The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 24, 1909, Image 1

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Klmnntli Fullo' First
and Hcnt D;iily,
Our Advertisers Get
The Best Results.
TMllin Ykah. No. 7!)1
Immense Throng Listen lo the Masterful!:
Arguments ol Attorneys for Stale and
Defense During Entire Day
-riiroiwliom tl" lli" l.iy there
, not it wuanl mut In th,. i,,,,,,
"'" "" '"'" "' ,M" """ " "' l-lik.-y family were In the. curt
I Mim.allilo for liiiiny of the spectator, room and Ka the Unseat attention
to k'I lu tli lo. of lln, ktnlrway to the proceedings. WiiIIit Welch
Men from nil parts of tl nmly whom, tunfeciou i.lsl .'
el.) Ill littuildunc... nil showing deep ,., K,,)(.k rllini aI1(J v ll)oul
latere.! In Him outcome of the trim wIioku iWdcnu, tl,.. mute had m. ,c
efl'hlin l.lskey. wlmtu fain now resist attended tlm H.-ailorm of tli- Court
villi twclvo Klniiialh County nil- during tl.u day nn.l manifested deep
,,,,l,," cum urn In tho argument!! by tlio at-
liurlm: llio nrnumcnii. l thu m. itornu)
oiiiu)i silence reigned in llm riioin ' Mskey innltitnlrii-il n nonrliiilntit
iiiuI mi'i) iiiio of Hid tunny npi-f tn
lu ami liitori'iicil jinn l.'x leumcd
li In, nnstotin to uilcli eury wont
uttered liy counsel for bnili tlm ntnto
ami tlio priKecutliiu. Lung bufnri.
thu tnnruliiK hi'idIoii Ii.'ki.ii a crowd
KUtlicre, at thu court hcmmi and at
V o'clock, nlii-u I'riMccutlng Atlor
in') Ku)l.undall buvuti i lie openliiK
argument for tlm atnto tlitT" wss not
a vacant l In tin room Mr Kuy
krndnll consumed nhout mi hour and
a linlf In piusi'iitlng thu mate's rnnc
lli wuiii ovur nil thi ii!imr', cm.
iK'ctlm: oil" link with nnuther Diir
line tin' I'tilln. tlini that hi' was talk
Inn In- Iitlil tin. rlox'Kl ttttciillcm of
tin Jury an well on all of llm spectn-lorn
Attorney .Mills fur tho defeni.', iif.a ."""""K'" review of the rase, go
t.r u brief Intcrmlmlon. beirnii hls,lnK uv,,r n" of tlju "Vld.nro am! In
argument whlili I,., coiuliided iifli.r,ll,,Kl"K '" mlui' ll,Kll,B 'r wlt ln,
uklni: miim llinn two nud ou...half aam.. Ills addiemi liikted tlnouijh
I.oiiir. Hn wont over the evidence f a r 1 two huurn duilui: whl.h time
In n IhnrmiKh iimmiir and made nui1"' l"1'1 l,lu 1"Ut'"t' ll1" J11"""
able plea lie utronglv dviioiiucuil
the wllneri Welch mid Intel particular
lte upon tin. fjet Unit Urn defense
had Introduced unci)titraillrti evl
ili'tire ahnHliig coiuliinKel) that
I'haa. I.hkey was at the home of hla
tnntl.iT m ii, in,,,. .!,,.. vvi, h n,,rf
his asMlatant ilrom the horiea f,,
iliieatlon out of tho countr)
ll was untlceiiblii thnt tin
liielil of Attorney Mills was lmpiea-
Ing the Jiirorn, nil of whom gae the
loaeat poaalblo atlentlnii lo hla n
i lew of I he iivldence UK nrgumiinl
was to llm effect thai l.lukey na'i not
the mini who aicoiiipnnleil Welch
lo Ml Hebron mid iilao thnt the state
had failed In support llm to'tlmniiy
of Welch, upon whoso evident alone
It would he Impoaalble to couvlct'the
At the conclusion of tho argument
by the counsel for tlio defi'iiau u re
teas was declared by the Court for
twenty mlnuti'H, nl tho roncluslon of
whli h Judgo Thou. Ilrnkn began Ills
argiuuvnt for tho state.
During l lie entire day thu mother
of the ilvfi'liilliut sat by his Hlilo Ktid
both appeared to be. confident that
- i. .
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II,.. i.uirom., would . miornbl.. to
., A of ,0 ,,. mmj0M
iur wiring ino enure ilny the mime
an lit him ilonu liitico Dm beginning
of Hi. i ia.ic If ho feels thai tlio vor
Hit In apt to bi adverse to him hi.
hat not shown it In Hi demeanor
while thu ttlal linn ben In progrcsi.
