lie leMd. ttrmmj Klamath Falls First and Best Daily. , Our Advertiiert Gt The Beat Result. . !,-:- t- THIRD Ybab. No. 71KJ. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1909. '' PBICS 6 CCNTS H PLEAD NOT GUILTY TO CATTLE STEALING WALLIS TRIAL SET FOR TO-MORROW hill he thick roit iioiihi: HTKAI.IN'Cl-IXI)ICTi:il I III LIMKUV AXU Wi:i.t II. CliMn I.Ukoy iitul All. Wnllls were l.ioucht Into Court UiU morning lo plind to thu charge uf nliiilliig a steer mill a cow belonging lo Hi'X HurO du November 6 of Init )cnr. Attor ny l.n vltt, on behalf of I.Ukoy, en. lured demurrer to tint Itnllrtiiiuiit, diluting tlmt tlio dm lid Jury lind no lcrl authority lo find mi Indlct.ui-ut. It win argued thnl wlit'ii tliu first iDul of Juiorit wero illidmrKi'il, tliv lltaiiil Jury being u inrt of tliu pa.ul was also dlacharged, and therefore bid no legal authority to find mi In illctinunt, Tlio tti'Uiuirvr tin otcr ruled by Judgu Noleud without ar by thu altoruf) lor tliu state. II. I.. Itynson, of llutiaon i. Btoue, appeared for Wallls, The two ruva thin entered pleas of not guilty Tl.o Court tbun nikird If thn stale i rvaily lo tiy tliu caai. mid uai Informed by Prosecuting Attorney Kuykeudall that they vru rind) for thu cao of thn Btnto vh Wnllla on a charge of linruo stealing. Tliu case at act for trial at 5:30 tomorrow tuurnlnf Judge Drake him been re tained at private prosecutor to as Ut Attorney Kuykeudall In thr slock milting caees. fJUVATK HtCltKTAItV TO OOVKIt.NOH IIKXHOX. HAt.KM. Or.. Feb. 26 -0. N Mc Arthur, Hpeakvr of tho llnuiu at thu ritent ligltlallvn mIoii, ulll bo prliatu aecretary to Hcrrotnry of Statu llinnoii whuu thu latter be coniva Oorernor u few daa hence. Appointment of McArthur raliua a nuiuaur of quotluna In cnnc a ipeclnl eilon ahould bvtralled by llcnton alter ho become Uovurnor. If tho ilon ahould bu railed aoon, It la rohabln McArthur would uol n auniu tliu oltlcu of prlvutu atrntary until aftr the amnion, for tin would have to realm hla Icglalatlvn otllcu to accept Hint of prlvatu aecretnry. If tin' auaalon ahould ho cnllcd Inter It would bo iiecvaamy to fleet u now Speaker "I wim not a enndldnt6 for tho po ult Ion," anld Mr. McArthur thla even ing. " and tho iippolntmont romes ubtoliitbly uttaollcitvd. I had no knowledge that luy nnmu wan even Celebrated Union Made Carhartt Overalls, Jumpers, Corduroy Pants and Gloves K K K under loinildoriitlon by Secretary lli'iiion until t,0 jftJ 0f ii,,, j(,urn. i mini of tli Legislature After glv iI.ik thu appointment duo loritlUern- tlon, I luivo dicldud to niccpt It and diiill kIp tlio new aocrnor rind the pooplu of tin- atiitu thu beat services nl my lominniid I run m prcsotit nsalstliig In rmlHliiK thn Howie Jour nal anil will uf couraii ni'iumu no now I ilullon until that work ri roinploted. I "I mn loath in ubamloii thu prnc lice of my profession, even tomjiorur-' II)', hut feel tliu many coinpen anting features of thu now position :norij I linn orrel thu lorn. My rein, lona with Secretary lliinsoti huvu nl as bvnu of a cordial nature, mid I in glml of thu opiortunliy to ork with lilm lu thu nduilnliitrntlou of thu Hale's affairs." lilt. MIMIIIVMAX SICK. Word linn ben rendvril from Dr. Meromnn to tliu effect Hint he I? under thu doctor'a caro In Portland ' Sennlor Mvrryuiiiu um tnkeu nick, lu Halum mid wnu confined to the: hoapltul thero fur a wuck prevloui, to tho adjournment of thu lcililn- turn. Ilu wna thon movod to (ho homo of hla pnrcnti lu Portland. llo la aufforlnK from Illo-Colltla, which i la bellevi-d to hnvu been cnuicd by drlnklnK water at Ha I cm I'lXH'l.i: lllHAl'I'OIXTi:!!. Huvcral hundrcu people weiu nl thu wlinrf when tho bout calm In, thla owning It had been rumored that Hlicrlll Itnrni-a would eoiuo In I on thu boat ltll Vestal and a ciowd aoon collected to aco the man wnnted on a clmrgo of cattlo ateallng. and to welcome the ahiirlH, but all were I dlmppolntcd It Is prohablu that i the sheriff will ri'ttirn tomorrow onliiK i at mi: oi'UitA iioi'hi:. Thuri) will bo no plriurv show nt t tm Onern llousu tonight ou necount of thu regular bi-monthly club douce, j Tomorrow afternoon tlio Saturuaj mntlui'o fur tho school children will