The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 02, 1909, Image 1

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Klnmatli Fallii Klrnt
, and Bent Daily.
Our Advertiser Get
The Best Results.
Tiiiki Yeah. No. 7D(i,
Price 5 Cents
City Believes It Sees on Opportunity to
Get Hold of Some of that Easy Money
Now Going to the County
,n urilliiitiivu wn prtnacd by tliu mlt i.ny Intoxicating llijuurs in be
Council lint evening itotlurliiK Uiv'sIu.mI ilmreln. except ihu luinu be
Ittlilme ur nulo or sellliiii. except us umu an a drug .tuic, nor shall sucu
otherwise provided, InioxIrnUiiK II- owner or lessuu allow nny duvlu u,
,0or, within the cl'y limit of Klu- be (ouhirmud or maintained In Mt
ci.lh Falls, unlawful, I'rohlbllliiK biilldliu: desluimd to prevent or .ivold
tucb keeping or snlo and flxlm: pen- lild.-ctloii of tlm unlawful subi ut in
illjf for violation thereof; find pro. u t- tttliiK lignum therein.
tlblllDC uch offi'iism. wlllilii Urn - .. Where local ...vlc- M e
limit) of ulil cltyj end dfcliirlUK un resorted Id by tint keipitii of bouses
tBrincy Tim ordinandi wiu sign or places iimnilunad In this tirdln
td today by tht President of Urn, ant... lor tlm purpose of piatcntlm;
Ornncll mill l '' 1"' rollowlm: or nxoldlnr: tin- detection of the keen-
ire a number of lint sections of tho r thereof, u shall bn tin; iluty ut tin.
Uilef of Police or oilier pollen otlker,
when eildemu la in-4i nli'il tu blui or
nvldi-nro li obtained by r-urli olllcer
M l
. 8ctlou I
It aluill bn unlawful
for any person, or persona, In nuy
minncr, either directly or Indirectly, i"1" ' devices it In resorted to, to
III" u complnlnt with tlm Pollen Jud?
xillliiK forth tlm iliivicu resorted to
or tlm lin aim employed to nvolil hiicI
by stunt, servant, or employee, or
Itbtrwl"'. tu keep or maintain with
in Ihv llmlta of Ihu rlty of ICIatnatli
rtlli, Ori-Eoii, nny bar-room, drink.
Idi shop, drinking saloon, tlpplliiK
tost .club rooru, club houaw, or nny :t being kept, and tlm name of tlio
other placo
set or limit lliuor nrv kept
'joM, dlapoaud of, or given away, ex
Walter Welch occupied tlio stand
tlm hi eater part of tlio forenoon, In
tliu (.oiiiliiiintloti of tliu trial of Alt.
Wallls. lie was followed by Mm. Liz
In rilcli, win Ur.tlfled to seeing Alf.
Wallls, Cluirt, I.lskuy uud Wultor
j Welch on DecouiLoi i near her placo
In Yomia Valley v. till n band of bors
os, among wblcli recognized two
I of tbu liorsuj. Tlio (lofeiiso objected
,to all of tbu tesiliuony and did not
I cross exuinliiu tliu wlluts-j.
i John W hoHUo, fntbor-lii-law of
iWallls, wiih then ciillod nud atntvd
thul ho wus ut tbu liomt or Alf. VI-
'iU one iiIkM nod tho followu day,
Alilcli ho tl.otiKht was Friday and
Huturday,. December i and t. 11a
loillliid to seeing u strawberry roan
iiiuiu beloiiKlnr, to iJonuell and ono
of .Manuel Vlerru'B horse In tho Wei
ll pasturo, whltli woro turnod out jrlddon about f.U inlols that day. This
by Welch uud Mskoy. On cross t-x-iwna shoitly after 4 o'clock lu tho af
aiiiluutlou by Slono an nltuiupt wnvltornnoii.
iiiado to uto Mr. I.okuo oj a wltncsii !rs. John 8hook corroborated tho
for tho defuuso, but tho qusitloua j evidence of tbo prececdlne witness
eio objected to uud tho objectipua. about Wallls coming toward Bonaa
Huslalned. Mr, Stouq Intimated thnilra on tlm road Icadlui; to I'oo Vulloy,
in iiiIkIiI rail Mr. luter for ,Tho liorae hu was rldliiB ttpponrud to
i-xamliiatlon us u witness for tho du-'bo voty tired. .She rocoyulzcd tho
fee. Idefeiidaiit fci he panted by tho bouso
l.uko Walker wus next culled. Ho uud fipoko to lilui, he replying by a
huh lit tlm null placo on December nod of tlm head.
sold In that city, film was closely
cross examined oh to tho ownership
of tlio" horse In question, alio tes
tifying thai they were the property
of her father.
