mr5 ' HCllt'HIIAN NKWH, y Ward 6c Obenchain Ladies Waists Muslin Underwear Corset Covers Spring Shipment of Ladies' Gauze Underwear BRIEF MENTION. Mr. Wnldln linn nimlo ramp rm tun illrlmoo much, tit build IiiUtiiI lit 'our dlatiUt. I l-'no Itobloy nnd Murk IVm nut K. M. Uolfo hiw iiiovihI hi barber LMHM.U,, mik ftom Ahmud tbo Itntt shop to now quartern mi Mnln tttiVet .. .. ,x, ...,.,), -c-otMM We Have Moved.... Anil nrV now better equipped than ever to Klve the bent Borneo to our customer. Our new gtoru U neat and attrnctho imd our stock In freh and euutplotu. Prescription filled with necurncy. You cun reit atured thnt you will get "Just what tbo IKtctor orders." We do not aubtllulo. Crlsler & Stilts Building Underwood's Pharmacy In, tlio bulidliiK forineily occupied t II. J. Winter. Udliou record tor March aro In. Couiu aud enjoy hearlui; tbeiu, ai MULLUlta. &-&1 Mr. Klcld. who formerly couduct- I ed tbo Klauiutb Uakury, ha opouod up n ladle' parlor lit tho Wllliruw 'MollitiHo bulidliiK on Fourth troet, Tbo butb aro already fitted up aud otber furulabluK aru belli made. The American Hotel bluing Mooin It open all nlgut. K.-eib o)irt ry day. 1MI All but iilun of tho JurorH were ox ctucd thin moruliiK for tbo term. The only Jury tilul which hat been net I tho Whlto cuo which will como up on March It! Dri. Hamilton und Klvbur havoi moved, thulr ofttevs from the Aiuerl-i can Dank A Truit bulldlnK to the1 now CrUler & HUH block. Their, new phone number I 371. FUR BALE Second hand top bug K Inquire of P. II. Houthworth. JudKO W. II. Harris him returned front u trip to Cnllfarnln. .Mlliu llnliiruciiu la yeltlui: out fruit tree ou hU honuvitcnd. Win, Hark, Tied Utuoiimu uud 1 1 umy Vum were In tho Full one, day luit week. llniry I.vo I bnulliiK hny from tho Uuuuelt ranch. l'.ow Comb I hack from California) .ind I now worklim for Mr lliirk. IT TIIK OI'KUA IIOlMi: TONM1HT. "The Imitate." "Iloinhiirdiueut uf .ort Arthur." "Tho Multiply ininipty Clrcu " New boiik. I 1.1A .1 TT "H rreuy tana useiui Things in Jewelry Thi'iu nro loin of IIiIiik In our Mum Ih.,.1,1,,,, , . dlniiuiiiil, lot of Ktiutll, luexpuimlvii uitlclivi ull "' ,n cotfdliiKly hiindy evury day. either im gill f(JI n,".'!10 M" for your own uo. l,oolt mid vlinnim in Krllt t . " 'chain und rlnn at all price, lint ,n., hck lIi i M lut and trllim llv.r toilet nrllclim. W ,,,'' , Inturt'illna novultle noatlv uvurv ilnv ....,.. i ""I'lii " - ""' tht.,, I NOW 1W hew QUARTERS. WINTERS "SStt"1: keH44H, O ' LAIIIKH' DAV. The Naintorlum will bo upn (u 'ndlc ou Wedueiday af lei noon from .wo o'clock nud durluK thu olenitis. LAUIUH Ftk Cotuo and eo our (Inge nnd lint March II, IS, nud IS l Voriiv Millinery I'nrlor. 1 That (ho rate of rxcntntlun of llu .'annum Cannl I Krently ilepcuitnut upon thn rainfall, In hvwn by thu In- :reano In the amount of mnterliil re- W. B. Purdy I In tbo city f row, ' mt" Ulltorcni iiioiuIib. DurltiK Med'ford for Ihc purp. of pn Inn , ""o mon recently, when there n hi taxes ou liU ranch properly wblcnj" precipitation of It fid Inclioi. the ho own In till county. excavation amounted to :,9:u,49l cu- Mile yard. In another mouth, when Ktamatn vouuiy Headquarter In ii, f0ti r.nfall f. sa incite. Ban Krauclco I tho Motel Bavoy, corner Van Ne Atenuo and Kill 'Street, Walter K. Counur, prop. Take Shoes Shoes Shoes The only exclusively Shoe Store in Klamath County. We handle good shoes only. Working Men's Hand, made Shoes a specialty J. R. RITTER 6 CO. WUIson Block KLAMATH FALLS, OM, thn total uxravatlun exceeded thnt of tho former month by 343,17V cubic, yard and amounted (o 3.2C3.C73 cu 'Turk aud Kddy" Btreet cur at Kerry, ole yard Till ll only Jlt:.f.'.t7 cu. get off at Van Nm and walk one-half ;,c Mi 0M UlB ,ue ,Rt r,.cr, block north. 