The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 06, 1909, Image 1

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Klnmntli lhW Firm
niul Heut Dally,
Our Advertisers Get
The Best Results.
Thibd Yeah. No. wkj.
Price 5 Cents
Believed to Bo for the Purpose of Giving
Prisoners an Opportunity of Making
a Full Confession first
Wlivn Court (nnvnni'il at lu o'clock
thin niornliiK tli) largo crtirnl that
fathered In tho tuurt room to wit-lii-in
tho svlili'licllix of Cluia I. like)
toil Alt. Walllu, v.eru disappointed.
Attorney (' I' Mono In ludiulf ol
Waiiu. biiJ r ii miii iii uimir ui
l.lakuy, uskud llm Court to poslpom
lunlvticu until Tuesday. Judgo Nol
and Ihuruupnu declined liu would
ilofur pruuuucliig uyntmicu until lu
o'clock "ii Tuisdity. lie alio amtud
that liu would puss iK'litt'tiri) un Will
lor Welch ut tho aamu tluii'
As tlili U tlin tliiiu set for llm trial
vt I.lskvy. Wallls mill Wstnl on the
cattle stealing charge. It Ij hollovvd
tut both Wallls ami I.likty will plead
cutlty Mini n-cclvv lontuuco (or loll,
crluiri at tho same lime
Judge Nolaml Hated tluro wai
a iiuoalluu a to t liu It gallik of rnlllnK
a avcund CI rntn I Jury during tin, tame
term of Court tint tlmt ik would do
tlilo the mailer un Mondi.y lu c.i
a Oraiiil Jury Ii nut suminonml the
(iinfcktloii ami utldouui ol Wallla
and. Llskcy will ptotiiilily hn tnkvii
More tliu Juatlcu uf tlio I'iiic-, mill
l( sufficient uvldeucu la gh en tu lui-
pllrato oll.ula, warrants will hi- issued
and tbv invn bound over to tlio Grand
Jury ut tlio next tin in of Court In
Junu. It It (jultu ptohahlu that the
purpuiu uf iottiotiliiK tliu prunuuiic
I OK uf seiiluncu, was to alloc tliu of
fecre tu Drat get n (Oiiti'itnlon, at It
la believed tliut ll.u Willie of thr ml
denco given liy tliu ii.iiviL'ti'.l iiD'ti
"III retaliate the degri'u of their pun
ishment tu a curtain cxiunt
Judgo Nolaml nlto staled that ho
IhUndcd to ilachuri:o nil but mm of
thg Jurymen a soon ru tlio criminal
fuses were disposed of Thin would
Indlrato itiat tlio Judgo linn bron ln
formed that Wallla mid would
plead guilty and thcro would thou be
tin iiceil for a Jury until March Hi
Hcvi-ral Claim.
Tlio gold-bearing lodo now being
prospected Romo five tulles from Mer
rill coutlnuca to ho tin cuutu of no
llttlu Interest hero. Tho find la lo
cated lu Blsklyuu county, Cal., on tbv
west sldu of tho rungu of tnounlulns
botweon Lower Klamath' bailn and
Tulo Lake, near Bboop'e Peak, and
was first discovered over a yoar ago
by lira. M. U. Mix, who with hor bus
band lived near tho locality Mr. and
Mra, Mix kept tho manor a secret un
til recuntly, when Wra. narrows, C.
V Wilson mul Him Eastwood wcro
Informed mid these last namod gen
tlemen mid Mr. Mix proceeded to lo
cate a mlultiK claim which baa been
railed tho Modoc. Several asiaya
Iiiimi been mud') of tho rock from the
claim, nil uf which show xnod from
12. tu to over 110 a ton In gold, wltb
a coualdiirabln percentaK of tllvor.
A tunnel In now boltiK run lu tho Mo
doc mid tho owneru prouotu to find
tin twiiiy.rne rarloadt altoKethi-r. Mr !' "whnt'a thero." Nuinerouo other
Mitchell hiivlni: oiioiikIi to fill alxteuu llocutlout linvu also been made In thai
'ma, Knd Stukel four and Lewis (ier. U'Ctlon, mid ho la u poor man Indeed
ber five Mr llurbur will dihe out In 'bin l"rt of tho country who does
.inol her bund of cuttle next wvk, biivo a gold mine. Itccord,
whli h will about clean up nil the beef
altln III this section .T Till: Ol'L'itA IKIfSE TONIfJIIT.
