efaUt I Our Advertisers Get The Best ResulU. Klnmnth FnllV First and Best Daily. Tiiihd Ykaii. No. 8(K). KLAMATH PALLS. OREQON. MONDAY. MARCH 8,1909. Price 6 Cents He ftintilto m Li.li WANT EXPERIMENT IN TILE ENSILAGF Large Petition Sent to Dairy and Food Commissioner Asking His Assistance In Establishing Silo Here II0.MEHKKKKRH COMING. HIioulJ tin) movement (hut In now mi (out prove NUi'ictifiil Hiu tinoful. in-K of lliu Kliwiiutli luliu will be de termined. A petition liun bum elicit' luted mul largely Mlr.ned liy locul landowners niikltii: J. W liiilley, thu tit fnriinni nf thu Mlilillu West It IK ItlllKlllU'll HH tltlll or UlO lll-Ht stock fuoda Hint inn bo iim.il during tliu winter months iih It keeps mttlu In Hum (iinilltloii mid when fed to dairy town Impious tin- iiunllty of Htsto Dairy ami rood CoiiiiiilHnluMur, 'lln- milk lo eatabllah n ullu In tin Imomtlliilol The petition Hunt to Mr llnlloy was lclnlly of Klamath PhJU (or ihf iur jatKi'il y tliu following men, ull of ku of making experiment In I ho preparation of iiotluuv. from tint tulea and marsh giaaaca of thu Klamath ilaalii It la a rccognlieil fnct Hint tin- lule If properly handled can bo made, to retain all of thu foot) niufl in It mul It I) thu opinion of tliovi wIki have Hlvcn thu mailer miiiio ulienllun tint cmIIbku of a high claas ran bu made from tliu piodticl Ihnt grows ao ih undantly In thu swnmM mul murIii;H Mr. Ilallcy, when ho Inut tutted tliU city, gave It as hla opinion that I here li iiioukIi iiiitrlllon In thu lulei lo inakn excellent I'tiallngo, but il at It will probably ho necraanry to mix In other hay to rolucu II" itienglh Acting upon Km itiiwatlou iii.iJc hy Mr. Bailey that nn oipuilmcnliil alio ahoulil he untahllaheil for the pu.--Pom of making luats, tliu petition ban bona forwnrdud to him naklng that he nmder such, nulatsnce na It In lila power In Kullliitf Hi" flrat alio clal llahed It li tlm Intention of Hie petlllnnert that thu MM" pay tint (out of estab lishing tliu Drat plant I' II MiCor rack hua Milled (lint If thu alio la Installed on hi place mul prove a aucceia ho will purclirtH-j I ho plant from tho atato at thu actual coil of conatructlon. Mnny of tlm Inicreatod part lea look favorably upon tho prop ortion niadu by Mr.Mcforniuk mid It la likely that tho expeilmuiital la Hon will bu establlihcd on hU rmicb which li conveniently located for gathering tltlui from the t'pper l.uko. If Mr. Ilallcy act i on tho petition tho experiments will begin UiI Hprlng m tin it will bu determined within n few moiitlii If tho eiiallugu will bu n Niireeax, Il li nrr.uoil tlmt thu tulo enallniu will bu ilmllni to tlmt mudu from corn which him pimon n boon whom ure Intureateil In thu promo llun of the Klamath country C I". Uooilrlch, rruiik Ira White, Klnmnth Itepubllmn by i: .1. Murray, Cteiilng Ik nil J by W () Hmltli, Al brlKht & i:illa by John Kills. I. U Fountain, II rl. (Irlgaby, J. I) Car roll, W H Slough. J V. I.eu. J Scott rnlor, (1 W. While. K. II I lull, Fred Melhuae, M. II Wnmplor, D.T. Hbook, P. II. Hmithwortli. II. It. Dunlnp, II. II. VanValkeubiirR, II. V. Mitchell, F. II. McCornack, A In Ally by J. W. Hlllogly. 0. C. Applegiitc. W. A. Wal ker, i:J HtoomliiKcnmp, V T. Sander ion, Klnmnth Falls C'rinmery, Alei. Martin, Jt tinned upon em I mn ten recclvod from hcudiunrlcru In tliu Kant, paiionger tiHltlc olllelulH of the vnrloua trans contlneiitul railroads figure that thero mo at thu proaeiil tlluu botweon 25,' 1100 and 30,000 lioiiiuacokori hoaded for tliu Nortliwcat, with thu pioaont coloulat avaion only u wook old. Tbo objvctlvu polnta nro Orcion, Wiab Ingtoti nud Idaho, olmout oxclQalve ly Of thla number, fully 3000 havo been delivered at duatlnatloui. More I than 800 havo arrived at Spokano tor points In Kaatcrn Waililngtou; 700 arrived In Portland, oh 10 extta cart tiaturduy inornluK, while, ao far on ruporlcd, about 2C0U havo panaod throuKb HlllltiKH