The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 18, 1909, Image 1

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Klmnnth KjiIIV Kjrst
t xiih! Uciit .Dnily.
Our Advertisers Oct
The Best Results.
Timid Ykaii. N(. riii
Price 6 Cents
Kale Is Found to He
a Valuable Adjunct
to farm fodders
.tgilttiltimil rolli-gu illn. I'uii 111.
titlloiik Hon In liimi mill WIh-ii
In IVcil.
'wiili a roller. Missing plants limy
lie later liy hiinil
, of liiinrplmiiini; n, ,.0lj
I'lim In- 'liopl'i -I In lilll:. thm rt,t
iiipuil mill win. utiviTiil Heeds tu thu
iilll, li.i ,tU ui) l. KMJlltnl nin bi
ll i.llni..ljr pil-pill,,!. i,ut,., ,,,,01,
I III hI miiii bv llilniii-il, leaving one
vigorous plant Ah 11 nib. thM mirth,
oil 1" - mil gli., nw good kdn fiK
I After linlisplaiilliig tlilntilur. the
Hi-lit Hlinulil ricvlvv fu-nunit shallow
-iililviitiou to riitmar.M- n,- tuutntiiro I 2t0 to
Knlo U clil"lly nliinbP- n ii green
fi-i-.l fin hogs.tuw h or poultiy
null tli- PI.-.UH l.n.n.1, out ,, f;ir ntiy or nlxiy drop off In thin city
..nin;it r.iti.d,ii pakskk
muni ;n,
n:o.M i:aht.
KACIIAMCNTO, March 17, Socro.
ary 0. II. Miller, of lliu Hacramonto
Vnlle) Development Asioclatloii, has
iuci-lvcd wonl ibnl Bottler loavu Og-
ilcti for f.'ullfotnla ut tho rato of from
200 n day. Ha slates that
ui in inuvfut riiitii.t uiifi)-..
In Ortobi.r or November ufti-r lin
en mi eorii hits ill Immiii fi-., U,..- knlo.
altloiigh nni fully kiiiwii, will bi-
tm- winter liom Niivumlii-r ur OcUi-1""" f,,r '""'llix?. Tho plants hIkmiPI
lor lu April. 'I liu bnltur l..- of '"' c,lt "a M ,l'" gmiiiid with un nxi-
llmiti eniluie (bo Wlllarnult.. Vnlloj ur """"' nn" "'" ''''"' Plant ""d jeomo principally from thu Dakota,
lnl.r weather without lnjut. tol.l- "n l" "'" "K '"" "'"'I -"l hauled I vvisioiuln nud Mlunuota. Hundreds
InK Horn 30 l 40 ton. ot suroulenl '!" "'" '"'""i: I1'1"" Dmugh may bo 0f pimple- of this sect have arrlvod In
rnd mitrliliiiiii gr.-i-ii f,, pvr ncro'n" "' "" "" r,Jr '"" r Ht-vurnl I thin Hlnlo since tho Ilrst of thu month,
iimtiT fiivonibt.. ruiidltlons It mn ,"'"' '""'""K- ''"""'' 'ml" li'uld0 bound fur Huito Vnlley.
sides till: numbur eomtng'vla Ogdcn,
niuiiy an hi) ut Hucramonto from thu
l.'iut over th? Southern route.
Today u cnrlnail of Dunkardii pas
ed thiuuch B.iciamxnto on train No.
2, hound tor llultu Valley. Thoy
ONi: 111 lllli:i) HI.YTY HOLLARS i
iti:.t.izi:n nioM ham:
or tickets. '
iliu I'u grown for HUitiinar green (veil. I
tin tllrini-d to thaw
oui oi-ioio uo..( rr,.H,,.nt V. II. McDopI. of tho
in.. i. . .. . . . .