Ah,,n hliotv flufHl un.l Itorrloinnent1,,,.. 0ruu.H ,lt .(rttiUI(I Ul.cldcU
h urn mil ik livpi t.ff un
to Lncnte Here.
lily 113. Jim I.'iituii, tbu barkeeper,
onlrlbutliiE 16 of this aum.
Harry Ktllts uua lu Murrlll country
wvernl days first of tliu week looking
ip fat Block for tho Crlisler A: Htllts
meat iiiiirkel nt tlio Pall. He me
ctiMled in uiiylui: 126 heml of lino
nous from W C. f)alton in 7 '; ceuta
er pound, llvu welpht.
Means Mllchi.ll. Htul:e mid (lor
ber this week started llmlr bandu of
:atlle for Jit. Hebron There will
M l.igi'uil IIW VLT.
It has been discovered that the or
Jlnanco miiklim It unlawful to more,
lell or rive away IntoxIrnlltiK lluuors
and prohlbltliiK iho ruuiiliiK of cumbl-
Ini: plaies. waa not passed legally and
therefore Is old. It lakes three
fuurths vote tu declare an eineriieucv
A delighted nudluncc attended the
I bill presented at tho Opcrn Ifouso last
nluht. Mr, nnd Mrs. Ilatton gave
KwmI satisfaction In their society
skPtch "Ulvotced,' nnd Miss l,ula
Nlckcraon, with her aweut volco,
pleased tho audience In tho llluitiated
aoni;s. ToulKht the sketch will he
repented nnd Miss Nlrkerson will
MKimiM, itKcniiii
A. I' Cluhlnu'a rnloon at Falrvlow,
Ihreo m eu south of Merrill hut In
Wiklyou County, Cal., was held up
by a lonu bandit one evnnliiK uf last
week Tliu robber lu said tu have Rot
and us Countllmaii Wllklus oiposed I"K t"'w aonKH. New pictures "Sill
tlio meuturit It did tun hnu n sulll-tNI' Abdul Humid nnd tint Ladles of
'lent tute to carry. In tho absence i1'1" llmein," sliowlug life In Constnu
it I lie Mayor and with oun of the Hnople. "Hummer Sports, " un alb
ouncllmeti prtsldlnK, It lakui the l''tl-' picture; "MovIiik Furniture,"
vote of nviiry uiembvr to dirliirn an comic, mid "Tnles Told by the Hearch
yiuiTKimry , IIkIii." ii Coney Island sceno. Hoclal
At tho meeilni; of the Council last ,iliucu urtcr tlin show by the Loam or
yvunlUK the ordluaniu w.ii m: a In lu-1 tlioaira
troduced with a few rhaiiK"i und
without the emercency clause AT TIIK IIALHW1.V CAFi:.
Dr. Amos C. Graves, of Portland,
arrived hero Thursday afternoon for
tbu purpoau of loolilnrc over this field
an u favorable location for tho prac
tice of his protcailon, Or. Graves Is
ou osteopath of well known and ro
cognized ability, and his coming hero
baa boon only attor tho earntit and
urt'ont solicitation of many who know
of und bollevo In the power of oste
opathy to rcllova thorn of tbclr bodily
Ills, I)r Graves baa none over tho
fluid very tarcfully nnd ha decided
to remain hero and la making ar
rariKeinents to open up an office. Ho
Is a graduate of the American School
of Osteopathy, of Klrksvlllc, Mo. This
Institution waa founded by Dr. HUH,
tho man who gnvo to tho world oste
opathy Dr. 'Graves has practiced bis
profession for eight yarn, and leaves
a lucrntlvo practlco In Portland to
como to Klamath Falls, Ho Is suro
of a cordial wclcomo to this city, as
well ns a largo clientele.
Himilay IMiiner Will lie Hen til at the
1 Itnldnln Cafe from IS until S.
Itev A Murrmou. who Is tu liep.ln I
utmiKellstlr iMi'vllnc.i lu Hum's lint
tomoriiiw. nrrheil on the boat thl
9VculliK The first iiu-etliiK will be
at 1 1 DO a. in Sunday There will
bo preachlni: eery evunlnK at :3(
ucept .Saturday, so Ioiib n tho ser
vices routliiiio
tcrnoon at
Suiulny IMiiner.
Cream of Chicken.
Ha lad.
1 .-.
