c He iteming jtefttlft. Klamath l'alln Finn anil Best Daily. , Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. TlllKl) Ykaii. No. Wi7. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. MONDAY. MARCH If, 1909. Price 5 Cents ORGANIZATION OF DAIRYMENPLANNED Meeting of All Interested Called for Saturday-Object of Organization to En courage Improvement in Stock TlieM Iiiu I""'" n itiiivi'iiii'iii iituii r.l lliliiugh Hi' vtTiirlti n( I In- Kl.uv lilli r'n i if CiiIiimiiiii l-r tin (irKiililliitlunii of HHHii(!titlruiH of iln i) moil III Klniiuilli (.'mini) to nn mute llic iuohIIi of tint liulimtiy t.hlch It In l"iill"il inn In; nude in t rii'tiu o giuul win I III fur I li till-ii-iih of llii great Imtln 'I hi- plan i to brim: iiIhiuI tin- nriiiiiiliiii til Inrnl associations nt Klamath I'nlU, Mirrlll. Iliinanrii. I'urt Klamath ami olbly ill Dnlry ntul .Mlilliiml 11 III (111 lUllT, III III tlllKIt tl III III"! H III ih" pulblllilc n( ilnlrtlnr ntul Im portant" o iiitriiiliiitlnii nl r.uml ilnlry Mock of tin- ninwiljcil ettnli II.Im'iI brtd ri-rrilnr) It II. Dunbar lino m-nl nut notices to ii niiiiiliui nl itbiiiiii known tu In IiiUti'jIimI, ii'iiit'xUiiK nttcnilmii'i' nl n mcMIng tu !. I . I Hatuiilny. Mnrth 20. nl 2 3u o'clock In tln nfternonn nt tin- olhi" nt I'tsnk lr Whit", fur th purpo" f forming tin' liiml nimui'iailoii All persons il'-rlrniiii nl ptoiniitluil mull nil iirKntiltnttoii nt riirdlill) united In ntli-ml Pur mii'ic tl'ixi llirri' linn ln"Ti ill. rimlim lm tu tl' l"'l n tu 1 1 r I ii c ulioiit genei.il iiiiilrmliuiilliiK t tin' Aihaiitagc n:ciillnr tu HiIh ii-ctlou, m n dairying illmrlit Tlmn who liSVu studied I lm subject iikiik Unit It In itritlllc'il In huituii" lint) lit tlm Kn-atist ioiiici'K nl mippl) on tin I'xrlllc Const Inr ilalr) products There mi' now trrniiii'HiH at Klmii-' mli I'nlU. Purl Klamath. Mil i III ami llnnmiin, ntul In time lh"" will I"- ' adiuiik Hi" wont liniiiiit.ini niiiiiiifar- lunii In tint minimi illmtlliiiilun nl i.ndi among nnr rlllfeui l.nii'i Urn ili-ri'lupmvnl utiini; iliilrt llti". nut' hllllK lllilllll "SltltllUhlM'lil ii' i 'Hi ll marl's 1 1. ii I will m-iuI Kltiinitiii milk In thin to nil mi'tliiim nl tin world Junl nt tltla tlliu- llir lliil I'ultit Ii to Kit u kulltiluiit nmiilii-r ul iiii-n i Inti retted In kV"plug Hi" itnlrv class! it lows lo Justify hilngliig tin.' I IkIiI I kind i iinlinnlH to Hi" Klniiuilli lm ' kill mid Iiikmii- tlii-lr iiuu-r rni" tu1 set tliu IiIk.Ii.uI h-hiiIIh II iiriinii-; I'IMiimI nl till himmiii It will "iinlil" III" llli'll engaging In lllllr)ltlg tu now ititlr Iiimk" Inr ii"Xt wiutei. Iiulld llnii mid begin mliiptlng ili-lr , liirniH to I lm iii-iiIk u( tliu Imliinli). Wlii-n lu-rii in i iiihIiii t n runners' InMltulo. Hon. J W llnlli'. Hint" I u I ry and Pood CuiMiilsnliiniir, ! lured Unit dnlryltii: In entitled to tlrm ilnrii iih tliu curtain ninney-uuik-t lur tliu farmer II" i elated Unit when it liiriinr engage In ilnlnlm; J HPPmssssH IZTTj 2 t sssssssHl' t'sssssssssssssl ' "?vK i X WW IbIbssssssssssssssH ' 1 IRt it'ferrfssssssssssi VI -V I Men's Millinery Spring showing Men's and Boys Panama I Urn banker no Iuiiki'I lnrn tlml IiIk olillgutlotin will nut bo nut irniiiill-. H l tin- iniiiiilil) r iinnry or ion I dmikiir) rliiik Unit mnki-n i Illens nl Minnesota, Iowa, WIiuoiihIii mid iof tin- iiuiHt iniiiiil. h ul Oioynn In- ii'i"tnliiil llullaiid Iiiih .liilt ) Iiik a , IIH ililif liiilimliy uml H nmoiii! till . rli'lu-ki of i:ur (jji.