MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY f3 50JPER CENT. .VEGETABLE MATTER itf.-to'tawfrT b . n v ii ra i nM 4E1. - "N W V-N$'S Issued Dally, Except Sunday, by tli HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY - -. .-. -r, -4 w. O. SMITH, Editor MB ! BaW JS " ! HJ&4&J4.U &- W KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. EASY 1 1 ijl i l i i J ,"! I "t ' ' 303 '! lil'T OF TIIU (IINOKH JAII. v .. StJBBOHIPTION-RATKS. -.--.' i n Dally,' by mall, on year ,....tft 00 Daily, by mall, il month f 60 Daily, by tatU, 'three1 montb 1 M Dally, by mall, oh month 60 Daily, dell-wed by carriar.ont weak 1 KLAMATH FALLS. SATURDAY. MARCH 13. 1909. M'tUNHSH MANNKItS. Orlaon Swctt ilnrden. In Success Maga'tlneVaika'atid answers two vry pertinent question! : Why It It' that many of the cab u-riij bookkeepers, bank tollers, cor lioratlou clerks, and peoplo who src the public- through glass window or cross countera, arc so pert and uti ubltftlng? "Why Is It necessary to make a customer (eel that be la a i.ttlaanceT Public offlclali, clerki, and attend t aid In our public bulldlnsa and tuu nlcl'ial offices are prorerblally curt, i.liort, and snappy. Though )ou are in; lug them through your taxes (or tbvlr aertlce. they make you (l that tt'ey are doing ou a great faror by Rhine you what belong to )ou ii a J t'y doing what )ou are prlng them (or doing. How quickly you notlco the ntmos pbcre of a business houio a great department atore, (or example. There li a much difference 'between the (eellng you haveln walking through two great eatabllthmcuti a that you SfeftlMce' In-Ulklnr with 'the dl(- (eravt'kead of thete houses. In one, raflaemenU. oourteouaneta, considera tion (or other, a (eellng of good will, permeate tho veryatmospbcre. YdoTiare a (eellng that every cm 'ployM'ln the -place' would be 'glad to aerve ou If hn could, and la-anx lou to. pleas', whether -you buy or nptTbero la evidence that the em ployer' thinks a" ir'eat ileal of tho character we'll aa the ability of bti cteta'e'.aad that 'manner and Ueport meat are'aare Uftoato consider- tloa n their eelectlon. Id another houe,only:(cw block .away, you are j"at ease. 'Carelessness. IndK ference,' and "chilliness pervado the plttA 'Ycru" 'do feot '(Pel7 nt home. Tbertf la a lack of harmony, a -tense of antagonism In the atmosphf re. The .employee make you (eel that they ar'j3plrig you'a favor In letting you see lb goods; or giving )ou the op- portunlty to purchase thoiu with your money. Tho man who thluka ho Is going to make a fortune without consider ing the mail nt the other end of the bargalu U'verj short-sighted. In the Iouk run tho uuitomvr'a best kooJ In the seller's best pood hIho; and, other things cquitl, the mnii succeeds best who will tli's his customers best and whoso customer not only coruu back, but nlwajs bring other with them. It doesn't puy to bully-riiK n bull A Ihlu purse mukus u puisou POPULATION OF PEKING. United State Minister William W. tlockhlll forwards detailed statistic showing the census of the population of Peking mado during 1908 by the Imperial Chlneso home office (Mln ChengPu) after the now division of tho city Into ZS police district. Mr, Ilockhlll summarise the returns: Tho census was made by "(auillle" and theso In turn were divided Into "principal families" and "additional tenants" and "sub-tenants." The to tal-number of (amllle In the Inner or Tartar city Is given a 79.009, and In the outer or Chinese city as 40. 999, making a total of 128,008 families.- Kecent Japanese official work give the' number of people pur household In the urban districts of Japan a about 4.99. An unofficial census mailo In 190? of the city oCSwatow In 'KUang-tung province work out 5.4 per household and the nnoOclal cvnsua of 1KS1. of Wencbou In Che klang -province. About 6.6 may bo taken provisionally a a (air approx imate average. This would mkko tru present population of Peking exclu sive of the suburbs (but tbey are un important), 93.044 person flat. Commou sen so always brings fancy price. v v c 1 1 Thuro aru souio (oik too cowardly to lick a postage stamp. Tho', Jtlly. mu la a tromblo without being tho leant 'bit scared, Ho who pursue two rabbits will succeed In catching uolttur. Meu who apeud all they tunke often don't mako alt they spoiul. "I'm down In the, mouth," said the pancake; n Johnny tfcok n big