" He mim Klnmnth Falls' Finn mid Hcst Daily. Our Advertisers Get "' The Best Results. TlHl YKAlt. No. 8K5. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. SATURDAY. MARCH 13 1909. Price 5 Cento fit Unalb. MR PATCH IS NT W """ wl"' u",rlu" ,,mk'r ,h,j "'i- '" ' " ll" "'' I" circular or (!.., run- rKOjrcT engineer r tj on"" "" j"- . ISMIS, tirovUioti i,,,,,),, ttttt after tvii.i mti:i;i .mi:, mi iimiv-ih)"1" """Ii","i t thu Iiohh-sihui HCIti: WITH SI l'l;llVISI(j lnw "H '" '"I'l'-nm iiml cultivation i:.iim:i:ii ikii-mo.s. '"'" l"',,, "'i''ii win., tint unity. I"""' " IiIh helm timy uniko Html llupervlslHK UliKliifT I. (i lti-' lrouf of rumpllatire Willi those re- inn, ul I'liltliiiiil, iiml W W I'lildi. 'lUlri'iiiniiH, nfi..r which ho will hu rellutud uf tliu iivccviilty of it slitltiK iiioii tliu liiml Tim 'incut Ion nroim w)u th r. lifter having tiiiulu mull uiuul. tin, entry liiiiii ciiulil annlKti lila lnii.f..,t In tin. Imi'l without foirvlilui' IiIk rlulit to a pntuitl It liai now own decided Hint put. out will lnr.un In tin, muiio of Urn orlr.ltuil enlryinmi In 0 usual iiiuii nor. lifter such II mi I iironf linn Iiwii inwlc, uml upon nioof thru nl trust I'rujict KiiKlni-i-r ut Orlntnl, ('alitor lila, nrlvcil III tliu city lint nunlng. Tin')' "" enrly IIiIh Morning In colli. ,nny Hli i:ni:li"'"r I) W Murphy fur an Inspection of the Ktmiintli I'm- Jl Mr llchli'Ct, wlio wini upiioliiti'il to iticri'cil Mr Murph) in pioji-ii ciikI necr, will not I'" ent li''". l"tl En lilnvcr I'nltli will Im Iruiihli'iriM fmin llin Orliuul to tin ICIntiiiiili I'niliii nil will succeed Ml. Murph). Mr. t'llili l until " bu ' vit i'iiihlii en. Oin-lialf of Km Irrlttnlilv urett of tliu jlncer ntut U n comparatively omit: entry tins been reclaimed, mid upon mm Mr Murphy will H'li.iiln livru I J'nyi'U-iit to tin. priipur officials of until hi successor In fullv a 'i utiltit - "'" K"V -r uiiniit of tin. ihurges, feci nl wllli tl.o worl; mill lommloiltmH wl.lili mo due. siaivin M mi; niiituiCH. , .. ,,..,. , "Ii ll" Cuiiiirll some weeks ntto Services will bo li.-l.i In tliu several l""""'1 " '"""li'll'in unlctlng tliu un chuicliuH of Klainatli l'allii'UuiiiUy m'usimI It I Iomh of tin, double street rnr follow! I truck rcttnm-d una Uu luring tlii-ni mm" 'll llllllll. HlllKfllirA ft... I.n.b 1.. u . Ill . ' .-.... ....- ..tain ,l, ,, Hl'NHAV HKIIVK'IM ,tl HlltN'H HAM,. obstructing trullli: Morning subject: "The Cmo Ag-I Mr. and Mm. W W ll:iiwln. the iiml Christian rlcltncc" Afli-rtiuun "."Ce ly Weds," arrived this ivinlnK Iilble study nt 3 oviori: Hubj.fi. ,fruJ, ,.,,,, .,-,., wm. .t nl "Tlif Jow.llio (ivutllv. unit tliu Cluircli ., . . . ..... ' . . lli bom uml I'Hcorti-il to tin-r new tif (jUll ' IMiUlliK H0rU., at : i Hopul """" "' ",u "'1l Imllillnn Tin irmon All mo onllall, luvii.-.l Clirlatlilll SllrllU' H'rtllt will lit IMJ In tlio Mnnlocli IlillJlin: Him itay m 1 1 ii. in. Htibjc-rt ' Hill.- lUUCl'." wi'ililltiK iimrcli wita playiil with tow bolls Moat CUT) ono w.ii Ilu'ii; no tln-y know nil itboiit It 1" It Miller, of MiClouit, nrtlvetl fin ibo city lt incnlnx Mi .Miller llnin. MrllMitlM i:tlnl Clmnli ' l" ,,, IOKrapli.T who -.ciirid a Kauuelltlo muutliiK. cudiIhiUmJ Hno tmnornmn plctnro of Klamath Ly Ili'V Miliriuoti, of ChlriiRO, at fnlla Invt full llu expecta to Hike Hum Hall 'lome other lrwn of the Kliunatli J. W. l'HICi:, I'nitor. !:ouIltry ,, lnmi.r Iui win ,,roi,. rmlVMlan Chmtf,- lM 1"cnl, i'eru ",U!r '" ,lu' J"- The I'rmliytfilaii tlnnilny Shooli''e" I"' lm llnlnheJ IiIh iimtriict will Im Iii'hl lotiinrrow nioriiltii: nt li to nupply icws for tl.o Alnwkii-Yn- n'clork In llimi'i Hull. kon-rnclllr Kxpmltlon Kiant'.ellMlc HH'etlnKi. roii'liirlril ty llev Murrmun. of Chlcmo. nl Tho Kcni'rnmnit of the llrlllah Kiiwt Hum Hall Afrlrn rrntectorutv hai prohibited New kuiirk MOVE CAMP TO NEAR TULE LAKE CLAY HENNIS ENDS LIFE WITH POISON HOIIHDIIN IMIIIK; NCHVKYOHH hTHAIIII.V WOHKIMJ hOUTH. The a I" iiurvujoni. nlnutevn In number, who limn bviti for aomu tlinu pnut ciiKaK'.'d In nuillna; tliu mout fumilblu loutu through IhU vulluy for tliu Moilov Nortlu'Mi, lliirrlnmn'a now link In a t;rmiil truiiu-contltlentiil lino, liiivo Loiupleleil their woik, an) a the Merrill Itecoril, to u point Houth at tin, Cnrr taiich, anil on Sunday moved their heiidiiumter. from till city to tliu Houth end of Tulu l.aku. 