r- The House of Ctaaiity fhe BOStOIl Store Sla'SiMS Opening Display of Fashionable Millinery f Spring Season, '09 &Syg Thursday, Mar. 11 ' SSSSJ SSSSSSajsaiSStJ, PBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSaaiaiaaMS Also a fine line of Waists, Skirts, Embroideries, Laces; everything you need . THE BOSTON STORE, the store that pays no rent and gives its customers the benefit VALUE OF A T. HI. C. A. to Wondirful Chang Cam Otar Bom Towfu. TU eiicrgle) "t the li'i) In vleven Din In lUti'X county, Mas iutemi ,f bijEg-rxpUidcd In liiHillu'niiltin m llnf turiiAl In some food hi i c is. Ikrvofh th.' linmllliiw if tlii "limit V, M. I'. A OaiiKH nf lii thai ii.'. la lotf outitde tlii- ihtirehe ilurli t MrrUf. Lioollux mi'l rilMurhliiB U. uwrllil. iiw diior.ite tin- chunk uit l II" service, fnriii tin- IiIk (tit cUf In Hit! Buhdiij KClmil ami auk life inlaerahle (or neij- Minn bo lift Ill hand ncnluut th uii tuiry, nlid. wlinl bis mil berni foiiinl lfre for n k'cntratlmi, llif oldir to) tr irsrhlng In th' Sunday boo: U wit In EvX comity tint rlebt illf frDt trailers III nine Uh'lillil, In ut lUJ(itlDT I" lluftTtl cioil, liml Ixvii dtltcli nut lijr III"' rumlr a-U-i i ! t Alltr IHblcclnaa urn etnrlcil li) lliv Y. M I'. A. M WW order wiMil lulu vt fact nd a teacher lion bei-n kepi fnr levjMr. Thl called out from tlir kIkhiI coiumllteo n vote of tbunk lu Ibtjttliilj' ntaoclntlou's niiitin ti uirnt la another town where fifty lo rtf (nt together llrt for sport, then fur Hllil MUily, then tor k'ood Murk for Hi town, two churches nhlrli In J Urn antauouUllo fur fifty )rar wrre brvusbt totfethrr Into ulie. Tin- (bin dined nlllHc bad born clr in by (leorse Hrabtdy, the iilillanlliroplit, and the i lurch wn orKoitlml by n brother nf Henry Wurd Ib-rcbt-r. When th clet.'tinn voted fill to re pair old iils;iiNj4t In another tun lb boy undertook for tlir money to t Ui nrw mics, M li-nllfli nlly ! tu rjaitlit and dcalguril on nitlitlc line Hurt tbnu .'UU blub school Imj nrc iudjltic "l.lfo Quuatlou of llUb Sbool liojn," n nnirc by rntfciwr Jnk uf i.'crui'll. JCuiv tin- teachers uj the moral tuue of tin' cbonl In BiOKril A movement I on fiMit tor Weouulv nuMklnllmi men to co-nntr t(e Willi I ho cb'Hil Miwrliili'iident to l"l" "" meiin re ihimi u-u. nure iaBrouiiilH iiml riniiilrt llu i Wltlmiit tbc iilloy uuM uunld In- prac riy life of tlip tomm of Hie inuut) I tloall) iii-le for the imrpuiv to I mUUIi It U Ki-uerally upjill.tl. 1 FRIENDSHIP. Hh frlrndililp I n frrifll. .1ant riml liuulil with cam l.u icmM, fur oftinilnio Hit- cluivit mi I atlly orr.ri.lrl Alul l.y k ct)r (uirlrtt ui II li-r.iVi I,u0i me lilljhlH tt'ltm It Itfurlhi'ii fiuui juur Uiourht To h mi oM oil llBl.ttill 'Tl hut riiuuvlrlo liny "IIHIu" Ami hurr) lu our lilor Wliliuiit iii'iuIiIhk a to lealth On infMInu amna olil neighbor, luu lio to utan.l niouml ul.J dial, Thourli mlnulra may l iirlcrli-tt. 1niiil lieior il'i Id ian hlin up .lli.l ko uKuy mltlcrl'ia A frttli.l vho really la frln.1 la worth (four Wat rmlfmur Ai.il your molt earneflt wnya noil mean To riM la htm forovri And, tliouih uu may flrnl t.tcd (or l.lni Not on llrnii out of iHchly, It a when ion ilo I ho provirli ay. You iiml him i-bkl i,ii ,jniy, Ainl, nfttr alt, the only thlh To i;n life in! mi rnaihlm: la (rltinlahlii ulij te'immtiunte urlk'ht. Thouiih on ur Intorvrtilnir. To anHMIh II. llltle Jata that conn .i.il make lima ! and aunny Ho do hot illaht thn friend you hi