The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 23, 1909, Image 1

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- Klnninili KhIIb' 1'irst
t ami Dent Daily.
Our Advertisers Get
The Best Results.
Tiiiiid Ykaii. No. 71K).
Price 6 Cents
' 'roiiii.ii 1 iiiovt'H uu the f urtJiir untl
fifth gtounil thin there la n total full
mo on tlii iiuit of tin) Statu to prove
"' itlio owneishlp of the hows tillwd
Swear That He Was Sick Andailho Home''"""
- ... .... . lurili mill l.mndu Inst introduced."
of ins iviotner at the lime Horses
Were Driven to Railroad
When ''ii convened this morn- Vinson Atturnn) MIIIh u tli, ,ic-
nc tliii llmt witness lulled In u.u funk., objictliiu to prmtliully
I.Ukey " T J Patterson, of .wr itii.iiiii inked, aigutncnl ami
jit Hebron, wi.ii uatiiil to ivniiii: ili-iny I'liiuinr
Ihr band f liuisiw ilrlU'ii to lliv 'llm prutteciitlmi olfeii'il In ovliluitia
a'.otk jnrila ami loaded onto tin- car a urlllUd mpy of the record nail a
This was about I o'rlui k In the nftci pc . uf li-tul,,., on which li burned
(won. iiinl tin.') wwe ililton by two iliu brand of Hmry Vinson,
iren. but ill'l urn (my Hiiltltlcnl ultun. I'mIIouIiik tlm examination of Wit-
tloD i ns tu ri'(()tnl;c III. in TIi tlm Ktnte rested Uu cam..
iliottvr of ll" two mi'ii llm lar- Attornuy .MIIU for the itefi-ni.t tlien
let hurac Hint ho limited It I tit riding tin, folltmlug motion ' i Smith, the witmax fur tlm proiecu-
ay from tin' depot ;oli)tc eiut He. 'Cuiiies now the iWuuilatil. CI urlm!'"1" "h" slated positively Hint th-
Mike), and inu- tint Court tu in-1 dclctidatil I.Ukr.v U ibo limn who wns
ntruit tlif Jury to unjult tlio ileiend with Welch when tltoy stuijfil at her
nnt. mill flfict ti vnrillit nf nm ...iiitv , nlntu over nlifht with 11. e hnraiM. wrm
10 ars old ntitl tlmt he Ihe.l on ami fur tint following leasnus tu.wlt: i noxt placed on tlio stand. IIu testified
ore n iellowlrh coat
At Vlmoti. noil of Henry Vluuun,
sal thin called IIu stated lie ut
lh Vinson lunch In Lntixell Valley
lit tcatllltd In relntloti tu tlm owner
ihlp uf tlm horses ntul Mated llmt
lhrr ha mi leal partnership uxUl
ln( between llrnry Vinson ami tllu
ibll.lrcn All I lip slock wns bought
mi aold by direction of Mr Vinson
Oa croas I'xnmltiMlnii M Mill, tm
itslt-d (lint III falhitr Ullcd tbc
uticb every year, hoitifllin.- In Mai
ls. during tlm stiiiiiuii ami ciitu
llmi'i In tliu winter Tlmt III- fnllnir
nidi) bU home It; Metlfonl, ami that
liu atock was lioii:lit or until by tin
ibllilrcn without II rut eotmultlnn tlulr
(other nml yettltiK bin naiirtlnu IIU
futbiT ki'pt thu boo): nml linmllvtl
(II tin- moi.i-y iiml pnlil llm otiiunai-a
Onrcillrcrt by Iiraku be toKtlrliil Hint
tho V braml wuk tlio ol'lrlal brand
tl Ihr llcniv Vlimun iitork
Albert I'ntli'iuon wm inlli'il n a
ltnc ami not bolns imaoni, tlti'
Jud(i' nrilcri'il u bench uurrmit !
iuil for til nrrotl in uiiai a a
Arthur I'limou naki-d iertiltlon
to bo recalled to mnko plain rortaln
Uttlmony hu bail pruvlntialy given.
