mm pttitt jbfela. Klnmnth FnllB' First and Best Daily. Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. i TlllKD Vbaii. No. ROD KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 17 1C9. 'Price 6 Cents SHIPPING POTATOES FROM CALIFORNIA Klamath Is Dost Potato Country in the West Yet Eight Thousand Sacks Has Been Shipped in Since' September Klnmnlli County In noud fur tliu superior cjuiilliy of potatoes r, i ov. 'lliu potatoes uf thl set Hon i'iiiul iiii)(IiIiik inlaid on llii out ami (.row In aliumlmiiu, Jul thciu lnu Lint lienrly SOUO sniks of pfitntoea hipped Into Klamath I'ii Ih from out ildu since last Heptember There U big Jiioric) In railing iu l Moo nml nluiiy a rmdy mile nt looil prices, mitt It would avi in thnt lliu farmer or tills ioiint niv not Klnuintli Count) ry untvrirliliiK ihould bu nblu to export n hundred carloads of pointing mh im, ot fur twcriil )urn hu bus not hei n ablu to supply tho locil ilutiinml I nut inr tlio itoi wus u llttl.i light er than usual, lint thu fnct ri'iiinlnt Hint not euuugh ttcfiaKi lint men plstlll-ll It lake n little work to glow pn, lint tin in U probably no plate whvru mull result ran ln ob talucd with utich u amull umoiint of labor aa In Klnmnlli County A Man can vastly pay for his land la u few jinrit li) l.tiiwlni: pulsion Mr Wnkcfli lil pl.mtvtl M'Veral lic it of potutoit lust summer on the KtalTord rnncli live mile below tin1 rlty aud ruullieil I uu acre 15 1. Applegatu nvcingod over Hull mi hire Inat year from iKiintoi-a grown on tho EnterprUu trnru nuir thu city Thero wen mini) morn who tilil ni will Ah thou men mm on ly out their lulior anil the toil of M'Vll It MllOWa Ulllll llll Illltjll IIKl prilf-I It thcro Ik In raising potiitnia In Kin math County CIVIC I'ltOdltUSS. IMItor Humid On ho la not In thu liulill of following the work of such orgmilzntloua u thu Nation-1 al Municipal l.engiio iiiul Amettcan Chic Association. II spirit of the press and of high mlmltd Individual illlien foi tho hottuiliiunt uf oil! forms of clt) government, would dualities bu astonished nt thu lining a. both In number nml kind, whlih luivo been ninUc by our most respec ted cities during thu lust eight years If they could see them all nt once bsBIVPSh taBsaKlaaaUaiHiaBaBSBSBSBSBSBsa! 'aaMaSIBasHlalBaBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBsl Men's Millinery Spring ihowing Men'i and Boyg' Panama U A TC Split Straw, Straw Sailor and Craah rt In All the Newest Spring and Summer Styles K KK STORE Along with tho vast Incrviuu of lit) population during lliu Iruit thlr ty )vnm tiriK lomu iilni) ihroiiKli our loiuinon school, nml high hcIiooIh nml tlio dully nnil inontlily prejia, a iitl liiirwmu of knowledge uf what li iirnctlciil mid nctuiill) Miifo In cll gowrnmtnt fur i In- liiultli, mornls, fl nn tint Mini l.oneal uijii)iuuiil of tlm liiliiibltiinta, nml in mmiy cltloj tliu people, tin) wl,,, In n i tlio buidun ftl"""jr " ',0 '' '"",l "" """ r il'rlr""'w"1 " "m:'jr ,,t", "' "" una practln of rlt K0crntiiuiit ninth umoiint clihor to tiolhliiK hut Ktnft, or to ii fniiu, or to nothing iloltlK Ihey iluiiinnil, uml in some iiicim are gutting, utiiltiit) mid moral con ditions, uml ulao aomu conveniences mid hi'iiutlllriitlon of tho city upon rou mi n nb 1 1- taxation, nml to HiIh end tho) ilcmund u form of govurnmeiil b which thuy can know who Is n sponsible If they don't Kit them. In n pnpur biforn tlio National Mil nlclfuil Uiiikuu nt ItH Inat miliuul am 4lon, Ita aicutnr), Clinton llOKuia WoodrillT. m of I'hllnililphlu. unlit "l.'voryuluro thu pvopli- of thin coun try urn wnkliiK op to