The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 25, 1909, Image 1

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Klamath FiiIIh' First
mul Best Daily.
Our Advertisers Get
The Best Results.
Tiiiku Yeah. No. 810.
Price 6 Cents
Over Five Thousand Feet of New Water
Mains for City-Probably $13,000 Will
Be Spent This Summer
needed on
Mr II. V Culm will enit In the tit Im. In the clung., from five
Morning 'or Ills homo m, lentx to tltt- nml one-half cents per
Me tnH- llmt lui Iimn licmi iixxtiMil uindlo power, wlih h would mukit
,jr llic Ciiimrll Unit lint riiiilniit fir I Ukt mm imisldernhly eKH with the
the fkli-imliiii nf tin- tinilim nml now s)Mcm limn thn city U piijlug
the liintiilliilloti i)l new li ilintit h will fur tin. cjti!. If th.. old B)H,. rt ,lol
1,0 paski-d III tint IllffllllK I'rldn) 'ilmiiKi'il, the inmpimy propones to
Tlii' l.lghl i- Water Cuiiiiiutiy hint , miiku u 2u pir cent reduction In the
li n Klvuli an -x tfiu.lon of lu (run-j tout
dilio nml cm mukv liny iieenar Tho stockholder i.f thu &
iitvmluiii or Improvement Hint It Water Ciitiipntiy IhU iprlng voted nn
uy lit Work which wim stop- iipini.rlatliui of f.'n,iini tu do used
fj will hi' resumed nml nil iippllni-l lor new work In extending ami Im
tlont from prlv.itu patties for water! proving Hie sjntem thli mmmer. It
tonnictliin will l.o Itlli'il. In cane tin- wan at thin time the Intention of the
ronlrni t for tliu tilounlnn of tin- roniiany to i'Xn ml ner linlf of the
trr )(em l cloned at lint meet-; npii.prlnllon fur work ultliln the city
hit of tin- council I'iIiIii), the mm- ami the remainder In making con.
Iny will at nniit begin work on Klu-jncclloiis with the mllrnad Kroumlii
instil avenue. Tho company will tx- nml atippl)lng thn new addition to
Htnl between HOOO nml luiiuu this thu city with wnltr ami light. About
lumcr on It water )Mftii. Thol :000 will hi iipctit on thu water sys
contract protliliii for tint lulng of f t fin In the city, nml If tin- change U
about SSUU feel of hU'tmli pipe. The mndo In the lighting njntvni, thu conl
I'll l in bi lalil ulimg Klamath nv-iof Improvements will reach 113,000.
mint from l'n m all.) to Eleventh It U n iiicbiIoii If thn extension of
llmt, uml from Uliiin.ilh street to I tin. n)stem outsldn of thn corporation
Martin Urns' Hour mill A number (run bu uiadi until thu additions nru
t.f change nml nililltlnmil new pipe , taken Into thn city, Thin matter,
h tn be put lu other pails of the city, howewr, will bu nettled Inter.
TACOMA, March 2 H. Rear Ad
mlrul Kobley I). I'vnns, In an Inter-
vlnw hiio lo-duy laid:
'Wo need 20 bulllcshjps on tho
Pacific Coual. Willi Biich a forco
UiIh count In safe from any attack. I
do not bollovo In dividing tho At
lantic fleet In order to aend ship to
tho I'aclllc. Wo should concentrate
our force. Thu danRor of non-concentration
was fully demonstrated
by Russia's falluru on the m Id
tier combat with Japan."
A permit was granted by the City
Louiicll Inn uvcnlnB to Mra. E. K.
Iledrkk for building an addition on
tin' nnr of her More building on
Main atreet now occupied aa a mil
linery store-. Thu addition la to be
lire proof.
A permit wan aikcd by Judge
Baldwin to remodel tho Interior of
hi brick building, but tho council
decided that they had no Jurisdiction
ami ho will bo allowed to make what
change In the Interior of tho build
Ing which ho may dftlrc.