-itii ionntrl" TO STUDY L00AL KOAI) CONDITIONS l.( Us(V HIIVIV ,M W III! ,K. sisii:n nv i.iivi:iiNMi:T i:ni;im:i:i:. I MCOroiili. (in-. Mnnli if.. A 'inovi-inint l on foot In lunn tin- kov I .Tlitiit-nt m-iid an "ii-.lii""r to tliln ! riiiuity in make u Ktudy ul Inrnl, mnj iiuiidlllutni mid iri-nir" lor I lie- imu nl Hi" intuit)- nud litillilriH ii ri'iiort luttltiK lurtli d.ilit iiiii-rliiK tin- 1 1 nil I ruudN, nml r"(.niiiiii"iidatluiiH lur tin lirupfir i-oniliiit nt micli work. Tin- Kovi-riilni-nl Iiiik wrltli n to Hit. ritnry Mlll.r nt tliu I'nmmi-Hl.il t'lulj ruRiirilltiK III" inuttrr an fiilnwu. "V" do nut Ikhiiii imy miindnrd net of ilnnH mid ivrinciitluini, tor tin-ri-nvun Uml iniiclltluin 1 lir.-r mi wlili ly In tin- nrloiiH mictions nl innntry Uml It uuiild I" iirniilcally Iiiiiuh nllil" to ir"iati- Mich pliuiK mid hioc lllratluiiH n would nntlrliati- nil con illtlnna V" iiinl titnln. Iinvu-vi-r, n corpt ol i'ti:lii--nru to innko Iiivc-kiIkii llonit mid Klvi- nilvlri- ulnnilnlt-ly In-" of I'lmri;" to tin- wirlotiH i-uiiiiinitiltlra, nml In Miiim iiiKi-x, wlu-i" wi- iunnlilir Unit MindltloiiH unrriint It, .- kviuI in i-iiKliK-cr lo a intiiiit lur lliu pur puH" ol inaklim n lutiipli't" Invoatli'if Hun nt nil niiit"rliitn. iiindu. tiiilp-nii-nt, ini'tliodH ol (onstriicllon uml iiinliiliiiniiu- and udmliilHt ration, mid lu prcpan- a cninpli-li- and lliuiiiucli ri-iurt Hi'tl Iiik lortli nil micIi daia and itMni: nioiiitiK-nilallnnH lur tin- prop. it i miiliii t of tliu work In hiii It rni. in Un- oilli-i- i.-i h Hi" nit lm cnlary nl Ul" "iiKlni-i'l and Iiiu rpcmrn to ami Iruni Hi" I'ounl). hut Urn luuntyj Ih iv'iulrnl lo pay Iiiu milmlKli-iicu ntul tra"llni: I'Xpi-niii-H mi linn; in. In- Ih lu III nut) " I.AIHKH ONLY. The N'alaturluui will ln open on Wediii'Hilay alteruootiH and oviinliiKH to Indli'H only Th" ladlus of tlm illy mo linlieil lo tako a hwIiu. In All the Newest Spring and Summer Styles RRK STORE SECURE BETTER ATTRACTIONS MA..C)l:it HOL'HTO.V Wll.li All ItAMii: I OK KIIOWH t()l( iiik tiiki:i: tiii:ati:hh. Mr. mid JIrn. J. V. Ilnuflon will Ivnvu lu tlm tnorulUK for Portland. AItir a i.linrt ulli) lliuii.i llivy will vIhIi HuHtllo nml Han I'rnnclsco Ijo. Ion- lliuli tiiuiii lioni". .Mr llouaton In muklni: tliU trip inaliil) In tin- Inti'icHt of liln theatri cal btlKllll-HH. Ill- OVpllctH lO ll-IIBU llU othur uluru hulldliiKH and will duvolo IiIh entire tliinj to tin.' Ihrcn piny lioun"H nt Kliiuiath I'iiIIh, Merrill mid Iloiiauza. Ili will ptirchfixu ,n nuw moving plcturu tuachlnu for tliu Kin- ninth rails hoimu ho that liu will IiiiVi- ii inaclillin for iicli of tlio llli'll tciii lu tin- Klntiintli County circuit. Tin- nuw iniichln" will hu otiv of the ln-it that nui lo (ihtnlnrd on tlio tnr Iml. Ho will nluo urmnKQ for bolter tfrlcc In nltrarthu pIcluri-H. Mr. HouHton'H trip lo Hcnttln will In- for tlio piirpoau of iiinklni; ur rnuK"iu"tilH to Hcciirii Kood dttriic tloiiH when th" rnllrond In In open--atlnii to thin lit). ThvHa cliowii Mill liai- lo ho lilMi-d a lonx tliu" In nil-aim-. hut Mr. Ilniintuu fvuU confl ilcnt Uml tlm li'-tt'T clnm ol shows would ho JuHtlllcd In pluylUK licrc and Unit tho Hiipporl will do auinclcnl to "unhid li i tn lo offer n Kiinratit"". Tin- n"w Hoiutou Oporn Hotuui Ih now uiitlppcd lo limidl" iinyililtiK whli Ii hnH In-iiu HhowitiK lietwocn I'ortlntiil uml Kan KrancUio, It ha. 