Bbe pitt Heftila. Klmnnth Falls' First and UcHt Dally. Our Advertiser! Oct The Best Results. TlllUll VKAIt. No. 801. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 11 1909. Price 5 CentsS DANGER OF HAVING NO NEW CHARTER MEMBERS UNABLE TO HOLD MEETING KHt .maw o.v omuiti:i:... no.mi; always aiihi.wi rito.M in. Tin- i'i'ii of I In- (ImtliT (riinliiliixliili lutVi' been unable uk )( til r''( tng'thi'l III llll llll) ImihIiii-hh Bctrml fiT III" mi-mlii'ik Iiiim- In en unnliln l Ulvi nil) nlli ntlnii nn nc. iniilil ul rum' "llll whldi llii.) ,,. (iiiiiiicli'il In t'oiill mill .Mi Itcimin a run ulini ul III Luki'Mew Mi (e.mii-a (tul Mr IliirrU hni. Imtli hud in im,,. a ltli In Ciiliriirnlii. iiinl Hum not iiiiiiii'Ii nn iiiln'M wun mm. in lorm a iimruiii TIik n-Kiill Im lict-u, im utluiinli'l. Iliut niily llltl.- m.i u month trliliilliH hi-fiiie I'll) lion mnl liullillir haa Im'i'II ilnne In iiciurliiK a ni'W iluirlir In Im witt-il iiji.hi li lM H1lll- .Mr i-aihi-k. l hull mini u( I In- mm. mill' i. lien I'liilfinnri'il lnre hla n turn In i;il the cmumlit- ii:.-tliT hi n in liirlii work mnl (l l expeii nl Hint it uici-ilng H In. hi'lil In lull' lln Mi Tit In nut i dm been uuti'i-ati-d lluil ilin I'lium-ll might in intuin tlm niiltiliiT nl tin1 cnmitilttc Ifttlitr or flVK nii'iiilii'i. im nitli (-a immlii'i II would i. null. i tn K,.( n ijiintum Inert her tn iln IiuuIihmk .So iimrli ili'ii'iiiU nn tint iiiliiitliui i'l n new rlinrler nt tln mining ilif. llim llinl tl.p iltln'Mt mnl hiialnesa mm me very anxious Hint nn further Htm. la lint an t tint thru- Hill hit nn tannin nf ilii in- iliiiii.T nni bring ri-nil) In 1 1 m ImpotM'inciitk nn aliuiluti'l) iit-t.-fi.ujir mnl llii-wi iiiii nt lie iimilc Hltlinnt IioihIIiii: tin- rlt) Tn i-tinlilo lliii illy in iln IliU n new fliarlrr la nec.-iemr) Tliiin Imn Ulan I (i iniiaiili'rnlili' lalk (if (Mending tin- ill lllillU. A pedal election m lin ni'i'Hiiir- tn "In thla mnl thrrit U vi-rj little lime I'll In which in mi'iiti' ilm iii-rcamir) Klltlmm mnl nnliT II IitIIiiii, no If Ilin nililllliiim ii r i' taken Into the Hy Ilm iii'w dialler run inmldit fnr ilm liiiiinilmli-H Tin- City Coiwrll 'limilil lakii tlm mutter iii nt tlin next " H'ik mnl hi-ii that llii-ri- In mi fiitlhcr ili'lay If mcmhcrH nf the iiiiuiiUiiliin Mini It IiiiikhhIIiIii tn Hcrwi H'Hr iilnii'i Hhnnlil In- fllli-il tir the 1 '"'T flf Hill l-lltllllllltl-ll rediireil. M L'lJf J Mf HoincthlhK klimilil lin ilium ond tliiili Ul lllll It ' - .. ,, . "IIOOSTIXl," iv 'i in: vi:st. All Hut Wiitt hiile a kiiiickfi " III tint Ciiat ii.'tipln Mi'i'iu In .iliu a tli'llKlil In " liiiiiiliii; ilown" Hieli own loiiiluuiiltli'a. Inn mil.lii milultiii In (lilt Klenl Wl'kl Hill i...t uit....i r... " n .... ll'l A liian then- wlio lit tit h Hint Uii'iii l any fault m , fuuml hIHi' tin- illuiati'. tlm anil, nr iiu tlilriK ' t'litt. la Inol'.i-it titinii i.u n . H.M.....I. ..i.. I -. ' -. i. ..mi. .-i." 