Ilo atnteil (bat l.lakey wtn koiiii 3
tr 4 itnri at nno limit ami nt nmitbiT
time fur f or i ilnyn ThU Ma thu
tlmo bu raiiio home the nlKbt of the
ihow n ri'Kiird tu llm tclephouu
oil. lie utateil that ho 'a mil mire
I" tho I'xnrt tlmu. It niltslit lime
lecu anywherii between TliaiikuKlv
Inn nml tho time? of llm hIiuw.
('unity Cb'rk l) wa put on
Ibe ntaiiil ami i;:ivi tektliuouy In n
Mtil tn llm ricnrcl of Mtork brands
ml imirkH whleli wero Introiluceil In
ctlilcneij tu piovo Hint tho lirnnil of
llio utolen linrun was Unit of cnry
r who rtililc"f about two and n half
I inllcH from tint homo of tho ilcfeml
nnt; Hint kIic wan at homu from thu
fllli to tln Dili of iJocombiT mid that
jaho attottdcil a hIiow ut Dairy on tho
nlKht of tho lattur ilntu; tlmt she
wn uctoinimnlcil to thin nhow by
I tier lirothorn, ChnrloH, tlio ilofundnnl,
an., ,.. Ue.,h. of ,, lar.eny of "rIm . M . . . ?
trti of (..,., lutior ),,c "l l,lu ll"l"' of '" ,,ln11". f-
,it.-iiitK iiuiii mi nini'SK rcKiiitinK.iroin
i an attack of tho yelluw fever which
lio contracted wlillo a fcoldler In tho
. I'litllpplno win; that d u r I ni; these
'iIiijh ho left thu hoiiBO occasionally,
b'tt ho wiiu not nbto to leavo the
plnco; that on Dccoinber 14lb, hu
went to hu homo and on tho way to
tho show that night alio and her oth
er brut hem Mopped at hla plnco from
whom ho nccoinpnnled them to Dairy'.
After, the noon recesn Ulna Kmtaa
l.lakey win iiKaln placed on the
utand and JikIko Drake resumed tlio
crori oxmuluntlou, but sho remained
firm In bur leitlinony
J. V. Tool, who reside four miles
east of Olene, testified that ho was
nt tho I.Ukey homo on December 10,
1 DOS, find thero saw tlio defendant,
who was nick, lylnic on a lounge.
On croaii examination It was shown
that witness I'ool had resided In this
ouiil) about tfitcu ytnrn, liming
at 2:.'!u o'clotlt, Lomiuenclni; on Keb
linMoiist) from Douclns County,
vhero bo had been In trouble.
AimuKt I.Ukey, a brother of the
defendant, Rao evidence that he was
at tho homu of his mother on Decem
ber 13, l'JOS, ami tl.nt tho defend
ant was there on that day. Ho had
Aftei rendliiK a decision covering
jtlio motion made by Mr. Mills. Judi;e
JNolainl piomptly ovcrrulcil It with
out piuultlliiK any uiKiiment. The
dofi'ttio saud mi objection to this
lirlof liitertnltiiloti was then taken
nftir which tho ilefunuo railed Us
Orit witness, Arthur l.miKcll, of Ilo
iiania, who testified to l.nvlnn had
u loiivcmatloii with Wattor Wekh
on or December f,, I DOS, It.
regard tu polo ionics, Welch ktntlnr;
that ho was In thu market for hone
of this character.
t:idon hunt it. a son of Mrs M
Directors Pass Resolution. Assuring the
Secretary of the Interior That They
Intend to Comply With Contract -
I mat uis t.omc is uun ins mouicr on
That tlien- I a varlantu betwoen . tU SInJor B,uco ,ftntl': 'ul llu
tlio nllvKatluns In the Imllitmeni nnilint l'0"u, "" "lv "'S'" "ial tw" '"n ouon sick, but was Improving
the jiroof. kind nml character of t!iuj,,"l'!,w ,'"-'ro w"" " "a,l,i "r liifis! nt to his homo nt about noon on
property aliened tu t.avo Iipcii ktolcn; lll",t ll0 '"', "ol "'""noT 'hi' exact December It, and went to tlio show
II date, but tltnt ll was on or about at Dulr'y tlmt nUht.
