The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 04, 1909, Image 1

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Kliimnth Fulls Fir-u
and iicKt Daily.
Our Advertisers Get
The Best Results.
TlllltD YKAH. Nd. 7!)8
Price 6 Cents
i-i.i:.H r atioiinkih vi:m:
oiuroiii.ii. M.Hn:iti'ii:( ks
KULHO.M iu:,iti iu:iti..
IMeiuluiit wai on Uiu miunl uudnr
no examination lit tliv opening of
U.c trlnl thin iiiortilni: llu ui unlt
i, auveral question reLiirdhiK till
thereabout during t ! iln i lm
medliitely preetedliiK Deiembi r 10th
hilt he rollliilllt'il illltl' In III tux-
Oniony ntul III" mw-ro uo mum
lultiK did i'"1 'll'it -niy couirnillctory
lnfUIll Hilled t'lU Wlllll-HI Weltll
Allll inked llllll IlllOllt flit! pliplltll)ll
lm iniiilu lo C'liim. I.UUi) liut June
In steal tliu tiiulei from the atalilu
of luvu Hliuok llu luplleil lluil lie
lusdv no propositi in lo Meal luiilui
from Dave Hhook
Cbas. I.llkey Kin next plhroil on
lliv stand anil lilt reply to Hill tnmn
U4(on m n direct contradiction
0 1 tho answer Kltcn by lliu prccucdliiK
ltui- On cross examination t.ti
kuy attempted to maku nn explnna.
lion n( tliu Incident connected with
ll.u iroioiiltloii muilu by Welch, but
ItiU mhii not pcrmlttud
Tun dufono rusted III cj" nml tliu
tktu railed for thu wile of tho do
liindaul lu rebuttal. Uefeudant
lluoiigh bli attorney objected to lilt
vlfe toatlf) Inn l thin aclluu It n
iirged by tho proucutlou that the
union for tlm objection bu stated
ml lo rrspoimo counsel for lofrn!
& thr statutory ohjcctlun tl.nt tliu
defendant objcited to lili lfu ep
t'VKTlMK nciilmt liini In a criminal
acllon lliv t.'onit sustained tliu ob
jection, hiiJ tb slate reied without
InttoilucliiK furlher evldenre lu re
buttal It was shortly afler III o'clock
wticn 1'ruivcutliiK Aitoin-y lCnk'ii-
iIjII began liU mvlew of tlm ethlcnie
anil the argument thereof Durlnt
hi talk to Uii Jury he no sooner
touched upon the rcnions why tho
lfo of tbu defendant ..i not pur
milled to tukti tho ttand whn the
(ouiitol for defense objected Tho
Court permitted hlnf1 In proceed but
allowed exception! to III ruling. Tliu
argument of tliu rrotectitliiK Attor
ney touched upon nil material points
ef tbo I'Vlilonce, nml consumed tho
xrtalcr part of one btur
Following a brief liuerinlmUm af.
I'-r tliu muuliionl of tho Prosecuting
Allorney, 0 r, Mono, of countcl for
the ilelmii.e, lutilrvsKuil ih'i Jury until
I lie noon hour, llu called the ntlcii
linn of tint Jiirnrn to tho oath tnkvn
whin lliey wire ucccptud nn Judges In
thl raso; lio devoted considerable
Itltiiu to tho lejllmouy of tlio accom
plice Wcltli, dwelling upon tho fact
ltlmt coiiNkttoti cannot Lo liml upon
. hlu unruiroborntoil rtmcinuutit; lie
iltuj uno:i which hu npplled to tho
(am on trial In uhlcli couitn dCucd
tho corroboration of toutlinony of an
nicoiiipllcu In u crime, ami also com
niQiilcd upon tho character of tint
i Into' eblof Willie. Waller Welch.
mill went over tho nvjiluiicu In dutall.
