wiiiiia Hefalfc. Klamath Kails' Vim and Hcst Daily. Our Advertisers Get The Best Results. mt Tiniii) Vi:aii. No. 7J8. KLAMATH PALI A OREGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1909. Price 6 Cents MANY WITNESSES EXAMINED TODAY IN TRIAL OF LISKEY Much Evidence is Oflcrad By the Attorney for the Slate lo Cnrroliuratr the Confession and testimony Given I hursday a id Yuslerduy By Walter Welch (Iwllil! Id (In1 hIIkIiI lllli'mn uf .luiiii Jm ( oli' there was mine delay I lila lioinlui, I li'xiilllltii: Hi" IMiiiti-illiir.i) l I he 'l'ii l.liko tlliil Hhuitl) nlir Cuuit convened ovm) ucul In ,IIUIIII WU llt'CUpl.'.l all, I IIiIIIIIkII" ,l il.ii entire Ja) III" iittcnilniiru I j been large Waller Welch was n mi I n called in Ihv ntniiil liy Hid iiroseriiiliiii fur ro illrr( examination, The iheek re r Itnl li Mm (rum Htevvnit In pay li.etil fur tin home wn Inlrodiit e.l l,r lliu roii ciilluii U4 uvldeuru cor roborative of 1 1") lonllluoii) uf tlic ""r nix lestliuouy wiih tlial IIki slum muim-d mi December 4, jjij8 lie was excused without being cross 'Hiimliuil 'ItlU ntiXt Witness naiif ovldonru Hint wus exceptionally damaging lu tliu il.ifetiHe. Mm. M. Hmltli. wlio llvis mi ilm Major llrucu much, 13 mile friuii Ml. Hebron, lesllflvd tlmt .the saw Wallet Welch ,,iiij Cha. I.lske) mi fiiifiiilivr 13, 1'JOK; tlmt they stoppui ut Iht hutisu tlmt night ltlt u Lunch of homes, they cuuu thcro lain In tln evening, Welch com- .iti,e onsl.leral.lu iiiKiim.'i.l ,..,, , lu huUM uuii (itM( , ,iijr 1(j l thither or not thl . .iM lm .lo ;., ,,..im(1 , ,,1ll f(lr ,,. , ,. followed llli H'o "suit thai II..' !,(.,,, ,,,, Uvr mt ,lty ,l(l( bwi Jot I,r of ! 'In-c-lt was wllh.lr.iwn . ,, hvlit for fw (, ttUh U..Ui was also illiMliiiiiil tlonel) .i mllll , imrHmi mt (lt.y wt,ru alxiiil being ilrr.ul Hi ..nip.. whle l ,,,, ril hmwy ,, .,, ,() I,,. I.l.kev raluh with It. milt Hher- for I In. night, she iom.eiile.1 ui the) Iff's Walk r an, I HIiiHik In ntm.-c-1 ,., ,,,,,,, ,iur.u . , ll.iu with this he mil)' r.'lii'iatt'.l what n lui) horetnfnie until Mm riti'h, who resldis m,i Hi of ulr wan Ihv next wltnens tailed lltr leitlmnii) corroliriitiil the wit. ccn W.lch In that I. Ink .') it ml Will Id tail teen Willi lilin on tlm 4th ila) of IhuMiilMT wliuti llii') in in ii in her ram li with a hinuh of lintmn At lurii.'y Mlllt for Hi.' ilcfmiio' oliJiTli'il to fury iiiinlliiii link el Mm I'llcli nuil tlic Court in turn ux.'rnil.'.l i'r nlilirtloii Luke Walk.T win) n.'it iiillnl nml l,i li'itlitmii) Niihalnntlat.'.l In part ll.. I'vl.l.'iir.' r.h.'n h) Mm I'll, li, m l, wik in Iki huuiu nl llii' IIiiiu that Ui'trh. Wallll unit I.UVc) doppcil tiicro with a linnrli of liurnoi Mr Unlkcr wait. how. iter, not ,.ilih.i at In thi' l.lniitinrnlloii of li," il.'f.'iiJjiit In huil not taki'ii partlnilar tiotlro uf him Mm rllinr I'tamon wan uilkil rnil ami nil" wnH fnllownl h i I Imr IVarmui. her htiahanil Hot li apprar .i in lime poor nit'iiioi leu ami Hi.' iMiinl r.'pl) In .ii."iII.imh wiik "I ilon'l ffiit mlicr rroiii th.'li i.'Htliiiony II wnn hIiowii that lli"V K'hIiIimI on Ihn (tint l.lHkcy plari iIiiiIiik Hi" 1 1 mo thai I.Ukuy U iharK" Willi iimhIhIIiik hi Ilm lion.- HitaliiiK Mont of llulr liiilliiioiiy wna In r.'Kar.l lo wh.ui UVI.Ii nun, i in Hi, i l,Uki' r.imli, the li'iiKth of tlmo lu ri'iiinliit.l, anil with vliimi ho lift tl." plu.i' On Inn lo Hi" fait that llulr rupll.-H w.'r .! Inni illrorl llulr IitIIiii.hi wait of ImkMiiliiu In "lllid nlil" .Mm Iv.'ir viii l.mllli',1 that tic ) ll.ivv tiiarkl' nuw mat on I'xhlhltlnn wiih not tliu .'ii.' Kuril h) rhnn. I.Uk.'y. whlhi olh- r wliui'xii'H who fnllnn.'il hlcnlllU'.l V" irllrlu n h Ilm piopuily of tlm in--n"il inn ii I' V Hlivimnii, Sr , wiih imlii'.l only n I. w .iii'Kiliinn In it'iianl to Hi" Ilm.' wli. ii a i ii lulu hliow . wan lu'M al : "I illJ not imiiHiiro It, Imtluold to Han .totio pnrtlcn, and that tho lil JiiiIko tlmt It wiih." chock on exhibit wna Klven Mr.Wolcli for tho hnriicH In flnnl Hcttlomcnt af ter he