lie tie fling Klnmntlt Kalln' Finn ami UchI Daily. ,tf Our Advertisers Oct The Best Results. r TlllUD Ykah. No. 811 KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 19 1909. Price 6 Cents Jfefim NEW WATER- niMT I A l "Klull I LAW Of Interest to All Using Water From Streams or Lakes I'rovKlon of II"' Ait (.ui. inliig Hit' I nml I'm'k of Wnii r In Oir. nun. for liiliiiilluii, Mining 01 Power. All persons iuIiu: vuii.'ih of 1I11. Mriiiuia nml lakes of Oregon, wtn-t li ir fur domestic piirpiiM'n. fur Irilgn linn, minim: nr power, mi- iiRutid b) thn ni'W law rnmlud li) I lie l,oi:Htu lurn nt tliu liixl regular Mitalou Tii ihi'in, n brief suiutnar)' of tln provi sions of tin' ait lll l' of Imcreat Hictlou V of tlm law provldii Tim Hind Kmtliici nml tin. super intend, tit of tlm ln wutir dlvUliiti shall consilium n llonril of Control, wlilrli ahnll, under audi ri'Kiilatlonii ai may bo preacrlbed lo law, luvo tlia supervision ol tlm water of the ktntc. unit of tin Ir appropriation, ill trlbutlon ami itlti'ml'iti. ami of the various oltl.cra connected therewith Tlm decision uf Milil lionril ahnll be mibjerl to appeal to tint Circuit nuil Supreme Conrm, which nppial ahnll liu governed lo III" prmtUu In nutta In iqully. unless olhcrwlku provided l.oreln.'' Tint itntn In tthldtd Into tun water illvWIoii-, water division No 1 In dudes all of tin. ronntliH weit of tlio (.'a ten (I e mountain nml Kl.unntli nml ; 1-nk.i Countli'i, ami nil the otlu r mantle aru In dlvlaluii No '! All former 1 listing 1IU1U are nr- miilfiil In flu. Inu 1,1 it., .itliitit nt I iittiiitl, tii'tit flrlnl uc No right U rrcogiilrid If tlm henclulal uo of v.uiir Iiiih In I'M nhvii.loiml for a a t tiuotia pi'rlml of two )inra tl,,l,.. IT. lirnllilnu aii) person, nssuiiaiiou or iorpur- ntlon hereafter Intending to inquire the right to tho bultcllclal use of uuy vntirs shall, before (omiucmlng the (uiiatrudloii, i ulargumeiit or exten sion uf any ditch, or performing mi) work In comiecllon wllh snlil ion S'riutlon or piopoe.l iil.ui;. nn'iit. make mi nppliiatlou to tho State l'u Kliieer for n penult to tnaKo such ap propriation," It Ih mailu a inlsdu im.inor to lulato this provision of the law It Is miniTi'simry for thoso hnlng a water right, whethor of record or ) BBBaW aaLH BBBBBBBaff A laBrBBBBBB nV iu UatiaBBsH Men's Millinery Spring showing Men'i and Boyi Panama HATS Split Straw, Straw Sailor and Craah " In All the Newest Spring and Summer Stylei KKK STORE I mil, tn tunlio application for 11 per-1 'mil. lint fur nil now rnimi.i,,,., "' """ "l',,"",""" "'""'''I ' niailo ',0 ,h" "'"" l!,i--l'"r.Biili,iii,OriEUii. I v f"rl" 'r MiiiUms iiuili iiiicatloiiH arn prescribed mid blanks can lm linil from Hie Hlitln Engineer, without charge Mnpt mid dinwlng iiiiibI lie 'otiipmi) Din application nml the rttnio KnrlnuiT will kIvu Itiiitriictloii u lo tlm muiiiii (if tlioiii a fin a I J l 'barged fur each application, .mil a graduated icale of Uc-n foi fil ing anil iciiirdlng, baned upon tho iintuiu inn iiiiioiiiit of approprlntliin lr Irrigation tint (hinge Is 1 ... mr for .ail. a,,., k. ho lirlisnlnU H, aaBtHtlllR Um,B(s 10 nllwI1C0 up to I no acres, ami c i....u per acrcof cty AUorny on,on. Tu0 mat. for .'nil, ml.lltlonnl mm.go up to .r of , Rtll atll, wnlcr rrnnc,llll0 llitHi num. ami over 1000 a.rcn. M ciMUh.luli nn(, tl , pro,aMo 'nt per a.r... for power piirM...lU(lll , C,JU,1C w, Ly rcftdy ,0 me rme in nan upon tlm tlioorell. (al lioriepower to l,i. (levolopid Aii) wnler iiKir inn) petition tlic ftj.i...i ..,.... ..1 .... I. . ... .... 