.,,, Klamath FiilK' ,'j,llt .mil Jleui D.-iily , Ik ni!i Our Advertisers Oct The Best Results. Timti) Yi:,n. No. so:,.. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 12 1009. lilt. (1IIAVI.A MIl.I, , i.s, ,,ll Mni' OIIIi-h in (In. l,n(J,..hitul. Inn Mini !.... Ill I. r II,,,!,,,, 11 Uiiiiiii). Ill (linw I ,l k . ! 1 ! nine.. In I ii I'nr.e-WiiilKiii Ixillilltr u, , I, riail) in tin m imtli.iiM iintela; I III llllll' Tl'l I 1)1"' 0lfllli- llllH ! telibi - It ft.- of fileml., !, iH, i.m itlileliri il li) tin Inn Hun in (,u ,,, rtri-nilv I n 1 11 linge iiuii'im nf pa. ((tita 'lliiixii wlui wnrn limit utiii'iit hi 111 iiniiiciiiK nun Hi in , li,), (iiy me luiiil In U11J1 i , ,. ,,( ,N nullity niitl Unit liu wli in,...! uni, 1 nut ( I it li I iliiott I 1 italn (,,, I iMli In toJny ri'rotiiU. il 1,, 1,1,1,,,. mi tin, stitne pin no no I uin. ,.,u,tli II nloi-patli) It la hoi j 1, m,,. 1 111I nor 11 (ml. Inil im ,, t, lontlll'' Iri'iitinunl nf ill Mini- iih . ih, lj 1 Iuiiiii il fur ninny nf v uMcr lirim of Imiulllim tint in, in u. hli li n all iH lll'll Tim lilnli'iv nf uatnopnCi) K tnlei eitlng IIh finniiliii, ir hill), win ,1 piiKlltlnni-r nf 1)10 oli ji. 1,1,1 no. liK 11 ili'i'li thinker and gum oiiiil'iit lii lilt tliM Mi-Hi taut outiii H inx Krn'ii; In tin' i ui of tr ntluic w r IiIiir t lit iu-.i 11 o ntiiiiiii.' , Dial ii,ri. Ililltt III) 11 I Hike II1U! If ll.. inuc m illarijvenil iitid iui.'ii,,i, fuat Ineitlclllii would liu unite ni t, 11,1 turn righting I erst-lf i , ,. ,,aw,, lllKt It'll lO II llOSO MtHlv nf ,. , hi 11 11 imnluii). jiiiI tho ru.iauiliei Umi If tlm tii'Muim stem win. in j.iirfi-L't oorklui: order It would ui-nn 0 per fKt liliiuil iuiil.. iiiui uu.'i ,, pirfiTi blbuil supply illicnsu woul I in- prnc tirnlli lli.iH.ni.'.l Wlrn ln lfl nilviiiirnl Mil iln'ory liu was. lis,, all lor.ri, n-iclviil wih rnlirulf it ml IsiiKMt-r mill ml kluds i.f fun uni, I'tiked lit lila ayatein. It ,1 !,. p.i, lin. nlli'iiiiiui lu the o'pnili., prf-f-rrlui; tn ltl I. la wnrk ii'Hk for It- If lint ho was J.i. 'illiil in Mi IxiiltKiii 1. piotcti h) Hi, wnii'l-rful rrjk ill of uttenjath) i a ni long irrectfUetl vim ildluuli mid iuUkU Ingn. nr..i wli.-to It l mlaumler tiwiJ lint II i n rtitlaiinl ami reus unable tr-.ilne-nl nf dlauini' la ait tultliil In il.one who , Ural opposed it, niul ui.ile uiiTu nr.i ti.atu who 4111 liul )ut ruily id fallow ..Hirnpalhy to tlm i- iigthn that Im advocates Willi like ill ine. I lll'll) Kil. llii'V .III' lull (hnt it la worthy of Hi- iur.-fiil iniialili-rnlion of Uhwi- wit. .im .) I11K U'llif f- out in lirnltl, 1 1 In. iitln.riif M,,. w w Mninli.nlmll "f 11.14 Clt, Willi VIIH III ,,, ,,a nri.oi fiulii.r.ii lliuiimmif lilB.luun. !Mr M11111I1. ,,, ,,t iIik il null. l l"li"i-l hi KIiimihiI, c.Miiity ,,,,,. "ity. li..K ,r, .,. wl Jr Mt(i ..'M.iiiiii in ,.,. rl(, ,,, f,ar IIiIh illy Tim r(,,H ()f M) Muiiiluiil.iill , MOIIy , ,.,, ,)f Iht Inn, ,i, x,ril , ,llr l(r H( Ki'iii aytnpiitliy Price 6 Cents JiiiIki- Huinii.i iijjny nan l,i.i. innr. Itin llm nun nr J ,. Unnnril v j0,n V llmiitlnii TliU la si -.tilt tn ri'mvur 'ill II lili'ihlllika Ih,, (,,, wn,t ,.ni. 