The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 23, 1909, Image 1

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Klnmnth Falls' First
and Best Dally,
Our Advertiser Oct
The Best Results.
Tiiibd Yeah. No. HM
Price 6 Cents
Lake County Will Build Its Road and Ship
Freight This Way If Klamath County
Will Build to County Line
Tim liiuvvinutit linn been nturtcil
for lliu Improvement n( iliu Kliimutli Tho CoiiiiulatliinerH Inn,, made u
I nll-t.akulnw tuuil A meeting wiu'vi'iy liberal levy fur Hid building of
iH'iHcniMi. ciii'itcii .m:vh.
held lnt evening ly dm dlreUorH
of (lit1 Chamber of (.'iiiiiiiiiiu'u fur the
inirpoau of discussing rood nun! wliii
( II WlllUon, of Wmlliuum & Kerr,
k bin Portland grocery ilrm Mr Wll
lUon Juat arrived (ruin l.akovlew ami
was din bearer of a iue4Ui;e fioin tin
roads (Ilia )Var mid a U tvir pioh
able Hint it koiiiI Mlmm of tlm mum,)
will In- lined mi iliu Impioveiumt iif
thin roml, luit the, Imii'ii tiuii of ii
modern roml ncroa I In- count), emit
uml west Kill i,n Htroiicl)' inged t
tlm Chamber of Com menu It la
Tlm Indies of ilia Draco liplxcopat
(iiillil uml iiiuiiiIiui'h mill friends of
Iliu KpUiopnl church urn very ploascd
over tlio huwr Hint lit. Jlov. Ifobert
I., ruddock, episcopal Dlsliop of
tomtom Oiokoii, Ih expected lioru
from Huti rrmitlRco on tlio 2Gth or
2Clh Iii3t., nnd nto making arrange
incuts for services while ho la liorc,
also a reception on Prlduy oveulng
ut the llnlJwIn club room, at wlilcli
lllsliup ruddock will relate aowo of
lila experiences while traveling Id Eu-
'roii, particularly In Russia nod
I Turkey
TIiIh H-cr-pllon will li! field at 7:30
Ii, m. Friday owning, Mnrcli 27. An
atoning service will lio Hid In the
llulilwln Club room on ilaturduy (it
S. p. iii lluiulny morning services
will b... Ik 111 ut 10 30 n. in. In tlm
lloiiKton Opont lluune mid Huuiliiy
jvi'IiIiik scrvlceolii the ll.ildwln Club
room ut H p, m All are Invited and
will bn welcomed
Tlm Klamath County Bank, tlio
oliloHt financial Institution In tlio
county, will finish moving to tliolr
new ipmrters In tlio mornlnK, and
will bo renily for business at the cor
ner of Fourth nnd Main tomorrow.
Tlio Klumntli County Ilnnk will
hnvo much more commodious quar
tern In tho now .bulldlnk, which has
boou fitted up with handsome now
furniture. All of tho fittings, rati
Ings, oQco doors, etc., nro of metal,
and thu entire building Is as near
flr proof as It Is possible to make It.
City Council and Light & Water Company
Reach an Agreement at Meeting
Held Last Evening
Chamber of Commerce and t Itlfwun ;! cuinildi red iri vital th it thla work
ef that county to the peoplo of Ida llinuld ! iinilrtnkeii mi aoon us the
ninth weather will permit Ihla uur
Lake County merchant nie din
Tho poatolllie lecilpls )ealcrilny
piMsed the mark iieiemaiy to place
th" KlamuHi I Hlla olllee in the Hve-
unilous to ship their gooda by way of oud claim II) il.e Htm of tho muiilh
istUflod with their present Iruuspur- I
tatluu facilities from Altuiaa mid are
Klamath Kails. Thu only dlltlcully
III Hie way Is the condition of the
roada between Klamath I'alla and
the onlcn will have n tike surplus ov
er tho amount neccaiury for the enr.
i i iiu limine in uiu onirc, nowuvor,
Will liot ho lliluld until tin, li.itHn.
