The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 24, 1909, Image 1

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Klamath Pulls' First
mid Bent Dally.
Our Advertisers Oct
The Best Results.
Tlliitt) Yeah. No. 815
Price 6 Cents
Advises Beginning Now By Improving the
School Grounds So as to Be Ready
for Exercises on April 9
1 lut mToml l-'rldny In tliu uftvr-i
i.non III April of enr Im bnl,l""K "" ,h" w"lll, A"' uufiuiiieil
ml lulitu iih "Arlmr Dn." mid the;1'1'"""14 ,l1"1 " bimiiiu .llsiolored
law provide that It ahull b.i olmt-rv j"r ""llt''1 "ll0111'1 " '1ii tlown ami
, liy tin- tencher mid school dill- u,;lr")l,,l- " "ur "'houl houso la
Inn throughout lliu statu In a '" ,,lU """"Hon. It In mil Innpprop
ilrcnliir Just Issued tii iIik toucher jr,uly '" ,'"1'1 '" '""',' " 'iHIIiii: ex
by Statu Hupeiliilendout AklrllWl,,,tl"l", ll,lU '" ,,',"l '" fuu an
iiicnui in keeping tin- I'luumlu In
jinoru iH-rhti eomlliloiis
"From the Inlonal cultivated In
Hillliu: nut li iM, i(iii huahui and
lio t)ii
"Thu ground u( muii)' (( uui
i.ehool house hi been inndi miuli
hiiimi Itenntlfiil ilnrlnu Hut imit fnu
Iiiliriililn'ry on ihu nhool wound, n
jvntii, llirouKli Hi" planting of gar-1 .... ' , ' '
iti'iii mid hruhher, but In a larv
number or district wry llltli' Imi.
)ut bwin done For Ibis reason I
wish to reiterate nulnii of tlic lilt iikm ,
Teddy Has Gone
NKW YORK, Mnrch 2."!.--8lnnd-lug
on thu bridge of tliu steamship
llumhurg mid acknowledging tlio on-
tlniHliiHtlc cheering of thousand of
MMB'inw who lind nimomhlcd to bid
.IiIiii good-hv, Theodore KooseveU
lulled for Africa to-ilnj He was
smiling linpplly mid iihowed liliuils-
; tnki'iilily Ills plcni.nro nl tho warmth
I of thu inception accorded hits. Be
side It f tit stood Iili ton, Kerinlt, and
Ciiptuln Iluimcliter, Comtnunder of
thu 'fl Thu big Hblp left lior
pli'r nt lltljiS' o'clock it ml slowly
miuli- tier wiiy out Into III'1 stream,
muld tin; rlicciH Hint complel'
diowid tliu music of tlio band
whkli with playing "Tlio Slar-Spau-gled
Tim illrtlugulahod traveler wan
j-tt 111 on tliu bridge, watching tlio
srenu im tliu vessel was wnrped out
Into tliu stream nnd headed down
tlio buy.
thlld Mill li'iun lo ! moi o of such
work In tin- wud'-ii v home, nnd
quite iititniMl H.Ih will lend up to
mi Interest In the orrhmdK nt homo.
Thti ti.iii Imr turn ttinb,. lunuiilf i.ln.
-w tilth I linvtt until to )on before, unci , ,
... Inbli' to Ibu entile illstilet, If Nile
lu remind )o tbnt bofnre liny up-i .... .. ,
, ,. will lenrn all about the cm o of an or-
ITOprlnti' exorcise cnii bo buld on I .
... . . . chard, including tb.- dlrferont In-
Arbor l)n )ou taunt hi gin at Hit'1 ....
. . , sett nnd disease Hint uttack or-
my beginning. Tbnt U to any, nny ; .... . .
chnrd nnd Hie proper euro for each,
dlscuislau ft lo how to uinku more , ... , . , . .
... . . . Direction conreriiliii; lliln uud Hie
bvnutlful your cbool uroundi U en- .. . ., , . . .
'dlffiiii-ni kind of npiu) ran bo bad
tlrvly out of plnco In a bulldlnK tbat i . .......
. . . .I1')' PPl)lK l tbe Kxpi'rlnu'iit Stn-
It not kept In u clean and attractive ,. ...