and Iluntlnictou KlltllWM)H. Uikju thexu prollmluary vatlinatoa, mid tiiklni; Into account tbo number of iHimeHuukom which havu already arrived, tho xrenteiit movinuut of colonlatH lo tho Northweat ovor known will bo recordod by tbo cloao of tho ueaaon, April 30. Approxi mately K.p.OOO futuro aettlera, Inclu dine their wlvci and famlllta, aro expected to establlah 'tbolr bomca In tho threu stutca OrcRon, WbhIiIuk ton unit Idaho thla aprlnu- Hi'u thu Hoatou tttoro nnnounco iiient on I'uku 3, HU.KCT TKAtllKltH KOIl C'Ol'NTV IIIUII HCIIOOL. Tliu County Coinmlaalonuri, wbo uru In aeaalon today, bavo aolucted tbo tencbera for thu County lllfib Hchool for next year. They will ro tnlu thu anmu corpi of Imtructora aa aro fllliiiK ibu poaltloiiH thla year. J. T llutchur will bu principal; W. K. FuiikIiI will havu chnrKC of thu Com mercial ioutho; C. A. Howard, Ilia (orv mid HcIpiilu: MIhh Aniilccnlu. Ku- H.u thu lloaton Ktor.. minoiinco-l,,,,,,, anj iico A- W(rtI MulC- !I,ul,t "" '' 3- I It li wxpoctcd, that II will bo nee- usmiry to udd auntber teacher next IIL'MHtl.'DS VISITKIl ),.nr. There nro now unrolled In the Till-: NKW N.lT.VTOItll'.M. K, Sehool 107 kcholar. nnd from pteieiil Indlcntlona lherq.lll Imi fully MASV lAWH TO COItllKCT. Tbo la'it nenlon of thu Htato l,cgls- Inturo niadu a bottb In panning new lawn. It li (twirled tbut aa tbo daya (o by many mistakes nnuT blundurs aro bclriK found In tbo lawn pasted and when the apodal aeaalon la called tOKOtber thoy may find It neccaaary to corcrct nud ropasa many of tho acts of tbo roKUlnr aeaalon. X It li certain that tbo game code will havo to be changed. Not only bai Klamath County a kick coming but Uo many otber parti ot tho itat. It li claimed that the duck law throughout thu atatu makes tho open miaou Huvernl month lotixer than Il needful or duilrablc. It ha alio been dlacovercd that codo provldpa for etevon months of open shooting of elk. Of coumo thla was caused by a mimakc, but tbo belt that can bo Mid of many of tho laws pasted la that they are mistaken. Tho tnx couuulialon law will bavo to bo ropasaed as It has been found to bo defective In many respects. A number ot other measures are knowc to bo In tho samo condition and will havo to bu passed again. Il would be woll If thoso Interested In thu game lawa ot Klamath County should tako the matter up and havo a law drafted covering this section and seu that It Is paaacd ao that Kla math County's hunting grounds will bo protected. See the Boston Siore announce ment on I'ago t. WANT 6000 YOUNG COWS FOR INDIANS Indian Service Advertises for Durham Stock for Klamath Reservation to Be Distributed Among Indians denly wbon It began to rain Wednes day evening, and that was followod by a hard snow storm. Cbas. E. Urow and Godfrey Beck roturncd Thursday from the Reser vation where they have been on busi ness. Mrs. Vm. Spark's baby was very sick this week. Mrs. Fred Deck and son, Frank, made a business trip to Ilonanta on Thursday. Dr. Hcmenway passed through tho valley this week on his way to Bo nanza from Yalnax. Manuol Vlerra and John Anderson nro cutting wood this week near the lllldebrand school. NKU'8 FltOM UAlltV. Tho grt.it attraction eterdny wniiif.o to attend school next term. SnmleiHiiii'H new miinliirliim nt thu Ueti tbo lloaton Store Hot HprlliK .The croud nn tbcru'ment on I'ogu 3. and everybody went with thu crowd. ' It la eat I mated that during the afler-'sPKCIAI. HKHHIO.V OK noon fully live hundred people vlallod CONOHKM IH I.I.Kit. tliu hmIiiiiiiIiik tank nnd bnlli liouau, will' li Iiiim been opened to thu public , Piutldent Tnft bus Untied u (nil (or While the weather wuan'l na fiivur-la ipeclnl hchkIoii of the Ulxty-tlrat nbln na It lulr.lit luie been, )el a CoiiKreHa, to convene .March lf-th. Koodly numhir tuatvd thu hut water j Thu call does not mention thu oh- bnlha Thu chutea or ulldu In llif I Jecl for which the speclnl Neitalon