Alcy Vinton, tho 30-ycar-old son of
Honry Vinson, testified thai ho had
iio Interest In the horses owned by
his father p.xcopl ns a child. Ho stat
ed on crosa examination that ho bad
no source of remuneration aside from
that paid him by hi father forJiclp
Ine on tho ranch.'
John Klioulc testified thul on IM
comber 10th last, ho suw Alf. Wallls
on horseback coma from I'oo Valley
towards Iiouantn. Probably a half
hour later bo caw Mm In Donanza
and noticed that tlio horso looked
uu If ho had been hard rlddtn and
ho itlso heard Wallls say thnt ho bad
I mid saw thioe men with a bund of Tho testimony of Ihu witness, John
ili'trctlun, duicrlbluK tho pluco win-re ",,,rB,' ouo of wlllcl' ,IU l"ok for A"'Bliook, wa fully conoboratod by II.
tlm mild devh v Is kept, or smpictcd I Wal"' j1, Kllcoro. who stated that ho was
of bolni: kent. and tlm niimo i,r ihJ J- " s,1"rl ' f" Valley, wus the In Ilonanzn on December lOthi that
i Hi which spirituous. Un-lK-Tnon or persons. If known, vlolat-! next ""' " w,,ut l0 ,ho Wallla'lic saw vho defondant ride Into town
It Milium nro kept lo l.o'lmt H'l ordinance .l,-i..upon tbel"1"10 0 h"tul Jy afurnoon. Uiwiii-i on hi bay Kaddlo horso: that tho
en Id I'olke Juduu shall Isnue hU wur-l ri-muiuuu uver uuiii nun- norso appeared to no urea una iook-
runt lominaiidlUE the Chief of l'ulli-.. I ,luy- Vv,,t'u llu arrlv,-'J Haiurda uf-'ml at ff he had Icon hard rlddtn;
ur other pollco oincer, to search such ,ur"uou ""'"' Ktv no mnu nloul ""' ,,ial ,lu Particularly noticed the con-
i tlcerd of any splrlliioua, vinous, malt pico ami. If tlio law u biliiK vlnlalH -" ,.,...,, 'i'"" "' " " '""
;iwBro ui nnf '"'. """""' """"... ... . . . rctililiLd nbuul i ark. Wallls and frnni nf tlm ni-l.r.,11 ir..- st.-it U'.l.
or, IntoxIcatliiK ILiuors In i. ,ir,, V"rrv" lm i'r or l-'"ous vio-, n :."". -""-"::-" ."
u duly llt-vnsvd ilrwc. "I''K tlm same, mid It shiill bo the, " , ' ' -"" ' "" '" ''' ""
mado for mechanical utv of tlm Chief of 1'ollr... or othcr11'' tttr"1 K0,URl "'"; "rldKe from tho east.
... ..,. n .... i... Court then adjourned until 1:30. Wm. Ooss eavo testimony corrobor-
Mrs. null wat recalled by tho allnc Witness Kllieore resardlnic thp
Forestry Service Will Divert Funds to Be
gin Work on Crater Lake Highway
Through Cascade Reserve
tore havlrnc
tiit. mar bn
tail medicinal purposes; and provlJ. I"Mcn oincer. after l.avlm: nbt.ilncd
. .a... - . - . - . .. a. ialtiti Iv ft s-rn tit lis ill nihHil ailrtlisuln
izz r, : r ;. ;.no -;;; :..;;; : - uud ??'. n..-h0rsU on th.
. .. . . . .l,.-lr.. I. r...rrl,.,l I,. ,..l ,,,, n.l l"Kru W.'Vl.TIll qUUXlllllia 111 TCKBrU IUt)H 0,UCSllOn.
tors umin iirnrrllillnn nf itulv . ueilcu Is resorted 10, and Upon ad- ...... . "....