llllough i-s Huico-nfully "" """ ll " ""iiisiil Hi" older Mon tIlroad. Is tho Ittad of tho
inlhi.l.. ,.... . i. .... .. . .i . ..i
Kor iransplniitlim llio ict-il iliuj. '" """ wn-uuii; uit-y mmuni ,u,l0 vnlluy
U oo-w. it In drill io. nbout tbroo, ""' '""'"'"""ily nf"-r inllkliiR npimd a tract
feet sport, lis inrly In Mniili ni li ,g I(",,"!, ut M" Vr ' l'h 20 i:aktorn sottlera. JlcUocrs nsioclolca
Ii to KM on Hi., rroiind tf i0l,ni1" ,,f r.ood I ny.tuili as ctrli nnd 'a saM l0 bu cMi-lly inllroad man on
rmslbla n snip of Urn holt ttralnul J aal" ,vJ '" lwo I""tloni. iimkvii uii!h,u fnlon 1'aclflc and othor lines,
(round on the farm sLould to mod - "U,B rMl" ,or "lllch cutt- u'r' Ht-jrhu vncrKlcs of tho men luton-ste.l
for rrowlnc lh- jouiut plants, nml "uorro '"I" m1 h-ltiK nuodid. Thu,n ,lo project aic llmreforo dlreclod
Ibli should he i:ionur..-d and plowed , kal ma' Lo ,ri1 " ui-cdod clear townrdi KetlluK colonists to Dulto
In l ho tall s lint It tir.M only bo """"K'1 ,I"' w until April orvnllcy. and a woll-organlzed cam-
rrptowiil and voik.d down nt onco'n,cr- '"f "" fiedlriK sci-d may'
for tho soid In tho sprite, thus .-t. 'bo ,a" ,own ttu,i r''ilintod early,
link tho plsnis stnitrd m. .-arly as,u ll " ",r""!' ,,clu t"J-' lloJo,1
pe..lhlo One i.oun-1 of seed mil ,'""T,,, ". for cnillni! Uur-
furnish i-nouch plauls lor an ncre. , lUK Jul)'' Aul'u"1 n'"1 lHcmh..'r. Un-
Tns.untliiis mould Le done nhoul , k'" ,,1U ,:rcuu'1 coulJ Lu '"I""-"!.
June Ut. If p4Ml.le. !... it..- plant,1 howoVt'r- ",,c0 or ,wlc h W nr!
Tho tinmml Ht. I'atrlck'n dance,
Klvcn last eveuluK by tho Klamath ifuttor
Tnlla Tlru Department was a decided
sucMoji both financially and other
wise. Fully tlirco hundred people
were present nnd took pnrt In tho
ilnncc. 1 1 GO realized from the
s.llo of tlckota and when tho cxpous
on for tho tin I and muilc aro tnkon
out It will leave a handsome sum for
tl o use of thbo)B. All money of
this nature kooh Into a fund to he
used In buying clothing nnd equip
ment for tho luombcrs of the depart
ment. The boys aro hard workers and are
ilosorvini; of tho unstinted support
of tho citizens. They aro over ready
to tutu out at tho first call to fight
fleck's tu ptm.hano. some oats for
need for his ploco this year.
C. I. Cooper, of Itonanro. was vls-l
itliiK friends In Yonnn Haturdny audi
Churih was held at Dairy Ian Sun
day. Mini Hay itoblnxon and llarrl-
.tun Urny attended from Yonna.
Jacob and Mlko Ilueck aro busy
breaking horses.
Mlko Hueck mado a trip to Geo.
riiiiivr m piaeo iiiursuay, iu iuku oacK
a tanning mill which bo, bad borrow
ed to fan his grain.
Perry Handles Is breaking and
burning brush on his ranch, which
ho lately purchased In North Yonna.
L. M. MIIU Is also busy clenrlng land.
.Mrs. V, II. Iillss Is now working
for Tco. l-'lnckus In South Yonna.
At present writing Mrs. Bey Pool's
baby Is qulto sick.
fin whether It he night or day. Their
promoters, who have usefulness las nlwaya been recog-
of 30,000 ncros to nlicd by most of tho business men
who generously como to their aid
when as-tltanco Is needed. They have
boon given help In their efforts to
provldo a homo and comfortable
quarters, whora a portion of them
can ho stationed at night so as to
bo ready to respond to thu call of
palgu I.iih resulted In tho disposal of .duty. Tho boys lave been very cars-
ueaily tl.o entire tract. ful In tho oxpendituro of money rc-
ccivt-d and they now have a ery nlco
sum ot money In tho fund.
siii C to 1 2 Inrlici hly.h Later trans
ptnntlng Is llnbltt to h- held back
by tho dry w alter ro cinch ns nut
in be ready for cutting In .mrly fall.
T.w. fltn liAln rt r
.... I . .. . WWW MVWM..U., n..... MW MW.W W. .
uui .i nvnvv ni iuis t.t-a-tou ... ... .
' iCarlson, surocd his land last week.
1 . " 77; MKUroitU. March 17. Fifty1 jJr. nna Mrs. l'nt Colnhan w-ro
,OM. TWO Vi:i:iCH SlOlti: tbu,0 hundred and thirty perions rt- visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Umll Egerl's
' IX WHICH TO Ui:aiSTi:it. iajy within tho torpomio limits nflSunduy.
John and Win. Lugue and Mrs.
Alf. WmIHh returnud from tho Falls
Willi lhi grounil In line tilth, trans-1 Only about ISO of tlm voters have
l-lantliiK of sim-.ll nrtr.iC's mny hi 'roglntrred 'for tho city election. There
dunn riiplilly by hand with .1 lohgibouM bo bvlMi-un f.00 and COO nnd
Ms'li-d 1. t.iro hrliK takun not If rum present Indlintlons tlu-y arc
to Injiiro tl.n loots In laktn thorn nltlni; for n gi.ind rush the hut.