la lulmmliig tank nttrnrted thu moat 'called. Tnft linn requested tho He- ROGl'E HIVER VALLEY TO UAVE LARQE NCnSERY. attention nud wnn n great nourco of amiiaement to tho inon nud Iio)m, Keu thu lloaton Sluro minouncc men! on Pngu 3 AT Till: OI'IMIA IIOl'SK TOMOIIT. Now tonight "Nick Carter." "llal loon Itaclm: In Oeriimuy," and Htillan Abdul llnmld, mcuiich from llfo In Conslautluoplu. Bummer Sports, ath letic Now HiingH. Admission 10c, publican leaders, llowuvur, to lake up nothing but thu matter of tariff re vlilon. Seu thu lloaton Store announce ment on Tngo 3. Otto Iloppc went to tho Falls Tuci day to meet IiIh wlfu, wbo has return ed from Bacrunicnlo whom shu has boon visiting. Jim Adams was In.Dulry on busl ueas I'rlduy. Mr. McCunnc, thu homo buyer, bought sonio ponies from Peter Scon chln.'of Yalnax, last week. 'Mr. and Mm. Ooo. Bmyth and Mrs. J. V., Wnllla uttonded tho trial nl tlip Fulls last week of Alt. Wnllls. Our- uuiiounco-,,IK ,.r aiiaonee Ihod. Mlchaul Is ' doing lliu chorus at the Smylb ranch. Wu understand that tho suckers at thu lower gap' of Lost Klver arc be ginning to comu up. Jou Welch nnd uumu of thu oilier nelghborx aro cutting wood this week. There Is a two year old spotted steer nt Godfrey Heck's ranch being held until thu owner calli for It. Tom Uaiclay nnd Win. Crawford returned fiom Portland a few daya ago whero thuy havo been as -witnesses before the Orand Jury on thu Wra. Barclay murder trial. Tho Smyth children nro abaent from school on account of their par ents being at tho Falls attending tbo Rogue Rlvor Valley Is to have one of tho largest, It not tbo largest, nur sery In tho west. The Yakima Nur sory Company has leased 300 acres of land from Dr. C. R. Day near Tolo which will bo all under Irrigation when the Ray pumping plant la com pleted, as It will bo In the near fut ure. Troes. shrubbery, flowers and seeds ot all kinds will be grown on the place and distributed. W. D. Ingcs, president of the Yak ima Nursery Company, and L. E. Hoo ver, consummated tbo deal. Mr. Hoo- vor will have an interest In the nur sery and will devote his time to tho work. The land secured tor tbo nur- s:ry Is some of the finest In the valley, consisting ot tbo McDonough and O'lldra tracts. Seu the Boston Storo announce ment nn Page 3. Tho Indian Department Is adver tising for C000 head ot two and three year old belters for the Klamath In dian Reservation. This stock is to bo distributed among the Indians on the Reservation and Is part payment for tho lands In tho Spraguo River country by the United States. Part of this payment was In cash and the balance was to be made toward pur chasing farm implements, stock, etc. According to tho specifications for bids theso cattle must all be of Dur ham stock. Local cattlemen are ot the opinion that It will bo impossible to secure C000 head ot this stock In tbo Klamath country, especially only tbe youngest and choicest cattle are wanted. 6000 head of the stock doslred would mean an Investment ot between $125,000 and $150,000, and would nearly complete the bal ance duo the Indians. Tho stockmen do not see any particular profit or opportunity In this proposal as they claim most of the stock of this sec tion are ot mixed breed and are rais ed mainly for beet purpose. See tho Boston Store announce ment on Pago 3- Any btiyura wishing Information In regnnl to thu property of Carl lluod In Klamath County can Inquire at tbo Klamath County Dank 26 K. OK 1' ATTKXTIOX. (Court vv.,,1. i m,i,.i ,in aii ,.,.. ! Godfrey Beck went to tho Roscrv hers of order roqucstcd to'bu proscnt nl meeting tonight. See tho Boston Store iinnounco munt on Page 3. I am prepared to do all kinds ot Picture Framing In gilt and mission. Polboer. the Furnlturo Man. JZtf Your Easter Suit Kastcr falls on Sunday, April lltli, tliis year. It is llfe'day of all days lo liow line plumes. The time lo prepare is NOW. .ct us make your clothes