Hon nt Corvalll for bulletin. If
(utidltlon. It I arr.ued by aoino Hint I.. ,, , ,
the pupil in n b-o any pinctlral
till I not a part of tbn lencbur' , .... .....
IiviiuIH from Hki limtructlons r.lvcn
work, but tbo fact rt'iiialnn Hint'.. . , ,, ...
Hiem on Arbor Dny and In the pro
hlivtber or not you hne an attrnc-i ..... ... , .
paratlon leadliiR up to ttm uork for
Hon Interior, lent very Inrcely with,.,
tbnt iluy. It I euy to kirure Hielr ro
tlio toichrr. IT Ibu patrou of tin"
illtttlct io not InleretUM Id puttlni:
V.'ASIIINOTON. llnrcb 23. At
the loni:cit Cabinet meetliiR of tbo
prenoiit Ailnilnlntrntlon, with n full
iiiemh'rlilp nttendlni;, flnmice were
dUcukavd III detail to-duy. Tin;
dkciualon turned upon tlic RUbJect
of raining levenue to rcplonUb the
Tremmry and to provide iiRnlnM u
further reduction In tbo event that
there I an nrtunl reduction of lev
I mine from tlic rovlned tnrlff bill.
Aiiioiik tbo tunny inoimuren tbnt have
Ibcrn biuiiRbt fornnid Ik Hint of n
Mud per rent tax on dividend of
jcorporaltiiuii othei than buuk. trunt.
Iroinpnulei and Iniurnnco conipnuleu.
It Was Only Measles
- i
It ha developed tbnt Owen Heath
erly, the took who wim taken Nick
nt tliu American llouie, la afflicted
with iiotblni: mora hoiIouh than a.
cao of inenalc. Dr. Ilutnlllon, the
Health Officer, ntnted that them I
no vmnllpox at the hotel and wished
to nnuouucu to thu public that there I
l:i no Indication or any poulblel
iprend of the d Incase. Every cat
of ulokneia In tho city U carefully i
InreatlKated and every precaution
In tulnif tnllen. Thfi twn nrlplnnl '
cuc of tbu dlueaiie, which wero con
trnclod nutNldu of tho county, are tho
only one In the county, nnd these
two are proKreimlni? very nicely nom1
and will xoon be completely recover
ed. Dr. Hamilton la or tho opinion
that there I no can tn; (or alarm, a
ho does not anticipate nny further
case. Thu oflicem, however, will
koop n careful watch or stranger
comlni: Into thu city, ns both case
here wero brought In from tho outside
Prof. Kent, of Corvallis Agricultural C6I-
lege, Will Attend-Meetings at Mer
rill and Bonanza
The Nation of Hie Knrth Arc Com-
lnttlluK In Friendly Intercom-no
at Heat tie.
SEATTLE. Wash.. March 24.
Seattle, tho city on the Pacific Coait
where prcat thlnys hnve been nccom
pllrlied In n abort time nnd whero
mc.ur.taliiH have been removed almost
In the twlnklini; of nn eye to make
room for city streets, I about to un
dertake n RlKnnttc tnsk lu tbelntro
dtictlon of the Occident to tbu Orient
throucli tho medium of tho Alaska-Yukon-Pacific
Exposition, soon to
open Its Rates to tbo world.
ilOKti u now lloor In n rural school
bulldlnK. when tbo old one I worn
out, thu teacher should neo to It that i TonlKhl
tucb nu Intci est will bu nrouxvd
tliioiiKhout tbu dUtrlrt tbat the con
dlllons will cbmiKe. Not only hmild
there be a good lloor In tbe chool
home, but It should alio be kept , Mr Kurd isnve a ilemoiutrnllon of
crupuloiuly clean. The lelllng and!"1" Uia "istrlbutlon of milk lurt
evenuiK. hm leaiu uiiumu iriKiii-
elied mid ran down Main street. Thu
slreut was Kenurously sprinkled with
milk from Hum' hardware aloru
At Hie ein Hihim'.
Clicuiimtniitli.l i:lileuic.
dramatic; Hcmidlnavlau North, n
benutlful colored tllin; lle and An
tlno llnklnK.uud The Wood IndiiHtiy.
New oiik.
