fie Mtmk Klnmath Falls' Firm and Beat Dally. Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. Xiuitu Yeah. No. 802 KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON. TUESDAY-. MARCH 9 1909. I a Price 6 Cents SEVEN YEARS FOR LISKEY AND WALLIS Welch Gets Five Years and Is Paroled- Sentencc Meets Approval of Citizens and Stock Association Clitu l.lskey. AH Wnllln ami Will ux Welch riicUfil llii'lr ni.nteutu thin mot ii I " K fr stealing tint hand nf '.'I I,q,,o for which llio Ilrat two were louuil guilty by the Juty. uml tin. Im ttt roiifeaaed ''''"" H Herat. ,j fcla denial of mil It uml at lit tint reason wl.) hu iniild hot ri-tnllnl. lcul l bo '"' l,n"1 nfferlnl liy linn Alter Uml, hti Immetlliilel) unt w -'li troapecl nf soiernl )esra In llm atntu. vtiriti-oru, ie-t nllMtd, mnl went it, loltvi)tlnry Wnllln, on lint other liu 1 l.l 1 1 tIl u- Manila, mid served it Und, deeply nincuti ami it wun'jiar I un niiuitliH the discharge hpuiihIvo chonl to tlio remarks ithat you liuvii innilu lit' re, that ynU nro not entity Tin CAnrt believe' yon ti, ho guilty of tlilH, uml III In Court (lino tli I'm kv Hint yon liuvu caused our inotlii'i, urn) your brother to coino In hero nnd perjure themselves lo nil undemor to save you from going to Ihu penitentiary. Till Court thinks Hint jou n tried by a fair and Im- Ipftrtlnl Jury, and I do hot think, un der the circumstances, ten year would bo any too tuucb, but tbli Court ulwn)a wishes to be on the ildu of mercy and lonlvuey. This Court In In hop tlint thu leniency It will extend to you In this cao will hiking onu .lay In the defena.. f I.I, !J. U,prtt'UtoJ Uy y0U" ,B- lh,t y3 eoumr, .....I . .IUihuw.1 with .... 'C,",,: "U1"B ,n" JU ""T' ho.inr.tbl., ill.ilmrg.. Ilia d....acli forlh '""" '";. "".' ,11.B,i. ,,, , . . iiioic of n reformatory Institution - .' . i'iii niiMinii tlint In thu Court, allows Hint hi mr- ilm iih hum-at uml fi.ithfui, mid uo I ... .. .......... I ... I... .11.... 1.1... VltnUllIlvU.ll II HI H" Vllllllllllt'll nun t, IU thoughts vliliil to liu nf Ui wile and child, nnd M itr.t 1 pin toll, nnd when thilr mime wen. Mentioned tin" tear persist! d In nil I oc bla u)i's, iiIiIihukIi It wus jppiir rot that hu wit slriiKglli.r lt u ! to keep thuui back Tin ptiHi-eilliiKs tro folio n ' Uy tin Coin! Till I lint tlltii' Kt (or tl.f aetiloiiclng of Clinrlea l.W sty. Alf. Wallla nnd Walter Welch, stand up all Itmo. line you mottling lo n wh) itntcnco of tliu Inn' should nut bu fined upon )ou nt'llilii time lly Mr .Mill. If Your Honor plfae lly lli'fcndmit Clinch l.laiey I lave lo any I mil nut guilt), mid Hint ' J ani sent oicr tliu rond lunt HitoiiKh the people, and t rnn lint mi) any thhiK hecau( It Ik no in.? of miyliiK an) tbltiK It don't nniku nuy dlrfir tico hnt I nould an), they would arnd inn anyny, no Hint U nil I hire ' got to aay I mi) 1 am not Kiillly of tbat charae, buve nut hvlpi'd uti n any hor, mid don t know nboiil any lmrm atnlen. Tlint Ik nil , lly Mr MIIU: If Your Honor pli'tiim. If I may ho- permitted to nay u nurd Of tourae, I ii'iillii- Hint Ihu Jurv Inn rtturneil u erilUl of kull thl tvr, and Hint miltlea Hint pnit nf I lut llh riferenrt' to tin1 defi'iiilmit, I thflru to uy thla When the Imv ai 2Z year old, to rn luik three jt luforu Hint, ulun he win is year of np.c, hli tnolliei nna left without the aupport of her hiihbmid, for certain reaaon. mid nho una n ldow womnn then without n t hliftc lut a lioiiieatend, ThU hoy una the utdrat buy, niul he alnyid mid took Clro of LiK tuntliir, worked nut nnd