minim Uefalo. Klamath Falls First and Best Daily. Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. Third Year. No. Ri;i KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. MONDAY. MARCH 22 1909. Price 6 Cents mm INDIANS GATHERING FISH FOR WINTER OVKIt TWENTY INDIAN I'AMI'H NOW IXTAIII,IHIIi:i ON I.OHT HIVEII. UlU l.'IcllllllH flOIII ttltl ICIllllllllll lt"J- urvntlon, un Imi bwiu tlivlr custom fur yeurs, nru now itocklitK lo Lust lllver unit other iilreamu wlwru iliu inn of tiiullut In Inrge, unit nru IiiIiik In lliclr supply fm thu winter. Al ien ily theru art otcr twenty luilliiu tump located uIoiik l.uit lllur item llumitiru Tint I ml Itt iim ninl their Mimw cMtcli Iliu Huh ulilrli mo ilrlcil mill parked fur thu winter It In Mill) HlM IIIIIII) ttlUII'JItlltlM (if OUIItW urn caught viicli year. Tliu mullet It n species or sucker, hill U much supiilorln flnvor to the Hull commonly known hy Hint name. During (tin spring run In Unit lllvei thn fluli ale ho plentiful (hut kukoii muds can be i-uukIiI In n very short limn nnd ma n.ilil lo he ocullunt lallhg wlillii fresh, hut on iicciiiint nf lliolr nbundancu hae inner ho lonif pupulni with tin ulnin nil dents of thu count)' KUIMATII COUNTY DAIRY ASSOCIATION. Another mooting of those Inter eitid In tin- iirnmolloii of thu dairy biulnon will lm held on Saturday, Match ST. TliU l fur thu purpoau of mnhllnK othem who weru uuablu to hi) prment at thu flral lucvtlnK '' at torn). C. 0. Merrill itntud that lie hullnvcil that a UrtC'i niiiiiher of the farmcra of thu Merrill country would nltrnd tho itrxt niuctlnK- Thu follow Inn nru thu ofllcem elect ed I'lenlitent. W. II llullemiin. lr-prcldout, Krnnk Ira Whltu; ecretary. J. A. Ilolrumu A commit tee connlatlnK of W. II llelleman, I'rank Irn White, J. A. Ilolcome, C. (I Merrill and O A. Hteiirim Mill ru Wilt on hy-lnwH nt the next meitliiK MKK COUNTY Wool. H1I.K.H. Joe Puller has atcppetl Into the market to buy wool, l-nit week hu purilinucd Manuel Sander' tutlre 1 lip. amounting to piobably r. 0,01)0 pounds. Mr.Sauder Ii thu first aheop man In Lake County to ell hi wool tlila season and MsnuiT llnaiirhil imidlllon In such that hu la not obi Ik id to sell unli-sa ho get his prlcu. We understand that Mr. Samlera ru lulved uotuewhuru hotwuuu 10 nnd KH cents. Mr, Puller Ih looking tor luoru wool.- Herald IIOTKI.S AltU Piri.l,. There hns boon a steady Increase In thu Incoming travel and It Is stat ed that tho hotels aro kopt full all MMSll''lttl",","tttMtttt'' See the New, Nifty Line of Men's Spring Clothes and Hats, west window KRR STORE KLAMATH FAILS' STYLE SHOP SMITH REPORTS ON WORK IN WASHINGTON ,lliu time utiil noun; liuvu heun forced .lo turn nwuy iK0pu ,, nrciiuni of ,1111k of niioiiihiiiilntlotiH Whim tin heavy navel, which In expelled, ,.. Kins, It In feared Hint ihiiro will not be iiuotnuiodntlunn In thu illy for I nil llin n-iiiln Tim hnimwekurs fiuui thu i:unt Imvu hmdly begun to InvnJu Klnmnth County nml It In ox-) pectml that when they begin to hi rlu iihoul next month, moms will bu nt it premium is Tin:iti: , hauxin, root,. ItOOM AMI fiOUII SCHOOL'.' Tin- follow lug In one of many In-'liilrK-n rctelveil dally hy 1'oxtiniintc-i l.mtiiltt It In written from Washing ton "I'ostmnslur, Kind Hlr. A'i my pnpn h miking of movlriK to your ' rlty, I thouKht I woiil'l write nml nml out what klml of it iiihool theru In, nml chiirchei, ami If then- nru any milium ur pool iooiiim llier". Would also like to I-now If them tlw nny iioalulton or flea, im I hnvo licanl there were. What In the rllmiitu iiml i" "it niiei in teKeiiimcn mill iruim do w ll tli-' "In tin re nny land to b taken lie auru and uimwer themi threu itue-i- pruNi-nted to thu mectliiK. loni. If you