'I liu Lurlblnty Hint Merrill will be on tliu llnu of thlx new road Klvei to the peoplu of till- city a fooling of cunlldenco and iccurliy an rogardu Ita futnru Riowtli and prosperity. It tins been fully renllted tlml If the roml aboiild hu built through tlili sei.tlon mid n rlvut town with the rulliond'H faor bo established but a hIioiI ilUtitnci) nway, It would hu tliu iintious to property Intormts here. ThU toad will beuulll Mm rill uud the Hurroundlue; country to an extent that cannot now be icullted. It will pluiu us on a crcat trunk lino over wlili li ElilpincntH may bu made dlratt to n nd from tlii ureal teuton of trmlu on either the Atlantic or I'acl lie Consla, anil w will be In direct ciim.'icl with oiio of the Rnntest ar terli'K of trawl and trafllc In the w oi Id. Taken In roiincctlon with the nd vnntOKuii of this HPCtlon. Its richness of koII, IIk iibuiulnnr of water for li rlc&tlnt: Iiiuii' lirnnd nud fcrtllo lands the bullilliiK ol this toad cannot help but make the Merrill mid Title Lake nlle)H llin moit dcslrabla portion of tliu I'uclGc Coas6 In which to miike U llllllll' VOU.NO MAK IIKC'OMKH DfMfOMV K.ST OVKU DOMKHTIC IIIKKIC'ULTJKH. at mi: ni'i.ic.i iiorsi: tonkhit. Ktitlrt1 ilimiKU of plcturex. "Tim TroiililoK uf n HrncK WIiIowit. rite Hmii'lnc l.i'im." "Life on tin. Ilf.tert and Ciioinea," or thu Dwnrf's I.ove. A Hoclnl ilnnic will be OUO. T. I'll ATT, I'ostor. Iiny penim expnrlincntlnK wllli wlrv'sUon niter the show by the I .a am i Ins telegraphy without n llretisn from orchestra. lUuilal (IiiiitIi Hi- Oovernor : Kranttcllstlc tui'utlnKH, iiimltirted by Kuv Miirrnion, of ('lileano, at A niint: French chemlsl has sue- Hit. (IIUVKS, OSTKOIUTH. Hum Hall iccdi'il In producltiK mtlnYlnl hup- My olllcea aro located In the Pago- II KV. J. II. UKIFTITH, I'nstor. plilir from melted alumina In much Htiattoit building, corner ol Malu - the name manner im artificial riiblcul,im Second streets, over McIm & Ar- C'lturcli of Kncred llourt Ms :irL. inmlu iiinnil, and beginning Monday morn- Itlly at 7:30; .uiiduys nt lt):3t) a in lug will bu glad to meet those who A single body Of Irnii oui In l.ilm- nre dmlriiiiH of taking osteopathic MAY SIXIi IX HVi: VKAIIH. inou County, I'a.. ImH beet, mined nl- treatmvnts. Consultation frco. moat wllhiiiit Inturiiiptlon since I74U. i Tim Hecrelnry of the Interior hni Jiint linumt tnntrurtlnmi to Hni Oeu Home of tlio best positions In the A Cnnnectli'tit miner mill linn aui- county are hold by 1. C. 8. students. erl Lnttil Olllci which reniou n dlf-iceeded In mnkliiK a tuugh paper with Local headquarters lit Frank Ira llrulty Hint Iiiih boon met In oiimcc-ln flnn gtnln from Texas augar cane. miiio a omcc. .i l-.''jn Your Easter Suit Knsler falls on Siimlav, April 1 1th, lliis year. It'is ilio tlay of all lavs to show fine pinnies. The time to prepare i NOW. Let ns make your clothes for von ami you will he absolutely certain of satisfac tion in every particular. GOODS, WORKMANSHIP, FIT. and PRICE WE HAVE ALL THE TRIMMINGS TO GO WITH FINE CLOTHES FURNISHINGS, HATS. SHOES, ET.C, IN THE NEWEST OF THE STYLES. KKK STORE Hi Clay I lentils committed suicide t 12:12 today by eating a large piece of cyualdo of potassium. Tlio deceas- od Is a son-in-law of E. E. Jamison and was married to Elsie Jamison about a year