'I to Imvu lii'cii ilniii in, tlm llniiatuii 'Ipiirii IIiiiih... Mr .ooimi, Ih ruir imiliil liy Attorney Jnlni InMn un, Mr. llniiHtim by ." .IIIIm. TROUBLE FOR THE COMMISSIONERS Claimed County Ordered Too Many Rock Crushing Outfits-May Result in In junction Proceedings 'I III llllK I, I'll, III) ,, . ,a). I(,r ,U dprliiK Mllllinry Opi'iiltiKti nr.it (I,., IiiiIIiim wi.rn nut In full fnnn Thn llvo inlllliii'ry ttnica or ,.. ,.iy vi-in romli.il nil the iifiurtionti iiml u whm 1 ri'i'nl .by for lln Imlli-a Tlm i.lorcx (lila j.'iir mi. iliunliiK nn itiiiiHiiiilly InrBf iiml nltrortlvv llm. i, inllllii-ly II loukn tib If tlii'ii, w:ih trouble In iitorii for tl:n County CoiiiiulaaliinuiH over 11 Mini for 11 rock crushing plan l wlilih tin. iiiiiiity orili'ii'il at tin- Jan uary term of court. T J. I'attui'HOti, apcclal rviircncn (atlvn of lluiilt At C'oittiiitiy, of I'orl liiml. In 11 1) iv In lliu rlty to Hon tilt.' County JiiiIki uiul ComnilHiloiicra. Ho utalvr. tltal on .laiiunry 0 lila loiupmiy uhk Rlvi'ii r. conli net fur an Aurora roclt crualiur, a ton Knuo lliii' until tollir, ami trucki, cli-vn-totM an J :ici coiu. Tlio otitdl '.mis to lie Inlil ilown on tlio pniilnl lo.iUy in iipijrnlu nt u rout of $1107. Tltc rotitrntt tvnn nlcm-il by the JiiJku and tin (,'iimnilialuinira anil loatalnijJ tl.u A InrMo niiiiilur nf il liluntlB of Will V 1 1 it I. v. Iii nn,. ,n tU iiarf 'hull (In, l.i.ni t.init. it, ,,, nvi.iilni: litlHK lila ii'l.iiii wiih ,H brldi' rii.-) hri.'nll ui-ll Kiip). in.,) w It It rln, Jinl iiropartil in Kitu ti.i. youiiK ton plo n waiin w.-t uui.i. Inn nun, iloont. ..i ... .i. ... ... ..nuiiipuiiiiiiiini n it wna i..irii.irV10,l n,nt u would bn mtlllod la working mid tlio company would pay .. ...Mi ,u.j kuiiiii not nrino until cnntini.t uiul (lint tlny could not pur claim) tlio iit.iclilticry (Ills yonr. An roon iih tho coinpiiiiy li'urnod tlml i lie county lmd pined an order for nn outfit with another cotmcrn Ujcy tnolc tho matter up'and finally Mr. I'lilturtuii latnu hero to sen what tin- tntittor wan. .Mr. ratternon Is of tlio opinion th.it the county Is payltiK novor.il thousand dollars more for the plum tliitu It actually sella for. Ilu snys tl.at his company has outfits In nearly tvtty county lu Ori'itun and WnslilnEton ami that they offered to taki' the Judge or otio of the Com mlr.luncri! to tiny point lu the two itntut lirru tholr machinm wen- In oviatloii, no that they mltflit sec It kIoii to lay nut ii plan of pror-oodurp, which will bo slow work, and little can bo iloni- until such n plan Is put under wuy. ' Ktnto Cniilnocr Low Is ia chalrriinn of tint lotiiiiilsxlou. Tho ctiierRcncy clause which was first construed ns bolnc dofectlvo l us follows: "WheretiH, there Is nrrnt uncr-rtnln-ty throtiKhout the stnto with refer oncr to tin. water rlchts of various parties along lliu streams, ditcher and itnterways as to their several Inter ests therein, entailing nxpvuuho lit leatlon uriU enRomlerlni; many aril moaltlm and much had blood, there by ondntiKorlm; tho public ponco and safety of many sections of tho state: and "Wheri'ns, It is urfront Ihnt these conditions he remedied for tho prus ervntlou of tho public peace, health and Lafcty of the state, this net shall b. in full force nnd effect from and after Its approul by the Governor." 