T?T- Ik mfalk tlfttlTli) Klnmnth Falls' First ami lkm Daily. Our Advertisers Get The Best ResulU. , . Uiiitu Yi:ah. No. 78! KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. JfoSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1909 Price 6 Cents STATE TO CONTROL ALL WATER RIGHTS II. L. Ilofgatc May Be Appointed One of Two Superintendents on the Board With State Engineer Lewis oi(i:(io.v.iiMiio coNonwiH. I'mb.ibh tlio initHi liiiinrliinl nuw liclaliilluli nwirliM lit tlilh station of tin- 0iiy l.i rl'l'iinri' was tin wn I r law, under which tl.u mute do riartit lis lotilrnl nur tin- waters uf t if atutu unci irnklili'i in. ii dm (or ex i clilliK tlmt inntrol 'I In' rlnto la ilnlded lutit two w liter dUlaliuia, I In. r,,l intmlttlnr of ICInmutb ami l..iko Miiiilica ami till din linltory I) lug vi'it uf tliu (.'luniily miiiuitjlin; t In tfciiul loiiiprlaliii' tho miialnder n( tiv alntn Tllt Governor In In up I'.ilnt n superintendent uf unii'r fur i itti uf tlici" il I v iHlutin. uiul tln two . ipcrluli mlt nt t(i'.'ilnr vvllli llii' tit milliner t (institute a board of MMlol lutv Iiik general ninerxliliin our atutu waters' 'I heir urruasors lll Ihi I'lrrti'il In Xiiwiiitu r. into In nn cimlllct uvui water rlplits ti bimril of ronlrol lini Aril and Immediate juilaillcllun, and will pru rci'il to ill tcriiiinc tile lelmltu rights ef ill wnti r urn is of ttiu Hlri'iim. mill one will linc tlu rli;lit in bit heard anil submit iiVldomii Tim hoard III In fliidlnhs will II x tint amount of ster to which enrh iit it nitlthil mil tlie prlorlt) , mul If Hiiro lie no appeal (rum Its tlitclalou within fix Months It findings me Until mul per manent, eliminating further lltlic.v tlmi Tlio honril hna tliu puwer to tuforo It llndlnr.s mul tin ilt-inm lit Ilic rniirt rclathe tn water tights Thl la uni) of till) limit iicritasary futures of tlio now law I'nder the till method, niter long mul ejpen Ive litigation l.ns icsulted In n de cree nilJuillrntltiK right, eudlcs lit U'atlaii folloutilv li attempt In have th drer' enfmevd No adjudication nf rlklit will lie inailu h) tlio horn il uf rntitml I'tn l .hire complaint urn made li n wn tr user Tin now Uw ampl) pro-ti-cli nil ixIhiIhk rlglitu tn lint bene ficial ium of writer It oiiIIl tn nil forma nf wiittir uso -municipal, Irrl ration, power unit domestic It It not nn untried, experiments plicu ut li'Klilntlon A nlnillnr law liniticcn In forco In W)oinln: for n number 'of )e,irn mul Ita opcinilun Inei berni U-ry satisfactory Hevernl mini latca have miter laws whose ililif fiuturca follow tlio V) timlnic ie jro The hill propoilnr. Ill" now law wns opposed only liy tlio larger power Kimininlea, hut their oppoaltlon a litllo In the fine nf the HtronK Pub lic aoiitlnivnl belilml the net. The ti'itmto IrrlRntlon cnniiultlee, of which Sonalnr Murrymmi won chnlrman, lifM aexeral public inuvllnga that lnriioly alteniloit by reprcai'ntn- tlvia from loiiimtiiiltlim nil over tliu Jtalu tievenil peraoim vlallnl Halem fur lint purpomi of opponliiK I he hill, but II ii ill iik iliuy Imi uiUupprehended Ita pimhtliiiiH mill hi ope ntued tn IIM'.u llH pntauKe Il Ih ijultu prnbiihlu that one nf tliu nipurliiteiiilcnu will bu uppolnteil from tbla inunly Tliu iippolntment la iiiiiiIi- b the (luveriiiir, mid Htatu IJiusliiver l.vuln la very iiiixIuiih to lime II I, HolKutu uppoluted, mul Ium wired him