bo given at tlm usual time. Admis sion, children S runts, thoso undor school age freu Tomorrow night an entire change of flliiis and new songs. Any buers wishing Information , ....nni ,n tin. tiriiMirfv of Carl iinn.i in Kinitmtli Coutitv can Innulro nt tho Klnmath County Hank ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Corl Iteed left this, morning for Halum whem they will makn their fuluru home Tho llmtlllan corouiiut palm fre quently lives to an ago of "00 yuurt. W STORE NOW IX XKW gUAIITKRH. I'niliriKiiiil'H I'lumiiaiy nnil Winter's .li'ii Hi y Unto Mouil lu NVvt t'rlnlir &- Htilu Building. The now Crlnlur ft. Stilts brick building on tlie corner of Main and Uevi'iith, hi now occupied. Under wood 'm 1'hnrinacy lint moved from the Minion building Into llio corner store of tho now bulldlnE, and II. J. Winters, tho Jownlcr, now occuplos tho nil Joining store, Hot h thcic new store am now de cided Improvement over tho formor locntloiia, Thu atom roorua aro much larger unit well lighted Now fix luruM, null nud floor caaoa lava boun put lu nud both stores preaent a vpry nttractlvu appcaraucu, II will bu several da buforu tho atock In all urruiiKud In both tho Jowelry and hug stores, hut when they aro they Mill bu a credit to thu city. CITY NEEDS OLD ANKENY GANAL .Mi:.MIIKItS OK CIIAHTi:it CO.M.M1H- HlOX Wll.l, MAKK ItKCOM- Mi:.UATIOX TO COI'XCIL. Tho City Council at Its regular inciting Monday evening will bo nak ed to toko action to aecure the old Ankcny canal, which runs through thu city, from the U. 8. Reclamation Service. ThU recommendation to the Couucll will be inado by members of thu dinner Commission, who are now working ou u new charter for the city of Klnmath Palls It Is considered Important that the city got .control of tho caual. as It c;in bu tned to good advantage for Irrlmlloii and for street and mww r1UBB,1 wat" ,nt0 "wU1" . . Islnns whore tho -tule bay will grow purpose i At tho preaent tlmo It ls.,f wat)pr , UM(1 a public nulrnnco as It Is opon and Is i.a Thursday Mm. W. II. Hllss partly full of mud, water and refuBu. Imado a trip to Etnll Egeri' place,' Tho Commission will rocomtnend and'horc she lonmlne.l nil nlRht. -She prepare tl.o charter to allow a com-""""P'1 l ""'W ccl'' on; i turn. She was trying to dispose of Pletu i.uwer ajatom with Pvc'"utome cattle. fur .Mn I n street nnd It In proposed to, otto Hoppc made a. bualucss.trlp run ii large pipe along the ditch for 'to Dairy lart Wednesday, on his re currying water to flush nuwum undiur Ko'ng homo with Mr. Ketcbum'. clean tho pavements. The old ditch I Tom Stanley began plowing on the will bu lilted lu. It Is believed that there v. II) bo no trouble In securing thu ditch from thu govcrnmont with probably a nlncty-nlno car tease, providing tho city agrees to furnish cortalu wator --' " rlghtB. The only usa being mado of tho ditch by the government Is to upply water to aoveral persons In tho city who hold water right, under ' ' tho old cnnal. ,, FELLOW8 ATTEXTIOX. There will bo work In tho third or Scarlet dogrco tomorrow nlgbt. The dogrco tenm and all morabora aro requested to be present. Visiting brothers cordially Invited. Tho blggost experiment In sowago farming over mado lu America may bo undertaken In Suffolk County. N. Y, A tract or 100,000 acres on the sandy unites of Long Island, which Is now productive of nothing morcj valunblo than uciub oak und rabbits, In paid to hue hem purchased for this purpose. It Is uusorted that tho puipnso Is to utlitxo this territory for a aeries of fnnnn for tho treatment of m'wdro from aionter Now York by tlm irrigation process, by which atretchen of sandy soil near cities In Kurupo liavo boon turned Into fctllo fields. Tl.o plnn suggested Is tlmt of rlplng the sowago of tho metropol itan district and possibly New Jeraoy In two main lines, running probably from Wallabout and "Conoy Island districts. The Alaska Shaft, which towert olghty foot high In the conter ot the Bcattlo exposition will bo covered with gold leaf hammered from Alas kan nuggets contributed by enthus iastic "sourdoughs." Canada Is spondlng 1100,000 for a building at tho Alaska-Yukon-Pacl-lie exposition and for the Installa tion of Its famous porraane'nf oxhlb lt, which la now en route from tho France-British Ulr In London. . I'lJOTEKT AOAINHT OAMK LAWH. IVnpl nf Klamath County May In- oln (hi- liiMlnilvu' anil Referendum, Tho peoplo throughout 'tho ontlre county aro thoroughly arousodi over tho provisions of tho now gatno' law, and acrlous talk Is now being made to try und kill It by tho Initiative und(!