1.A I'OI.I.KTTi: AND CIIA.MIir.ltUM.V TO TALK, ottinirow I'tcnlni; I Tubruary. i ! nit tho expense. Ho would content On Kobruary 1 1 the Co!innli.lonrs to l;nvo both tho order cancelled cavu nnothor roiurnct to Youiik A. and hi.vn bids ndortlxed for and tako Company, of Sun frnndsco, tor li'1' chances with tho tun or twolve rork crwhliiK Plant to toil i;r.rj. 1ll,tcr oraPnlw hnndll.iK the inn- ,. ,. , chloeM. if the Court will not do this On February IS Ilcnll K tornmny ,u. ,mlmlej lul ,. wouM pJon lei'clvid a Utter statins that tholtr, (ounty from accepting tho Vouhr Attorney limine MaiinlnK. or Chi nt!ii. U In tho city vliillliiK hi father, J. W .MiiiiiiIiiu. Mr .Mitnuliii! left Klaiiitith County whm a boy ihlr- twu i'itis uko iiml when to CliluiKO u I...... I... MI...H...I l. .....I 1..... I I .. ..... ' . ' , 'Count) Court could not i.itlfy their, ctitflt and sue on his contunt lirni'tliliti; hiw. He mites n blK ilinnKiM , lurliiK hla thirteen iwn' aUnno ami liu la so miirli Impruaaeil ultli the diivelopment nt the round Hint he mn) di rldn tn remuln and i'tir.i.t:o In ' Ilia profeaalon In tills clt) Mra iUu ' JlliK l here with Iter htinliainl. I. REGISTER FOR ;N0 MEW GAME CITY ELECTION . WARDEN YET A apeclul from Knit Jne iCiti'H that Alien (leorne Cum pi, el I of Hunii) Vale as rtidcl) nnakened ,j the mumbers nf the lire depart ment of Ihnt pl.ii'C, j dlhttitered thut both ol his wooden uooi;s ai:i: now uvks at oitiii: or tiii: imii.k i: jl'dri:. nn: STI.TIIIIXKOV SAVS Till: IMIOI'Mv SIIOll.n f.M'll; ON oxi: ! max roit jou. NKW VOIIK, March 11. "Ulrcct Primary NoMil'atlons" wt bo tho tubjtct of a.i . d ress b. I jtiator La Kollett", of 'A i .nail . . t ,i neotlnK to be held b; . 10 ( iv j ? ,'utn ut Ctimi'iilj llr!l o torr w oret Idk. Ho will bo Introdi :u b) Kan o Cham- bcrlnln, of Oici ju, v..o oa-os his seat In tho Eon.it to t it piiniary law In that state, Laving '.ecn elected by a llopubllcan LeItlnturo bound by their primary lav; pledges, although Mr. Chambcrluln Is himself a Democrat. DIKIXT KLIXTIO.V OF si:.VATons i. nkvaua. NIJW KUI.KH Foil HFrrTLKHH. Seiretiiry of Interior Issur Notico Alxint IUlalmcfl tduul. CAISSON CITY, Nov., March 11. Tho Novado Sotiate yesterday passed it number of measures, n'monR thorn I tlm Juvenile Court bill, the measure i empowering tho Dank Commissioner ! to opeu and closo banks, and tho bill calling for tho direct election of Un-j lieu sHiiit'ii oeoaiori.. The rcnlstrntlon boohs for the city! H. O. Strphenson, stato gamo war-1 egs weiii meirll) blittliiR. IIH llfuiuf Kl.wulh Tnlls for tho May ..ec-irto"' luft ""'' morning for hH homo, aa probably sated by a -lrl. who ,,0I1 