Alrrady rcnrcscntatlveti of Jnonn
It wn-i stated to-dny Hint alHioiicb iaI11, chln- re , Soiu,0 nnd "hnvo
I President Tuftjmd none so far ui luliuei In fi loudly Intcrroitrxo on 'tho
.k for an ostlmiiio rrom the Trens-' xposltlon Rrnnniln. Tho natives
from frottu Siberia are mlngllun
Hie walls should be kept freshly
pslbtud, and thorn should be a har
mony of color. Do not use brlxbt
glaring colom. a they are Injurious j for sevuml blorkn. or until the sup
to tbu e, nnd do not niuko a gondii1'' rn" '""
bsckiround for pictures. Omy,l
gray-grcon, or crenui color nn; good '
lor the Interior, using llgbt shudu
mi the culling, a deeper shade on tbe
wnlls, and still a deeper shade on
(lie wood-work. Thu windows should
bx ho kept cleun, eapoclally Ihu
hood-work, where thu upper and
hmcr riming meet. Them should
be at least one or two good plcturos
Tho Kliininth I'iiIIi Chamhrr of
Coiiuuurcu I plnnlug fur u big time
nt tbu regular quarterly meeting on
April 1st, at which tlmo tboy will
discuss tbe matter of n roud to Lake
vlow, and also or a celebration (or
railroad day anil nn exhibit nt Ibu
Alnskii-Yukmi Exposition The
Couuty Judgu uud prominent hunt
nos men or l.akevlew will bo lu
vltcd to attend.
ii ry Depnrtmcnt ns to the amuunt ur
leveuiie Hint might bo derived from
with the 1'iiir-ilud Klllplnos, uud tho
Alasknti Indian looks ou with nmaxe-
Micu tax. no was oy no means rom- mutli ,lt ,,,, Batherlng of races In
milted to the proposition. Tbu Seattle.
fie.-uiiry rhtltnnto wna tiri.OOn.OOO.! Should tho signal to open Seattlo'a
as to what ii.eaauros of'"rcat Pltloii be sounded today.
svcrytning woulil lie round in readl-
A derision
taxation shall be adopted apparent
ly Is n long way off, for there Is no
unanimity of opinion iih to any of
ihe propositions ho fur considered.
The only proposition tbnt has assum
ed dellultu form Is that of un Inher
itance tax, nnd this method nlrindy
bin aroused n storm of protest fiom
tint States where such n tux already
Is levied to raise State rccnues.
Thu President and his advisers be-
llee Hint somu acceptable substitute
for an Indirect tuxiitlon will be do-vised.
Jupuu'H avuragu death rates Is be
tween seventeen uud eighteen per
f '
See the New, Nifty Line of Men's
Spring Clothes and Hats, west window
uchs.for every exhibit building stands
complete. Undo Sam Is putting the
finishing touches to the structures
to house dlipluya (rom Alaska, Haw
nil and the Philippines, nnd tho ex
position as a wbolo Ijna tnken on the
air of completeness.
Within tho past year 2 CO acres or
the campus of tbu University of
Wusblngtou have been transferred
(rom a forest to n fairy laud, and on.
every side paved street and walks,
shady paths, urtlstlc exhibit palaces,
statu and county buildings, amuse
ment structures and a host or fea
tures aru ready.
When tho word ready Is appllod
to the Alaska-Yukon-I'aclflc Ex
position It means Just Hint much, (or
the big oxhlbltlon I now mora than
ulncty per cent complete. Even tho
city streets approaching tho main
eutrnncu gates hnvo bcuu paved and
parked, ami Hie streot railway sys
tem of tbu city will soon hnvo five
double tracked car linos lending to
the exposition.
And Seattle, us a city, Is getting
ready to receive her guests. On uvery
band great preparations are being
made. Seattle lu going to po one of
tho best lighted cities lu the country
ami gieut cluster lights wll t.oon be
burning on thu main streets. The
thoioughfnres loading to thu exposi
tion grounds have just been paved
and tho wholo scheme of Improv
mouts brlugs up with thu beautiful
grounds of the exposition ns aiming
For tho exposition Is going' to be
the most beautiful over hold, and
with mountains, lakes and forests as
a background (or the works ot art
done 'In flowers by the landscape ar
tists, tbls oxhlbltlon o( tbo Pacific
wll be a rare combliaUon o( archi
tectural skill and natural beauty
which will no doubt surpass any ex
position over held.