hn.l iloiliictr-d tlm amounti ilno hi in on rr.ing-.ixainlnullrin Attorney Mill moved that nil of the evidence ri'UtltiK lo the tranufcr of tho horHcu bn atruck out on tho nroun.1 of be Inn hcrciay, Coniilderablo arRumant followed with tho reiiult that tho motion wait allowed In io far ai It portalncd to u certain memorandum Introduced, wnlch gavo figure ro- uxninlnatloii of ll",,lr 'I'1' '""" received for the recos wo tak-1 "rw- wiine tevtineii mat mot of tho hornet were marked with a V brand, while one N C and one O. O. brand, Goo. Hitter, a farmer of Yonna Valley, ti'tultkd that bo wa tho own er of a certain gray homo branded I O. O., which he lold yenterday; that the homo wan in California where It had boon removed without his per inlKlon: that he ol.l tho home be- cauio It wa too expcnilvo to have tho animal returned. ttwerrd I hIioiiI .1. r. lllllliiKnly, a llvory tahlo man at Ml. Hebron, tHitlflcd that tho inrload of Iioik" In iiietlon wna Nhlpped, hut that h could not Iden tify l.ldkey iih tho man who nccoin panled Welch, lliu ("Hilmony corrob orated that of pr.TcodlnK wltnewo In that he gave evld.'iirv that thu man who wn with Welch had taken hi horn.' from IiIh xtahle on the tamo day that tho Rhlptnunt of hornet wa miido. Kollowlng thu WltneiH lilllinguly a an until It 30 p. in. Lewi Qcrbor was the first wit- neu called after tho noon recoup). Hit teHtltnony wa to ihow which wai the mont feaalblo route for driving Block from tho Klamath Ilailn to Mt. Heb ron. HI testimony allowed that the route through the lava beda wa through an uninhabited dlntrlct and wnt not uncd a frequently a tho route via Laird' and tho Dnvl ranch which ho conaldorcd tho mont feasible. (Concluded on I'ago 4.) am) lorralli-il the utheni. the had wpper mioii nfter coming Into the hoiuo, hut during their meal and also whllu eating linakfam tho following tiiornlni: hlikiiy hung liU head no that hi faio total.) not he "'ii die tliirtl), hi. wort- u luiiHtathe mid had a two week growth of huird on IiIh fa.o, he had on it ),;uw muckluaw1 coat and wli" l.li'ntlllo.1 thu coat mil nihil, III, hi ii tho uiin worn by lilm. I tin i tuinwUHiiiliiutlnii hln. ti'iilileil ' that hhu linn known l,lnk.iy foi M'U'li , ream, hut that nil" had not m-in lilmj for nix yearn I low ft, it, rihe was pox itlm that I.Ukey wait the man who' hn.l h. en at In r Hindi with Welch I 3Vmii though li" hud no uinwrnutlnu, wiih lit in and he tried In hl.l.i his fate ! John IllUk, who llvex on the llrmo' rnn.li with Mm .Smith, wan tho next. wltnetn tailed Mol of IiIh textl- iii.iiij wiih a corroboration of the evi dent c glteu hy Mm Hinllli, hut In ihti l.l.'iillllratlou of l.ltke) ho wiui nut as ponltlvii iih the tunnel. Ilui nlxii unw lilm rt turn from Mt. Ileh roil, or rutin that dlretllon and gae a ilemrlptlou of the home ridden byj him that tallied with that glteu b ' preceedllig witnesses, T. U llagby, who resides at Ml. II. 'I, roil, teslllU'il that he knew Lis Ve) . that he met a man whom he look for l.lskey at Mt .Hebron on IK ct'inhiT 13, ly.is, thai lie spoko to him and ntketl lilm if ho was not CluiK. I.Uke) and that the reply was "No " llt excused himself and went on about his business. On ciuss-ex-nmlualluii he testified that ho thought the man was l.lskey, hut that ho wus IsSSSSSSBstWwUOalsV l .1 1'..aLal LHKSlHBlavES.BBBBHtfiBFu QsjCSaBfiA A ValBBESIl7rD -i , l iaaaa(SBfajaajBjj ffta aa. ialaBBBBlBBBBHallBBiflaiBl LOCATION SECURED FOR NEW CEMENT AND BRICK PLANT Accept Most Generous Offer of Land & Transportation Company on Upper Lake-Given Right of Way to' Water From Plant and Thirty Foot Landing , Tho H)draulle Cement and Brick stockholders In tho ComDan'v. has thu Company has secured a location for' utmost confidence In tho success of their plant and as noon as tho present the new Industry. Ho hns had wido storm Is ovor the machinery, which experience Itsmany part of tbs Un 1 now In tho warchouso at tho wharf i lied Blatot, but ho ays ho like tho Klamath country and Is hero to