ago. llennls purchased tliu cynaldo of potasilum nl the Btar Drug Store at 11: if, o'clock this morning, and said hu wanted It to kill cats with. He was ar.kcd why ho didn't give them chloroform and atatod that It wns too much trouble. Shortly after ward he started toward the homo of his fathur-lu-law where he bad been living with hi wife. Ho stopped at Mrs. Chnppels and told her uf bis do mestic troublo and said ho was go Ing'to kill himself. Ho then left and met Mr. Jamison at thu corner below the house. Ills wife had previously, told him that thuy had better soparato and he told Mr. Jamison that ho wanted to soe hor again. Mr. Jamison tried to per- subdu him not to, and told hlin he had better stay away and while thoy wore talking llennls bit a pleco off th poison and began chewing It. Ho .mid. "Well. It Is all off now." When asked what lie meant, ha said that he un eating poison and that be would soon be dead. He ition sank to the walk. Mr. Jamison started. to run to tliu house to telephone a doc tor, but llennls first stopped him and gavo him u Icttor to the Coroner. Hu alo tlio poison nt twelve mln juicH pnst twelve and was dead nt ' 12:24 n fow minutes nfier Dr. Ham- llton, who wiik HummoncJ, arrived The letter was addressed to tho Coun ty Judgn mid stntod that hu was a poor man without mcucy nnd asked that Hi.! county look nftur his body, Ho said that ho was not Itiiane. hut thai his act was due to domestic ' troubles, and that his wife wn. all ho !bad to live for and If ho couldn't nnvu her hu didn't want to live. Clay llennls Is n young man who has worked (or nurvolng partita as a clialntnan. About S:30 this morn ing ho agreed to go out with Mr. Zumwalt mid a party tomorrow li Is said that ho was a good worker but did not work steadily. Ho would quit n Job after working a few days or weeks, and therefore was unublo to support his wlfo Iqdepcndcntly. nnd when uot traveling from ou-i place to another thoy lived with hor par ents. As this was uot very satisfac tory ho and hi wlfo decided to sep arate for tho present until ho could do better and provide for her. Cook's Voyages Charles It. Low Ooogrnphlc Influences. In American History . Albert llrlghnm Two Cnlli.no (llrls Helen Ilrown Jerry Junior Joun Webster Tho Wonder Uook' of tho Atmos phere Edwin Houston Itassolas Samuel Johnson Nature Addresses and .Lectures.... ..'. ,.B. W. Etnorson Thu Oregon Trail... Francis l'arkman Tho Perfect Tribute. .Mary Andrews Abraham Lincoln ...Carl Shun John Inglosant J. II. Bborthouso Sotno Strange Corners of Our Country Charles Lummls A. NEW KN'TERPHIHE. Pcrhapi fow of our readers know of tho plan, somowhnt recently de vised by an old and reliable Pacific Coast Institution, wheroby- thero I (urnlshod In ono contract and to' one price a combination of llfe.hcalth and accident Insurance, with a guar anty of substantial yearly cash allow ances for total li id p.;n iu lent disa bility, wbctl or tl Is at 1st i from sick ness or nccldei.t: ;i wi iV.1i' Indemnity for temporary disability and an old ago pension after the contract ma tures. Thero rre In nidltlon all tho modorn features found In any reliable eastern company, end tho cost Is within tho reach of all. This Is cer tainly extending tho benefits of In surance as far as any ono could reas onably ask, and Indicates that tho day of genuine Insurance reform has arrived. Terms for theso contracts or for agency work aro furnished by C. M. Wood, Manager of the Pacific Mutual Llfo Insurance Company Marquam nidg.. Portland, GOVERNMENT GETS PRIVATE DITCH WILL FURNISH WATER TO THE I.IK)WNEHH UNDER THE" VANBHIMMEIl DITCH. Government ETnglneora Murphy nnd Hcllomnu were In Morrill sev eral days the past weok and while thero modo, arrangement, with tbo ' shareholders of ths VanBrlmmer ditch company to furnish from tho South Branch canal