Or llp Is llirn tad money. Rtfcrring to Hor. TbU I n r.'iniiry plniit " Him It blinaoiii out) fiery buuilrrd r-trV "Mow hmiM I klinwr "Ml )il"ll.l. )oll nuetit tu b nil' borlty nu Ihm " Th. Firtt Clccki. OrlRlnnll.i dink li.nl only the hour tin lit), lull the iiiliiule liiilnl nn added Inter, n It iKi'iune fiihliii.ibV to liiiile ll.e illet iih ili-iHiraliVe ll poMb lilc Gold, (iotil In ll pure Mute i only i. trlflt hunter tlun le.nl Mini urj luiicli nofler Until toiM-r. rllrer. ihiiltiuiu. iluc or Iron A u iiiiMiieniv uf tbl It l ulloted nltb mnii'r or atlrer. and I SOI ILL UF tilMICIJM.VS HALK. I In thu County Court 'of tlio But' ,of Orucon for tbu County of Klaniuth. ' In tlio .Matter of thu i:tato uud (!uunllnUMlili of Kobtrt LauKbllli, feu ' IiiHiiriu pel HOII. .'miiIco of huIu of real oatnto b) ,Kunrdlau. I'lir.iuiint tu order of an Id court no tlio la liorcby Kltun thut thu urulor iIkik'iI will hvII nt prlvuto aalo fo) iuiiIi, ul bla rualdoniu iiinr'Ualry, Or ogou, In anld county uud alulv, on or after Hatiirdny, April lOtb, VJ09. tho follow InK duacrlbod real oatato bo IuiikIiik to tbu vatutu of aald Koburt l.uiiKblln, nu Inaauu puraou, to-wii! Tho HHi of tho NKV1 and tbo SA of tho BUi. Boc. 13, Tp. 38 H., It. II 'A K., V. Mi, In Klflinntb County, Urt'KOti, cuntaltiliiK 1CU ucreti. lAitod tbla Oth day of March, 190'J. TIIOMA9 K. STANLEY, Administrator of tbu puraon and us- into of laid Itobott lAUfehllu, un Inaauu luraon. In I be County Court of tlio HUlt ul UrrKon, for Hie County of Klamath. ' In tbo matter of thu Guardianship of tbu I'vraona and Katntci of I-onter Btacy Colnhan, Clifford Johusou Col nhiin, and Stephon Colahnn, Xlloora. (JnliT to Show Cauau on Applica tion uf Guardian for an Ordsr to Bell Ileal Katatu. It nppvnrlnK to this Court from tho petition thlH day prrucntcd and tiled by Joboph I'. Colnban, tbu guardian of tho tivrauus and estate, of Ltstur Htncy Colabiiu, Cllirdrd Johnson Col- ahiiu, and Blephou Colabuu, minora, irnlni; fur an ordur and llcunau of alu of tbv certain Interrata In cor- iiln rial property belonging' to said wuida, that It la neccsaary and for ho beat lulureal of aald watd tliat heir Bald Intereata In auch real prop- rty be hold, and It appearing from laid petition thai auch may bu true. It In, therefore, hereby .ordered,' bat thu next of kin of aald wardi, und nil pciaoiiH Intcroatcd In tbolr utld uatatea, appear before thli Court u Saturday, tho 27tb day of March, 909, at tho hour of ten o'clock In ho forenoon of aald day, at tho court room of tills Court, In thu County Court IIoubu at tbo City of .Klamath KuIIh, In thu County of Klamath and Statu of Oregon, then and tliero to jhow tuuae, If any they have, wh) a llccnie ohould not bu granted for ho aalo of tho Intorcsta of aald wurda In such real property, describ ed lu sold petition. It la further ordered, that a copy I ereof ahull be pcraiiimlly bcrved on tho next of bin of aald wnrda and ill persona Intcroatcd In their aald itatea respectively, lit knot ton daa beforo tbu date lint ubovo mention ed, or thut thla ordor bo published at least tbreo successive weeks In bo Evening Herald, dally newspa per printed and publlabed at the lty of Klamath Kulli, In tnld coun ty, belnK a newspaper of general circulation therein. The real property mentioned In 'aald petition beltiK described as fol lows, to-wlt: Thu HW'Yt of the BWJi of Sec. loj'lho 3KV; or tbc SKi; of Sec. 1C; tbc NEVi of the NKVi of Sec. 21; the NWy. the SWii of tbo NEU. the N'i of the .Slitti the SEW of tho'SEV of Sec. ,22( thu WV4 of Hk NVV;,tho NW of thu SW'U of Sec. 26; and tho Ni:vTof tbu NEV of Sec. 27, all In Tp. 37 S.. It. IIH E., of the Wll- Mamcttv Merldl.tu, lu Klauinth Coun ty, OrcKon, cuutalnltiK lu all 600 acres uf land, uicordlng to thu gov urnmonl survey thereof. Donu this 23d, day of Pebruary, 'A. I). 