ro nw ,,. Tlm thurter pro- llte CI nrlrr Ciiiimltiuii has not bwa able to rot together i-t. nnd lie tltlriiis mn bccoiiiliig vnr (mpitlent llli the ilelity aa 1,U) fun tint thn tn cluirtur will not be rea.lt In time. It sit-ins to .... the (ten. ml feeling tt-at a fnilme m ndopt n new charter lottlil be m-thlug Iii.ih than a ealam lly In Iho illy. Them Inn been coti-tlili'int,:-- inlk of liol.litiR mtis'i iiif'tliii:. hut ml.ers lire In finer of Kollir In fin., thn Coiilirll Jl Itn meet ing .Minnl.iy ami II,. limiirillale ar- Mi, Huron tcil the hhizo mi, I inn lu her uil'lit ilniliei tn nam ilu llretiivti. villi's timt "It shall bo (lie duty of eteiy (lector of the eity nt Kluutnih Hulls betw euu tho tlm day of March nnd six o'clock p. in. of tho first duy of Apill to reEUier, with tl.u I'ollcu Asktd if he would make nny chango lit tin- deputy Kiimo warden In Klntn nth Comity. Mr. Stephcnsou Htntei! Serret Si-ivlt'i- moil eiliplo)eil by lilt- liiterlmroiiKh Itnpld Trauilt Cum- puny. I.iitu unearthed u KlRiintit- mn-, judge of Ulumnth I'nll'.i. splrtuy In awlnille the rninpiiuv by .uiiitis nf counterfeit subway and el oMiiiil tu Lets Tin i'ii men ami a wo man were plnreil under arient Mon day ami n sinnll hum! pi est, two lies ami I C. nun wnrlh of tlikctH were inlillsi'iited that he had not taken any action yet, but ho was nnxlous tl.nt tho pooplc ot this county should get together and dccldu on whom thuy wanted. Ill) would llku to have it vnnne inHn Il In necessary for every elector to w,, woulJ K,vo ,,, allontlon t0 the rclstor bofoio ho Is tntltled to Nolo ,(c,s ml Onforco tho law. lie either nt tho nominating election or cohW 1)ol understand how In n gnino tho general city election, and accord- co,mtry ko !,,!, not an arrest nig to tno provisions oi (no cnai(orllRj uot,n luailo , c,Kht molltllSi ,,0 lie U not allowed to swear his vote in ,,.,. conndor.t that thcro w..ro .t erent after tho registration boo'.ts are cloa-,,.. violation, of il... inw ,orn nn,i Iltr.lOATIOX IN LAKE COUNTY. LAKHVIEW. Ore.. Murch 11 Mr. Elliott, who Is In charge of tho Irriga tion schome carried out by the Elliott Irrigation & Reservoir Company, In Warner alley, reports tho success ful completion of tho datn there. The water now covers an area of CO acres nt nn nverRgo depth of 19 feet, and I 100 acres nt a less depth. Tho dig ging of tho runln canal and latorals Is uow being done, nud a consider able nrca of sagebrush land now be ing cleared will bo Irrigated this year. Itcnd Paris nows See Paris fash Ions. Watch tlio Millinery Depart ment ot tho Drlck Store 3 I.AIHIN ATlKMlox. Kin,' t run inn in iuiiiiii'ii iiiui urer "ord w,iH roceived here md.i) of lints on illspbit nt The Vogue Mil- llicilratlt nf Hov A. K Marsh, at his llmi) l-nrlots, Juat tipenlng south ol lti"' Ill Fslrflcltl, Iowa It mi urred the Hiiustnu lintel Marrh II, li, Satiirilit). Mair.li ll Mr Jlnish Is ami 13. 