uakliiK If he would .niepl the il.m Time urn n Minn her uf iipplluiuta from i:nleui Ore Kon fur the iippoliitmeiit fur I bin dis trict, but It la billewd thut Mr. Ilul KHtn atnudil the bent limine mid will llki-l) be iippuliitml Klnuiutli Count Ii the rienti-U lr rlKntlon dlatrlct In thu atutu mul HiIh end of thu utate, IncliulltiK I.nke County, Iium man) Important witer rlRhta tn bu ndjudlrnted, iind tlieie furu thin K.rt Ion u Juctl) intltled to thu auperlntenilriit for thin dlntrlrt. Tliilu la iinhabl nn mull In tliu ilute nhi) a b. tier iiuullfled or more fnmlllar with Ihla iiuiatluu of water rlKhtx than Mr llolpitu. lie hat Hindu n tuil uf thu mutter fur 11 number uf je.ua, mid hla iimneitlon with the Iterlmniitliili Herlcu bronchi him In cloau touch with eer phaao of Ihla r.rent problem The position m n anlnr) of 12400 year and It la nut nere-wnry fn"r thu orlleer to rlmnce his leal-denru To thn penplu uf Orfon and Idaho! 'I hu OieKon-ldaho Development Conxreaa will bo. held In DoUu Pull. 2C-U7. The ohJvctH of thU Oongreaa are to develop thu HlateH uf Orcgob and Idaho, particularly tlio aouthorn portlouH thoreof, by thu neourag rnent of Irrigation prujecta, tht build liiK of riillronila and other legitimate menus. Included within, Houttitm OragoB and Southuru Idaho la 6M of tb rlchaal emplrea In thu Unload Utatea. Thla territory haa hardly began Hi duvelopmvnt. It liaa ! railroad mlleuKo ihmi any other auction of our lountiy lu compurUon wltbrlta wealth mid roHoiineH. Thla territory muat nlllmntuly hu thu homo of million! of peoplu mid with the proper en loiiriiitemrnt, publUlty and Industry on thu part of Ita own peoplu It will within a few years shelter aoveral hundred thousand Inhabitants. One of thu main objocta of tills CoiiKreas Is to build n railroad across Huuthein OreKon'Into Houthern Ida bo Hiu.'li a railroad would causa a mnrxelouK dinelopiiient and would udvnniu both states fnr be) mid the prenent stnKe. It would proe of liiiKllumble value tn every city with in 100 miles uf It mid would probab ly bu the minus (if bilnglliK tn us new trunatoullneutal roads from thu east You are urited to uppolut delegates tn thla CouiEress mid to makn every effort to have jour delegates attend. This Is not a lsrue convention but It Is uuii which Is In Aead earnest. The orKitnlrntlon has set out to do a cer mill work and that work must be done In thu eiy near future. If Or exon nni Idaho urn to ho developed iim they should bu, the poople of theso states must cease, to wnlt for promoters to come from tho cast; they must awaken and do tho devel opment work thunmlvvs. HTKI'IIEX A. I.OWEL.1.. President. DlltKCTOItH WILL MKrrr. ritKHKNTKD WITH CA.K. Win, I'itiM wan toduy presented with' a M-ry hnudsonin gold headed uaue. In hunur of his birthday which ocouried on thu saiuu day as that of Oeorgu Washington. Mr. I'ltts was not I'orn In thu an mo year, however. Me refuses to tell his ago, but Judging from his activity It will bo a number of years et before ho has any prac tical need of a canu. lie Is Justly predd of his birthday present, never theless, and It Is a beauty. Mr. Pitts hk( only been in Klamath Falls a short time but ho appears to grow younger each day hu remains ,hore, 114 sn)n tliero Is no plntu that cun eual Klamath County for ltn health ful climate. IXtKTIEHTINO NKU'S HAIHV AM) VOXNA VAI.I.EV, NOW THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Klamath and Lake Counties Will Hereafter Select Their Judge Without Help . of Jackson and Josephine iti:nMi:. To.vwiiT. Mudoc Tribe .No fit). Improved Or der of Iteduieu. urn koIiik to present tn the central public mimUhlim new and nnul lonlKht lit llnustnn's () arn Iliiusi- Thu hull in roatumes h.illiK arrheil the) lire koIiik to put on a pantomlne bi-fnii' the ilntice All IIioku whu attend and me uc qunlnted with thu mil) Indian cus toms and traditions, mid those un acquainted, can puss a fuw moments of exciting plenHiile lis the) witness thu realistic war iUucu and thrilling rescue of thn pale face who la about to be burned at the stnku. The hall will hu beautifully decorated In mmiinry of tleoruu Washington, who was tho originator of the order, thin being Ills birthday A special meeting: of the dlri of the Water UsersvAsHoeiatlnn baa bun ulled for tomorrow. It Is fiat. I git en nut for whnt puriioso the meet- jluK Is Lulled, but It probably bus Hum(thlUK to do with thu stopping of woyk nu tho Upper Project and the aendlug of a representative to , WnshliiKlon. It Is believed that it number of communications linvo been received from Washington and that thu Information will bo given to the directors tomorrow and that somo action will bu taken at the meeting. "Till: lKVIL IN SOCIETY. Don't miss thu K'mbroldery Hulu Tuesday, I'eb 23, at thu Boston Store 0-2t Oregon Hnrness Co. for hnrness. A musical comedy by local talent at Houston's Opera House Thursday, February 2D. Six Singers, six dancers and six comedians. Something do ing nil tho time. Not a dull moment throughout tho show. Nothing 'on earth promotoa harmony like a good local abow. Itoscrved scats, now op sale. Admission 25 and CO cents. t w Have your Spring and Summer Suit made to your exact individual requirements. ,You have 1000 Newett. Spring PaK terns from which to make a ulectibo. You are getting your clotHea ffonl :th.;- X BEST TAILORING HOUSE in We. . 1 U..S. through a firm thats guaran-' ; tees satisfaction in every re- . sfeect. TRY US. ' " STORE KKK Mrs. Clias. Drew and little girl and Mrs. John I.lnd returned hymo last Wednesdny by prlvnto conve)anco from thu Falls whero they had been to riavu dental work done, Chas. K, Drew and Mrs. I.. M. Fitch retilrned homo from tho Falls Friday evening whero they had been as witnesses In thu Coburn case. Mrs. Fitch Htn)ed In Yonna and nhc and ber daughter, llniel, liltended the dunce at Hey Pool's home Friday ulgbt, going up' to their home In tho mountains tho next day. Last week Frank Lynch passed through Yonna Valley on his way to Portland asm witness on the Hark luy cane. C. C. Pearson returned from the Falls Friday evening, where he had been as a witness In the Coburn case. Wo are glad tho Yonnaltes are re turning home, as it seems queer to havo the majority of them In thu Falls Attending Court. Blnco there baa been snow enough for alelgblng, moat of the people of Yonna Valley bare been hauling big logs fnr -tholr surnmer'a-wobO; and somo seem to he hauling enough for ii )inr or tun, ' Last Tuesday Mrs. Geo. Bni)tb and diiughtir, Anna, were Waiting ut the homo of Fred Heck Ji.We kayo received news that Lester Oolahsn.v ' farmer Mudn4f the! Htktebraad athool. wholft ntfsgl in Human, tain., nasi ais leg uroKea a abort time ago. The, accident oc curred wbllo he was wrestling with bis uncle, Frank: Loguu. John Anderson, with tho assistance of two Indians, Peter McCurty'a sons, brought over from the Reservation the catllJ belonging to J. U. Wight and Manuol Vlerra. They will be fed for the remainder of the wlutcr at Mr. Wight's placu In Yonna, Mis. i:. Kgcrt waa visiting at the home of Mm. Godfrey Heik, last Thursday. Mrs. L. Dllss made a business trip to Mrs. Cv E. Drew's last Saturday. 