1.011K iioiora tlio time lor convening
Court lifter thu noon Interinlmlou tliu
court loom bcKau to fill up and whan
ttornny Htoue rititmeil Ida iiritii-
l.-Diil for the dofaunu there wnn ncarco-
liy n tnr.uil aeiil It umi notlconblu
that a Inrc'i part of tho audience wim
I in ml n up of ludlcn, nho nhnwid deep
Intereit lu tie t'luijinmt plea by tliu
ntlornej The court room llllid up
niplill) ami oliortl) nfier Attorney
iHloim (oiitliiuid hi nili!ti"M u larn"
'rnil mi vtnndliiK In tliu rear of
i he iniim for mint of ualit. Mr. Iltonu
loliiuiiH'd hpproxllnniel luiolhei hull
nuur and In thl tlmo ho touchoil up-
ion all of tl.v InclduutH connected
with tho anvut mid trlnl of tho de
fendant, placliiK parllculnr atrcai ux
on lulverai) public tontlmont and uj-,
on a cotnparlion of tho vvldenco for
aud ni!ulul the dofiiidnut
JuiIku Demon at 2: IS bocati 111
nildre with n brUf reminder of tliu
hurdvu of uu aihocatu and of n Juror
lu n criminal proiucutlou 111m plea
a eloiiicnt and at time wry path
utlc Ho drew cnmparltou between j
tbu Imlurviiicnta for pel Jury on tlio
part of tliu nltnos Wilcli and the old '
'lifl nmll nr lul nv.t.l ITU V.ll llff it
.'" "" --. o-- -
father of tbu dofnudnnt Tint coliclu
! ilon of tho plea by Judr.c tlciuou ua
'a word Picture of nu Innocent man In
j striped clotblnc. a dcxolntu homo In)
Klamath County nnd nn oiu nuari
broken mother and Inllier TUo Jury!
wni affected by tlio picture ami b't
the wnruliiK to weigh well tlio evi
dence lest It Hhoutd be that n inU
luko on thu part of it Juror ithould'
caunii lhce IhlnK lo lome lo pan.
' It I Kouornlly rontldend that thu,
plM of Judr," Henson w,it ono of tin
bet ever heard In ICInmatli County
and It mm Hppnront that tho nudlencu
was touchod by tho ad word plcluro
In team dim mud tbo eje of many of
tlio llatuncrt
Tho Court declared a brief recoM
it tho coiicluilon of tho addrcp by
Jiidnu llcnsnn, which lasted tlirouch
IIS minute, folloulne winch Jiiogo
iDral.o concluded for the tntu.
lie lommentcd upon thu nrgumeuta
by counel for dofonse and lu lili cus
Iioinnry able tnnuner lm went ovor tlio
tottlmony and In ovcry step was close-
Jly followed by tbo Jury Ho went In
to detail about the Keimrnl character
of thu ltnei Welch nnd drew the
latteiiilon of tlm jurors to tliu In-
L..- l.nnln llm nrni,rlltlnn mnlll-
tains Hint tlio stntoi chlof wIIucsb
imJZ .1
and soom to llko It thoro very much.
Adam Woldman started plowing
on bis homestead Monday.
Qodfroy bock mado a trip to Dairy
Jacob Rucclc wont to Bonanza on
business Monday.
Wm. Uhrmann has moved part of
bis cattle from bis place to Tbco.
Plackus' ranch, where they will bt
Bey Pool hauled bay from Wm.
Klackus' this week.
Tbo porcupines liavo been destroy
InK a great deal at timber In tbo
mountulmt west of Wm. Uhrmann'a
M. I'. Nolson Is busy at tbo homo
of C. K. Drew this week making
somo Improvements In tbo borne.
Inaugurated As President of U12 U itcd States Today
Draku tho Court declared a recess of
flo mlnutos nt thu couclutlon of
which tho Instructions woro given to
tbo Jury'
U corroborated by circumstances de
luded by other witnesses Introducod.