3-18-Sui nBd March latt, whim the total E. J. lllllliiK. repn-BenlltiK tho ln-1" "."' '" tornatloual Correvpoudenco Hcboola.l imm wilt be Id tho city for u tew day, n. local hcadquailer In tbo olllcu ol Frauk Ira White, rioaatnl to mc.0 itudent and other who may bo In tereted. 4444-4- 4.Ant 1 1 1 GEO. T. BALDWIN, jgfc mnnuNii.iunc.KS AUKNTS FAIRBANKS, MORSE 6c GO. Gns anil Gasoline Enuincn, Winilmllls, Steam Pmm, Dynntnos anil Motors, Railroad Supplies; Irriatinflu! cliinery, Steam GiiKincn and Hoilcrs and I'ixturci. First & Stark Sts Telephone Main 84. PORTLAND, OREO. ! fTt?fVfVfVyVr'W"fVfV?V? V VVWfVtVfVftlttUAiAii, VAN R1PEK BKOS. grocers Visit Oliver' blK Seed Moute be fore buyltiK 5 our Karden eeU. Tin blKKcvl itock of llower uud Kardeu jei-ds ever hnndled In Klamath Fall, I You do not need to send away for i.vil n Oliver hn every vurltr i j a 111 Kruvitrii ihU iwcllun. "r- lj Mr. Houlo hn raturned fro Sba la Valley. VUI t Oliver' blK e-d hOUM.r" ! Mr. and Mr. I. H. VoorheeC who have bten touring through Califor nia fur ll.o past month, rvturued houiu Monday allcruoou, having bad n ery iuijii)iibli trip, leKardlea' a i .tin alomw nnd land Hllde. i ' Tin- llrlck Htoro will be cloredl iThurtiiay. Wh? V J. L. Stewart ha suvered hi eon neellon !tli thu Capitol, where he ha been umployeU for xeveral moalhi. .. .WANTED Woman for general; hoimowork on ranch; family of two.. Phono IIS. v-lwl FURNITURE- When you buy furniture, won't you trivo this store the opportunity of competing for your pur chase? We can and will save you money, if you will (rive us the chance. We can't if you don't Surely our claims are worth testing it is your money we arc talking of saving. Come, test us. --GILLETTE M i They Miy Micro I nothing now nu tter tho Bun. Attend tho opening "' i thu llrlck Storo and ou will vty- i "8jmbody - -." ' U f 444au """" MtMMtmMM........tttttt"" "It Is No Wonder" Any fool can be successful when others may have fallen by the wayside. It's the id a of carrying goods that others have worked years to bring to perfection Portland Clothing and Shoe Store tt n Is using this method of supplying Klamath Falls' good pressers with such goods as Hart, S. a M. Clothing. Florshelm and Douglas Shoes, Bover Hats, Holeproof Hosiery. Do you think a firm can lose with such lines? Try us on any of the lines mentioned; you'll call 'again and recommend others K. SUGARMAN MtMtHMt tt ttMtttHtWMMMW A new textile plant ha been dis covered In Colombia with a fiber ad apted to the manufacture of curtain and other article of houicbold adornment. Fortification havo been photo graphed by nu automatic camora, tho Invention of a German, o light that It may bo suipondod from the neck of a carrier pigeon. Tne Famous Born Range Is the delight of all, house wives. There It none other like It. Notice the firebox. It if In the center of the range and gives a uniform , heat to all parts. The oven. Is ready for baking In five ., minutes .. v . v "'" We Invite you to call and investigate the advantages of the "Born"' Range be fore 'buying. Remember we sell everything In' Fur niture and Housefurnlshlng Goods VIRGILS, The House Furnishers Monarch Grocery and Market THE FAMILY STORE We carry a Complete Line of the Famous SCHILLINGS BEST 'MONEYBACK' Goods. Teas, Coffees, Spices and Ex tracts. Boneless Boiled I lam, Dill Pickles, Sauer Kraut in Bulk, Choice Eastern Breakfast Ba cons and Hams. c9ffa JOIN THE CROWD AND TRADE AT THE MONARCH. Imported and Preserved Gin Kcr in Jars and Chinese SiiRared Ginger. Nevada White Comb Honey. New Lettuce, Onions, Rad ishes, Asparagus Tips, Daily by Express. MM. kW WE TRY TO .PLEASE THAT'S WHY WE ARE DOING THE BUSINESS. Have you tried the Monarch Brand of Teas and Coffees MONARCH MERCANTILE COMPANY Free Deliver? Phone No. 311 m w www- --