lln-lr munlilpnl ilutlim nml iibllKntlona ami they nr atrltliiK to imi't ilium liitclllKiutly and siicccji fully IJui ) hen- thurc la tho NUKKi-allon, thu ludlcatloii, of a Bplrlt or liiulcncy In Ami'ilcnti ll(o whlrh la uorklny. iiilKhtlly ror nn ltiiproumint of lotulltloim, which, onl) ii few vara nto wuro recanted i na ii mirloua niunuro to thu contlnu- mice of iloinociutlc limtlliiltoiin In our country No hiiihII inrt of tlio Kralty of tin Ainvrlinu luunlrlpnl iltutitlon In duo to tho itrowInK com-l plexltv of thi-llfoof tin, city mid tin.,0" t,,u ,r"lccl ahoxxM "ot ,orK0 rapidly liu reusing fuiutloua which It'ahend nml this year mark one of thu la lulled upon to discharge In this connection hu railed espe cial iittentlou to tho fact that "Char ter milking mid charter reform oe- cupj ii Inrgu ii tiJ Increasingly ion-iof splcuous part In thu efforts to obtain Utter and mure elllclent govern ment," uml notud thnt "thu tendency of nentlmcnt Is for grunter local In dependence or homo rulu," und that "thu trend la toward tho concentra tion of power und responsibility." C C IMOWCR. HIIORTAMIC OP ItUTTKIt. KIhiiiiiIIi'i (Jrtiitiht Nri'il In o l4ir. kit NiiiiiIkt or Dairy KftMni-rn. I 'our i roam or I en In Klnmnth Coun ty mid nlniOHt linpoaalbl to accurv butter for tnblu uii la th condition which cotifrontH tho pvoplo of Klam ath PiiIIh at thu pivauot time. It ha buuti proven tuat Klntoatli Coun ty Is one of tbo boat dairy lection of tho nliitii mid yot It Iv noccasary to h)i1 p buttor from California to Htipply tho local demand. Klmuatli County noodi about a thuuKiiinl uood dairy fartncri to to into huro and Krow rich, Tbo cream ltIih uru romplnlnliiK that It la al moHt ImpoMlblo to xct tho fnrmcra to furtilali thorn with milk. Thuro la ono plant nt llonanta, ono In Kla mntli l'nlla mid one at Fort Klamath. Tho crunmcry at Morrill bad to ahut down on account of Ita Inability to aocuru milk, and yet thoro la a con tinually IncrcaaluK market for tho product It li hoped thnt tl.g meotliiK to bu li.'ld on Haturday In thU city will bour" " ot t,,u wol'k m cvor' mciisaful In orgnnltlng an nsiocla-' ov '"c" cora"K horo Indlcat- tlon of farmera for the purpoau of encournglng tho dairy fnrmer and tho adoption of tho better breeds of rnttlo mid the Incrcnau of the herds. Tho conditions for dairying aro Ideal mid tho crinmcrli'i nro ready to buy nil thu milk produced nt n good pike. All that la needed la tho fnr mer to kcrp and milk tho cow a. PEOPLE READY TO CO-OPERATE WITH THE NEW OFFICIALS Wlmt Is going to bo thu condition I of affair on tbu Klamath Piojuct thU JearT This Is tho question thnt Is agitating tho mind or tho people of thl rlty mid county at tlio prca out tlmo. Spring la at hand nml tho One weather Indicate thnt there la not to bo n recurrence of thu storm iiKtinlly expected at this period. With piibiul weather conditions prevail ing thero Is no renaon why work grentest In tho march towards cent plitlun. It wu with sonio such thoughts In their mlnda thnt several uo ,oai"nK this city started n moii'in tile extending thu now mpcrv glneers, who hnvo past Huvernl dn. It unto for tho consummation u plain that Mr, llopaon was called vihiiino clear lake. f.'nRlnrciH Murphy ! Patch Left Toilny to liiipect the Mead of tin L'lipvr I'rojoct. Project Unglnccr Patch la loalntc no tlmo In ccltlnit In touch with the condltlonn luro and over alnco hit arrival hay had til noao on tbo grind atonu of InvewllKntlon. I Id la a man of most pltualuK qualltlca, ready and wIIIIiik to talk and dlacuaa condi tion and wherever ho haa gono haa mad a very favorable