu city oc cunuil laiit i.-veulug, when tho mum bam of the Antlcr'u Club entertained their filendu In their roonm In thu I'MCe-Ktinttou hulldliie. Thu Antl ei'x Club Ik (.ompom.-d of inembi-rM nf thu i:ikn l.odce In thU city nnd hns nver thirty uiemberM. It now has onu or llm neutent club loomii In thu city. The wnlbi uru beautifully decorated mid huiiK with plctureu, mottoa and trophleH, and thu room In furnUhod with curd tablt-H, piano, nleo com fort.'iblu cli aim and cvcrythltiK which would enable u man to pend a most pleaiant uveuluK. Theru weru fully Cfty Invited Kiit prenent durltiR tho ovenlnr, mid they weru ronlly entertained, as only a live bunch of Klki know how. HefreHhmeutH weru served durlnK the evenlnK, nnd n vtry plcaalnx musi cal proKram rundored. AmonR thu entertnlnerN on thu proRrmu were (I. Heltkeuip'.-r. W. J. Ilreuuun, II. Uolvln mid UcorKu Tiiftnot. Tb en were otherH who audited, but their uiunej were not on tho proKrain. The nddroai of wolcome wan di livcred by tho prenldcnt of tho club, T. A. K. Paused, lln briofiy outlined tie two Krent principles of the Elks LoiIru nnd also explained tho purro.o of thu ornnnUnllon of thu Anllor'a "lub, nnd In conclusion extended n huirty welcome to nil thu Rtiot and Invited thorn to Join with thu mem burn In -jpendlnR n pleawinl evening. Thu number or Elka In this city Is belnR constantly added to, and nearly every other week u largo claai In taken to Anhlnnd to be Initiated Into tin- lodRu there. Sunday morn Iiir lyiother IiIr bunch will leavo (or Anhlnnd. Special rales hnvo been Riven for their transportation by the railroad company. IIISIIOl' l'.IIM)CK IIEIIK. Ill ihop It. L. Paddock, of Eastern Ori-Ron, arrived this ovenltiR from Sacramento. A reception will bo ten dered thu HUhop nt 7:30 this oven Iiir at thu Dnldwln Club, lo which all ure Invited. Evening services will bo hold by lllshop Paddock on Saturday, tho 27th, nt S p. in. and fiundny, 2Sth, at s p. in. nt thu Dnldwln Club and Sun lay mornliiR services nt 10:30 p. m. it tho Houston opera house. A heart) welcome will bo given to all and a largu atendance Is expected. Ol'EXING UK UEAMV PAIILUHS. Mrs. Fields Invites nil tho ladles of Klamath Falls nnd their husbands to attend tho oponlng of her Dcauty I'm lnrs tomorrow In thu Wlthrow Mclhase building cm Fouith street. Evoryono cordially Invited to Inspect tho new pnrlors. i BENSON IS THE WHOLE THING Ciiii Hold llonnl MectliiR Willi No One I'rem-iit Hut lliiiuclf. He Is llm Majority of All Statu Hoard-. HAI.EM, Or., March 26. Any who , doubt that Uovurnor Huniton Is thu ( whole thing theso dayu In thu admin-1 litratlvo affairs of tho state,' should hco him lu action, particularly! when ho Is In session its one of the' Institutional boards. It Is perfectly wtril understood now thai Mr. Hen- son performs tho duties of two olllcea,. thosu of secretary of stuto and those of governor, and draws two fcalarles. llul thu peculiar situations thai urlso sometimes as thu result of this duul capacity aru umuslng. Visitors lo thu oxccutlvo offices at Salem nru frequently met with tho tiroblbllion from Secretary McArthur that thu "feoble-inlnded" board Is in session and It will bo Impossible to sec thu governor right now. Hut when thu visitor gets a glance through thu half opened door and ioos Uovernor Ikusoii sitting In the Inner office ulonu It Is hard for him to ricogulze thut thu whole board U present, although It Is there, never theless. Ucnson, as secretary of state and governor, Is t,wo members of every administrative board. Tho state troasuror Is tho other member, but Then he is absent tho governor calls a meeting and performs tho work In luo and solemn form. Ho merely In' .'onus his sicretary, Mr. McArtliur, (hot It will bo necessary for the jsvlum board to have a meeting, and thu meeting Is culled. "Tho members of thu board will plcasu comu to order," says Govern jr l)ensen, and Mr. Ilenson comes to Jrder. , "The object o( the meeting to lny," states Governor Ilenson, "Is to letermlno whether tho state shall put In a dry air heating system or hot .later at the usylum, nnd tho matter wilt bu open here for discussion for few moments. Wo have several bids here from different firms which the I board may look over." Pretty soon Mr. Ilenson decides that ulr will bo best, and after get ting the attention of tho chair, which is himself In the capacity of govern or, ho moves, as secretary of state, thut llm air system bu installed at thu asylum. Then, as governor and chairman of the board, he puts tho notion: "Tho question Is. shall the statu nstall n dry air heating system at tho asylum?" Those lu fayor will say 'auV ' Mr. Ilenson votes "Aye." Then Secretary McArtliur, who, by virtue of his office as secretary ox olllclo of all the administrative boards, solemnly records in tho big book that the secretary of state olid governor voted In favor of hot air for tho Insane asylum. Mr. Uenson thcn.inoves to adjourn, as secretary of state. He puts the motion as governor and chairman of tho board, votes on It himself and then doclaros tho meeting of tho asy lum board ndjourncd. Then, peihups.tho "feeble-minded" board will meet to hear the monthly report of ihu superintendent of tho Institution for tho feoblo-mtnded. All proceedings are regular and are so attested by Secretnry McArtliur, A MISTAKE IN JUSTICE. (Donanta