... " .'......... . In.l.ln,,.. l.oln r,,f-..,l ,, ..m,!1"" ,tlna I""1 '""' ln '"""l I''"'
urcnaeu piiyairinn, inu pniprit.iur ui , " .-.-. --... ---. .,,...,
. . . ... ... .1 l.....t.u .......,... ., .... I. ...i ...iniii
'isca druic storo shall kcrp a full and "" "i"j " " i"i "
iccarsto riTiird of such piiscrlptlons. ''" "l""' tho rami, ami arrest and
AiowlDK the tiainu or nnmea of the ''' over for trial licfon- tbu Pollco
ptrson or jwrsons to whom aiicli'ln.JU,K''i uc" I"-'""' " "'
toxltatlni: llquora were delUerud. slso . '"nJ vlolntlnic any of tlm provl
salo nf audi aalo. and the nanio of o- "' ' And any perr.ou.
ltMpl.jr.lcUi. l.-ulnr. such p.,.scrl,.. f ';' "' "n''' "" , ;'"K, " l.o a Ha.isngo xrlnder. article : ,1 e defondant. but that they
Hon. whirl, record shall In .. il.J.r. , violators b, ., b, r ic.l n or tr In to 1 inUm fmm Uy ,,.,. ,,.
10 tnt llikpertloii or tin- police ol tile .'... ..." ... ......... ...- jof,,adunl
... I l.,i.i.. ,if m,,ili .lull ul nil Iu4 till kill1
U'biirve of such duty, si nil be i-iually
KUllty under this ordlu.tme
Hi-c. C. In nny prosecution provid
ed for in thin ordinance, It shall not
lu necessary to statu tho kind of In
toxiiatlni; liquor sold, nor describe
the plnt'i. whom sold, provided the
mIiI city of Klaiuntti I'nlls at any
Section 2 It shall bo unlawful
lor any pvraou In any innnner, either
illrlly or Indirectly, or by ar.unt,
irrvant, employee or otht-rwlm', to
Mil, dUixiie of, or kIvi' away, nny
iplflluous, mult, vinous or liuoxlcat-!saIe or disposal thmeof shall bo with
ll ll'iuoiN wlihlii the limits f thelln the rlty llnills, nor lo show the
tit; of Kluinnth rails, Oiokoii, except
provided for In rn'Otl'in I heieof
Sec 3. It shall Im unlawful for
wy person, firm or corporation main
Ulalnsr a stort, ahoji or other pltre
(f business In Mild rlty. to keep or
(lore In such pluco of buslnois, or In
MX part of the bnlldlnn whrrit i.'irh
ltre of business I maintained, iny
llrltuous, vinous, mult or liitnxlcal
' ll'iuorn; uor abt) tho owner nr
kiiJCeof any bulldlnK In said city por-
C 11. Iloaxland wna rot po.iltlve
In tho evidence In tn horny In blstestlmonv in rcKiird to lh con-
ktoallnit iftMB. dlllon of tlm horse, but ho corrofcor-
. P W. llroBdsword. n hardware nti-d prrcccdlnii wl,tintsei lu regard
muirhant of nonanni, U.tltled thin to tho horse bclnt in Uonanzu on Pe
on December Mb last, the defendant rember 10th.
puichased from him n pair of pliers,' O-i cross examination tho witness
used for cutting wlro, two files and i trt'llcd thnt he had lind a flKht wlh
l.c Dean, who conducts u barber
, J. A. Ilradley, of Mouauza, testified sho lu Donanza, testified thai ho
I that on or about December Sth, Alf. saw Wallls on or about Documber 10;
Wallls uni In his store. that hu noticed lit horso and that Ills
Lewis (lorbor wus tioxl called and attention was called to tbo tired con
was asked numerous iUcstloiia roln-'dltluu In wblcli tho horso appeared
tho to tho usual route followed Tnltu be.
dilvliiK stock from tho Mouauza sec- Mrs. M. Smith, residing on the
llun to Mt. Ilobrnn. Ills testimony ' Major Ilruco ranch 13 miles from
wits to tho effect that tho routo most; Ml. llebiou. wax called and testified
used was not thiotich tint Lava lleds' about a band of horse being: nl her
kuowIeilKi' of tlm principal III order
to tuuUil for tin- act of tho UKunt or uut Wu ,,00 valley and Merrill. Wit- placo on or about December 12tli last.