Illblu stfldy eery af- I'rwli Kndlshes Green Onions
WASHINGTON, Mnrcb C Tho fol
lowing nominations were sent to tho
Sonate today .by President Toft:
Philander C, Knox, Pennsylvania,
to bo Secrotary of State.
Franklin MacVolgb, Illinois, to bo
Socretary of tho Treasury.
Jacob M. Dickinson, Tennessee, to
be Secretary of War
OeorKO W. Wlckcrahaiu, Now York,
to he Attorney General.
Frank If Hitchcock, Massachus
etts, to be Postmaster General.
George von L. Moyer, Massachus
etts, to be Secretary of tho Navy.
Illchiird A. llalllnger, Waihlngton,
to bo Secretary of thu Interior.
James Wilson, Iowa, to bo Secre
tary of Agriculture.
C'harles Nagol, Missouri, to be Sec
retary of Co mm tree nnd Labor.
Uurllngton Wilson, Illinois, tu or
.Assistant Secretary of State
Deacon Wlnthrup, New York, to n
Assistant Secretary of tho Navy.
William Locb, New York, to be Col
lector of Customs for tho District of
New York, N. Y
f.ewis Dauby, Vlrglulu, to bo Mur
ine Inspector
All Cabinet appointments were con
firmed by the Senato nt once.
3 un ) in., beginning on
t'HAiii.i: I'oi-i:
has Just brought lu fiom Ashland a
ihlpiiivut of Yellow New town I'lppln
pples strictly first class which
'an bo bought at The T Dual or Tho
Model llakery 5-Xt
The big tank In the Natntorlum at
'ho Hot Sprtnga baa been filled, and
t Is expected will he ready for hust
noss tomorrow
Lettuce Colory Itlpe Olives.
Chicken n In Maryland.
ItoiiHl Chicken and Oyster Dressing.
Pnranlps Sugar Corn
Mashed Potatoes.
Pumpkin I'lo Mlnco Plu
Tapioca Pudding with Wlno Sauco.
Toa, Coffee, Milk or Cocoa,
Mm. Amanda llmnakar ruturneJ
this ovoulng from nu extemltd visit
l at Oakland and San Francisco.
Your Easter
Plaster falls on Stunl.iv. -iril lhli. this year. It is
"llic ttay of all days to sliow fine pinnies. The time
jr prepare is NOW. Let us make your clothes for
you and you .will be absolutely certain of satisfac
tion in every particular.
Mrs. Urowu, of Klamath Falls, it
holding protracted mcotlngs at Hound
A. ISrontncr brought out soma tim
othy fcotd for Mr. VanValkcnburg,
which tho latter expects tu sow In tho
Tuosu visiting Klamath Falls from
this district Saturday woro: Mr. and
Mia. A. Ilrcntnor, Mrs. S. A. Brent
nor, Mr. Sutton, Mr. Dyer3 and Alex
ander Karocow.
Howard Drcntner, one of our pu
pils, received n new primer Saturday
from his aunt, Mrs. Olddlngs, who
lives In Albany.
Mra. Brent ner left Monday for Ash
land whore she will visit wltb hor ton
and wife, Mr. and Mra. E. Brcntner.
From there kho will go to Santa Bar
bara, California.
Mr, VnnValkeuburg expects to put
I In 100 acres of nlfnlfa In the spring.
Arthur nroutnor sold eight tons
,of baled liny to Mr. Hutchlns of tho
Fall;.. '
Leo. Thompson, who wits visiting
In this neighborhood Friday nnd Sat
urduy, has teturned to Long Lake,
liu mndu n trip before leaving to O.
W, Heavllln's to get a houu belong
to Mr. Curl of Long Lake
Cliaa. Suowgooko was In tlila neigh
borhood Inst week taking oi tiers.
Mr. Agcr nud wlfo passed through
hero Monday on tholr way o tho
Falls. -
Q. F. Sovlts and torn,- Charley and
Clifford, ar grubbing sagebrush.
J. II. Barnea la plowing on the
White and Fountain ranch.
E. Thompson, Ernest Boyd and
Loo Thompson visited tho Falls last
yednoaday,. ,. t
. O. F. Bovlts and tons visited the
Falla 'Wednesday and sold 120 pounds
of parsnips to the Bchallock & Dag
gott Co.
H. H. VanValkenburg drove his
cattle home from the O. W. Heavilln
p7aee'Wariesday;'whore Mr. Hoavllin
has been fooding them.
