The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 10, 1909, Image 1

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Klamath KijIIh I?irat
nnd Best Daily.
Our Advertisers Oct
The Best ReiulU.
THIRD YEAH. N(. 8(13.
Price 6 Cents
Last Man Indicted for Stealing Stock Con
fesses and Is Sentenced to a Term
In the State Penitentiary
Tbo Ul f ''" cuttle nnd hurnu
iKilluc cases, (or which Indltlmotitu
tin been returned, was dliposed of
Ihli morning when Hoy Vcttul vwia
MDtcnceil lo sorvo one enr auil tlirou
pontln In tl Nlutu penitentiary.
Ween Court loiivcncd at 10 o'clock
Vtitsl arraigned on im Itnlltt
mist cr.arr.lnK ti t tn niul Chin J.lakoy
toil Alt. Wallls with Healing ono
cow and ono steer belouKlug to Hex
UorJ. ViHtal pleaded guilty uml
listed tint Iiu linil nothing to any.
The Court theii naked tint I'runvrtit
lm Attorney for liiformntlou in r
gird to ttiu cane uml Mr. Kukundall
isterud Into a brief outtinu of the
ulilenco a snlnid by tlio (Jrand Jury
He lUted ttint Vestal had r.oiio with
Ctli. l.likoy and helped drive lumo
ol the llord cultlo In tliu night tlmu
to tho Wnllle pnaturo. Tliu follonlng
day Llske) bulciirreil ono of Hie nnl
Bits and VIII tliu utlmr nnd Iheaci
(to mn dlvlilrd tip thu spoil". Vil
li) not KettliiK nu tt.lnK for his as
tiitaacn In the transaction llui ev
idence allowed llmt lio liad ntilV n
illfht connection wltn the case
lie as unlit)'. however, of anoth
tr crime, that a)atcnllng the Htrublo
Hires, and tho District Attorney auk.
cd that In paeelng sentence, (but till
tecoad eaao do considered, an tboro
iu an understanding Hint If he
pleaded utility to tho prraont Indict
ment, tho ntrtiblo emu would bo drop
Tho Court naked for information
on the Htrublo case and win Informed
ttit Cliai. I.tskoy iHCuri'd nn old
ion or hack from WiOIIk and taking
It to hla plapo ha nnd Veatal hitched
up the Btrublu mnrti, anil Vuatnl
drove them to tho Knguu Hlvcr whore
they mcro told, aftor which ho re
turned neru nnd divided thu monoy
Itb Llakey, In regard to his pre
vious rvputatlon .Mr. Kuykendnll
tatcd that na far aa hn could learn
I bat It had bcon Kood, Hint ho had
tieea a good worker nnd Induatrloui,
and Hint tlio worat ho hnd heard
about hliu was the fact that ho had
aaaoclatod with Llakey nod hli gang.
Sheriff llarnca atated that Vestal
now nt tho wharf nnd wilt bt moved
to tlio locution of tho plhnt Juat nn
soon nn tho doul la cloned for the
propel ly. It In tiulto probable that tin
crushed rock for thin Hcaton will bo
furnished by thu Duetiu Vlata people.
Tinjy l.nvu UKrecd to furulah tho
cruabod tuaturlal or Icaao their rock
cruaher. Tho company alraady baa
n lurgu nurubvr of urdera for tho co
ment blockH from parlies who con
template building tlila autatnor and
the prospects are thut tbt new com
pany will havu more business than
It can handlu this year. Builders
uro anxious to aocuro their niatorlnl
as enrly na poaalblc. Contractor
hnd riven him uu trouble nnd return-!t,nlm l,iul ,lll eur w,n on of
ed willingly, that he had been told ' J1.'0 Krt,"tu"1 bu",l boom '" tb
nimorr 01 wie city, iiunarous ui
very near future. Tho machinery In 'present Inlqultoua farco of Invisible
poraonalty taxation. Corporations
uliould bo taxed by an ad vnlorum
system Hint Hccuren assvssmuril In
proportion to Income earning power.
