lie rfalH. I Klamntli Pulls' Firm mid Best Daily. Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. Third Year. No. 790. KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1909. Price 6 Cents REPORTED THAT WALLIS IS READY TO CONFESS gteititta 4 ILI WILL IMPLICATE FIVE OTHER MEN TO PLEAD GUILTY TO CATTLE THEFT 1EX O'CMH-'K TOMOIIItmV HKT AS TIME l-'OK HEVrEXCIXU WALI.Irt AND I.IKKKV. Tomorrow morning a' 10 o'clock til been set (is tho llmu fur the pro tuuaclDK of suutciico ou Chas. l.likey tud AU. Wallld. convicted of hurse itrsllug. Tim Court l.iii nlio net nctt Tutidsy for tho beginning of trial cl Mikity, Weill end Hoy Voital, on I chars of stealing a itoor aud a cow belonging to Hex Uorit. It li stated on reliable authority tbit Alf. Wlll, at least, will plead guilty to the charge. It U alio rum ored tint Wallls will at that time Dike a full confuiriou, noil It Is ba lloted that tin tmtlruony will Impli cate lira or six others In tbc upper country, wbo bavd boon eoncctud with the slock rustling tliu pait few yuan. If Wallls ami Llskoy till nil tlioy now, It la nuortod tfcr.t there will t some sensational now for the alio asked (or'tho tojtluiuny of the aootlue of Welch and Wallls at Hous ton' placo In Klamath Falls. With In flvo minutes niter bearing tho ovl douco read tho Jury returned a ver dict of guilty. WILLIAM H. TAFF IS PRESIDENT lll.IXUI.VO BXOW HTOHM PRE- VL'.via cnti:- MO.MKN ()t"IKII)i:. WASHINGTON. March 4. Bland lug bi-sldn VJco I'ruildont James 8. Hhertnnu, wbo had Just been Inducted Into ofBco. William Howard Taft, of Ohio, today took tho oath of offlco a 'resident of tho United States In tho historic Senato chamber. A bllud ' Ini: snow storm made It Impoiillilo to hold tho ceremonies oulsldo, ni has boon tho cuitom and as had btion tho Intention, lmerndlately after ho bad boon snoru In by Chief Justice Kullur Taft began his luaugural addrvis. AmotiK otlior things tho President laid ho proposes to follow thu Rooso veil policies. Othvrwlio hu would be untruo to himself Washington was awupt by n bill- Who Is to Be the Next Mayor? The time Is fast approaches wbta.ibo voters of this city will be called upon to oloct municipal oOcera for tho coming year, sod It would bo well ir cvory man Interoated In tbt wilfnre or the city would giro this matter surlous thought and attonllon? Klamath Falls is cow at a point whoro the policies Inaugurated during tho next administration will affect thu growth and prosperity of tho city for years to como. Tho city bau had a wondorful growth In tho poet fow joars. Tho development has bocn so rapid and groat that very few have boen ablo to follow Its proxress. This growth, however, una boon conflnod to tho property mid business Intorests and Incroato In population. Municipal development has been at a stand still, and In fact Is worao than at a stntid still at tho proient time. This Is no fault of tho present officers. Tho demand fur Improvement has bocn far greater than any set of men norklng under tho presont system, If it could be called a system, could nccuinmodate, and tho icsult Is that conditions are In a serious tangle and aro rapidly growing worso. The city has outgrown Its old cbartor and laws, and It la felt that It Is usclcta to attempt any now policy until a broadur cLartor has boon adopted under which to work. A number of thu most progrcmhoi modern newer nyxtem ono w.ho real nnd experienced men of tho city arjl" tho necessity of street paving for now at work drafting n now charter.. tnu U1I,I thoroughfares; and ono who pvopl of this county Some promt- rard early today aud although I'rosl Btnt people aro tald to on concocted la many questionable get rich quick cli In tho atock business, and It I quite certain that tho public will cot bo disappointed In the sontatlon il character of a full nxpou of the