An ordinance wn passed granting
to tho Klamath KiiIIh Light tc Water
Company an extension of their fran
rhUe for a IIkIiI and water system
I to .September 7, IV It,
An ordinandi providing for a con.
tract between tho city and tho Light
& Water Company lor Installing now
mains nml hydrnuta, and tho rebuild
ItiK or thu street llnhtl'ng ayntem wai
Introduced and named to Itat first
Considerable dlHCuaalon was enter
ed Into In regard to the condition of
n number of cem pooln nml private
sewerngit. A now ordinance war
drawn up by tho city attorney and
Introiluied, repealing nil public nul
ixiuiit ordlminci-a and regulating nil
con iiooIh. out houaea. aewcra. and
8ACHAMKNTO, March 24. Oov
ornor Ulllott to-dny algncd tho l-
roct Primary 1)111. Announcement
that thu meanuro had been signed I
was received In tho aonato just bo-1
foro final adjournment with aomo
hand clapping, but without onthuB
lasm Tho aenato then resumed tho
buslnoss of bringing tho session to a
Think It Unjust That They Should Be For
ced to Share Tribal Funds With Capt
ain Jack's Band of Modocs
mainly on thn hill. The illy has nl Ihu expundlturu of thU amount opxtorlnK of manure, etc., within the
prrsiiit only 22 li)drnnta;i: of thesm money In the city this )cnr will Im a
will be taken nut and placed at more plnrvn. u new modern
I.) tlratttM nrn to ho luntalled. clvlng
the city a total nl 70 lodriinlx. or an
addition of IS to tho number now In
Ue. ThU will provide rtrelleiil lire
Mntcrtloii to thu city, im It will place
great hem fit aside, from thu conveni
ence nml lire protection. It will
mean thu eniplujiiient of a large
force of men. Mr. dates states that
the company has about 2000 feet of
plpu already on hnnd to begin work,
and by thn time that Is uhciI tip the
iry building within one blink ftoiii ( balance of the pipe neci-Msary will be to three h)ilniuU. With this! here.
protection nu effort will be made to
city limits. The ordinance
panned to Its second reading.
The council then udjoitrncit until
Krlday evening, when the water and
light contract and tho nuisance or
illiiance will bo disposed of.
And they still continue to arrest
people for getting drunk In Klamath
(it a reduction lu rut en for lire In
Tlieru seems
l-cg It Amputated.
Win. Slreiiblo of Dairy, who has
to b n disposition M,,. unfferlnK for the past year with
n the purl of hoiiio of the uiembcrH n dlseasu lu his leg, wan operated up-
i'f the Council to hold up the cote
tract for nu entire new lighting h)h
icm, ami It Im piiKslble that It may
not pan i ut Um next meeting. Thu
company proposed to expend over
HUGO In pinking nn entire, change In
llif street lighting Hysteni. Thu ays-li-ni
would Include the smut, number
"f llftlits us nt present, hut tho lumps
'nild ho 20 raudlo power Instead of
K , as at prenent. A reduction wnn
on this morning ut thu Klamath
Hospital. The leg was amputated
Just nhino thu knee. 'Thu operation
vn performed by Dr. Hamilton,
mutinied by Drs. Fisher and White.
Mr. Strucble underwent the op-
erntlon lu gnod shnpo and n complete
recovery U expected.
Only six moro dnys In which to
leglstur for tho city election. You
will bo sorry If )ou wait too long.
L. J. Ilauman nni) I,. S. Thomp
son of Ilonania are In tho city.
Chits. E. Drow, a prominent ranch
er and stockman, Is In the city from
Must nu body can retail butter,
eggH and vegetables, but we have
never met a man smart enough to
re-tnll n dog.
Do you ever aco n man on a rail
way train who Is all bows and
smiles to chance acquaintances, and
who will rldo twenty or forty miles
besldo his wife without mora than
a word or two ot conversation T Un
fortunately tbcro are tow such men;
but none, wo trust, among our folks.