Ilo mems to feel that i ho ultimate
outiomi. Mill reitoro to him hli lib
orl nail exonerate l.lm from the
onvrouii cilmu with which I.e. It
When Judge Drake began hla ar
gument thu crowd wnj larger limn
tit an) lime since Welch took the
stand and made lit lOTifcsslon The
ttnndliig loom was all utilized untl
iIoivik of ipectatora were forced to
Iwmi without gaining entrance to
the court loom .Mr Druko made
who followed him clonel) na he went
from nui. hit of testlmoni to nnotlier,
weaving a net of guilt and lit the
ami) tliiie unraveling tin' alibi of
the defense. ,
Juilgn .Villain! will Initrutt thu
jury ronowing urn ruu oi tnu i.ike
lr Judge Ilrnke for the Htale. ami the
'cn"" wl" o to the Jury this exenlng.
nkw mioi: sioiei:.
- - I
J It Kilter & have add
ed a new Htnck of shoes to their
ahue repairing liiulimii, and here
alter will handlo a first elaai lluu of
Qimllty goods They will hmidle
hoes that will wear and glte uills
fni'tlou, whlrh an in.iilo only of the
heal inalerlal. No cheap iiunllty
goods that are made mil) to sell.
They can fit joii with high top boots
in low hlioei. If )oii wnnt to get
)our iiioney's worth try Hitter' ox
clualtu shoe store.
I)lsil.iy )oui amhltliin with nn 1.
C. S. lourse. See window tliapln) at
tho new I'm Hand Stoic l'or a fow
dn)u only )S
Have your Spring
and Summer Suit
made to your exact
individual requirements.
You have 1000 Newest Spring Pat
terns from which tD make a selection.
You are getting your clothes from the
U. S. through a firm thnt guaran-'
tees satisfaction in every re
spect. TRY US.
I'wiviMoNH or m;w oami: law,
I Kcnnlor Alirnlimn'n law for thu
ipiiiticiloii of i;nini In Oregon eon
tains tlm tollowliiK proVUIona lis to
Ithn hunting ami 11'jIiIhk aanuomi.
Ilijiivoi CIoiimI until 1H2U.
Iluclt ili-er Open July 16 to No-
vi'iiiher I Limit threo deor during
b"iihoii Coon imil Curry Countlou
pun July K. to Octulmr If.. Halo
piulilblti'il. No liuntlrtK with ilom.
i:ile Closed until Soptumuor 14,
Inn i
npotted fawn, nntilopu mid mouif
tain Klie.'p C'lo'iod puipetunlly
iiulkm Upeii HeptPinbcr 1 to
March 1 of rnltmvlnx year. Limit
blrdi k wi-uk. Coon and Curry
CoiuIcm AiiKimt 1 to February l.J
and KlnniKth and I.ako Aukiik 1 to
April l
(Ji'imh mid Hwau Opuii H'lason
from Ofiobcr 1 to I.
:hli,."iu phcaaant Cloil until
October 1. lull.
(Irouso, nntlve phuaimnt, ruffed
i:rou or pnrtrliUc Opon October
1 lo December 1. Limit 10 blrdt
per day or 20 per wools.
I'ralilrt chicken Opon Bcplombcr
IT. lo .S'ovmnber IB. Limit 10 blrda
a day or 20 n weel:
tjunll Open from October 1 to
!)ecu..iliur 1. Limit lo n day or 20
a week. In (Jralit, Harney. Wheeler.
Gllllum and Umatilla Cuutillci, cloied
jfitll 1012.
Trout Open for hook and line
ilal.lng only, April 1 to Novombor 1.
Halo prohibited Limit TC trout In
one day.
ll.-mUnlmWnl to ratch with oth
er thmi hook and lino.
I!i:V. A. .Mt'.Klt.MON,
Till: i:VA(ii:i.lhT.
The cniigellaic services which
an to begin In this illy on March 7
will bo In the hands of Itev. A. Murr
iimi. who innieH nil the way 'from id hold Uim.0 meetlngK. Huv.
Mnmnoii h a griuliinto or tho Moody
Ullil.. Institute nud Is recognized In.iov.a, Yalta Turner,
ihe inlddle went as it 1111)1'; student Jnnetto liartor.
jf ilie highest rank. He was at oiiniUcoltatlon, Johnnie TouDrook.
Unio offered the clinlr of English 'Itecllntlons about WaHhlngton, by
illhle In Moody'i Noithllcld .School. first grnil".
but refused the otfur. preferring lo Heading. 'Lincoln," Lester Ofileld.
ii'iuaiii In tho mluiaterlal service. In, Ueiltutlmi, "Washington,' Floyd
hla t'vnugeliitlc work. Her. .Muiiiuoti
appeals In thu head iih well as to tho
hem i Ills addresses will prove an
intellectual bttniillus iih well as a
iplrltuul Inspliatlou ,
- ' '
COLLECT OVEK 817,11(1(1 '
The collection of taxos for thu
year 100K began Thuisday moinlng,
and a total of II7.70H was collected
last week during tlm llrsl three daysl'". ' c ariocK.