Tho third readjustment ho advocate
I e. scientific adjustment of tnxes to
taxInK Jurlsdlctlonu obvlatlnK the dlf
flcultlo nnd Injustice always rtttend
lug apportionment of stato taxes am
onic counties. Tho Bulletin may bo
secured freu by writing tho Regis
trar of the Uulverslty
by thu prisoner Hint lie uns afraid of
t.lskvy, who be clnlmvd bad threat
ened to do him liiinn If ho ovit told
on blm. A leili r w.m iiIho In Hio
ioaiealon of thu Juditn whlcli hnd
been written by Hoy Vestal to his
brother, whlcli told him Im left hero
becnuao ho was nfrnld of l.lakey nnd
others Veatal luforiiid thu Court
that li Mas thirty yum of are.
In nentciKlni: JihIku Noliind
ltntid lint he would (onnldcr the In
formation riven him by Hie I'riHueut
Inn Attorney nnd the armunt by tho
Hlicrlff. Ho believed that tho crlmo
waa duo to bnd nisoclntlons and hop
d that when hla Hmo wna aeived thu
prlaoucr would sen thu error of hla
way and would lead a better life. Tho
Court then acntenced Hoy Veatal to
lertu one jenr and three months In
the statu ponltoutlnry. lln atated that
reuldeucoH will be built besides from
twenty to thirty business biocka und
public bulldlur.
The nuw company will nlso manu
facture sewer pipes, paving nnd side
walk material. No uxponso la being
apnrcd In the equipment of tho plant
and only the beat of machlnory bat
been purchuned. An expert coment
man will bo hero from Chicago In
April to tnko chnrrc of the plnnt. The
compnny expeita to hnve thu plnnt
liixtnllcd bo nn to turn out tomn mim
plis of tho cement blocks at nil enrly
date, ho that productive builders enn
see thu superiority of thu mnlnrlul
otur an) thing heretofore mod.
In the February numbor of the
L'uherHlty of Oregon Kullctln Pro
lessor 1. 0. Young, head of the Uni
versity department of Economics nnd
Hoclolory, discusses one of the two
wnju of mnkliiK tho burden of luxcj
the moru he learned, thu inure hu was'biur lest hrnvlly on tho itwirnro cltl
convinced that Chni. I.lakny hnd roi-I"" "f Oregon, lln points out the
I uiothodH or taxation tlinl mint !iu
Judge Notaud Htated that Court
would meet at 10 o'clock tomorrow,
at which Hmo ho wlshod all the at-
tornoja halng cases on tho dockot
to bo prcient, as ho wished to set
tho dates for hearing of equity cases.
Ho believed that tho cases could all
bo disposed of within two or thrco
days, and be wus anxious to close tho
torm iih he would soon liavo to go to
Lakoviow to hold tho Mny term thcro.
Sovrrnl dnllghtful parties hnve been
given' by thU orgnnUatlon of popular
ouiik Indies and in order to show
their npprcclatlon of tho favors the
young gentlemen whom they have so
pleasantly entertained, gave a recep
tion last evening which was In tho
nature or n farewell for Mrs. Austin
Itaydcn aud Miss Fnyo Hoguo, both
mombcrs of ttio C. I. of '3. I.
Tho Hmo was spent In diversified
nmiiaetnonts until tho midnight hour
when all repaired to tho Baldwin
Cafe where dinner was served.
adoptod to secure an oqultnblo dls-
ten of! with a ery Hi;lit scutenie, and
,M,I. ......, !.. .1.... -..I .1.
""" '""' ""'" """" ",u,;" trlhutlon of thu olgbt of public ex-
hopes of his eer hIkhIiik ii pHltlon, poudltures and discusses means of
for n pardon ' ktiiplitK down the aggregate, l'rof.
i Young beilovi-j that tho vital matter
'lot the txMiplo of Oregon In their
SOON BE MAKING ,"bllc nrrnrH g not h mucl1 iu iiit
ns llttlo money as poaslble Into pub-
ppiLrijr R nrk "c "cllvlllcu "" ' '" ,o Kvl tbu ,nrK
LLlTlLil I DLUvl3 cst puMslble returns from tho money
put iu and to bnvo all shuro In the
PLANT WII.Ij HOON III: IN OI'EHA-liotitrlbutlon according to tlm Jum
TIOX MAIiINO III ll.lil.Nd alnndard,
......... J lie aduptH ability to pny un the
.MATI.UIAI.. lrU() Hlmlll,irji , ordl,r , munlUn
di aystcm of taxation In Oiegon no-
The stockholders of tho llydrnullc rurlng revenues from tnxpn)era In
Large Number of Launches and Water
Craft Already Ordered for Use On
River and Upper Lake
log to tako blm on.