servant, and In ull cuwi tln person
nr persoiu. to whom the fcnld Intoxl
catltiK lliuor shall have been fur
nished, whether of snle. Rift, of oth
erwhe, In violation of this ordinance,
shall bu competent witnesses. Tbo
lisunticv of n license or Internal rev
enue stamp by tho Federal Uovorn
ment to any person for tho salo of
IntoxUntlm: liquors, or tho cortlflcoto
ness was also asked iiiiinerotm quoi-, Couusel for defouse objected to ev
tloiiH about linvlnn ordered u certain 'cry rjucstlou asked, tliu Court ovcr
iiumbur of cars for the shlpmont of 'ruling, tho objections,
stock from Mt. Hebron, ' T.J. Patterson, of Mt. Hobron, gavo
Uuy Morrill gavo ovldcnro lu re- ovldeuco about sceliiK u bunch of
Celebrated Union Made !
Overalls, Jumpers,
i '
Corduroy Pants
and Gloves
Annie Vlumin, daiiKhtur of Henry
gard to the nature of tho I.nva llcds
and tliu location and condition of a
cortnlu horso camp ho maintains
there. Counsel for tho defense In-
horses at Mt. Hobron ou Decomber
13, 190S, and about seeing two men
with tho li'orscB. .
W. II. Shook corroborated tho wit-
tcrposed objections to most of Hie nosu Welch In his testimony about
questions asked, practically all of cutting wlro fences. Numerous ob
which tho Court overruled. 1 Jealous were ngaln Interposed by
Geo. Illltor, R Yonnn Valloy farm-jcouiuel for defense and w'ero prompt
er, guvo ovldonco n lo a coitaln horse ly uvorrulod. Tho testimony of wit-
beloiii:liiR In him. Tho horso dlsap- uuss Shook corroborated that of
pcniTd Horn Hid inngo nenr his ranch
lost fnll or winter uud was subae
iiuently locnted In California, where
Welch In regard to tho routo taken
with the bunch of horses.
At the conclusion of tho testimony
It 1 nil been tnlieu without hli per- by W. II, Shook tho Prosecuting At-
Will O. Stcol, who has dono more
toward furthering tho recognition of
Crator I-ako than any other one man,
Is In tbu city for a fow days to begin
arrangements for tho handling of the
tourist tho coming summer. Mr.
Steel Is well sntlsllcd with tbo pros
pects for the building of tho Crater
Lake road. Probably no other man
could havo accomplished what bo did
with tho hoad of the Forestry Ser
vice. Ho secured a promise from
Mr. Pluchot to dlvort from other
sources lu tho Forestry Department
funds to bo used on n road through
the reserve. Tho appropriation for
the Torostry Department had already
been mndo when Mr. Steel reached
Washlugton, and In vlow of tho fact
that not enough money bad bocn ap
propriated to cover the exponscs of
all tho Improvement which were de
sired, It seems Incomprehensible that
Mr. Steel waa able to got tho Forestry
Department to oven consider the ex
penditure of money for any new
Mr. Steel and Mr. Plncliot havo
boon closo personal friends for years
and It was due, In a great measure,
to this fact that Mr. Stocl waa grant
ed the opportunity to present to Mr.
Plnchot the great necessity for this
highway, which finally resulted In
success. It was this agreement of
Mr. Plnchot'a that 'made It possible
to securo tho appropriation from the
Oregon Legislature. Tho opponents
In the Senate-went to tho extent of
wiring Mr. Plnchot In regard to the
matter, and when Informed that be
would do Just aa ho promised Steel L
they were left without one of their
strongest aiguincuts.
Mr. Steel states that the Forestry
Department will begin work on the
road lu tbo forest reserve In July,
and also tho Good Roads branch of
tho Agricultural Department will
make Ihu surveys and plan the course
of tho road. Tbo highway through
tho rescrvo will be built strictly ac
cording to tho tccommondatlons of
tho government engineers, but the
road outside of the reserve will prob
ably be constructed according to thv
wishes of tliu state commission whlci
will bo appointed by Governor Den
son. It Is not known who the nicm
bors of this commission will bo a'
tho appointments cannot be made un
tl: 90 day after the adjournment or
'l.c Legislature according to the .tro
vls'ons of tho bill as passed.
