j lie initio efttlfc. Our Advertisers Oct The Best Results. Klnmatli Knllr,' Kinit and Iicut Daily. . TlllKl) Ykai:. N(. Wis KLAMATH FALLS. OKEGON. TUESDAY. MARCH 16 1909. Price 5 Cents m llIi VrmM WATER COMPANY WILL STOP WORK City Is Liable lo Go Dry With a Vengeance --No Whiskey or Beer and May Have Water and Lights Cut Out A very peculiar .oi.-llilot. ,.xlt nt row many Mill, mid not ome iIiiiInk me i'i " u"wvi. .. m nun -mm tlmo Iiiih tin. Coiiiirll hail 1 1 10 ( mil Klniuitth n.llH Light h Wni.-r.iiiNk.- .,n l.jii.nu.l fur .my ..xlomiloii imiiy Tim Council In of II,.. .,p. K- nuiiildnal or i.rlu.i.. .,!, t. Iiiloti that Hi- fniiirhlso of tin. l.lKltt Istn f Oregon dm slum iih cIimii or A. wiiiit uiiiiiuiii) i.ns ei.ip.u ami n.nr n rxoid W hud np.ioprlnted t.0 Inr Imvi' not seen 111 i.i .-xi.iul it. I U'u.niio m expend in inn:. Wo ,uvi. Mr II. V. (IIkh num. Ii.tm i.i.iliinliiM nil ioi.Mriic.Uiui stopped, lor Hi.' purpose of inking tint Council j nite imtln... Hi., mUroml and till otli. t.i extend llm fiiunhlau Hiioi.lliiK lii'i-r Inler I Hun no exiuiisliitiH will llic i.rotlMiin of Hi mi run. wllrh.b.. 11111.lt. W.. camelled an order for In claims lli.'y are muter nhllgiiilon a r of pip., loading for ux, nnd when M do. All oiilllililicn was liiliodtir.il .Mir ir.n.!i,l Join, am niiuiltti. the nn. I rend in Mh' Iiml meeting tun i-.. .oi.su nit Ion fiCe will In. I.ii uui " I nun r iiitloii has been tnkvii i t.n-iii-cIimI llinl iioiiIk nrtliin would l taU.-n nl llic lui'Ctliii: lam nli;ht, Ino in., umtl.r win. mil hinui:lii up How will ihu alf. .! iiuw services iiloni; tin. prm.-nl will, i malm.' 'We ..iiiiinl make niiv now iiiiih IO KC'MIC. Wl. llli. (linn. burl. f... There. !. !- ,v"l rumors onl,,,,, ,,, ,. ,,,,. ff lk(.( Ihu .Heel toda) lo ll.o .-n.-.t that Hi., . ,,, m ,, y demand lor Water Comi-mi) win. colny to iihul oil WIlt,,, . Hi., city wall r nnd lights nnd In ml-l ... . . . ,1111m. ... .I.e.., rumu.s the :.,, no... ,.-... ! . V ''"" '""" lu,l"K """"" "Kl" .. . . along wllii.nil uny n-uewul of con- '"'"" -MHIIh ...... ... ..hi iih juii niuji now ,111111 tueiit wn-t glu-n lh Hint Ihu i.iliil.iiliv would not under tnku in iiml:.- nnv further .-xt-nxloiu' ""'"" liv. been dulmt Hint of llnlr :t..lii or (uri.l.li wa..r to nlwu W"M '"''K"1 '" '" ''"" y ,, resident is To d.uriiiln.i wl.al w" "ll""m r"" " However, tin Mtltiidti llii- Kiiuiiaii) inu'iid-il in ink- ( l'liuly l.o,t,. ntlliud. of the in Hi., miillcr i tuptestiilntlv.. of H,o n, '"""'I presages a legal ii.iit.-m. Ili-mlit railed m. Mr II V liat.-s this,'1 wl"' """ I'fl'-'ri-i. for It It tnk.n nlii-rnouii nt hU ..111.-.- Tli.. follow- m""u'- nn w" -""' -' "'. '"' " INK iU.-tloim "r.. u!.-d Mr (la:.-B- ' "nn,r "M't-rk-n.-u. w.-ll knou V.j i;oiii; hi iiu-ii.iiiiu our r.-Hoiu.os. What In tin- iiirnnliiK of tin- .!" liniinci-iuuiil you Knvi tin- ll.-r.tld to. day' 'll mc-iim Ihnt Hip City Council it lum' to turry out tin. ..mdltlomt of thv ronttarl hilw.-cn nn nnd Ihu city. nnv ill whltli rondltloii-i In Thnt IF rii- miri-il mid quirk. -nl wn) Is to hi op t-iinttruitlon " How- nhoul llic riiinoi that )i.u .tic Kiilui; lo'cut out mrc.'t llr.lils and li jdrnutH? "W.. Iinv.' not mild hi. hut nn April I nl If u.. nr not mild In raili 01 n Hit. illy douii nol liurchn..' tho plant. I1(IW ,.0,ltr(, enlurid Into. w.. will th.' ahnll ri-ni'W Hie ronlmcl and cll, , M.,., iK.ltK ,, tw,,lv )V. InmchlM' In p.