The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 20, 1909, Image 1

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Kinmiilh R-iIIh' Kirst
and JJcut Daily.
Our Advertisers Oct
The Best Results.
Timid Ykaii. N. Wi
Price 6 Cents
Ity. Tliu uxtrn-irdlnnry loud unit pro-
longed miUu w,i ilinuKhl In he. In
jllui I'lirnlimioii'i l.nltu mill (lliru
Mountain ngum ioiin fmiy wiles
Kiutli mill n Hutu wc,t i,f Motrin,
nml thorn who ,t.,ir, n nr ,0,tvu
Unl tliito mum have Ix-cn "some-
Tears a Mountain ll lM: " '''"" '" ll"11
Open Several Miles! "-"""i
From Alturas
Mo all tin.. Icarnm! vater prophets
ou urn big initu dicliiru tin- high wa
President Sanderson Explains
Light and Water Difficulty
i:.niii l Alio llimi In lie.. Vltln.
11 jr of lliu 1.3(11 Unit utiil ii Vi,.
tunic IJi ill lion Win IV.mtl l,j
Iti.lilfiitu nf Mcriill.
Al.TUItAH. Mauli IS. Iteporl
I'pci.i'.i hum tu tl.u i-flcct that tin
uiiiiU) III dm vldnll) or Canliy u
shaken up by either ii ut( Jiilc urui
tion. hii enrtbuuaku or hii limiiciu
Ijtul nihil'. 1l.u I uilttutita o( Unl
nrlloii of Uio uimitry uru npprlsid
uf thu (net tl it soum illituriiatic
vm orcuriliii:. I' In mini, tlio sound
if ll.o ilUtiiibsiiT, wLIUi rvverUvr
I'lil it small nlli mid
inuunialn tiioiu lor purbnps twiiit
i.,lnulei. Tlio urciirrviiii wai ac
oitiipnuli'd b n shock, which souinud
to bo somull Iiik llku nn 'artlniuakr,
but conjlatid uf only oau sudden,
si wo Jar,
TLu shock m plainly full l:i Al
Utm. but It mm bullufid at lliul
titiiu llial It nuu tliu rcjull ot huiiii
lesvy blasting which vat going oi
two or tliroo miles from tin
It It clntiiivil thai ll.o rautu of tin
tint jrbnucu I. in nine ! n dlscovur
ut, anil tint ll bum it tl.u niiponrauci
of lalrg bcuii an irupllun from tin
(lilu of ono of Uio imjuMbIiu .tlom
ten mill wvit of Cnn'j). 1'rom tin
rports uf ttoic v. I.o visited tl.u seen
Ii leorhk that n litrge section ot tin
aula of tl.u mountain, near the top.
Lean tho resemblance of Laving bocn
blown out by a terrific explosion
1I.U tnituil In.mot.i.o Inndilldt-i. an J
lie lootnni'it luml unit mckj tor.
i ju ii 111- iii uf tl ii niouii'nlii wit:
t ii;l tfill (.rr.'i-t. DllInK nivliira ami
rulchi's.tearlni; up forest nuil vcp
i.K iv j. iM..i: In foro In inrlr path.
lie n.o ..i.iln ild's, wnr i In !
llmloii on urn. I, m frfill) biok
i i .ip Ureal 'Inures lit In ili
bol-iock, lite ittpth of which uo ono
la yet In on nblo to nuecrtalu.
