1 . i uHrrs wmwi iV kx umuTiu l jtteiv is.f.'h Vs.' ( MARSH LaNDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY i,,!i 56 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. 30 EASY It THE EVENING HERALD IimeJ DIly, Kxovjit SnmUy, by tlm HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor HUUSOKUTION UATKS Dully, by mil, one cr ' W Dally, by luall, ix months - M' Dally, by tuall, llitw uioiitli ' 24 Daily, by mall, onn luontli ") Dally, Jvlherisl by carrier, our wl 15 Friday uvonliiK tho Hiiku didn't i;ct In until uluun o'clock A fnrottt'll ilanco mi rIhi m .Mr mid anil Mr. HmuIIo'h Krldu) 'cnhiK Ihoy hnvn moved In Yimiui Valley Chillies Andrew h lnltvil Hut Ilmith lulr I'l'OK l'ii) KLAMATH FALLS. THURSDAY. MARCH ffii. 1JKW. I'arm Journal in differ, in .uin itnn aplrlt im (In .f the couutry srom (o Imo (liken iiii,(hnn ims hi'toliiforo ninllvil I lie uuestloti of fr lumber, nml con- sum Ii tiut nml ovi'Dlo,!) i'li In ah UiBton are being bombarded with lit- r.ituro nml letors urgliiK thnt (ho now tariff bill bo uiiieudod to provide tor (bo frco admission of luinbcr 'hit nin) account for (hr fact lluit Ittpcra hno from time to time itorlea on the opiioiltc utile- A Mlti nrapolla liiniborinan baa boon Inter levcd there, and declares that (hop" U enough itandlng timber to last i ne hundred iar nt'tho rate It Is now btltig used lie assort that the i .Ik about the Miply of timber belnc ,.o,nrllzcd bocauHo the paper inllW ore taking It up In all both, lie is that 't.fter the supl) Is exhausted on tbe .Vol lb. American coutlnent there nr ct.oiiRh virgin forests In South Amtrlia to suppl) the world for e i ral c murlea. If thl muntry will nact li conservation Icehdallon n.id pi.ttrve trees that ought not to be cut down. It need never worry about the nnlililng timber aupply " Tbero Is a difference of opinion a to whether or not the tariff Is going to affect the supply of timber, and oven Clifford Plnchot Is of the op inion that the tariff will hao little i Sect upon forest preservation The undoubted! . Is uittlng loose from i lie exeltmuemwi t tut t It ueoiu ed to onjo) heietofoie It lit less I'lannlnll. U hiemlcnltiK out. and It lietouilng more iiallnii.il In scope. Southerner are InWtlug Immigra tion from the north, both of people mid of inpllul ' ' Out of (lie (ilngi r Jar The tomato can bu( will It The cheaper the shoes (he louder (he squeak. The wife of n henpecked husband Is lumill) act In her Mills TLe men who iierslstently sits down nre sure to be hard up No mute r how well mother mi) fill she Is cnMlmiall) on the mend It Is InitKirtnnt to luii- ilear Ms Ion Ken the pui.uo must hne sound e)es. Neither n boil nor a inbbnge amounts in uiithlng unless It comes to n head If )oiing Spendthrift would nettle down he might soon be nble to utile up One of th' mol Insidious and mi- exKCted forms of ullnrk la lo (read upon u (nek. You cannot nlwas gmiKe (he Im portance of a man l the angle at which ho wears litis I. at There Is quite .1 (inference l twren the door-Jamb and (ho Jam that mother used to make There Is the wreck of time'" x -ill. i i i oi,i:m: h.m'I'km.mih. No mattu how mtii'h mono) ii man inn) hnxe. he does not IIU' to Im ilifinudid If ho bii)s u tout he winds (lie ilutli to bo Just what the niercltiiul ii)s It I. II li ' 1V bnrnl of apples he Is luitlKimiil If he ill-Hovers thft( tlm bin ripples linu been put In (lie ends u( (he Imitel and ntunll or uiismiud unec ranch I'rlday aflernoon on business I lieiwieu. and he duldes mil in ueni and spent (ho night with lludil auil.iigiiln with (he man rutin whom In Oiler Kltilie) n( (heir ranch on biniglil lliom No mini wins per Lust lllver liimneiil success ulm dm mil ilenl Don Williams was In Olene Hrtt-( fnlil with his iiislomei. Hut I." urda on business ' " '"" ''" ll,,,,,t l""",, ,",'",,," '' lllram llnberta passed (liiough our l' HtmHlull. mr mere n a ...... imrtf niiii,iiii .,n niu ni in (in. rcsisiin- II pas ior penie p.ut of (he south J i.