(cfcrcudum law. It la oxpocled Hint d petition will be circulated In a short time asking that tho bill be submitted to tho peoplo for decision. If nulllcloul slr.nuturca aro received, It will liavo tho result or slopping tho operation of thu new gamo law until the next election. Thu water fowls on the Klamath marshes aro mating already and to allow shooting until tho first of Ap ril would cxtor'mlnato all tho ducks lu tho country. In August, when 'the open season would commence, the duckc aro unable to fly and a man wouldn't need a gun; he could kill thorn by tho hundrcdn with u stick. EASTEItX KLAMATH. Xcu Item Gathered by Our Dairy , Corrcapundcut. Mrs. V. M. Ilcniiett, who until a year ago lived In Yonnn, but Is now living ut tho Falls, lias gone to Cali fornia ou a visit and also on account of her health. Mr. and. Mra. Hans Stoehalertand chlldron, and Gilbert Andorson, of J)alry, spent Saturday afternoon at the homo of Mr, und Mrs. Michael Jtueck. W'u saw tho cupboard pasa tlw house nnd heard about tho stovo an.! cooking utensils, and now wo would llko to know what It all means, Jesse? Mr. Vlerrn, who owns tho old IIU 'debrand ranch, Is planning to raise some tule hay this year. Ho has been nullum I'luwu. niiinu iiu ua iuuivu, lust week. Hnrrlson Oray was busy last week making posts for Jcsso Drew. Mra. I. II. Oray went to Donantd Tuesday, whoro she Is visiting with Mrs. Daasott of that place. ncy I'ooi ana rerrj uanuaiia muu a ,r, tfl d, y. Oray'a lost Saturday Hey Pool and Perry Itandalls .made to get u hori'.o which Mr. Pool had bought from Harrison Oray. mJcff; K,lr"p"r,,ckfclretur"!dll!0 L" River last week, taking with him tup- ,, t0 ,agt whno ho ,, trapping there. Miss Louise' Egert mado a trip through Hlldobraud to Dairy Sunday. She was horseback nnd wo think her quite courageous to come so tar through the snow and over such bad roads. Carl Oray and R. Ward mado a business trip to C. E. Drow'a last Sat urday to 'get a horso which P. H. Qruy had tiaded for. All day Saturday thcro was a heavy snow storm and at times nearly a bllztard. The roads continue to get worso, nlthough thcro la jet a good deal uf travel over them. ' Those neither nbsent nor tardy In the Hlldebrnud school Inst month wore: HlltHhcth Vlerrn. Cnrl Hitter, ICnil Hueek, Henry Stanley, Louise KhickUH, Clara Smyth, Oivlllo Smyth, and Mary Smyth. Thoso huvlug tho most perfect icssons wero. 1st grade. Oro Allrod. 3rd Clara 'Bmjth, 4th Wllllo Dock, ntli Hntol Fitch, 7th Nelllo DIIhs dud Mary Smyth a tie, 8th Ernest Nail. The last two days ot the sixth month ot school tor this yoar wero spont In.tbt.rejcutar exam inations. Tho highest per cent In av erage being mado by Br nest; Nail ot the 8th gradd, hit avorage was 94 1-6 por cent. Last month tho teacher finished reading "Little Lord Faunt leroy," and Is now reading "The Red Mustang." Wm.' Uhrmanu returned from tho Falls Friday evonlng, bringing back with him some freight tor W. P. Sedge, tho morcbant of Dairy. Mr, Uhrmanu reports the roads In a very bad condition. ' ' Ctas.Oarlson, who tits the'oontract to carry the mall from Dairy "to Yotv na, It miking use- ot thai now snow PROGRESSING ON RAILROAD GRADE by going back and forth In a sleigh. J. II. O'Drlen and Theo. Flackus, of South Yonnn, have been busy the past few das breaking horsos. John Anderson went to Dairy on business Sunday, going f.