or kid at home, until he win 2.! nara of ni;e. tliuti the HpnuMi War dme on, nnd he enlMul In tho r ojir arm), nerved foui jeimi InckliiK m day, u a reKUlnr, coIiik to the I'blllpplne lalniida, nnd wua In the mtaxtinenl ronitnotily known im Han Juan Hill, on tho 10th, Utli nnd litti t the Imlltu of Huntlnr.n tie Culm, ov f, hnvltiK nerved Hireo )enrB ii)u. nnd wiih th.i'ii dliichniKed, mid whin he wna dlathiirKid, hu wiik paid Jifiii. wiih h he bioiiKht home, mid KUke to hla inulhei, hIiowIui; llmt ho la not of a dlapoaltloii to Hiumider iil iiionii), mid Hint iIImIiiiiko hIiown lint hla ihitrnctir wna pitrfirtly Kood anil hla M'Mltea fi.ltliful Now, i my thla, hirmihe H hi em to me If, ' Honor plena,., n mm. hn. ,:-... i,M1tltOBOd , Ul0 pi.nlientlary of the lut and avneJ hi. coun ry. If then. ,,, of Qni,m for ft perlod of , j m liny tlinu In thu world when ho nould be entitled to aomu cotiildern. Hon on ntcoiitit or Hat fact. It Ik when he lion made hla flral mUnep In j'irh n illri'ctloi., nud nu'dn conalder'iu, K)iupnthy nnd rrulll for what he haa iliuiu for hla country, In refer- mr. to the time Hint he xhall apeml o I thuro tlio kindly manner In whltli tliey nru treated, and tboy Kut crojlt of 'id per ceu( for Kood conduct whkh would let you out of tb poultoiitlmy with threu-quartei of tha Huutuiicu that thl Court wilt lui- po upon you, being thu name as liu- pod upon Mr. l.lakey. It la tho Judgment of thin Court that ou bo confined In the penitentiary of tho dlalu of OreKOii for a period of ulx yuar.i. 0) thu Court' Walter Welch, hnvo you'an) thing to nay'' A. NotUlur.. liy Ihu Court: Thu Court la sorry for all of you prisoners. It scams thai It la pretty nard aomotlines for A Court;, In it cuau of this kind, to ov ercome It uiuotlou. Thl Court would gladly not sentence you, but would allow you prisoner to go with out any punishment. You linvu help ed ferret out thl crime, Walter Welch, piirhap It never would have been found out If It had not been for you, 'Ihu Court Is going to tako tbat Into consideration. Tho Court I al so going to taku Into consideration your poor health. I haw boon In formed hy Ur.llamllton, a good many timet, tunt you would bo uuablo to Uvu In thu penltcntlury, and tho Court la boilnd to believe that tho sklllod ph)lclnii known best In this matter. The Court Is not itolug to sentence you to tho penitentiary of tho Slate of OrcKou. The Court la going to Im pose upon you a sentence, nu open sentence. Undor the humane statutes of this state, It I now raado dlicro tlonary with the Court, In putting one who has been sentenced to tbo peni tentiary, under parole. It Is tbo Judg ment of this Court that you bo con fined In thu penitentiary of tbu State No, sir, I have not nnythluK tolof Oregon for u term of II vo years, only one thing I want you to bin tlio Court I going trf.ordcr that I than It linn been heretofore, and make a iiHi'ful citizen You fought the bnttles of jt.ur country, nnd the Court will tnko that Into consideration. Your papers show you to hnvo been a hrnve man, tho Court believes, like urn n y American bos who have gono forth to fight tho battles of their lountry, they nro generally bravo. The Court shnll undoubtedly tako In to loiiHldcrntlon the papers you have laid before It hern. I think tho Court la nlno awnro of tho fact, Charles l.lukey, Huit oti have had n pretty haul llfn, no this Court u) inputhlrm with you It Is the Judgment of till Court. Chnrles l.lakey, that you bo ALFALFA MEAL WILL BE MANUFACTURED Large Plant to Be Erected in