190. . J. It. OIlIKriTH, 2-24 County Judge KLAMATH FALLS FORWARDING CO, Transfer Work of All Kinds' Promptly Done Baggage a Specialty. Charges Reasonable, Phone 605 NOTICE OK SIIEHIKKS BALE, Oyvlrtuo of on execution and order of sale duly Issued by tho Clerk of tbo Circuit Court of Klamath County, State of Oregon, dated the 19th day of January, 1900, In a certain action at law lu .tho Circuit Court of tbo State of Oregon, (or the County of Klamath, whoroln Albert Sbur as plaintiff recovered. Judgment against V. II. May, defondant, for tbo sum of Four Hundred Forty-eight nnd 70-100 (S448.70) Dollars, together with Interest thereon from the Z4th day of August, 1908, at the 'rata of 8 per coot' per annum, and an order of sale ot.tbe SEV. ot'SRK of Sec tion 31,'Towuhlp 4 o' South of Range 8 East, '. M., as upon execution to satisfy satd'suin, on tbo 18th day of January, 1,09. Notice Is hereby given that I will on tbo 13th day of March, 1909, at tho front door of tbe Court Houso In Klamath Falls, Oregon., at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of aald day, sell at public auction to tbe highest bidder for cash the follow Ins described prop erty, to-wlt: , Tie .NE'.i of tho SK',i of Section 31 In Township 40, South .of Itango 8 Eait, Willamette Mer idian, In Klamath County, Oregon, taken and levied on as the property of V. II. May, or so much thereof a may bo necessary to satlafy said Judg ment In favor of tbe said Albert Bhur and against said V. II. May and said land, together with Interest thereon and costs and disbursements to accrue. Dated thli 9th day of February, 1909, at Klamath Falls, Oregon. V. B. BARNBI. BherlS of Klamath County. Oregon. 2-JjO-3-10 CENTRAL CAFE Opea Day aad Night Private Dining Parlor Oysteri Served li Aay Style J. V. HOUSTON. Prop. Hydraulic Stone & Brick Company HYDRAULIC STONE llltICK COMl'ANV, orKuuliud, uud to bu Imorpoiated under the laws of tho State fct-PrttuD, with a Cupltal Btuik of J5,uuu,00, fur tbu puipoau of manufacturing Concreta Duldlng Dlocks, sndvall innturtal for Conctetu Itulldlnu nnd Concretu Wmk, uud ulao to muko ConcrotoJDrIck, and Pre.- d Urlck, all by tbo laleit liliproved ll)druullc Miichluur) TnlatC'ompany bus purchased from tbu Atnurlcau Hydraulic Stunu Cuiupauy, tbe concretu machinery nd tsulpnicuf. with oxclutlvo rights for Klamath County, (pr making ioicretu building materials by hy draulic preaauro Hm- only protvs fur iimklun TIU'K C4)XCIt!:TK STONE. What Is meaht by True Con !. la tbu uniform lotnpactnca. of the loncreto material In the tlnlshod product. The Hydraulic Mochluory la o constrmteil that Ouo Hundred Tbouiand (100,000) pouuds preaauro I put upou each block 'Ilm fuco of tlio iokiiIiii alio blockn U 9 by 24 Incbus, nnd aro so compact when flnlahotl tlmi In uTfiiklliK a pbcu with u sIoiIki' huuiuier, the hiiideat atnuea In thu matetlnl, one Inch In dluiu Her, will dreak beforo tho concrete around ibein leleuaoH Thu enormous piessuro nils every vuld. With this ninturliil und syHlciu of (,'oneiotu CiinHtriiitlon, thu wnlls tiro bonded