"Tlmt thin' In a fatal varlntir. ,. i rorobcr 12. liiuS: that lit did not llltd Umslvy, of Oleue, testified
tween the indictment nml pnif In r"'0K1,l' l-tey. but that iiuu uf that eertaln members of thu LUkey
this, that tho rlnirco In thu Imtlct-' lhu mra wa of l,lc 8B'"" build' mm fmnlly had couio to Ills ranch to km
mel Is the Inneny nf foumeti bead ,hnl " WM unIo'll-,IIy tlm Ucfend- luino slock on or about the 13lh of
of horse, tint personal ptopen) nf nn1, ,lal 'l0 "Vt;u ,;car lllu ''ltll!)' ilccuiaber; that August had helped
Henry Vinson, and tl.nt tbe proof P1"'-'' al'0"1 tlr l11" aR n,lJ t,ial Xw Jrlvo tho cnttro to his mother's ranch,
only temls to hIiow the larrvtiy 0( . bwl not seeu I-Ukoy since, that time. Mrs Caroline I-lskey. tlio aged
mares and KthlliiKs ami dues tint loud n crat cxamliintlon it was stiuwii j mother ol tin. dofcmlmit, look tho
to show tho larceny of any anlmiillu,m l,H w',',' ' " 'oui i-i or n. ijiunn aim in uroueii uiikiii.ii told of
In lli.ilr natural Mate or Ktnlllnm,
"That there Is a fatal arlatei' !!
tweeu tin. Indictment nml prenf In
year? f mju. when ho reiblc I near iher son i lllues. at her home, rorrob
Dairy. . oiatlnK tho leitliimn.v of tlio witness
Andrew Smith, u brother of Oio'"''"'"" Mstoy. Tho prosecution did
prrieidln!: 'witness, icitlfleil that hi!' er ciamlu hcie, merely ask-
this, that thorharKu In tlio Imlli'tmonll ''2 rars of .rd; that ho forin-i Ij IK " "s tin. mother of thsjsJa-
tosiitPii near natry nnd that whllo iiiuam , ,-v
tnere lie met lllu iliMe'liiatil. tlllll lie I iiiijiii, ui nunuuia
hnd not seen htm for about U. Jems. H' intended a hhow at
niuoiiK other rlinrges. la thu larcony
of one hone, the peroun! pioperly
of tii'orse Hitter, and tli" prnot tonds
o hIiuw only the lurii'tii or uiib mare
the property of tleorite itlttei
that ho was at the homo nf hU moth
er la'.t December when two men stop
. 1 there with u hunch of horsun.
ut ab'iut December 14, lbOS
Hull ho saw Cbas. Llskey there
..ti !..... i. .. fi.nt i..rtnnn.. i.... l.iHt hit Ktiw thit f.irn,. nf lmlli men llllud thai
I 11111 1111111 ID 11 1.11.11 lllllt.t--.V- l.v . --" ..-. ... ..- ... . .......
I. ... .. 1 !..... .....
it.,, iilleuuiinii of tlm inillrt. but ill not reroaiilru either of them, uue-cmiivi u, near nts uomu
tltnt ono was n tall mau and one u
Tho Directors of tho Klamath Wa
ter Users Association passed a reso
lution this afternoon, after a lengthy
flKht, rescinding their former action
and aKreeltiK to ubldo by tholr con
tract with thu Kovernment In regard
to tho payment of water rlchts, pro
vided that If ut any future tlmo It
lliould duvelop that tho members
ihould bo unable to make payments
for any legltlmato cause, they would
mnko application for relief to Con
gress. Thoso votlnc for tho resolu
tion wro: President Alex. Martin.