1 '""' 'or.i in lerminmioni ColoriH lo tho tlty In ruBard to of all wat.r HkIiIh oa tho utromu. clmnRliij! llio llRlitlni: yntcra nnd tlic lllmik form, for huOi petition will licuuj1K of wutcr ppo lino on Kin Ji.ppll.Mli) then., r.iar) or the hoard mnt, avenue mid other Impiovo lli.. Imird win, if me, and oii.II.i,iic,,ii, mnl aim oiruilaK a reduction .Iiiiih wnrmnt. a.ljuilliatu nil rlchta lhv rnl for IIkIhk. Thin Improve and ililermlno the wirlom nm.iunta mont w)n ,.ntu ,,n t.xtra cot to the and priorities All claiming rlsliulrty for Borlce and for thli reaiion lll hu liinrd and the t.Kluccr llljthu Councllmcn w lulled to huvo the nave iiiutiuviiiaryimrttua made. Tho proponltlon tmhodled In tliu iiulu of ion for thh ilulormlnntlon,j,ontracl for mill wntir user, Is the samo n that glveii nbou for new appropria tion Tin 111 U the prhlhgu of con test and appail Upon Una) decree all rlRlits on the stream nml their prior-1 man) important matter to bo con-KU-4 aru settled ami Inter npproprla-ddcicd to warrant Ilium In taking lions can In no wlso Intirferu wllh'Bt0ps with tho proper cotuldemtlou thiio lUtermlued rights or ,.Kaj advlco. 1hu Hoard of 'Control has power I to I'tifori' Its flmllngs and tho di-creiel SIIOI'IJ) CiCT VACCIXATKll. of thu courtH nml may nppotnt water1 MiliHler. li. r....ilM., Hi,. .Il.trlluulm, 1 Collllt)' lliallll OllUcr Dr. Ilai'lll- of water Th wntcr Master limy. If nu-easiir). l.avo headgnlci construct-'Illlt,a,1' ud. ltelUei,tB for tho nppoltltment of water masters should l.u direct. d to lliu Hoard of Control. Silem. Oregon.,':" I'hu hoard has power to regulate the ilMrlbiitlon of water from partner hip dltehus and reserxolrn upon io- '(incut uf onu or morn of the owners I'pou riedpt ol a two-cunt atamp, to pa) postage, the lluiird of Control will mall ropliM of tin water cods In full ti aii) periou In thu state It was dlsiuvcred that Marry Pear ion, who returned lat ovenlng from Hnlem, had the smallpox, lie occu pied thu (omit) Jail for thu night mid toil n y was taken to the Ankouy ranch where hu will be kept with Claude Clopton it Is believed that Pear son must have caught thu smallpox nt Weed ns It Is reported Hint tliefo nro it number of cases at that place. CITY COUNCIL WILL EXTEND FRANCHISE City Attorney Has Completed New Contract to Submit to Mr. Gates Embodying His Agreement for Improvements Tlio members of tlio City Council cpnliln, t ,t ,,vi,ni with Attorney Mono ,uk e uennitu action 111 1110 matter ut tliu meeting next Tuesday evening. Mr Gates has Hindu cot tain con- new Members of the Council state that the) aru willing to glu tliu Llrht L Water Company an uxtonxlon of their frmiihUe, hut that there are too " i" ! a Person t who linvo not Uonu to io no llB,(-' '" ''" locciunici. nvi-ry law ,"r wl, nrrUcd on the l.oat )eM..- w'"' IInrr" caroi. hIiiiiiM taK. (lilJ precaution nt once so an to pro eul any spread of the smallpox. Tliu lwo cn""1 "ro now being uirefull) hmu been uxponed have been acc. tinted CIIASTAIN llt'YS (illOCKIIV. tleorgo Chastulu today purchased tho stock of groceries nf Kdmoud son & ltlflcdorf, who havu been con ducting a stoio In tho llrlck Storo building. An Inventory of tliu stock was tnl.en today and tho deal closed, Mr. Chnstnln will lenv'o Sunday for Snermucnto whero lm will plnce his orders for new goods. During his nbsenco tho storo will remain open mid will ho In chait'e of Mr. Cd uiondson. Mr. Chattaln M experienced In the srocery business and Is well actiualnt cd ith tho trado of Klamnth Kails and tlio county. Ho wai connected with Mr, Wllllls for' a number of yoam, beforo dorvlng as County Clerk, and after leatlng tho Clerk's office ho acnln engnged In the mer cantile biislnesH and Just recently nojd his Interest In tho firm of Clu tain . Olicnchnin. COL. ALLISON IIL'YS I'ltOI-KHTV. L. Jacobs has sold East Klamath Falls addition which borders alone