Tho i)iml:i was nUo heard In tin'
Mclnlty ot Tulo Jjiku. Tlio following
la from Uio Merrill luconl
Last Friday morning ahortly nf
lur o'rlccl: on uiiiwiiall) loud ami
lonllnuwl luml.lltiK llkr thun
der was livanl by mniiy peoplo living
In tho vicinity of tlio linns, tho itouud
lastlnv for prohahly thirty arconila
lliu iiivi rburiitlona wiiro liwinl by C
V Alidrowi und NoUoii at
tlii'lr riiiiip near tl.u ll.irntnp moun
tains aomo twenty tulles aoutti nf
iiiU city mill on tlio wcitcrn ahoro
tf Tulu I.nUo, by William Hoall nntl
othcra of tlio loutlivru Oklnhomu
tiiuntry mill by ninny pcoplo In tho
l:l Hock acctlon of 8lal;l)ou coun-
r.Jllor r.vonln llurnld: joJ, owlne to now service, wby should
Mr. Onus on bolinlf of lib com."01 "10 Council, wlion Mr. dates'
pany l.nvliig seen lit to nlr his Hup- IoDB lofcned nppllcatlon for now
poi.'d gilvvnncci v.ltb tlio Common frnachlscs. chmo In. taku suOIclent
Council In jour Imuu of tlio ltb, ,,,uo t0 consider what tho city need
mid clinrulriE It with rooudlatlon. In.'l nd dotorrnlno whoro they wcro
tcrs to bij roc-jilliiK. AUIioukIi vc,nciion unit itlsl.onirtly, it i'.'oms prop-' 'J'1", Council did not consldor that
have hml n lot of mlu In tho punt fow ' r llmt n word or two should bo said ,r' Oatos, attcr being a froo lance
notiihi tin. laki hns not bf.on no IiIrIi In iWcnto of tho Council. Ono nldo ,n t,lu "B1" aLd wnler busIno33 for
iy nearly two fict ni In formor yoars.
Tl.o slcminr Mainmn wont up the
'aim J'eiiurdii). Khu I.114 thu Job, for
in. jircipi.1 at injt, of tow Inn loja In lili "notlco to whom It may
rom rijital foi U.u Lout; I.nko Luiiiconctrii," Mr. Ontcs nays: "condl
ifr Coinpaii) tions crentrd by the Inncllon of the
Tim Htiniiicr CbrIii lift today for'ntj Council miikos It iin.osilblo for
loiloc I'olnt for a (iirf.ii of sand. jm to exenvate In tho streets for now
Tbo iti-miii-r Wlticinii h m Oduua wot 5: In flcctrlc and water cxirn
ml thu will bo put on tho'iicni. ' Inttivlowtd by lliu lloraltt
njh ami thuroui; ly overhauled at'ai to lliu tiumilni; oftthnt annoui'ico
ho i.u!iiii plnco. J mcnl bo Miycr "It nienns that tbr
Tl o I.oiik I.nko Lumber Companj City Council refuses to carry out tin
us stnrlid v.orlt nn the nuw towicondlttona of tlio contract between
mat Hln will bo I'l font brnn iind'iis utiil tho rlty " llutlier n wrak
oinitl.liiK oit ,'J f."t over till. Hhujplin In lure ,of tin) fait that It wus
'III. wi. iiutorttiiiid. ! built on theip to Mr. Cntcs, In IKUS, to ask for
cow model. 'a new franchise. If ho dn-mi'd ll nee
All the tlin!i n inli .i( to finish ' s nr for tlio calo and Hucccaiful
hu frniuu of tbv iiiw mill are on thu! conduct of Ms system within the city
:rourd and wuil. Ii progressing ur.-! limits. A llttlo farther oc In thu In-
ler tl.o able and elflclant mnnspo-1 tervlnw bo slates In reply to the In
nenl of Mr. Ilorlaud.
Cummoitoro Nosier.
suuiav Ntni.s or wixk.
of it ...Tio lwa)b looks nood until thol lnK v.ould chafo at a delay of a
otlnr B.r .r, prcuor.tcd; It looks' rao$th or B0 ln tho ponding negotla
dltTcrcnt. ,llon, or that Its appnrcul Inaction
would causa any apprehension as to
tho k'Knllty of any work that rnlsht
bo dono In tbo way ot cxtonstom,
tnpplriK of mains, and furnlsblnc of
lights or power. Had tho city noti
fied Mr. Gates to desist from carry
ing on bis operations until matters
wore adjusted, "plaint have
jcon Justified. Consistency Is Just
as much n Jewel In tho diadem of a
light and water company as any
where also.