itock rustling Industry of Klamath County It took tho Jury Just six hour and Ave minute to como to u conclusion that Alf. Wnllls wa4 guilty of tho charge of being' Implicated with Chas. Mikey and Walter Welch In tho steal ing of a hand of twncty-one hones, belonging to Ilonry Vinson and oth ers. Tho Jury retlrod at 6 10 last nlng and about 11 o'clock they tked to bo rend eortalu evidence) In lb oaao. Tho evidence wiu the tes timony of Welch In regard to the cgrecnient between thu threo men at the Lava Hods as to tho promlso Aid to hnvo boon mado by Wallls to return to Bonanza and keep them Informed If anything occurred Thoy dont-olKl William II. Taft luilslod up to almost tho last moment, that his Inauguration should be held In front of thu Capitol building us bad boon announced, tho commlttco on arrangocients finally decided that cer ornonlcs should bo hold In the Sonatc chamber. Taft said hu did not mind tie snow and wind In tho least, but Hanstor Knox, In cbargo or thu pro- i gram, declared It would bo unwlso to subject tho eyed Chief Justice and tho older mombors of tho Senate to tho adverso weather conditions hTEPIIEXSOX WIXH IX WIHCOXSIX, MADISON. Wis.. March 4. Isaac Stephenson was today re-elected to tho Unltod States Sennto by tho Joint Ascmbly on tho twenty-third ballot, rocolvlcg C3 votos out or 123 rait. CHARLES POPE has Just brought In from Ashland a shipment or Yellow Newtown Pippin Apples strictly first class which can bo bought nt Tho O Deal or The Model Bakery 6-Jt will support the offlcora hi tho en forcement of tho laws for the better ment of tho city. Tho quoitlon then ,1s, who Is to bo tho next mayor of Klamath Falls? Every citizen should carotully consider this quoitlon ao as to bo ablo to voto Intelligently at tho coming election. and It Is expected that It wilt bo coin pltiod to submit to the voters at tho coming city election. This new char ter will provide for tho bonding of tho city for a sower uystcm, atroot paving and other municipal Improve ments which aro absolutely necessary. It will be posslblo to put tho city on a new foundation to that a modern city can bu eroded that would prop erly bocomu thu metropolis of this great Inland emplru, Tho foundation for thlH (treat city on tho lakos must bo laid this year. The peopla uro de manding and expecting It and It Is ab solutely necessary that the adoptlou of a permanent policy be not longer duluyod 1 Iim nt&' nlmMnr will In, tirnvMrtrl aud undoubtedly tho member, of this. ,Al tb tWld Mnu.l 10;tlng of ,m.m..i mi .i, .om. ., ijt" metnbor ot the Klatawa Hyak .... . .i.m ..An,.,.i. ITonnis Club of Klamath Tall, Ore porlant and valuablo rocommenda-, ... ,. . A.. . ,.'. LOCAL TENNIS CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS PHEPAHIXG FOH THE ANNUAL CII.31lIOX8IIIP OPEN TOUBNAMEXI. lions for tho proper development of thu city, whlcn It will be wlso to car ry out. Tho great questlou now bo- who will carry out these gnat necei-1 "" U' SUiion- vice-president: TXW. gos, Lclil Jiiircli 4th. the following oncers wcro elected for tho season of 1909: Wilson S. Wiley, president; Cur aary Itaprovcmcnls? Whose will be the hand tliut will Ruldo this city through tho most critical point of Its cxlstouco? Very likely this work will dovolvo upon tho officers or the city, tho mayor and councilman. On tho first Monday In May, a nnynr and threo councllmcn ara to bo el ected. A numbor of tho couucllmcn, whose term Is about'to expire, bavo stated positively that thoy will cot bu candidate for re-election, and therefore, nearly all of those elected will bo new men. Tb tunn on wbom tho success or failure of the rebirth of tho city will naturally depend, will he the next mayor of Klamath Falls. He abould bo progressive, and committed to a policy of public Improvomonts nnd tho strict enforcement of all the