I.uko County la ready to,..init of .1... ,.., .... un ,,., ',
lulld Kood roads from tho county seat ,
to tho county line. If Klamath Countyi C- Trayner. one of thu plo
kill do thu same with the roada f
the county line to the railroad it
Klamath I'alla,
from r"','r residents of Klnmnth Count,
1 ho has been IUIiik In Cnllfornlu for(
Tho County Commissioners have
let the contract to It. E. Wnttenburg
for tho erection of a county hospital
which Is to ho built on tho poor farm.
Tho bulldlnK will bo a small ono, and
will bo one story and contain fivo
room. Work Is to commence at
onco und finished without delay.
Completion of the Road to Klamath Falls
Should Be fittingly Observed-Should
Begin to Get Ready
Cortland la omloiis for tho trado
(if this part of tho state, and Mr. Wll
lUon, aa representative of tho I'nrt
land buslneaa houaes, la maklnr. au
tffurt to get tho two counties to build
Kood roada to connect with tho rail
road. If tho counties atait tho move
ment, Mr. WlllUon agreed to take the
matter up with tho I'nrilnnil flrma
and try to ncuro asaUtaiico
A good road between hern mid
l.akotlow would menu n Kletil bene
fit to this county as well nu u com in
u number of years, arrived from Han
J010 last nlKht on a short visit. It
has been token )enrs slnro Mr. Tray
ner was last In Klnmnth Knlls nnd
ho mluio many of IiIh old time
frlenila. Ho acc-i many il:iini;ia In
The tlmo hnB arrived at Jast when
It Ii 1'oi.Elble to como within 11 reas
onable distance of guomliiB tho day
Alien tho first train will reach Klam
ath Kails, nnd with tho approach of
this much-to-be nnd lonK'nwalted
erly bo delegated to them without
mo tnnt 11 win cither bo no-
nlocted or the commission abused.
On? suggcatlon that might be of
forcil at this time Is tho advisability
of. Inviting, and endeavoriiiK to so-
tho city In thn way of ImpiiivomcntKj JVeut comex tho question, "What urujonro tho presence of tho Governors
lli peoiilii of this city and county ko-i"' utiuornia ana urexon; likewise
I11K to do about It?" Custom has en- tho two United Statos .Senators and
tubllahcd the rulo thut whunover nK'ure3raaii Mawlcy fiom Oregon
rail 1 ond lias beon completed, the final nnd such other pernons of promlucnco
Mr. Trayner owns n valuable ranch
near Merrill which Is now worth con
siderable more money than It wns
I when he left hero
net, thnt of driving the golden uplkc.
Is attended with appropriate core
monies, mid that yhu mi mo custom
should he followed In this city will ho
ndmltliMl by everyone. 'TI1080 who
hnvo lived hero for neatly two score
yecri, eveDone of which carried with
r-ti m 1 aiii.m 1... ....i.....i -.....
...... a...,.'... ItH. IIIVIUU ..Will
from ,,, pionp,.. As-nylng & lletlnlng Co.,
of Han, the asmy on six
I.tnmplcs of rock taken from near the
mlnltir: tunnel which hat reconll)
been onencd up lienr Merrill. All of
'I Ihu .-rttilm ttero slirfaei limtler. urn) Iliu rliniOf tl.tlt ".1 mllrnnd Ii COIIV
luiico to tho people of Uiku County, two were thketi one mltn north of the '"K-" rcetl "'J iouncr look forivnrd to
thu opportunu tlmo. hut may realize
at lust his Ioiik wished for desire.
Thu railroad will bo hero and with Its
comlni: should bo ono of tho greatest
celebrations thnt this city or count
ever di earned of.