In which tho books wero In tho hands I " Ulnmhe Roblnkon, of Gale.
of tho aheilff. A great ninny of the!
fmiuers who wero mulous to attend 'ro Epworth Lcaguo gavo a party
:ho Llskcy trial have an excuse to be;nt Mr- lcl""' Turner's last Thursday
proient l coming to town to pay .ovonlnsi. Ever) one- had a most cn
their tuxca Jojnblo time.
( E. E. Fitch was in Klamath Fall!
"Sherlock Holmes." "Little Moth
r," now songs and Hallow on the
low i:xcui:hio.v hates.
Tlio' Houtliorn rnclflo dtirlnK the
neiiBon of lUO'J, will it'll Hpcclal
round trip tlclceta to Council IlluffH,
Knnaau City, Clilcnisn, Ht. I'aul, Now
Orleann, Now Yorlciind Jloston.
Ticket! will bo on aula May 16. 1C,
20, 21, 22 und 31. Juno 1 to 4, 14
to Id, 26 lo 27, July 1 to 7. Aug.
! to 13. Hepl. 7 to 10. 13 to 16.
Tlikuta cold at thco rates will
have a limit or ten days on the go
ing trip and an extreme limit ot B0
ilaji In which to return. No limit
will extend beyond October 31.
The rate! will bo one full regular
firm das faro for round trip from
all terminal point. Tlio exact ratcn
from ICInmnlh Fall a will bo announc
ed later.
A tulepliono'hna been Installed In
tho A. p. U. W. Hall for the benefit
of thu members of tho lodges which
hold their meetings there. Tho la
dles can find out now whether their
husbands arc nt lodge or not. It Is
believed that the establishment of tho
telephone will have a tendency to In
create tho nttendnnce at tho lodges.
Till: .Mi:itUILL VALLEY,
A Washington and Lincoln pro
gram wns glvoa by the Morrill
ucliool last Friday afternoon. The
program was as follows:
Song, by school.
Instrumental solo. Alia Halls.
Lire of Washington, David Fitch.
Itecltntlon, "Washington," Elea-
jnor (Jraybnel.
ininga iniu i.incoin saiu nnu was,
by 12 pupils of Intermediate room.
Llfo or Lincoln, Easa Uatllff.
Itundlng of Lincoln, Mary Unrrows.
Story ot Wnsblnglon, Elda Oltlcld.
Itucltatlon, Alex. Teullrook.
Hong. "Mt. Vernon Dells." Iva Har-
(lusslu Uurr,
(Washington exercise, by Viola How
ell, Edna Merrltt, Clara Hartmau,
Elilu Cox, Josephine Lee, Elda Of-
field. Itlu Turinbull.
Speech, by (J. It. Cnrlock.
Among the visitors of Merrill to
,1'ic scnooi program were ilrs. urown
Mrs. Demotes!, Mrs. Tenlirook. Mrs.
Myeis, Mrl. llnrtman, Miss Nellie
Harrison, Miss Lucy Turner, Miss
0l'" Johnston. Mrs. Lee. T. A. Ual-
" lou aluraay.
ion" la- lllrt weuk-
I Tho moving plctiiie show ghen last
Saturday night was good.
Mrs, Vcrlcttu Duntlng und children
Marvin and Zeltna, huve gono to vis
It with her mother, Mrs. Marks, and
frtouds In I'oe Valley.
C. A. Duntlng has gone to Rono
on business.
Ilcrt Harrows nnd Geno Hammond
Hire home from tho Jury business to
visit with their wives and children
for u low days.
Deulnh Hlioilcb returned to school
'Monday nfter n long siege of ab
sence. We iwere all glad lo havo
our littlo friend icturu.
Tho LmUos club meets every Satur
day in tho llbinry loom over the
T. M. Dm hum went lo the Kails
nu business Tluiisdny, returning tho
following day.
Mrs. Myrtle Maitiu nnd daughters,
Vova mid Dorothy, returned home
from tho Fnllu Friday, where they
havo been visiting.
A Washington dance was given In
tho Houston Opera House Monday
Mr. and Mm. Q rover Slato were
In town trading Saturday.