Mr Steel, ns secretary of tlio com
mlraion appointed by Governor Cham
berlain, has gatberod all the material
possible, and also obtained ruling
on every legal point that might com
up In the work of tho now commis
sion which will have In charge super
vision of the road.' All tbls matter
will bo turned over to tho commission
as soon as It Is appilnted, m that
there will be no dolay In beginning
work. Tho work dono In tbli re
spect by Mr. Steel will save the com
mission fully a month and a half of
Will W. Baldwin and J lis Mabel
Jacobs were unite J In marrlago yes
lorday at the tome of tho bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Jacobs,
at Baker City, Oregon. The young
couplo will spend tholr honeymoon
in Portland and return to this city
about the middle of' the month.
Tho brldo Is woll known In thla
city where the ha? a host of friends,
who will extend her a hearty welcome,
on her arrival to make her home
here. She lived 'in Klamath Falla
about a year, while her father waa
constructing the government tunnel
as contractor for Mason, Davis Company.-
During her short residence
here she became very popular In th
locloty of the younger set, and won
the love and respect of all. .
The groom, who Is the son of Jadf
and Mrs. George T. Baldwin,
city, Is a Klamath County boy
ho city and county are justly proud
of. He has been connected with kit'
father's big hardware house for a
number of years and he has .had prac
tically full charge of the business for
tho past six months. The Immense
business handled by this concern. Is
sufllolont evidence of the ability' of
tbo young manager. As a business
man he has always been a. hustler
and -seems to have Inherited the
boosting ability of his father, Judge
Baldwin. Ho has always taken a
prominent part In all public and bus
iness movemonts and Is popular la
social circles as well. i
. of Jadg
a, of this
oy whoa ' '
llw tipnnii '
II. W. Ward waa appointed, a po
llcoman by the City Council last ev
ening to fill the vacancy caused by
tho resignation of Mr. Ifastea. Mr.
Ward has been employed for th past
year as a clerk In th Boston Store.
For most complete line of Phono
graphs and Records, see Muller, (th
and Main. II
loriicy announced that the utnto hnd
Introduced all of Its witnesses ou
Vlni.on, furnished evidence pertain- hand and that It was preferred to
Ii.k to tho hoi'bi'3 owned by Henry J stop proceedings for tho time being,
Vlni.on, mid going Into detail about uud lu accordance with thh an nd
vlaltlnK San Jose, Cnl., In Jnuuury.ljoiirnmont was taken until tomorrow
l'JOU, for tlm purpoHo of Identifying moriiliir; when the stato will coutlu
the Vinson horses wtilch had bucniuo with Us witnesses.
of tho collector of Intornnl rovonuo
thnt such llcuuso or tax stamp valid
at tho time of said violation, has been
Issued to any porsou, shall be prima
facto evidence that such person , I
soiling, exchanging or giving away
intoxicating liquors In. violation of
this ordinance.
"Tho Valet's Wlfo," c'omlci "The
rtoso That Makes Everybody Laugh,"
coloicd; "In tho Valley of Bhonan-
doah," n portrayal of tho battlo of
Cedar Creek and Sheridan's famous
rldo. New Bouga.
Amberol Records play
minutes. At Mullors.
sltjt v'BsjMBsfrBVl?i?Ife Im9IHL9sbssiiiiiiiiiiiih
The City Council last ovenlng ap
pointed the Finance committee to In
terview the Reclamation officials, In
regard to the city acquiring the old
Ankony canal, which rnns from tho
Upper Lako through tho city, for pur
poses of Irrigation and to supply run
ning water on the principal streets.
The committee Is composed of Coutt
oilmen Sanderson, Crliler and Obon-chain.
Just received Nice assortment of
mattings and rugs In all sizes and
colors. Japanese matts in Oriental
designs, etc. Drop in and see them.
VIROIfc SON. . -l
PR. DAVID ROBERTS, .Wisconsin State Veterinarian, 1904-M
Dr. David Roberts is the best known practical veterinsika
and veterinary author in the country.
You can get his book "Practical Home Veterinarian," doth
boundand illustrated, .FREE.
You can get a high class live stock paper FREE for a whaU
year. Ask about these orfen at
Star Drug Store 1
"They Have If
,( " rfV ,. tV.t h, K&ti