stay. Resides his Interest In tho Comont Company ho has mado many other gilt edgo Investment In property here, which would Indlcato that ho I satisfied with tbo futuro prosper ity of the county. ' fiaitK IIOItOl'HIIH lis The lletil and .MAVIi K. KltAXCIH ax .Mela In "TIIK DKVIL," toinorrim Night at Opern House (luy Merrill gave evidence as to his headquarters lu tho lava beds, showing that ouo of his camps, whore ho had provisions and hay, had been disturbed about thu time that tho witness Welch stated that they had passed through that section with tho baud of homes In question. K. Htowart, of San Francisco, TWO MOitK MOUTH OF TIIK CL.VRK HOKROWIUS COMPANY not sure of it after lie had spoken i through whom Welch disposed of ; the to ti lm lie was asked If tho man homos, corroborated the witness wine ii mustache and ivplled In thu J Welch ln that ho had been In his iimrniiitlvL'. II. . was next asked If I employ: that ho had brought the the mustache. I lie innn woro was as horses In question to his yards In long as his own Wllneis llagby an- San Francisco: that they had bcor. HbI ssHJt'tKasBaTBTaB Tan aBH'U'laaBBT(flBsBTal BH THDMtBHtassBBTl BsTfll assHtsVBFTsBsBH ? sTaBBBvtmllBBBM 111 BIBIBHBKlaBIBIBl jvr BssBi'Saivi!iBBaiiiiH Mi aBBslBiHltTaaBsH jBBKBBBBHsmVBBTTtBBBBBTar BBsBiBwaiMap'riTaiiiip7 taBBBTJHVn Har ' BIBIBIBIBVjm TaiBH ' BIBIBIBTBWMr BWI 1 BTaiBIBWBKu Tawl ' "'sVbbbbm taiaii BWaW btBBI BBBBT BH BBBT ' ? BBBB1 BBBm BBm raw law Taw BBii Have your Spring and Summer Suit made to your exact individual requirements. You have 1000 Neweit Spring Pat terns from which to make a selection. You are getting your clothes. from the BEST TAILORING HOUSE in the U. S. through a firm that guaran tees satisfaction in every re ' gpect. TRY US. K K K STORE Last night tho largest audlenco of the week witnessed the performance of the Clark Iiorroughs Company in "Tho Deserter. The play was pre souted In the same painstaking man ner usual with 'tho Burroughs Com pany and left nothing to bo desired. Tonight thu company presents "Society's Son," a comedy drama In throu acta dealing with the social question as It Is today. Showing tho results of class prejudice from a matrimonial point of view, when a true lovo match causes the friends of u high-bred aimy captain and his less aristocratic wlfo to meet and mingle on a common plane. Tho story abounds In strong pathos, Irrcslstable humor mid heart Interest that holds the auditor spellbound from rise to fall of curtain. Sundn tho last night of tho com pany's stay here, they piesent the great molality piny, "The Devil." The version of this play presented by tho Burroughs Company Is thu very strongest of tho many adaptations from tho Hungarian play, "Dor net ful," and Is heartily endorsed hy both tho pulpit and tho public. OLDEST MAN S WOULD CELEBRATES 13Wta YEAR. QUADLAJAHA, Mex Fob. 1 S. Jose Ouadelupe Alcada, believed' to be the oldest man In the world, has Just celebrated his 189th birthday. Alacda was born In this city 40 years before Mexico bocamo a republic and has therofore lived In three centuries. MANY VI31TED Till: MONARCH. Demonstration Will Contlnne Until Nine O'clock This Etcnlng. will be moved and Installed. Mr. E T. Shortt mado a special trip to Hol llster, California, to see Messrs. Haw kins and Brown, of 'the Klamath Land & Transportation Company, in re gard to a location for tho factory. Thcsa gentlemen have been very lib eral und liavo shown tho proper spirit In encouraging undertakings of this kind which aro bound to bo of great benefit to tho town and community They hnvo agreed to furnish audi dent ground for tho location of tho plant on their property on the Upper Lako, also a right of way from the factory to the lako and a thirty-foot landing. A very small consideration was asked for tho pioporty and tho gentlemen agreed to do,cven better than that. If a proper showing of business was mado hy tho Cement Company they agreed to refund tho purchase money. There Is plenty of the best quality of rock close