-om there to the Horton ranch after a horso. A large pond In East Yonna has been overflowing across' tho road and making it very miry. It bat' also been overflowing on some of Jacob (tueck's land which he has sown to rye. As this la'tbtf wrong time of year for Irrigation, wo are afraid It will not benefit thu crop. Thu woods near lilldebrand .rang with music one evening last cek. when Scy Pool, Perry Randalls, Jerr Pearson and Harrison Oray all met at D. Y. Cray's and spent the evening in solos and quartets on the violin, cornet and guitar. i Chas. Woolk has moved with hit family from their homestead In North Yonna tb tbclr homo near Dairy. Scy and Dock Pool were busy haul ing liny last Sunday from the home stead to their homo ranch. On ac count of the bad roads they had four horses to draw tho load. Tho plcturo given by the teacher to llio. grade having tho most pupils on tho' Roll of Honor this month, was won by the 8th grade. Jesse and Waive Drew and Harri son Oray took dinner and spent the afternoon wlth.C. E Drew's .family last Sunday. . Emll Egert went to the Falls Mon day taking with him some meat which ho Intends to dispose of there. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Reynolds and Miss Hazel Fitch mado a visit to Mr. apd Mrs. Theo. Hammersley, of North Yonnn, Sunday: J.. P. Colakan went to the Falls last week to bo a wiucss In the Ltskey case. Mr. and Mrs. "Michael ftueck and family visited at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Stersl last Sunday. Mr. und Mrs. P. H. Oray, of Dairy, vlallud at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' J. II. O'Drlen last Sunday. Chas. Faith, ot Bonanza, Is now cniplojed at Mr. Dassett'a, who has a livery, stable at Bonanza, which 'he recently purchased. .- John Rltter, who has been hauling hay from tho Paxton place In Upper Yonna, 'has been having considerable trouble to keep from miring down with the loads. NOTICE. There will be a Special Communi cation ot Klamath Lodge No. 77, A. F. & A. M., Saturday evening, Feb. 27, for work In first degree. All Masons aro cordially Invited to be present. By order of O. L. Hum phrey. W. M. Amberol Records play 'for four minutes. At Mullers. It eoMMMMMteeoeeeeeeMMMMMMMMMes . i Bebbb sSK77SU fcMfBtroSia .OK. DAVID ROBERTS, WUconiia State Vturiaariaa, 1W4-7-I Dr. Dtvid Roberts U the best known practical veterinamn .' . and Veterinary author in the country. , You can get his book "Practical Home Vete'rinarian,M doth "'bound arid illustrated, FREE. You .can get a high class live stock paper FREE for a whaU yaatv Ask about tbese.pjeri at , r.: i"-:.v; Star Drag Store "They Wlill FIRST DREDGE REACHES MIDLAND GRADE ,ACROSI MARSH WILL BE COMPLETED IN ABOUT TWO WEEKS, ft n The first dredge, working oa the railroad, cut across the marsh, reach ed Midland' last night. Tho mam moth dredge which Is finishing tho grade It about 3000 foet from tho shore and will take about two weeks' lo complete the work. ', ThU will finish the work 'to con nect with the grade on the main land built by Contractor Bayers. Tho grado across the marsh will then be leveled off ana tho laying of rails commenced. The grade It already practically finished from Midland to Klamath Falls, and It will take about tea days from tho time work It com menced laying rails to reach thla city. From presont indications train ser vice will be established to Klamath Falls tome time In April. MORE IMPORTED STALLIONS. Messrs. McLaughlin Bros., Amer ica's leading horso Importers), havo shipped to Emerson Maya, their rep resentative bare, two extra good las ported Percheron, stallioaa and oao of their handsome Imperial French Coachera. named Unaaseur, to their Mr: M. C. Biggerstafl who It alao rap resenting them In Klamath County. The, atalllona arrived est the jtcamer Klamath today and-'wlll be given two days rest, thea'Mr. r: K. Woods, another agent, and Maya will take the large drafters to' Interior points or Klamath and Lafct CoBBtlaa where they need good atalllona.. Tho Messrs. McLaughlin Bros, havo a great demand on the main lino for their stallions and have neglected to come to Klamath County until of late. They plainly tee that tho coming ot the railroad will be a groat help to the stockmen ot Klamath and Lake Counties. Therefor they will endeavor to make a few talssj of their valuable horses which will bo a great help to them In future kales, when all breeders will want a In class stallion. 1 To earn mote, I earn more. . lee the I. C. S. man at the new 'Portland Btore. For a few days only. Have If UMMUM el 'ail i mm B'tl f muMH mm -m ' ,s . . s . v,, , ;,