'I"), ami he iiil k Ii t an will tuiik a anil : lliial lit linn. In the Went It I" n ni 1 1 or the iiiihiIii.'u law t hut i'ei)iuii. nii juni,,,, ,, di,, ,mn l(. mill) ami nevi'i ii ihdUiIih; intuitu! It A hiii-.iiii lereiill) ihihv-iI llnoiii-h nortlii-iii Kiihk.iM. taa a Mlaanuil M. iter, iii-mliu: the fiiiiniui: luncrlie linn 'Ciiliiriiiln mnl IiiIimIIoii, Kmi n ami kimtiitlnii. I'm v'uIiik I" in wife a ii'liilliiu mnl uiakii tin ileiimu- ittnlliitl " A .MIhmiUiI eilltnr took the nuittei lli ami ulimernl iih fn. Iohh 'lliev iiiii'hl to i nine In MIk. mill Hheiit theie In no IrrlKiltlotl, ami n ninii hIHi eiliiinliuii iim eiiKiiKitj ill aiieitiiniiuu, lit Hi aloin: hU . Iff ii ! relutlnii. have n mmit lime uti.l ft.-., iiilwitltin hIHi no ilmiKei nf laru.. IHMi IIH.I. ...ill. ,n,Ml,,'r...lo,,.- I V.H.U( ni-tT rluit liiinle a Kaimaa i-tllliir in in ' umler Ih.. i.,lli.r. mnl he U eamn- II.WK IIV HI'VIIIIS. title fur thla nuthreiik "I he .'ilioM' , uarrntlm. lanahnrt tuevarlcntltitilhat Wl" '" "", Mr 0',"" ,,rrlvtMl haa nhtiilnetl ilrcuhitlnu a K ..-i..,),",,"r,,:, '""" Woo.lvllli.. In Jack- Hie of vlvhl IiiiiikIiiiiHoii Surli fat- I""" "'"" '' "'" ,!"'' "f '' rlmtlon haa lilmleri'tl liumlKiallon. retniiltil cil unit Ion, iteenletl IiiIkh- lion, the iuii f ilvlllralloti. ami U,K,r"111" Uy "" V,",,Hl ""', h,,,,l to Hltliout rmimtiitlmi The M,",,', lll,llH ""cl r"r 17"- IHnmlntlnn l.ii.tit iil In the , T1,,,H" '''""'"" '"" "' ''''' iinrratlon me the hviiiii nf rri-atluii, urn he) mnl Kiilvntloti, ileserve Htur ration, mnl rnu line free trniifinitu llini In that In lid of Hperuliitlon, or tn Ihi Imlluu nnllon, or In helemlmu nutlon iiiinii iiipllnillon " AI.VA i, i:vih ,iioixti:d. Aha 1,1'Hla hna lici'ti apnliitcil Hiip-, erlntemlcnl of the Kluimith (Imuni l'rieri. by the Audubon Society llei will immune April. hla ilutlt-h Iln. firM nf) l..llli:S ATTKNTIOX. I'llle line nf Tiillnri'd mid Dreft" Hula nn tllaphi) at The Vogun Mil linery I'lirlora, Juat opening south of the llnuntoii Hotel. Miirih II, 1'.', mid !.'!. ') Hi-mi I'm U news See I'urls fuih- Idiih. Watch tlm Millinery Depart ment of the llrlck Store. 11 T. A. Halls mid wlfn mid W. It. WIIkhii are In Hut city ftom Merrill. Your Suit I'taMpr fulls mi Siinilav, April lltli, this year. It is l lit- ilay f Jill lavs to show fiiu' plumes. The litne lo prepare is NOW. Let us make your clothes for you ami you will lie absolutely certain of satisfac tion in every pailicular. GOODS, WORKMANSHIP. FIT. ami PRICK WK HAVIJ ALL THE TRIMMINGS TO GO WITH FINE CLOTHES FURNISHINGS, HATS. SHOES, ET.C. IN THE NEWEST OF THE STYLES. K K K COUNTY JAIL NOW WITHOUT A TENANT Hill FIRST 1IMH IX NEARLY umiiT months roiwrv .l.lli IS IIMI'TV. I Tnihii 1 1... ..I..... i. it ! ..r f.if.l i ufti. la tint flint ilay him tint iwcnty-Hlxth nr Inat July Hint lliu county Jail Iiuh Ih-i-ii without nni' in tiiiirn prUoiieiH. SlietlrT Hitmen anya II aeonis luthei lOIII'HIIIIIII It t Oil III) Ilin COW I llOllHI' with n big miiity hIiiiiu ImllilliiK wltli ni t a hIiiuIo oiLiiiuiiit. Hut IiIh IihiiiIh ant rull villi the i l lection or Iiixi-h mnl It la lunlmlili' Hint tlm Iumh nr tils ItoanliTH will In- Hiion fnn;olti'ii In tint null of litiHliii'HH. Mi'llon, llnln mnl Tlionimon witi liliiii'tl In tlin Jail ii few wi-fkn after .Mi nnini'H iiiHiiini'il IiIh iIuIIi-m nn ttlit'rlll mnl i-vor ilnni Hint ilny thf Jnll Iiiih lii'cn ii(f'iiii.