Imvu the time to uti-l In vpcnklnK of thu ichuIii of bis wcr. la there n anloun. pool-roomtr,p l0 WnahlnKton. Mr. Smith aald and n Rood ichool? ThankliiK you1,,,,,, .., ,.. ,,,.. , u .,,... In advance, I remain. Yours truly. MAItV " aitomoiiim: HKitvin: roil I.AKKVIKW TIlAt'KI,. Ukuvlcw hns no rnllrond U but irom thu reports In tnn piipem the town will bu wull tunicteil with mi- '.omoblle lluva this aillumei .. ...... . i. , , .i... li n itHlt'U Hint t I u'uni.iii hiiti -- Southern rnclflc Company, Is lo put 'notltird of thu payments as they hc-t on two 3-pnHonKcr iiinchlnet he- tween l.nkevlew nnd Khiiiiuth Culls J A Vnten has roinmeiici'il i i-mt- tt- t.lll. lntlU.uXI I -1 Vltl lull- -lllll Al I turns, and K. K. Itlmhurt nnuoiinc? Hint hi will begin recular nuto-cnr service between May 1st the Maine polnli on ll'I'KIt l.KK NOTIX Tho slenuier Wlnenia will bu bark from Odessa where she hit been tor thu Inst month, Mr Totten IiiivIuk hi work In hum! nt that place. The steamer will probably start mi her reKulnr run hooii. Mr mid Mia llmiilllon have mov ed back in their Cnikoe home on Buck Inland. They will garden the Itlnml iiKnln this year as thu 10II Is of mi exceptionally pioiliictlui nut- lire Comn.odor AT TIIK OI'KIIA IIOl'Si: TONIGHT. Th.. Tit I't.fti Kiiiiiier'a Dauuhter." "Tbu Pretty Typist." "Oucu Upon a rim.. Tin. Wns " New songs. WASHINGTON OFFICE NOW HAS FRIENDLY INTEREST IN KLAMATH Government Will Be Lenient Wilh the Land Owners on First Two Years Payment- -Senator Carter to Visit Project It. H Smith, nttoincy for the- Kin miitli Water Uactti Association, to tiirncil Init evening from Washing tun whoru hu went in the Intercut of tho landowner)) under tlio Klamath Project. I In will only romalu hero ,n few dnys when hu will no to Salum 'where ho bus a caiio bafoto the Su iprome Court thu lnttor part of tho mouth. Ilu will probably hu unablo to hu present nt tho regular im-vtliiR ,r Ull) ,!reCtorH of tho Association thu j ,, . .. .. , . .. . mouth, but thu rueoiilB of hit work In Washington will bu hu mndu a Mronc effort to aecure re lief In tho -payment for wattr rlxhts, but that as practically every other ' project had naked for help before hla in i hnl In WttahiiiKton, and had been lrlH., o0ni Uiu Hecrotary would not nllow thu Kradunleil payments ns nuked. However, hu wit promised Hint whlln On. lniulnwnpie would boUOOI AHSION.MhNTH I i nine dm. If It v.-na shown that they. wen itiiiilile to meet mcir iiihikjiiuii, thu puymeiitx would not he fmcetl ho- ..,.. . i . . ml. . iiiii nil eiui oi iiil nrsi )enr. i nui Is. they would bo ablu to koI -ater (0r the llrst two yearn If they mnito ilieir paymentB for iniiintenuiiio. 1 no pnyiueutH would have to bu rniul'j the en its-sU'iilneiitH on thu irrigation, lu t'llnl e.u. howeier. liefoti they roulil ,lln "fTiili ami military affairs leriiru wpter Ily that tliou thu land would nil hu wull under cultivation mid able to pay for l1" water Mr. Smith stated thut hu believed that from now on theru would be a much better understanding between thu landownets and thu Washington ofllru and that thu fcellug woiild hu much more friendly. Secretary Gar- Meld knew absolutely nothing oh to wlintiwns bclne done hura. nnd cvun I M(. JfmM M M(Iy (l knnwiodgu. Ah a result nt Mr. 8mh,H vti lu KInmntll proJl.ct will receive much nioro attention In " "'' Smttlor Cauv- wll ls chairman of tho Irrigation Commit- 1 too. Informed ,.Mr. Smith that hu would visit nil thu project thin suin Iner, and htnted that bu would mako a careful Investigation of thu work being dunu In Klamath. Mr. Cham berlain haa been placed on the Irri gation Committee with Senator Car ter, and tho prospects are that Klam ath will ho looked after. It la also