Exhibits are commencing to arrive
by the car load. New York and Can
ada will toon have their buildings
complete. The big permanent fire
proof structures, such as the audi
torium, flae arti and machinery,
building, have been ready to re-
col(o exhibit! (or weeks, and the ag
riculture, -unee. fisheries, foreign
palace, Oriental and other buildings
afu ready. Tho forestry building,
with Its pergola of giant firs rrom
the Washington forests,,. Is ready.
This will bu the largest log house
ever built, nnd nearby Is California's
exposition borne, a bandsomo build
ing of Spanish mission architecture,
both Just a stcno's throw (rom the
State of Oregon's big building and
across the streot rrom thu Wash
ington state building.
Thu Alnskn-Yukon-Paciflc Exposi
tion, much advc'rtlsed bocauti It will
exploit Alaskc, ihut wonderful dis
trict or nlmoi . Inexl aeitlbl.) riches.
Is now ready ai d will be completed
to thu smallest detail June 1, 1909,
tbu date for t. o ofllcir.1 opening.
Guy A. Chlliers und Miss Leta
May Nlckcr3on will bo united In
marriago at S o'clock this evening
at tho home of tho bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ntckcrson. Tho
ceremony will be performed by Rev.
J. W. Price of tbo Methodist Church.
Tho groom Is ono or Klamath
Falls' successful business men and
-rlth his brothers Is engaged In the
brfck and mason contracting busi
ness. The brldo In very popular In
both social nnd musical circles. The
Tho young couplo will mako their
homo in this city.
There uru over tbrco hundred
oters In this city who have not reg
istered for tho coming city olectlon.
The registration books today show
only 80 registered In the First ward;
125 in the Socond, and 80 In the
Only ono mo:e week remains In
which lo register, as the books close
nt f. o'clock on Apill 1st. Tho citi
zens shculil remember that no one
is untitled to olu who Uot register
ed Voters must roglster each year.
You may hnvo registered last year,
but If you have not registered again
this year. ou cannot vou.
it is quite probable that farmers'
Institutes will be held In the near
(ut-.ira at Merrill, Bonanza and Kla
math Fills, at whlih pattliula. nt
tontlcn will bo glvtn to the discus
sion of the dairy Ii tcrosts.
President HMIoman, of the recent
ly organized Klamath County Dairy
Aacoclntlon, requested tbe Corvallis
Agricultural Collogn to send a man
horo to bo prosont at tbo meeting to
be bold tho coming Saturday, He
received a reply from Prof. Kent,
who Is tbe head of tbe Dairy depart
ment, stating tbat It would hardly
pay to make tbo trip for Just, ono
meeting, but if a series of sereral
meetings could bo arranged (or he
would bo glad to come.
Mr. Hellcman Immediately took
tbo mater up with the people o( Mer
rill and Bonanza and mot with great
encouragement and waa assured that
tho meetings would be well attended.
Ho bss wired Prof. Kent to tbat (
feet and will learn by tomorrow
when he will be able to come. It
Is hoped that Prof. Kent will be able
to come hero In time (or the Satur
day meeting, but If he cannot do so
the meetings throughout the county
will be arranged (or his convenience.
Prof. Kent Is rocogntzed as one of
the best posted men in the state on
agriculture and dairy baslBees,.aal
bis coming hero would ba - great
benefit to tbo farmers who art Just
starting the dairy business. His prac
tical knowledgo would save them the
expense, of a lot ot unnecessary ex-pcriments.
Qrand paw novcr had 'em, but
that's no reason why you should not.
Man's most useful handiwork. Ther
mos bottles, at Mctlattons.
Bad work In electric wiring la a
menace to the safety ot our light
ing system, and affects the Insurance
ot our patrons. There having been
some done by Irresponsible parties,
and because there la no City Inspec
tor, we hereby give notice tbat after
this dato we will noWurnlsh elec
tric current (or any .service unless
tbo Job o( wiring has' been Inspected
(while tho work Is being done, and
before concealed (rom view) and -approved
by us. A reasonable fee will
bo charged (or Inspection on work
other than which wo do.
Klamath Falls Light s Water Co.
At this season ot tho year everyone is liable to take cold
and lu these cases there aro two things which should ba oa
hand In every home.
(or a laxative and to' relieve the general symptoms ot a se
vere cold. These preparations are made (rom pure and bam
less Ingredients and are sold on a positive guarantee.
Star Drug Store
"They Have It'