Tlio furnishing ot power nud lights
to territory outsldo tbo city UinlU
Upon tho tlrengtli of tils privileges
within tho limits, Is not a matter that
In beforo tho Council. Mr. liatci Las
lubmlttcd propositions on lights and
for h now main on Klamath avenue
and extra hydrants, Involving quite
an outlay for monthly rentals on tbe
jfart ot tbo city, which tho Council
aro consldcrfng. Now, Is It sot poi
ilblc, that between tbo offers ot Mr.
Ga,tcs, embodied In thoss proposi
tions, and what tbo Council will re
quire, tLcro should bo an honest dit
to) once of opinion, that may result
In a compromise of tho terms ot the
contract? If It Is a badgu of dishon
esty for parties to a proposed con
tract to compromise their differences
as to Its terms, tbo majority ot bus
iness men, parties to transactions
tcrrogatlou propounded by tho Her
ald: "why bo should stop now," unye
"Decauso wo bavo bocn doing that
which was Illegal Is no reason wlij
- wi should contlliuo." To a man up
The past week has been a ery ; a treo It looks llko a case ot "getting
usy ono In society and there haslrollglon at tho eleventh hour."
icon a largo number of entertain-1 If Mr. Gntes has been doing thnt
iieiiia, bulb private and loml-publ'.c wbiih was Illegal for four years, or
teild tbo dances and card parties, to upcak accurately, clnce April 2utb,
ccepttons wero given tor coming 1 901 (that being tbo dato tbe light
irldts and vlilttng Indies. lug (tanclilio expired), why should
Mrs. Alex. Martin, Jr., entertained l.o rail al tho Council, charge It with
n honor of Miss. IMna Jensen undllnrrtlon nnd endeavor to abltt thr
"ceptlons woro git en by Mm. 0. Il.irciporslblllty becauMO It does not In-
if "starting dlsboacstly" In tbelr no-
goilutlone. ' The inaitcrj ponding bo-
latu and Mrs. Oon J. Zumwalt, In'stnnirr f.cccdo to Ills demands ttirnHn nature, aro open to tho charge
lonor of Miss Ilolcn Gaits, of Port-1 now trnncblsos that should lave been
nnd. linailn tons neo. If m nil.
Last pvcnli'ig another ruceptlon was1 The City Council Is selected by thei-wcen Mr. Catei and tbo Council arc
ni ii in lonor of Miss Jcnv n people to safeguard tMo Interests orl ilrictly of a busliuti nature, and
ly the Misses Campbell and Drew nt'tbo cltv. nud I suspect tho "better jtl'dr '"I1"!' "'"' oct on lllc 1Uf
m homo of Mrs. Louis (Jerbor. rlemenl" lmd a band In that eloctloii,tlons Involved. Oallery plnjs and
'Ibis afttnioan tbo ladioi' Ilrldso mo. and bnsty action upon n matter J H ,catr ot legal proceodlngi bavo no
'lull wi. rnterlaliiud i Mrs. T-. J. of so much mnrtr.nco ns n llvo year mare in uio inuucr m unj ii,u
durruy. and Mrs. I,. V. Wllllts enur- contract for wntcr nnd IIr'Uh. ineiiiil
nlned ll.c Hid Wblst Club ut hcrlr.c thu granllng of franchises to Mr.
iGiuo on I'ouitb nnd Klnmntb Gnte, to do business wltblti tbo city
limits for five years, might lay the
HUM) COL'XIY IIUSI'ITAL. Council open to tho cbargo of cross
A hospital for tho use of tbe county . At no time or place has tbo Com
d cliy of Klamath Talis is to bo'mon Council refused to glvo Mr.
milt on tbo count poor farm. Tho i Gutra ft francblso; but they have re
ip.'clilcntlotis loi tbo bids, which have fused nnd still refuse to bo rushed
loen advertised for. provide for a pell-mell Into making contracts and
Ho room building of ono story Thu grnntlng franchises to Mr. dales or
ontract will bo 1ft Monday and tbo any ono clso tbnt might embarnss the
mlldlng is to bo erected at ouc Tho .city or private consumers of the lights
xjxinso of tbo building will bo borne and water In the future. Tbo Coun
by lLo comity nnd city Jointly. i ell in viewing tho situation felt that
as Mr. Gates had noon contonicmy
at thu ovvma iiorsi; tonight.