'i eil on April I. The iioiuimitliig convention will bo held, nt least ten dn)H pi lor to tho general election, for nominating wnrd olllreis, and at least lliltu tin) prior to tho elect Ion. for nominating olllcera at largo such ns Mayor, Police Judgo and Trettiuior WtntMt)0tHtMM-)-H-)WWMHMMIH-)WHMMMM-)0 v aUsasii. DaLaVaLnl'laaW SBsVbBHmIssW aaMSKnatSaaT HVHiflssK jRaHRiaaS USJUSH UfnBSB HtBiujiiaH ialaV3BaH SHrBBH ''aaBBaaBV BBBH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ BBBBBBBBBBBBJ Bia BH JBBI BBBBBj 1 ' AaV sVH BIBJ 1 ' BBBBHBB BBh sVBBl aJBBBBBBIL BJBJ BBBBJ BaVBBBBaVBBl lBBl laBBBBBBBBBBBBM BBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 BBM BBBBBBBBBJtBIBBBJ nBH BBBBBBBBBJ BBBJ mtW BBBBB Sin VtH BBBBBBBB BE K BBBBBBBl ,! VMV BBBBBBBnMrrrr-,WVaV Your Easter Suit Insit't falls on Sttmhiv, April lllli, tins year. It is t lie dav of all (lavs to show fine plumes. The time to prepare is NOW. Lei us make yciur clothes for von am! you will he absolutely certain of satisfac tion in every particular. GOODS. WORKMANSHIP, FIT, and PRICE WE HAVE ALL THE TRIMMINGS TO GO WITH FINE CLOTHES FURNISHINGS. HATS. SHOES. ET.C. IN THE NEWEST OF THE STYLES. K K K STORE cxiyessed the wish that lie could se cure n man who he coulo feel con fident would seo that tho law was en forced. The. position of deputy gauio warden pays a salary of $80 n month mid iieressnry tnivelltii: expeutes not to exceed a total of 5100 it month. Mr. Stephenson stated thai he had as many n nlno applications for tho position, but tho people did not seem united on nny ono man to any extetit. Hwasas- , at.uvFomi i:i:vi:ksi:s ! roiiMi:ii DIVISION SALEM, March 10. In wtltten 'opinion riibmlitcd to tlio Governor nnd tho Htnto Engineer, Attoruey- (loucrnl Crnwfoiil holds that the em ciRenc)' clatiu. lu tho Irrigation code U bulllclont. thoieby roveihlug nn op 'Inlon mitilo provlously, to the- effect that tho clause was Insulllclent aud llini Iherefora the act would not go liltos effect for 90 days. It will houcj not ho necessary to ro-ctiact tho code, as was thought, alnco It is lu full forro and effect. Put titer Supreme Court decisions wero looked up by tho Attorney-don-oral which caused him to clinr.go bis opinion, u was tlm thought by Mr. Crawford that an emctgoncy must spcclflcallyhavo been declared to ex ist In order to make tho clause effec tive, but further Investigation showed him that If ono fact Is recited to show why tlioio Is an emergency It Is suf Qclent. '"," II. L. Holg&to, ot Oonania, and F. M. Saxton. of Ilnkor City, who wero appointed commissioners under tho net by Clovernor Chamberlain, nro In Bnlcin now. and tho water board ts holding its first regular meeting now. It will be the purpose. of the commit- DISPLAY OF SPHIXG MILLI.VF.RY. ; We wlh to Invito the Indies to ' our display of Spring Milliner)' . on March 12th and l.illi. t STILTS DHV UOODS CO. WA8IIINOTON. March 11 Tho Secretary of the Intorlor has Just Is- suoil tho following regulations which nro ot Importance to settlers on tho Reclamation Scrvlco projects: 1. acclamation of Lands Enteroil Subject to tho Provisions of the Re clamation Act. To establish comnll. nnce