Jr., Directors Itucck, Stearns, Daltoa
and Williams. Thosi voting against
llio ineasuro wero Htoveuson, Irwin
ami Dixon. Tl.o resolution U as fol
lows. "IIu It reiolvod by tho Hoard of Di
rectors of' 'thu Klamath Water Users
Asioclatlon, That
"Whereas, Tho Honorable Secre
tary of the Interior 1ms construed the
letter of December 7th, forwarded
by the secretary dT this Association,
as meanlni; that tbU Board refuses to
comply with Its contract with tho
United States Iteclamnllon Service In
the matter of guaranteeing tho 'pay
ment of that part of tho cost of Irri
gation works which shall bo appor
tioned by the Secretary of the Interior
tu each shareholder, and will prompt
ly collect or require payment thereof
In such manner as tho Secretary of
tho Interior may direct,' etc, There
foro, bo It
"Itesolvcd, That vo as members of
tho Hoard of Directors hereby dis
tinctly disclaim any such determina
tion or Intention, as wo fully reallio
that not only our contract with tho
Honorable u Secretary of tho Interior
Is binding but that tho stock' sub
scription Hlgnoil by each and every
member of the Association Is equally
binding and that nothing the Hoard
.of Directors could do or fall to do
tweeu the iillCKktlou of
merit nml proof In this, that the
Indictment charge tho Inrevn) of 'slum heavy it. I fellow
fourteen liornoi. the petsiiitnl prop- The ilefenKO played one of Its
lurty of Hmry Vinson ami one hone, strongest cards when tho wltuuts,
tin pi'raoniil pinpetty of (icorgo Hit-1 Ummn I.Ukey, tho IT year old sis
ter, uml thu proof, among other var-ltcr of tho defendant, wiih placed on
latiren, shows that the fouitren hones tho stand. Her testimony wns a ill
nllig.'il to be the propel t of Homy 'reel rnutinillrtlon of that given by
, lessped
DOS, ana"
,,,.,,.. -.... . Awl tuum uu ut tan tu uu
II. I Ickott. o Tulu Lake. li ,.,. oUhcr tho ghareholders
Hut hu met Chas. Uskey on I 10 Wacr Ugera AKOcInton from
terms of tho contracts executed with,
tho Reclamation Service and In case
tho enforcement of the collection un
der the contracts becotno too burden
somo for the pcoplo under tho Irri
gation system wo would then took to
Congruss for suelt legislation as will
afford adequate rollef." ' '
People Will Vote nt Xet Hlertlon on
l.'staLlkltlng One .VoVinal School
at Monmouth.
Tho Normal School quoitlon which'
has been tho bano of the Leglslaturo -for
a number of years, has been Dual
ly settled. Tho Senate passed 'tho
bill cutting out all tho Normals and
establishing .ono scLool at Portland.
Tho Houso amended tho bill to lo
cate tho school at Monmouth and It'
was passed. Tbc Senate concurred
In tho amendment.
This wllf now bo submitted to tbo
people at tho next regular election,
and If ratified, It will mean .that tho
Ashland and Weston Normals 'wilt
be abolished. If voted down tho siato
will then bo without any Normal
schools. Tho bill as -amended pro
vides for ono school nt Monmouth
with a maintenance fund, for the dis
posal by tho Board of Itegcnts of the
property nt Ashland and -Weston, for
appropriating $100,000 for buildings .
and furniture and for submitting tho
act to the pcoplo for ratification.
trvuuil ultiicitscu for thu Slate, in
fmt, her Rtntnmcnt had n tendency
Vinson were at lhu time of lh alien
ed larceny tlio property of the part
nership, composed of Vinson, tu tear down the entire piosccutlon.
I'lioebi) Vinson, llemy Vinson. Aley
Vinson ami Annie Vlnnon. mid that
She gnu' it iiosltlvo answer to every
qtiehllott asked and on cross uxutiilnn-
ll.'iirv Vltiami lind no uneiinl nrotiertv ttlnn did nut nwurve from her orleluul
therelu.niiil that there- Is nut sulllclenl 'replies. According tu tho e,vldoncolK'UK ll0me
currubntliiii of thu evidence of tho given bv her sho Uvea with her moth.
J. P. Wallls, the. father of Alf.
Wallls. una of tho defendants In tho
clock rustling case, gave ovldenco In
rugaid tu thu corralling of horses nt
the Alf. Wallls ranch, wheto be lives
with his sou. Hu corroborated the
oWdcueo of thu other witnesses for
the defense. Ho stated that Walter
Welch was at. tlo Wallls ranch on
December Cth and that Cbas. Llskey
was there uu tho same day, but they
did not leavo together. Chas. Lls
key left thero saying that hu was
Have your Spring jj
and Summer Suit
made to your exact
individual requirements.