"Dora, tho Uusslan Idol," "rntber
llujs n Hand Holler," and "Tho Two
Tiavcllng Hand Hags." New songs.
lolng bustncfs within tbo city limits
nnd outsldo tho city limits for nearly
four years without a francblso, dur
ing which period tho monthly pay
ment for city service had nearly trobl-
See the New, Nifty Line of Men's
Spring Clothes and Hats, west window
northern tcrmlnuo of tho N. C. O.
Railroad. To meet tho Incoming rush
of Hi'ttlcra tbrco trlpi will bo mado
in the week, although doubtless this
will not bo ndoquato for tbo mom-
tiers arriving dally, and thosu expect
ed to arrlvo during tbe aummor to
locato on the public lands and those
of tho Oregon Valley Land Company.
Tbo prospects of a railroad to cov
er this lino aro now very bright, and
it Is expected that a standard-gunge
will soon bo substituted for tho nar-
row-guagc from Ileno to Alturas, and
bo extended northward to Lakcvlew,
A crow of surveyors Is now at work
belweon here and Alturas, obviously
propar,lng for tho construction of tho
contemplated extension.
A full carload, 45,000 pounds, of
grain nnd alfalfa seed was received
.'citerday by Geo. T. Baldwin. The
icsd Is for W. W. Maston and will
bo sowed this spring on land In the
Xlamath Dasln south ot Klamath
Tails. Tl Is Is only ono individual
order but nearly all of tho farmers
In tho valley ari plannlm to jnt raoro
irreagc In grain end e'lr.lfi. this year,
rho demand 1 is alw: yi b'O i In ex
irss of lh.snp ly t ml thf-o Is u
jood market for both alfalfa and
Train and the ;c two crops aro al
way sure and require less work thnn
Enthusiastic Meeting
Is Held This After
noon Here
Ono of th Most Important Btt
Towards tbe Development of Uio
KUmatb Country and Making Uio
Farmer Independent.
1 in n.inKi.. iinn ii... tntt.ifl it t f . r
old light ttnucblso (Ordlnanco No.
ID), as to city norvico was repealed
b mutual consent, and a now con
tract was entered Into, which by Its
terms expired December 3lst, 1905.
Since tho latter dato tbe town of
Klamath Palls has changed Its name
and adopted a new charter. The pres
ent City Council Is tho fourth body
of cltliciis Kworn In to administer
tho city n (Tali's slnco thu light (ran
cl.lsu expired. Wasn't It a reason
ablo presumption for tho present
Council to Indulge, that Mr. Qatcs,
not having applied for a now fran
chise folt perfectly sccuro In pursu
ing tho oven tenor ot his way? Prac
tically all tbo extensions and Im
provement ot tbo system havo boon
mado slnco 1905. Tho monthly lent
als and charges paid the company
during that tlmo havo greatly In
creased; nnd never has thee b'.'en
manifested a disposition on tbo part
of tho present Council to repudiate
tho wnrnnts drawn In favor of the
company for thnt service
Mr. Gates states In that tutorvlew,
that aftor April 1st, that unless paid
In cash for city service It will be
discontinued that tho variants
would be Illegal.