'nculli'tit neneiy nud hIiiki- hi-UIiikk and linn ii larK" hc-illiiK inparliy. Th" kIiik" Ii built tliu Mlaudard Hlrn nnd will niciiiuiuudutii most of (lu- shown on Un- load. i.VMMiii i.iis. or wool. siu.ii ix r.M.vrii.i,. t-orxTV. IM:.NOI.i:TON. Or".'. Jlntrli II. Ily t lii-Sali- ill 130,000 pimntlH ol wool a biinili ul woolRiowi-rn tit Arlington haw nputieil up tliu hoiikou for this Hcctlon of Ori-Kon. The prlcu pnld In hclimpd to lm from 1 "'.'. to IS cunts Tlilu In nn iidv.nnn- of nt leat.1 fi ci-uiH pi-r pound ovi-r Inn n-ason. TIiimikIi -tali'H lmi) heuii ruporti'd Ir tmisl v UiIh rrimon lu linker and Wallow a enmities, tlilt Ih Uiu llrVl nip ho lur n-purti'd hulwri-n tlio Ciih indo nud lllile luoitntaluH Tliu ninve- incut will Ih Kcncral, though tlio Inr Cur pnrt of the I'mntllln isrowi-rH will tin iloulil hold thulr vllpH for tlm an- lllllll HIlll'H dllll'H. int. iit.vi:s. osti:oiatiis My utllccH nru located lu tlio I'iikv Stratton hiilldlnc. coiner of Main mid Sucond KtreetH, over MoIsh & Ar liiainl. I will bu Kind to meet thnsu who mu ilealrouH of tnkltiK untcopath Ih irentniuntH. Conimltiitlon free. Some of tho beat ponltlotiH In thv county am held by 1. C. S. stiidentH. Local heuiiiiarterH lu I'rnuk Ira WIiIIo'h olllci'. 1 1 U A TG I Ijf It As 1 1 r 1 1 l m Z Y VJ 7 v 7 7 MAY VISIT CRATER LAKE THIS SUMMER HIX'ltlMAItV IIAM.I.VUICIt .MAV HTOI IIKIIK' O.V TltlP TO Till: t'OAHT. Bccrotary linlllnncr or tlio Dupart niont of the Interior will probably vUlt Klutnnth County mid Crater I.aka thin xumtiior Tliu Secretary ha ttiitioiiiiml that ho will ko to Alnikn to Kludy condltlonH uttundltm tlio urniilreineiit of tool Iiindu thuro, utnt If lie ciiii Hpaio tlmu v.lll vlnlt Crutur l.nko on thu trip, aa his tlo partiiiunt plunH oxtuniitvo I in pro vj incnl In Iho patk and will also prob ably nnnlt In tliu liulldlnK of tho itnto road throuKli thu natlonul park. Tho C'ruti-r l.nku National Park u untitled to ii In i co appropriation for new work mid uotliliiK xliould bo Iqft undotiu by tliu pi-oplu of UiIh bcc tlon to luilucu Mr. IlallinKor to visit tho Inku. A fuO.OOU appropriation could bu Hpont to Kood ndvantngo anil th" Htuto of OroKon Hhould not bo rnuluiit with lesx for tho Isprsvo iiiotit of Atnurlcn'H urcntuHt imturM wondvr Pi. IMS FOR BENSON TO DISTRIBUTE J1AXV AI'I'OI.NT.MKMW TO UK MADi: IIV OIlb'UUN'H NKW OOVKIt.VOIt. BAl.KM. Ore., March 1 1. A l.irno number nf ilncus on appointive bunrdn nnd cominlnloiiH will become vacant within (ho next nix iiiontiiH, which Governor Uuiikoi will bu call ed upon to ill). Anldo from those vacauclei Ihoro were Hovernl now boat da and commlnalona created by llin lant Lenlnlaturo that must i nppnlnted nn kooii an the InwH go in to effect crculliiK them, which will b" nhoiit Mny 1'0. An ImporiHiit iippolntiiivnt Is that of Htnlu alu.'t-p Innpeclor, now hold I by W. II. I.jtlu of Pendleton, a D.'in .ocral. It citrrluit with It a .alary of $8000 u ji'jir. L)tle'M term expl'-w J riu-Hday, March 22. The terra of C. J. Knrlnek of Siikni. Htulu vett-r-1 1 tun Ian. nti tho Oregon