lu ovury direction, nnd UIdk, f rom 30 to CO pur rent hollow iilr itieulutlou butli ortlcul und borUoutuI, uuiklug mm absolutely dry Comrric ll. For over huvuii years biilblliiKa by IIiIh nli'iii bnvu been conatiucled, In different iUh uf lh rounlry, and there luu neer Ihvii ii iluiiiiniill. Clio pionl biillillnKS will be (oustriiilnd by this ajutein, t onu third, or iuui, leai than with lulik. , Tho dally capacity of each Hydrnulle I'iwh Mnrbluu, Is enual tu 27,tli)li bilek -lllllni; sninn space, Hiif flclent for a btilldliiK 20 by 2ft feet squiiio nnd l ( I'lKb. This CompHny will Install all new unit the l.iion inpoh or liupinved mnchliuti): llydniulle ProsHei, Criiihora, Mixers, I'resiod llrlek Mat'liliiuiy, Si rem, Klevntom, Trucks, Ciiih iiml till equipment uecesnti) for praitlcitl and purfoct opeiutlou, rur tuinliii: out thn ory ht-il elusn uf work nt ilxl.l pileen. Tho iiiiu blncd' works will employ n Kieut nuinber of mm. 'or u very noiniiuil tinisiilrralloii till fnmimny li'i M'eiuril the iiiimI iloNlmblc location mill factory be to bo had, In, ir near Ulnnuitli I'nll. roiivMliiK brii iiuv. of laud, m-.r tin- lamlliiK on tlio l'irr '. with a 30 or 4(1 fcxil bindluK, mill n rlgbt-nf-iviiy frnui fuetory ami work lu the huiiling. This ruh rty rontaliis tho very best innfoiinl for ImiiIi Cniurvtn nml llilik, nun tlio luiiipaiiy mil mnhi ih preuireil In l..i.. .. . . . . i . .. Iu. .Intl. In mi.' in iff tt I llit rlklltl(f 1' 1 w iuni oui litem iimU'riaiN ni an iow ni t . - . i. .- DEMAND FOR CONCRETE MATERIAL AND BRICK; BUILDINGS TO BE CONSTRUCTED THIS YEAR It was pnly after a very careful lnvo,tlgaton of tho demand for Concrete and Brick, that this' Com-, Way 'deeldrd to'putln-an oatonslve plant In Klamath Falls. At pro.ontlhoro,nre, calculationr and prepar "loni being mado,for flfteen or twenty good business houoes to cost from 10000 jo, 1.0,000 oaeh. largo public school building for tho WostEnd will , soon Imvo to bo built. Tbo now Court House Is going; to be b. Tho paiu&ger dopqt.nnd many other railroad buildings, will go up thjs year. Bhlewalki will be put' ' Rcsldoucos will soon bq going up with our two pleco, hollow wall (dry wall) Concreto Blooks. , taking Into consideration the great amount of building already planned, the material required in " construction, and tho advantages this Company will hare In supplying samo, thoro Is no tafer or moro Profitable lnvoutment than the stock of this Company. Tho par yaluo pf tho Blmros Is 11.00 each, and n llm "a amount -pf. the, Treasury fltoek will ho sold at 8C cents per shnro. "l ' a I 1 I VHIiiMlisssssssssste. H aH. Usssssssssssssssf' asssssssssssssT lissssssssssssssssssssssssssBsiiiiiiissBsiiiilsiiiiiii ' iBBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB 'isssssssssssssslss JRlfllH assBBiiiiiiaaBsssssssH'iaatSlHaBsaaPSRsBsssssssssssssss ssssSKlBsWBXamSlsaiDaBsssssUi l i P4MssssaP!TV'-' 8oy)li of tho. Concrete made by, this If yfatiYle. Pre., ty)jef 'heblocki, with euia" mar be umm . ut tbe.ofllce of tho "Beady-Made Houso Company," optotU tk,kMon.io HalU Ajj art Invited, to Mil u got Information. Parties who are considering.. building will do.'well to call at tln'nirljiit iiiwiileaM. unu vh punicuiars of a special Hisoount uontraev v propouoa that wui be made to a, llaltotTpa) u ucikuii wuu oapoct tu uuiiu wiinin nom hj .artas yean. WM. PITTS and E. T. SHORTT Box 293 - t ror KLAMATH FALU. OUGON a HYDRAULIC STONE AND BRICK CtX