at hand for the uso of tho cement plant, and It Is considered tho best location that could' possibly be secured. Tho valuo of the prop erty as placed by the Company was formerly about $3000. The members of the new Company i were somewhat discouraged In regard to securing a suitable location near Klamath Falls. The property own era of the city are very near sighted. Instead of encouraging tho location of factories and mills they seem to try and hold up ever)' prospective In stitution of this kind. The result has been that tho development of tho city has been held back. Tho Cement Company, howovcr, la very much gratified with the generous proposi tion offered It by Messrs. Hawkins and Brown nnd work Is to commence at once on Installing the plant and getting nady for business. J. Itobert all), ono of the best known cement experts, of Chicago, will come hero to Install and put tbo plant In operation. Drawing and plans have already been received from hlut so that the building and other necessary equipment wjll be ready when he arrives. There are fiom ten to Of teen modern store and public buildings In prospect for the coming summer, and In most cases tho parties are waiting to see the quality ot the matorial turned out by the cement factory. If tho plant Is as successful In manufacturing the product as Is anticipated, there Is no question but that the factory will be Mr. R. C. Spink, of Klamath Ag- unablo to nil all the orders received ency, went out on the boat this morn- tho 'first year. Ing. She Is going to Weed to meot Mr. Wro. 1'ltts, one ot the heaviest , her daughter who Is returning home. One would think that a circus was going on at tho Monarch store today to witness tho crowd of ladhs going in and out. This was tlto day ot tho big demonstration of teas and cof fees, and at times people were stand ing In lino waiting their cbanco. Many of tho ladles woro accompan ied by their husbands, and all were treated to a delicious cup ot coffee and a nice lunch. Tho demonstration, which .Is in charge of Mcsdames Sartcr and Ad ams, will bo continued this evening until S o'clock. Tho -Monarch is handling tho goods of the City Bak ery, and a complete stock ot fresh pastry Is kept on hand at all times. Tho counter was arrayed with tempting display of pastry, cakes, pics and "all of tho products of the City Bakery, besides boiled hams, smoked salmon and halibut and a comploto line ot lunch goods. The coffco was served with the famous fsleton Cream, which Is recommend ed as tho Ideal cream for your break fast cup of coffos. The Monarch has sold fifty cases of this cream since they have been handling It, and those who onco uso It forever afterward discard tbo product of tho local cow. Kveryono Is cordially, Invited to visit this store this ovoutng.lf.lf you aro down town mako It appoint to urop in ana get a nlco hot cup of coffee and a delicious lunch. Youre welcome. Bring your husband and wo want tho men to come and bring their wives. The demonstration will end tonight at 9 o'clock. J. O. Hamaker. II. U. Wilson and Dr. Hemenway returned this even ing from Portland, where they were summoned to testify before the Grand Jury In tho case against Win. Barclay. Don't miss the Embroidery Sale Tuesday, Feb. 33, a't the Boston Store. 20-Zt C. A. Bunting, of Merrill, left this morning for Reno and Marysvill. He expects to be absent about two Bargains This Week A NICE LINE OK FRAMED f'ICTURES, WHICH WE WISH TO CLOSE OUT. THIS WEEK WE WILL SELL THESE AT ONE-HALF MARKED l'HICK. , PYROQRAPHIC WOOD PLAQUES. SUPPLIE8, .ETC., X AT 40 PER CENT OFF. f UKMU1NK JAPANESE UAHKET8 AT OREATLY RE DUCED PRICES, BE SURE TO SEE THE8E JAPANESE VASES AT ONE-HALF MARKED PRICE. ROYAL DOULTON CHINA. VERY CHOICE WARE, 'AT ONE-HALF MARKED PRICE. GOLD, SILVER, AND OVN METAL PICTURE FRAME8, OVAL AND SQUARE, CABINET SIZE, ONE-HALF PRICE FOR THIS WEEK. ART CALENDAR8, AND MOTTOES BELOW COST. .-. , BE SURE TO 8EE THESE LINES THIS WEEK. Star Drug Store "They Have It" 111 w "" " . r- ,,V.&1-G, W? '. fia