"No, I'm not making any restric
tions. What's the matter, though. In
tho talk of arrangement of a fight
with Jeffries, of asking, what will
Johnson take? In all the notice I
have eon, It'e all what JoS will take.
What's the matter with what John
son will takeT I'm tbo champion,
ain't I? I want a winner and loser'
end. 1 don't care what It I 60 to
40 or"7C to 2G but thore Is got to
bo a winner and lotor's end. That's
bow It was with Durns.
"I knew I could get him, and I
followed him around tbo world before
I got on with blm at Sydney to show
the people that I could do It, If
Jeffrie want a go, a tho papers lay,
ho's got to see mc, nnd there's got
to bo a winner and loser's end."
It Is reported that n petition was
tout to the ktntu gnmo warden asking
tbu removal of deputy gumo warden
Gibson of Klamath County and the
appointment of J. W. Uryant. R. O.
Stevenson, stato gamu warden, Is In
thu city now Investigating thu matter,
but It hu not born Icnrned what his
decision will bu
Ontario Is determined that the
great Malheur project shall bo real
ized. The people of Vale are co-op-
crating with them In fact all the
cltionblp of Malheur County la a
unit, and there was never better evi
dence of their progressive spirit than
the fact that they raised ono evening
last week tho sum of $2 C00 In twon
ty-flvu minutes or at tho rate of
$100 a minute with which to ad
vertise their resources. When one
considers that Ontario ha only 1600
population, tbla Is one of tbe records.
Stonu nnd llrlck Compnn held their
first meeting lnat evening nnd com
pleted nrranrements for the Incorpor
ation of thu Company. Ihu new or
i;aultntlon will hu Incorporated with
A capital atork of JIID.UUO and over
40 per cunt of the stock Is already
subscribed and paid In. Thu company
lias purchased u alto for the loca
tion of tliolr plant on thu Upper I.ako
and the deal will probably bu closed
thu llrat of thu week, ns Mesar. Haw
kins and Drown, of the Klamath Falls
Land Transportation Company, tho
owner of tlio land, aru.expoctcd here
at that time
Thu Btonu and llrlck Company Is
preparing to begin operations In thu
ptoportlon to their respective nbllitleH
to pay ho thinks that tbo first rcquls
Itu Is thu ustnbllahmcnt of a high
tirade tux commlaslon, which should
ha i power to assess corporations of
general situs, especially public ser
vice corporations, to supervise all lo
cal nssessments, to Investlgato closely
thu whole Hubjoct of taxation and to
supervise tho accounting systems of
nil atate Institutions, of counties and
of municipalities. Tho second step
ho thinks should bo tho nmondment
or tho Btato constitution so that In
tnnglblo personalty could bo taxed
ut such rates and by auch methoda
ns to aocuro full returns better ex
ompl altogether than contlnuo the
i t
Your Easter
ivn-itcr falls on Sunday, April 1 1th, this year. It is
the day of all days to show fine plumes. Thetirne.
lo prepare is NOW. Let us make your clothes for
you djvuwill hcabsohjtjclvcjmajnf
tiou in every particular.
They un- coining, i'eopln from
every part of the United Slates aud
Camilla uro pouring Into 'Oregon at
the prurient tlmo nt n ruto never bo-
fore equalled, nnd there is evidence
that the travel during the entire col
onist period will be enormous. Many
communities aro busy sending out
luaftuu glvlug the low rate from 20
or il points, others hnvo thu infor
mation printed at thu top of their
stationery and on their envelopes.
Every render of this paper should ace
that such n leaflet goes In each letter
ho Bends lo people at n distance.