-t mnl ul tltnoa tin- iiirniuniiiilatlniiH ui-ru overcrowd i'il TIuti' Ih not Hindi in lisped of Ilin Jail Ih'Iiii; iiwil nitiilii liffnru tin June lenii nf C'riurt, lull Sheriff li'iriM-x Iiiih i-arni'il n reiutiitlon for liniiillallty mnl tlicin Ih no tell Inn 1ml iiiIkIiI liiiiieii If hiimit of Hie (Itlzena nf tin- iniiiity ttlioulil foit;el Hint Hiere uie Iuwh vslilcli must ho nhmeil STRUBLE MARES ARE RETURNED , , i,u ,sTOI.i:.V ..l uv IteloiiKltlK to limm (itrillilu. TlllH Ih Iln lemn Unit una atnleii from Mr lintii tor iiii norai-ii nniein ttiey ran get It bark by iitiui'liliiK miy iiiiip-rty Hint may be owned by Vfslul. It U f ktnleil that VchIiiI oh iim five liorm-H In HiIh (tiiuity ami It U tiilti prnli- able that they will bit nttacheil und klllll. ri'xi:ii.i, 'ixiMoiiiiow. The futieial nf the late John Wes ley Muateii will bit held tomoriow 110 at the ufleruoou. Mithoillat Serdcen ut Church. WANTIII) Woman "r genernl houaework on ranch; family of two, I'honii II.'.. y-iw IMSI'iaV OF SIMIIXO .MII.I.IXFHV. We nlkh In Im Hi tin luillcs lo our illtplny of SprliiK .Millinery 9 on Mimh l-tli uiul lUlh. STILTS IIIIV CilMtllS CO. Easter STORE FACTS ABOUT THE MERRILL GOLD MINE H. ('. DAM'lVOOIl HVU4 IMOItMA 'IIO.V IX lli:OAIII TO IIIH iiiH(.ovi:itv. Merrill, uro., Mur "Hi, 1!09. Hlr Am I rnu the orlKltiBlor of thla I'.uhl i.'Xcltoinutil (nt Murrlll), 1 rtcelvu a great many Inijulrlua about It, I wrltw you In ieily for tliu bono III or ull. Wii huvu mi extra lureo body of low Krndu nuld heurliiK oru which ruliyi-ii from II 10 to tlu.32 pur ton, nt'curdliiK to my nny returtiH aver uku $7. lu ul jirttient wrltlriK. II la in it temunt Kravel dopoalt (or KoiiKe), with u chalk und nand atonit wall ot. omi aide, mid I lime uo Idea yet whut tho other wall Is, an I huvn nut reached It yet. I have criikH cut tin.' dupoalt with u tunnel u illataniu of 20 feet und no changu apparently ye In the formation. It la u very dlaiiKrueablu ground to drill, but eay to hmidlu with ateum hIioviiIm on u Inrgu hciiIu. There haa been a Kietit muny lo lutlnua inade ulreudy, but I huvu nil lsed el el) (tint that t IiIh la no jioor nian'H iiilno nr iiiIiiIiik Itrouud, but still like nil cold uxdti-iuvntii, tliuy ull Hum u gold mine, ami the ma jority urn llku tin boy with the ele phant don't know what to do with It ufter they have It. Very reapoctfitlly, S. C. BAST WOO I), Mur., A. II. C. Mining Co. Merrill. Oregon. m:vh iitoi i.ii:v. Jacob Itueck went to the Tails Fri day to attend the meeting of the di rectum nf the Water Uscm AhhocIu Hon. On his return trip he will bring out Home freight fur himself. Uo reports the Low hill In very bud condition. C. O. Pearson and oni, filenn and Jeiry, W. l HlnipHou, Joeph Welch '"" """ """ "'"l "" " "1U,B l" "' ",0 "Wr uu'' ' Mrs. Truux. of llonuuzu, who Is 111 ih expecting her mother from Ohio to rotiio lo take t-aro of lit r. Ilert Shelley hum u business ls tor to lloiit'.iua Siiturtlny. M. 1. Nelson, of Yonna, went to the Fill Is Sunday to moot his wife mid children who hae been visiting relatives In Minnesota. Wm. Ilhrmann hua been busy tho last few ila)n making luiprovemetits on his lilac.