See the New, Nifty Line of Men's
Spring Clothes and Hats weit window
There was a danco given at thu
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sinn
Icy last Friday night. Somo of thoso
present being Carl and Johnnie
tutor, Jerry Pvtorson, John Don
aell, John Faith, Mra. W. II. Iillss
and dnughtcr, Nellie, Mr. and Mrs.
Jolt Klrkpatrlck and daughter,
Maude, Miss Itaxol Fitch, Anna
8mjrtb. Scy Pool. IJert Cray, Will
Loguc, Dock and Floyd Pool.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Handles aro
aow living on their placo In East
Tho shareholders ot the Yonna
Valley Threshing Machine Co. held
i meeting at Jacob Itucck's homo
n Sunday.
Mrs. Mike Itueck and children of
Jonnnzu wcro visitors at tho homo
)f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bock last Sat
jrday, and on their way homo Sun
lay visited Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Chas. Carlson bought Robert
Utughlln's place In East Yonna, con.
listing of 1C0 acres, for 12100, laat
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Welch and
.'anilly wcro visiting at Wo, Welch's
Mrs. Oeo. Rlttcr, Mra. John Llnd
ind Mr. and Mra. Thco. Hammers
cy were visiting at the homo ot Mr.
ind Mrs. L. A. Stcrxl Sunday.
Harrison Oray returned from Fort
Klamath Friday, his cousin, Cert
3 my, accompanied htm. Thoy re
port tho road being very good, dusty
most of the way.
Ernest Null went to Dairy last
Sunday; ulso Chas. McCumber and
Eurl Aldred were there.
We had a hard snow storm In
Yonna Friday, but by Monday the
enther had cleared up again.
The Hoppo Dros. aro now busy
cutting wood for Joo Coburn of the
Put Colahan and Frank Cutter
passed through Yonna with a load
of goods, which they wcro taking to
Mr. Colahan's placo In Upper Yonna.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Klrkpatrlck and
daughter, Maude, wcro visiting at
C. C. Pearson's Sunday.
Chas. McCumber was surveying
land last weok tor Mrs. a. O. Andcr
ion ot Dairy.
Geo. Smyth made a trip to Bon
anza Saturday.
Miss Nellie Bliss and Carl Rucck
aro absent from school on account ot
sickness. There seems to be a light
form of measles going through the
Oodfrey Beck and family will
movo over to tho Jas. Wight place
on the 1st ot April, as tho new owner
of tho Bock ranch, Mr. Chllders, will
toko possession at that date. As
soon aa tho roads become good, Mr.
Beck will atart to tho Coast, where
he Intenda to locate.
D. Y. Gray and family moved off
the placo Tueaday which they had
recently sold. They moved to Ft.
Klamath, whore they will live. Jolt
Klrkpatrlck accompanied them to
help take tho goods up.
aira. jpnn Linu or Yonna was
tuken seriously Ifl Monday. Dr.
Truax of Bdnanza was called. The
last report said alio was much bettor.
Earl Beckdolt of Bonanza has left
there and Is on his way to Canada,
It Is reported.
Miss Hazel Fitch Is absent from
school this week.
John Bitter Is on the sick list
this week.
Mrs. W. H. Bliss, who has beta
working for Theo. Flackus ot Bonan
za, returned home Tuesday an ac
count ot her daughter, Nelllo, being
I. Jackson was a business visitor
in Bonanza Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cummins and
mother and father stopped at Qoo.
Smyth's last week on their way to
Lakoview. They are from Nevada.