Klamath County This Summer By Local and Eastern Capital HUM. lly tbo Court: Mr. Wnllln, will you plnxu stand up. Have you anything to any, Alf. Wal lla why the sentence of thu law shotrid not ho paaaed upon )ou nt thl time? A ua) llmt In tlint war went out In dn f",ire ol thilr rountry. nnd I tli.nn h:il he la tini' nf them, nnd thnl Hut defendant rid-hrd mi lionnrnble dla- this evening tbo receipts for tbo year will be sufficient to placo tbo ofllco In tho second 'class. This quarter docs not endv until the first of tho month, but during the first nine day tho oinco will have transacted $520 o( business, which was tho amount necessary to bring tbo yearly busi ness up to $8000. Bevoral hundred dollars worth of stamped envelopes have been ordered which will bo de livered the last of tho month, and with this and tho regular business It will bring the quarter's receipts be $500 and $000 over tho amount nec essary. Mr, Emmltt sa ho has ram- cr dlucourngtd thu placing of large orders for envelopes this month as ho Is afraid that the receipts -will be 10 largo that tbo department might think that the receipts woro being stuffed In order to place the ofllco In the second class. GAME LAW SAID TO BE ALL RIGHT . .1 .1 !.... I. ..... .... I"'"l" "I "iihr ui-i. mem . ,,l ,,4 tni44lhlii nil mil. fori.. .ii I... nr.l...l ...... I nllcu.,.,1 In ini Ar.. v.r f.w l.Kof KIimimIi - -1 , 111V nn 0.l father ind mother, and when, yn.l will, under tbo condition at lt natal litilti.' Hltll I lift I I ti fill I ll A t, it 1 1. . t mi tm. 1 1. I... 1a w.n It 1.1 1 w aa ! WIHI MltM iHliii !! i. a n I lUUl JUU Uli: IV UU, Irtn-MWIUIMJ .- 1 io uny u jou (Ui. it ou urcnn inv law, you nouiu Uy tho Court Alf. Vnllii, lliu Jury thou lie lomjivlled to conimcncu tbo linu fftinul vim etllll. Jfttld I ho Court unriHia nf imtr f1vn.vinr iftntnnra Itn- cbarg.- If tl... Court .an roimldnr ,,,..! ,vhnl oii lmo snld Aslm.-dUtoly wlthoutitiiy Itmo off of tho Hint In impo.lng. aeiil.inrn ul this , lU ,,. c1n , Kaurl i.Uov0j, , lhM ,u hlU0 beoll var(AaiU U time, nnd give blm.uri-dlt for what hi. ,, Jour rotIlluct ,, nM. .,.rlted ,has appeared In tbo trial, both from Im. don,. In Hint .llrrcili.n. I luk Hint , (u . wntuna.t l)iu H.i.ll. Mr Blulkail ua joursclf. th'at more It he don,., nnd w auhmlt the record , , ,w , uc casl!H you t.m. Umu 1Rcl you C(m cnlpoyn,ent of hM discharges, correspondence. mrkuJ ,n JnnKur0U1) na despernt,.t(r,u ,, that will look out for etc. I think that tbli dtfrndunt, ,,. ,, , hnV), j,,,, ,,,, Mr )(m Vnu will bn undor thu supervl- win u no .om.r. nut. If hi. u.w does UAvyt ,, C(Htl w, uni0Hu.ui, ., , ,,, Coull WnUl.r UVch. and rum- t.i peiminimrj. u "f lu)(. into coiitililcrntlori Hint iiu hui' the Court ulinlt vxpoct uu to faithful. ...m, km .. in ..... unit .... ... ..e,,, ,. ,, ,,, ,)hll).f nn, ,j ,y t) l(. ,, UuJ of onch ,, cyerJ, na rood n rlllun n hla record In the I fnlllt,r llIl( niutber. and nlao tlio fitct ' moutli. beginning tho first day of SENATOR MEIUIYMAN SAYH THE LAW WAS KEPORTED IXCOKIIECTLY.' una anon n mm to lie, uml I ,,. .,. ,,... ,, ... ..,.l il..m ml If thu Court iiiii nhuw htm ,.,. . .if..,. . ,. ,v,u .. ...V... ..,. .w ..I....