bite. Tho horse I tho mo.t cuntrar) creature alive. Ho snys iiuIkIi to e ur) thing. Adam had u right to think IiIh wife thu, prettiest womiin In the world. Tho foolish luau can nsk twlro ust many questions us the wise one villi nner There are initio follts ho lltiotiil that every time they kpvnk die) kUo iln'in- Mtil uwn). Anoihcr fct to tnke uoto of -n horso liiny pull with nil his might hut never with his muiiu. Tho last thing a woman does bo foro Iravlni; a. home Is to nnn Into a mirror to rutlcct. Odd as it ma) seum, three Iuiikucs nro required In hitching u xpan of liorcs to n wagon. Johnny looking at the specks on tho potatoes asked: "Mama, uio those ipec (or thu potatovs ees?" Klght drains mako on ounce, hut often half that number will inula a man a (oollsli and dlsH-puiubln spectacle. An Afrla-n NIqIiI, There Is nutlilug ilt bhuk a an Af rican iilghl. '""1 I H'1"1, ,,mt " ' ' i-iiil-o the riirth, U-Ing deep red, of fer uu rrllectltiu to the (ulut ntarlUslit such a v i;t In other hind-. In stead It w allow i )t what slight Blow then may be ami give; to the dark nei n tlcn-e, elety quality nut to bo fiiutiil nnywhrn elje. Ovrrhrsd the Ntnri ulsrc more brllltiititly than In nertherti Inlltude. bill Ihev eem to east no llclit. nml the ulcht l pilptblr, auffiN-ntlng nppnlllng mid 11111 with nameless hurror which li iiilte Indr scrlb'ibli' "ACrle-in llkhunyi " Your Wlfs's Wslit. Don't klok tx-i-imr you hire to but ton your wife' walnt He glad your wife ! a wnlit and doubly glnd yen hate a wife to liutton a nUt (r Some men's wlrei hire no wa button Sitne men'' win.' hare tin bullous en to IiUMmii U-aj men's wires who l.aie n.''.. wld liuttnm on M I uttmi dun i lire a ion nlie'iir tte, me ImloLr.l or not Some 'in n du'l htle iy wHi-s with Wilms with butloim i n m tint ,lli) mi. re thin u uiLbll.- la.i'i (III DO J 'Zl'MWAIT, I'resldsnt Abstracting Map, runt, Blue Prlnli, gtc. VI, f- M. ,M "CM. "' ineTn,, Klamath County Abstract Co, S Surveyor! aitd Irrigation Engineer! V llsitT K Uitiihuw, Secrvtsiy t Klamath Falla. Oregon 4 444At,t1 f t'l til T W .lilt ' t agigiBggigigigig0ialgW JEgaRSrflg ,55Mr Th- Plp4r't Regret. A Sccttltli pltrrs t ' Jl " l'i n deep forvit In the eienl'ia lie n' down to tale his uper lie hid hardly be;uii when n nutiibi r u( huu grr wn rt, prowllni; ntwut (or foul eellKliil rntitiil him. In self ilefrnx the piM r nun tesan to throi- plw ru of his victuals to them whlrh they rrud lly dMiurc-l When h hil dtsi"jset o( all. In n fit of dcpalr h took hh is and begin to phy The iiumusl sound tcrrllUd thu wolien. whl.'h utie I nrd all took to thrtr heels and sonm- I perid off In err direction, on oljserv. H The 'Universal Bread Maker MIxch nd kntadi F Bread Ihoroughlj J iiircc Minuies. The 9 nuuua uu not lOtCI the Dough. i ROBERTS 5 HANKS HARDWARE s4 MERCHANTS t4 Many a man has paid n lnw)vr IG and 110 (or poorur adMiu than his wife would willingly glte him for nothing. Talk about woman' vunlty Note how (ew tli number of men who am pas a mirror set up In any public place without n smirk and n curling at the moustache Mod uu adjustmeut of tho necktie. From March V'arm Journal The hand that was severed from the wrist of Charles Miller, at u ui per factory In Kalama-oo, Mich., re cently, has been successfully rojqlued to hi arm, and It Is said that the joung mau wilt shortly be discharged from the hospital with tho prospect of regaining full use of his huud Ine which. Handy quietly rcinnrUut. 'Od. an" I'd Leniud jo llk-il Hie pipes e weel I'd rten ye a s rln afore uir' "fleinlnhKcnie ( Dn Usiumj" Olsmsrck's RsplUt. After Kmperor WlllUni 1 hid rt turnnl P.Ntmrrk's resignation with the word "Nerer" written boldly across It I'.tiainnl iil.u agilu of hit fslllug streiigth to the e-niieroi "1 aui much older thin you " said William, "and am still strong enmijli to rtile" "Ve, your majesty." snM llUnnrek "the rider usually outl is the hor-e After th" s.t, .if 1-TJ I'l-unrik went to I'ntrrtfirt on lhi-Malu When he entered the hotel wli-re le had o(ten been a --in-st. the tent pnrtrr said, "1 Inrdly l.uen- jour highness -i clrlllan's clothes" You ore lu-t Ilk" th Kren-'i --rtie" ausr-ireit DIs tuarck: "tlay neier (.new us u: til we i put our unl'crui uu" The Aeronaut Hoclety of Oreat Ilrlt- aln baa acquired a tract of ground hal( a mile square, which will be completely fitted up (or experimental