Judxo Urake'H review of tho evidence
wus thorough aud lu bis address, con
sumltiK moro ttian nn hour and a
hnlf, bo couiiucted up tbu uldeuce
of thu prorecutlon which, It was not
iceable. Impressed the Jur Ho, too,
compnred tbu ovldoucu of Welch wltb
that of tho witnesses for tbu dofonso
Ho denounced thu witnesses for tbej Tho Woman's Club rcalliod about
defndant, whom ore his rulatUes, ns, $100 for the Public Library from
KUllt of perjury nnd ul In almost' i he concert itlven Inst ovcnlng. Tiio
tbu snino breath hu oxpre-eil sjm-'affair was a decided success, and ev
piitb) for them In their plight lllccr) sent In tho Opera House was All
iirgumunt was forclblu ami bis con-iod 'llio concort was given 'by tho
elusion, reminding the Jurj of tho' Klamath Conscnatory of Music, as
mileinnlty of thu Jurat's oath, de dl-islstcd by lan Dinlels, cello, and the
I,. W Mllfcr has received a com
munication from Frank J. Marshall,
of New York, who i.txt to Dr. B. Las-
kcr, Is considered one of the strong
est chess playurs In tbo world, stat
ing that In revisiting many places of
tbo West It would afford bim keen
dollght to, Include Klamath Falls.
Mr. Marshall Intends to give ex
hibitions of simultaneous chess and
checkers, match play, and lecturing
on tbo theory of chess and checkers.
He agrees to play all of tbo chess
and checker plajem of tbo county at
the same tlmo and, of course, wo ven
turu to say, be would not lose a sin
glo gatno.
A vUtt by a, chess player of Mr.
Marshall's magnltudo would be qulto
a treat to all tbo members ot our
chess tournament 1809, and as the
matter will bo presented to the chess
club next Monday evening, every
member should maka It a point to
bo present at that meeting.
Court convened at 10 o'clock this
morning and this being tho time (or
Imposing sentenco on Cbas. Llikoy,
A. L. Lcavltt appeared for LIskey
and moved that tho Imposing ot
sontenco bo deferred until 10 o'clock
Saturday morning at which time It
Is expected that F. II. Mills, attor
ney for the convicted man, will bo
ablo to be present.
Tuesday, March Otb, was fixed by
mutual consent of tho attornoys In
terested as tho tlmo for the trial ot
Cbas. LlitUey and Alt. Wullls on an
Indictment charglLg them wltb the
theft of stock trom Rex Dord.
roctcd his remarks to tho duty Impoj
od upon a Juror and tho consequences
If this duty Is not conscientiously per
Uhnlcespcaro Quartet
Tho Conservatory has given a num
ber ot muclcals and concerts In this
city, so tlicro was no doubt In the
, . .. ( . .
During tho entire afternoon tho de-' mtndH ot tho local music lovers as
fondunt was surrounded by bis wife, to thu treat in storo for them and be
wlth a babo In her arms, by bis aged j fore eight o'clock thu house began
Infirm mother and other ot bis rcl- filling up and was soon overflowing,
atlves. Wnllls was deeply affected' Tho trio composed of Miss Elsie
by tlm arguments ot tho nttortieiApplcgntq, violin; Mr. Ivan Daniels,
nnd whou his counsol mudo strong i cello, and Miss Evelyn Applegato,
points In his favor lio frequently nod-1 piano, rendered several very beautl
dod his head In approval. While j ful selection and responded to en
Judgu Drako was addressing the Jury cores. Thu quartet, composed of
he appoarod norvous, 'but wus a closo Mcsdnmcs Zumwalt, Henry, Mason
listener, nnd Gates, was heartily enjoyed by
Following tho argument by Judpo'tlio entire audience. Their selections
wcro unusually well rendered, espe
cially Annlo Laurlo and Nellie Gray,
which socraod to touch the hearts
Hall-Shepherd Company report the
following sales of city property: M.
L. Anderson has purchased ot C. E.
Widdoes bis rosldence on the corner
of Seventh and Walnut streets. Con-
slderatlon $2000. Mr. Anderson re
cently arrived here with his family
from Boise, Idaho.