- -.., '' Cult believe thn you hine caused thing to look forward to, mid I nsk inn) think lilelty nt thin tliu,.. It will be mi ml wining, to him, mid give Mm aouii Hint the seiitentii In. Hindu im light ua IKIHllbtl. lly the Court Hni the Dlstiltt At tOIII..) UIDtlllllg to Kll" II) thu llhtrkt. Allot ue If I could say nnlhliiK Hint would be them nnd joumelf lo commit perjury Iho Court Is sorry for this. Mr. Wal IIh, nnd us 1 nuy. thu full limit of ten jeiirn would not he too much, but I beltevu you nro repentant; I hclluvu that ou now see the error of your wnu, mid I bellevo jou will come out of tbu penitentiary and bu a useful of aaslatnncu to thu Cniitt, I would illlien. I believe tnal tlio people nero glinll) do i.o. but I do not know of In till country, both jou nd Mr. Lis uuMliliiK I cur offer Thu Court Is'ku). will bo glad to help you to bu well utilised, prolmbl) better tliun I it bettor man, that Is, when you havo nm nt thla time served th.l term. The penltontlary lly the Court Stniul u. Cliarle l.lakei ( Defendant l.lske) stand Ul' I 'I Ills Court until not Uml nn re- or the Stato of Oregon, of roursc. Is it plan, of punishment. Mill it has man' of tbu humane chatavtorlstlcs that go to reformation (if people who ,ssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbA1bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbssbbbbbH. SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI ' SBBBBBBBBBai aBBBaHiriwITSBBBBBW Your Easter Suit liasicr falls on Suiulav, April lltli. this year. It is ' the ilav fall tlavs io show fine plumes. The time io prepare is N'C)V. Lei us make your clotlie for ' ' von anil you will be absolutely certain of satisfac t nun in every particular, i" GOODS, WORKMANSHIP, FIT. and.PRICE WE HAVE ALL THE TRIMMINGS TO GO WITH FINE CLOTHES V U R N i'sHINGS, ' HATS. SHOES, ET.C. IX THE NEWEST O-F THE STYLES. ' " K K K STORE Mit). und on the first tluy of uicry other month, tbo Court will expect you to wrlto ihi Court, telling It what )nu uie dolus, give nu account of )oursclf. and your conduct, nnd tho Court believes that you are re pentant In this matter, and this will bo u lesson to you. Tho Court does not ft el under tho udvlec given It by Di. Hamilton tbat It will sentence you to tho penitentiary, which tbo Court feels would be condemning you to death, or, tho Court would give oii u short term in the penitentiary. The particular conditions' of your pa- rolo will bo set out In tho order that will beu entered by the Clerk, and It would bo best for ou to hnvo a copy of that order. Tho caso of tho Statu vs. Charlos Uskoy. Alf. Wallls and Roy Vestal was then called, and tbo attorney a for tho two former stated that thel illcutH wished to withdraw tholr for mer pleas of not guilty and to entor pleas of guilty und were ready for sentence. Tbu Court thereupon son fenced the two mcu to ana senr each In tho stilii penitentiary ,to commence .nt tho rxpliiitlon of their fin mer hen It once. The Comt ordered, howeior, that they be idnced oti'pnioln on tho (last sentence. As Ventnl linn not been minlgnod his case will be lieaid Intitr. Senator -Merry man, .who returned last evening from Ban Francisco, styles that there evidently Is n mis tako In tbo reported provisions of tbo game law relative to duck (hoot' Ing In Klamath County. The Senate committor reported Unfavorably on nln amendment to reduce tho limit of the open season In this county, but he bud the amendment Inserted Ii lie bill lu the House and It was pasj e.l by that body. It was returned to the Senate with the umendment Jut Li fore the end of tho session, and was concurred In by tbat body. The duck law proildcs for an open season In Klnmath County from September 1 to February 15. Dr. Merry man thinks that the law mils', havo been printed from the or ll.liiu'. bill nnd not aa It was finally amended. He atatea, bowover, tbat when bo goes to