work with airships. ,, o 4 MMMMMMtMMMgMMMMMM YQU READY Z ws).l0sssssss s ss-:--4-sVv-.s- " - ' "'' . t .. .. . (or the financial opportunities that will come to )ou? Oood cVudlt or ready cash money saved Is needed to sleio them. Putting money away safely1 Is Insuraiicc'agiilnst adversity. NO ONE SHOULD BE'WITHOUT THIS PKOTKCTION. ' Du('moro than-that can you doubt (or a minute that an ac count with the FIRST'TRUBT -aVSAVlNOS BANK helps credit wonderfully and preparalyo'ui. '''"' "' r' our X An engagement by thu National , City Hunk Tuesday at thu assay om en (or export to Uindou o( $1.400,-' ''00 gold, murked thu first actual ' Iransactlon looklug towurd a move ment or gold Kuropo-wards, which has been forecasted hy the recent rise In sterling exchunro. Ncl In His Lies "They tell mi- -ulil Uu- new ri' fmrtvr, wliu wii- lining uu Inlertlew, ihat you linn- t-mt .-.I, .1 In forglus your wu) In Hie from ' , "Mir," ri'i'llnl Hie M.f nun mill ' ly. "ou hate lnvii uililufuriueil I'm ' no forger" lmilnu iliui-e ! MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blnckn in Mills Addition were olTcred nt lmrsnin prlci-n it numlMir of nlircwil inven tor botH-lit; nlncc Unit timu values have incrnn.Hi.ii mntcrinlly. These Lots are Bargain Buys at present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in price. Uemem bcr these lots nro FIFTY feet in width nnd ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep more than douhlo the nrea of most town lots ottered to inventors. FRANK IRA WHITE Office on Fifth, strut CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. i Eor Your Opportunity SAVE PABT OFYOUn INCOME'rEOULARLY AND DEPOSIT J wun ssTinvs'in this BAnrv. " -- "" " ' ' Yonr1 money' will1 b earning 3 por cent Interest for you, working while youwork.but also while yon rest. If you want to be prepared (or buslnesa- opportunities! or would like help on the road to financial Independence call and we wlirtalk'lt over with bu. " I FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK -ArM3fr9F-" I Governmental Supervision ' T ... v... .. .-,.... . . .. ii -uuiiBi Dana is every year oecoming more ngiu. mo exam inatlon Into every, detail' more careful. It I the purpose of the aoVernmeut to make'' the word' ''National" In conumtlon with a bank synonymous with "Bafety." - In addition to the frequent and regular examination of the books' of tbePIRST NATIONAL - 'BArfK" W KLAMATH, . JM REp-vfcy; Natloaal BaU.-8aaalaer-ndercth su- pervision oi ine comptroller or tne currency, a similar exam rnatloa 'IT -amdetsevirral Usies jer y sVCoiHialttee o( Blrec- tors. :nl p ,, sffje-i,-,-, tf AC Meap, SafC MJ8&S& For you as one of the Depositor of that bank. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU OPEN AN COUNT WITH US, A88URJNG YOU COURTEOUS TREATMENT 7 ' - v . - Hie. JBtot Rational Bank I O. K. TRANSFER CO. Keep ut. moving; vc are prepared for worR Xeaming, draying and forwarding. Is noT Reliable and prompt service worthy youR Attention? Day or Night. We're not a comA Jfumbcr phones, oflicc 871 and 873 the harN Say: Baggage and Pianos are specialtieS Freight orders handled quickly, fto blnfF Equipped with the only piano truck herE jReasonnblc rates on goods stored. HettcR C'H or phone us before placing orders, C O. K. TRANSFER CO. BALDWIN & BALDWIN Not Brothers; Just Plumbers PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS CONTRACT WORK A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Work Guaranteed HERALD ADS PAY s sHsss.ssssss "" s sss4issssse44H.i arajnteed Paints WnnfT We have full line of W. P. Fuller's Fiire u rnmA. paints i A Big Line of Heating stoves Just Received eeeeeeeeoeeseee ' H JIUK SALJU Wi:i.l. IMI'HOVEI) FARM o( 000 acres, 10 mile Houlbwu-it of Kluimitli Falls. Will sell us a wholo or In pnrt. Terms, part down, thu bnlmico In dw (erred puymentH, Apply to R. A. EMMITT at the Post Ofllcf. Dry Wood 4-foot aid 16-lnch M. R. ANDERSON, Phone 203 TauraoN l BRICK WORK AND PIATilRING uiV3. ClltMt.EYfl "AND flR" J'LACKrt A 81'KOIALTV lfc;E.(?HILDEB8 tiyfttirfflrnt -jij c3s svir J DrYc.P; MASON Dentist ,Ti Amtrlcan Bank A Trust Co s S, .. " mMimi9t D. V. KlffKENDALL Attorney .t t.w KUbsbUi Fall, Orfe DenUst Ofle over Klamath Oot! . .. . ,itJ4iPn awM "fcAiaWIA - uuuum ' V n ..'..' I ." . I -------y.44AAAA.-.a. - '' -wm-w-ww-Ww wvvvv SS7S7fSfSfW isnvt.eVwlv JW V ' iKV V