-rliid of lit.- .:"rj,rnnis. tin- .outrun foi liotli hnvlni: inch, or In the pr.--i.nl liiitnm x-,.xpr.-.l Au warrnnl liul fur net- ti-ii.1 to Hoptuinhcr Itlll Tli.- r...iilt vri. ,,r,.(lll -, lj(. iMaM 'n. nl Urn Inaction U Hint w.- ha. orlKliial l.n li.lr.iiilN would i.i.itilt! li-Ktl rluht to .'X.aviito In llic -ilri-i-i-i , ham,.,.." fur any new work. Tor thin rv.-uun 1IV )(J11 ,. lmx ,.lir, t1 ,,. and to -tnvi- priwHiihn .mtoim-rn i ........i..,. loin hy il.-pondllir; cm tin w lnn.-rt.-d ..T. ((llltra,. pioW-doim nr.- m Hiii ml .-xplulnlni: tin-Kltuntloii " !c.nr in tlit-li- .ihllKntlomt llinl tin U'luil nuv work w.tr.' )ou lut.-ndltn; iiinn who BiinccKtw i-oiuproiulin- HturUt to do? IIhIioii..i.H. Wn havi- .'Oinpllvd with Wntur iiml Hutu i-xti-imlnn to lin- ll tlmi - oldlKnt.-d iiuivi-Ivi-ii to do. n VUtn. Hot Hprliin-i nnd otlit-r n-l-j rim li did thu kiiiiu- and tht-n wi-nl .lltliiim mul tu tliu inllicin.l Krmimli.ll-'1' "'' "'tnti to ic-pmlliil--, but ' mid to pi-rfc-ct our pr.--nl wntc-r -.)" jfalh-d Thi-u- li a c-l.-ur ohllKntlotn li-in In thu orlKlnnl town mi in to it r- on tlidr part In u-new tin- i-iiiitrni-l furd ht-lt.-r primiru mid mipply .Imp- .iiI ihi I oii.-hI iiiiiii i-ould i.-fn. to InK llri Wo would ciintlnut- u ln,iiii.l) lluwuvcr. n did luiiku houi.i Hi.. (iriHt throe ).-iirn iiiillilpalliiK .- ""-'-'' '"' '' ri-l.iill.l the mrc.-l IIkIu ry ili-nmiiil, ItitrliiK ilmt ihtIiiU our -OHti-m Into n uiodt-rn i)w, kIvIiik. -i..r plant Iuik liiiunit.-d from iiIh-ih-i IIkIHIiik unci rut thu prlco 30 rnpnclly of CO II I' to 100 It l'..'l'r nt nnd wo UKU-t-d wlu-ruvc-r' our iimlim from two iiiIIi-h lo ..uuii TuiiKHti-u lutitpt aio uiucl In tut thuj nnd on.i-linir nilU-x l.'lt-ctrlc linen littu one mid two ct-iilw per tandlel In vri-n(vr iiitlo Our runervolit now power ittid to lay a nlx-lnch water j main iiIoiik Klaimilh nvcnuonnd plnco lli'irc.mi Hi liydrantN nnd ndd hydrnntH all ov.r Him city ho that In Die k-hI-diiiK.i portion no hullilltiK would ht-oM-i' olio hliick fioin two hydruntH, uiitklii-,' u totnl of 70 lodnuilH in the illy. tin. itddi'd tout per )-ur to bu J'.ill iiml uc wive li n option koocI until Huptfuil'.-r, IV II, fev purcliUKi on n i lil I rut (.il value." Iiou jou expect any H.-tt lenient out ild" of Hit roiirlii "H we ..in avoid It. uo courtx for iih. and I hope Ihu city liun all It wbiiIh I hope I Im hettei t-lE-ineut of the cll v will w nk ii up from their 'ilt-up of Iml UTurc-uti.', liiveHtlKulo and ii'ttlu It llimlu.-tix limn would have ct-ttlt-d ll ImiK iiko. It U a vital iUeu ilou to no. Wo lo'iu money In any nvviit The city uud lt i-ltlzt-HE lone ihu In in-fliH f i diii linproveineutH wo uiiike vear by year While ll HiirferR uo iipparimt Iimh in money It duH In credit, and whenever the city k".-k In to thu luaikel for ni:lu of l.ondit It HI llu.l a black mini: nciilimt it fur ntlempted repudiation of lt flrnt Ih iii.i and a continuance In icpuUlntlon of contract won't wliltowauli ll any." When do you expect lo no away? 'Trobablv Thurmlay tnornlnK and not lo leturn for Bueral inontltH " aki: Ol-' HMAI.I. vox. I'laiide (.'loptou, wl:o roturncil from Ban Prant-lRco nhoul ton daya iiko, linn a tery H.-veio tiuo of email pox. Il Ih Htaylm; nt thv Olles place on the Ankeuy riiurh about nix mllit eolith of Hie city. County Heatli ')f. flc.