laws. A man Is noeded who I In favor of a )) i ' aHSSSsrjfstgnssBSvBB 1 ' aaaWaW BSMBSSSSSJpSM i BSSSJSJBSJ VJBkBPSJBSSSSSSSSI ' ' BHaw MEPBttMaBBB i ajSSSJfff UlUgaMBSSSSSSSSJ I fJaBSRraiiiib SSJMSSJKSJBBSSSSSSSS BSSSSSM TaTMcHRHBSSSSSSSSSM aBflUrHkkm aHBHsHaH skm oVsVaBEXaBl WsV alHIHKliH s. aVaVaVaVMBsa SBam aVaVaVaVaWaVaiSaSBav iBBBkt AaVaVaVaVaVaVailkSsBsf aiiiiHaBiiiiUISBBilP kVaSaWBkSaSaSaVaSaSr BSSSSSSSJfSSSSSSSSSSJBSSSSSSSW BSSSSSSSSBBSSSSSSSSKtBJBSW BSW vBVBr BBaw sBaVal HsVaW sBBsW alH asaaS aVaT I BaS sBsBaT V BBaW JfJfJfJ BSSSSJJ SSSSJJ pjpjpjw VJaai aaS SSJJ BSSSJJ :: ''MSfrAffk jjyjIBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSk I Your Easter Suit- Kastcr falls on Sunday, April lltli, this year. It is the day of all days to show fine plumes. The time to prepare is NOW. Let us make your clothes for you and you will be absolutely certain of satisfac tion in ever?,' particular. GOODS, WORKMANSHIP, FIT. and PRICE WE HAVE ALL THE TRIMMINGS TO GO WITH FINE CLOTHES FURNJ5HINGS, HATS, SHOES, ET.C, IN THE NEWEST OF THE STYLES. Zimmerman, secretary-treasurer, A great deal of enthusiasm was manifested, and it Is expocted that the membership will be materially Augmented during tho year. Improve monts to tho grounds wero decided upon, and a committee was appoint ed to arrange for the annual cham pionship open tournamont, as well as a club handicap, tournament. Mr. Henry Crosby, of Oakland, Cal ifornia, thu presont middle-Pacific champion, will be called upon to do fend bla title. VOXNA VALLEY NEWS. K K K STORE P. Dreltensteln, of Klamath Falls, ha aold bla place In Swan Lako for $2400. There were 160 acres In the ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Wra. Uhrmann and family and Mike Rueck woro vlsltora at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Stocshler, of Dairy, Sunday. John Andorson mado a busluess trip to tho Fulls Saturday. Mrs. Manuel Vlorra and children nd Mrs. Etta Randies wont to Bonan za Monday. Mrs. Vlorra went to tako her little daughter, Elizabeth, to the. doctor to huvo 'un adenoid growth rumovml. Mr. and Wis. Albert Wett. of Tulo f.ake, wero visitors nt tho home of Mr. and Mr. Carl Adams Sunday and Monday. W. 11. nils was doing carpenter work for Manuel VIerrn last week. John Andorron mado a trip to tho Reservation Friday after a hay rack which bad got mired down, compell ing blm to loave it. Richard Ketchum, of North Vonna, mad f. buslnen trip to tho Hllde brand ranch Sunday. The weather the past fow days has bean beautiful and It It continue so the farmer will soon be plowing. Very Utile a'n'ow rematni and In some places It Is quite dry. Harrison Gray and Miss May Rob inson made a trip to Dairy Sunday. Albert Burgdorf, who has been em ployed at the Shook raneh, has re turned to-Ms-homostead 4n South Yonna and Is now busy clearing land. Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Walter Campbell and children, of Langell Val)ey, came to Yonna to visit Mrs. N. Drew and other relatives. Sun day Mrs. Drow gave a dinner In tuolr honor, with the followln guests: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Drew and family, Jeiso Drew, Waive Drow and Mr. and Mrs. Waller Campbell. Oeo. Hitter went to the Falls Sun day a a witness In the borso stealing caso. Chas. McCumber began sowing his grain tbo 1st of March, the ground having thawod out. Mr. Fred Deck visited Mr. and Mr. D. Y. Gray Saturday. JAMES J. HILL TO ENTER SAN FKANCL9CO. SAN TRANCISCO, March 1. A new atoamablp lino has boon organlz id In Portland to operate a fast pas icngcr and freight servlco botwf. that city and this port. Two vessel purchased In tho East from tho Met ropolitan Steamship Company are ex pected to be ready for use hero iii ninety May. It Is prcsumod that thoso ships arc tbo Yalo and Harvard, :bo only steamihlps known to