Imprcailon. In order to ftot thoroughly In touch with every auction of tbo project be been vhltlng each and going ov er the ground thoroughly. Today ho left with Project Engineer Mur phy for Clear Lake, where he will examine Into condition there and formulate plana for the coming sum mer. Before going ho wan aoun by u reproaontallvo of thin paper and naked If ho bad anything to any rel ative to futuro plana, but ho naked to bo excuaod from tnnklng a state ment at thl time, preferring first to gut thoroughly In touch with cv- od that ho la a pusher, a fact which can bo testified to by many. Mo has been tho cynosure of all oyus and naturally ha aroused much curiosity and now, after a week of close In spection, the public says "he'll do." Hot Coffee and Lunch at the Model Ilnkery at all hour. 1C suddenly to Portland. In conie- iiumcu of Ills departure nothing will bo done In thu matter until bo ro turns ngaln to this city, which will bu In tho course of thu next mouth. It was for the purpoau of showing these gentlemen that no matter what had occurred In tho post and what mlstnkos had bcon made, tho people rhero were ready to co-operate with them and the Horvlce ror tho best Interests of the Klamath Project, lliut mlitnkes have been made Is admitted, but If It wore not for mis take the woild would still bo In tho garden of Eden and no progress would have been made. It la hoped thnt through tho errors ot tho past will come a cohesion of all forces king toward the promotion of of this county. ; from now tho Board Water User As- ting and w so It plain to lion Is rend)' or) thing within Ita tho work. Ptoject Engfn will bo naked to bu picaunt and tho director und every effort will bo made to wipe out nny breach that may or tuny not hnvo existed in tho pust. Mr. Patch come heio under n now Supervising Engineer; condi tions nro'auch that ha should not bo handed a legacy of dlscontont and trouble; ov or) thing should bo dono to maintain a degroo of harmony be tween tho Borvlco, tho Association and the people a will force thing ahead and make up for tho time that haa been lost. When Mr. Hopaon returns the plans for entertaining and mooting him and Mr. Patch should b carried out and these gen tlemon glvon to understand that thero exists but one feeling towards thorn and the Servlco that of slncoro co operation. When thoy gee that such 1 the case, then there will be no further tear ot any diversion of the funds that Klamath so soroly needs. Earn more Uarn more by a course In the I. C. B. Local head quarter la Frank Ira White' office. WANT A DEFINITE SETTLEMENT FIRST Land Owners Must Say What They Intend Doing in Regard to Paying for Water Rights Before More Work is Done NEWS fllOM MERItlLL. Mrs. Ony and daughter were In town trading Saturday. Mr. Dunn, of Tule Lake, was In Merrill trading thl week. Josslo nnd Harriett Garrison, Oyp sy and Vrotta Johnston, of Merrill, attended a party out at Mr. Jobb's at Tula Lako lust Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Miller and baby will visit friends In Sand Hollow this week. Several of ih farm, rr lire busy plowing for tl. j prln: loi'illyg. A very prut' wilding occurred at thu home 1 1 Mr. dm! Mrj. Henry Turner Wcdn iduy n lit, March 10, Of their oldest Utugl.ter, Miss Lucy, to Mr. Johnson Whitney. Miss Ada Turner, as brldciuiald, and Charles Cox as best men, nnd Iv.i Barrows as ring bearer. Thu bride was at tired In white Henrietta, trimmed In lacu; tbo bridesmaid wore blue Hen rietta trimmed In embroidery. The ring bearer woro blue nnd white silk. The groom wore the conventional black and tho best