tho river about a mllo and a quarter boow town and comprises 1S3 acres, to Col. M. L. Allison, of Portland. Tl0 prlco Is said to have been In tho neighborhood of $10,000. Col. Alli son uxpecls to build a flno homo on a poiliou of tho tract and tho re maining laud Is for a number of bis Portland friends. KLAMATH HOSPITAL NOW OPEN. The Klamath Hospital Is now open to patients. Tho first shipment of buifclcal apparatus, etc. niched. from Chicago )entenlay and another Is fol lowing one week bihlnd. It Is ex pected thai that department will be In complete working shnpu tho latter part uf mxt week ut tho luteal'. Medical und maternity casoti will bu received at any time Special ef fort will bu made to have the dietary scivlco ns perfect und pleasing as possible. The rates arc $2! per weok fur private rooms und $1S a week fur looms containing two or thrco beds. Tho usual additional rates will be charged for thoso cases requiring or desiring a prlvato nurse. Cases walling for operation or confinement will bo chnrged at hotel rates until they require nursing. A fco of $5 for minor surgery and $10 for major operations will bo re quired of phslclans desiring the use of tho operating room. EMILY A. HUMPHREY, Ownor and nurso In charge. NEW WAY OF FERTILIZATION. Recent discoveries in regard to thn nature' of soil fertility have sug gested tho employment of various novel fertilizers. Manganeso has been applied with success, and now Mr. Rlgaux lias published ait ac count ol it series of experiments, mndu In llclgulm, in tho employment of magnesia as n fertiliser for cer eals, potatoes, beets and legumin ous crops. The tnagncsln was ap plied In tlio form of kalult, or Stress fttrt potash snlt, which contnlns 14 per cent of magnesium sulpbnto. Rl gaux had previously proved that the quantity of magnesia in arable land Is smaller than Is gonerally suppos ed, and that tho surface soil nlwnys contnlns less magnesia than tho sub boII. Magnesia is found In plants In considerable quantities, constitut ing, for example, 13 per cent of the aah ot wheat and 8 per cent ot the ash ot oats. Honce, If no magnet Ian fertiliser It applied, repeated cropping must exhaust tho magnesia of the soil, to the detriment. ot suc ceeding crops. It appeared probable, therefore, that tho application ot magnesia would produce a benefic ial effect. This theoretical conclu sion was fully confirmed by the ex periments. The yield of sugar beeta waB Increased by 4500 pounds to tho acre, and the percentage ot su gar was not diminished. With grains the increase varied from one-seventh to one-fifth of tho total crop. On barley magnesia had the peculiar ef- ftct of diminishing tho proportion of nitrogenous constituents. This property Is of advantngo to brewers, Alio find great difficulty In making beer of good keeping qualities from bnrley rich In nitrogen. Tho crop of potatoes wns Increased from 21,000 to 27,000 pounds per aero and was rendered Immuno to tho attacks of mlldow fungus, which Infosted the pnrt of tho field on which no kalnlt wns used. Finally, tho )lcld of lay from natural mondow land was In creased from 3000 to 41S0 pounds per acre. AT THF. OPKItA HOUSE TONIGHT. "Tho Story of tho Treasure Isle," "Father Ilu)a a Hand Holler," and "Two Traveling Dags." Now songs. Wm. A. Wright and wlfo returned this evening from an extended trip through Mexico and California. E. T. Shortt left this morning for Oakland, California, and will return with his wlfo and daughter, who havo been spending tho winter there. Major and Ml i. CI ar. 1 1. Worden nro expected I o uo i ion from their trip to Tolcdo.Ol lo. hi re tl ?y wcro present diirlm tho la it lllnen of Mr. Worden's mo her. Mr. and Mrs. Worden arc now In San