domestic an imal commhinlon will explro July 1. There Ih no compensation connected with this nllli" nslde from traveling Dxponaen. On thu Hlntu board nf dental ex nmltiern the ponltloim of Dr. A. K. VntiKlin of Pendleton and II. 11. Ol ItiKer of Salem become vacant April 1. OIIiikui- In vecrotnry of tlio board mid drawn $"i0 n year and expenses. Tlio other members of this board cut 5 ku day and expenses during the time they arc actually eneaicod. An entirely nuw board of exumluers In optometry must be appointed Ap- r 11 30. Tho presont members are ;C. W. Lowe of Kugene; K.O. Mattorn nl Portland, and Herman W. llarr of aalem. The term of' V. II. Stousloir of Salem on tho stuto board of com ilsstonera expired yesterday. These mumbem draw only n small per diem and expi'tiHos. Clrcllll JiiilKi-Hlilp to Kill. The ti'im ol K. Holer, an member of tho Htuto hoard of normal school recent a will explro July 2. The term or Wllllnm (. Klllott of Poitlnnd us n member of the board of lunpectors of child labor for the state of Oii-kou will expliu May 21. On tho hoard of regent a of thu University of Ore gon the term nf J. C. Alnsworlh of Portland will expire April Ul The term of A. II. L'nmon of Grants Puss as fruit Inspector from the third dis trict will explro lu April. AhIiIo from this list nf ofllciala of more or less Importance Is tho long list to bo appointed, about 20 on tho now hoards and commissions created by tho late Legislature. This list In cludes tho Crater Lake highway com mission, a board ot port commission ers for Cooa Bay and probably (or tho Sluslaw, a board of commission ers to direct tho establishment and maintenance of the state sanatorium for tho trcatmont ot tuberculosis pa tlonts and board s of directors for the numorous county and district fairs for which the statu, Legislature ap propriated moucy. These -boards of directors are constituted for. tho most part of throo members. Tho most Important of these olDccs Is the new circuit Judgeship for the Fifth Judicial district, to bo appoint ed from Clatsop or Columbia Coun ANOTHER BIG LAKE COUNTY LAND DEAL Oregon Valley Land Company Purchases 40,000 Acres Which Will Be Opened for Homes for Settlers Olio of tho largest land deals l;i tho Went wus consummated last week when tho Oregon Valley Land Com pany purchused thu untlru holdings of the lluryford Land & Cattle Usfc? pnny In Lake und Modoc CounuW Thu tract embraces 40,000 acres In thu Chewaucun, Goono Lake and Drown Valleys, and betwocn Lukevlcw and Alluras. Practically nil of these landH' uru under Irrigation with the. oldest water rights on tho streams running through the lands. Thu Lnki'View lx(i!n:-ii'i- has the following: ,Tho ialo of lacso hi luVnei, In a way, was u hii p.iso t i inun), as the rnttlu compun) v.ix st-ong financially nud could Iiiu. i main' lined Us stock growing Intiirctti. hem for roiiio time. Put Mr. Iltrylord and 111 partners saw 'the trend of thu times here, and concluded that their holdings were becoming too valuable for stock rais ing, especially no In view of tho fact that thousands of land hungry people am hoou to Invade this section and would hnvo clamored for a subdivi sions that hinall holders could make homes thereon. In thM condition we are but undergoing a repetition of what baa heretofore taken place all over tho