School boys and girls all over Oregon
are doing tliolr part. Remember the
rato Is good until thn last day of
C. O. Merrill, R. C. Andorson, W.
P. Hill. 11. P. Tollo and E. M. Ham
mond havo purchased of McLaughlin
Dros. through their representative M.
C. Rlggcrstaff, tho four thousand dol
lar stallion, Finnsseur. Flnassour Ii
a largo high itctlug French roach
and will work a groat Improvement
over tho road horses In the Merrill
VICTORIA, March 9. Jack Job
kon tho heavyweight champion pug'
lllai, and his white wife, n former
Philadelphia woman who threw In
her lot with him after tho fight at
Sydnoy, and, Bam FlUpatilck, who
Is no longer manager of tho big black
champion, huvlug aovored relation
with him, arrived this morning by
tho Canadian-Australian lino Makura,
from Sydney. Johnson unreservedly
declared hi willingness to meet Jof
fries or anybner man.'
In an Interview, befdro leaving tor
Vancouver, Jobmon said:
"I am' willing to meet Jeffries; I
am willing to meet any man In the
world, and I don't think that any on
can sjet a decision over me, much loss
put me out. It amuses me to bear
this talk about Jeff claiming tbe
championship. Why; when a mayor
leaves office, he's an ex-mayor, Isn't
he? When a champion leaves the
ring he's an ex-champion. Well,
that Is Jeff, He wants to try to get
Deputy Sheriff John Scballock,
Choster Avery and Harry Pearson will
leave In tbo morning for Salem with
Clins. Llskey, Alt. Wallls and Roy
Vestal, tho three men sentenced to
the pcnltontlary for horse and cattle
This makos eight men sentenced
to the stato ponltentlary by Judge
Noland during his first term of Court
on tbe bench. Tho men are: Melton,
Thompson, Hale, Hall, Prevtor, Lls
key, Wallls jand Vestal. ThU Is an
unusual record for one torm of Court
In a county so thinly settled as Klamath.
The boat building Industry Is fast
becoming one of large proportions In
Klamath Falls. A visit to the Tolford'
ft Son shops on the river front on
Conger avenue would soon convince
one of tho extent of this Industry.
Mr. Telford Is an expert boat builder
and be says that two years ago when
he first began 'buslnes la. Klamath
Falls, he only expected to work at
tho business at odd times and never
drcamod that thcro would be such an
extenslvo demand for uoats and
launches. Today l.o has a plant with
modorn equipment and with his son
is kept busy every minute of the tlmo
turning out orders.
They have constructed twelve gas
oline launches ranging In length from
,1C feet to 36 feot. Orders are now
on hand far In excess of any year at
this season. They aro now working
on a gasoline tender or tug boat for
tho Southern Pacific dredge.. They
also have an order for flvo row boats
for R. C. Spink to be placed on Spring
Creek. Mr. Telford states that he Is
unable to say how many row, boats
they have turned out, but toey have
bullt'a large number. They also have
several launches In the shop undergo
ing repairs and being rebuilt.
Every boat built by Telford ft Sou
has given perfect satisfaction and
they have put some speedy launches
on the water. A number of sew
row boats will be built this spring
and will bo kept for rental purpose.
They will also keep one or two gaso
line launches for rent. The pros
pects are that there will be a large
number of new launches built this
summer for use on tho river aad the
Uppor Lake.
Pine line of Tailored and DreM
Hat on display at The Vogue Mil-
Huam failAei Inat nnntnsr ekintls fit
i :?:".. ";:: ';.:.. ,: ,;
and IS. 9
See the mlllnery announcement of
Runk tt Schneider on page 4.
Read Paris news 8ee Paris fash
ions. Watch the Millinery Depart
ment of the Brick Store. 9
Rev. Brown and wife are still hold
Ing protracted meetings at Olene.
A Good Pair
At this season of the year ovoryono Is liable to take cold
and In these cases there aro two things which should be
hand In every home.
for a laxative aad to relieve the general iymptoai ot a aa
ve're cold. These preparations are made from pure and ham
let Ingredient! and aro sold on a positive guarantee.
Star Drug Store
"They Have It"
the championship back and I'm will
tt nitttttttiimrtffT