Balom for the special session ho will go over tbo bill and see that It Is correct. The game law will probably bave to be reenacted as other, nlstakes bave been found In somo of .the provisions. Tbat tho question of tho 'manufac ture of alfalfa men) In this county baa not passed tho attention of tbo pco- plo here Is evidenced by tho fact that pfans are practically comploted for tho erection of a plant for the produc tion of this article. Local capital will bo partially Interested In tho concern, but most of It will como from the East, tbo promoter of tho onterprt'a being E. J. Murray of this city. In connection with tils matter, Mr. Mur ray sas: ' "For the past ssvcral month- I havo been carefully Investigating' tho alfalfa1 meal Industry and have about crmplctcd the, compilation, of uuih drta on tho subject as will cnablj its to net Intclllgontly In tho mattor'. A trntatlio order has been placed w'.th a St. Louis II rm for the neccSurr maiUnory, shipment of wblcb wilt oc made' as loan as the detailed pU.ii aro worked out. Just wbbre the plant will bo located will not be an nounced until negotiations now under way aro concluded." Very few, If any, Innovations bave attracted such wide attention throughout tho West as has alfalfa meal. So littlo Is known of It that much skeptlclam exists as to Ita worth, but this Is being rapidly dis sipated. Within a short time' the Herald will publish a detailed article on tbo manufacture, use and value of this article. " - JOHN WESLEY HASTEN. Read Paris news 8co Paris fash ions. Watch tho Millinery Depart ment of the Brick Store. 3 John Wcsloy Mastcn died at 4 o'clock this morning at tho home of , his son, W. W. Masten, at the Sum mers ranch, at the ago of 70 year. 10 months and IS days. The deceased ' was a native or Now York state ana has been a resident of this county less than a year during which time he has been an Invalid. Mr. Masten Is the father of W. W. Maston, who 'pur chased tho Summon ranch, F.E. Mas- teni Mrs. Schmelser and Mrs. Miles. Ho leaves a wife and three sons end five daughters. The date of tho funeral has not beon aet yet. LADIES ATTENTION. Fine line ot Tailored and Dress Hats on display at The Vogue Mil linery Parlors,, Just opening; south ot the Houston Hotel. March 11, 12, and 13. 9 Opening Friday Tho Brick Storo. and Saturday. s BIG DAYS BUSINESS AT POSTOFFICE YESTERDAY WAS A RECORD-BREAKER-OVER SSOO THE FIRST NINE DAYS. SSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsE ' sbbbbbbbbK isMasBBBBBBBBsVaffSa lslsMai?ssssssssssssssssWPI3M"aHlBBW bbsbbbbbbbbbbCbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbsbsbbb assssssssssswy.w T.ain r issssrn 1 rrssMiissiTsssTlassssssssssssssW Yesterday tho Klamath Falls post ofllco transacted ,tho greatest amount ol business of any day In Its history. During tbo day thoro wero ovor $74 wort)) ot stamps sold through tho' iilndow. Those woro nearly all in email amounts. Very often largo oider will bo filled tor stamped ou volopos, but' while, yesterday's busi ness was tha largest done by the of fice, most ot It was In comparatively stnnimmtfudts. ' ' , Postmaster Emmltt states that by DJL DAVID ROBERTS, Wisconsin Stat Vttsrinarian, lyfM-7-l Dr. David Roberts is the best known practical veterinarian ana veterinary aumor in tne country. You can get his book "Practical Home Veterinarian," cloth bound and illustrated, FREE. You can get a high class live stock paper FREE for a wImU ' year. Ask about these offers at . Star Drug Store I "They Have It A MtMMMt'MM ' MM I T MMMIMM-M r r-U