with tho clause of tho Reclama tion Act that rcoulrcti reclamattnn nf nt least one-half of tho Irrigable area of an ontry msdo subject to the pro visions of the act, ontrymen will be required to makn nroof showlns- that tho land has been clcarod of sage brush or other Incumbrance and lor ded; that sufficient latorals Lava been constructed to prorldo for the irrigation or tho required area; that the land has been put In proper con dition and has beon watered and cul tivated, and that at least ono satis factory crop has been raised thereon. 2. Reclamation of Lands In Pri vate Ownership. Tho express pur poso of tho Reclamation Act Is to . euro tho reclamation of arid or umt. arid lands and to render them pro ductive, and Section 8 declares that tho right to thn use of water arnntr. cd undor this act shall bo appurte nant to tho land Irrigated and that benoflclal use shall be the basis, the measuro and the limit of the right. Thoro can be no beneficial use of wator for Irrigation until It la ac tually applied to reclamation of the land. The final and only conclusive tost of reclamation Is production. This docs not necessarily mean the maturing of a crop, but dot mean tho securing ot actual growth or a crop. Tho requirement aa to recla mation Imposed upon landa under homestead entries shall therefore be Imposed likewise upon lands 1st orl- vato ownership, namely, that the landowner shall reclaim at least ooe half "of the total Irrlcablo area of hla land for agricultural purposes, and no right to the uso of water for such lands shall permanently attach until such reclamation has been shown. 3. Delinquency. Under Section S of the Reclamation Act: "A failure to make any two oarmentj whan ) shall render the entry subject to can cellation with tho forfeiture ot all rights under this act. as well aa of any moneys already paid thereon." This provision evidently states the rulo to govern all who receive water undor any project, and accordingly a fnllurok on the part of any water right applicant to make any two nav. uents when duo shall render hla wa ter right application subject to can cellation with tho forfeiture ot all rights undor tho Reclamation Act, aa well as of any moneys already paid' to or for tho use of the United Bute upon any wator right aouaht to k. acquired under said act. In the cue of one who has made homestead en try subject to tho terms of the Recla mation Act tho entry shall be sub ject to cancellation In case of such delinquency lu paymont, whether or not wator right application baa been rande by him. A G MMJ Pair At this season of tho year overyono Is liable to take cold nud In tbeso cases thoro aro two things which should be on hand In every home. RED STAR WHITE ri-NE WITH TAR for COUGHS AXD HHOXCniAL TROUBLES, and RED STAR COLD TABLETS, for u laxative and to relievo' the general symptoms of a -" vero cold. These preparations aro mado from pure and harm- t loss Ingredients and are sold on a positive guarantee. GET A SUP.PLY NOW AND BE PREPARED. Star Drug Store "They Have It" f " ,.