11 1. from thu drill row, nnd rcplucliig few dayit. Thu riiclstrntlou ImokK
I the iliy of Mt'dford. Theso nro lh
takers appointed recently by thu city t Mr. nlllj Mr)l. Cba. "McC'iimbcr
council and which was reported to mndo n trip 10 Dairy Friday.
tho city ioucII Inst ienln, for their! Hobeit Mcl.nugblln. who has been
nt H.ilem, returned to his home In
Yonna Saturday.
Tax Roll Would Be
Double That of
Last Year
Assessor Lev Is Now Dusjr Mxklng
Assessment of the Property of thu
County for 1000.
County Assessor J. P. Lee has been
busy slnco tho first of March jn tank
ing tho assessment of the property
of tho county. At tho mcet'og of
tho Assessors some tlmo ago ut Sa
lem It was decided and all jf tho
members present agrcod to mao '
this year's as3oment as pru1-ied
by law on a cash valuation basis.
and otter counties
throughout tho stato aro now follow
ing this plan and It Is qulto probablo
that Assessor Leo will alio do tho
Dy alt of tho counties of the stato
adopting the cash valuation basis,
the stato levy can bo more equitably
distributed and each county will pay
Its Just proportion ot the state ex
penses. Last year tho property la
Klamath County was assessed on a
basis of about SC per cent of Its val
uation and It the new plan Is adopt
ad tho assessed valuation this year
would bo more than double that of
last year, when the natural Increase
In value, due to Improvements, Is
Mr. Leo states that land In alfalfa
Gates gave at ... h. ,.,j , :- i.. i -i-
' - , .. mm miMW
NEW YOltK, March 17. A. Leo
Well, prcildcnl ot tho Voters' League
of rillsburg, who tax been In Now
York for several dnjs conferring
with members of tho Ilurcau of Mu
nicipal uesiartn anu 01 c. 1 ""enm-,Multnomah
31 in ciean n; go ei an eni, con
firms tho repe t that a 1111. v ment Is
andor way look! ig I l!ic i-'gnnlza-tlon
of civic tle tl . ong:out tho
L'nltcd Stutes, v.-hos purpura shall
ho to uncover g aft rnd purify city
politics. Twenty or inoro of tho large
"Itlcs In tho country will bo In tho
organization. John D. Rockefeller,
Andrew Carnegie, Jacob II. Schlff
and other well known men will fin
ance tho undertaking, It Is said.
In discussing tho proposal to bring
tho civic bodies of tl.o cities closer
together, Well said: '
"Tho plan to organize was suggest
ed by members ot tho San Francisco
organization who aro In New York
hi present and who have done such
offectlvo work In thotr.home town."j
Mr. and Mrs. O. B
,r, uvUBuwu, ... ,... " unJor tne Alteb ,t 30f tMA o0l-r
last evening to about twenty of their land accord!ng t0 th, dtfrM ot cu,.
irienus in no nor 01 at. ratrick's uay.
Th- icliisu nt 1; p.
thorn In 1110 new viuunJ
ihould bo plact-d thri'i. feet np.irt only k-aes two
inch fca, i'jii:ti'il n lltiln di-.'pcr rugliter
than lu tin. drill row, the soil linn, d
sround them with thu fuol nnd Inter
Hhvn wllt'.-il tkiwii, tin- wl'iili. Ilotil
khoulil bit rolled. Plants sbuuM he
h-ft ri-ry tlileii fut-t In thu original
drill rows and all t.xtin plants saved
for replacing thosu that may nut mir
Mve trannplmlliu.
Tiaiuplautlng ut Inrgrr ncrunges
may bo dunn by plow Inn nnd placlug
llio plnutn thrco feet apart In every
third furmw, covering tho ruoti but
nut the li-nvus, with thu next furrow
lurni-d aud following thu dny'H work
un Apt 11 1st. This
weeks In which tu
Tho rooms wcro very appropriately
decorated for tho occasion, tho walls
being covered with a border or fres-
I co uf laigu shamrocks. All of tho
A tik-usatil tlmu was enjoyed at icuests were seated at ono larco tablo
tho census showou suji. hut tiiesei,hu bomo of Mr. nnd Mrs. aeo. Rlt
figures wcru shown to he Incomplete-. Iter Sunday. An excellent dinner was
It wax prumniuruly puMlxhud thnl
It stuiild bo burnu In mind that no
person Is entitled tu vote uho Inn
nut registered. Thu Police Judgo Is
at his ii:icu lu il.u clly hall during
thu duy nud every man entitled tu
vuli) shuuld tiinkii It n point tu n-g-
Tho fact thut Med foul tins S330
people menus that tho local Hlks will
be nblo tu secure n dim tor and In
stlliitu a local lodge This will l.u
douo lu tho near future
served. Thu friends present were Mr.
aud Mrs. Godfrey Ueck nnd Mr. nud
Mrs. L. A. Sterzl nml family.