J. L. Cunningham has purchased
ot Siemens and Dunbar, 40 feet on
Main street and running through the
block to Klamath avenuo. The lot
Is located cast ot Orooloy ft Phillips
plumbing- shop, whero the Third ward
hose is at present located. Consider
ation was 14000. Mr. Cunningham
plana to erect a brick building on
tho property this summer.
I.. W Miller, tho landscape gar
dener and well known chess player,
who has been a resident of Klamath
Falls the past two years, expects to
leave tbo first of tho week for Orland,
California Mr. Miller owns an In
terest In 70 acres of valuable land
where tho town of Orland is being
built and this will be platted and sold
In lots.
Orland Is the headquarters of the
U S. Reclamation Service Project in
Glenn County and is building up at
n rapid rate. Mr. Miller lnvestod in
thu land some years ago when It was
worth about f 7E an acre but today It
Is practically a part of the growing,
city ot Orland.
Andy Ran is In the city today
from his Spring Lake ranch on oue
of his occasional visits. Mr. Ryan
manages to visit the city every three
or four months.
WASHINGTON, March 3 The sal
ary of President Taft will bo 175,000
oach year, according to an agreement
reached today by th.o conferees on
tho Legislative, Executive and Judic
iary Bill. In the Sundry Civil Bill
there Is an amendment giving the
President $25,000 for traveling ex
penses and it this Is agreed to, the
annual compensation ot the President
will bo $100,000. The Senate con
ferees on the Legislative Bill receded
trom amendmonta increasing the sal
aries o't the Vlco President, Spesker
ot the House and Fedoral Judges.
The Valet's Wife," comic; "The
Roso that Makes Everybody Dance."
colored; "A Corslcau Rovonge," dra
matic; "A Oust of Wind," comic.
New songs.
Your Easter
Kastcr falls on Simdnv. April 1 ltli. this year. It is
(lie ilay of all days to show fine plumes. The time
to prepare is NOW. Let us make your clothes for
you and you will be absolutely certain of satisfac
tion in every particular.
ot tbo listeners,
Tho crowning event of tho ovonlng
i was tho Rendition, by Mrs. Don ziim
jwnlt. of Schubort's Erl King. The
MnfrtrnrAf nttnti nf fhla mnftf ertilern wna
....r. ..-..... . ,-.- .--,- ,
a Hiirprlto to even Mrs. Zumwalt'sl
greatest mlmlreis nnd ftdils one more)
to her long 1W of succcasen,
llesldes linMiiR mich it feeord at-'
tomtancc ami such nn excellent pro-i
grnm this concert can bonst ot the
distinction ot brine thu only enter
tainment of nny prominence In tho re
mombrnnce of mai.y In Kliimnth Falls
that liefiiti on schedule tlmo. Tho
curtain last evcnlpg went up piomptly
nt 8:30. This was "probably due to
no reservation of scats.
sssssssssWssssWsssssssMglgMsMr ." !... . ..J LO U-L. ! X . .ass.. ' sssVasssJsisCssMgssssl
ssssssBsssstttJgssssssggMagXiTraPi-i ; ?SshssWsssssssssssss1
aSSSsWfc:Tytir!llt lt2DCt2,iCl;liS.UgSBBBBBBBBBBBfl
f-MMTiwMim,?. 'srasiai7vassssssssssssssl
Born In Yonna Valloy on Maroh
S, 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blmp
son, a boy.
Following Is the monthly weathor
summary for Yonna Valley, tor the
month ot Fobruary: Tomporaturo,
mean, 88.27; max., El; mln., -2.
Precipitation; 2,48 inches. Snowfall,
10.33 Inches.
Sovoral.of tho chtldron have re
ceived totter from Floronco HelU
bronner, who lived In Yonna. They
aro now living across tho river from
New York City in Hoboken, N. J
DR. DAVID ROBERTS, Wisconsin State Vcttruuriaa, 1906-7-'!
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