It sounds a llttlo strange, tor Mr,
Gates, after accepting the city's boun
ty tor (ourtccn yoars,' and occupytug
the nttltudo now. ot asking a con'
tlnuance of thoso privileges, to
threaten a discontinuance ot tho city
sorvlco and bo tho first ouo to dls
crodlt Its warrants In a nowspapar ar
ticle; nay, more, to openly threaten
to blacken Its credit bofofo tbo world
In easo It should havo occasion to go
Into tbe market tor sale of Its bonds;
and all becauso the Council assumes
to tako tlmo to consldor pending ne
gotiations, that bad their origin at
tho mooting ot the Council in this
Proildont ot tho Council
Merely by transferring tho duck
amendment to tho game code from
tbo Governor's pocket In his coat to
tho Sccrctaty of Btnto's pocket, Gov
ernor Denson executed a neat little
coup on the Legislature when id
learned tbo houso was about to re
call tho bill for further discussion
and riot. Tbo Qovornor was anxious
that the Legislature completo Its
work and did not bolleveln allowing
a little thing liko a duck to inter
fere. Detoro tho messenger from the
House could arrive tho Governor
oo k the bill from his (Governor's)
pocket Indorsed It as follows: "Filed
March 1C. 1903, F. W. Denson, Sec
retary of State," and placed It In tho
35crctary of State's pocket. '
Wbon tha messenger from tho
House arrived and made request tor
the bill, tho Governor said:
"You nro too late; tho bill has Just
been fllod with tho Secretary ot
One of the most Important meet
ings ovor held In Klamath Falls and
one from which great results are pre
dicted, wai hold this afternoon at
the offlco of Frank Ira White, when
over ttlrty of tho leading farmers
and land owners gathered for tbo
purpose of organizing a dairy asso
ciation. Tho greatest Interest was
manifested by tho largo attendance
which completely filled the office.
Much useful Information was giv
en by thoso experienced In the busi
ness, and tbo Interoit manifested
showed ttat tie farmers of Klamath
1 ave awakened to the Importance and
advantage of promoting tbe dairy
Industry in this section. W. II. Hell
oman, of tho Reclamation Service,
who was present, gave some very
valuablo Information from bis vast
knowledge of the soils and climatic
conditions of the county. Mr. Helle
man stated that tbe Klamath coun
try was Ideal for tbo dairy herd and
predicted that the time waa near at
hand when this county would produce
butter and cheese equal to any aec-
tlon In tho United States. He. spoke
very favorable of the co-operative
plan In the creamery business and
urged that this movement be not con
fined to this end ot the Klamatk Ba
sin, but should cover the entire val
ley. He stated that the sooner the
Klamath farmer added the dairy herd
to his farm, the better It would be
for the prosperity of tbe entire coun
ty. He explained the particular good
points of tbe Jersey, Holsteln, Dur
ham and other breeds, and gave It
as his opinion that the Holsteln or a
cross with tho Jersey would be more
successful In this climate than the
pure blood Jersey, especially aa the
latter needed very careful attention
and would not stand exposure aa
somo of the hardier breeds would.
LAKEVIEW, Or., March 30. The
Rlnohart auto line, with E. E. Rlne
bsrt as proprietor, has been estab
lished between bore and Alturas, tbe
Commencing Monday, March 32,
tho City Bakery will glvo 6 loaves
of bread for 35 conts. Owing to
capsclty ot shop wo aro unable to
lupply tbe demand at tbe present
price of S for 35 cents. Free deliv
ery of bread or groceries to any part
ot town.
Phono 641. CITY BAKERY.
Hot Coffee and Lunch at the Model
Bakery at all hours. 16
Claude Clopton, who has the small
pox, Is roported as getting along nice
ly, and no further cases have been
reported since yesterday. Mr. Clop
ton Is confined at the Ollea place,
which Is one of the buildings on the
extreme east end of the Ankeny ranch
and entirely removed from any of the
other farm houses. He Is kept under
guard so that there will be so pos
sible chance ot others becoming exposed.
At this season ot tho year everyone Is liable to take cold
and In theso cases thore are two things which should be oa
hand In every home.
for a laxative and to relieve the general symptoms ot.a at
voro cold. Those preparations are made from pure and ham
leas Ingredients and are sold on a positive guarantee.
Star Drug Store j
They Have It"