quite probable that Sec retary Ralllnger will visit Klamath County thin year on his 'trip to tho West. Mr. Unlllnger nnd Mr. Fulton aiu M.ry closu friends, and at tho re quest of Mr. Pulton hu promised to elve attention to the Klamath Project as soon no he became settled In ofllcc. Mr. Smith stated that In order (or the KOcrnmcnt to go on with the work It would bo necessary for the Water Ui-eis Association to Ilia sup plemental articles Increasing the cap ital stock. This was a matter that would have to bo settled hy the stock boldcis luomHulvos. van oiuxiON henatou. WA3IIINOTO.V, March 20. In tho icoininltteu liorBnulzatlon Senator Ilourne will ietuu hit pri-te'nt chair till, twill ii ,if tit,- flMli.irl.tu i-nmntltliut - w ,v nw ..M..M.tvM nml Kel a place on the commerce com I inltle and thu new committee on rev , unites. Senntor Chamberlain has been glv iiiiiimlttei-H, which aiu legard ed ns especially Kood places These usximimunls come through the committee on committees, of 'the Dciu ocrats, which, under thu rules of the Senate, assigns all Democratic mem- burahlps, uud these nru always ac cepted by tho Senate without ques tion. Thesii assignments, with those Bourne will i;et. will glvo Oregon as good positions on the committees as any stnto could possibly hopo for. Chamberlain's experience In con flection with Irrigation legislation land thu general public movement for the reclamation of arid lands recom mended him for that committee In dlan affairs will bo advantageous from u local vicw-polut. Military at I fairs assignments are always sought by powerful senators because of the tromeudous Importance In these later years, of military matters. YONNA VALLKV NRW8. Mrs. .Manuel Vleria was quite 111 last Wednesday. Mrs. Porry Randies is also sick again. Ooo. Smyth bought some hay from Geo. Rlttcr last wook. Mrs. L. M. Pitch was In Bonunta Wednesday. Dick Ketchum, who has a homo stead nenr Bouanta, has rcturnod to It and Is Impiovlug It by grubbing sagebrush. Mossrs. Carl and Clarouco dray, of Dairy, hnvo gouu over to Merrill to plow on their father's ranch. Ed. Wiggins Is now plowing for Mrs. L. M. Fitch, of North Yonna. Cbas. Woelk hat started to plow on his homestead. Jas. Wight is put- ting In his crop. Mrs. Wm. Logue is again suffering with an attack of the rheumatism. Wm. Welch, ot Dairy, Is hauling wood from Yonna to his homo. Wo aro having most beautiful weather In Yonna Valley at. present, It la almost too good to last, but we hope It will continue so. Emll Flackus and wlto were visit Ing nt Mr, and Mm. Chas. Burgdorf's, of Swan Lako, this week. C. W. Sherman, Br., ot Dairy, who has been visiting at the home ot Fred i J Heck, returned to his homo Monday, I Mrs. Geo. Smyth made a business trip to Dairy Tuesday'. I Mrs. I.. M. Pitch was In Dairy Prl 'day. Ilonry Jackson, from tho Rciorva- tlon, was at Godfrey Deck's Tuesday buying rye. ' Mrs. Etta Randies made a trip to Dairy Sunday. It Is reported that Mr. Arant, of Dairy, will move to I'Ine Orovo this week. Miss Oraco Coburn was a guest at tho homo of Fred Beck's last week. Kobort I.aughlln mado a business trip to tho Palls Monday. Chas. Wngar camo down from his mountain homo to KCt some supplies this week. Jack Morton was at Godfrey neck's place on business last Monday. llrown Michael, of Dairy, was at Fred Ucck's ranch last Monday to get somo grain. John Logue and W. S. Loguo arc hauling hay fro' t tho !an Handles' placo. In Nort'i Your..-., this week. Mr. nnd Mrt J ff K rl ptnrlck mado a trip to Dnlr '' hurt Inv. Mr. FauKht, of rouanzn, has a contract to put up u jottt 8U0 cords of wood for P J. tloftne, of Bonan za. Jacob Rueck Is busy this week clearing land and Is also moving fence. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCumber were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Adanm In North Tonna, J.O. Wight was nt Godfrey Beck's last Tuesday ccttim;' somo grain ho bought last fall. Ho has about all tho bay fod out on his ranch, and it the weather gets bad he will have to take his cattle to Swan Lake, whero he has some bay at the Connor ranch. Wm. Plackus is busy breaking horse. Wm. Clarko wont to Bonanta last Thursday on business. Willie t Jonas, who has boon work ling for Fred Beck, will go to Pine Plat soon to work for A. L. Michael. Who it the r I x t man for Mayor? That a question every man In Klamath Falls is directly In- terenlcil In. Who Is your choice and why? Write THE HERALD. WANTED A HUSTLER. To sell groceries to consumers on commission. Commissions advanced to right parties. Call at room 61, Lakeside Inn. Loverln Browne Co. Wholesale Grocers, Chicago, III. 1 S2-3t I Hot Coffee and Lunch at the Model Bakery at all hours. 16at prices ranging around 10 cent. A Good Pair At this season of the year everyone It liable tq take cold uud In these case there aro two things which should be on hand In every home. RED STAR WHITE PINE WITH TAR for COUGHS AND BRONCHIAL TROUBLES, and RED STAR COLD TABLETS, tor a laxattvo and to relieve the general symptoms ot a se vere cold. These preparations are made from purs and ham loss tngredleutt and are told on a positive guarantee. GET A SUPPLY NOW AND BE PREPARED. Star Drug Store They WILD CAT CARRIES TRAPT HIRTY MILES t'Al'OIIT IN THAP IX YONNA VALLEY AND CAPTURED NEAR MERRILL. About three woeks ago Geo. Bitter, , ' ot Yonna Valley, lost a trap which he had set to catch wildcats. It was supposed at tho time that some ani mal had been caught and carried off the trap. Last wook R. C. Anderson, who lives near Merrill, heard hit dog barking on tho hill near his place and sent his son, Daniel, to see what the matter was. He discovered tho dog had cornered a largo wildcat and finally succeeded In killing the ani mal. When ho went to examine tho animal ho found a trap attached to ono of Its front paws. It Is supposed tho trap Is tho one lost by Rltter In Yonna Valley. Tho wildcat must havo. traveled a dlstanco of over thirty miles, dragging tho trap with him. HOMESTEADS O.N IRRIGATED LANDS. Tho following Instructions from the General Land Office have been re ceived by tho Lakevlow Register and Receiver: Sirs: The act of June 17, 1(02 (31 Stat., 388) provides that a home stead ontryman upon lands to be Ir rigated by the Government under said act, whose entry was made subject' thoroto.shall reclaim at least one-halt of the Irrigable area of his entrr for agricultural purposes. You are directed to required a claimant under this act who attempts to show the reclamation provided for thorcln. to submit the testimony of himself, corroborated by two witness es, showing that tke land bad been cleared ot sagebrush or other In cumbrance, leveled, sufficient laterals constructed to provide for the Irrl- gagtlon ot the required area, the land put In proper condition, watered and cultivated, and at least one satisfac tory crop raised thereon. You will also notify the, Project Engineer of any applications to make such proof. SEVENTEEN CENTS FOR . CUP IN CMATttiLA. PENDLETON, Or., March . 10. Tho first wool sale of the season la this section Is reported from Echo, where Is located the wool scouring plant. Charles Green, a wool buyer of this section, contracted 'for the clip ot Walden Rhea at a price ot 1? cents a pound. It It considered an exceptionally high price, since this Is all sand wool, due to the nature ot the soil In the neighborhood. The same quality, ot wool soH Met year . Have It" HI ii MUHMHIMMrt t