CO-second feet of wator. This will bo amply sufficient 'to Ir rigate the flvo thousand acre of land now covered by tho VanBrlmmer ditch obtaining water from Lower. Klamath Lake through a channelcut for that purpose. Tbo South Branch canal carries wator from Upper Klamath Lake, which will bo turned Into tbe Van Brlmmer dltcn from the government hcadga'le nnd doing away with the channel to the lower lake. The cost of wator will remain, tho same as at present, tho shareholders only giving up their right to the. cut from tho lower lake. Tbe cost of water to tbe farmers under tho - VanBrlmmer ditch has beon merely tho small sum for main tenance, and this will be lessened by removing the necessity of having to keep the channel to the lower lake dredged ont. MORE GOVERNMENT JOBS. Dig Force of Agents to Be Pt oa by Geaeral Uusd Oflkr. ' BONANZA BULLETIN ITEMS. I Spring must bo "hero as It Is a sure sign when tho suckers commenco to run. George Maxwell wac down to the Hlg Springs Tuesday morning and pulled out six Urge ones and says that he Im now going to have fresh meat for tho next ten das. Born In Bly, Oregon, March 4, 1909. to Mr. and Mrs. James Edsall. a nlno pound son. It Is said that Jim Is wearing a broad smite and Is a few Inches taller and that the boy will be named Taft, In honor of the Presi dent's Inauguration. Hero Is a question asked by many and would like to have some one an swer it. Why Is It that an Indian can come to Bonanza and got .whisky and a white man cannotT Tuesday a couplo of tho red men here loaded with a good Jag and when asked whoro thoy got the liquor said, "Me Injun got all whisky I want. What's tho matter, you no Injun." WABHfNQTON, March lI.-U-.tr the appropriation of il,000,000,aule In ihe recent. Congress for Investi gating land entries In the West, Com missioner Dennett, of tho Oeneral Land Office, is preparing to hire an additional force of 200 special land and timber agents. An effort will bo made during hc coming fiscal year with this Increased force to clear up all susponded land entries and Inves tigate all new ones, so that there will be no unduo delay In granting patents. . . The new agents to be appointed, will be required to pass examinations testing their qualifications as land and tlmbor experts. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. J. W. Masten and family who. to extend their heartfeU thanks (or the sympathy and help extended to them In their lato bereavement, whan death claimed a companion and fath er. 1 NEW IMH1K8.K0H MUKAItV. Tho following books have, been purchased by tho Woman's Club and lire now nt the Public Library ready for circulation: Salt Haven W. W. Jacobs McLoughlln nud Old Oregon Eva Emery Dye Indian Fights nnd Fighters Cnib T. Urady At tho Foot of tho Rainbow Ocno S. Portor Woathcrby's Inning.... H. II. Barbour Captain of the Crow.. ..It. H. Barbour Cy Whlttaker's Place....J. C. Lincoln The Celebrity Winston Churchill Mr.Crowa's Career.Wlnston Churchill The Testing of Diana Mallory Mrs. Humphrey Ward Two Little Savages.. .... -..... ...'.'... ........;.E.' Thompson Soton Helen's Babies J. Mnbborton Betty Wale, B. A Margaret Ward Speeches of Daniel Webster -, Selected by Rev. B, F. Toft Poems .. .'...V. C." Bryant Napoleon and Bluchor..L. Muhlbach Tho Flftoen Decisive. Battles of the World E. B. Creasy A Pair At this season of tho year everyone Is .liable to take cold und In these cases thero arc two' tHngs''wh'lch ahouldbe on hand In overy home. . RED BTAR WHITE PINE WITH TAR for COUGHS AND BRONCHIAL TROUBLES, and 'RED STAR COLD TABLETS, for a laxative and to relieve the general symptoms of a ee vero cold. These preparations are made from pure -nd harm less Ingredients and are sold, oil a positive- k-arantee'. ,v GET A SUPPLY NOW AND BE PREPARED. i - Star Drug Store "They Have It" ' U m"m . v "i ji