Mrs. Ivan Young and son, Ray
mond, were guests of Mrs. M. E,
Ithoads Wednesday:
Littlo Donna Davis had to havo
her toes amputated on account of
too much mal'iiutrltlon,
Wo have Linoleum In thu 6 and It
foot widths In the B and D grades,
Now designs In mattings, carpeting!,
and burlapi. Virgil Sou. 9
Real Estate Dealers Must
of Sale Before
Their Commission is Nc
Tho Legislature passed ono good
bill at least. This Is the bill provid
ing that nil brokerage contracts for
thu salo of real estate must bo In
writing. The effect of this law will
be to cut out tho vocation of tho
curbstone broker. Klamath Tails ax
well as other cities In tho state, has
bean sorely afflicted with this class,
and what Is known as tho real estate
ibark has greatly cindered the devel
opment of the country.
Tho business ot tho legitimate real
sstalo dealer has been seriously han
dicapped by these would bo brokers
whose offices are usually on tho street
corners and whoso chief reliance for
a living Is In being able to connect
themselves with a negotiation In
such a way as to force a division of
tho commission.
Tho following is a copy of tho bill
as It was passed by both houses of
tho Legislature und signed by the
Governor: '
Section l. Thnt section 797 ot
Bollinger and Cotton's Annotated
Codes and Statutes of tho state of
Oregon, bo and tho bumo Is hereby
amended to rend ns follows:
Sec. 797. Agreement not In writ
ing, when void. In tho following cas
es the ngrcemont Is void, unless the
saino or some note or memorandum
thereof, expressing the consideration.
bcln writing and subscribed 'by the
party to bo charged, or by his law
fully authorized ageut; evidence,
therefore, of the agreement shall not
bo received otbor than the writing,
or secondary ovldenco ot Its contents,
In tho caies prescribed by law:
1. Au agreement that by Its terms
Is not to be performed within a year
from tho making thereof.
"". An agreement to answer for
tlio debt, default, or miscarriage of
"3. An agreement by an execu
tor or administrator to pay the debts
ot his testator or Intestato out of his
own cstalo.
"4. An agreement mado upon con
sideration of marriage, other than a
mutual promlso to marry.
"6. An agreement for the salo of
personal property at a price not less
tbnn $50 unless the buyer accept and
recelvo somo part ot such personal
property, or pay at the time some
part of the purchase money; but when
tho sale Is mado by auction, an en
try by tho auctioneer. In his sale
book, at thu tlmo ot the sale, ot the
kind ot property sold, the terms of
the sale, the price, and, tho names ot
tho purchaser and person on whose
SHvjaaMflBBJnHftH'BSjnn ASfldjXjKU 7PJHHffSSSSll
DR. DAVID ROBERTS, Wisconsin Stau Veterinarian, 1906-7-1
Dr. David Roberts' is the best known practical veterinarian'
and veterinary author in the country.
You can get his book "Practical Home Veterinarian," doth
bound and illustrated, FREE.
You can get'a high class' live stock paper FREE for a tofcali
' year. Ask about these offers at
Star Drag Store
"They Have It"
Price 5 Cents
ni-HsW tract
They Car
account the salii Is
clont memorandum.
"C. An agreement to
for a longer period
or for tho salo of real pr
of any Interest therein.
"7. An agreement conccrnfl
property, mado by an agent
party sought to bo charged, unless
tho authority of tho agent: be In writ
ing. "8. An agreement authorising or
empowering an agent or-broker to
nurefcaso real estate for compensa
tion or a commission."-
As amended the law now says that
an agent or broker employed to sell
or buy real estate for compematlon
or a oommlsilon must havo a writ
ten contract signed by the party
chargeable with the commission. In
other words an agent or broker hav
ing only a verbal contract with tho
owner authorizing tho salo ot the
realty, and who makes the sale can
not enforce In the courts payment
of bis commission.- The probable ef
fect ot this statuto will bo. to concen
trate the realty brokerago business
Into the hands of a smaller number
of operators and' at the samo time
stop practically all litigation tor tho
collection of commissions.
WASHINGTON. President-elect
Tatt Is planning to visit Portland,
Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattlo
and Alaska next summer. If he car
ries out his Intention, he will visit
Denver, and attend there a meeting
ot the Trans-MIssisslppl Congress;
go to the Alaska-Yukon-PaclBe Ex
position In Seattlo and then proceed
to Alaska.
In order to carry out other plans
bo will have to do bis Pacific Coast
and Alaska traveling during the last
week of July and all of August, and
start South In September.
While he Is on the Pacific Coast
he will In all probability tako In all
the towns and cities possible. The
Pacific Coast is tho only section of
the country which he has not already
toured pretty thoroughly.
Tatt believes It to be the duty ot
the President to travel as much as
possible nnd gain a personal know
ledge ot conditions In various parti
of tho country.
These winter evenings aro Just tho
tlmo for study. See the 1. C. S. man
at the now Portland store. For a
few days only. 13
"Vffl 't