-i Dr. Hamilton wenl to the ranch this inurnliiR to lnvi-ntlKato the t-aie nnd reports thai .Mr. Clopton has the kiiimII pox In a very bad form. A hire;.' number of Hit- people on Hie rauth ami iielKhboiH hnve be-.a:. oxp.xifd., Kt.-pu weie taken limited lni.-l to imitnutlue Hie ninth nnd also all I lime wl o linrn bet-it exposed. A flrotiii Ktiard will be placed to wnti li Hie pn-mlHOH and every effort mint.- in present the ireud of the ill-i.-nM- ley school In the lower Tort Klnm atli dlKtrlc.t. Clyde C. CrnlB, formerly of I'ort IiiiiiI, will lie-in on .Mondny a our monlhii term of hi-Iioo) at Ode-tun. .Mini June (llvun ImH been given n three montlm contract to teach the I.OHK l.ako Kt-hool, Hlio will begin school on Mondny, March 22, Ml4 Corn OrllTltli will open a nix inontltH term of school at Swan Lake on Murch 2'l. MIvh Ollvu KuukIiI will open a term of chool nl Hand Hollow on April f. Mrs. Arcliyn Klrkundall will opun the school al I.onu I'inv, near Mer rill, on .Mm cli 22. Thin district has Just completed a One new school building nnd la now planning to make ll one of tlio most attractive hcIiooIh In the county. The property In under the government ditch and will he lirlgated. A fine lawn lu lo bu In Id out nnd shnde treeu are to be planted throughout the grounds. With thu al'd of Irrigation tills can bo uiado n very beautiful spot. Xi:WH FltOH UAIItV. SCHOOLS ARE IN GOOD CONDITION t.'oiltil School rluperluleiulcnt .1. 0. Hwitn Is still keeping up his good work for the schooU nf the loltnty nnd this work Is beginning to show er sntlsfnctory lesults. Mr Hwuu Inst week visited the Siimmei'M school ami lepoitH thu sihoul III line condi tion. They mo taking up the work of Improving thu grounds and are planning to set out a large number of young trct-K and also to seed the (.round foi- a lawn. Mnny nf thu schools lire adding mi additional three r-iiiilhn It. Ihu term ami most of the Ii-iu'Iiith luivo been engaged for spe thil slion toruiB. C. I. Mtilkey has been uugnged to luacli an additional three months al Fori Klamath. This will give the Heboid a enmpletu nluu mouths term. II, I', Alexander will also teach three additional months nt the Loos- Men's Millinery Spring showing Men's and Boys Panama HATS Split Straw, Straw Sailor and Crash . a xx a In All the Newest Spring and Summer Styles K K K STORE H"lg'.. Harris left for Honanrn last Wednesday, lie lias been busy lately grubbing Hagebrush for Manuci VI erra. The cleared place will bu plant ed in potatoes. Otto Hoppe nnd his brother made a trip lo Dairy Tuesdny. John Donuell madu a business trip to 1). Y. Cray's place Tuesday an-1 Wednesday, and took somo horses to llonnnia to be sold to Mr. Stewart, thu California horso buyer, John l.oguo and daughter, Mrs. I Alf Wnllls, nnd Manuel Vierra tnndc a business trip to the Kails Tuesday W. II. Illlss Is now ilearlug his laud, by grubbing and burning .age- brush. Emll l-'gert nnd family have moved to their place from Hie Colalian ranch whern they hnvu liavo been living .during the winter. Lust Monday Mrs. Chns. Pa I tli. of , Itotinnzn. lunde it visit to her duugli jter. Mis. 1'. Itnii..lc. who In III. Mis. Cllr.