Franclico. Mrs. Pickett, who hux been con ducting a boarding house in the With- row building, has leased the Dig Springs Hotel nt Uonanza, and Is moving to Donania today to assume charge. Word received from ner. Geo. T. Pratt states that Mrs. Pratt under went her second operation In the Mercy Hospital at Rosoburg on Tues day. The operation was In every way successful and Mrs. Pratt Is do ing nicely. A speedy recovery is looked for. The Natatorlnra will bo closed Sunday evening to enable connec tion to be mado with a six Inch pipe lino which will supply hot water from tho springs. As soon as the connection is made it will be possi ble to change tho water in the big tnnk In six or eight hours. With the present smalt pipe it takes twent)- four hours to drain and refill the big tank. John Schallock, whllo absent on his recent trip, went to Vancouver to visit his son, Mark Schallock, who Ir a member of the Hospital Corps In tho regular army. Mark was con fined to tho hospital for several month's ns the result of blood poison ing In ono ot his hands. Ho Is now recovering but has not regained the uso ot his hand and It may be sev eral weeks before It can be deter mined whether his recovery will be permanent. Plant lifo seldom thrives under ash or yew trees. Hot Coffee and Lunch at the Model Dakery at all hours. 16 A Good Pair At this season ot the year everyone Is liable to take cold and In these cases there are two things which should be oa hand in trtty home. RED STAR WHITE PINE WITH TAR for. COUGHS AMD DRONCHIAL TROUBLES, and RED STAR COLD TABLIM, for a laxative and to relieve tho gsaeral symptoms ot a se vere cold. These preparations are made from pare and harm less ingredients and are sold on a postUvo guarantee. GET A SUPPLY NOW AND BE PREPARED. ! Star Drug Store "They PROGRESS OF MARSH WORK Both Dredges Will Be Through Work In About a Week Htccl Gang Should Commence Lay ing Track Between Ady and Klam ath Falls by tho First Part of April. From present indications the itcri gang will bo ablo to begin laying track from tho present terminus ot the railroad to Klamath Falls early In April. Ono dredge reached Ady last evening on Its return trip across the marsh and tho second dredgo will finish within a week. After tl rowing up the grado across tho marsh between Ady and Midland tho two dredges worked back Oiling up the low places. A crew Is already at work leveling off tho grade and it Is stated that there Is now no rea son why tho track gang cannot begin work by the first ot the month. The officials of tho Southern Paci fic refuse to mako any statements as to what their orders are or as to when they expect to have the road completed to Klamath Falls. Never tbelcss the work Is continually go ing on and the trains are liable to be running Into this city before the people realize It. The contract oral, finished the work oa U4 sjtssSsj this side- or the marsh some tlsas ago, and have moved all of their equip ment to the grade between the Hot Springs and the Upper Lake. This leaves the grade work between tho terminus and tho dopot grounds In this city practically finished. All that is needed is a tew finishing touches. Chief Construction Engineer Hoey mado tho statement soma tlmo ago that within ten days after his crew began laying track at Holland he would have his construction train In the jards at Klamath Falls. This being the caso tho line should be practically ready for operation to this city ab,out the middle ot April. BIDS WANTED. Dlds will bo received until Mon day from contractors and builders for the construction ot a small houso on tho county poor farm. For spec ifications call on J. B. Griffith, Coun ty Judge. 19 Have It" , it t r ; M ' MMMMMMlMMMM,MMMMMMS -v. .