Mr. Norton, who has been trapping
this winter with Jeff Klrkpatrick,
will icturii to Fort KIntnath soon.
to lay
Do nut put ll off. Ilcfl-iter
Hot Coffeo and Lunch nl the Model
llakury at nil hours. Iti
Ihtrn 111010 learn
cuursi. lu the I. C. S.
I Woic tho suburbs of Mcdford with-) Hi. L- M. Fitch was visiting with
lu tho city limits Medford would lfrlcDds "' Yonna la'" 8uuJa--
. . , ....! Mr. Hnd Mrs. Geo. Hitter went to
ismiw nenr.y .uuu peop.u. ,no mi ,Uonanla Wednesday on business.
otiicini census snowcu ivw 1 Mr, ttnd Mrg. Ci,as. Woolck havo
1 Imovod on their homestead In North
, , , . ., ., .lYonna, nnd aro now sending their
This week at Opera House. arcnt.lUt d hlor , ho 1Moor,nd
,fcaturo fllm.showlng how tho World j 1 actiobl.
more by
Local head- Greatest Shoes tho Walk-Over
quarters In Frank Ira Whlto'a ofllco. mado.
In All the Newest Spring and Summer Styles
Spring showing Men's and Boys' Panama
Split Straw. Straw Sailor and Crash -
Harrison Gray went to Fort Klam
ath Monday, taking with him a load
of household goods.
There was a play given at Donanza
Friday, March 12th, entitled "The
Old Mald'n Convention." Tho play
was given by thu ladles of tho Mag
azine Club. A large crowd attended
nud nil Koomud to enjoy tlm play,
Among thoso atteudlng from this suc
tion wore; Misses May Robinson,
Thuresa titorzl, Joo Slorzl and llarrl
son Gray.
Manuol Vlorrn returned from- tho
Falls last Thursday, and "on bis 'way
lost a purso containing $C0. Ho re
turned Immediately, but failed to find
any traco of It.
Chas. 8hcrman, Sr Is visiting at
tho homo ot Fred Deck this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wra. Flackus woro
visiting at Mr. aud Mrs. Tlico. Flack
us' Sunday.
Miss Hazel Fitch, Loulso Egert
and Ernest Nail were In Dairy Bun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Adams aUo
were thoro.
Mr. Chlldors, ot Bonanza, mado a
business trip to Mrs. L. M. Fitch's
Sunday to got somo horsos belonging,
to F. J. Downo.
Mrs. Joff Klrkpatrick and daugh
ter, Maudo. returned from Bonanza
last wook, whoro aho bas boon work
Ing In the Big Springs Hotel.
bey Pool" and Jas. Wight havo
started plowing this week.
Scy and Dock Pool are busy break
ing brush for W. H. Bliss this week.
which was decorated with potted
shamrocks embedded In Irish moss.
Each guest received a favor, that tor
tho ladles being mlnlaturo flowor
pots with Imported shamrocks and
Irish moss, and tho gontlomen ro
cclvvlng spiral snakes of tho real
Irish color.
Each courso was ushered In with
witty Irish stories and poems by the
guests and tho poor Irishman was
mado tho butt ot many Jests, but as
usual won out. Following tho din
nor COO was Indulged In until oleven
o'clock whllo tho latest and most
popular Irish selections wero rendered.
tlvatlon and the location. -Very near
ly all of the timber lands will be as
sesscd according to the stumpago.
Tho larger holders have submitted,
their private estimates which hare
bocn verified to a certain extent. The
county has also had a large acreage
of tho smaller tracts classified so that
It Is believed a fair knowledge la
had of tho standing Umber In the
county from which to make a Just
Tho firm of Edmondson A RIsedort
Is going to quit, and start today to
dispose of the entire stock of gro
ceries, etc. The goods will be told
regardless ot cost, In order to hasten
the winding up of the business. Fix
tures aro also for sale.
Shaw Knit Sox. K. K. K. Store. IS
At' this season ot the year ovoryone is liable to take cold
and In these .cases there aro two things which should be on X
hand In every borne.
for a laxatlvo and to reliovo the general symptoms ot a ftt
voro cold. These preparations aro mado from pure and bang
less Ingredients and are sold on a positive guarantee.
Star Drug Store
"they Have It"
Geo. Smyth mado a trip to Fred