-ilii'th IiIIih wns working I nt.Mih. C. C renrsou't the Drst pan of the week. I u,iiii,iv iu.l inu .iii.nw-n .as i sprilib ,niid when C. E. Drew was over on Jthe Iteservnllou roccntly. found them laud returned them to the owner. I Dork Pool iiinile n trip to Oleno .Baturdny. j Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Smyth and Miss Annn Smyth made a business trl; i to Dairy Wednesday. D. Y. Cray, of Yonna, sold a horso (to Arthur I.ungell, of Ilonauta, last I Monday for 170. I I'liink MrCumber was very sick last Tuesduy. Dr. Johnson, of Do- nauia, waa culled. Geo. Hitler went to Honanta last Wcdnesdny. Wm. l'lackns and Win. Clark have made about COO posts In tho past fow weeks, but are now through. Euill Egcrt went to Qodfrcy Beck' Thursday, to help brand some cattle 'which he recently purchased ot Mr. Deck. W. II. Illlss was nt Ueo. Hitter' place on business Wednesday. Win. Uhrmnnn mnde a business trip to Piuo Grove last Wednesday. Emll Egert went to Dairy Wednes day. Geo. Sm.wli will start plowing this week. WIIJ Lnguuls working nt Iho Frank Wnllls place. Master' Orvlllo Smyth, of tho III debrancl hchool, who Is but 12 years of nge, hits iciuted two ueres of land from II. J. Donuell, on which lui In tends to plant potatoes. Thu pro ceeds of thu crop will go to Master Orvlllu. Deo. Orltzle, of Klamath Falls, was out to Manuel Vlcrrn'a tills wo.g buying some grain. Wurd Huock, who has boon absont from school on account of slcknebt has recovered and Is with us ag'itn. Mrs. L. M. Fitch has rccelvod a letttr from Mrs. H. K. Bishop, or Kennet, California, who was In thu county a short tlmo ago, stating that sho and her husband would return to Klamath County tho 1st ot Aorll Otto Iloppo and brother, Robert. woro at Godfrey Beck's Thursday. Josoph McCurdy, who at ono tlmo lived In Yonna Valley, has. lately pur chased a place In Grants Pass. Frod Brooks went to tho Falls on Tuesday to get his daughter, who has bocnvattendlng school there. Sho will now enter school at Dairy. ' Mrs. M. P. Nelson and children arrlvod at their home In YonnaMon day, Mr. Nelson went to the 'Falls COMMISSION TO GET BUSY ON CHARTER First Meeting Thursday Night Promise !o Have New Charter Ready Within Ten Days or Two Weeks to meet then, Thoy had boon on a visit with relatives In Minnesota. Emll Klackus Is busy this week grubbing sagebrush on his place. Wu understand that Geo. Morlnc of llonanza Is sick In bed. Harrison Gray made a business trip to Donanzu Tnursday. Walter Simpson has been busy late ly plowing for Wm, Welch. Theo. Ilamineriloy made a busi ness trip to Dnlry Wednesday. Jacob Ilucck went to Bonanza last Tuesdny to sell fome linr-on to Mr. Stewart, tl.o In, -so buei, who Is now nt Dotum! i. Mrs. I.. M. Kilrh is n.,w having green wood eu. fr mxt sum.ner. Perry Hand cs anil John Ander son woro busy making Improvements on Manuel Vl.na's l.irn last Tues day, L.. A. Stcrzl and Wm. Wight have started plowing, as thoy think It means spring now. John Pool sold a team to John Donncll recently. J. it. O'Brien bought sorno oats from I.. A. Steizl last week. D. Y. Gray sold some cattle last week for ISO. Tbco. Klackui Is making a good thing by fanning out a stack of oat straw. Ho has gotten qulto a num ber of sacks of grain from It, which the threuher failed to thresh. We understand C. W. Sherman, Sr., Is contemplating making big Improve ments on his place this year. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Conditions created br the Inaction 'of the City Council makes It Impos sible for us to excavate In tho street of Klamath Falls for niiy new work In Electric nnd Water Main Exten sion: theroforo from and after thl., dato and until further notice (exempt to repair our present plant) no ex tensions of mains or new scrvlce-i tc houses will bo undertaken. Klamath Kails Light Water Co. Klamath ralls.