West. Sooner or later the Incoming rush of settlome.it has driv en tho cattle and sheep men out of the business, and their ranges once sparsely settled and subservient to tlio, few, now have become the pros perous home ot thousands. In thu purchaso of this splendid property the Oregon Valley Land Co. has more than kept tbo faith with Its contract holders. It has showu Its honesty of purpose, by giving to those who hnvo Invested, an interest In this great property, which, at low est mtlmate, is fully worth half a million dollars at ruling prices, and a great deal inoro when the valuable water rights thus acquired are taken Into consideration. It makes every contract twice as valuable at it was before, nnd this, too, without ona cent of added cost to tho sharehold ers. It Is n most magnificent thing to do. nnd President Martin and bis associates lu this matter have built a monument for themselves for hon esty and fair dealing that wilt bu as enduring us time. SInco this deal has been made, many, many regrets havo been ex pressed by local people that they were so short sighted as to let a good thing slip past them, nnd all tho regrets ure not confined either to people In modest walks ot llfo. President Martin certainly has A At UiIh season of tbo year ovoryone It llablo to take cold und In theso cases thoro aro two things which should be on hand in every home. RED STAR WHITE PINE WITH TAIt for COUOHS AND IIROXCHIAL TROITILES, and RED STAR COLD TABLETS, for a laxative and to relieve the goneral symptoms of a se vere cold. These preparations are made from purs and harm less Ingredients and -are -sold i on a positive guarantee. OET A SUPPLY NOW AND BE PREPARED. Star Drug Store "They Have It" mado good alt his transactions here, and should ho conclude to float an other similar proposition elsewhero ho will And lots of men who will bank on him in tho future right here lu Lalcevlcw. CITY COU.VCIL MKUT1XO. The City Council will bold Its reg ular meeting this evonlrig. The mat ter of a now charter will bo taken up and somo doflnito action will be taken. Tho people of the city aro demanding that thin mutter be no longer delayed nnd members ot the charter commission' have been Invit ed to meet with tho Council to de termine what Is best to be done. IlKTim.VG'FUOM DV8IXGS8. Tho Arm of Kdmondson & Rlsedorf is going to quit, and start today to dlsposo of tho entire stock ot gro ceries, etc The goods will be told regardless ot cost. In order to hasten the winding up of tho business. Fix lures are also tor sale. CAltO OF THANKS. Wo with to thank tho many frlsndt who were so kind during our sad bereavement caused by the death of our son and husband. Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Jamison. Mrs. H. C. Hennls. K. of P. ATTEXTIOX. Regular meeting at Sanderson's Hall tonight. Conferring KtUfht's rank. . AT THE OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT. "Tho Planter's Wife," "Ths Baby Show." and "A Runaway Horse," a scrcamor. New songs. FOR SALE. Good Spring Wagon. Lm Tipton, Peltz Flats. 16-et You can see where and how Walk Over Shoes are made this week at the Opera Houso. IB Sco tho moving pictures showing how Walk-Over Shoes are mado this week at tho Opera Houto. IS Prices count. Seo thu grocery ad ot Schallock ft Daggett. Pair 9 JJ m i "' MM '! il