Ed. Bodgo ot Dairy, who has boon
on his homestead In Langell Valley,
Is very 111 with appendicitis. They
brought him to hla home tn Dairy
It Is reported thnt tho Indians of Ing. It Is not believed that anything
tho Klamath Reservation nro very excet1 8n nct of Congress repealing
much opposed to tho Modocs being
brought hero from Oklahoma.' Tho
recent act of Congress provided for
the return of tho survivors of Cap
talu Jack's band of Modocs to the
Klamath Reservation. Thcso Indians
havo already been given allotments
In Oklahoma and tho; arc to bo al
lowed to aell or Icnso thcso for a
term of five )ca:3, n:.d will In uddl
Hon bo given c ther t'lom ints on
the Klnmnth Re ci n U.n. Vhcy arc
also to bo all w il to slant In thu
tribal funds of tho Klnmatks.
This latter provision is what has
caused tho greatest objection to the
return of tho Modocs. Tho Indians
aro not any too nnxlous to having
the Modocs brought back to live
with them, but they certainly object
to sharing with thorn their funds.
They claim that It looks like the
government was trying to reward
tho Modocs for fighting against the
whites during tho war. The Kla
math wcro peaceful and assisted the
soldiers, but Captain Jack's band ot
Modoc Indians fought tho soldiers
and massacred tho settlors and some
of the officers. For ilolng this they
aro now about to receive their sec
ond allotment of lands and arc to be
allowed an equal proportion with the
Klamnths In tho distribution ot tho
money received from tho said ot land
belonging to tho latter.
Superintendent Wilson of the
Klamath Reservation recently re
ceived a letter from tho agent In Ok
lahoma enclosing a copy of tho Act
of Congress, and stating that the
Indians wcro turned over to him. It
Is not known bow many thero are
left of tho trlbo or when they will
be sent to Klamath. There aro sup
posed to bo about 10 of tho original
band left, but the number of tho
children Is not known definitely.
As soon as tho Indians hero learn
ed that preparations wore being
made to remove th'e Modocs to their
reservation they entered a protest.
A telegram was sent to the Secretary
and In reply the department asked
to have their objection put In writ-
their former act will prevent tho Mo
docs being brought to' tho Klamath
Airji-gcnunl Made' Far a nig Gath
ering of tho Fanners at the
Court Haute.
Arnngcmcnts aro being made for
tho big mooting to be held at 2:30
on Saturday for tho purpoio of com
pleting tho organization of the Kla
math Dairy Association and for
further promoting tho dairy Indus
try. It Is expected that a large del
egation will bo In attendanco from
Klamath. The organization Is pro
posed to cover the entire county and
the members will work for the bene
fit of ovory section.
The meeting Saturday will be held
In tho audience room at tho Court
House. Invitations have been sent
out all over the county. A number ot
prominent speakers will address tho
meeting. The farmers are display
ing an unusual Interest In the new
organization, and It Is believed that
tho farmers will be able to benefit
themselves greatly by ttirlr assnrla
tlon In this cause. '
A series of meetings tn different
sections ot tho county will be ar
ranged for later, and a number ot
Instructors at tho Agricultural Col
lego at Corvallls have agreed to bo
present and assist with their knowledge.
Somo of tho neckwear worn by
fashionable young men Is so loud
that you can hear It In the next
Tho best way to cultivate an ap
petite is to cultivato a Held, and '
then you will have both an appetite
and tho wherewithal to appease It.
Somo folks havo rats In their car
rots, some havo rats In their cellars,
and while not a few young ladles
havo good-sized rats In their hair.
A simplo worm went out to play
Upon an -April morning;
An early robin chanced that way
Without a chirp ot warning;
And that U tho end ot the story.
Free for the Asking
California Sweet Pea Seed
Everyone may havo a packago ot these famous California
sweet pea seed. We havo 40,000 of thcso seeds You
don't havo to buy anything. Como before thoy are gone.
Three handsome prizes offered tor tho product ot the seed.
Plant tho seed now. See our windows for list of prizes
and date of contest.
Thcso soedsWre from Paul Uleger,
turner. His latest odor li Royal Cherry Buds.
the California per-
Come and
sample' It.
Star Drug Store
"They Have It"