8I10 was trying to dispose of somo live stock, Harrison Gray and Miss May Rob inson made u trip to Dairy Sunday. Joe Coburn returned, from .Klam ath Falls, where be lias been cleared lu the caso against him for cattle Bteallng. He passed through Dairy on hla way home. Last 8aturday,.Mr. u'nd Mrs,. Geo, Sin) th nnd Harrison Gray wore bus iness visitors' at tho home of C. C, Pearson. John Donnell was lu Dairy Sun- du). J. II. OTlrlon uud.Wm. Uhrmann havo been busy for too past week week hauling wood for tholr own use. S. Harris Is on the sick list. He went to Donauza to see the doctor last Wednesday. Manuol Vlerra, J. 0. Wight, God frey Deck and S. Harris returned from tho. Falls Friday,! where they had been attending court. Otto Hoppe was visiting at Ood frey Beck's place last week. Mrs. Perry Reynolds, la disposing p(. her "household goods', some of w.hJlch were' bought, by Mrs.' George Smyth ami-Dock pool. ... Mr. and'. Mrs. Tom Michael are vis iting at xb'-b'ame,.at' Mr. and Mrs. aeo.'rSmytaV'of North' Yonna'. T '-i.Wffl. Shook. was InJ'tht" northern part of thti'alley last Monday." -J.-Q. Wight 'mado a trip to Mrs. h. M; Fitch's-to get qne of his hors es, .which. he" has. bad wintered there. He tod Mr.'-' Vlerra want to the Res ervation Sunday to get the remain der of their cattle and horses which were there. Wlll-Logue was In Ue valley gath ering horses for Soy PoolthU-week. A dance which was quite a suc cess waa given at tbu homo of Mr. and Mrs. Scy Pool last Friday even ing. Tho music was furnished by Scy Pool, Walter BlmpBon, Jerry Pearson, Edward Flackus and others. A basket supper was furnished. At tending were: Mr. and Mrs. Then. Flackus, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Flackus, Wra. Flackus, Mr. and Mrs. George Bm)b, Mrs. Dllss, Mr. mid Mrs. C. McCumber. Mrs. L. M. Fitch, J. W, Logue, C. C. Pearson, W. L. Simpson, M. J. Pool, Misses Anna Sin) tb. Rosa Ueck, Haul Fitch, Nellie Illlas, Iu Iso Kgcrt, Mary Smyth, Loulae and Uuclah FJarkus; Messrs. Wm. Clark, John Hitter, Frank, Ueck. Willie Jon as, Wm. Uigue, Jemo Drew, Earl Gray, Clarencu Gray, Quy VanMotor, tlcrf Shelley, John Donnell, Edward Flackus, Dock Pool, Jerry Pearson, Orvllle 8m) th, AIDcrt and Oeorge Beck. ' Chas. McCumber made a business trip to Dairy Thursday. Misa Theresa Sterzl and brother, Joe, attended the show at Bonanza Sunday evening. Mr. Anderson made a trip to Dairy last week. J. Craven, of Klamath Falls, Is having' one of hla saddle horses win tered at Mrs. Fltch'B. Fred. Beck. Frank Beck and Willie Jonas are busy making- a fchco on Mr'. 'Beck's timber claim. M. J. Pool, of Olene, has been vis iting at the home of Geo. Smyth the post week. Jesse Drtw and Scy Pool made a trip to Yalnax last week' after somo horses. J. W. Loguo went to thn Falls last WeducHeVv!wnobo will be a wit ness on fha'Llskey case. "ftp is' Mr. nnd;Mrsqeo. 