-i.- i.irtorded and (he (he (rui Willie (Irlttelh passed through our ""1 burg Moudii). ' ' " '" lludd nml UlUer Kluue) spent v'll( UIKei's dig Heed lloiue b Hiiud.i) with (heir pal en Ik In Olene (,n,. ,uliij; our gulden medu Tie Ulsle Dixon as aliienl Thuisd.i) hlggest stink of tluwer nml garden and Krldii) on aioilltl of skkuess ' eedi cut linudletl In Klainntli I'nlls The Olene school did lis spilug uu j0 n,n i,(id (o kind away for ilcnnlng las( I'rlda) nfieruooti I lecds us OlDer has eei Mirlct) (hni Mrs. l't(erson, our former school Lt grow In this sictlnu ' teacher, and .Miss Anna t'onn lsltcd fi lends In and around Oteuo Satur day. The) spent Saturdii) aflernoon1 Klninntn toiitit) !ieiidiiinil'rs In and night with W. !'. Arant, andUan rrunrlscu Is (he HnUI rtaoy. .Sunday with Mrs. Jntuea lit lines, ' orner Ynu Ne.is Autiuu nml Hills rtumla) evening with Mis Chns Aii-S(ri(. Waller C. Conner, prop Tak drews I Turk aud IMil"s(pU cats a( I'mrr. of mind welfare of n,'4v-:i's- vvv' DlIM J 'l'MM.111, I'luUUnl Abstracting Maps, I'lani, lllnc I'llnts, tie, VK iyJi"c... '"l-t 1, MTiM, I Klamath County Abstract Co X Surveyors and Irrltfutlon Ilnttlnccra v IUkt 12 WmiKt's, S.cr, inry Klunwith Fnlls, Orcun Ai ;:: -',wt,mJu in..! 4MfH I Springtime is Here "ko Ihltti 1 'l'l llav, ' HI impl; ktiien gi, U( m Villi Others big seed uouse ct n If at Van Ness and walk one lolf ViOlock north :-IS-3iu A treat many senators, represen tatives and other public men, Includ ing nearly all of the members of the Missouri delegation In congress, attended a dinner given by the Southern Commercial congress at one of thc'blg hotels In Washington the other evening. In speaking of tho affair nftemnrds, Congressman nirlns "of Missouri said "Prom general conversation nml from the kpeeches that were nifde nfi-r din- To sell groceries to consumers on ner. we learned n great ibal about lommlsslon Commlsiliius udtnnod the re-sources of the so-ie mel of th- to light par ilea Cull t loom f.l, methods It la proposed i . i mploy In Lakeside Inn I mi-rlii .v llnmne t . exploiting those resourti-s The Wlioleale (irnin, I liltngo. III. upeches Indicated a mop. iiwmopol- i'2-Jt claimed Jones, ns his cook fell from the Msoud-stor) window w.xti:d a 11111,1:1:. It's a Little Early lint no' too earl) to think about spending our taiutlo'i at Spring Creek & Williamson River Fishing Resort, The IINIST riSIIINt; In Die Win Id. Season op' lis June 1st, whin the "It ill III) will he In rundlliesH f.11 .mr pi-.f.urt- Hint lucoiiimodallo 1 Tourists Spink s Klnmnlh k' itore for outline supplies of all kinds AbuluU-l) ewntl.lIlK on huttd l.l'i:il IN (ONVIIf 'HON with lore fur (I -espirlal arcuimniHiailun of parties Milling ilprlmc Cru s and W Mil (liisoii lllter I'urcl nsen dilUered al the ,-T( nt Cliy ' free of iharge tlpruii; Is Ik 1 anl tUl" n u lln tin. 1, I low lit litis mid I tie I' III e 1 II", d I tn till k hi 1. Hid Lb Us it oif (lid 111' Ellldi 11 in I I repat urn fui 11 little llllililli.il lints 1, ,1 (,.h .1 lent-, nml Hi. 1. in- lie mil) I ti d , , a tik.it t OAUir - iiaui i'iiti' H' s