Many celebrations hnvo been at
temptod In tho past, attended with
Uvaldes tho Inimenny amount of mer- tunnel; two ono und one-hulf miles
(kandlau that would bo shipped northeast and on the west sldu of
.... ., ,, . , . thu mountain, and one about n 1000
through horu, there would bo close to!, , . . ,
I feel enst of thu tunnel. They assay
half a million pounds of wool hauled, Vli from L. (0 or, mncc)1 of Ko)u
out of l.ako County the next few pvr ton, with n vnliitlou from fl.lKI
esrs and they should bo brought by I to H.l'.' One sample was dlalnto
way of Ktamntli
than anjthlng.a good roml would give
a inurkel for Iliu products of Klam
ath Count), and would be a gtcut
benefit and convenience to tho farm-
rs of tbla county In hauling their
produce and supplies. With tho big
territory that It would open up, It
would bo thu means of Inducing man
ufacturing Industries to locate here.
Moro Important rll,tJ "tl"t and taken from tin;
I ace 01 wio iiiniiei, iiiiii nsiueu .in
ounces to the ton with n valuation
of 13 09
In public nnd business llfo as will
m a lie tho event a noteworthy one.
Connected with tho event might be
n week's celebration in the nature
of a carnival or u street fair, If tho
llrettors deemed such a thing nd
tlanhli. What was left over rom
the Inst cnrnlval might bo utilized
on this occasion. Then, also, might
bo hcld'u, public rally, to which Tom
Rlchnrdson, of Portland, might be
Induced to como and a permanent
'und for tho advertising of this coun
y started. Throughout Oregon theso
allies are being held and Klamath
Fulls Is now umong tho few towns re
nninlng off tho list. Tho tlmo for
tho preparation of thU celebration Is
moro or less success, but the ono In
honor of tho completion of tho rail 'extremely short nnd it behooves nil
road should b of moru than thu or-jof us to KCt out and hustle, so as to
dlnnry tvno. It should bo dignified inlm,,ko an event that will attract tho
Visit Olivers big Seed llouio bo- churucter nnd yet tlllcdwlth the gen-laUent,on of ,ne cntl" l'clflc Coast,
fore bujIiiK our garden seeds. The 'nine enthusiasm natural on such oc-1
blggeat stock of Mower and garden
seeds ever handled In Klamath Knlls.
You do not need to nond away for
seeds as Oliver has uvery Mirloty that
will grow In this section. 9
cnslons. 'l his is a work tnat prop
erly belongs to the Chamber of Com
merce. Tho directors of that organi
zation nro 'men of ability nnd Integ
rity nnd such n celebration may prop-
l S sV
See the New, Nifty Line of Men's
Spring Clothes and Hats, west window
Horo throat Is Inflammation; In
flammation la too much blood locally;
nnd too much blood spells disturb
ance to vasomotor nerves of pharynx
und larynx for the trained osteopath
ic diagnostician. This view-point of
Z throat disease, peculiar to osteopath
ic uiagnosls, is tho same ns regards all
.primary Inflammatory conditions,
wuuiuur involving mo inrout, stom
ach, lungs, liver, kidneys, uterus or
any other organ.
Tho osteopathic way of curing In
llnmmatlon Is correcting tho blood
supply. To do this It goes nt tho vory
cause of trouble and adjusts tho va so
il motor apparatus. As n usual thing
thoro Is found to bo pressures of cou
traded ligament nnd muscle at fault
mm oeiuna innt met, still further
back In ordor of casunl factors, there
is often found a "bony lesion," ao
called, which Ii merely a slip of a
vortobra or other bone from Its nor
mal alignment with ita related bones.
Any mechanical structure built up
of many small parte la liable to get
Jolted and drawn out of correct posi
tion sometimes and the body la no
Now to comprohond osteopathic
diagnosis you should start 'with a
consideration of the bones, the frame
work of the body, and proceed atep
by stop to examine tho ligaments
which bind tho bones together, and
tho muscles overlying both which
round out the body and ai pulleys
act upon the bonea to make levers of
thorn and render motion possible:
thus bones, ligaments and muscles
icompicio iuo iorm 01 me numan ma
Iiut all through and between these
structures of bone, ligament and
muscle, tbero pass Intricate net-works
of arteries, veins and caplllarloi,
wblib carry on circulation, and nerves
which perform tho manifold tasks of
tho nervous system. One of theso
duties of nerves la to regulato tho
slzu of these blood-vessels. A special
set of nerves are specialized to do
this. They mo called nssmotors.
ilenco uorves d. 'trmlno blood sup
ply. So tho ostcopa hlc lU.jnostlclan In
such a simple thing r.) u soto throat
would begin ills In litigation not
by examining tbo mtieous membrano
of tho throat merely, as Is the usual
way with pbyslclnns, but with an ex
amination of tho vertebrae of tho
neck. He would first look to the very
foundations of the machlno In tho
part disturbed to determine If It wero
In good form and functioning.