-. J.F. WalllJ, John I.ogtie, John Don nell and W. C. Sheriuun, Sr., wero In Dairy Sunday. A greut deal of wood cutting Is now going- on In tbe timber near tbo llildcbrand school house. J ease Drew and Dock I'ool aro working with tho wood saw, Harrison Gray la making posts aud Chaa. McCumber Is making pickets. If this slaughter of tho tim ber continues much longer tho tim ber will all bo cut away near this school. Walter Simpson was nt tho Wm. Welch placo Saturday. Tliu weather bus bevtt uncertain lately but not very dlsagiccnblo. The roads me still w-ry bad but u few duH of good ui-iilher will dry them up I'Oiiiililciubly. Mm. A. I.. .Michael, of Pino Flat, was In Dairy Saturday. An ewelli'tit dinner wus enjoyed by fi lends mid lelatlvea ul Mr. and Mrs. U. II. Drow'H home Sunday. At tlm dinner were; Mm. I, M. Fitch, Mis. N. S. Diew. MUs Null Diew, jessu Drew, Waive Dimv, Miss May Itolilnson, David Shook und Harri son (liny. (lodftoy Heck und Olio lloppo wont to Dairy Sattiiduy to meet Mr. lloppo who hud returned from Sacramento, where, sho has boon visiting. Mr. and Mrs. lloppo spout Saturday night ut Mr. Heck's, going to their homo In tho mountains tho noxt day. John Anderson went to Donanza Monday to get medicine (or Mrs. Ter ry ttuudles, L. M. Mills Is cutting wood for his own uso this week. C. 0, Carlson la getting limners to put up his windmill this week. Bail Beckdolt,,of Bonanza, was visiting' In Yonna Sunday, Geo. Smyth Is busy this week haul ing buy from Mrs. Delia Colnliun's. C. C. Pearson haa been clearing land lately. Tho witnesses In tho horse stealing case aro beginning to came home from the Falls. Souio ot them have KLAMATH SHOULD EMULATE MEDFORD been ubkonl for qulto a time and aro glad to get home. Among thoso ro- turnlng tblH week were: Mri. L. M. ' Pitch, David Bhook, Mr. and Mra Geo, Hinyth und daughter, Annu, Mrs. Alf Wallln urnl Mr. and Mr. J. K. Wal Hit. While building a fence on hla tim ber claim thla week Fred Beck found a beautiful pair of deer horns. Mr. und Mra. Win. Wight were vis itors at J. M. Wight's place Sunday. HAVE YOU PAID YOUR DOG TAX ciui:i' of i'oi.ici: has ixsTittc- . TIO.VS TO ItlrJIDI.V EX- Koitci: tiik iav. Tho Chief of 1 illci been busy slntn' the f.ra. M .r Ii ci Meeting dog taxes, w 'ot the keeping of dogs wlthli Ilm city of Klamath Pulls me du'; in und atur the first day of each Mm Ii, and Ho new or dinance provides u pjti.illy for the non-payment of the la .. Tho dog can be taken up und sold or killed and a fine run bo Imnoied ntion tho owner. i It would be well for tlm owners or j keepers of dpfcR to :;ttcnd to tbo pay line of the tnx without delay as tho joincorH ha vo announced that tbo law I will bo strictly enforced In every caaf. The law wns carefully drawn up so that there would bo no question of Its legality, and It was made to be enforced. IIOl'STOX IIOTKIi LEASED FOIt TKItM OK YE.UIK. Mrs. A. D, I.lvermoro and sons, ot Redding, have leased tbe Houston House for n term of yearn and will tukc charge tho twentieth ot this month. Mrs. I.lvermoro has conduct ed the Golden Eaglo Hotel at Rod ding for a number of years and Is thoroughly acquainted with the hotel