for you and you will he absolutely certain of satisfac tion in every particular. t"' GOODS, WORKMANSHIP, FIT. and PRICE WE HAVE ALL THE TRIMMINGS TO GO WITH FINE CLOTHES FURNISHINGS, HATS. SHOES, ETC.. IN THE NEWEST OF THE STYLES. K K K STORE 'i . .ssssssssssssssssVaissssssssssB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfl BBBBBBBBBBBBffifBBaLBBBBBBS BBBBBBBBBBISBWJaaBBVI?'Ba'PVBBBIBV tlon after stock Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. D. Y. Gray and son, Harrison, niado u business trip to Ilonnnxa Tuesday. ' Emtl Eecrt nnd Chas. Flackus were In Dairy Tuesday. Manuol Vlerra Is having bad luck with his cattlo. having lost ten calves within tho last few days. E. V. Pool and Mrs. Scy Pool, ot Yonnn, left Saturday for a visit with rs. Cowley, of I.nngell Valloy. Mr. and Mm. Albort West, of Tule Lnku. who havu been visiting rela tives. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cbas. McCumber, nnd friends In Yoniia Valloy, return ed home Monday. John Domiell made a trip to Dairy Tuesday, Mrs. Ilonry Meier. Jr.. nnd John Sclimohr. of Swan l.aku. made n busl- iiosh ti Ip to Godfrey lleck'w Wednes day John Anderson loturncd from tho Falls Wednesday, P.mll Kgoit mailu n trip to Dairy Tuesday. Levi Walker, ot tho llouorvutlon, was nt Manuel Vlcrra's Wednesday. Mrs. W. H. Bliss was visiting with Mrs. Oodtrey Bock this week. ' Win. Wight, and Joa. Welch have been busy making a dam in the creek woit ot Jacob Ruock'a pluco, J. O. Wight was' at Mr. Viorra's Tuesday. Theo. Flackus was visiting at W.L. Simpson's fast Tuesday. John Anderson made a business trip to Bonanta Tuesday. Theo. Hammoriloy Is busy digging a well on bis homestead this week. Win. Clark and Wm. Flackus are up' In" the mountains cutting poles this weok, The beautiful summer weather we have had for a tow days changed sud- ADVISKH IMVK1) STREETS. Geo. R. Llndley, cashier of the Jackson County Bank of Mod ford, and who Is n stockholder In the First Na tional Bank ot this city, Is hero for few days. Mr. Llndley la a live man from a live town and bis advice Is worthy ot consideration. Ho aays: you have a fine town here and I can sco Its growth since my last visit. If you want your town to continue to grow, you must pave your streets It Is tho greatest advertisement a town can have. It will doublo the retail business ot your storos. It will encourage the peoplo especially the ladles, to come down town every day to' trade. You need a good sower sys- torn and paved streets. It will dou blo the value of your property." Soo tho Boston 8toro announce ment on Pago 3. NO INCREASE IX FREIGHT. RATES FROM MT. HEBRON. Lewis Oorber, the atockmaa. sUtaa that the raise in the freight rata oa stock shipments to the California markets wilt not affect shipments from Mt. Hebron as the rate from that point will remain the same. The rate from this point has heretofore been $25 a car 'higher than from points on tho main linn. The increase from Montague and Gsielle will bring the rato to within $10 ot that from Mt.Hebroa and will about equalUe the charges for shipments to Portland and San Francisco. ANOTHER IMPORTED STALLION SOLD. Ross W. Flnloy, E. W. Whetstone. Lawrenco Griffin, Wm. Lowry, Jack Watts and 'iom Drews, ot Bly, nave purchased ot McLaughlin Bros., tho horso importers, through their agents. Wood and Mays, tholr 94000 stallion. Cyrano. This Is the second bora lurcbased by Spraguo River stockmen .hls year. sssssssssssssssHssssssssssssflrYjff MisssssssssisE RrawSuK SliLHanpiiiijyilBHBKsWHWW DR. DAVID ROBERTS, WUconiin Situ Veterinarian, 1M-7I Dr. David Roberts is.the best known practical vettniiurian and veterinary author in the country. You can get his book "Practical Home Veterinarian,' doth 1 bound and illustrated, FREE. You can get a high class live stock paper FREE fa a what year. Ask about these offers at Star Drug Store ! "They Have It" MMMMWMMMt""M !"M IHM'MMMIF i i