man In brown. A very dainty supper was served af ter tho ceremony, and a number of very beautiful and valuable present were received. Tbose present were Rev. and Mr. Johnston, Mr. and Mr. W. P. ipioad. Mr. and Mr. D O. Barron, Mr. and Mr. W. F. Bar row, Mr., nnd Mr. Wm. Turner. Mr. Harter. Mrs. Wilson, Mr, lie Phenon, P. Whitney. The Mlsaea Yrctla and Oypsy Johnston, Nellie. Jcsslo and Harriett Qarrlson, Muriel and Junette Harter, Frances, Ethel and Polly Turner, Qraco and Agnes Itarrowa, Ivn Barrows, Ada, Alice and Yuttn Turner. They left this week for their Mud Lake ranch. We Join with other In wishing them much happiness and prosperity. Mrs. Domorcst ha been visiting her son and, daughter In Klamath Fall. Work began Thursday on tho now M. E. Church. It Is. on tbo east cor ner of tho Carlock block. It will be another Improvement to the town. The Whist Club met nt the homo ot Mr. B. E. Leo this week. L. Ocrber will drlvo a bunch of Q. R. Carlock ha sold hi build ing and business at Merrill to N. 8. Merrill, and Bruce Allen will print the paper. Mr. and Mr. Carlock and daughter, Erla, bavo gone to Salem. Saturday qulto a number of the ladles ot Morrill had their pictures taken on horseback. Everybody Is enjoying the nice sunny weather. At thl season ot the year and In these eases thero aro two things which should heoi; hand In every home. RED STAR WHITE PINE WITH TAR for COUGHS AND BRONCHIAL TROUBLES, aad RED STAR COLD TABLETS, for a laxatlv. and to relieve the goneral symptoms ot a -vero cold. These preparations are mad from pur and barn less Ingredients and are sold on a potttlr guarantee. OET A SUPPLY NOW AND BE PREPARED. Star Drug Store "They Have It" Tho United State Reclamation Service want to know Juit what the Klamath land owner are going to do In regard to tho paymont of the water right' beforo It ordor any new work lommenccd. It Is report ed tbat a letter to this effect bar boon rccclvod by tho Water Users Association and also by the local Reclamation Scrvtco office. President Martin, ot the Associa tion, was asked In regard to tho matter and stated that the secretary had received a letter from the De partment and that It would be laid boforo the director nt their next meeting. In view of the fact that tbo regular meeting was only two weeks off, he did not believe It would bo necessary to call a special meet ing to tako action on tho letter. Engineers Murphy and Patch were asked In regard to the nature ot tho communication from tho Secretary of tho Interior, and Mr. Murphy stat ed that Inasmuch a tho Water Us er Association did not make ths let ter public, ho did not feel Inclined ,to do so. Tho determination ot the Depart ment, however. Is that the- matter must bo settled definitely, before work Is ordered commenced, and the longer the matter la delayed Just so long will the work be held up. At torney Smith Is expected homo from Washington soon and It Is probable thnt the directors wish to await his return before taking action. TARi. F DILL DELAYED. WASHINGTON, March 16. The new tariff bill will be introduced in tbo House tomorrow, tho delay In Ita presenting being to secure the ap proval ot a new Republican member on the Ways and Means Commute whom tbo Speaker will appoint to succeed Bonynge of Colorado, whose term has expired. RETUUNG FROM DUSIXB8B. The Arm of Edmondson ft Rlsedort is going to quit, and start today to dlipoio ot the entire stock ot gro ceries, etc. The goods will be sold regardless ot cost, In order to hasten tho winding up ot the business. Fix tures are also for sale. cvoryone la llabter mm UH H. HM)MH))t, W .4