.Lloyd Alford. who Ii attending the
ehool at the Falli, .came home with
Council Disposed to Look With Disfavor
on Extending old Franchise Which
Is Said to Have Elapsed
his father Friday for a few daya visit
at the ranch,
G. W. Heavilln waa In tho Falls
Harry Pearson returned Thursday
from the Falls.
Capl. Lee returned to tho Falls
Friday after a few days' visit at bis
O. 1. Sovlts caught two wildcats
Mr. Leo Is still hauling hay from
O. W. Heavllln's.
Miss Lola Thompson, our teacher,
has moved to Long Lake, whore hor
father has a contract to cut wood dur
ing the summer.
At a special callod meeting of the
Woman's Club, Friday afternoon, It
was decided to give publicity to a
voto of thanks tendarod the Klamath
Conservatory of Music, Mr. Daniels,
montbers of the Shakespeare Quartet,
tho business firms whose advertising
support was a niatorlal holp and all
who assisted In making the benefit
concert of Wednesday night the suc
cess it was.
Tho unusually Interesting program
rendered reflects great credit upon
tho Conservatory of Music and Its
helpers, and Is especially appreciated
by tho Wowan's Club and patrons of
tho Library,
In a paper read before the recent
road congress In Paris, II. P. May
bury stated that reliable roads suit,
ed to uiodorn traffic would ho secured
by building thorn as strongly as pos
sible; reducing tho camber to a uni
form 1 In 30: coating tho surface
with tho lic.t obtainable bard mater
ial, gaging not less than 2 nor more
than 2 Vi 'Inches, and thoroughly roll
ed, using only clean, hard gravel and
chlpplngs as the binding agent; tbon
cleaning tho surfaces and applying
a dressing of a heated tar compound;
and finally covering tho surfaces thus
treated with hard, clean gravel or
granite chlpplngs and thoroughly roll
ing with a steam roller. His expe
rience has proved that such a surface
is cheap, almost dustless.and provides
good traveling for traction engines
and commercial motors and a good
footing for horses.
Sadlo E. Itosecrans was granted a
divorce this afternoon from Frank E.
Rosecrans. Attorney Irwin appeared
for Mrs. Rosecrans.
An adjourned meeting of the City
Council was held lost evening for the
purpose of acting on the request of
II. V. Oates for tho extonslon of the
franchise of tho Klamath Falls Light
& Water Company. An ordinance had
boon prepared and waa Introduced.
Further than Introducing the ordin
ance no action was taken.
Tho ordlnanco provides for the ex
tending of the franchise which has
elapsed. This would again give the
city a $10,000 interest In tho property
In caso it wished to purchase tho
plant under tho terms of tho contract.
There sooms to be considerable op
position In tbo Council to passing the
ordinance. Somo of tho members
have expressed a willingness to give
the Light t Water Company a -new
franchise If they wished, but do pot
want the old ono renowed as they do '
not like some of the provisions In'
the contract. They think It would
bo bettor for tho city to forget It e'
er had a 910,000 Interest In the plant
and that the bonds should he paid
without any expectation of getting
the money back.
Some action la the matter will have
to be taken sooner or later, as the
city needs bettor flro protection and
tbo company will need some sort of
a franchise In order to make nay ex
tension or Improvements la the system.
Horaco Mitchell returned this ev
ening from San Francisco. Mr. Mit
chell states that Wllllo Is greatly Im
proved. It will be necessary to? htm
to undergo another slight operation
but bis recovery Is practically com
plete. .
When II. P. Hull, of Denver, went
to Norfolk, Neb., a few daya ago to
attend tbo funeral of his brother,
Phillip Hull, he made the discovery
that the widow of his brother was the
wlfo whom ho hlmsolf had divorced
somo time previously. The wldow
dlvorcoe also inado a discovery. She
learned that the wlfo of her first hus
band, H. P. Hull, was also the divorc
ed first wife of her late husband, Phil
Up. In other words, each of the
brothers had been divorced and each
had married tbo other's divorced wife
although none of the four parties to
the ceremonies were aware ot tho
UK. DAVID KOBKKTS, WiscoMin State Vttsriaariaa, lvOt-7-l
Dr. .David Roberts is the best' known practical veterinarkn
and veterinary author in the country.
You can get his book "Practical Home Veterinarian,' cloth
bound and illustrated, FREE.
You can get a high class live stock paper FREE for wlstlt
year. Ask about these otters at
Star Drug Store
"They Have If
" IM "1