be ownod by that company. It la said that tho now line will op oroto In connection with the North tlunk Railway, which connects with tho Great Northern and the Chicago, Milwaukee and BU Paul and thai a traffic agreement will bo entered Into which will glvo James J. Hill an un franco to this city. If this arangement la made Mill and Harrlman will become actlvo competitors for San Francisco busi ness for tho Brat time. LARGE CIIORL'B ORGANIZED. A cborua ot about fifty voices with J. D. Mason as director, and Prof. Oeo. Wlrlx as organist, has been or ganized to lead the singing, during the evangelistic meetings which are to begin on 8unday at Hum's ball. Tho rnomber of tbo church choirs as well as other singers of the city will bo In the chorus. Two hundred new song boohs bavo Just boon received and soino excellent music for tho meetings is assured. AT THE OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT. An extra vaudovlllo bill will be presented at the Opera House to night. Miss Leta Nlckerson will sing the Illustrated songs, among which will be the beautiful ballad, "Nellie Dean," In which the singer will be accompanied by a bidden quartet. Mr. and Mm. Hatton will present a society sketch entitled "Divorced." Moving pictures "Tales that the Searchlight Told," a panorama ot Coney Island at night, and "Heroism ot a Soldier." Admission, adults 26 cents, children 10 cents. ADVANCE IN RATES ON LIVESTOCK Will Mean Great Di ifldvantage to Cattle Shipped From the Klamath Country The Southorn Pacific Railroad Co. ha announced an advanco of 25 per cent In freight rates on livestock from 42 station on the Shasta Route to San Francisco, South San Francis co, Oakland, San Jose, Sacramento and Rcdondo. It Is stated by traffic men that the advanco Is a part of the company's policy of raising rates from points ot origin to point of concentration for resLlpmenl to the East by water. It Is bcltovcd thst many similar advances are to follow. Tho station named In tho advance announcement Include all points on the (Bhasta Route abovo Hornbrook and below Dunsmulr, and the Ovo re colving points cover all places In this section whore Slaughtering Is done. This Inereaso In tbo rate, It Is be lieved, wilt put tbo Klamath country at a great disadvantage In competing- with beet accured In California. Thou sands of head of cattle are shipped annually from Montaguo, Gsxelle and Mt. Hebron, and the advance from those atatlona 1 about 115 a car. This will mean a los ot hundreds ot thouiasds ot dollars to the cattle growers ot this section. Complaints against the Increased rates have been lodged with the State Railroad Commission by nine large) packing firms. The particular rates complained of are those from Mon tague and Gazelle to Oakland and San Francisco. The former 'rates to Oakland waa 160 a car; the new rate la $76 a car. NOTICE. Edison records for March are In. Come and enjoy hearing them, at MULLER8. S-Bt Bids will be received by the under signed, Clerk ot School Dlsttrlct No. 1, Klamath County, Oregon, until ,1 P. M., Friday, March 19, ISOt, for the delivery of 76 cords ot 4-foot pine wood cut from live trees, to be corded at school bouse grounds on or before) August IS, 1909. A check ot 10 per cant ot amount ot bid to accompany each bid for faithful performance ot contract. The Board reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 6th dsy of March, 1109. J. W. SIEMENS, 6-18 Clerk Dlst. No. 1. iSfflsa DR. DAVID ROBERTS, Wisconsin State Veterinarian, 19V6-7-I Dr. David Roberts is the best known practical veterinarian and veterinary author in the country. You can get his book "Practical Home Veterinarian" cloth bound and illustrated, FREE. You can get a high class live stock paper FREE for a wksa year. Ask about these oners at Star Drug Store ! "They Have It" MMMWtH i.. .?. r