i I 1 v S luk'rs ni'vnr-i wi'M-iso roiiMi utimii t nu'im in IM. rtlli:l.rt HAH AND Hl'lt V I I Ml 1 l 1 r, tuij. 11 I, g tJ 11 .ik tin aii cardull and I.m,ii r u-autllutftr tlin 1 .111I114 )IUI ROBERTS 6c HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS wiiiti: oit 'im.i'i'iioNK R. C. Spink KI.AMMII (.CM ), Olll (.ON. MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When Motl.t in Mills Xtltlilmn w t ro oIKrisl nt liartrntn inccs a number f chrvud tnvt m turn Unjoin, hinec tlmt timu uluett have int-ri-iiricil iiinieiiiilly. These Lots arc Unrfialn I u s nt im-fi'tit prices, nml there fit ever reason to anticipate nn ndviinre in ince.s emoin Iter these IoIm nre KIKTV feel in w Kith nml ONK HUNDRED AND TWENTY KELT deep -moru than donlile the area of most town lots olfcred lo titvcMum. FRANK IRA WHITE Office on Fifth Street CA1T. O. C. AFI'LEGATE FRANK WARD Lnnd Salesmen. t I More i Bank 1 1 Talks .. Did It ever occur to uu why all Rood huslnuss men keep u checking account with a hank'' We'll (ell )ou It enables (hum fo keep (heir funds In a more 1. ecu re place (han (tin of fice safe It Kite ihem n hetter Handing In (he husluess world II enables (hem (u pu) their hills by cluck, the returned cliecV' helnK uu undUputablu receipt Individuals find a chockliiK ac count very convenient and 11 source of cavlnit Money In one's pocket Is often spent on the spur of lli'i mo ment, while one is disposed to think twice before drawlni; on his halauco In thu hank. C.Kr Till: HAVINGS IIAIIIT. Ijiy up for 11 rain) day. Start a bank uc count with sssssssssss4s ;: ',:',?, I Guaranteed Paints We have full line of i W. P. Fuller's Pure Prepared PAINTS I FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Klamath Falls, Ore. Our Invitation Each weqk wo use this spate for the privilege, only of of Inviting you once again to become a depositor In our Dank. THE PERSON WHO READS ABOUT US FIFTY-TWO TIMES A YEAR OUGHT TO KNOW US -AT LEAST FIFTY TWO TIMES DETTER THAN IF HE HAD READ OF US HUT ONCE. THE BETTER HE KNOWS-'US'1 THE "MORE LIKELY HE IS TO LIKE US AND OUR BUSINESS METH ODS. ' YOUR ACCOUNT, LARGE OR SMALL, IS URGENTLY AND RESPECTFULLY INVITED. The First National Bank Klamath-Falls, Ore. A Big Line of Heating Stoves Just Received GEO. R. HURN k ftg . BALDWIN S BALDWIN Not Brothers; Just Plumbers PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS CONTRACT .WORK A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Work Guaranteed HERALD ADS PAY 1 O. K. TRANSFER GO. K t-'cp us iiiowiil;; wc me prepared for worK Tcaiiiiiif,', draying and forwarding. Is 110T Rclialile and prompt service woithy youR Attention? Day or Night. VVic not a com A N"i':r phonds, office 871 and 873 the barN 4 Say: Baggage' and Pianos arc spccialticS Freight orders handled quickly Xo hlufF Equipped with the only piano truck heiE Reasonable rates on goods stored. HctteR Gill or.ph,onc us before placing orders, C O. K. TRANSFER GO. . o-! FOR SALE f I BRICK WORK Vi:i.l, l.ll'ltOVi:D I'AKM of (I0U kcruH, 10 tiillei HiMithwcKt nt Kliiniiilli 1 'nl tn. Will null in whnlii or In mrt Tiirniii, linrt ilown, (ho hnliintu In ili fcrriil ni)iiiciitn. Aiity lo . R. A. EMMftT I ill llm I'oNt Oilier. t ii AND PLASTERING CII1.MNI.YH AND FIBS 1'LACI.H ASn.iiiflx" Dry Wood 4-foot and 16-lnch M. R. ANDERSON, Phone 203 H. E. CHILD m a math rALLS. 0UO0 MAAt l''" . DR. C. P. MASON Dentist Aiiierinui lUnk Tru.t Co.' DR. WM. MARTIN! Dentist Offle ovr Klmth OoM TauirnoNi ll D. V. KUY KENDALL Attorney at Law i Khuutb Fall, Or&