V jtW
H siiiiiiiBMvsiiHBiiiiiiiim
alllV SlilililSHf JslilililBBliliH
I slililVV aM.sillililiEsilH
BB iB&tssxBiknsililB
klBI slllllsBsR.taHallBlH
m siiiiiiBBiilHsiiiiiiiiiiiH
siiV siiiiiiiiiiWusKmsssiiiiiiiiiS
siifl siiiiiiiiiiiiWIVsiiiiiiiiiB
Zsfsr slilililiBIBHBaVaililililiB
TH HlsiiiVsiiiiiiiiiiiH
..sliiBsiiiiiiiiiiVEiBc siiiiiiiiiiiiV
. i HHsiiSrifsiiiiiiii
. i SHsTtsVlllB(BSHllililV
. WVM siBi kisiiii1
fiillililililiBaVJsT Etm
1 iililililBsBffjT siiiiB
' siiBbI B
jW ssjVJsI
ivfllV aH
H -H
You have . 1000 Newest Spring Pat
terns from which ta make' a selection.
You are getting your clothes from the
U. S. through a firm that guaran
tees satisfaction in every re
spect. TRY US.
Dan Llskey, a hi other of the de
fendant, corroborated tlio ovldenco
of August Llskey In regard to get
ting enttlo from the Loosluy pluco
mid taking them tu tho Llskey homo
In Swan Lake. IIu claimed that he
wore the defendant's "chaps" whllo
ho was diivlug the catllo mentioned.
John I.Ukey, another of tho dc-
fi'iidutit'K brothets, gnvo ovldenco
that ho lives with his mother In
ISwiin l.nkr; that hu has u .wllow
jiiinikliiHW coat which Deputy Sher
iff Sam Walker took fiom him mid
bimighl to this city. He eoriubor-
uted the evidence of tho other mem
bers uf thu I.Ukey family and lit
(Continued on Pago 4 )
ICxtru bill tonight Prof, L. J
Dallow, of San Francisco, a circus
man with sixteen years' exporlcnco,
on tlio trapoie, tings, etc.
Plctutcs "Tho Red Olrl," "Rosa,
the Italian Flower Olrl," ;'Tho An
tiquary." Now songs.
Don't forgot waist salo at Boston
Storo Saturday, Fob. 27 S3
Klamath County hoadquarters In
Ban Francisco Is tho Hotel Savoy,
cornor Van Noss Avcnua and Ellis
Street, Walter E. Conner, prop. Take
'Turk and Eddy" street cars at Forry,
the provisions of tho contracts. We
regret that such Interpretation was
placed upon the said letter as to
causo suspension of work on tho Pro
ject, ns wo reallzo that to suspend
construction work now and tho diver
sion of Reclamation 'funds set apart
for tho uncompleted portions of this
Project would result In a greater toss
to this community than wo could hope
might bo galnod by n reduction of
tho estimated cost, wero such a re
duction possible. Further, bo It
"Resolved. That wo give tbo Hon
orable Secretary of tho Interior as
suranco that so far as within our
power to do wo will comply with tho
Wra. Pitts has purchased tho Gil
lette property on Washington street,
rofa'consldcrattotiapf S30p. Mr.
Pltts,tjrjil occupy tlio p'ropcrty as a
rctldcncoWtsaChc heavy Investments
belnr madtfBJpMr. Pitts In Klamath
County Is proof that- ho has faith la
the future of this section. He has
his eyes open for all tho snaps that,
aro going and Isn't overlooking 'any
thing In the way of a good buy.
Thero will bo a Special Communi
cation of Klamath Lodge No. 77, A.
P. & A. M., Saturday evening, Feb, .
27, for work In first dogree. All
Masons aro cordially Invited to be
present. By order of G, L. Hum
phrey, Wi M.
To earn raoie, lent n more. See tho
I. C. 8. man nt the now Portland
Store. For a fow days only. 13
V.j.KY-lrjjjjVJS. "? to;ir"rrisrisaVv 'fwV"v "S J -KsT
OR. DAVID ROBERTS, WUconsin .State Vctcrinaiian, 191)6-7-1
Dr. David Roberts is the best known practical veterinarian
and veterinary author in the country.
You can get his book "Practical Home Veterinarian," cloth
bound and illustrated, FREE.
You can get a high class live stock paper FREE for a whole
year. Ask about these offers at
Star Drug Store
"They Have It"
m JsW
H7 ' JbV
get oft at Van Noss and walk one-half
block north. J-18-Sm
r! vJtf: r-Je'.