business. The hotel will bo complete ly refitted und Improved and wilt bo known as the Llvermore Hotel. OXLY TWO DAYS MOKK FOIt HEHATK OX TAXES. Only two tnoro days remain In which the throe per cent rebate Is al lowed on tho payment ot taxes, ac cording to the sheriff. Taxes must be paid before tbo IStb and that only leaves tomorrow and Saturday In which tho rebate will be allowed. Tho largo number ot people that hnvo taken advantage ot tho rebate by paying their taxes promptly speaks well for tho financial condition ot the property ownors ot the county. I.ocnl headquarters ot the Interna tional Correspondence Schools aro In Frank Ira Wulto's office. 11 A Good Pair At this season ot tho year overyono ts llablo to take cold and In theso cases there aro two things which should be on hand In overy homo. ItEl) STAIt WHITE I'IXE WITH TAR for COUOHB AND MltOXCHlAli TROUBLES, aud RED STAR COLD TABLETS, for a luxatlve and to relieve the general symptoms ot a le vel e cold. These preparations aro made from pure and harm less Ingredients and are sold on a positive guarantee. GET A SUPPLY NOW AND BE PREPARED. Star Drug Store j "They REAL ESTATE MEN FORM ASSOCIATION TO ASSIST IX ADVANCEMENT OK CITY'S INTEREST AND CO. OPEItATE IN SALES. An organization haa been effected In Medford which the real estate deal era if Klamath Falls would do well to emulate It U getting so that real estate man In this city la looked upon with suspicion, but tbe blame for this Is with tho real estate men themselves. Men who are engaged In tho business should take more prldo In their profession and endeav or to place It on a more rellablo basis. This would work a great benefit to themselves as well as obvlato the great wrong being done tbe town and country. Tho real estate men have built Medford and It Is mainly due to their efforts that the town Is so well and favorably known and la receiving so many new settlers. They bar now formed an association, the objects ot which, according to tbe by-laws, are: "Tho object ot thla association Is to bring tho real estate men ot Med ford together to assist In tbe ad vancement of tbo city's Interests In general and ot the real estate busi ness In particular; to procure from owners written contracts ot safe, and, as tar as possible, tor tbe broker-tbe exclusive agency of all property list etl or offered for sala by aim; to ef fect, a uniform rate ot r mnlsslnn to be charged In real estate trass actions; to croato and maintain am ong Medford rcsl estate men a high standard ot business methods and Integrity, a spirit of fair and honor able competition, and to assure to tho buyer and seller tbe serrless of responsible and trustworthy agents upou a deflnlto and uniform standard ot contract and charges, to the sad that the Interests of buyer, seller and broker may be alike protected. "It shall be tho special object of this association to assure Its mem bers co-operation In real estate trans actions, protection as to reasonable commission for producing the buyer, and at all times to promote tbo wel fare and growth of Medford and the Rogue River Valley." See tho mlllnory announcement ot Runk ft 8chneldcr on page 4. Have If .