Are Your Spinal Foundations Plumb?
Kxpcrlenco us woll ns reason has
taught him that many Ills of Ufa.
ovou such things oa soro throat be
gin back at the bony adjustment.
Whon that la true no amount of treat
ment dlroctcd to palliate symptoms
will cure tho case. To cure, the phy
sician must get back to basic causes
and adjust vertebrae to their natural
positions. If a slight slip of one from
Its movablo anchorage has occurred.
It must bo replaced. If ligaments
have been put on undue tension and
nro contracted they must be relaxed.
If muscles cither surfaco or deop-
lying have become knotty, contract-
ured and congested, they must bo re
stored to normal relnxness and ton
icity. Otherwise nerves throughout
wilt bo subject to abnormal pressures
and disturbed functioning, tiny blood
vessels will bo blockaded. This must
result In nutritional disorder which
promptly assorts Itsolt as a disease.
Osteopathic Health.
To sell groceries to consumers on
commission. Commissions advanced
to right partlea. Call at room 61,
Lakeside Inn. Lovrrin Browne Co.
Wholesale Grocers, Chicago, 111.
22-3t '
Hot Coffee and Lunch at the Model
Bakery at all hours.
The American Hotel Dining Room
Is open all night. F.-esh oystsrs ev
ery day. u-tf
An Informal meeting was held last
ovonlng between tho members of the
Council, H. V. and O. O. Gates and
tho City Attorney. Tho meeting was
held for tho purpose of getting to
gether on certain provisions to be
Inserted In the now franchise to bo
granted to tlio Light ft Water, Com
pany. The city aiked for certain conces
sions from Mr. Gates In regard to a
new lighting system and other Im
provements. These wero agreed to
by Mr. Gates and will bo embodied In
tho ordinance to bo Introduced at the
.noDtlng of the Council oltl er tonight
or tomorrow night. There are no
Indications ttat there will be any
l.ltch In the passago of the ordin
ance, as the city was given what 1 1t
asked for and Mr. Gates concurred
In the concessions. Mr. Gates will
remain until Thursday before tear
ing for home.
The last of the beef cattle for the
season left the big Merrill feeding
grounds last Friday and Saturday.
J. C. Mitchell started seven ears:
Lewis aerber. eight cars, and F. Stu
kel, fire cars. Messrs. Langell'aad
Qerbcr also took 'oat one cartoad of
fine brood maces, which were con
signed to Stonewall ft CoasBmay, of
Williams, California.
All of this stock will be skipped
from Mt. Hebron.
WASHINGTON, March 28. Rich
ard A. Balllnger, the new. Secretary
of the Interior, has purchased for
his own use "Roswell," the saddle
horso used until recently by Presi
dent Roosevelt. "Roswell" la a
strong bay saddle horse and knows
every highway and byway In Wash
ington and Its environs. Judge Bal
llnger rode him for the first time yesterday.
, When Roosevelt took his departure
from Washington he left Roswell, bis
favorite mount and spirited Jumper,
In the care of a-horsemat here with
tho stipulation that he be sold Into
private ownership only, and for the
uso of a man appreciating a good
horso and who would use Ms well.
When your sewing machine' "acta
up," Mullor can fix It. Phone 254. 22
e ? i
At this season of tho year cvoryone Is liable to take cold
and In these cases there are two things which should be on
hand In every home.
for a laxatlvo and to relieve the general symptoms of a se
vere cold. These preparations are made from pure and harm
less Ingredients and are sold on a poejtlre guarantee.
Star Drug Store
"they Have It