Bulletin) Frtd Kino, formerly of this place, was arrested In Lako county and taken to Klamath Fulls Sunday to answer a complaint on a serious criminal chargo preferred by K. I.. Walter. It Is learned that the caso was dismissed by the justice of the peace at Klamath Falls, the com plaining witness deciding not to pross tho matter. Fine deeded all his property for tho benefit of the girl, his half slater. It Is with no desire to give further publicity to an unsavory matter that the Dullotlu calls attention to the plain miscarriage of Justlco In this treatment of an unspeakable offense. It Is truo thnt tho trial of such cases aro not relished aud that common discussion of tho details Is hurtful; but far more hurtful Is the Impres sion given that such offenses can be condoned by some financial sacrifice. To use the arm of the law simply to collect payment as satisfaction for FREE DELIVERY OF MAIL NEXT YEAR i - - Great Increase in Postofilcc Business Receipts Nearly Large Enough For Free Delivery This Year tho offense, U desperately wtoiir, T1' Pu,'c hM nlrca(1' bccn ,ma,1 laminar wun mo reasons iur mu nr- rest, and knows thai tho prisoner purchased tils freedom. Officers of thu law should not tolerate trifling with l ho law. It seems Irnposilbtu to bclleVo that parents could accept money us sufficient pajment for such misdeeds. IIIKIIOP PADDOCK MOHICCIl IX SIAM.'i WITH J. Oil WIS B.C!lAMi: T' . . ir li i . Tho Hight ft'.v. I;r id He Ji ntn I'addock of Western Or son sp n lint evening ,Ti.o receipts for tho pn3t nlno months nnd part of today In t il clt visiting 1-avc hCBn nCarj, jC300i nnd Jn ordcr with Hov. Charles K. J'ar.-ar of St. I. ,, " ,,, m w,.m . , ... ,,. ., , i to reach 110,000 the offlco would Paul's Church, nnd the lit. Hov. Ills hop Morelund of the diocese adjoin- ,ava " 'Io 3'00 orlh of business Ing that of Dr. Paddock's. during tho next three months. Tho The Bishop Is n broad-minded, Jovial person of easy conversation. When a small boy, still In school, his father, for many years Bishop of Washington Territory, now Wash ington State, started Llm studying for the clerical woik. Kor many delivery of matt this year. It Is cer years ho was In charge of a parish , tan that It will bo entitled to It situated In tho slums of New Vork.,ncst and u nW b(JwoU thot Ho spent his time trying to uplift , theso people, and while, doing thls'somo stcPs wcr takcn to P"DM0 work he becarao acquainted with n for tnc change. Bcforo free delivery person who was doing about the can bo established It Is necessary that same work, and together they placed. an the streets be labeled and, the all tbclr energies, for years, trying houBC, numbcred. Ashland, Medford to better the conditions of that ills- ',.",. . . trlct-of Now York. and Grantg Pass wl" bave '" d- TbU person, who was so helpful to ltver'- but considerable delay. wa the Bishop, was tho famous uuthoc had In those cities because the and lecturer. Jacob Hits. I houses were not numbered and they Ho spent the larger part of thowcro not rcad). ,or tho ,crT,ce- KU. morning with Bishop Moreland, talk-1 .,,,.,. , . . , i .i i it.. vaaWx Falls should bo ready to get ing of church affairs, mid departed J on tho noon train for Klamath Falls. , uvcrythlng that Is coming to It Just Oregon. 'as soon as It Is entitled to.lt. n- ' Who Is the right man for Major'.' Tlint Is a question every nun In Klnmnth Falls Is directly I. tcreMcil lu. ' Who Is your choice nml vrliy'.' Write THE I1ERALD. STOCK FOR SALE, Ton shares of stock In Long Lako Lumber Company.. Will sell for f 95 a share. 26-et C. D. MOORE. f i Free for the Asking I California Sweet Pea Seed Evoryono may liavo a package of those famous California sweet pea seed. Wo have 48,000 ot theso seeds. You don't havo to buy anything. Como beforo they aro gone. Three handsome prizes offered for tho product ot the seed. Plant, the seed now. See our windows tor .fist, ot prise and date ot contest. ... These seeds are from. Paul IMeger, the California per turner.' His latest odor Is Royal Cherry,-Buds. .'Com and sample It. Star Drug Store "They Have It" , According to tho postal regulations n city Is entitled to n free delivery when the gross postal receipts reach J 10,000 during tho fiscal year. Tbo Klamath Palls o in to will probably ba placed In tho second class after July 1, thu end of tho fiscal year, and II Is qulto certain that within another year tLo receipts of tho" ofTlca will bo sufficient to give tho cltj free delivery. tt Is quite unlikely that tho total receipts by July for tho past year will reach tho 10,d00 mark, but tl ey will co mo pretty closo to It. receipts nro steadily Increasing, but unless a campaign was started, It Is Lordly probablo that tho receipts will amount to over $3000. Even If tho city docs not get trco : KATE JEWEL SIMPSON. ! Kate Jewel Simpson, wife of W. ill. Simpson, died at her home at I Xaylox at 9 o'clock last evening from pneumonia at tho age of 69 i yearsi Tho deceased baa been a resident of 'Klamath. County with her husband tor the past twenty years - Tho funeral will occur tomorow. Theft will bo services at the grave at 1! o'clock In tho Klamath Falls cemetery. Tho husband Is a charter member nt tho Klamath Lodge ot Odd Fellows, and tho member will attend tho funeral In a body. Bird seed In bulk at Olivers. 26 I vMMMfHfHHTHWWMM WWw WW WWW WW WVTVW1 r