8m) th and Mfe. W. II. Bliss went to Dairy Thursday. Chus McCumber bns been busy thu past week making posts. He Is also makltiK pickets with which ho Intends to make a garden fence. Ho Is getting his timber near the school house. 'Harrison Gray sold one of his horses to Scy Pool last week. Jessu Drew- Is buying furniture to be used on his homestoad. P. II. Gray has traded a team of sorrels to C. E. Drew. Ed. Wiggins and Earl a ray aro breaking horses for Emll Flackus and P. H. Gray. Mrs. Jeff Klrkpatrlck wuu quite 111 the first part of last week, but Is much better now. Wm. Welch went to Dairy l'ast Thursday on business. Klamath and Lake Counties now composo tho Thirteenth Judicial Dis trict, or will as noon as the Governor signs tho bill dividing tho- First Dis trict, which has passed both tho House and tho Senate. Tho First Judicial District was con stituted by Josephine Jackson, Klam ath and Lako Counties. Because of poor transportation facilities tho dis trict for a number of years lids been divided Into two dlviitons, designat ed as tho first and sscond p'ros:cut- Ing attorney -districts. The law u It has been ennctcd by tlio twent) fifth Legislature make tbesa prose cuting attorney districts full fudged Judicial districts, of which Joopblno and Jackson will bo tho First Dis trict and, Klamath and Lako will be tbo Thirteenth District. ' At present Judge Hnnna and Judgo George Noland aro tl.o Judges In tho district and tho former will bo Judge In tho First District and tho ratter In tho Thirteenth until successors aro olectcd. ' This division of tho districts will make no change In tho condnct of business before tho Courts, as hero toforo tbo business has always been entirely separate! Tho only change will bo or a political nature. At el, cctlons hereafter the pcoplo of Klam ath and Lake will select their own Judgo without. tho help of tho voters west of the mountains. This will bo a great advantage to a Democratic candidate, as It will glvb him a chanco of election, while heretofore the el ection of a Democrat was practically an Impossibility. . ' JudgoGoo. T. Baldwin returned last 'covnlnanfrom Portland where WhasDceujiir several months. The JildKoJr4rg)nHbilsVT,Up wlth'rhcu- verge of pneumonia. WajJj4 ho has . not completely recovered fieps) fjjeat- ly Improved. Ho was at Salem bfqr t and during tho passage of tho Crater.- Lako bill and did somo good work S thoro for tbo bill. Ho states that It was n hard fight, but they finally suc ceeded In getting the chairman of tho scnato ways and means commit tee, who was opposed to the bill at first, not only to have tho commltteo report favorably, but tho chairman personally took tho floor In Its sup port. K. of P. ATTENTION. Regular meeting tonight at San derson's hall. First degree work. All .numbers of tho order aro re quested to bo present. Bargains This Week A NICE LINE OF FRAMED PICTURES, WHICH WE WISH TO CLOSE OUT. THIS WEEK WE WILL SELL THESE AT ONE-HALF MARKED PRICE. 'PYROORAPHIC WOOD PLAQUES, SUPPLIES, ETC., AT 40 PER CENT OFF. GENUINE JAPANESE BASKET8 AT GREATLY RE DUCED PRICES. BE SURE TO SEE THESE JAPANESE ' VASES AT ONE-HALF MARKED PRICE. ROYAL DOULTON CHINA, VERY CHOICE WARE, AT ONE-HALF MARKED PRICE. OOLD, SILVER. AND OUN METAL PICTURE FRAMES, : OVAL AMD SQUARE, CABINET SIZE, ONE-HALF PltlCB " FOR' THIS WEEK. ART CALENDARS. AND MOTTOES BELOW -COST. BE SURE TO SEE THESE LINES THIS WEEK. 4 Star Drag Store "They Have It" i (ii " o MM v,