-March 10th, 1909. THE I'.VANOELIBTIC MEETINGS. Thu union meetings, which havo been In progress in Hum's hall for the past week, have been well attend ed every night. Rev. Murrman has come up to the highest expectations and la preaching somo masterly ser mons. Tho meetings will continue through tho remainder ot this week and next. Tho Ulblo class meets at 3:00 o'clock and tho preaching ser vice Is at 7:30. Thcro Is no longer to bo 'any de lay by tho charter commission In get ting down to business and drawing up a new charter to be submitted to the voto of the people of the city. Three members of tho commission were present at thu meeting of tho City Council last evening and tho mat ter was thoroughly discussed. Chair man E. It. Kcamcs and Judga Tbos. Orako explained the reasons why the commission wcro unablo to get to gether beforo to transact business. Tho Impossibility of the members do ing any work beforo tho present date, on account of tho busy session ot tbo Circuit Court and other business mat ters taking other members from tbo city, was fully understood by tho Council. Judge Benson, ono of tho members of tbo commission, will return from Lakovlcw Wednesday and then mem bers will hold a meeting on Thurs day evening and linvo agreed to meet each evening aftor until the charter Is finished. Both Mr. ileamea and Judgo Drako gavo It as their opinion that tbey would be ablo to have the now charter completed within ten days or two weeks. The secretary has already received a large number ot charters of other cities through tbo stato and Judgo Noland has fur nished a copy of the Astoria charter. Portions of tho old charter will be used and some ot the best sections ot tho charters ot the other cities will be added and now sections cov ering local conditions will be'drawn up. Tbo City Council adjourned until Tuesday evening at which time the commission believes It will have some ot the proposed new charter ready to submit to tbat body for tholr con sideration. While tho work asked of tho charter commission is rather a thankless Job, the members present stated tbat they did not so consider It but rather accepted It as a distinc tive honor and they would take pride In doing the best thoy could. Some ot tho best legal talent ot the city aro on tho commission and have promised to freely give their advice on nil questions Involving the forma tion and adoption of the new charter. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. Tho Arm of Edmondson ft Rlsedorf Is going to quit, and start today to dispose ot the entire stock ot gro ceries, etc. The goods will be sold regardless ot cost, In order to hasten tho winding up of the business. Fix tures are also for sale. A G MKJ . Pair At this season ot the year ovoryone Is liable to take cold and In those oases there are two things which should be on hand In every home. ItEl) STAR WHITE FINK WITH TAR for COUGHS AND BRONCHIAL TROUBLES, and RED STAB COLD TABLBTt, for a laxative and to relieve the general symptoms ot a se- i voro cold. These preparations are made from purs and harm less Ingredients and are sold on a positive guarantee. GET A SUPPLY NOW AND BE PREPARED. Star Drug Store "They Have It t lit v Iff.'J iUUH "'""'""